The bull terrier is evil: why it is dangerous for people, in which countries it is prohibited

In the family of terriers - dogs bred to hunt rodents and burrowing animals, a special place belongs to dogs of the Bull Terrier breed (from "bull" - "bull"). Bull terriers have a specific appearance, which does not always endear them to people who see them for the first time. Some are afraid of these dogs, linking the words bull terrier and aggression together. But animal connoisseurs and Bull Terrier owners claim that they are proud of them, that it is impossible not to respect these animals, that there are no more charming and delicate dogs.

Varieties of the Bull Terrier breed

The ancestors of Bull Terrier dogs were bulldogs and English terriers. Then the Spanish Pointer and Dalmatian were used to improve the breed. Modern muscular dogs with elongated heads are very different from those depicted in English engravings of dogs dating back to 1820.

Standard size bull terrier

For your information! In those days, it was fashionable to take bull terriers with you on outdoor recreation. The gentlemen did not believe that the bull terrier was an evil and terrible beast.

In the 21st century canine organizations recognize two types of Bull Terrier - standard and miniature sizes. For ideal standard dogs, there are no restrictions on external size and body weight. Miniature dogs are limited only in height (height at the withers should not exceed 35.5 cm). Moreover, the body of dogs of all varieties should look harmonious.

Note! A characteristic feature of the Bull Terrier is its ovoid head with a downturned muzzle.

Cynologists divide Bull Terrier animals into 3 types:

  • bull-type - a type of dog whose structure, wide in the chest, resembles a bulldog;
  • terrier type - narrow-chested, elegant dogs with a long neck;
  • Dalmatian type - long-legged animals with a flat chest and a long loin.

The distribution within the breed by type is associated with the predominance in the genes of animals of certain qualities characteristic of the ancestors involved in the breeding of the Bull Terrier.

Standard and miniature bull terriers

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Despite the ominous stories, you should know that a bull terrier, like any other dog, can become a kind and loving friend to you - it all depends on you.

In which countries are bull terriers banned?

Bull Terrier dog: characteristics of the breed

Various sources on the Internet report in which countries the bull terrier and other animals that pose a danger to humans are prohibited. In Russia, the American Pit Bull Terrier is recognized as a dangerous breed.

Bull Terriers and closely related breeds are prohibited in Bermuda, Germany, Israel, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, and some US states. There are restrictions on owning a Bull Terrier in countries such as France, Finland, Ukraine, and Switzerland.

American pit bulls

Perhaps the pit bull terrier is the most dangerous dog: its breeding is prohibited in the largest number of countries, including many states in the USA, the birthplace of the breed. It performs the security function best of all, truly replacing an entire arsenal of weapons.

The Pit Bull Terrier enjoys playing with children, is respectful of adult owners, and is intelligent, but sometimes failures occur in the protection and personal loyalty program. In an uncontrolled state, the dog becomes extremely dangerous, despite its modest size - its innate fighting nature takes its toll.

There are frequent cases when police officers and the owners themselves had to shoot pit bulls. The breed has a bad reputation.

Cases of attack on a person

You can find reports on the Internet that a bull terrier attacked a person. The website, in an article dated March 28, 2022, spoke about a tragedy that ended in death: a Staffordshire Terrier, a descendant of the English Bull Terrier, attacked its own owner. Aggressive bull terriers are talked about as fighting dogs on trains and on television. A lot has also been written about cases where the bull terrier is angry and bloodthirsty, kills children and attacks the elderly:

  • in Novosibirsk in 2002, two stray evil bull terriers bit elderly women working in the garden until they bled;
  • in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region. in 2010, almost simultaneously, the police recorded two cases of bull terrier aggression. The victims were a 49-year-old man and a girl;
  • the Izvestia newspaper reported in 2006 that the Staffordshire terrier Chris killed 11-month-old K. Rudakova;
  • in Sevastopol in July 2022, a bull terrier attacked an elderly woman, and then switched to the young girl accompanying her, who was trying to help her mother.

Miniature Bull Terrier (dwarf): description of the breed

All reports of misfortunes are accompanied by comments that it is not so much the dogs that are to blame for the tragedies, but the owners of the animals, arguing: the bull terrier is dangerous or not. Many commentators want to find out whether the “dangerous bull terrier dog” is a myth or reality?

For your information! According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a registered dog is the property of the owner. Killing an animal, even while defending against its attack, is regarded as causing damage to the dog’s owner.

Total trust in a Bull Terrier pet can have dire consequences.

Dog Temperament

Owners of animals of this breed speak of them as incredibly loyal and loving pets who are always ready to protect their owner.

They treat strangers calmly and love to be in public places with an abundance of impressions.

An active character requires constant movement, games and a splash of emotions. But this is also where the second characteristic feature of bull terriers comes from.

A distinctive feature of bull terriers is stubbornness, which manifests itself constantly: in the home environment, in upbringing, in defining boundaries, in the family hierarchy.

Bull Terriers have a pronounced dominant trait; they strive to take a leading position in the family.

This manifests itself in every little detail, so the owner will have to be patient in order to mark the dog’s place in a timely manner.

The owner must have a strong character: having created a ban once, it should be strictly adhered to, and the rest of the family members, including children, should also be taught to do so.

Why is the breed considered dangerous?

Staffordshire Bull Terrier: English and American

Dogs of the Bull Terrier breed are close relatives of the ferocious baiting dogs that were common in England back in the 11th and 12th centuries. Bulldogs passed on genes to bull terriers that once helped them poison bulls and bears. But heavy bulldogs were not suitable for fighting in the ring, where dogs need mobility and lightning-fast intelligence to win and survive. Evil, brave, insensitive to pain animals had to take part in fighting competitions.

For your information! In the middle of the 19th century. In England, shows that caused cruelty to people and death of animals were banned. Gradually, not winning and killer dogs, but companion dogs became in demand. Buyers of dogs have become interested in the animals' attractive appearance and communication abilities.

The improved Bull Terrier breed was introduced in 1864. In 1928, a puppy was born with a skull shape similar to the modern elongated ovoid. Not only solid white coat colors began to appear, but also other color combinations. But the changed external features of the body and the improved behavior of the dogs towards subordination to the owner did not turn the once fighting dog into the kindest and safest animal.

The breed standards emphasize that the classic bull terrier is a cheerful dog who treats people well and is subject to discipline, but it is allowed that he can be stubborn, fearless and full of strength. In some cases, the stubbornness and fearlessness of an animal improperly raised by people becomes the cause of tragedies.

Note! The line of the Bull Terrier's head is not interrupted from the tips of the ears to the nose. In the area of ​​the nostrils it is slightly curved downwards.

Walking muzzle for bull terrier

Grizzly bear

Jaw strength – 81 atmospheres.

The grizzly bear is a North American subspecies of the brown bear and is distinguished by its large size and aggressiveness. True, biologists claim that this is just a fiction and that the grizzly bear is practically no different from the brown bears living in Eastern Siberia. Despite its significant weight, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to fifty-six kilometers per hour. For the most part, they feed on nuts, berries and other vegetation, but they can also hunt. In Yellowstone National Park, grizzlies were captured on video while hunting.

Compared to other bears, grizzlies are considered more aggressive. It has been suggested that due to its enormous size, the grizzly bear cannot climb trees. For this reason (also presumably) they have developed a powerful mechanism of aggression, which allows them not only to obtain food for themselves, but also to effectively resist any competitor. Presumably, it was this evolutionary path that led to the fact that the grizzly bear developed such powerful jaws, with the help of which he can cope with wolves and other intruders living in his domain. The average weight of the largest grizzlies living in Alaska is about 450 kilograms. Contrary to the common myth about super-dangerous killer bears, the grizzly bear does not consider a person as prey and can attack only in case of old age, illness or being provoked to do so.

Bull Terrier Jaws

A fighting dog living next to people in a multi-storey building often causes anxiety and a topic of debate - why is a bull terrier kept in an apartment dangerous? People unfamiliar with the dog are wary of the appearance of his head and rumors that an aggressive dog's jaws cannot be unlocked.

But dog lovers know that the internal structure of the mouth and the shape of the teeth in Bull Terrier dogs is not much different from similar parts of the body of other dogs. In addition, if you bring an open bottle of ammonia to the nose of a dog holding a stick in its mouth, the dog will immediately unclench its jaws.

Open jaws of a bull terrier

Chow chow

The appearance of these dogs inspires complacency. You don’t want to expect any trick from these smiling fluffies, they are so cute. By character, the Chow Chow occupies a place somewhere in the middle between melancholic and phlegmatic. The reason for the possible manifestation of aggression should be sought in an analogy with people corresponding to these psychotypes.

Imagine a person, busy with his thoughts, soaring in the empyrean of his consciousness... And at that moment someone suddenly crawls up to him to hug and kiss! You will inevitably snap back. Unfortunately, dogs do this in the most literal sense. Chow chows have sharp teeth.

Character of the breed: why the bull terrier is dangerous

Dog breeders claim that if you look at all the pros and cons of bull terriers living in an apartment, then there are more positive arguments about the livability of dogs of this type in the family than negative ones. Many people say that next to children, adult dogs become wonderful nannies, and with children who move a lot, they run and jump with pleasure.

Note! Although modern dogs of the Bull Terrier breed were bred as obedient and devoted animals to humans, dog experts warn that even next to adult people - the owners of the animal, bull terriers can show aggressive behavior towards children.

Some very well-mannered Bull Terriers get along well with other animals living next to them under the same roof. But you can’t keep two male dogs in the same house. Keeping felines next to bull terriers is also not recommended.

Conflict situation between dogs on a street walk

How to recognize people who are poisoning your life

Are you trying to change your life and learn to think more positively?
It is at such a moment that one realizes how many people there are around who poison their lives with negativity. You may even feel like there are too many of them. Once you develop the habit of thinking more positively, you will notice a few more things. Toxic people often have no idea how much they are ruining their own lives and how much they are negatively impacting the lives of those around them.

They do not realize that they themselves are responsible for all the negativity that is present in their lives. They always blame others for their failures.

Here are a few signs of toxic personalities to watch out for:

Dangerous Features

The main dangerous feature when walking Bull Terrier dogs is their rather menacing appearance. A frightened person rushing about can provoke a dog to growl or bark, and if there is no strong owner accompanying and holding the dog nearby, then to an attack.

At the same time, cases have been recorded when bull terriers fell into the hands of owners with an unstable psyche, who provoked their pets to search for victims. On a free walk, a dog can chase a cat, and only a muzzle on the dog’s head in this case will help the purr. These same inadequate owners often become targets of attacks by their dogs, forcing the dogs to defend themselves from the pain caused by people.

Color variations

In accordance with the breed standard, the skin pigmentation of bull terriers does not matter, and their coat can be:

  • white - the most common color in which the coat is solid white, but markings of any color on the head are also acceptable;
  • red - a coat of solid red color of any shade without spots or marks;
  • black - as a rule, such dogs have small patches of white on their bodies, therefore, despite the predominance of black, the color is classified as bicolor;
  • two-color - the wool is painted white and some other color;
  • tricolor - coat of white, black and red (brown) colors;
  • brindle - red fur with dark stripes, or vice versa, if there are white markings on the face, the color is called brindle-white.

Gray, fawn, blue bull terriers, as well as individuals with white coats whose colored spots are not located on the head, are not allowed for breeding.

Proper education and advice from dog handlers

The stubborn character of a Bull Terrier puppy is still in its infancy, so the first contacts with the pet should begin as early as possible. The puppy must be introduced into the family no later than at the age of 2 to 4 months. A positive reaction to kind, loving, but demanding people should be ingrained in the dog from an early age.

The puppy must get used to the fact that a toy or bowl taken away from him is not a cause for concern, since people will then return it anyway. You need to talk to your baby a lot and in a calm tone, without aggression, and if necessary, explain several times the rules of behavior in the house, on a walk, and the corresponding commands. You cannot forbid anything to a dog in a rude manner or with a shrill cry. A grown-up dog must understand that he is not the boss in the house, but an adult bull terrier must absolutely know this.

Educational conversations with your children and clarification of relationships between spouses should never take place in the presence of a dog. For a dog, all family members in any case should be higher than him in the hierarchy, and the owner’s loud voice towards the child can become an indication for the dog not to consider the baby more important than him.

Note! The health of family members and surrounding people depends on the proper upbringing of a Bull Terrier dog. Dog training must be carried out not only independently, but also with the participation of specialist dog handlers.

A bull terrier behaves well during a walk if he has been taught to do so.

They are cruel

So far we have talked about evil people and the subtle ways in which they express their inner evil desires. However, not all evil people like to be cunning. Some people prefer to demonstrate their terrible nature. And cruelty is one way to do this.

This can take the form of beatings that cause pain to spouses, children, friends, or even sick animals. Evil people are often victims of the prisons they have built for themselves, which is why they derive so much joy from misfortune and pain.

This dulls the pain they feel in their hearts. But this does not mean that you need to justify or support evil people.

If you are around someone who expresses themselves in such violent ways, find an opportunity to leave as quickly as possible. One day it may go too far and cause serious damage.

Pros and cons of the breed

Dogs of the Bull Terrier breed were originally intended by nature for physical activity, display of strength and intelligence, therefore Bull Terriers are not recommended to be used as guard dogs sitting on a chain.

The body structure and coat of Bull Terrier dogs do not allow them to be kept in a kennel outside. Animals will not withstand the effects of cold, drafts and dampness; such weather will cause kidney and pulmonary diseases.

Important! Bull terriers are animals designed to lie on upholstered furniture in a warm apartment or to be kept in a warm, spacious enclosure, insulated from precipitation and drafts. Very active and sociable dogs will become excellent companions for people with an active lifestyle.

Bull terriers must have a balanced, loving, but at the same time strict owner, capable of calming down his pet and giving him the opportunity to regularly splash out his energy on a training ground or in a specially designated place for walks.

Bull Terriers are often called by their owners plush toys, their favorite animals, and other affectionate epithets. But not all Bull Terrier animals deserve such epithets. You need to remember this.

To achieve his goal, is a person ready to go over his head?

Toxic people think they are the smartest. They will do anything to profit from the misfortune of those around them.

It is often said about such people that they “push like tanks - right through.” They are capable of moving mountains in order to get what they want.

Nothing can stop them. They will get what they want, even if it means sacrificing the happiness of someone else.

What would you like to say? Pay attention to these signs. By recognizing the people who are poisoning your life, you can stop them from trying to deprive you of happiness.

Such a person, as a rule, cannot be changed. Therefore, it is not worth wasting your precious time trying to do this.

How to survive

– What to do if you encounter domestic aggression?

– For example, unexpectedly apologize. Or ask for a break. A lot of aggression occurs in a state of passion. Therefore, if you stop the dialogue for 5-6 minutes, you remove this state. You can offer a cup of tea or coffee - this is not just politeness, but a way to take a break, to survive. The hormonal and emotional outburst will end: the enemy is not suicidal, his brain will also turn on self-control zones.

– What awaits our society in 10-15 years? Will we be more nervous and aggressive?

- No. In short, children are now developing emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize the feelings of other people and build a behavioral strategy. Such methodological programs are already actively used in kindergartens and schools, not like 20 years ago. Although slowly, we are learning a culture of expressing aggression. Most likely, we will not be more anxious, but more attentive. And we will defend our rights better.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Bull Terriers at home get along well with children, becoming excellent nannies for them. These dogs are patient and loyal to children's pranks.

Being cheerful and carefree animals, they quickly find a common language with kids and play with them with pleasure.

At the same time, it is better to get a puppy when there is already a baby in the family - this will help avoid jealousy on the part of the dog and its attempts to regain the undivided attention of its owners



At first, communication between the dog and the child must be controlled - the child’s unceremonious behavior can provoke an inadequate reaction from the bull terrier.

Bull Terriers are fighting dogs; the desire to win and be leaders is genetically embedded in them.

Therefore, they cannot stand the competition that other pets create, and the natural instincts of these dogs sooner or later take over. When they see cats, bull terriers lose control and become uncontrollable; dogs see them only as objects of hunting.

Color variations

In accordance with the breed standard, the skin pigmentation of bull terriers does not matter, and their coat can be:

  • white - the most common color in which the coat is solid white, but markings of any color on the head are also acceptable;
  • red - a coat of solid red color of any shade without spots or marks;
  • black - as a rule, such dogs have small patches of white on their bodies, therefore, despite the predominance of black, the color is classified as bicolor;
  • two-color - the wool is painted white and some other color;
  • tricolor - coat of white, black and red (brown) colors;
  • brindle - red fur with dark stripes, or vice versa, if there are white markings on the face, the color is called brindle-white.

Gray, fawn, blue bull terriers, as well as individuals with white coats whose colored spots are not located on the head, are not allowed for breeding.


The cute dogs that moviegoers love are actually a hunting breed. They are good for everyone: they have a cheerful disposition, do not make unnecessary noise, are strong, hardy - in general, they have the traits necessary for fishing.

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The problem is that they usually don't understand jokes. A prank that can happen with dogs of many other breeds can end in serious injury with a Dalmatian. In order not to regret later and not show traces of deep bites to doctors, the owner should strictly educate his pet.

Rules for choosing puppies

If you need a purebred bull terrier, then it is advisable to choose one from a kennel. You may end up with a non-purebred puppy who will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions.

What rules should you follow when choosing a puppy:

  1. Before purchasing, it is recommended to read the relevant literature, visit dog shows and talk with bull terrier owners.
  2. Mucous membranes are allowed without erosion, the tail is without kinks, the paws are the same length, straight, the nose is wet, the eyes are without discharge.
  3. The puppy must be vaccinated according to age.
  4. Deafness is common in animals. Therefore, when choosing a dog, it is advisable to lightly flick your finger above its ear and evaluate the reaction.


Cubs appear 9 weeks after mating. During pregnancy, it is necessary to review the diet of a Bull Terrier dog. He will need more calcium than usual. Recommendations for increasing the dose should be made by a veterinarian.

After the first signs of pregnancy appear - swelling of the nipples, drooping of the abdomen, it will be necessary to reduce the time spent on the road, but make such trips more frequent.

During pregnancy, you need to feed your dog more often. Give her more peace, find a secluded place where there are no loud noises. Before giving birth, the bitch stretches the hair around her nipples. The owner should take care of his hygiene by wiping it with a soft and clean cloth.

With experience, you can prepare for childbirth. Otherwise, contact a specialist so as not to lose the bitch and her offspring during childbirth.


It’s worth signing up for courses with an experienced dog handler and being prepared that all responsibility and results will depend only on the efforts made.

It is not necessary to train a bull terrier according to the general course. All you need to do is learn the commands:

  • "to me";
  • "near";
  • "ugh";
  • "place";
  • "sit";
  • "lie";
  • "fetch";
  • "give".


  1. Systematic training should begin at 6-8 months.
  2. The sequence from simple to complex is important. When learning one command, you need to achieve good execution of it and reward the puppy for this with a treat. Do not move on to another lesson if there is no good result from the previous one.
  3. An excellent time to train is in the morning before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.
  4. It is advisable to alternate training with rest.
  5. Commands must be pronounced clearly, confidently, without changing or adding unnecessary words.

How to properly care

Bull terriers can live in an apartment without any problems, the main thing is the presence of the owner nearby and regular active walks. Moreover, these dogs are very heat-loving, and their short coat makes them unsuitable for outdoor living.

Wool and bathing

Bull Terriers should be brushed no more than 3 times a week using a stiff brush made of natural bristles - this improves blood circulation and gets rid of dust and minor dirt.

During seasonal shedding, you need to comb your pet daily with a special grooming glove.

Representatives of this breed must be bathed as they become dirty, maximum once a quarter, using a special mild shampoo for dogs.


To avoid the appearance of plaque and tartar, you need to brush your pet’s teeth once a week with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.


As a rule, the nails of adult dogs wear down on their own during walks. If this does not happen, they need to be trimmed every 3-4 weeks with a guillotine nail clipper so as not to touch the blood vessels.


Clean the inside of your ear weekly with a damp cotton pad.

Do not use cotton swabs - any careless movement can lead to hearing loss for your pet.


The feed ration should consist of ready-made dry food or natural food. You should not mix the two directions; the digestion of bull terriers reacts very sharply to such changes.

When choosing ready-made food, you need to focus on the premium class, taking into account the diseases and age of the animal.

When creating a natural diet, consult your veterinarian about the choice of vitamin complex.

Natural food should contain:

  • raw meat, always lean;
  • eggs (preferably quail);
  • olive oil (1 teaspoon every day);
  • beef by-products, trimmings;
  • cereals - preferably rice and buckwheat;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • vegetables.

Excluded from the diet:

  • River fish;
  • smoked and sweet;
  • fat meat;
  • hot, salty, spicy;
  • bakery products.

Here is an example of a holiday dinner.

Stress from thoughts

– So, should we give up thoughts about a just reconstruction of the world and go meditate?

– Meditation does not imply that there is something bad in your life, but you sat down, meditated and convinced yourself that this bad thing is actually good. This is the practice of non-judgmental acceptance, when you do not treat events as good or bad. There is no contradiction here: you can meditate peacefully, and then go and aggressively change the world. First, fix the space for which you have 100% responsibility.

– This is how we are taught: we must set ourselves a bar higher than our capabilities, otherwise we will not win!

“And then you are faced with reality, with limiting factors - like officials, or the police, or a neighbor’s car parked on the sidewalk. Your expectations for a rapid change in the world have not been met, and a feeling of emptiness sets in. And it’s okay if you went to meditate after that, otherwise they’ll go drink! Alcoholism and drug addiction are auto-aggression directed at oneself. In such people, psychosomatic diseases develop when emotions do not find a way out.

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– That is, the therapist should also ask the patient: “How are you doing at work? Are your bosses putting pressure on you?”

- That would be wonderful. But there are medical psychologists. And if you have a chronic somatic disease, you definitely need to go to see them.

- And then change jobs?

– And then change your thinking.


Most bull terrier owners are still delighted with their pets. Negative statements about this breed are left mainly by those who are not so familiar with it.

“My entire childhood passed side by side with a bull terrier. My parents were not at all afraid to leave us alone. But the neighbors were afraid of him even when we walked with a leash, they tried to avoid him.”

“Our Pythagoras is ideal. He is completely unpretentious in everyday life, his care is minimal. Affectionate and smart baby. It feels like he understands absolutely everything I say.”

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