Review of nicknames for the Caucasian Shepherd: how to choose a name for your pet and reviews from owners

So, a new pet has appeared in your home - a well-fed and stocky Caucasian Shepherd puppy.

You have arranged a comfortable enclosure for him in advance, built a warm booth, and maybe even purchased food in reserve.

All that remains is to come up with a suitable and sonorous name.

What nickname can highlight the character, appearance and habits of a Caucasian?

Let's choose together!

What does a nickname mean in a shepherd's pedigree?

In the pedigree of a purebred puppy, the name is most often already indicated. It can be very simple, or, conversely, complex and difficult to pronounce.

There may be two reasons for this:

  • All littermate puppies are named with the same letter to facilitate club documentation.
  • The name of the nursery is attached to the name, for example: Dixon “Luxor” or Truman “Luxor”, etc.

If you applied for a puppy in advance, the breeder can write down in the documents the name that you came up with.

If the dog already has a passport name, this does not mean that you are obliged to use it at home. You can use simplified derivatives of this nickname, or even come up with something of your own.

Geographic nicknames

Another good way to choose a nickname that matches a particular breed is to refer to the geographical names and landmarks of the area where the breed originates and lives.

Geographical nicknames for a boy dog:

  • Alagir
  • Argun
  • Ardon
  • Arkhyz
  • Baku
  • Bosphorus
  • Grozny
  • Gudermes
  • Derbent
  • Yerevan
  • Kodor
  • Magas
  • Mozdok
  • Nalchik
  • Samur
  • Sevan
  • Elbrus

Geographical nicknames for a girl dog:

  • Adjara
  • Ananuri
  • Anapa
  • Bagrata
  • Batumi
  • Borjomi
  • Vardzia
  • Gremi
  • Dadiani
  • Enguri
  • Icheri
  • Cash register
  • Kuma
  • Kura
  • Rioni
  • Ritsa
  • Svaneti
  • Sioni
  • Sunzha
  • Teberda
  • Ushba
  • Shawls
  • Shkhara

Faithful Ritsa

How does it affect character?

In England there is one sarcastic proverb: “Give an excellent dog a bad name and you can safely drown him . There is some common sense in it, even if we omit all the mystification and superstition regarding the fact that the name influences the fate of the bearer.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a powerful guard breed, which by its nature is tuned to the systematic execution of security and service commands.

Accordingly, the nickname should be short and sonorous so that the pet can quickly respond in case of emergency.

When choosing a nickname, be sure to pay attention to the character, habits and appearance of the dog, but do not exaggerate or ridicule them. The dog will certainly feel the disdain in your voice and will not trust you.

The pet will deliberately ignore all commands.

And also, you should not name the dog by a human name or in honor of someone from your environment . The dog must distinguish and recognize its name among others. The more often you say a name without addressing your pet, the more nervous and angry he becomes.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“If you can’t decide on a name the same day you get a dog, don’t rush. Observe the puppy's behavior and character. Perhaps some features will evoke pleasant associations in you, and the name will appear in your head on its own. We came up with a nickname for our dog based on the same principle. As soon as one of the household members left the territory of the house, she immediately sat down and froze as if enchanted, looking at the gate. The nickname suggested itself - Chara (abbr. from Enchanted).

By color

Often, owners of Caucasian Shepherds give the puppy a name in accordance with its color. This is a good way to give your pet a sonorous nickname, while emphasizing its appearance and features:

  • gray - Wulf, Gray, Pebbles, Dusty, Casper, Ash, Ghost, Smokey, Smog, Flint, Shyla;
  • brindle - Bruno, Mocha, Molly, Tabby, Choco, Shocco;
  • red - Bronze, Goldie, Golden, Ginger, Sunset, Gold, Cloud, Leo, Lava, Flame, Red, Rosie, Phoenix, Foxy, Amber;
  • white - Arctic, Blondie, Blanca, Igloo, Frost, Snow, North, Snezhka, White.

Representatives of the breed with piebald coat color are called Blackie, Vyuga, Resin, Dotty, Irbis, Karat, Marble, Merli, Tuchka, Ursula.

How to choose the right name for a dog?

A nickname is the first thing a dog should remember during training.

The following 5 rules will help you choose a name for your puppy and start raising it:

  • The nickname should please all family members. It should be pronounced without negativity or irritation in the voice, so that the animal does not feel guilty for no reason.
  • The nickname should be short, clear and understandable. It is better if the name begins with letters such as: B, D, R, C, or a combination thereof. It is better not to use dull sounds.
  • Do not call your dog by a human name or give it a popular and fashionable nickname. This can confuse a pet walking on the same area with numerous namesakes.
  • The nickname must correspond to the breed qualities and appearance of the dog. For example, nicknames such as Caramel or Baby will be appropriate for a toy terrier, but not for a Caucasian shepherd dog.
  • Watch your dog's reaction. Choose a few names you like and watch your pet's response. Which combination of sounds does he show more interest in?

To make it easier for you to choose a name, imagine how you call a dog in a critical situation (a thief has broken into the house or you have been attacked) . Analyze which nickname will sound most concisely and clearly in these circumstances.

Majestic and formidable names

Dogs of this breed have a menacing appearance and impressive size: males have about 68-75 cm at the withers, females - 64-71 cm. A small, cute and fluffy puppy will eventually turn into a large and serious dog, so you can choose a nickname that will match the external characteristics of an adult dog.

Names for menacing and serious boys:

  • Adonis
  • Empire style
  • Ares
  • Astan
  • Baron
  • Bogatyr
  • Buran
  • Knight
  • Volcano
  • Gaspard
  • Hercules
  • Graph
  • Zeus
  • Prince
  • a lion
  • Marquis
  • Mars
  • Prince
  • Typhoon
  • Tiger
  • Tyrant
  • Hurricane
  • Faust
  • Hyde
  • Cerberus
  • Shaitan
  • Storm

Names for majestic and proud girls:

  • Agatha
  • Aster
  • Bagheera
  • Hess
  • Gordy
  • Storm
  • Dasma
  • Diva
  • Crown
  • Lei
  • Magna
  • Mars
  • Siren
  • Taiga
  • Cloud
  • Festa
  • Fursa
  • Horta

Elusive Storm

Attention! This breed is not suitable for timid and weak-willed owners. These dogs take second place in the ranking of the largest breeds in the world, so a person who is unsure of his abilities will not be able to cope with raising this animal.

What to name the boy?

Male Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are large “bears” with pronounced breed characteristics, a stern and strict look, which often hides a rather affectionate and loving heart.

The following selection of nicknames with meaning will help you make a choice based on the personal characteristics of the pet.

For those tough on the outside but soft on the inside

  • Buddy;
  • Hans/Hans;
  • Lucas;
  • Tobby, Tobias;
  • Chuck;
  • Archie;
  • Richie;
  • Woody;
  • Harry;
  • Garrett;
  • Grinch;
  • Zach;
  • Larry;
  • Sally;
  • Milo;
  • Pumbaa;
  • Pluto;
  • Roger;
  • Scooby;
  • Urwin.

For the active and brave

  • Sancho;
  • Arnie, Arnold;
  • Kurt;
  • Cyrus;
  • Rick;
  • Sancho;
  • Stalker;
  • Courage;
  • Cosmo;
  • Fire;
  • Pegasus;
  • Perseus;
  • Tyson;
  • Caesar;
  • Hawk;
  • Shaman;
  • Macho;
  • Fierce;
  • Major;
  • Mustang.

By color

  • Bruno;
  • Wolf;
  • Robbie, Bob;
  • Marble;
  • Choco;
  • North;
  • Mars;
  • Ed;
  • Spotty;
  • Cloud;
  • Casper;
  • Frost;
  • Golden;
  • Amber;
  • Copper;
  • Sunrise;
  • Sunset;
  • Ash;
  • Smokey;
  • Frost.

Names for a Caucasian Shepherd boy

The Caucasian Shepherd is a large and formidable animal with a difficult character. Dog names can reflect the devotion and strength of these animals, the ability to endure difficulties and difficult conditions. The following nicknames for Caucasian Shepherd boys may suit you:

  • Viola, Athos, Ataman, Cupid, Altai, Admiral, Adonis, Ares, Arafat, Argo, Achilles;
  • Bucks, Barney, Baron, Boatswain, Baikal, Bard, Bars, Velvet, Buckingham, Bexter, Berg, Berkut;
  • White, Jack, Wald, Walter, Varyag, Vasco, Veles, Verny, Werther, West, Wind, Viking, Viscount, Winter, Virage, Knight, Leader, Volt, Wolf, Vostok, Wade;
  • Gabriel, Gaidar, Harold, Hector, Henry, Hercules, Hephaestus, Goliath, Count, Gray, Green, Thunder, Goodwin;
  • Diver, Danko, Dantes, Dexter, Detroit, Jake, Jack, Jerry, Jean, Joe, Joy, Diamond, Dick, Domino, Duncan, Jacques, Tourniquet;
  • Saur, Zeus, Zenith, Zephyr, Siegfried, Zorro, Ibis, Emerald, Icarus, Indigo, Irvine;
  • Kazbek, Kaiser, Karabas, Karat, Cardinal, Cascade, Casper, Celt, King, Clyde, Prince, Conan, Condor, Consul, Corvin, Krechet;
  • Light, Lasker, Laertes, Lector, Leo, Locky, Loring, Leo, Largo;
  • Mars, Max, Moor, March, Marquis, Bear, Mirage, Walrus, Mitch;
  • Nemo, Nord, Narcissus, Neptune, Nero, Newton;
  • Orion, Odysseus, Olympus, Orpheus, Oscar, Pirate, Pegasus, Perseus, Pilot, Prince, Porthos;
  • Richard, Radar, Raskat, Rubin, Rambo, Rex;
  • Saigon, Sapsan, Saturn, Skif, Falcon, Spartak, Sultan, Suran;
  • Tarzan, Typhoon, Tibet, Tyrant, Topaz, Clubs, Fog;
  • Hurricane, Queen, Flint, Frant, Tsar, Cerberus, Sheldon, Sherwood, Storm;
  • Elf, Everest, Junker, Yakhont, Hawk.

The list can be continued by analogy, being inspired to create a name from various sources.

In reference books of plants, animals, and books on geography, there are many beautiful names that can give you the idea of ​​​​an original nickname for a pet.

The nickname should be short and simple, then the Caucasian will quickly remember it

What to name the girl?

Girls are smaller and generally more affectionate than boys.

They get along better with children, thanks to their developed maternal instinct.

However, breeders note an interesting feature: if a female Caucasian Shepherd gets into a fight with an offender, she will fight to the last, defending her family with all her might.

If you are still in doubt about choosing a name for your pet, then check out our list: perhaps one of the names will very organically “fit” the character and appearance of your ward.

For the kind, gentle and affectionate

  • Agatha;
  • Amanda;
  • Linda;
  • Felli;
  • Rachel;
  • Jesse;
  • Daphne;
  • Krista;
  • Rhonda;
  • Mayan;
  • Nanni;
  • Pixie;
  • Sonya;
  • Chara;
  • Smiley;
  • Utah;
  • Pippi;
  • Mickey;
  • Marfa;
  • Audrey.

For the active, brave and charming

  • Betty, Tris, Beatrice;
  • Gabi;
  • Gerda;
  • Estra, Ella (Estrella);
  • Mira, Miranda;
  • Puma;
  • Spark;
  • Star;
  • Screw;
  • Arrow;
  • Basta;
  • Storm;
  • Tundra;
  • Bullet;
  • Courage;
  • Priestess;
  • Yula;
  • Cerra;
  • Luck;
  • Kameta.

By color

  • Debbie, Deborah;
  • Ursula;
  • Gwen;
  • Sima, Sera, Fima, Seraphim;
  • Bertha;Goldie;
  • Blondie;
  • Hanni;
  • Zlata;
  • Lava;
  • Bronze;
  • Sandy;
  • Pebbles;
  • Suga;
  • Scarlett;
  • Sheddy;
  • Arctic;
  • Flame;
  • Flamey;
  • Ginger;
  • Buffy.

Little-known characters from films and cartoons about animals can serve as an example of a good and sonorous name.

Names that reflect character

Animal psychologists believe that a nickname greatly influences the character and future life of a dog. Therefore, you should avoid nicknames that have a sharp negative connotation - Demon, Devil, Dracula, Killer, etc.

This rule also applies in the opposite direction. With the help of nicknames, many owners try to correct undesirable qualities. It is better to call too angry boys by kind nicknames, and shy girls by belligerent nicknames.

In the course of research by the French dog handler J. Cuvier, it turned out that certain phonetic combinations that dogs hear most often also leave an imprint on temperament.

Thus, the sound “a” activates leadership abilities, “n” – concentration and loyalty, “r” – courage and independence.

It has been noticed that dogs with certain nicknames have common character traits:

  • the boy Ike is brave, strong and resilient, well trained;
  • the girl Addie is vindictive, prone to mood swings, but with good contact with her owner she can easily learn;
  • boy Bars is a faithful companion and reliable watchman;
  • the girl Eva is kind, brave and jealous;
  • boy Harold - stubborn, proud, self-confident, but brave and efficient;
  • girl Linda – friendly, obedient and playful;
  • boy Jule – emotional and touchy;
  • the girl Nera is calm, cunning and distrustful;
  • boy Morgan is an excellent watchman, loves children;
  • the girl Florence is a one-owner dog, smart and brave;
  • the boy Sheriff is serious and formidable, distinguished by unquestioning obedience;
  • Elba girl cannot stand loneliness.

Of course, this does not mean that a boy named Bars will necessarily grow up to be a wonderful companion. The character of a Caucasian Shepherd depends not only on its nickname, but also on its upbringing.

What should you not call it?

So, you already know what names might be suitable for a dog of the Caucasian Shepherd breed.

Now it’s worth talking in more detail about which names should definitely be excluded:

  • Nicknames suitable exclusively for “pocket dogs”. As a rule, they sound very soft, gentle and diminutive.
  • Nicknames that are fashionable at the moment. Perhaps due to the popularity of a film or cultural phenomenon, as was the case in their time with Rex, Mukhtar and Lassie.
  • Offensive, offensive or abusive nicknames should be immediately excluded, as this implies not only a deterioration in the relationship with the dog, but also a lot of embarrassment when communicating with the veterinarian or fellow dogs.
  • Don't call your dog a name that sounds like a command.
  • Do not use several names at once, as this confuses the dog, especially at the stage of socialization and adaptation.


To summarize all of the above: the dog should have a rare, but easy to pronounce nickname.

The pet should have no doubt that you are calling him.

The most “fluffy” and “shaggy” names

The Caucasian wolfhound is famous for its striking appearance with thick and fluffy fur. Nicknames based on appearance are very popular and the type of coat is no exception.

Nicknames for shaggy boys:

  • Barash
  • Weeds
  • Vinny
  • Wolf
  • Cloud
  • Koltun
  • Koltush
  • Lump
  • Forester
  • Lokhmach
  • Misha
  • bear
  • Oduvan
  • Pow
  • Pooh
  • Pukhlik
  • Pukhlyash
  • Fluffy
  • Fluff
  • Fog
  • Jerboa
  • Umka
  • Chubay
  • Chewbacca
  • Chuf

Big and fluffy Chewbacca
Nicknames for fluffy girls:

  • Beard
  • Mitten
  • Vlas
  • Vlasya
  • Christmas tree
  • Shaggy
  • Kucherya
  • Lama
  • Nyusha
  • Panda
  • Pooh
  • Pushinka
  • A gun
  • Pumpkin
  • Needles
  • Sharma
  • Brush


In this case, you need to choose nicknames that are related, in one way or another, to the color of the dog’s coat. Try to draw analogies with the color black or its tones in different ways. Use a translator. In general, any approach will be correct.

In fact, it’s a black shepherd, it’s an ordinary German. Unless they are working dogs: they can easily find explosives or drugs. They will serve the police and army. This is their main responsibility.

Popular and beautiful names for black German Shepherd with meaning (boy and girl) : Chernysh or Chernushka; Raisin; Dark; Darkness; Night; Haze;Smog; Soot; Black; Pirate; Coal; Gypsy; Gray; Agate; Azara; Andromeda.


How did you like the proposed nicknames? What did you focus on when choosing a name for your baby? Please tell us in the comments!

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1 comment

Yes, Caucasians are serious dogs, all sorts of Jessies or Bonnies are not at all for them. A neighbor had such a gray, imperturbable giant, his name was Nord, this nickname suited him very well.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are loyal, good-natured and calm pets, serious and formidable protectors of the family. There is a lot of scope for choosing a name for such a dog - you can choose a harmonious nickname based on the character of the animal, its behavioral and external characteristics. Another option is to choose a popular or beautiful name.

Collie (Scottish)

The Collie, or as it is also called, the Shetland Sheepdog, is a herding dog. Characterized by friendliness, activity, devotion, intelligence and vigilance. To choose a name for your animal, think of places and things that interest you or just like. They are perhaps the kindest of the shepherd dog species.

As the name suggests, the homeland of these dogs is Scotland. In addition to herding qualities, the collie is an excellent companion.

Have you ever seen shorn collies? We are shocked!

Example of nicknames for girls : Lassie, Barbie, Cindy, Sandy, Molly, Jessie, Mira, Charlie, Sheila, Nanny (from nanny).

Names for boys : Baron; White; Archie; Merlin; Almond; Force; Dandy; Osiris.



Let's find out what you can name a puppy or an adult dog, a girl of the most famous variety of the breed - German. Names for a German Shepherd girl are sonorous, beautiful, gentle names, maybe some kind of abbreviations. Choose them from various sources and whatever your eye falls on will be the name that will be attached to the animal forever. If the bitch looks sweet, gentle, kind, then nicknames like Daisy are more suitable. If she is closer to formidable, then something like Hera.

How to name a German girl: beautiful names with meaning

  1. Anastasia - the heroine of the cartoon of the same name
  2. Ariel - the little mermaid
  3. Belle is a character from Beauty and the Beast, a romantic person
  4. Snow White
  5. Nut - mechanic from Chip and Dale
  6. Athena - goddess of war
  7. Aphrodite - goddess of beauty
  8. Demeter - goddess of fertility
  9. Psyche - personifies the soul and breath
  10. Spring is the time of year
  11. Snowflake - weather phenomenon
  12. Jasmine is a flower, or a cartoon heroine
  13. Fun
  14. Cinderella - the girl who lost her shoe
  15. Margarita, Daisy
  16. Assol - “Scarlet Sails”
  17. Adele
  18. Aster - flower
  19. Amanda
  20. Anfisa
  21. Anita
  22. Ice (Ice)
  23. Amber is the name of a fictional city
  24. Bagheera - black panther
  25. Bonya
  26. Betty

    What a beautiful girl!

  27. Bessie
  28. Bulya
  29. Bianca
  30. Blanka
  31. Barbara
  32. Bridget
  33. Bastet - goddess of beauty
  34. Bonitta
  35. Barbie doll
  36. Bun
  37. Wendy
  38. Gerda - protector of people
  39. Glafira
  40. Gamma
  41. Thunderstorm - weather phenomenon
  42. Hansel is a character from a Brothers Grimm fairy tale.
  43. Gina
  44. Jessica
  45. Jennifer
  46. Dusya
  47. Dolly - sheep
  48. Judith
  49. Christmas tree - coniferous tree
  50. Europe is one of the parts of the world
  51. Josephine
  52. Julia
  53. Zenna - Warrior Princess
  54. Zara
  55. Zolda
  56. Isabelle
  57. Toffee - candy
  58. Lavender - plant
  59. Yasmin
  60. Emilia


How can you name a German Shepherd boy puppy or adult dog? Is there a ready list of names? Here everything is rougher, more powerful, stronger and tougher. Don't confuse a boy with a girl and don't call a male dog the same as you would a girl. In this case, there cannot be pet names. For the simple reason that it won’t look very nice if, for example, you go out to the park and call: “Funtik, come to me!” It will look quite strange.

How to name a boy beautifully - beautiful and Russian names for a male German Shepherd (suitable for a puppy too):

All in the game

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