Causes and treatment of yellow discharge in males and females

Pathologies of the reproductive organs of animals in most cases affect the general well-being and behavior of four-legged friends. This is especially true for females. Yellow discharge in dogs is considered normal in some cases, while in others it is a symptom of disease.

In each case, you should visit a veterinarian - it is better to make sure once again that everything is in order, and the discharge corresponds to the physiological state of the animal, than to miss serious pathologies of the reproductive system.

When discharge is a physiological norm

For males:

  • physiological lubrication - transparent mucous discharge of a slightly yellow color (but provided that the dog is active, there is no redness or swelling in the area of ​​the penis, nothing prevents the removal of the genital organ from the prepuce);
  • the release of the first fraction of sexual ejaculate is watery-yellow in color when overstimulated and there is no access to the bitch.

In females:

  • departure of the prenatal plug - mucous-yellow discharge from the loop 1-2 days before labor begins;
  • discharge from the genitals within 3-5 days after birth: their color changes from red-brown to pale pink, yellowish and finally transparent;
  • discharge during estrus - the end of the sexual cycle is characterized by mucous-transparent discharge with a barely noticeable yellowish tint.

All physiological discharges should not be accompanied by signs of general malaise in dogs, a sharp and unpleasant odor, or external inflammatory changes in the external genitalia.

Does pus mean my dog ​​has an STD?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they are relatively rare in dogs. However, if your dog has been sexually active, this is still possible. There are not as many known varieties as there are in humans. Three main types:

  • Herpes virus
  • Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT)
  • brucellosis

We previously mentioned the herpes virus and will discuss TVC in the next section.. Brucellosis This is an STD caused by the passage of bacteria (Brucella Canis) through the genitals during sexual intercourse. The clinical signs of brucellosis in dogs are not considered to be pathognomonic, meaning they may share symptoms with many other problems..[3] Purulent discharge is not very common in male dogs, but it is possible. Inflammation is a more common clinical sign..

Pathologies with discharge in males

Yellow discharge from the penis may be a sign of:

  • posthitis, balanitis, balanoposthitis (inflammation of the penis, prepuce, or both). With such pathologies, the discharge has a dull yellow or yellow-green color, the discharge is constantly present in the preputial fold, the penis and the area around it are red, painful, swollen, and hot.
  • prostatitis. Mucous-yellow or mucous-cloudy-pink discharge is accompanied by anxiety, pain when urinating and changes in the shape of feces (with severe inflammation, the prostate enlarges so much that it compresses the feces).
  • inflammatory process in the bladder and/or urethra (urethra). The discharge is yellow, translucent, most often in the form of drops at the tip of the glans penis. In case of acute inflammation, it may turn pink or red - evidence of the presence of blood in the urine.
  • urolithiasis. Discharges are often similar to those that appear during inflammation of the genitourinary system. Accompanied by pain when urinating or the absence of it at all;
  • hidden sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes, etc.). It can only be determined by laboratory tests;
  • urinary incontinence. With this disease, a male dog will have yellow discharge from the penis with droplets of urine.

In almost all pathological cases, the male dog pays increased attention to his genitals, constantly licking them.

Does pus on my dog's penis mean they have cancer??

In most cases, pathological discharge on the dog’s penis is easily treated. The presence of smegma is not likely to increase the risk of cancer [4]. If a dog isn't licking regularly, poor hygiene may be a factor, but even that is difficult to prove.

However, some types of penile cancer can cause discharge. One type is known as Canine Infectious Venereal Tumors (CTVT) which is one of the few types of sexually transmitted diseases in dogs. There are only three types of cancer in the world that are considered contagious. However, prostate cancer can also lead to abnormal discharge, as was the case in a four-year-old Newfoundland cross reported in 2002.[5].

Metastatic cancer has reached the penis, causing discharge. It was also accompanied by priapism, which means the painful erection continues. If your dog is neutered and does not stay close to a woman in the heat, she should have normal consistency. Continuous erections or when the dog's penis is swollen . These could be signs of something unpleasant. If there is cancer or a serious infection, they are likely to be accompanied by other symptoms. This is why it is so important to take your dog to the vet if you observe symptoms of pathology...

Pathologies with discharge in bitches

Yellow discharge from the loop occurs when:

  • urinary incontinence - yellowish discharge in the form of droplets of urine is almost always found on the genital slit;
  • uterine subinvolution - a delay in restoration of normal size after birth, when sticky, yellow-red discharge continues to appear for 3-4 weeks after the puppies are born;
  • endometritis – inflammation of the uterine mucosa;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (discharges are very similar to those that appear during estrus);
  • juvenile vaginitis - inflammation that is recorded in female puppies before puberty against the background of endocrine disorders;
  • pyometra – purulent inflammation of the uterus. This is the most common reason when a dog’s discharge appears after estrus (yellow, yellow-green, cloudy green, with a pungent, unpleasant odor);
  • hydrometer - inflammation of the uterus, when not pus, but fluid and transudate accumulate in its cavity. The discharge can be transparent yellow, liquid or mucous. Often confused with pyometra;
  • tumors in the genital organs, when, against the background of mechanical compression, natural secretions stagnate and come out with a delay and changed in color and consistency;
  • venereal sarcoma - symptoms are often confused with estrus, the color of the discharge varies from cloudy white, yellow to red (bloody), when the process of oncological decomposition is started;
  • stump - the reason for the appearance of discharge in a sterilized bitch when the postoperative stump becomes inflamed;
  • recurrent ovary syndrome - when, after sterilization, part of the ovarian tissue remains in the abdominal cavity, which produces sex hormones and discharge periodically appears, as during estrus.

What kind of discharge is normal for a dog's penis?

As with the human penis, the dog's limb is used for two main functions : urination and insemination of women. This means that there are two main types of healthy discharge that can come from a dog's penis, urine and semen .

Dog penises are not like those of other mammals. At the base of the shaft, the dog's penis has bulbs. This is the round part that swells when mating with females and gets stuck to ensure insemination. When a dog's penis is protruding , it does not mean there is a problem. This usually just means they have an erection, which can happen even if the dog has been neutered.

The outer part of a dog's penis is known as the foreskin and is essentially the dog's foreskin. This is fur and a fur cover that protects the barrel and interior headgear. When the dog is not in an upright position, the foreskin should cover the penis. When a dog gets an erection, the mucous membrane becomes red or pink. It is sometimes colloquially referred to as lipstick for obvious reasons. If your dog's foreskin has some yellow spots around the fur but is otherwise clear, the urine is probably that color.

Dogs practice growing behavior before they reach sexual maturity . Like most puppy behavior, their actions are designed to help them when they participate in adult activities. The montage helps them practice seeing women in the heat like sexually mature dogs. They may masturbate by rubbing their genitals on blankets, couch cushions, or anything that helps stimulate their erect penis to ejaculate. If there is white discharge from the penis, this may be normal ejaculation.

Spaying your dog will seriously reduce his sexual urges and may even prevent him from masturbating. However, it is unlikely that male dogs will stop riding together as they use this action for other reasons, such as demonstrating dominance.

Causes of diseases

Diseases of the reproductive system, accompanied by discharge from the genitals, cause physical inconvenience and suffering to pets in the absence of proper medical care.

The causes of diseases are:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. During puberty or during estrus, the body's defenses weaken and cannot resist the attacks of infection.
  2. Uncontrolled matings.
  3. Missing matings.
  4. Traumatic injuries to the external genitalia.
  5. Unsanitary conditions, failure to comply with hygiene rules, especially during childbirth.
  6. Damage to the internal reproductive organs (uterus) during the birth of large puppies.
  7. Infection of a bitch with a sexually transmitted infection during mating.
  8. Poorly selected medications or hormonal drugs that have dangerous side effects.

Is it possible to prevent yellow discharge?

In case of normal physiological minor discharges, no action is necessary; slight yellowness as a variant of the norm does not require the close attention of the breeder. To prevent the appearance of pathological forms, you need:

  • prevent bitches from going into heat, breed or sterilize the dog;
  • do not give hormonal drugs as a regular means to suppress estrus or desire;
  • do an ultrasound of the genital/reproductive organs every 6-12 months;
  • breed only dogs that do not have sexually transmitted infections;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic standards when keeping animals.

If you notice that your dog spends too much time on the external genitalia, there is swelling of the penis, vulva, and dried exudate collects around – don’t hesitate! Call the RosVet VC by phone, 24 hours a day. Make an appointment for your pet with a veterinarian-reproductologist (nephrologist, therapist) or call a doctor at home. The clinic receives visitors 24 hours a day.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

If you notice any abnormalities in your pet's well-being: mucus discharge from the external genitalia, excessive licking, you should not miss the moment and promptly contact a veterinary clinic. This will allow you to diagnose your pet and prescribe a course of treatment, preventing the development of the disease and possible complications.

When examining an animal, the veterinarian should obtain information about the nature and duration of discharge, periods of estrus and the number of pregnancies and births.

During the examination, the pet’s body temperature is measured, the abdominal cavity is palpated, and the condition of the mucous membranes and vagina is examined.

Next, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to check the condition of the uterus and its walls and identify neoplasms: cysts or tumors.

Blood and urine tests are required. These tests will clarify the general condition of the animal, help identify the inflammatory process and evaluate the functioning of the urinary system. According to the doctor’s decision and for laboratory testing, a vaginal smear is analyzed.

If a pet has heart rhythm disturbances, the doctor will refer the patient for an ECG; if necessary, an ultrasound and chest x-ray may be prescribed.

Based on the examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and develops a treatment plan for the animal.

As a rule, along with antibacterial, antipyretic drugs and antibiotics, the doctor prescribes solutions to maintain water-salt balance and immunomodulating drugs. To speed up the regeneration of the mucous membrane and depending on the condition of the pet, the doctor recommends vitamin complexes.

In some cases, due to the lack of effect of the prescribed treatment, the need for bacteriological culture arises. This analysis will allow you to select a drug with a targeted spectrum of action, depending on the characteristics of the animal’s microflora.

If neoplasms are detected in the pelvic organs, the doctor will discuss surgical intervention and its possible consequences with the owner.

My dog's penis has lumps

As we said earlier, if a dog's penis is swollen and protruding, it could simply be due to a normal erection. In addition, as we have already said, the dog's penis has bulbs. It will look like two big bumps at the base of the shaft, but that's okay. They will go away when there is an erection.

However, there may be bumps, rashes or swelling that are not normal and should be addressed. Although it is rare, a dog can develop tumors on the penis, which may not be noticeable if it does not have an erection. Although the lumps may be uncomfortable, they are likely not itchy , so they may not lick their penis excessively.

Other bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can cause bumps. They can also be parasitic infestations. Injuries may also occur, leading to inflammation or discoloration . If you see any of these symptoms, you should take your dog to the vet to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause, such as surgery for tumors or antibiotics for infection...

This article is purely informational. HowMeow does not have the authority to prescribe veterinary treatment or diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the vet if he has any problems or pain.

Symptoms of male cystitis

The most common symptoms of cystitis in men are:

  • Frequent (often with difficulty and pain) urination.
  • Change in urine odor.
  • Presence of pus and bloody discharge in the urine.
  • Burning and itching when urinating.

Specific symptoms may be accompanied by general negative signs: weakness, decreased ability to perform usual work, painful manifestations in the groin, scrotum, bladder, increased body temperature. A man with cystitis becomes nervous, irritable, vulnerable to other diseases - the presence of these symptoms varies from person to person. The intensity of the signs of the disease increases along with the neglect and progression of cystitis.

The dog is pregnant and has green discharge

If the dog is pregnant, the following situations may arise:

  1. The bitch went into labor, a puppy was born, but for some time she tried, but did not give birth again. If at this point our dog has green discharge, we should consider it a veterinary emergency and waste no time in getting him to the clinic.
  2. If our dog has already completed her gestation period, past her likely due date and has not given birth yet, but is starting to produce green discharge, this is another reason for veterinary urgency.

In both cases, we may encounter infections or dystocia (difficulties encountered during childbirth) that will require professional intervention. You may need a caesarean section.

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Causes of cystitis in men

Cystitis is most often provoked by various infections that penetrate the male body. The bladder, which contains intestinal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tuberculosis bacilli, staphylococci, gonococci, begins to malfunction, and inflammation of various etiologies and localization occurs. There are many unfavorable factors for the appearance of cystitis in men:

  • weak immune system;
  • powerful radiation exposure of men;
  • allergy;
  • prolonged and severe hypothermia;
  • presence of infections;
  • injuries in the bladder area.

Frequent stress, excessive passion for work, smoking, alcohol, and a disordered sex life have a detrimental effect on a man. Men who have undergone unprofessional surgical intervention in the area of ​​the urethra and bladder should be warned about possible negative consequences. Trusting the professional doctors from the Global Clinic Center is the first step towards a successful solution to the problem.

...and when you can handle it yourself

If during the examination you did not find the above signs and the general condition of your pet is normal, you can try to deal with it yourself. Most often, this is a common inflammation; in order to cure it, it is necessary to wash the preputial sac 2-3 times a day. To do this, you will need a syringe or a regular 10-20 ml syringe without a needle. The following solutions can be used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, dioxidine. Lay the dog on its side in the same way as when examining the penis, pull the prepuce up a little, insert the tip of the syringe with the solution into the opening of the prepuce and introduce the solution without effort, while lightly squeezing the prepuce with your fingers, then simply let the solution drain into the tray.

You can repeat this manipulation several times. Usually, after 5-7 days of such procedures, the symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

Home inspection

If blood appears in the urine or instead of urine, it is better to go for a professional examination. If the time is late or it is not possible to immediately go to the clinic, conduct a study of the male member yourself. Primary signs are visible to the naked eye. Such signs sometimes reliably indicate a disease. This group includes the appearance of small growths on the penis, similar to cauliflower, that can bleed.

Possible causes include mechanical damage. A dog can get hurt on snow or hard material. The entry of a foreign body, even a small one, into the prepuce causes the formation of bleeding wounds. Pain associated with discomfort influences changes in eating habits. A dog may refuse to eat due to stress.

Prepare your pet and prepare for a home inspection. Make sure the dog is calm. Do not be nervous and loudly discuss the upcoming procedure. Dogs understand voice intonation and chosen words. Especially shepherds. The breed belongs to individuals that clearly recognize speech commands.

To examine a male dog, make sure that the dog cannot bite. They put on a muzzle or tie the muzzle with a clean rag. It is better to do the manipulation together. The first person holds, the second examines. Carry out the inspection carefully but quickly. Gently, without pressing on an already painful area, move the skin of the prepuce downwards, from the head to the base. The penis opens entirely, until it thickens at the base below.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of purulent and any other types of discharge from the urethra, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • timely sterilization;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • periodic visits to the veterinarian;
  • cleanliness in the house or dog kennel;
  • completion of all vaccinations that the animal must have;
  • dog activity. You need to spend a lot of time outdoors with your pet;
  • maintaining pet hygiene: bathing, combing, trimming claws, etc.

If you follow all the preventive measures listed above, the risk of such a pathology will be reduced to zero.

Many diseases of the genital organs in any type of dog always begin with purulent discharge. Therefore, if even minor smears are detected, you must take your pet to a veterinarian for examination. Often this is a clear symptom of the onset of an illness, treatment of which should be started as soon as possible.

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