Names for parrots - how to choose according to the character, type or gender of the bird, a list of nicknames by letter of the alphabet

Parrots always attract the eye with their colorful plumage and playful disposition. Feathered creatures easily learn new words and even simple tricks! The variety of species of parrots allows you to choose a pet for every taste: from a tiny budgerigar to the grandiose giant macaw. Of course, like any pet, a feathered creature needs a sonorous nickname. That's why we've put together a whole huge selection of names for boy parrots for you!

Magnificent Gray Yorick

Popular names

What names are most often found among male parrots? The list below contains the most commonly used nicknames. Using one of them, you can stay “in trend”. Or, conversely, based on this list, avoid repetition.

  • Kesha
  • Gosha
  • Dandy
  • Zorro
  • Zipper
  • Arkashka
  • Yorick
  • Carlos
  • Casper
  • Yarik
  • Coco
  • Pretty
  • Union
  • Hippie
  • Funtik
  • Clyde
  • Zhora
  • Zheka
  • Arkhip
  • Arik
  • Gavryusha
  • Toto
  • Willie
  • Romka
  • Gavroche
  • Patrick
  • Stasik
  • Kiryusha
  • Darling
  • Zhorzhik
  • Martin
  • Nafan
  • Norman
  • Fawn
  • Smiley
  • Borka
  • Pushkin
  • Grisha
  • Knopik
  • Norik
  • Masik
  • Tobik
  • Parsley
  • Garik
  • Kai
  • Krashik
  • Klyopa
  • Flint
  • Tail
  • Jason
  • Bert
  • Eroshka
  • Johnny
  • Amurchik
  • Kopusha
  • Rico
  • Graph
  • Danko
  • Ass
  • Hermes
  • Orion
  • Breeze

What to name a boy's parrot

When choosing a name for a bird, be sure to say out loud all its endearing variations. Most often you will use these.

Photo: Karen Blaha

A - Abrasha, Apricot, Alex, Albert, Alf, Antoshka, Ara, Arik, Aristarkh, Arkashka, Arkhip, Archie, Archibald, Astrik, Alt, Afonka. B - Baksik, Berik, Berkut, Billy, Borka, Borya, Busik, Bush, Buyan.

V – Vaks, Venya, Vikesha, Willie, Vinch, Vitka, Vint, Volt. G - Le Havre, Gavryusha, Gavrosh, Guy, Galchenok, Garrick, Hermes, Gesha, Goblin, Godric, Gosha, Grizzly, Grisha. D - Jaconya, Jack, Jackson, Joy, Johnny, Dobby, Duchess. E - Egozik, Hedgehog, Eroshka, Ershik. F - Zhanik, Jacques, Jacqueline, Zheka, Zhirik, Zhora, Zhorzhik. Z – Zeus, Zero. Y - Yorick, Yosya.

K - Kant, Kapitosha, Karl, Karlusha, Kesha, Keshka, Kiryusha, Clementy, Klepa, Koki, Koko, Kostik, Krosha, Krashik, Crash, Kuzya, Kukaracha. L – Eraser, Lelik, Leon. M - Makar, Manishka, Marquis, Martin, Masik, Mitka, Mityai, Motya, Michael, Mickey. N - Nathan, Nobel, Nikki, Nikusha, Nils, Norman, Nick. O - Ogonyok, Ozzy, Oliver, Ollie, Osik, Oscar. P - Pathos, Pegasus, Petrusha, Petka, Pitti, Plut, Plutishka, Pont, Prosha, Pushkin, Pushok, Pyzhik. R - Rafik, Ricardo, Ricky, Richie, Rocky, Romeo, Romka, Rostik, Rubik, Ruslan, Ryzhik, Rurik. S - Satir, Whistle, Sema, Semyon, Smiley, Stepan, Sushik.

T – Tank, Tima, Tisha, Tishka, Caraway, Tony, Tori, Totoshka, Trance, Trepa, Trisha, Trash, Hold. U - Uno, Hurricane, Umka, Usik. F - Fars, Fedya, Figaro, Fidel, Philip, Fima, Flint, Flusha, Forest, Funtik. X - Hulk, Harvey, Tail, Hipa, Squish, Piggy. C – Citrus, Caesar, Gypsy. Ch - Chuck, Chelsea, Cherry, Churchill, Chizhik, Chick, Chika, Chicky, Chip, Chisha, Chucha. Sh - Sharfik, Schweppes, Shrek, Shurik, Shumik. E - Elvis, Einstein, Ethic. Yu - Yugo, Yuddy, Eugene, Yulik, Younga, Yuni, Yusha. I am Yantar, Yasha, Yarik, Jason.

Original foreign names

The original appearance of the parrot in its own way imposes the need for a unique name. Fortunately, among foreign names there are plenty of nicknames that sound exotic to the Russian ear. You are unlikely to find such a name on anyone else.

Deluxe profile of an Amazonian Churchill parrot

  • Caesar
  • Hulk
  • Ozzy
  • Figaro
  • Churchill
  • Schweppes
  • Eugene
  • Nobel
  • Orlando
  • Rodrigo
  • Aikhenwald
  • Gebler
  • Zhulbars

A handsome caique parakeet named Gebler loves petting

  • Bundy
  • Axel
  • Adegoke
  • Ardan
  • Balzan
  • Trung
  • Sandalf
  • Ariston
  • Karpos
  • Chichiko
  • Silan
  • Farrell
  • Jurgis
  • Petras
  • Çağatay
  • Tenjin
  • Cosmin
  • Sandor
  • Emerick
  • Josip
  • Walan
  • Timir

Example names

First you need to decide what name you would like to give your pet: funny, in appearance, in character, gentle, or a well-known popular name. And know that you may have to hear this name for many years.

It will be useful for you to know what to do if a parrot is afraid of you, how to teach a parrot to speak, and also what you can and cannot feed parrots.


Most often they want to give these birds a cool nickname, which, flying out of the bird’s beak, will sound even funnier and will make you and your guests laugh.

Such nicknames include:

  • names or surnames of famous personalities. You should not give the names of politicians or actors who are well-known now, but will be forgotten after a while. Parrots can live a long time. It is best to give the name of a famous historical figure. For example, call him Churchill and teach him this politician’s famous quote: “When eagles are silent, parrots chatter.” Or call him Cicero and teach him aphorisms and Latin proverbs. Many entertaining sayings can be found among historical figures, famous writers and poets, and philosophers. Therefore, cool and original names for boy parrots may include: Caesar or Julius, Mark Twain, Suvorov, Gandhi, Socrates, Confucius, Krylov, Kozma Prutkov, Shakespeare, Pushkin and others;
  • famous characters. For example, the famous detective Sherlock with his phrase: “It’s elementary, Watson.” Or Bender from “The Twelve Chairs” and his “abroad will help us” and other statements;
  • movie or cartoon characters. Shtirlitz, Borman, Terminator, Chapaev, Zorro, Freddy Krueger, Shrek, Mickey, Uncle Fedor, Karych, etc.

Of course, complex and loud names are best given to well-spoken species of parrots (Grey, Corella, etc.).

Important! You should be careful when dealing with large breed parrots. The cockatoo parrot, with its powerful beak of about 10 cm, can break a person’s finger.

By external distinctive features

You don’t have to guess too much and give the boys parrots nicknames based on color: Motley, Chernysh, Snowball, Lemon, Handsome, Citrine, Cornflower, Sailor, Red, Ruby, Pearl, Gray, Gray and others.

It is also necessary to take into account the size of the bird. For small birds, you need to choose a shorter name, which has pleasant diminutive forms (Chizhik, Kesha, Funtik, etc.). It is advisable to give large specimens reputable names: Napoleon, Aristarchus, Ricardo, Ronaldo, Fernando, Phoenix, Archibald, etc.

You will probably be interested in reading about the features of keeping kakapo, rosella, kakariki, kea, lovebirds, monk and drum parrots.

The cockatoo, which we know from films with pirates, can be called by a sea or pirate name: Captain, Cap, Cook, Bosun, Silver, Morgan, Flint.

The nature

If you haven't chosen a name for your parrot yet. But you have already noticed any character traits, then you can choose a nickname for him that will define them: Bully, Pest, Shy, Silent, Nanny, Whirlwind, Hero, Greedy, Glutton, etc.

If he has an explosive temperament - Vulcan, a Nordic character - Nord. But keep in mind that the character of a young individual may change, and Buran may grow up to be a complete phlegmatic person.


Sometimes you want to call a parrot chick tenderly and sweetly: Baby, Sunny, Birdie, Chizhik, Milok, Kapitoshka. Or human diminutive forms: Karlusha, Kiryusha, Pavlusha, Petrusha, Grishanya, Mishanya.

Did you know? Not only do people give names to their pets, but parrots also give names to their chicks. This can be heard by the intonation - it is different when addressing each chick. And the chicks themselves clearly know who their parents are turning to—him personally or to their sister or brother.

Fairytale nicknames

The chic, dazzling bright colors of parrots evoke thoughts of fairy-tale creatures. Just like the heroes of fairy tales stand out against the backdrop of ordinary people, the fantastic images of parrots stand out strikingly against the backdrop of familiar birds. Therefore, it seems to us that a “fairytale” name will favorably emphasize the image of your pet.

Amazing Prospero decided to have a snack

  • Jembo
  • Kurumba
  • Koschey
  • Emelya
  • Kolobok
  • Sivka-Burka
  • Miracle Yudo
  • Gorynych
  • Nuhuko
  • Firebird
  • Dobrynya
  • Popovich
  • Muromets
  • Elisha
  • Kozhemyaka
  • Nutcracker
  • Pinocchio
  • Cheburashka
  • Aladdin
  • Blue Beard
  • Aibolit
  • Mowgli
  • Water
  • Little Mu
  • Little Longnose
  • Dunno
  • Kibalchish
  • Mazay
  • Harlequin
  • Artemon
  • Barmaley
  • Basilio
  • Gulliver
  • Duremar
  • Guidon
  • Goodwin
  • Carlson
  • Kuzya
  • Karabas-Barabas
  • Moidodyr
  • Munchausen
  • Pierrot
  • Pechkin
  • Piglet
  • cockroach
  • Hottabych
  • Cipollino
  • Bubble
  • Lapot
  • Saltan
  • Prospero
  • Chernomor
  • Berendey
  • Midas
  • Polkan
  • Goblin

World famous birds

Oddly enough, birds have their own heroes, whose names are well known among ornithologists. Let's get acquainted with these winged heroes, and at the same time get a new batch of names for our collection.

  • Dominus (name of a sparrow killed at an exhibition center in the Netherlands)
  • Kuzya (condor - star of the Moscow Zoo from 1890 to 1960)
  • Mike (a rooster who lived 1.5 years after his head was almost completely cut off)
  • Martha (last of the passenger pigeons)
  • Petra (black swan in love with a swan-shaped catamaran)
  • Petros (pelican - symbol of the Greek island of Mykonos)
  • Wisdom (the oldest albatross)
  • Sher Ami (war homing pigeon)
  • Andy (goose in sneakers, born without membranes)
  • Kuka (cockatoo parrot who lived 83 years)

We recommend: rare nicknames for Grays.

Musical nicknames

Of course, parrots are not known for their silence. They love to talk and chat. And if your favorite melody starts playing, the parrot will certainly join the performer! Your pet's musical gift can be distinguished by one of the nicknames based on a special term.

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The incomparable blue and yellow macaw named Obbligato

  • Antiphon
  • Accelerando
  • Bagatelle
  • Bebung
  • Glissando
  • Ground
  • Detache
  • Deaton
  • And dream
  • Fork
  • Clavier
  • Verse
  • Carol
  • Consort
  • Damento
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Morgent
  • Musical
  • Noel
  • Obbligato
  • Organum
  • Ostinato
  • Passage
  • Pycnon
  • Portamento
  • Pointillism
  • Rakokhod
  • Ricochet
  • Straspey
  • Tactus
  • Tonary
  • Tremolo
  • Unison
  • Falsity
  • Faubourdon
  • Shred
  • Endorser

What to do to make the bird start responding

After purchasing a parrot, you should not immediately start loading it with any activities. Initially, there is a period of adaptation when the wavy gets used to the new environment. At this time, you need to accustom him to the presence of a person.

It is recommended to frequently communicate with the bird in a calm voice. For hand taming, it is recommended to feed only from the palm of your hand.

You need to say the bird's name as often as possible. This will allow her to get used to the human voice, and will also gradually learn to pronounce this word. You need to speak in a gentle tone, and also slowly, so that the parrot hears each letter and remembers the correct pronunciation.

You need to speak softly, because if a person does not put emotions into words or even communicates in an angry or loud voice, then the wavy will not want to repeat the name.

The nickname must always be pronounced the same way, so it is forbidden to add new sounds, stress or intonation. This is especially true for children who may have difficulty pronouncing any letters or intentionally change the sound. Therefore, you need to warn kids that they pronounce the word correctly at first.

Sometimes, even when choosing a suitable nickname, the bird refuses to repeat it or does not react to it at all.

This is due to several reasons:

  • Poor nutrition. Sometimes a bird refuses to learn due to an illiterate diet. It should be varied and useful. Therefore, it is imperative to give the bird proven food, vegetables, fruits, herbs, sprouted grains, and even cottage cheese with boiled eggs.
  • Poor living conditions. Some owners have a negative attitude towards caring for their birds, so they clean the cage only once a week. Such conditions lead to the bird feeling uncomfortable and therefore unable to engage in training. The same applies to the situation when a cage is purchased that is too small, in which the bird is cramped. Therefore, the wavy cannot concentrate on the words that the person says.
  • Disease. If the bird suffers from any disease or has other health problems, then it will not respond to the nickname. Therefore, you need to make sure that the bird does not require treatment or support in the form of minerals or vitamins.
  • Wrong choice of name . If the nickname is similar to the name of a cat or family member, then the bird gets confused and does not respond to this word. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with an original name for your new pet.
  • Presence of extraneous noise. It is recommended to work with birds in a quiet environment. If music is turned on or other noise is present, this will have a bad effect on learning results.
  • The bird lacks attention. It is impossible to teach a bird to do any tricks or talk if the training is done too infrequently. Therefore, if a person wants to achieve any results, then it is necessary to regularly communicate with the bird.

If you take these nuances into account, you can quickly teach the bird to speak or respond.

Nicknames by character

All parrots are different, and the difference is not only about color and size. The behavior of each individual varies dramatically. Some parrots are quiet and calm, while others are noisy and love to get into mischief. So the nickname of the bird may be based on some special character trait.

Contrasting pair of necklace parrots Shustrik and Milenok

  • Chatterbox
  • Silent
  • Grumpy
  • Shustrik
  • Tishka
  • Vortex
  • Glutton
  • Bully
  • Lascun
  • Milok
  • Vredina
  • Proud man
  • Hero
  • Buddy
  • Milenok
  • Iris
  • Clean
  • Altruist
  • Miracle
  • Good guy
  • Brave
  • Otorva
  • Robber
  • Hooligan
  • Thief
  • Caprisulya
  • Sissy
  • Ideal
  • Fear
  • Recklessness
  • Shy
  • Lyricist
  • Hypocrite
  • Melancholic
  • Joker
  • Quibbler
  • Bustler
  • Mr. Tact
  • Modest
  • Uvet
  • Don Juan
  • Lovelace
  • Censor
  • Etiquette
  • Shame
  • Miser
  • Zhmotyara
  • Rodent
  • Simpleton
  • Balda

What sounds do parrots pronounce more easily?

The simplest sounds for a parrot are hissing sounds, as well as some sonorant and vowel sounds. This is determined by the structural features of the vocal apparatus. The name for the bird should be selected in such a way that it contains the following sounds:

  • hissing: “zh”, “sh”, “sch”, “h”;
  • vowels: “e”, “a”, “i”, “u”, “e”;
  • sonorant "r";
  • voiced and voiceless consonants: “g”, “d”, “k”, “t”, “p”, “f”.

In order for a budgerigar to quickly remember a nickname, it must have a ringing “r” in it: Richie, Shura, Arkasha, Ron. Birds pick up those words in which “growling” sounds are heard. Words with hissing consonants are also easy to remember: Kesha, Jean, Sherry.

Cool and funny nicknames

What kind of inventions do feathered pets come up with! They sometimes put on a whole show for their owners. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The parrot is a master of parody”! So we advise you to pay attention to the following list of funny and cool names.

Two macaws Chubais and Zhirik did not divide the tree

  • Chukchi
  • Chubais
  • Zhirik
  • Gypsy
  • Sherkhan
  • Cube
  • Zombie
  • Volcano
  • Gendarme
  • Hussar
  • Ichthyander
  • Agent
  • Vinci
  • Donatello
  • Sweeties
  • Glamor
  • Playboy
  • Matroskin
  • Leopold
  • Gentleman
  • Shakespeare

Vinci the parrot loves to learn new phrases. He also speaks several foreign languages ​​and travels with his family!

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Posted by VINCI: TALKING PARROT (@vinci_africangrey)

  • Luntik
  • Major
  • Lucifer
  • Snickers
  • Yakubovich
  • Pascal
  • Hussein
  • Fidel
  • Fritz
  • Sergeant
  • Voucher
  • Switch
  • Dude
  • Pretzel
  • Boy
  • Pipka
  • Mimozyrya
  • Khukhrya
  • Endovnik
  • Rubbing
  • Gorloder
  • Perdimonocle
  • Odometer
  • Pipidastr
  • Pompom
  • Sledak
  • Cur
  • spools
  • Profiterole
  • Sohac
  • Philanthropist
  • Pedro

Unusual and Creative Bird Names

Names for budgerigars are chosen both common and original, giving free rein to imagination. A nickname can amuse or remind you of your favorite actor. You can borrow names from fairy tales, books, movies. The most creative and cool names for males and females:

A Acha, Africa, Alaska, Irish
B Bingo, Baron, Byron, Tambourine, Golden Eagle, Barbecue, Bead
IN Whiskey
G Grand, Thunderstorm, Pear, Gamma, Gucci, Degree, Gothic
D Haze, Dolce
E Fidget, Blackberry
Z Zeus, Marshmallow, Bunny, Tease, Fun
AND Willow, Ibiza, Istoma, Toffee
TO Candy, Doll, Commander, Cucaracha, Button, Quinta, Coquette, Bullfight, Casanova
L Lyra
M Muse
ABOUT Orchid
P Pirate, Prince, Fawn, Pegasus, Petro, Pretty, Parsley, Peach, Padede, Button
R Romeo, Rickshaw, Reggae, Hazel Grouse, Rowan
WITH Sushi, Silver, Sapphire, Siesta, Strelka
T Trash, Tofi, Taro, Tigra, Troy, Tyson, Dancer
U Wushu
F Fairy, Fury
X Hippy, Piggy, Happy
C Tsunami
H Chaplin
Sh Shrek, Chopin, Shokko, Shusha, Stutser, Thing, Sherlock
YU Yula
I Yakuza, Apple, Berry, Jason, Amber

Nicknames from movies and animation

Birds in leading roles are rare in cinema. However, such works still occur. A nickname in honor of the famous movie screen character will highlight your parrot's acting abilities.

Corrudo's Ruffed Parakeet surveys the surroundings from the highest branch

  • Nigel
  • Darling
  • Niko
  • Pedro
  • Raphael
  • Roberto
  • Thiago
  • Eduardo
  • Iago
  • Poly
  • Tuesday
  • Carrudo
  • Polynesia
  • Woody Woodpecker
  • Willie
  • Donald
  • Road Runner
  • Plaki Plak
  • Sweetie
  • Arthur
  • Cecil
  • Trigger
  • Zazu
  • Dodo
  • Valiant
  • Jeremiah
  • Diablo
  • Tendai
  • Easy
  • Malachi
  • Kevin
  • Screw loose
  • Scuttle
  • Gas Gus
  • Fenton Quackshell
  • Mzingo
  • Zheltik
  • Pick it up
  • Talker
  • Dodo
  • Kaggy-carr
  • Carfax
  • Torchik
  • Foghorn Leghorn
  • Chick
  • Chocobo

Geographical, historical, botanical names

When choosing names for lovebirds, you should rely on the names of geographical places and favorite flowers, historical heroes. These nicknames sound good:

  • America;
  • Lotus;
  • Maple;
  • Pamir;
  • North;
  • Dune;
  • Rose;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Hercules;
  • Cleo.

These nicknames are short and succinct; they are easy to pronounce for both children and birds. They will be used in everyday life without abbreviations, in the form in which they are given. It will not be difficult for a bird to learn them in a short time.

Pirate nicknames

Parrots were considered a valuable commodity. At the same time, they were easy to transport and maintain, and the cost of birds sometimes went off scale to unimaginable heights. That is why parrots often became prey for pirates. The sight of a pirate and a parrot on his shoulder has already become stereotypical. And if your pet likes to grab something shiny without asking, then a pirate name will definitely suit him.

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Blue-and-yellow macaws Blackbeard and Black Sam look out for inattentive tourists

  • Buccaneer
  • Corsair
  • Filibuster
  • Blackbeard
  • Red Morgan
  • Calico Jack
  • Arouj
  • Khaireddin Barbarossa
  • Black Sam
  • Francis Drake
  • Black Bart
  • William Kidd
  • Lanky Ben
  • Monbar Fighter
  • Charles Vane
  • Jean Goldie
  • John Flint
  • John Silver
  • Benjamin Gunn
  • Jim Hawkins
  • Squire Trelawney
  • Billy Benbow
  • Long Legs Benny
  • Butcher George
  • Billy Bootstrapper
  • Will Turner
  • Capt. Jack Sparrow
  • Hector Barboassa
  • Joshamee Gibbs
  • Ragetti
  • Pintel
  • Mr Cotton

Universal and original nicknames

It often happens that when buying a parrot you are not sure what gender it is. The way out of the situation is quite simple: you can call the lovebird a name suitable for both the male and the female. For example, Cherry, Willie, Lucky, Tosha, Ricky, Masya, Tsypa.

Original nicknames for lovebird boys and girls are often given by children. Favorite cartoon characters are constantly heard, so such nicknames for lovebirds successfully take root in families with children: Nolik, Luntik, Piglet, Piggy, Nyusha, SpongeBob, Mickey Mouse, Pikachu, Jerry, Among Ace.

Precious nickname

Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, parrots resemble precious treasures. And, in fact, the cost and maintenance of a parrot is not a cheap undertaking. So the “dear” nickname will perfectly reflect the value of your pet.

Red Macau named Charoise feasting on a bowl

  • Amber
  • Yakhont
  • Emerald
  • Brulik
  • Amethyst
  • Sapphire
  • Diamond
  • Aquamarine
  • Beryl
  • Corundum
  • Ruby
  • Olivine
  • Pomegranate
  • Opal

Did you know that in Australia there is a special school for parrots, where birds are taught to talk?

  • Zircon
  • Topaz
  • Quartz
  • Charoiz
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Morion
  • Agate
  • Onyx
  • Cornelian
  • Heliotrope
  • Nephritis
  • Gold
  • Pearl
  • Malachite
  • Marble
  • Obsidian
  • Crystal
  • Coral
  • Nacre
  • Granite

“Bird” in the language of the peoples of the world

For those breeders who don’t want to rack their brains over choosing a name, you can name your pet simply Bird. But you can also be creative in this case and use the wealth of languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

  • Zug
  • Bird

Greedy Yasha

  • Thori
  • Birdie
  • Aderyn
  • Madar
  • Raksaro
  • Vogel
  • Fugl
  • Raiyaro
  • Ukelo
  • Okel
  • Punts
  • Pauks
  • Ptak

Family quarrel

  • Lintu
  • Voel
  • Oh well
  • Shimbir
  • Tsunt
  • Balame
  • Burung
  • Manu
  • Ibon
  • Avem
  • Birbo

Nicknames in honor of media personalities

Shocking antics and bright colors are sometimes used by media personalities. Rich, colorful outfits sometimes resemble the plumage of parrots. The following personalities became especially famous for their love of extravagant and shocking outfits and performances.

Pearl Corella Prince

  • Enrique
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Elvis Presley
  • Michael Jackson
  • Vitas
  • Justin Bieber
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Billy Porter
  • Shia LaBeouf
  • Bai Ling
  • Dzhigurda
  • Conchita Wurst
  • Mister Creed
  • Boy George
  • Cee Lo Green
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Alice Cooper
  • Prince
  • Liberace
  • Elton John
  • David Bowie
  • Eljay
  • Little Big
  • Niletto
  • Post Malone
  • Ganvest
  • Tekashi
  • Morgenstern
  • Iggy Pop
  • Kiss
  • Sid Vicious
  • Ozzy Osbourne
  • Till Lindemenn

If you decide to have a couple

The selection of names for two birds is twice as interesting. Here, many try to name a couple of budgies, boys or girls (or pets of different sexes), with famous names of characters from movies and books, as well as funny combinations of nicknames:

  • Bonnie and Clyde;
  • Kai and Gerda;
  • Kate and Leo;
  • Batman and Robin;
  • Romeo (Roma) and Juliet (Julie);
  • Trisya (Tristan) and Izya (Isolde);
  • Bella and Edward (Ed);
  • Jacqueline and Kennedy;
  • Jules and Verne;
  • Terra and Hera;
  • Margo and Gosha;
  • Cookies and Tookies;
  • Chuk and Gek;
  • Antosha and Tosha;
  • Manya and Vanya;
  • Totoshka and Toshka;
  • Chip and Dale;
  • Winnie and Pooh;
  • Coca and Kiki;
  • Thelma and Louise;
  • Mark and Twain;
  • Rusya (Ruslan) and Lyusya (Lyudmila);
  • Napoleon (Polik) and Josephine (Josie);
  • Odysseus (Disi) and Penelope (Penny);
  • Guy and Ricci;
  • Nazar and Zakhar;
  • Mickey and Ricky;
  • Kiwi and Banana;
  • Chacha and Chichi.

Nicknames by color

The color palette of parrots is almost limitless. Their colorful colors are pleasing to the eye and make you admire. If your parrot has a predominant color, then it is quite possible to choose a name based on it.

Sun parrot Buttercup

  • Buttercup
  • Gold
  • Dill
  • Lavrukha
  • Lemon
  • Angus
  • Onyx
  • Chernysh
  • Blackberry
  • Imp
  • Domino
  • Motley
  • Spot
  • Spotty
  • Ivory
  • Blizzard
  • Glacier
  • Powder
  • Cloud
  • Frosty
  • Latte
  • Snickers
  • Porter
  • Batter
  • Nectar
  • Banana
  • Lightning
  • Pepper
  • Tomatik
  • Scarlet
  • Pistachio

This is interesting: cool nicknames for girl parrots.

What to look for when choosing a nickname

To choose the right name for the wavy, it is recommended to consider simple tips:

  • there is no need to rush, since you can initially observe your new pet to evaluate its behavior and character;
  • it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members, and especially you need to listen to children, who usually pay the most attention to parrots;
  • the name should be easy to pronounce not only for the wavy, but also for the person;
  • Short nicknames are considered the most optimal;
  • It is allowed that the name can be declined in an affectionate form.

The nickname is chosen for the bird’s entire life, so its choice must be approached responsibly and seriously.

If the parrot previously lived in another family, then it already has a name. It is not recommended to change it, as this is considered a stressful situation for the wavy . Therefore, you will have to use the old nickname. It is only allowed to choose any consonant name.

Nicknames from literary works

A wide variety of animals are found in books loved by both children and adults:

  • Cher (Winston Churchill) is the undead cat from Stephen King's Pet Sematary.
  • Kashtanka is a red dog, a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel from Chekhov's story of the same name.
  • The top is from the novel “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne.
  • Yu-Yu is a cat from “The Wonderful Doctor” by Kuprin.
  • Tori is a bulldog from Treasures of Agra.
  • Photon is a parrot from “Monday Begins on Saturday” by the Strugatskys.
  • Bagration is a dog from “12 Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov.
  • Behemoth is a demon in the guise of a giant talking cat from the immortal novel “The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov.
  • The pilot is a pet from the novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë.
  • Moska - from Krylov’s fable “The Elephant and the Pug”.
  • Ressi - from "The Adventures of Electronics" by Veltistov.
  • Rocinante - from Don Quixote by Cervantes.

Puss in Boots:

  • White Fang is a four-legged hero from a story by Jack London.
  • Goose Martin - from “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese” by A. Lindgren.
  • Butt is the parrot of Robinson Crusoe, the hero of the immortal novel by Daniel Defoe.
  • Montgomery - from "Three Men in a Boat and a Dog" by Jerome K. Jerome.
  • Sharik is the main character of “Heart of a Dog” by M.A. Bulgakov.
  • Captain Flint is the name of Silver the parrot from the adventure novel Treasure Island.
  • Kalyam is a cat from the novel “A Billion Years Before the End of the World” by the Strugatsky brothers. By the way, kalam is an instrument of Arabic calligraphers.
  • Clovis is a pet from “The Sleepwalkers” by the same Stephen King.

Parrot Kesha:

  • Black Beauty is the name of a foal from the book "The Adventures of Black Beauty" by Anna Sewell.
  • Mr Rat (rat), Mr Jabs (toad), Mr Badger and Mr Mole from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
  • The dog Sniff, the cat Gray Whisk, the rat Bubo from “Night in Lonely October” by Roger Zelazny.
  • Kholstomer is the name of a thoroughbred horse from the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy.

Piglet and Winnie the Pooh:

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