Dachshund dog: breed characteristics, temperament characteristics, hereditary diseases

The Dachshund is an amazing dog with an unusual, recognizable appearance and high intelligence. Her short-legged, elongated body often evokes affection. This is an intelligent, active and cheerful animal that has become a favorite of many dog ​​breeders. Dachshunds are hunting breeds, but they easily get along in a city apartment, becoming a companion and devoted friend. Many who are charmed by the intelligent, attentive look of this dog want to have such a pet. But before you do this, you need to study the characteristics of the breed, the advantages and disadvantages of the dachshund, and the nuances of caring for it.

  • History of the breed
  • Dachshund: types and types
      Smooth-haired dachshund
  • Longhaired dachshund
  • Wire-haired dachshund
  • Varieties of dachshunds by size
  • Description of the dachshund dog
      Breed standard
  • Head
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Dachshund colors
  • Character
      Education and training
  • Features of caring for a dachshund dog
      What to feed your dachshund
  • Health
  • How to choose a dachshund puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • History of the Dachshund breed

    The Dachshund is a hunting dog intended for burrow hunting, and in this segment it can rightfully be considered the oldest breed. Although dogs similar in appearance to dachshunds are found even in ancient Egyptian images, it is generally accepted that the modern phenotype began to take shape in the 16th century. The birthplace of the breed is the German state of South Saxony.

    The main ancestors are German short-legged Bracket hounds. Having retained all the best hunting qualities of the latter, the dachshund was able to turn their disadvantage - short limbs - into a big advantage, and became an indispensable dog for burrow hunting.

    German burghers, suffering from badger raids on agricultural land, quickly appreciated all the benefits of the dachshund. The breed did not lose its position even during the active development of cities in Germany, because keeping a dog was convenient and not expensive.

    Very energetic, intelligent and loyal, the dachshund by the end of the 17th century was increasingly winning the hearts of the Germans. Active breeding of representatives of this breed has begun. The number of dachshunds increased very quickly, the first nurseries appeared in Germany, and soon the breed began to spread throughout Europe. There was no uniform approach to breeding principles at that time. Each breeder solved the problem based on his personal ideas and preferences. As a result, two main directions in breeding gradually emerged - working and decorative.

    The logical conclusion of the breeding work was the adoption of the first breed standard in 1870. The main purpose of breeding dachshunds was hunting. Ten years later, von Bosch developed an artificial den for training and training dachshunds, and since 1893 this structure has been used for working tests of dogs. The modern FCI classification places dachshunds in a separate group with the greatest variability - 9 varieties of the breed are officially recognized and standardized.

    Dachshund puppy

    In Russia, the dachshund has been known since the mid-18th century, although the breed did not initially become widespread. In 1900, the Russian Society of Fox Terrier and Dachshund Lovers appeared, and from that time on, specialized exhibitions began to take place, and stud books appeared.

    The dachshund became increasingly popular, although the residents of our country perceived it more as a decorative dog. Among the famous owners of dachshunds one can name the great Russian actress Maria Ermolova, the writer A.P. Chekhov, who very much loved his four-legged pets - Brom Isaich and Hina Markovna. Among foreign celebrities, one can recall a big fan of dachshunds, oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau.

    The bloody 20th century with its two world wars had an extremely negative impact on the number of representatives of the breed in Russia. Only 11 dogs were presented at the exhibition in 1958.

    Fortunately, the situation was corrected. Today, the dachshund is one of the most numerous and popular breeds in our country.

    What living conditions do dachshunds require?

    When a dog appears in your home, immediately give it its own place. This could be a mattress or a bed, which can be easily selected at any pet store. And so that the dog doesn’t get bored, you can offer him different toys.

    Another important point: make sure your home is safe for the animal.

    Due to potential back problems, it is best for Dachshunds to avoid jumping or walking on stairs.

    So, if there are steps in the house, it is better to block the dog's access to them. For example, you can use safety gates that are designed for children. The problem with jumping can also be solved. Thus, veterinarian Gemia Tracy advises 7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Back Problems in Dachshunds to install special “ramps” so that the dog can easily climb onto sofas.

    Photo: Masarik/Shutterstock

    But you should not completely limit the animal’s activity and prevent it from frolicking. Dachshunds, like dogs of other breeds, need regular walks and exercise. Such leisure will help to throw out all the accumulated energy, and will also help strengthen the back muscles.

    It is advisable to walk dogs of this breed twice daily. On your way out and while walking, also try to avoid steps. According to Dr. Todd Skeen's 7 Ways to Treat and Prevent Back Problems in Dachshunds, stairs are one of the major challenges in a Dachshund's life. Therefore, if possible, it is better to carry the dog upstairs in your arms or at least minimize such obstacles. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely eliminate walking on stairs, but you can limit it within your power.

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