Features of estrus in the Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

From the moment of acquiring a powerful dog, the owner of a female Central Asian Shepherd dog needs to know when the Alabai begins its first heat. Future breeders will need this information to correctly determine the optimal age of the dog for the upcoming mating. It is also very important for owners of bitches who do not plan to breed shepherd dogs not to miss periods of estrus in order to avoid unplanned pregnancy and childbirth of their pet.

What is estrus?

Estrus is a physiological state of an animal’s body, characterized by sexual arousal of a female individual and a positive reaction to males. The first dog “menstruation” indicates the onset of puberty and the bitch’s readiness for fertilization.

Estrus or estrus is one of the stages of the reproductive cycle in a female dog. Large breed dogs have 1-2 cycles per year. The reproductive cycle of Alabais consists of 4 consecutive stages. At this time, hormonal changes occur, which change the appearance of the dog’s genitals and its behavior.

At the beginning of heat, the Alabai bitch has no desire to communicate with males


Pre-estrus or the beginning of estrus lasts 9-12 days. During this period, the female’s body produces estrogens, which stimulate the maturation of the egg. Swelling of the vulva and the appearance of slight bleeding may be observed. Males are already beginning to show interest in females, but females react quite aggressively to males.

Estrus (estrus)

The duration of estrus in the Alabai is 10-15 days. At this time, ovulation occurs and the genitals produce a mucous secretion for better movement of sperm to the egg. Signs of estrus are:

  • softening of the vulva;
  • mucous light yellow discharge from the loop.

Males begin to actively react to the bitch.

Diestrus or metestrus

The period lasts 60 days. Regardless of whether mating has occurred or not, the hormonal levels in the animal’s body change. Females begin to be aggressive towards males. There is a decrease in swelling and a decrease in mucous discharge.


Anestrus lasts 200-250 days. The resting period of the ovary is characterized by a closed, dense vulva and a calm attitude of the bitch towards the opposite sex.

Appearance of the Central Asian Shepherd

Impressive size, strong constitution and thick coat are the key characteristics of the Alabai’s exterior.

The height at the withers of a male is at least 70 cm, of a female - 65 cm. More significant growth is encouraged while maintaining a harmonious build.

An adult Alabai male weighs from 50 kg, a female – from 40 kg.


Massive in proportion to the overall texture of the body, the shape of the head (side and top views) is close to rectangular. The skull is flat, long, with a well-developed occipital protuberance. Stop – moderate.


Blunt, medium length, almost not tapering towards the nose. The back is usually straight, although a slight hump is allowed. The chin is well defined. The nose is large, but does not protrude beyond the general contour of the head. The color of the lobe is black; in white and fawn Alabais it can be lightened. Lips preferably have black pigmentation; the upper lip covers the lower jaw with closed teeth. The jaws are wide and strong, the teeth are white, even, and the bite is scissor-shaped.


Alabai's eyes are oval-shaped and medium in size. Widely spaced. Color – from light to dark brown. The eyelids, regardless of color, are always black.

Low set, triangular in shape, hanging. Ears are cropped in the countries of origin or where the law does not prohibit this.

When does the Alabai start to come into heat?

Hormonal changes in bitches occur immediately after changing teeth. However, puberty of the Alabai occurs at the age of 8-9 months. At this age, females begin to actively become interested in the opposite sex and prepare for the process of procreation. At the same time, the physiological maturity of the female Central Asian Shepherd comes much later, at the age of 1.5 - 2 years.

The first heat of an Alabai can begin as early as 8 months.

Asians are herding dogs. They are forced to move from place to place for a long time. This feature determined the seasonality of the period of sexual arousal, which in Central Asian Shepherds often occurs between August and February.

The Alabai's first estrus occurs at the age of 8–9 months. Sometimes a bitch walks for the first time only at 15-18 months, which is also a physiological norm. The timing of puberty depends on the hormonal development of the individual. After the first heat, the active growth of the animal stops. Thanks to this, during late estrus, the girl has time to fully develop her bones and muscles. The second time, the period of sexual arousal occurs in the female after 5-8 months. The Alabai female can have one or two heats per year.

The first heat of an Alabai can be determined by its behavior

Often the first heat passes quite quickly without bloody or mucous discharge. You can understand that a girl has gone on a spree only by a change in the behavior of the bitch and increased interest in the males.

IMPORTANT!!! From 6-8 months of age, it is recommended to regularly examine the female genitals to monitor the onset of puberty. Mating during the first heat is fraught with a pathological course of pregnancy, childbirth and the death of puppies. This undermines the health of a woman. It is advisable to mate a female for the first time in her third heat at the age of 1.5-2 years.

How to determine the heat of an Alabai?

You can find out about the beginning of the next period of sexual arousal by characteristic signs: changes in the genitals and behavior of the bitch. The onset of estrus is signaled by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the vulva followed by softening, the external genitalia become loose, soft and brightly colored;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • change in the bitch's behavior.

The dog becomes overly affectionate towards members of the household, but very aggressive towards strangers. The girl stops following commands, breaks off the leash, and runs away. She can bite and attacks people and dogs. A bitch in heat can jump over a fence or dig a hole under it. All these tricks are caused by the female’s readiness and desire to procreate. It is during the period of estrus that dogs are mated.

Changes in loop size during estrus by day

On the street, during sexual arousal, the female wags her hindquarters and falls on her front paws. She raises her tail and retracts her vagina, preparing for the mating process. In proestrus, watery hemorrhagic discharge of a pale pink hue is observed. At the stage of sexual arousal they become:

  • mucous;
  • abundant;
  • light yellow color.

A bitch in heat begins to urinate more often, mark her territory on the street and in the apartment, and lick her genitals.

What to do during an Alabai's heat?

Estrus in Alabais lasts on average 21 days from the beginning of pink discharge to an aggressive attitude towards male dogs. The owner of a female Alabai puppy needs to mentally prepare in advance for the troublesome period when the girl begins to become sexually aroused. During the entire period of sexual arousal, it is recommended to keep a notebook. It is necessary to record:

  • age;
  • frequency of estrus;
  • signs and duration of estrus.

This information will be useful in the future for planning or eliminating mating.

For three weeks, the dog should only be taken out for walks wearing a muzzle and on a short leash. It is advisable to take walks in places where there are no children or dogs to avoid inappropriate behavior of the animal. You should not force your bitch to train or change her diet. Often during the period of proestrus and estrus, the female refuses to eat; you cannot force the animal to eat. Only raw meat and vegetables can be left in the diet.

During estrus, swimming in open water or in the bathroom is prohibited to prevent infection from entering the open genital tract of the bitch. It is prohibited to vaccinate females in heat.

On the street or in an apartment, it is recommended to wear special underwear that masks the smell and prevents contamination; the animal cannot be kept in it all the time due to the possible development of metritis. In the apartment, the dog must remain in its place and independently remove discharge from the genitals. The female's bedding must be changed frequently for hygienic reasons.

During estrus, Alabai should not be bathed in open waters.

It is unacceptable to take females in heat to trainings, exhibitions and competitions, so as not to provoke males. During estrus, the female does not perceive commands well due to hormonal changes. You can postpone the period of estrus so that your dog can participate in serious competitions with the help of contraceptive drugs, which, according to reviews from Alabai owners, successfully cope with their task. If the bitch will be used for breeding in the future, it is highly not recommended to use such means.

During walks, it is recommended to constantly closely monitor the female, excluding any contact with the opposite sex.

Mating technique

You can knit Alabaev freestyle or by hand:

  • free mating
    is applicable when using an experienced male and a positive reaction from the female to him. With this method, the owners of Central Asian Shepherds place the dogs in one enclosure and observe the process of courtship and mating and, if necessary, come to the rescue;
  • manual mating
    is carried out with the help of the owners or a specialist; for the first time, it is better to mate a female or male dog under the supervision of an experienced instructor who helps with mounting and controls the lock. It is highly not recommended to separate the animals before the lock is completed; the owner or instructor helps the dog to take a comfortable position and controls the position of the bitch.

What to do if the Alabai is not in heat or the heat does not stop?

There are a huge number of factors leading to the pathological course of the reproductive cycle. Estrus can be short, hidden, long or protracted. The following estrus pathologies can be distinguished.

No heat

The pathology is observed both in young females who have reached reproductive age and in mature females. In the female body, the ovaries are constantly at rest, so ovulation and characteristic changes in the genital organs and behavior do not occur. You can induce estrus with the help of hormonal drugs, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the animal.

Prolonged proestrus

It is manifested by the presence of bloody discharge for longer than the 21st day, a bright red color of the vulva, the appearance of symmetrical alopecia, roughening of the skin of the external genitalia, refusal to feed and lethargy of the dog. Hormonal agents are used for treatment.

A failure in the estrus cycle of an Alabai is a reason to consult a doctor

Prolonged estrus

With a prolonged stage of estrus beyond the 21st day, bitches exhibit a characteristic positive reaction to males, constant secretion of pink-yellow mucus, swelling and sagging of the loop, increased thirst and temperature, lack of appetite, and lethargy. Matings do not lead to the long-awaited pregnancy. This condition is fraught with the development of pyometra and the death of the female individual. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease; the animal is prescribed a course of hormonal drugs or the uterus is removed.

Prolonged diestrus

With pathology, there are no characteristic changes in the vulva and the behavior of the female, the bitch continues to allow males to approach, and a small amount of mucus is periodically released from the swollen loop. Sexual dysfunction is treated with hormonal medications.

All changes in the sexual cycle are caused by hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by oncology, diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, cystic neoplasms, pyometra, and metritis. If the Alabai does not end in heat, or there is no period of sexual arousal after the age of 1.5 years, it is recommended to urgently consult a specialist.

Estrus is a very important process in the life of the Alabai bitch and her owner. While an Asian woman, under the influence of hormones, dreams of love with a male dog she likes, the owner needs to maintain hygiene in the dog’s area and prevent unwanted pregnancy. Studying the physiology and manifestations of estrus will be useful for successful mating and obtaining charming fluffy Central Asian Shepherd puppies.

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the bitch’s puberty. Like most herding breeds, in Alabais it occurs every 7-8 months. At this time you need to be especially attentive to the dog.

Basic moments

  • Alabai is by no means a fighting dog, although his participation in this cruel entertainment, unfortunately, takes place. And firstly, and secondly, and thirdly, this animal is a guard and protector.
  • This dog is characterized by independence in almost all behavioral reactions. He will never act for a “piece of bread”, but rather accept food as a reward for faithful service.
  • Absolutely fearless, the Alabai is not inclined to be the first to show aggression and attack unnecessarily. But if warning barks and growls are ignored, and the stranger is deliberately provoking, then the dog’s actions will be very decisive.
  • Somewhat capricious by nature, an Asian will never mindlessly carry out commands, and only after assessing the appropriateness of certain actions will he carry them out.
  • This dog has a very strong character, so you need to start training it from a very early age. Alabai is very touchy - never hit or humiliate him.
  • The best way to a pet's heart is through understanding and mutual respect.
  • It is better to entrust the training of the Alabai to a professional. Gaps in the education of such a “serious” dog are extremely undesirable.
  • Representatives of the breed are unpretentious, but they really value cleanliness and require a properly balanced diet.
  • A sufficient amount of physical activity is necessary to constantly maintain Alabais in good tone.

Alabai is one of the most ancient breeds that has survived to this day almost in its original form. Originally bred as a herding and guard dog, the Alabai has retained its strong instincts as a guard and fearless defender to this day. Huge size, self-confidence, manifested in every movement of an adult animal, involuntarily evoke the respect of everyone who has ever met a Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Alabai is included in the top list of the strongest dogs.

Signs and stages

There are several phases of estrus.

Proestrus (pre-gesture) lasts approximately 7-10 days. During this period, the loop swells, but remains quite rigid, and discharge appears. The dog is in heat, but does not yet allow male dogs, although he flirts with them.

Estrus lasts from 9 to 10 days. The alabai loop becomes softer, the discharge becomes more liquid, ovulation occurs on the third or fourth day from the beginning of the period, the secretion of the hormone estrogen is at its peak.

The beginning of metestrus is considered the day when the dog refuses mating. It lasts about two months, during which the swelling of the vulva subsides, the discharge gradually stops, and sexual arousal subsides.

Anaestrus is the period between estrus. Stops with the onset of proestrus.

The stability of the intervals between the Alabai's estrus remains for 6-7 years. Then the duration of the rest period gradually increases.

In older bitches, anaestrus lengthens greatly, signs of estrus blur or become completely invisible. However, we must understand that even very old animals can become pregnant.

After buying a puppy, ask the owner of the mother bitch how her heat goes, what the signs are, how long it lasts, behavior, features. Most likely, this period will proceed in a similar way for your girl.

How to prepare for and deliver a baby

When the pregnancy is coming to an end, it is very important to competently provide assistance to your pet. What’s interesting is that Alabais have a large litter: 6–10 puppies; cases of 17–20 babies being born from one bitch are not uncommon. As soon as you notice the first signs of labor, be sure to wash the dog’s perineum and belly with warm water and toilet soap, and then wipe dry. Typically, a dog breeder's task is to monitor a woman in labor and receive newborn puppies. It is recommended to immediately clear their muzzle of mucus and amniotic fluid.

Similar article: How to properly maintain and care for Alabai

Changes in dog behavior

During estrus, even a well-trained female Alabai shows disobedience. The dog may become unusually affectionate or, conversely, overly aggressive, excitable or apathetic. A sudden change in appetite is possible. The pet becomes disobedient and does not respond to commands.

Physiological signs include:

  • in the first days the loop is stiff, but there is a small amount of discharge;
  • frequent urination (this is how the Alabaya bitch puts marks, luring males);
  • by the time of ovulation, the loop becomes swollen and soft, the discharge becomes pinkish and more intense;
  • frequent licking of the loop;
  • with the onset of estrus, the dog is ready for mating and, seeing a male dog, takes a characteristic position, moving its tail (it takes the same position when pressing the palm of the hand on the croup).

Deviations from the norm include:

  • weakness;
  • complete refusal to eat for several days;
  • presence of discharge for more than one month;
  • extreme thirst;
  • change in color of urine and stool.

Character of Alabai

The type of higher nervous activity of the Alabai can be classified as balanced and calm. The balance of mental processes is manifested in the following behavioral reactions: dogs are calm and not subject to fussiness. Compared to males, the psyche of females is more dynamic.

The character of the Alabai is self-possessed, proud and independent. The dog is distinguished by self-confidence and even some mystery. In relation to strangers, the animal behaves distrustfully and warily, at the same time showing amazing sensitivity to the mood of the owner. The way of life of the ancestors did not leave the imprint of simplicity and rudeness on the behavior of the Alabai; this dog is rather characterized by a serious attitude to life with a touch of slight arrogance.

The Central Asian Shepherd is prone to rapid social adaptation and will easily find its place in a human family. The attitude of the Alabai towards other members of the “pack” can be described as peaceful. They also react calmly to pets living with them under the same roof. Asians treat children very well, and the difference between “friend and foe” in this case is not taken into account by the dog.

A true Central Asian Shepherd dog will restrainedly show its distrust of a stranger - it will give vent to its protective instincts only in case of obvious provocation from a stranger. The active defensive reaction of the Alabai has its own characteristics. He will very jealously guard the territory, showing aggression only if the border he has established is violated. In the “neutral zone” the dog will react to other animals or strangers rather with arrogant indifference.

Alabais usually behave calmly during walks, not wasting time on trifles and not reacting to loudly barking mosquitoes, although a strong leash is still necessary when walking the dog in crowded places.

Gender differences are manifested not only in the appearance of dogs, but also in their behavior. A male dog attacks a stranger when trying to trespass without any warning; a female dog attacks as a last resort, trying to solve the problem by barking warningly and blocking the road.

An interesting fact is that the nomads of Central Asia immediately rejected and shot dogs that showed unjustified aggression towards humans, so if, when buying an Alabai, you want to get an angry dog, then you are on the wrong track. Anger as a character trait in a true Asian is absent at the genetic level. To cripple the psyche of this magnificent dog, trying to raise an evil monster out of him, is simply a crime.

If you want to have a reliable security guard and an unspoiled friend in your home, then Alabai is the best choice!

Features of care

Considering the unbalanced behavior of the bitch during heat, the Alabai should be walked with a muzzle and only on a leash. The Central Asian Shepherd is a strong, robust animal. During this period, choose places for walking that are deserted and where there are no other dogs. If your pet is kept in the yard, lock it in a strong, secure enclosure. Males go to all sorts of tricks to get to a hot beauty.

The dog must be protected from stress, providing calm living conditions. Alabai's estrus is a time when it is impossible to participate in exhibitions or make changes to the composition and nutritional norm.

To exclude problems with the genitourinary system, you should not take long walks in cold weather, allow the animal to lie on the ground or snow, or swim in open water.

In veterinary pharmacies or pet stores you can buy sanitary panties that do not allow odor to pass through, do not allow marking, and protect against infections. However, they cannot be worn for a long time. They create a greenhouse effect, which can lead to changes in microflora, the growth of pathogenic bacteria and various fungi. The Alabai bitch must lick her vulva herself.

History of the Alabai breed

Experts believe that the age of the Alabai breed is from 3 to 6 thousand years. This is one of the most ancient dogs that have retained their original appearance to this day. Confirmation can be provided by a terracotta figurine found during excavations of a Bronze Age settlement and dating back to approximately 2000 BC. e. Interestingly, the dog’s tail and ears are cropped.

The differences in the names - Turkmen Alabai, Kazakh wolfhound - are due to the fact that the breed was originally formed over a fairly vast territory - from the Caspian Sea and the Southern Urals in the west and north to the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau and Pamirs in the east and south, where several states are located today. From a geographical point of view, the most accurate name would be “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”, under which the breed is registered.

Descendants of ancient Molossians and Great Danes, Alabais were originally bred for herding and guard work. Nomadic tribes needed a dog that would have enormous strength, fearlessness, endurance and unpretentiousness. All these features were embodied in a gigantic animal with graceful, almost cat-like movements and a proud look.

The spread of Alabais outside Central Asia began approximately in the 30s of the last century, and professional breeding of the breed in kennel clubs started even later. Maybe this is for the better - man simply did not have enough time to spoil what was inherent in this amazing dog through thousands of years of natural selection.

In the summer of 1990, the State Agricultural Industry of the Turkmen SSR approved the breed standard “Turkmen Alabai”. On the territory of the Russian Federation, FCI standard No. 335, published in January 1989, is applied. According to this classification, the breed is called “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. Since then, no changes have been made to the standard. The purebred Turkmen wolfhound is recognized as a national treasure of Turkmenistan (along with Akhal-Teke horses) and is prohibited from being exported from the country.

Period after

If mating occurs during estrus, pregnancy will most likely occur. If there were several matings with different males, the litter will contain puppies from different fathers. Therefore, it is important to protect the Alabai bitch from the encroachments of foreign males after the planned mating has been carried out.

If there was an unplanned mating of a purebred Alabai female with a yard dog and you do not want your pet to bear unwanted offspring, use the biohormonal drug Sex Barrier, which prevents fertilization of the egg. Sex Barrier should be given no later than 24 hours after mating over the next two days.

Often, in the fifth to eighth week after estrus, a false pregnancy occurs. The exact reasons for its occurrence are unknown. It is assumed that this is a reaction to changes in hormonal levels due to increased production of lactohormone.

During estrus (after ovulation), the female's body produces corpus luteum, which produces the pregnancy hormone. If mating does not take place, the corpus luteum slowly dissolves and the body returns to normal.

The higher the level of pregnancy hormone in the body, the stronger the symptoms of false pregnancy.

If mating has taken place, the cause of pseudopregnancy may be resorption (up to four weeks after fertilization) or death of puppies as a result of poor living conditions, incompatibility of male and female, etc.

Symptoms of false pregnancy:

  • the mammary glands swell, their pigmentation changes, and milk production begins;
  • the bitch whines, builds a den for herself, puts small toys with her, licks them;
  • decreased appetite;
  • refusal to go for walks.

This condition does not require treatment. It is recommended to take away from your pet all toys and objects that she might mistake for puppies. This way you will eliminate the cause of lactation and the symptoms of false pregnancy will quickly disappear.

In particularly severe cases (for example, if the dog is limping on its hind legs), hormone therapy may be needed. In such cases, be sure to visit a veterinarian. The consequences of uncontrolled use of drugs can be baldness at the injection site, resumption of lactation after the end of the course, change in coat color, etc. Hormone therapy cannot be administered to Alabai females after the first heat, since they have not yet reached puberty.

To weaken the manifestation or prevent false pregnancy altogether, a number of simple measures are taken. On the twelfth day after estrus, 9 weeks are counted and marked on the calendar. A few days before the last day of the term, the dog’s food volume is reduced by 2-3 times, and fluid intake is reduced to a minimum. At the same time, physical activity increases. This regimen is maintained for three to five days until the swelling of the nipples subsides.


On average, pregnancy in dogs lasts 58–64 days, but some bitches give birth earlier or later than this period. Babies born between 53 and 72 days usually survive.
The time of birth is primarily influenced by the number of puppies. If there are a lot of them, then the bitch will most likely give birth 1-2 days earlier. In almost all dogs, pregnancy develops in the same way; deviations are possible only for either very large or very small breeds.

Firstborn - what to pay attention to?

It should be remembered that a dog’s first pregnancy is always stressful, not only for the dog, but often for its owner as well. The bitch experiences constant anxiety due to the fact that her body is forced to adapt to a new state, and the owner, in turn, is worried about the health of his pet and future puppies.

The owner of the bitch must remember that pregnancy is not a disease and that all the changes that occur with his dog are natural and physiological.

At the beginning of pregnancy, unpleasant symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting may appear. The dog may become lethargic and apathetic. Sometimes she behaves restlessly, becomes irritable and fussy.

By the end of the third week, the bitch’s health improves. Thick, mucous, almost colorless discharge begins to come out of the loop. And this is the first sign that indicates the bitch is pregnant.

Other signs of pregnancy:

  • 35–30 days: the bitch’s weight increases, the ribs begin to round;
  • no more than 20 days: the vagina swells, the discharge becomes less thick and more abundant;
  • 15–10 days: mammary glands swell;
  • 3–2 days: the temperature drops slightly, milk appears;
  • no more than 1 day: the temperature drops to 36.5°, appetite decreases, sometimes even to the point of complete refusal of food.

How many puppies does an Alabai bear?

Pregnancy in females of this breed lasts on average 60–65 days, but sometimes birth can occur a day or two earlier than this. Also, how long the pregnancy will last is influenced by the conditions in which the dog is kept, the characteristics of its genetics and previous illnesses. Some bitches always give birth on the same day, but for other dogs their due date shifts each time.

If this happens due to the individual characteristics of the bitch, then there is nothing wrong with this inconstancy. It’s another matter if such shifts in the timing of the next birth occur due to health problems. It is possible that the dog has a hormonal imbalance. In the latter case, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian: often hormonal imbalance affects the general health of both the bitch and her puppies.

On the eve of childbirth

A couple of weeks before giving birth, select a room or part of the room where the bitch will give birth and later raise her children, and arrange a maternity box or playpen for her there. The pet should also begin to be accustomed to this room and to the box or pen about two weeks before giving birth.

Prepare all the necessary tools and materials and put them in a box so that they are at hand at the right time. You will need:

  • scissors to cut the umbilical cord, and sterilized raw white thread to tie it;
  • several bedding;
  • ironed diapers and gauze napkins;
  • a cardboard box with a heating pad, lined with a soft towel;
  • antiseptic for wiping hands and tools;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • scales;
  • small syringe;
  • petrolatum;
  • colored woolen threads to mark puppies;
  • thermometer;
  • whole goat milk or formula for feeding puppies;
  • broth or milk for the bitch.

In general, females of the Alabai breed give birth easily and with virtually no complications. These dogs, accustomed to acting independently, usually free the puppies from the membranes themselves, lick them themselves and gnaw the umbilical cord themselves. And their babies, in turn, also completely independently find the nipple and suck on it.

Sometimes it happens that the bitch does not pay attention to the puppy, in which case you will need to help her. As soon as the “baby” is born, treat your hands with an antiseptic and rupture the amniotic sac near the baby’s face. Having freed the puppy from the films, remove the mucus from his mouth with a rolled-up gauze napkin and immediately rub the newborn with a diaper. Then tie the umbilical cord with a thread at a distance of at least 2 cm from his tummy. Cut the umbilical cord just above the ligation site and treat it with iodine.

Preparation for mating alabai

From the third heat the Alabai can be bred. In order not to miss the most favorable moment for mating, it is recommended to keep a diary in which to record the dog’s behavioral characteristics, intensity of discharge, duration of estrus, and reaction to male dogs.

With the help of laboratory tests, you can accurately determine whether a bitch can be bred. To do this, you need to take a smear to a veterinary clinic.

Mating carried out a few days before the optimal period can still result in pregnancy. However, the offspring may be small.

With the help of such a diary, you can calculate the onset of estrus. If mating is planned, approximately 2-3 months before estrus, the bitch is examined by a veterinarian, given anthelmintic drugs, and treated for fleas and ticks.

The candidacy of the father for the future offspring is determined in advance. In addition to the exterior, it is important to pay attention to psychological characteristics. It is better not to involve aggressive comrades in mating. If the dog is a member of a club, an experienced dog handler will help with the choice.

On the first day of estrus, it is necessary to call the male dog’s owners and warn about the possible time of mating. The process always takes place on the territory of the future father.

If estrus occurs during scheduled vaccination or hidden infections are discovered that can cause the death of the litter, mating is not carried out that year. With the help of medications, you can delay the time of ovulation. However, this can negatively affect the health of the dog and puppies.

Estrus is a biological process that signifies the achievement of puberty in a dog. During this period, the bitch is ready for mating for procreation. In Alabai, the interval between ovulations is 7-8 months.

Such a long period is typical for all herding breeds. Endless marches in search of new pastures pushed back the time of mating to autumn, increasing the duration of anestrus.

How to choose a puppy

It is better to purchase an Alabai puppy from a nursery or from breeders of this breed. This will give you certain guarantees of the purity of the breed and the health of the dog, both physical and mental. When choosing a baby, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

  • Puppy age. It is better to take a Central Asian Shepherd dog at least two months old. By this time, the animal has already completed the necessary vaccination course and the activation procedure, which is provided for by law.
  • Mother's age. The healthiest offspring are obtained from bitches between the ages of two and eight years. The previous birth must have taken place at least a year ago.
  • Number of babies in the litter. Experts say that the optimal number of puppies is six.
  • Floor. Girls are more inquisitive and active, but are not as confident in their abilities as males. But if you have small children in the house, then it is better to give preference to the young lady.
  • Puppy behavior. Alabai is a strong animal by nature, a leader dog. These qualities should also be seen in children. Drop a book on the floor or tap your hand on the enclosure net - the puppy who is immediately interested in new sounds is definitely suitable to be your friend.

Don’t forget to evaluate the appearance of the shepherd. A healthy baby is active, eats with appetite, has a shiny coat and clear skin. The nose is moist, the ears and eyes are clean. There are no signs of indigestion under the tail. The Alabaika should be of medium (compared to other puppies in the litter) size; small and overly large puppies should be culled immediately.

Pay attention to the wool too. The little dog's one is plush and short. Long hair indicates that one of his ancestors “sinned” with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

But the most important thing is that before buying a puppy you must be sure that it is the Alabai that you need.

Features of the stages

The complete estrus cycle consists of four stages. Each of them can be determined by the dog’s behavior.

Proestrus – 6-12 days

During this period, the reproductive system of the Alabai is preparing for fertilization. The egg matures, and the inside of the uterus is enveloped in a thick layer of mucus. Bitches at this time are extremely aggressive towards males.

Estrus – 5-15 days

During ovulation, a mature egg travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. The dog shows interest in the opposite sex and is ready to mate to produce offspring.

Metestrus – 50-60 days

If the mating is successful, the dog’s body begins to produce hormones to preserve the fetus. There is a general restructuring for pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. The bitch's behavior becomes aggressive again.

Anestrus –200-250 days

At this time, the reproductive system is at rest. The dog shows indifference or friendliness towards the opposite sex.

Education and training

Owners of Central Asian Shepherds must clearly understand that training and proper education for such a strong animal, which also exhibits pronounced defensive reactions, are necessary by definition.

Another important principle is systematic training. They should be carried out daily and last at least 20-30 minutes. It is very good if the process takes place with the participation of all members of the owner’s family. By the age of seven months, your pet should follow the basic simplest commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Ugh!” and so on.

It should be remembered that Alabai is quite capricious and is unlikely to immediately obey you. You can achieve results only by showing a fair amount of patience and finding ways to interest your Asian in the learning process.

Don't forget to reward your big friend for the correct execution of the command, and simply for good behavior. A tidbit, a friendly stroking of the neck, an affectionate kind word will be a good incentive for your pet. One should treat with understanding and patience such character traits of the Alabai as the desire to independently understand the world around him, curiosity, and excessive persistence in achieving a goal (which is often known only to him).

As an Asian grows up, he becomes very attached to his “pack” and to his place of residence, which is typical for guard-type dogs. You should carefully monitor your shepherd's behavior towards strangers. When communicating with “your own”, you should also not allow much familiarity. Stop your dog from pouncing on people in your household. While Alabai is a puppy, it still looks funny, but standing on his feet when an adult dog begins to show his feelings in this way is already problematic.

As for gender differences in relation to the training process, males learn much easier. Girls are much more subtle and cunning; they have much more tricks in their arsenal to avoid obeying the “teacher.”

A lot depends on the quality of training an Alabai puppy, so you can only trust this important process to professionals. Only a competent specialist can turn a clumsy plush puppy into a real guard dog, realizing the main purpose of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

First heat

Alabai females develop faster than males. Immediately after changing teeth, hormonal changes begin. However, early interest in the opposite sex does not mean the dog is ready to mate. This is how her maturation manifests itself, the awakening of the instinct to procreate.

The first time the Alabai comes into heat is at the age of 9-12 months. However, at this time the bitch’s body cannot yet withstand mating. Early pregnancy and childbirth often lead to pathologies of the reproductive system. Readiness for procreation occurs after the third heat.

Characteristic symptoms

The onset of heat is always accompanied by a change in the bitch's behavior. Depending on the stage, she becomes aggressive, excitable, playful or lazy, slow, drowsy. The dog urinates more frequently and there is an increase in appetite. She stops obeying her owner and does not follow his commands.

There are also physiological symptoms. So, in the first days of proestrus, the loop remains rigid, but scanty bleeding appears. The closer the period of ovulation approaches, the more voluminous and soft the vulva becomes, the mucus is secreted more intensely, and acquires a yellow tint. During estrus, the bitch shows readiness to mate; when in contact with males, she takes a certain position and moves her tail.

Warning symptoms include:

  • state of weakness;
  • refusal to walk and eat;
  • constant thirst;
  • change in the color of urine and feces.

After examination, the veterinarian can identify pathology of the genital organs, genitourinary infection, helminth infection, and severe stress.

Dog care

If the owner does not plan to arrange a mating, he must show special attention to the bitch when she is in heat. She should only be taken out for walks wearing a muzzle and on a short leash. Moreover, during the period of proestrus and estrus, it is better to walk in places where there are no dogs and children. The most obedient alabai at this time becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, you cannot let go of the leash even for a minute.

Estrus without mating is stress for the body. The owner must provide calm living conditions for the dog. It is prohibited to travel, participate in exhibitions, or change your diet. Due to the vulnerability of the reproductive system, you should not walk for a long time in inclement weather or lie on cold ground or snow. During estrus, the cervical canal remains open. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid swimming in open water, in the bath, or under the shower.

The pet store sells special underwear. It hides odor, prevents the delivery of marks, and protects against infections. But veterinarians do not recommend putting such panties on your dog for a long time. The bitch must do her own hygiene. In addition, the greenhouse effect can cause changes in microflora and cause the growth of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Preparation for mating

Mating of Alabai occurs at 3-4 heats. Mating a younger dog can lead to pathologies of internal organs and death of the puppies. Up to two or three years, the owner should keep a diary and write down in it how long the stages last, what is the intensity of the discharge, the condition of the loop, reaction to male dogs, and the peculiarities of the bitch’s domestic behavior during estrus.

Based on these records, you can calculate the days of the next heat. Three months before mating, you must take the dog to a veterinarian for examination. At this time, an analysis is carried out for infectious agents that do not cause concern to the bitch, but often cause early mortality in puppies.

At the same time, deworming and flea and tick prevention are carried out. If estrus coincides with scheduled vaccinations, or a hidden infection is found in the bitch’s body, it is necessary to skip this year. Remember that delaying the time of ovulation with the help of hormonal drugs has a negative impact on the health of the dog and its offspring.

Health and diseases of Alabai

Being a descendant of dogs that have accompanied nomadic tribes in Central Asia since time immemorial, Alabai inherited good health and good immunity to various diseases. But this does not mean that your pet is absolutely immune from health problems. Some of them may be due to genetic problems, and some are a consequence of improper maintenance.

As with all large dogs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system come first. The large weight of the animal leads to increased stress, which is associated with a high risk of dysplasia of the hip and knee joints. Walking for a limited time can cause the dog to become obese, and this will certainly lead to various forms of arthritis or arthrosis, and your “giant” will suffer from severe pain. The best prevention in this case will be the organization of a balanced diet with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other microelements in the feed, and high physical activity.

Be sure to deworm your dog twice a year with proven and effective means. This is all the more relevant given that some types of helminths pose a serious danger to humans. Symptoms of a dog being infected with parasites include lethargy along with poor appetite, loose bowel movements, and weight loss. Timely measures taken will prevent the problem from occurring.

Metabolic disorders, which can lead to diabetes, are also a consequence of poor nutrition. Remember, food from your table is not suitable for your dog! Salt, spices, and sweets in the Alabai diet are a direct path to health problems. Allergic reactions are also possible when using “dog” food, so it is worth paying enough attention to the proper nutrition of your pet.

To combat fleas and ticks, the most effective way is to wear a special collar. It will be much more difficult to cure demodicosis, which occurs quite often among Alabais. This disease is caused by microscopic mites and causes redness, severe itching, and hair loss in the dog. Remedies for this disease are toxic, so it is very important to calculate the correct dose specifically for your pet. Only a veterinarian can do this correctly.

Attentive attitude towards the dog, timely vaccination, proper maintenance and balanced nutrition are the main conditions for preserving and maintaining the good health of a large and devoted friend.

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