Maxidin for cats, action, dosage and when to use +Video and Photo

Every responsible and loving owner knows that he is obliged not only to carefully care for his pet, but also to monitor his health. Timely vaccination helps with this, but sometimes it remains powerless in the fight against various diseases. Unfortunately, any cat can get sick.

Veterinary medicine does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Research is ongoing and new developments are emerging. One of them was the drug Maxidin. It has already earned good reviews from veterinarians and pet owners.

Composition and release form

The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of small tablets for oral administration. Externally, they are white in color with a soluble thin shell. Packaged in blisters of 14 pieces and secondary cardboard packaging. One pack contains 1-2 cells of 14-28 tablets and includes instructions for use.

The active component of the drug is moxonidine. Its amount in 1 tablet is 200 mcg.

Additional substances: castor oil, cellulose, magnesium stearate, Tween 80, Klucel and Aerosil.

Application area

Maxidin drops for cats are used to treat infections of the eyes and nose. These are rhinitis, viral rhinotracheitis, conjunctivitis (only the conjunctiva is inflamed), keratitis (only the cornea is inflamed), or eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis.

The medicine Maxidin for cats is a broad-spectrum remedy that works well as part of complex therapy. Its task is narrow: to increase natural immunity. Therefore, to treat acute forms of diseases, additional antibiotics, antiviral or anthelmintic agents will be required.

In some cases, it is better to give preference to drugs that combine immunomodulation and direct effects on viruses (Gamapren, Fosprenil).

Maxidin is especially suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with immunosuppressive or metabolic diseases, for example, demodicosis, which is safe for healthy, strong animals, but affects weakened ones.


  1. Prevention of immunodeficiency in weakened animals.
  2. Panleukopenia (parvovirus or infectious enteritis, feline distemper or fever, feline ataxia, contagious agranulocytosis). An infectious disease caused by a virus from the Parvovirus genus.
  3. Calicivirus (calicivirus infection). The disease is caused by a virus from the Picornavirus family.
  4. Demodecosis. A contagious skin disease caused by one of two types of demodectic mites.
  5. Chlamydia, helminthiases (cestodes, roundworms, nematodes).

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the group of antihypertensive drugs. It is a direct agonist of imidazoline receptors. When used once, it helps to simultaneously restore the level of diastolic and systolic pressure. At the same time, it does not change the activity of the heart and does not affect the heart rate.

The drug is highly digestible, regardless of the time of meal. The biological availability of the drug is at least 88%. The highest concentration of the drug in the red channel is observed after 30 minutes or a maximum of 3 hours.

Effect of the drug

Maxidin increases the performance of the body's immune cells, which act on microorganisms at the center of the infection and kill them. The drug strengthens the body's immune system. It also actively fights viruses and stimulates the body's protective functions.

The drug in drops for cats has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the animal’s body. It strengthens and actively improves immunity. In addition, Maxidin has an active effect on the condition of the pet’s skin and coat. Many breeders use this drug before shows.

Maxidin promotes the production of interferon. By acting on the animal’s body, the drug purposefully kills viral cells, preventing them from multiplying. The drug destroys pathogenic cells without harming the health of the animal.

The drug Maxidin also has an effect on inflammation and viruses.

What is it used for?

Maxidin is indicated to increase immune function in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • viral enteritis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • carnivore plague;
  • infectious rhinotracheitis;
  • calicivirus;
  • demodicosis;
  • helminthiasis.

The drug is also used in the treatment of dermatitis and hair loss in cats.

Method of use and dosage

The instructions for use indicate that Maksidin 0.4% solution is intended for injection 2 times a day .
The course lasts 2-5 days. For pets weighing up to 5 kg, 0.5 ml is administered, for animals with a larger weight, 1 ml of the drug is administered per 10 kg of weight.

The drug with a concentration of 0.15% is used for cats as an immunostimulating agent for:

  • damage to the cornea of ​​the eye,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • rhinitis,
  • inflammation of the eyelids, iris and choroid.

Maxidin 0.15% is instilled 1-2 drops into each eye or nasal passage 2-3 times a day. Before doing this, you need to thoroughly clean your eyes or nasal passages. The course of application lasts until the animal’s final recovery, but no more than 14 days.

If the solution in the bottle has a cloudy, opaque consistency, or there are foreign impurities, this drug is unsuitable for use.

Before use, you should carefully check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the drug.

If you follow all the rules specified in the instructions, the shelf life is 2 years.

Contraindications and side effects

If the dosage standards are observed, no side effects have been identified. The animal may react to certain components of the drug.

If the storage standards and instructions for use of the drug are followed, there are no contraindications to the use of Maxidin.

The veterinary drug Maxidin has analogues that have a huge spectrum of action:

  • Fosprenil;
  • Gala Vet;
  • Mastim;
  • Gamavit;
  • Gamaprene.

Precautionary measures

When working with the solution, you should not do anything that involves touching your hands and face. If a person is hypersensitive to the components of the drug, allergic reactions cannot be ruled out. In case of contact with skin, wash it with soap and water.

If the drug gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them and consult a doctor.

Do not use the solution bottle for household purposes. After using the medicinal solution, the vial should be discarded.

Store the drug in a dry, cool place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.


The package consists of 5 bottles. The drug is commercially available in packages and individual vials.

  1. Maxidin 0.15% costs 45–65 rubles per piece, 200–250 rubles per pack.
  2. Maxidin 0.4% for injection price per piece 120 - 200 rubles, packaging 590 - 630 rubles.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of the drug Maxidin is that there are no contraindications or side effects. In addition, it has a high result in the fight against diseases, which are indicated in the instructions for use .
Affordable price. The only disadvantage that can be called is the pain of the injection, but for a cat any injection is painful.

To avoid health problems for your pet, you should carefully monitor its condition. Timely vaccination, compliance with hygiene rules and contacting a veterinarian will help prevent diseases or take timely measures to treat them. After all, the most important thing for owners is a healthy animal that gives affection.


It is prohibited to take the medicine for the following conditions:

  1. ​Individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary components.
  2. ​Acute form of bradycardia.
  3. ​Severe arrhythmia.
  4. Glaucoma.
  5. ​Mental disorders.
  6. ​Cardiac failure.
  7. ​Previous Quincke's edema.
  8. ​The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.
  9. ​Children under 18 years of age.
  10. ​Disturbance of the liver and kidneys.
  11. Angina pectoris.
  12. ​Lactose deficiency or intolerance.
  13. ​Various pathologies of the circulatory system.


Maksidin has the following analogues:

  • Gamaprene. The active component of the drug is disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate, obtained from the leaves of mulberry trees. The antiviral effect is based on blocking the formation of viral proteins. This immunostimulant exhibits the greatest activity against herpes pathogens. An additional property of mulberry extract is its ability to relieve inflammation.
  • Gamavit. After administering the solution, pets can more easily endure stressful situations that arise during transportation, at exhibitions, tournaments and visiting unfamiliar places.
  • Fosprenil. The product is used when an animal is affected by viral infections, as well as during vaccination in order to minimize the risk of complications.
  • Gala Vet. The release form of the drug is a powder, easily soluble in water for injection or saline. Gala-vet increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and antiviral drugs, speeds up the animal’s recovery after an illness. It is also used to prevent dangerous infectious diseases.

Despite the fact that Maxidin and its analogues have practically no contraindications, and are also approved for use by pregnant and lactating females, it is not recommended to use it independently without direct indications and without the recommendation of a veterinary specialist. But the joint administration of several immunomodulators at once is strictly prohibited.

Side effects

As a result of treatment with Moxonidine, patients may experience the following adverse reactions:

  1. ​High fatigue, malaise.
  2. ​Migraine.
  3. Sleep disorder - insomnia or drowsiness.
  4. ​Dizziness, headache.
  5. ​Dyspeptic manifestations - dry mouth, discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, abnormal stool.
  6. ​Increased nervousness and irritability.
  7. ​Swelling of peripheral tissues.
  8. ​A sharp decrease in pulse and blood pressure.
  9. ​Allergic signs are skin rash and severe itching.

When is the immunomodulator "Maksidin" used?

"Maksidin" in the form of drops can be used in cases where the cat has the following diseases:

  • Eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, leukoma (cataract), damage to the eyeball as a result of trauma);
  • Inflammation of the mucous surfaces of the nose (rhinitis of various etiologies).

"Maksidin" solution must be administered to a cat for the following ailments:

  • Infectious diseases (calcivirosis, infectious rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia (feline distemper), viral enteritis);
  • Helminthiasis and diseases caused by parasitic infestations (demodectosis, otodectosis, flea dermatitis);
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Alopecia (baldness) of various etiologies.

Drug overdose

If medical recommendations are not followed and the maximum volume of the drug is exceeded, an overdose may develop. The condition is determined by severe symptoms:

  1. ​Intense headache and dizziness.
  2. ​Nausea followed by vomiting.
  3. ​Painful sensations in the stomach area.
  4. ​Weakness and severe malaise.
  5. ​Extensive reduction in pressure.
  6. ​Dryness in the mouth.

If the above symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor. Treatment involves relief of symptoms. Prescribed medication, gastric lavage, parenteral administration of saline. To suppress the symptoms of bradycardia, the use of Atropine is indicated.

Owner reviews about Maksidin drops and solution

The drug "Maksidin" is praised by pet owners, which is confirmed by grateful reviews:

Review #1:
“I picked up my Baby from the street from a stray cat. The kitten was 2.5 - 3 months old. It looked healthy, but its eyes were watery and it sneezed many times a day. She took me to the clinic, where they diagnosed rhinotracheitis. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, vitamins and the immunomodulator “Maksidin” in the form of drops. I put 2 drops in the nose and 1 drop in the eyes three times a day for Baby (the cat’s name). By the fourth day of treatment, I discovered that there was no more leaking from the peephole, the kitten stopped sneezing, and his appetite improved, he began to play with a ball and run. I think that the disease has subsided due to complex treatment, in which Maksidin played an important role. Now I’ll have some drops just in case, in case another infection catches on...”

Review #2:
“My cat has a sore spot – his eyes. And he had conjunctivitis twice, and almost lost an eye in a fight (there was terrible inflammation). Last week my Thomas came back with an injury: a piece of glass was taken out of his eye. As a result, the eye became swollen and almost stopped opening. I had to take the cat to the veterinary clinic. There they recommended Maksidin drops for cats. To be honest, I thought there would be complications including loss of vision. But no, Maksidin helped. After only 2 days of treatment, the cat began to slowly open his eye, and the swelling began to subside. Very necessary drops for my unfortunate cat...”

Review No. 3:
“My Shurka is a domestic cat, but she was able to become infected with calcivirus. At first, the pet refused to eat, then she began to have diarrhea, and her temperature jumped up. They barely saved Shura. A veterinarian I knew recommended antibiotic tablets, astringents, and intramuscular injections of Maksidin (the injections were given at the clinic). This treatment put Shurka back on her feet. By the way, she endured the injections calmly: she neither meowed nor struggled. I didn’t notice any side effects from Maksidin; even the use of antibiotics did not affect the cat’s condition. I advise those who have a cat or dog to have at least a couple of Maksidin ampoules at home...”

special instructions

The use of an antihypertensive drug for therapeutic purposes requires constant monitoring of blood pressure, heart function and heart rate.

During the course of treatment, you should completely avoid alcoholic beverages. It is recommended not to drive vehicles or engage in activities that require concentration, memory and high mental activity.

You need to stop taking the drug gradually, gradually reducing the dose until complete withdrawal.

If the use of Moxonidine was combined with beta-blockers and it is necessary to discontinue both drugs, the latter are removed first. After some time, the antihypertensive drug is discontinued.

Consumer Opinions

Reviews of Maxidin for cats are on average positive. Buyers note the speed of action and effectiveness.

  • Maxidin eye drops show themselves to be more effective than their analogues.
  • After 2-3 days, kittens and adult cats have practically clear eyes; it is great for preventing runny noses, especially in animals undergoing rehabilitation.
  • A course of drops will prevent coughing and sneezing from developing into severe forms.

It works well for viral rhinotracheitis in combination with local antibiotics (for example, Tsiprovet).

  • Pros: Versatility, drops are suitable for both the nose and eyes, well tolerated by animals, does not sting, low price. A package of 5 bottles of 5 ml costs 200-400 rubles, 1 bottle, which is usually enough for 1 animal - 50-60 rubles.
  • The drug is indispensable for Persian or exotic cats. These animals, due to the structure of their muzzle, often suffer from brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome and constant lacrimation. Treatment in courses of 2 weeks can provide the animal with a month of complete comfort with the eyes and nose.
  • The downside is that the packaging is not very convenient - there is no pipette.
  • Occasionally, allergic reactions occur: swelling, even more profuse lacrimation from the eyes.

In very rare reviews, the product is described as having no effect.

In any case, you should carefully monitor the condition of your own pet in order to adjust treatment in time. It is advisable to select medications together with a veterinarian.

Storage conditions

The drug must be kept in a dark and dry place, in a closed package. The optimal temperature is 4-25 degrees above 0. Maxidin should be inaccessible to children and animals.

It is important! The shelf life is 2 years, which is calculated from the date of production. After its expiration, it is prohibited to use the product.

Maxidin for dogs is a remedy not only for fighting viruses and infections. It is also a drug for the prevention of various diseases. It has virtually no contraindications; it can be given to puppies and pregnant dogs. You should not skip taking the medicine, this reduces its effectiveness.

Properties of the product

Maksidin is highly effective in the prevention and treatment of these diseases, increasing the body's natural defenses. Such effectiveness is determined by its properties.

Penetrating into the animal's cellular tissues, the active substance has a stimulating effect on the body's natural resistance to pathogenic microorganisms and improves the resistance of local immunity. In addition to immunomodulatory properties, Maxidin eye drops for cats have significant antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

Veterinary medicine can activate the synthesis of interferon. In other words, it purposefully blocks the development and growth of viral proteins, thereby preventing pathogenic agents from starting the process of their own reproduction in healthy organ cells. The drug destroys virus cells without causing damage to the cat’s body.

Another important feature is the significant strengthening of immunity by increasing the activity of macrophages. As a result, processes such as phagocytosis (responsible for the absorption and destruction of foreign particles), oxidative metabolism are stimulated, metabolism and chemotaxis (the movement of active cells towards the stimulus) are improved.

Can it be used?

The drug Maxidin is a water-based antiviral eye drops and solution for injection. The drug is used in therapy and for the prevention of canine diseases.

The medicine has the following properties:

  • increasing the body's resistance to disease;
  • prevention of viral diseases;
  • improving the functionality of the lymphatic system;
  • stimulation of the production of natural interferon;
  • acceleration of oxidative metabolism.

Veterinarians often prescribe medication for dogs with parvovirus enteritis and canine distemper.

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