Mating Yorkies - features and choice of partner

Yorkshire Terrier is a popular toy breed of dog. They are distinguished by their compact size, recognizable silky coat and mischievous character. These dogs are bred by both professional breeders and private owners. Pregnancy and childbirth greatly affect the health of the future litter, and mating a Yorkshire Terrier itself often leads to the development of various problems. In this article we will look at how to properly mate this breed in order to get healthy offspring.

Which dogs are suitable for mating?

The choice of a partner for mating depends on the appearance of the future offspring, the health of the puppies and the opportunity to participate in exhibitions. Even before introducing dogs, you should check the documents confirming the pedigree, and also officially register the planned mating with the RKF. What parameters to pay attention to when choosing a partner:

  • the bitch’s weight should be within 2-3 kg; with a lower value, she may not survive pregnancy and childbirth;
  • The best age for the first mating is the third estrus, by which time the Yorkie’s body is ready for reproductive functions, usually at 1.5-2 years. Cables reach sexual maturity by 10 months, but mating is advisable only after 1 year;
  • females and males undergo all necessary routine vaccinations; at least 1 and no more than 10 months must pass from the last vaccination to estrus;
  • childbirth for Yorkshire terriers will be easier if the male weighs less than the female, the difference in height should not exceed 5 cm.

It is recommended that bitches give birth before the age of 4 years, when the birth canal is most elastic. After 8 years of age, pregnancy can become life-threatening even for a healthy dog.

Choosing a partner for a bitch

A Yorkie girl with a pedigree is selected for mating with a partner at the club. If the bitch does not have the appropriate documents, then the future groom must meet the following criteria:

  • have all breed qualities;
  • be older than 1.5 years and younger than 8 years of age;
  • have successful mating experience;
  • be mentally and physically healthy.

Ideally, the owner of the dog should have a certificate of absence of infectious diseases in the animal, which he must provide before mating.

Preparation for mating

Proper preparation before breeding a dog or bitch helps to avoid many unpleasant problems. Useful tips:

  • select a couple in advance, discuss all the details of the contract - payment, the issue of child support;
  • no later than a month before the start of estrus, get all the necessary vaccinations and treat the dog for parasites;
  • undergo a full examination by a veterinarian, including tests and ultrasound of the heart;
  • 3-4 days before mating, wash the dog, trim its nails and fur;
  • 2-3 hours before mating, take the bitch and male for a walk; the last feeding should be no later than the evening of the previous day (this avoids regurgitation).

When choosing a date, you should take into account the characteristics of the dog's estrus. On average, the greatest readiness for fertilization in Yorkie bitches is observed on days 8-14 of estrus. It can be determined by a change in the smell and shade of the discharge, an increase in the loop. Some animals change behavior - the bitch becomes more active or shows excessive passivity.

You can accurately determine the period of ovulation using laboratory tests for progesterone (sex hormone). This diagnosis is recommended for very young and elderly Yorkie bitches. Some breeders conduct testing themselves, which requires a microscope.

The right time

For a male

If you decide to start breeding Yorkshire Terrier dogs, you must be able to choose the right moment for mating.

Male Yorkshire Terriers reach sexual maturity at eight to ten months. Usually, even before puberty, a certain amount of sperm is released during the pet's trips to the toilet. Their development begins along with the dog's sexual development.

At the age of up to eight months, a male Yorkshire Terrier is not always able to conceive offspring due to incomplete formation of sperm, so it is better not to rush with mating. The first mating can be carried out after twelve months, when the pet is physically and psychologically ready.

If you breed a male dog before the optimal time, you may encounter some problems. In addition to the possible futility of early mating, the male may become uncontrollable in those moments when he senses the female is in heat. Excessive excitability will become a big obstacle when training or raising a dog.

For the first mating, it is best to invite an experienced bitch to make it easier for the male to cope with the process. Then the mating is repeated after four to five months. After this, the male can be used for regular matings.

For breeding Yorkshire terriers, it is recommended to breed a male dog no more than once a month so that he does not become exhausted. In this case, he will be able to reproduce healthy offspring. Yorkshire Terrier males can remain sexually active for a long time, up to ten years, or even more.

For the bitch

Despite the fact that Yorkshire Terrier bitches begin puberty at eight to ten months, they can be bred no earlier than two years. You can read about estrus in dogs of this breed in the article “Oestrus in Yorkshire Terriers.”

If the dog is already four years old and has never been bred before, then it should not be allowed for breeding. Late pregnancy undermines the health of the bitch, because at this age the hip joints and genitals are no longer as elastic as before. There is a high risk of caesarean section. And there is no guarantee that the offspring will be born healthy.

For proper breeding of dogs of this breed, experts recommend producing offspring no more than six times during the entire life of a bitch. In this case, she will have the opportunity to restore health and gain strength between pregnancies. There is no point in breeding a bitch after eight years of age.

How to breed

Mating is best carried out in the male dog’s territory, where he will feel comfortable. Breeders recommend placing a table in the center of the room, removing unnecessary objects and closing the windows. Place a rug under the table that does not slip on the surface. After this, dogs can be allowed into the room; they must first sniff each other and get to know each other.

In some cases, natural (free) mating may occur; if mating does not occur, it can be done manually. The dogs need to be lifted onto the table, the male should be placed behind the female and begin to gently push him until contact of the reproductive organs occurs. At this moment, the owner of the bitch should stroke his pet and talk to him.

Heat problems in the Yorkshire Terrier

Mating of Spitz: when the heat begins, childbirth at home

During such a period, certain inconveniences often arise for Yorkie owners. The fact is that the baby leaves behind marks that do not look and smell very nice, and in addition attract yard dogs. In such cases, walking with your pet can become simply unbearable. However, you can take some actions to make this period easier:

  • It may be worth considering the option of sterilizing the bitch if there are no plans to breed the breed. It is better to do this before the onset of the first heat, but there are no strict conditions.
  • You can use medications that will suppress the natural process. Compared to sterilization, they have a weaker effect, but in the future the dog will be able to have offspring. Medicines are chosen only after consultation with a specialist.

Is it possible to train while in heat?

Yorkies are highly trainable at any time. However, during estrus their character may change and the dog may become stubborn. Therefore, it is recommended to stop training for this period, otherwise the following situations are possible:

  • Mating in group classes is not excluded.
  • Poor memory of commands.
  • Inability to carry out commands normally due to physiological changes.

It is best to leave the animal alone and provide it with proper care during this period.

Doggy in panties

Features of mating physiology

After direct contact of the genitals, you can notice that the male begins to fidget with his hind legs and step over them a little - this indicates that ejaculation has occurred. After this, the coupling begins when the male member is held by the muscles of the loop. The process can take from a minute to several hours. This mechanism increases the chance of fertilization; it is impossible to pull the dogs apart at the moment of coupling, this can lead to injuries to the genital organs. After mating, the bitch and the dog need to be separated into different rooms for 1-2 hours, fed and walked. Repeated (control) mating is carried out after 24-48 hours.


An accurate determination of conception is possible using an ultrasound scan 15-20 days after the last mating; using diagnostics, you can also find out the number of puppies. Pregnancy can also be determined using blood tests. The main symptoms of successful conception:

  • the dog becomes lethargic and apathetic, often secludes itself;
  • At first, appetite decreases, and after 5 weeks it increases;
  • the abdomen enlarges, the nipples swell and the gait changes;
  • starting from 5-6 weeks, when you feel the abdomen, you can notice small seals inside - these are puppies, they begin to actively move from 7 weeks.

Throughout pregnancy, the bitch's urination increases; in the early stages, mucus is released from the loop. 10 days before the planned birth, colostrum begins to be released from the mammary glands, and the movements of the puppies can be seen visually.

Often, Yorkies experience a false pregnancy - a change in behavior and the appearance of all of the above signs, but there is no fact of fertilization. This pathology is treated with sedatives and proper care for the dog.

Choice of male

At what age you can start mating, any dog ​​breeder must know. It is wiser to breed female Russian Toy Terriers during their third heat period, about 2 years old. The “groom” is also subject to certain requirements. He should be approximately the same weight, build and size as his chosen one. When choosing a mate for a female, you need to carefully consider the exterior. The primary purpose of breeding is not only the commercial component, but also the maximum improvement of a particular breed.

If the owner has competently approached the problem of choosing a groom, then those small shortcomings that the bitch has can be compensated for, significantly reduced and their further transmission along the hereditary line of the family prevented. The minimum that needs to be done when choosing a male dog is to check that he has a breeding assessment in the RKF. Otherwise, the puppies will not have the documents required for their successful sale in the future. An advertisement on the Internet will help you choose a male for your pet.


Pregnancy in Yorkies lasts up to 64 days from the moment of mating. If childbirth does not occur after this period, you should contact a veterinarian - overbearing can lead to the death of the litter. The onset of labor can be determined by a decrease in body temperature, the dog becomes restless. The active phase is most often observed at night; after several intense contractions, the water begins to break, and after 1.5-2 hours the first puppy should appear. The bitch independently gnaws the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. Newborn puppies should immediately start drinking colostrum, as it ensures the development of immunity. It is recommended to contact a veterinarian for delivery of Yorkies, this will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Reasons for the absence of heat

Yorkie pregnancy by day: details about childbirth at home

If a Biewer (or other) Yorkie is not in heat, don't panic right away. Initially, you need to determine exactly what the delay is. After all, it is quite possible that the heat was with a small amount of blood, so the owner did not notice its beginning and passing.

If the first heat has not passed before one and a half years, then this is not a serious cause for concern and it is worth waiting to see a doctor. All animals have an individual organism and their processes occur at different times.

If there is no heat after two years, then you should consult a veterinarian. It should be taken into account that:

  • During cold periods, the phenomenon may be delayed.
  • In older animals, the intermediate periods may lengthen due to age, so this should not be a concern either.
  • If the estrus has stopped completely, then you need to visit a veterinary clinic.

All described actions apply to adult animals with an established cycle.

Dogs getting acquainted

Choosing between mating and sterilization

Owners do not always plan to breed an animal. In such cases, many people give their pet medications that suppress the reproductive instinct. Such products negatively affect the condition of dogs and their bodies. Therefore, in this case, it is better to go to a specialized clinic and undergo sterilization.

Important! You need to think carefully before the operation, because after it the animal will never be able to give birth to offspring. Important! You need to think carefully before the operation, because after it the animal will never be able to give birth to offspring.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Before starting mating, you should select a partner, check the documents and submit an application to the RKF.
  2. It is better to conduct mating in the male dog’s territory. Successful fertilization requires 2 matings.
  3. Pregnancy in Yorkies lasts up to 64 days. During this period, the dog should receive adequate nutrition and care.
  4. Yorkies can give birth on their own. For your dog's safety, it is recommended that you seek help from a veterinarian.

Have you ever knitted Yorkies? Share your recommendations in the comments.

Signs of readiness of a female Yorkshire

You can notice that a female Yorkie is ready to mate by some signs. First of all, the dog becomes quite active and playful. However, there are also other signs:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Presence of bleeding from the loop.
  • Frequent licking of the area under the tail.
  • The female flirts with the males.

At the first stage, the dog may show aggression towards individuals of the opposite sex and not let them near, but after a short time the situation changes. The discharge becomes mucus-like and acquires a yellowish tint. If the female notices a male dog, she moves her tail to the side and slightly raises her body into the required stance. This condition lasts about a week, at which time mating is carried out.

Preparing to breed a Yorkshire Terrier

Veterinarians do not recommend mating during the first heat. During this period, despite puberty, the dog’s body is not ready for serious changes and possible pregnancy. They wait for the second and third hunt, and then prepare the animal.

Before mating, you need to find a partner, check that he has all the necessary documents and the availability of the necessary vaccinations. It is recommended to discuss all conditions in advance.

Two weeks before mating, the female is given the necessary vaccinations, worms are removed, and she is taken to be examined by specialists for the possible presence of ticks and fleas. It is necessary to closely monitor the girl's condition. On the desired day, the dog is brought to the partner in a prepared place.

Pregnant female

How Yorkie dogs are mated

For the first mating, the female needs to choose an experienced male. If necessary, during the first mating, you can use the services of an instructor who will describe the process step by step. The lady needs to be brought to the gentleman’s territory in advance so that the dogs can walk together and get to know each other.

Important! You need to make sure that the girl does not show aggression and does not bite the male dog. Otherwise, mating of Yorkies may not occur, because the male will simply refuse it.

To bring the dogs together, prepare a suitable place. The paws can be placed on a special mat. The female is held lightly so that she does not rush at the male and does not sit down. At this time, the boy is helped to do the cage. He should not be rushed; after a few attempts he will succeed.

If the process is carried out correctly, the dogs remain in a certain position, called a lock, and is maintained for about an hour. During the process, it is necessary to control the position of both dogs, monitor their condition, and help if necessary. Otherwise, an unsatisfactory mating result may occur.

Repeated mating is carried out the next day or every other day (at least 12 hours). After this, it is recommended to closely monitor the girl so that she can safely bear the pregnancy.

How to avoid mating

If mating is not planned, then a natural question arises about how to avoid mating. To prevent this from happening, it is important to constantly monitor the dog, use a leash during walks and not let it go.

In pharmacies you can buy special preparations that remove the odor that attracts male dogs. Similar means are used to treat the back of a Yorkie girl’s body.

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