"Dana Spot-on" for dogs: instructions for use

Pets living side by side with people have long turned from just animals into family members. Many owners watch their dogs much more closely than they watch themselves, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that it is much easier for pets to get some kind of unpleasant illness than for us. They are constantly in danger: in particular, many problems arise due to infection with various ectoparasites, such as fleas, ticks, lice eaters, etc. These harmful insects not only cause inconvenience to our pets in the form of constant itching, but also destroy the animal’s skin and provoke the development of many serious diseases. Today on the veterinary market there are a large number of products that can completely cure the suffering of our furry family members. In this article we will talk about one of them: Dana Spot-on for dogs.

"Dana Spot-on" for dogs: instructions for use

When to use

All dosage forms of Dana are designed to combat ectoparasites. The drug is used for infection with the following types of arthropods and insects:

  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • scabies mites, including otodectosis mites;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • demodectic mites.

The medicine is well suited for the prevention of entomosis and acarosis. It is especially recommended to use it during the period of activity of external parasites, that is, in the warm season.

Note! If there is a high risk of infection, for example, a strong spread of ticks, frequent walks in the forest, etc., it is recommended to combine the use of the drug in different dosage forms. When using drops, a collar, shampoo or spray will provide additional protection.

Features of application depend on the form of release of the antiparasitic agent.

Who are they acting against?

Drops are effective against:

  • fleas;
  • ticks;
  • lice eaters.

The product is equally poisonous to a number of tick families, so it can be considered universal. With the help of the drug you can get rid of ixodid, demoked and other types of ticks. Drops are also considered a means of prevention against parasites. You can also find out why a tick is dangerous and what to do if you find one.

Drops for external use

Dana drops for dogs are available in two versions:

  • Spot-on;
  • Ultra.

They differ from each other in composition. In regular Spot-on drops, the main active substance is fipronil. When an oily solution is applied to the skin of an animal, fipronil does not penetrate into the bloodstream, but accumulates in the fur, sebaceous glands, and epidermis. In this regard, it provides reliable protection. The effectiveness of this substance is achieved through its effect on the nervous system, in particular by blocking prescriptions. The solution is packaged in polymer pipettes of 1 or 1.5 ml, as well as bottles with a capacity of 15 ml. The latter option is well suited for owners who keep several animals. The bottle is enough for several treatments.

In Ultra drops, the effect of fipronil is supplemented by two more active components - thiamethoxam and pyriproxyfen. Since the composition includes several active components, the drug has a wide spectrum of action. The medication does an excellent job of destroying mature parasites, as well as their larvae and eggs. The solution is packaged in polymer disposable pipettes of various volumes - 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 ml. It is convenient to dose the medicine, since each pipette is designed for a certain weight.

Nuances of use

According to the instructions, Dan and Spot-on and Ultra drops should be applied to dogs in the withers area. For large pets, drops can be applied along the spine, but so that the animal cannot lick it off. Applying drops is allowed only to dry and undamaged skin.

The dosage depends on the version of the drug and the weight of the animal. If Dana Ultra is used, the dose for one treatment is calculated as follows:

  • up to 5 kg – 0.4 ml;
  • 5-10 kg – 0.8 ml;
  • 10-20 kg – 1.6 ml;
  • 20-40 kg – 3.2 ml.

Select pipettes of suitable volume. For animals weighing more than 40 kg, several pipettes must be combined.

Important! Usually the packaging indicates how much weight the pipette is designed for. When purchasing medicine, pay attention to this.

When using Dana Spot-on drops, the dosage is calculated as follows:

  • 2-10 kg – 1.5 ml;
  • 10-20 kg – 3 ml;
  • 20-40 – 4.5 ml;
  • more than 40 kg – 6 ml.

The medicine is applied when parasites are detected. To prevent infection, preventive treatment should be carried out on average once every 1 month. For otodectosis, 3-6 drops are instilled into the ear. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 5-7 days.


Dana Spot-on belongs to the insectoacaricidal drugs of the phenylpyrosol group. Fipronil, which is part of the drug, has a pronounced insectoacaricidal activity against the preimaginal and imaginal phases of development of fleas (Stenocephalides canis, Stenocephalides felis), lice (Linognatus setotus), lice lice (Trichodectes canis), sarcoptes (Sarcoptes canis, Sarcoptes vulpis, Notoedres cati, Otodectes cynotis, Psoroptes cuniculi), ixodes (Ixodes ricinus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor variabilis) and demodectic ticks (Demodex canis). The mechanism of action of fipronil is to block GABA-dependent arthropod receptors, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of insects and ticks. After applying the drug to the skin, fipronil, practically without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, spreads throughout the animal’s skin and hair, accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands, providing a contact insectoacaricidal effect, which manifests itself after 12 - 24 hours and continues for 4 - 6 weeks after a single treatment of the animal. In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Dana Spot-on is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have a skin-irritating, skin-resorptive or sensitizing effect, and if it gets into the eyes it causes mild irritation. fight. The drug is toxic to rabbits, bees, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms.


Dana Ultra in the form of a spray contains fipronil and cyfluthrin. In this regard, the drug is successfully used not only for the treatment and prevention of entomosis in dogs, but also to protect animals from ticks and flying insects (mosquitoes, flies, etc.). The product is packaged in bottles equipped with spray heads, so it is convenient to use.

How to apply

If Dana spray is used for prevention or treatment, the actions are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Shake the bottle.
  2. Spray the product evenly over the entire body of the animal. Keep the spray head at a distance of 20-25 cm from your pet.
  3. If the hair is long, it should be lifted with your hand so that the medicinal solution penetrates the skin.

For 1 kg of weight you need 2-4 ml of spray. Calculating the dose is easy - one press is equal to 0.5 ml. Processing must be carried out outdoors. If this is not possible, be sure to open the vents or windows, and after completing the procedure, check the room thoroughly.

Note! Until the solution dries, do not let the animal lick it off. To do this, use a cervical collar, muzzle or braid.


Collars are made in the form of a polymer tape. It is equipped with a convenient fastener. The polymer tape contains the following active components:

  • fipronil;
  • ivermectin;
  • pyriproxyfen.

The manufacturer produces three types of collars:

  • 40 cm – for cats, puppies and small breeds;
  • 65 cm – for medium breed dogs;
  • 80 cm – for large pets.

The main feature of collars is that they provide protection against external parasites and prevent infection by roundworms. For greater effectiveness, Dan collars are recommended to be combined with spray or drops.

Features of application

After unpacking, the polymer tape must be put on the animal like this. Do not tighten the collar too much; there should be a free space of 1-1.5 cm. Excess tape must be cut off so that there is no overdose. On average, the product lasts for 3 months, then you need to replace the collar with a new one.

If the animal has dirty and matted fur, it is recommended that you first give it a good bath and tidy it up. For severe flea or lice infestations, use a medicated shampoo. When carrying out water procedures, the collar must be removed.


Very convenient to apply. Doesn't take much time. And it doesn’t cause any particular difficulties. You can apply drops to the withers or back in any position of the animal: when it is standing, lying or sitting.

Processed only once a month. There is no need to constantly bathe your pet with shampoos and torment you with water treatments. Because by their nature, cats do not like water.

Long-term exposure promises protection against new fleas and saves from old ones. A few hours after the procedure, Dan drops are distributed throughout the coat and carried by the blood. For fleas, the fatal dose will be after one meal. Gradually all the parasites become infected and die. The effect can be noticed after a few days, when the animal stops constantly scratching.

Affordable price. The product can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or specialty store for animals. The average cost of a package is 155 rubles.


The main active ingredient in the shampoo is permethrin. Dana shampoo has the following effects:

  • destroys fleas, ticks and other insects;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • relieves the animal from itching and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • improves the condition of the coat (after use, the coat acquires a healthy shine).

Bathing procedure

Use Dana shampoo for dogs as follows:

  1. First, moisturize the animal's skin.
  2. Apply shampoo, maintaining a dosage of 0.5-1 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  3. Lather the product and lightly rub into the epidermis.
  4. After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  5. Dry and comb the coat.

After bathing, you can additionally use drops or other dosage forms of Dan to ensure reliable protection of the animal from insects.

Analogs of “Dana Ultra” drops for dogs

Complete analogues of “Dana Ultra” drops are preparations based on fipronil:

  • Leopard;
  • Insectstop;
  • Celandine.

Other popular means include:

  • “Hartz Ultra Guard” solution, based on phenothrin, which retains protective properties for 1 month;
  • Stronghold, containing selamectin and used to treat arachnoentomosis, nematodes, demodicosis, sarcoptic mange and dirofilariasis;
  • Advantix, whose active ingredients are imidacloprid and permethrin;
  • Sanofly, based on cyfluthrin, repels all blood-sucking insects, including mosquitoes and gadflies;
  • Beafar, containing diazinon, which lasts for three weeks;
  • Dironet, based on praziquantel and ivermectin, is active against intestinal helminths and ectoparasites.

The selection of funds must be carried out taking into account the diagnosis, the physiological state of the animal, the presence of allergies to certain components and age. Therefore, it is better to entrust this to an experienced specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instructions for use, all dosage forms of Dana should not be used for dogs in the following cases:

  • for infectious diseases;
  • when exhausted;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation.

Also, do not use the drug for puppies under 12 weeks of age. The medicine is also contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components.

Animals usually tolerate the drug well, but sometimes the following side effects may occur:

  • increased salivation;
  • vomit;
  • redness and irritation of the skin;
  • depressed state;
  • itching;
  • lack of appetite.

Similar symptoms can also occur with an overdose. If after treatment with the drug the animal feels unwell, it needs to be bathed. If a collar was used, it should be removed first.

How to store the drug?

The shelf life of the medicinal product in question is two years from the date of its manufacture. Once this period has passed, the product will become several times more toxic and less safe. Therefore, its use is strictly prohibited.

After the expiration date, it is prohibited to use the drug

Storage of drops is allowed:

  • only in the same packaging in which they were sold;
  • in places where there are no food products, cosmetics, feed;
  • only in a dry place;
  • where there is no direct sunlight;
  • at temperatures ranging from -2°C to + 25°C.

Owner reviews

Svetlana, owner of a German shepherd and a cat:

“I’ve been using Dan for my animals for two years now. I treat the dog with drops, and I buy collars for the cat. All last summer the animals had no fleas or ticks. This year everything is fine too. I'm satisfied with the result."

Maria, owner of the Rhodesian Ridgeback:

“Usually I didn’t notice insects on the dog, so I didn’t use any special products. But when after the walk we counted 19 ticks, we went straight to the veterinary pharmacy. We were advised to use Dana spray. We managed to get rid of parasites after the first treatment. Now we use a spray for prevention.”

Olga, owner of the Japanese Chin:

“In the summer, our dog moves to the dacha with us. We didn’t want to poison the animal with toxic drugs, so we decided to use Dana shampoo. No fleas were noticed, but ticks were still attached, so I also had to buy an expensive collar. After bathing, the wool becomes soft and acquires a pleasant aroma.”

Infection with exoparasites

Dogs and cats have long been home to fleas. It is even believed that this neighborhood is beneficial for both parties. A healthy animal has substances in its blood that inhibit the growth of parasites and slow down their activity. As a result, fleas do not cause any concern to the owner.

But as soon as the animal’s immunity decreases, the parasites begin to actively multiply. In this case, their population grows greatly and begins to cause only harm. This especially applies to pets. The pet begins to itch, suppuration may appear in the scratches, and the condition of the coat worsens. Young and old animals are especially affected by fleas. In addition, if a pet becomes infected with parasites on the street, they can get some kind of infectious disease.

This possibility is always present even for those animals that only walk in the yard. And if the owners take their pet to the forest or to the country, it can pick up more than just fleas. Exoparasites also include ixodid and ear mites, lice, and lice. All of them can carry infectious diseases and cause serious trouble to the animal.

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