How does a toy terrier give birth at home: preparing the dog and basic rules step by step

Breeding toy terriers is a matter that requires great responsibility and attention from the breeder.

Because this process is not the easiest.

The desire to get offspring from a pet will also require certain knowledge and understanding of the breeding process itself.

You can become a Toy Terrier breeder only if you have all the opportunities to do so.

The dog itself must be magnificent both in appearance and in character.

At what age should you breed a Toy Terrier?

The best age for the first mating of a male dog will be from 1.5 years of age, since earlier matings will negatively affect the still fragile psyche of the future sire.

It is recommended to untie a toy terrier bitch on her third heat: by this time, a girl of this breed will not only have time to fully develop and get stronger, but also win show titles.

A toy terrier girl should be untied at about two years of age, and it is necessary that the weight of the future breeder be at least 2 kg.

How to understand that your pet is ready for mating

Toy terriers are bred from 10 to 16 days from the start of estrus, but it is still better, when choosing a suitable day for mating, to focus on the individual characteristics of the bitch.

By the beginning of ovulation, the loop increases in size and becomes soft, maintaining elasticity only at the top.

By this time, the discharge lightens to a straw-pinkish hue and acquires a characteristic odor.

The dog's behavior changes: the bitch is more loyal to males than at the beginning of estrus.


To determine pregnancy in a veterinary clinic, several methods are used:

  • ultrasonography;
  • X-ray;
  • palpation.

All methods are informative; your doctor will help you choose the best one. The most popular method is ultrasound. With its help, you can find out the approximate gestational age of a toy terrier. Using an ultrasound machine, the owner will be able to see the puppies in the uterine cavity in real time.

With radiographic examination, the number of fetuses can be accurately calculated from their skeletons. But this method should only be used from 40-45 days of the dog’s pregnancy. By palpation, the doctor can feel the puppies in the bitch's stomach. Owners should not do this on their own; it can cause a miscarriage. In addition, inexperienced owners, when palpating, most likely will not be able to distinguish small fetuses in the uterine cavity from the animal’s own tissues.

How to choose a pair?

To find a partner, it is best to contact a club, where specialists will help you choose the most suitable male for a given bitch. If the owner himself selects a partner, then he needs to adhere to the following recommendations:

The male must be interesting in terms of origin and be at least the same as the female in terms of exterior quality.

He must have a full pedigree and permission to breed.

The line from which the stud dog comes must be free from hereditary diseases.

The partner must have all the necessary vaccinations, and he himself is completely healthy.

It is undesirable to breed a bitch with her close relative: inbreeding in some cases helps to improve the breed, but it is very risky for a non-specialist to do it.

In order to make the process of pregnancy and childbirth easier for the bitch, it is advisable to breed her with a smaller male.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A few weeks before mating, you need to adjust the bitch’s weight: if she is overfed, keep her on a diet, and if the girl’s weight is slightly below normal, fatten her up a little. At the same time, you need to understand that you should not breed a very small bitch, since the risk is too great. Also, with the onset of heat, you need to start giving the bitch vitamin supplements. And, of course, you need to take care of all the necessary veterinary measures in advance: vaccinations, deworming and treatment for external parasites.”

General description of the condition and duration

On average, a dog's pregnancy lasts 2 months (58 to 72 days). To calculate a dog’s pregnancy by day, you should take into account its age and the specifics of the body. A woman in labor may give birth prematurely if she has any injuries or illnesses.

A pregnant dog requires special conditions

Also, the gestation period is affected by its weight; if the dog is obese or exhausted, then problems may arise with childbirth. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian, as the pet may require surgical intervention during childbirth.

If the dog is first-time, then the owner should treat its first birth with greater responsibility. It is necessary to prepare for the first conception several months in advance: put your pet’s health in order, choose a suitable diet for him. In addition, you should visit a veterinarian, get the necessary vaccinations and check the animal for fleas, lice, worms and ticks.

For your information! Signs that the dog has become pregnant after mating appear only after 2-3 weeks. In females, the nipples become slightly swollen and pink, and the belly becomes more rounded.

Long-awaited event

Already in the second month of a dog’s pregnancy, the owner may notice faint movements of the puppies in her stomach. He must remember the exact date of mating in order to then calculate in detail the dog’s pregnancy by day.

Preparing the dog

On the day of mating, dogs should not be fed at home; as a last resort, you can give them some food in the morning if mating is scheduled for the evening. But it is necessary to take both partners for a walk.

At the same time, you need to make sure that during the last walk before mating, no other males approach the bitch.

Before mating, you cannot bathe a Toy Terrier girl with detergents or treat her fur with anything that will remove the natural odor of a bitch in heat..

The period of gestation of puppies in the Jack Russell Terrier

This breed is slightly larger than Yorkshire and Toy terriers. Pregnancy in Jack Russell Terriers most often goes well. The dog needs to be given vitamins throughout the entire period of gestation. Jack Russell Terriers are active dogs, so during pregnancy you need to reduce their activity. The dog will benefit from quiet walks in the forest or in the park.

If the animal lives in an apartment building on one of the upper floors, then you need to either use the elevator or carry your pet in your arms. The dog should not be overtired, as this may negatively affect its condition.

Basic rules step by step

Basic mating rules to follow:

  • Mating of Russian Toy Terriers is carried out indoors, having previously covered the slippery floor with old carpets or thick fabric.
  • You need to put a muzzle on the bitch or wrap a bandage around her face.
  • Let both dogs into the room so they can get to know each other.
  • The dogs will begin to play and flirt with each other until the bitch suddenly stops, moving her tail to the side.
  • At this time, the girl’s owner must hold her by the collar with one hand and under her stomach with the other.
  • The male does the mounting himself or is helped by his owner. .
  • As soon as a “lock” is formed, the partners need to turn their backs.
  • Until the dogs separate themselves, you need to keep them in place.
  • After the animals are freed from the “castle”, they must be immediately taken to different rooms and given water to drink.
  • After 1-2 days, carry out a control mating.

If the dog cannot reach the bitch's loop, then you should place a stand under his hind legs.

When does the first heat occur and how long does it last?

Dogs mature with the onset of their first heat. Estrus usually lasts for 21 days. In the first week, bleeding appears, which disappears in the second week. It is during this period that the most favorable conditions for mating develop. In the third week, the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases.

The Toy Terrier's body prepares for its first heat at about eight months. This is an individual process; estrus may occur a little earlier than this age or much later. If estrus has not started before one year, you should consult a veterinarian, this may be a symptom of hormonal imbalance.

The first heat is usually the hardest. The first heat can be bloodless; it can be determined by the pet’s behavior, change in color of the nipples and swelling of the loop.

It is not recommended to breed a dog during its first heat: the animal’s body must completely go through this cycle in order to adapt to hormonal changes.

How does pregnancy progress by day (table)

Pregnancy DayChanges occurring in the female body and the development of future puppies
1-4 daysFertilization is occurring, but there are no visible changes in the condition of the bitch yet
5-11 daysFertilized eggs descend into the uterus through the fallopian tubes.
12-14 dayFuture embryos are implanted into the lining of the uterus.
Day 15The development of future puppies begins.
Day 16The size of embryos reaches 1 mm. At this time, the bitch may begin to develop toxicosis: nausea, lethargy, and changes in appetite are observed.
Day 17The puppies' body and head, as well as their nervous system, begin to form.
Day 18The length of the embryos reaches 2 mm. The formation of internal organs begins.
19-20 dayInternal organs and the nervous system continue to develop. The size of the embryos is approximately 4 mm. The bitch may experience symptoms of toxicosis.
21 dayThe placenta is formed. Puppies begin to develop their cardiovascular system.
Day 22Pregnancy becomes noticeable on ultrasound.
23-24 dayPuppies develop a liver, jaws, as well as ears, nose and eyes.
Day 25The spine, limbs and dental system of the fetus develop.
Day 26Pregnancy is determined by palpation. From now on, it is necessary to limit the bitch’s mobility.
26-29 daysHardening of the jaws and skull begins. The size of the embryos reaches 1.7 cm.
30-34 dayThe size of the future puppies is 2-2.7 cm. The bitch goes through toxicosis, the weight and volume of the abdomen begins to increase.
Day 35The bitch is switched to a special “pregnant” diet: the amount of protein food increases, and the portion size becomes 10% larger. Feed the dog 3 times a day, dividing the food into small portions.
36-39 daysPuppies continue to grow bones and increase overall body size.
40 dayAll future organs have been formed in the fetus, and the growth of the spine and limb bones, including fingers, has also been completed.
41-44 daysThe uterus already occupies 2/3 of the abdominal cavity. The bitch's diet increases by 15-20% and is divided into 4-5 servings. There is an increase in nipples and loss of hair around them.
45-47 dayPuppies develop pelvic bones and begin to grow hair.
48-49 dayThe belly is greatly enlarged, the bitch is looking for a place for a future “den”. She behaves restlessly and constantly licks her nipples.
50 dayPuppies weigh 75% of their birth weight. The bitch’s diet needs to be increased by 20-50% compared to the “pre-pregnant” one and often fed in small portions.
51-56 daysThe bitch may produce colostrum. During this period she rests more and more.
57-69 dayOn one of these days the bitch goes into labor. If they do not occur before the 70th day, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Childbirth for the first time - what are the features?

The first birth can be a serious test for a toy terrier girl and her owner. The bitch is anxious and does not understand what is happening. She may appear scared or confused and may not show maternal instincts.


Since during the first birth it is unclear how easily the dog will be able to give birth and whether serious complications will arise, it is recommended to ensure that either a veterinarian or an experienced breeder is present during the first litter.

Exercise of a pregnant bitch

During gestation, both mother and future puppies experience an increased need for oxygen. Walking is a must in the life of a pregnant bitch. Yes, a dog can wear a diaper at home, but you cannot completely deprive it of fresh air at such a crucial moment. During pregnancy, the Toy Terrier's walks will not be as long as before.

While the dog is outside, the owner must ensure that the dog does not become overtired. It is better to avoid playing with other animals, especially large ones. Usually the dog is already aware of its interesting situation and takes care of itself, but the owner must also be vigilant.

Walking outside is very beneficial for a pregnant bitch; it helps the animal stay in good shape. It has been noticed that in dogs that sit at home all the time, complications during childbirth are more common than in more active individuals. If there are no contraindications to walks, then the toy terrier can be taken outside every day until the birth itself.

How to determine the beginning?

The day before giving birth, the bitch’s temperature drops to 36 degrees, and the puppies seem to freeze .

Just before labor begins, the dog becomes very anxious. She looks for a place for a “den,” digs the bedding, whines and seeks help from the owner. At this time, amniotic fluid may begin to leak, which is a viscous substance of a pale yellow hue.

Many bitches refuse to eat before giving birth, but continue to drink water.

How does childbirth take place and how to take it at home?

to tremble slightly and breathe more often: this is the beginning of contractions . They turn into attempts, as a result of which the amniotic sac with the puppy inside is expelled.

This bubble can burst on its own, or, if the bitch has developed maternal instinct, she bursts it. Then the dog gnaws the umbilical cord and begins to vigorously lick the puppy, which helps him breathe independently and empty his intestines.

After this, the puppy goes in search of milk and, having reached the bitch’s nipple, begins the first independent meal in its life.

A few minutes after the baby is born, the afterbirth leaves, which the bitch will try to eat. You can let her do this, but you should remember that the dog should not eat more than 1-2 afterbirths due to the risk of severe diarrhea.

The next puppy may be born in a few minutes, but its appearance should not last longer than 3 hours. If this happens, then you need to call the veterinarian.

If the birth proceeds normally, then there is no need to interfere with this process: it is enough to simply observe the bitch and the newborns and encourage the pet from time to time.

If the dog is confused or scared, you need to calm it down. If the bitch does not know what to do with the puppies, the owner needs to handle them.

To do this, after breaking the bladder and clearing the mucus from the newborn’s mouth with a gauze swab, you need to free it from the membranes and, after tying the umbilical cord with a strong thread 2 cm from the baby’s abdomen, cut it a few millimeters below, on the side of the placenta.

After wiping the puppy with a soft towel, you need to give it to the bitch so that she licks it, after which you can place the baby on the nipple, choosing one of the milkiest.

False pregnancy

An unmated toy terrier bitch develops a false pregnancy, during which the dog's behavior may change and milk may appear. Some dogs also experience false contractions, causing the pet a lot of suffering.

About two months after the end of her heat, the bitch suddenly begins to worry, dig in the litter and act as if she is about to give birth.

Many Toya girls begin to produce milk at this time, or at least their nipples increase in size.


The dog may begin to nurse soft toys or other objects that seem similar to puppies to it and react very aggressively to the owners’ attempts to take the “children” away from it.

It is necessary to distract the dog’s attention from the imaginary puppies: play with it more or train it. In some, especially severe cases, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian about treatment with hormonal and sedative drugs.

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