Egyptian names for cats: list of male and female nicknames

New addition to your home? Have you decided to adopt a kitten and are wondering what to name it? Do you want the nickname to be sonorous, beautiful, and at the same time the kitten quickly begins to respond to it? We will offer you various name options for a female cat or kitten, among which you will certainly find the best one for your pet.

Beauty Moon (emphasis on the first syllable):

Beautiful and bright nicknames

Little kittens are incredibly cute. It’s not surprising that you want to name your furry baby beautifully. For some reason, there is an opinion that purebred cats should be given sophisticated names, and mongrel cats should be given simpler nicknames. Masya and Murka are the leaders in this case. However, there are no purebred cats, and every purring cat deserves to be loved, which means it deserves a bright, sonorous nickname.

How can you name a girl kitten beautifully:

  • Quince;
  • Agatha;
  • Amber;
  • Anastasia;
  • Asher;
  • And I;
  • Buffy;
  • Bella;
  • Bessie;
  • Britney;
  • Veda;
  • Vesta;
  • Violet;
  • Gwen;
  • Hermione;
  • Gia;
  • Gypsy;
  • Gracie;
  • Dairy;
  • Darcy;
  • Daisy;
  • Deborah;
  • Didi;
  • Eve;
  • Zoe;
  • Kairo;
  • Callie;
  • Cassidy;
  • Kitty;
  • Cleo;
  • Cassie;
  • Latte;
  • Lexi;
  • Lika;
  • Lily;
  • Lillianna;
  • Lola;
  • Lulu;
  • Moon;
  • Lucy;
  • Muddy;
  • Marie;
  • Mimi;
  • Missy;
  • Misty;
  • Mia;
  • Moxie;
  • Molly;
  • Nala;
  • Niya;
  • Octavia;
  • Penelope;
  • Ryan;
  • Chamomile;
  • Samantha;
  • Sunny;
  • Susie;
  • Sonora;
  • Sophie;
  • Stella;
  • Tiggy;
  • Tiffany;
  • Fifi;
  • Chewie;
  • Charlotte;
  • Shaya;
  • Ebony;
  • Angel;
  • Effie;
  • Fluffy - Fluffy (“fluffy”);
  • Pearl – Pearl (“pearl”).

Cute cat Tiggy:

Nicknames with an emphasis on character

Owners often try to emphasize the cat’s character with a nickname. This is how Sweeties and Evil Ones appear. At the same time, it is not so easy to guess in advance what the temperament of a mongrel kitten will be. With purebred animals the situation is different, since their character is largely determined by their breed. For example, Maine Coons are considered kind, but not very playful. Siamese cats are smart and active, but exotic shorthairs are calm and sedentary creatures.

If your cat is not very active and likes to sleep, then you can choose an appropriate name for her. Name your cat Scops Owl or Sonya to let everyone know that she is a napper.

Whatever you call Sonya, she will doze off

Tisha or Tishka are also nicknames that indicate that your pet does not make much noise.

For energetic and playful kittens, you can also choose interesting options. The playful girl deserves the name Sparkle, Rada or Flash. A particularly curious cat can be called Alice - in honor of the famous heroine of Lewis Carroll. Names such as Laska, Nezha and Mila are suitable for kind and sympathetic pets. If your cat has a difficult character from a very early age, then you can also emphasize this with a name. Zlyuka, Kusaka, Scratchy and Tsap are names that warn others about the not-so-good mood of your pet.

Stylish and fashionable nicknames

Yes, and there is a fashion for cat names. Popular ratings include both familiar, popular names and spectacular, unusual ones. For a cat of British or Siberian, Thai or Bengal, or any other breed, you can choose a nickname that will make your pet stand out from others, and will give your friends the opportunity to be surprised by your imagination:

Many names have remained popular for a long time - among them Nala, Rose, Luna, Bella and Daisy. Others are going out of fashion, giving way to no less sonorous nicknames. The best cat names included in popular ratings:

  • Ava;
  • Addie;
  • Alice;
  • Amelie;
  • Bailey;
  • Bianca;
  • Gabriel;
  • Guy;
  • Gwen;
  • Jinx;
  • Diana;
  • Dusha (Duchess);
  • Giselle;
  • Willow;
  • Camilla;
  • Carmen;
  • Kiki;
  • Clover;
  • Coco;
  • Bark;
  • Cookies;
  • Caroline;
  • Laurie;
  • Milli;
  • Moon;
  • Audrey;
  • Piper;
  • Pixie;
  • Rosie;
  • Roxy;
  • Sophie;
  • Thea;
  • Fiona;
  • Hazel;
  • Cherry;
  • Chanel;
  • Charlotte;
  • Alice;
  • Ellie;
  • Elsa;
  • April;
  • Yasmina.

The owners named her Caroline:

How to choose a name for a girl kitten

Choosing names for girls' cats is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Dozens of characteristics are taken into account, among which special attention should be paid to:

  • Pet's appearance. Nicknames for girls' cats are chosen depending on external characteristics. Thus, attention is paid to the color of the coat and the beautiful color of the eyes, the length and width of the paws, unusual ears or a fluffy tail. If there is a non-standard detail in appearance, then this may be the reason for choosing a specific name.
  • Pet character. The cat's character is another reason to choose a certain nickname. Some animals are active and cheerful. They get used to the house literally from the first day and consider people their new family. Others are calm and peaceful. You have to work hard to earn their trust. Still others even get used to their new home for several weeks, or even months, demonstrating their independent or fearful character.
  • Peculiarities. There are no two cats alike in the world. Each of them has its own inner world. One likes to chase insects, the other likes to eat indoor flowers. It is worth following the habits of a new animal in the house. It is likely that it is precisely such nuances that will serve as the reason for choosing the name.
  • Breed. The name is also selected depending on the breed. It would be strange to call an animal of royal blood, with a pedigree, intended for participation in exhibitions, with a simple nickname. Or, on the contrary, it will seem pretentious if you call a cat of ordinary blood, a yard cat, a noble and very long name.

Do not forget that it is not only the owner who will communicate with the animal. Perhaps some nickname seems funny or cool, it causes laughter in a friendly atmosphere. But you will have to take the animal to the veterinarian, get a passport for it, and the like. You need to think about whether a non-standard nickname will characterize the owner as a frivolous person.

How to accustom a kitten to its name

When a nickname for a girl’s favorite cat is chosen, this is just the beginning. Now you need to accustom your little pet to the sound so that it begins to respond and associate the name with itself.

Sometimes this is not so easy to do. Here we need to recall the works of the famous Soviet scientist Pavlov, who recommended the use of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. Training is carried out precisely following his theory.

First you should say the chosen name. Then there is a reward (in the form of a treat). Consolidation - also pronounce sounds. Then the animal's brain will begin to associate the name with praise. The kitten will become affectionate and loving. Consolidation occurs at the level of an unconditioned reflex.

It is worth understanding that getting used to a name is not an easy task. Some cats begin to respond within a couple of times. Others are headstrong and don’t want to get used to it. But do not panic if the animal does not pay attention to sounds for several weeks. It is possible that the nickname itself was chosen incorrectly.

Experts recommend choosing names that have hissing sounds. These are similar to the “native” voice of cats, so they become established faster. There is no need to use a title that is too long. Even if the full name consists of three or four syllables, it is better to break it down into small, cool or cute nicknames. Later, with age, you can gradually accustom yourself to the full name and consolidate this using the above-described formation of a conditioned reflex on the basis of an unconditional one.

Rare and unusual names

For every owner, his cat is a unique creature, extremely intelligent and strikingly beautiful. And this is great, because this attitude encourages you to give your pet an unusual, exclusive name, for example:

  • Asha;
  • Banshee;
  • Buttons;
  • Beatrice;
  • Bonita;
  • Whisper;
  • Gidget;
  • Josie (Josephine);
  • Xena;
  • Zippy;
  • Clementine;
  • Lucky Kat;
  • Liquorice;
  • Leonia;
  • Links;
  • Lollipop;
  • Madeleine;
  • Makita;
  • Mao;
  • Midnight;
  • Milky;
  • Minerva;
  • Maddie;
  • Marilyn;
  • Persephone;
  • Ramona;
  • Rory;
  • Saskia;
  • Snuffy;
  • Twilight;
  • Phoebe;
  • Harley;
  • China;
  • El;
  • Ashley;
  • Yara.

Lucky Cat is a happy cat:

How to choose the right name for a cat

The final name for the cat is chosen by its owner, but there are still a number of rules that should be followed:

  1. Focus on dull and hissing sounds.
  2. Avoid offensive and derogatory nicknames, as well as negative meanings.
  3. Try to keep it to 1-3 syllables. More complex designs are acceptable, but subject to their reduction in everyday life.

During training, try to associate the animal's name with positive associations. Call your pet every time you give him food, play with him, or pick him up to scratch him behind the ear. Having achieved the desired reaction, increase the distance for calling and gradually remove stimulation with additional treats.


On average, training takes 1-2 weeks.

Beautiful English nicknames

A source of inspiration for owners in search of the most beautiful nickname can be... dictionaries. For example, English words where you can find many beautiful names for your furry pet:

  • Abigail;
  • Eileen;
  • Amabel;
  • Andrea;
  • Bernice;
  • Blanche;
  • Brittany;
  • Vanessa;
  • Vivien;
  • Gwen;
  • Gwendoline;
  • Gladys;
  • Griselda;
  • Dana;
  • Darlene;
  • Justin;
  • Jessica;
  • Gillian;
  • Judith;
  • Easter;
  • Kimberly;
  • Christie;
  • Candy;
  • Lavinia;
  • Lilac;
  • Lynn;
  • Lois;
  • Lottie;
  • Lucille;
  • Marcella;
  • Melanie;
  • Melissa;
  • Monica;
  • May;
  • Marianne;
  • Natalie;
  • Nellie;
  • Noreen;
  • Oriana;
  • Pamella
  • Priscilla;
  • Rovina;
  • Rhoda;
  • Una;
  • Fleur;
  • Hannah;
  • Hilda;
  • Sherry;
  • Edith;
  • Edna;
  • Elva.

Little Una:

Name for cats from popular Japanese anime

All fans of cartoons can choose anime nicknames for cats; pets are often named after their favorite hero. Characters have certain traits and abilities. Perhaps your tailed one also has a special gift?

  • Ichigo (m)
  • Rukia (w)
  • Hichigo (m)
  • Orihime (w)
  • Yasutora (m)
  • Kisuke (m)
  • Jushiro (m)
  • Nemu (w)
  • Kenpachi (m)
  • Kusadzisi (w)
  • Aizen (m)
  • Momo (w)
  • Soi Fon (w)
  • Luffy (m)
  • Sanji (m)
  • Nico Robin (w)
  • Naruto Uzamaki (m)
  • Kakashi Hatake (m)
  • Choumei
  • Gyuki
  • Saiken
  • Matatabi
  • Deidara (m)
  • Tenten (w)
  • Sasori (m)
  • Hinata (w)
  • Inuzuka Kiba (m)
  • Haku (m)
  • Zabuza Momochi (m)
  • Yamato (m)
  • Shikamaru (m)

Charlie from Fairy Tail

  • Uchiha Madara (m)
  • Conan (w)
  • Gaara (m)
  • Mei (w)
  • Might Guy (m)
  • Nagato (m)
  • Evergreen (w)
  • Kildurst Clive (m)
  • Lisanna Strauss (w)
  • Elfman (m)
  • Charlie
  • Happy
  • Mirajane (w)
  • Glitcheye (m)
  • Lucy (w)
  • Elsa Scarlett
  • Gajeel Redfox
  • Juvia (w)
  • Loki (m)
  • Igneel
  • Minerva (w)
  • Zeref (m)
  • Freed Justin (m)
  • Cana Alberona (w)
  • Wendy Marvel (w)
  • Kirito (m)
  • Asuna (w)
  • Zaza (m)
  • Lisbeth (f)
  • Konno Yuki (w)
  • Silica (w)
  • Quinella (w)

Happy from Fairy Tail

  • Kradil (m)
  • Alicia (w)
  • Nori (w)
  • Argo (m)
  • Keita (m)
  • Eugeo (m)
  • Kirigaya Midori (w)
  • Recon (m)
  • Koper (m)
  • Kibao (m)
  • Godfrey (m)
  • Solterina (w)
  • Diabel (m)
  • Skuld (w)
  • Endo (w)
  • Sailor Moon – Tsukino Usagi (w)
  • Sailor Mars – Hino Ray
  • Sailor Baby – Usagi, Chibi-Moon
  • Chiba Mamoru (m)
  • Sailor Venus – Aina Minakopro

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French names

You can also look it up in a French dictionary:

  • Adele;
  • Babette;
  • Valerie;
  • Dolphin;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Julie;
  • Karina;
  • Louise;
  • Paulette;
  • Rene;
  • Rosalie;
  • Roxana;
  • Sabina;
  • Selina;
  • Cecil;
  • Silvia;
  • Solange;
  • Suar ("evening");
  • Theresa;
  • Chantal;
  • Yuvetta;
  • Edith;
  • Eugenie;
  • Eloise;
  • Amy.

Favorite activity of the cat Solange:

By character or celebrity name

The last idea to look for is your favorite movies, books and other works of art. In this case, the mustachioed favorite can be named after the same animals (Sawyer from “Cats Don’t Dance” or Duchess from “Aristocats”) or human characters (Ciri, Triss or Yen from “The Witcher”).

Don't forget about real celebrities: actors, singers, scientists, rulers. If you don't want to use their own names, borrow their pets' nicknames: Choupette (designer Karl Lagerfeld), Meredith (Taylor Swift), Smarty (Claudia Schiffer).

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Russian nicknames

Of course, purely Russian nicknames for domestic cats always remain popular:

  • Arisha;
  • Asya;
  • And I;
  • Bead;
  • Vlas;
  • Glasha;
  • Dusya;
  • Mouth guard;
  • Kira;
  • Ksyusha;
  • Lada;
  • Masya;
  • Mayan;
  • Martha;
  • Milka;
  • Musilda;
  • Nyusha;
  • Plush;
  • Sima;
  • Sonya;
  • Tasya;
  • Tasha;
  • Tosya;
  • Umka;
  • Ustina;
  • Shunya.

Busya is a cat with character:

Old Russian names with meaning

Names for cats can be not just a set of sounds pleasant for the animal, but also carry a certain meaning, for example:

  1. Augusta is majestic.
  2. Alevtina is alien to the bad and evil.
  3. Darina is the winner.
  4. Agnia is immaculate.
  5. Asya is a city dweller.
  6. Elizabeth is an oath given to God.
  7. Kira is a mistress.
  8. Angela is an angel.
  9. Varvara is wild.
  10. Vasilisa is regal.
  11. Kaleria is hot.
  12. Violetta is a violet.
  13. Danuta is the goddess of the Moon.
  14. Vereya is attractive.
  15. Aldona - born of water.
  16. Agidel - born of fire.

Based on these names, you can come up with diminutives. So, for example, Kira can become more euphonious for a cat Kiryusha, and the strict name Varvara can become Varyusha, Varya, Ryusha.

Nicknames by color

A popular way to choose a name for your pet is by coat color. For example, a cat with snow-white fur can be called Snezha, Bianka, Ice, Snow, and a smoky cat can be called Shadow (“shadow”), Dymka, Pepper (“pepper”). For a female kitten of black color, nicknames are suitable - Voodoo of shades is simply amazing - from light peach to fiery red. Nicknames for them should be special: Burgundy, Terra, Flame, Foxy, Cherry.

Foxy - the red-haired cheat:

Magic nicknames

Let's choose a magical nickname for the kitten with a reference to famous magicians and sorcerers. And for girl cats, nicknames in honor of good witches and scary grandmothers, yogis, are suitable.

The dangerous Abra Kadabra sneaks out from a dark corner:

Check out these cool cat names:

  • Balthazar;
  • Blair;
  • Wang;
  • Velva;
  • Vickapi;
  • Gandalf;
  • Hermione;
  • Glinda;
  • Jadis;
  • Drevna;
  • Zeddicus;
  • Kadoni;
  • Kaecilius;
  • Kahlan;
  • Calferay;
  • Litonya;
  • McPhee;
  • Maleficent;
  • Merlin;
  • Minerva;
  • Morgana;
  • Magesko;
  • Macoy;
  • Nakena;
  • Nido:
  • Nironi;
  • Ozza;
  • Oneta;
  • Luna;
  • Sabrina;
  • Salem;
  • Sanderson;
  • Saruman;
  • Strange;
  • Telula;
  • Theodora;
  • Water Us;
  • Enchantress;
  • Shota;
  • Evanora.

And the insidious girl Chuya:

Popular cat names based on their characteristics

Many people prefer to give their pets meaningful names that reflect their essence or the interests of the owner. In this case, you need to take a closer look at the behavior and character of your kitten.

By color and color

The simplest and easiest option is to name the cat by its color. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just the name of the color: you can think about associations or look for translations of the color into different languages.

  1. For black cats - Chernyshka, Blackie, Aphra, Puma, Shadow, Fury, Soot, Lilith (the name of the demon), Knight (“night” from English), Noir (“black” from French), Ombra (“shadow” from French) , Kuro (“black” from Japanese), Raven (“crow” from English), Melanie (“dark” from Greek), Dark (“darkness” from English).
  2. For grays - Serka, Serushka, Haze, Gray (“gray” from English), Misty (“fog” from English), Shady, Shadow (“shadow” from English), Gris (“gray” from French), Brawley (derivative from “fog” from French), Rhine, Rainie (“rain” from English).
  3. For whites – Snezhka, Snezhanna, Squirrel, Belyashka, Vanilla, Pushinka, Marshmallow, Marshmallow (abbreviated Marsha, Masha), Snow (“snow” from English), Frosty (“frost” from English), Lighty (“light” from English), Margo (meaning "pearl"), Miyu, Miya ("full moon" in Japanese), Shiro ("white" in Japanese), Lucia, Luci, Lucy (association with "light"), Flake ("snowflake" in English) , Yuki (“snow” from Japanese).

  1. For redheads - Ryzhunka, Ryzhka, Lungwort, Fox, Zarya, Peach, Ginger, Gold, Apricot, Cinnamon, Salt (“sun” from Spanish), Aurora (goddess of the dawn in mythology), Red, Reddy (“red”, “redhead” "from English), Goldie ("gold" from English), Carmine, Carmen (a shade of red), Kitsune ("fox" from Japanese).
  2. For spotted, tortoiseshells – Pyatnashka, Pea, Tabby, Tabitha (spotted color), Cherry (consonant with “tortoise”), Tigger, Matroskina.

By eye color

Using the same principle, names are given based on eye color:

  • blue-eyed - Blue, Sky (sky from English), Sora (sky from Japanese);
  • green-eyed – Zelenka, Green, Mida, Midori (green from Japanese);

  • yellow-eyed - Witch, Kiya (yellow from Japanese), Sunny (sunny from Japanese), Gold (gold from English).

The nature

It will be interesting to take a closer look at the kitten’s character, observe its behavior and give it a nickname in accordance with its habits. For example, an agile, cheerful, active cat can be called Nimble, Mischievous, Veselka, Tsunami, a lazy one - Lenka, an aggressive one - Bully.

For a calm, graceful woman with her own dignity, the names Bagheera, Lady, Countess, Miss, Marquise, Madam are suitable. A fat woman who loves to eat and sleep can be called Sonya, Zasonya, Bun, Pyshka, Eshka. Tender, affectionate ones are called Grelki, Murki, Tishki. A cat with a serious, stern look can be given the name Grumpy or Shy (can be shortened to Nyashka).

In this case, you can also play with translations and listen to how a distinctive character trait sounds in different languages. This is how Sweetie (sweet, cute), Honya (honey, beloved), Chica (daring), Donna (feminine) can appear.

By breed

Certain names suit specific breeds based on their appearance or consonance with the name:

  • Siamese - Sima, Sema, Sarah, Sin;
  • Persian - Peach, Perseus, Pushina, Perka;
  • Scottish - Shotti, Scotty;
  • Sphinx - Lady, Countess (because of her grace);
  • Maine Coon - Queen, Leo, Lioness, Madame;
  • blue - Neva, Gray, Blue.


At each period of time, some names gained popularity in accordance with life realities. 30 years ago you could meet cats named Jeans, Chewing Gum and Pager, and at the beginning of this century it was popular to name pets after politicians Chubais, Chernomyrdins and Zhiriks. Now nicknames are being spread in honor of gadget and car companies, for example, Apple, Toyota, Aurora. There are names in honor of social networks - cats named Twi, Insta and the twins Tik and Tok have not yet become popular, but are already becoming more and more interesting to owners.

A common occurrence is names from slang, including gaming slang . Kittens are called Quests, Frags, Grinds, Drifts. Fashionistas are happy to use clothing names for nicknames: Balenciaga (which can be shortened to Basi), Tommy Hilfiger (several sonorous abbreviations can be formed from the surname), Prada, Armani, Louis Vuitton - they are increasingly found in apartments and houses.

You can choose any modern word or term you like as a name - the main thing is that it does not carry an indecent meaning and is easy to pronounce.


A good option is to call the beautiful cat a beautiful, sonorous name, for example:

  • Marquise;
  • Evdokia;
  • Juliet;
  • Camellia;
  • Sakura;
  • Charlotte;
  • Laetitia;
  • Chanel;
  • Marianne;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Clubimia;
  • Suzanne;
  • Ramona;
  • Diana;
  • Princess;
  • Livadia.

Such nicknames sound great, but are difficult to perceive, so for everyday use you need to have a backup option “on hand.”


Many people name cats after princesses or cartoon villains. This is especially true for those who have children, although there are also many adults who love animation. So, the cat can be called:

  • Elsa (Frozen);
  • Rapunzel (cartoon of the same name);
  • Cassandra (Rapunzel);
  • Ariel (The Little Mermaid);
  • Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs);
  • Vivian (Sofia the First);
  • Mabel (Gravity Falls);
  • Wendy (Gravity Falls);
  • Ponochka (DuckTales);
  • Star (Asterisk against the forces of Evil);
  • Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Mandy and Billy);
  • Ginger (As Dinger says);
  • Kimberly (Kim Possible);
  • Helga (Hey Arnold!);
  • Katara (Avatar);
  • April (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles);
  • Korra (Avatar);
  • Marceline (Adventure Time);
  • Merida (Braveheart).

Here it’s also worth taking a closer look at the pet’s appearance and character and deciding which of your favorite characters your pet resembles.

From advertising

Advertising has become a part of our lives, and names from television screens have become so boring that even animals are called them. The most popular are the names of cat food: Whiskas, Felix (or Felya, as a female version), Friskas (Fries and Friski as derivatives), Sheba. The couple can be called Keith and Kat.

The names of advertising sweets and treats sound beautiful, for example:

  • Dana (Danone);
  • Layz (chips);
  • Sprite (sparkling water);
  • Pepsi (water);
  • Fanta (water);
  • Cola (drink);
  • Nessie (derived from Nescafe or Nesquik).

There are also other names that often appear in advertising campaigns, such as Sonya (SonyPlayStation), Honda (car), Ferry (derived from Ferrari), Sima (derived from Siemens).

Japanese names

Japanese names are most often chosen by lovers of oriental culture, as well as those who prefer non-standard nicknames. Their beauty is that almost any word translated into hieroglyphs sounds quite beautiful. This way you can “encrypt” entire phrases in your name. In a sophisticated oriental style, the favorite can be called:

  • Momo (peach);
  • Haruka (length, space);
  • Chic (delicate);
  • Eika (love);
  • Yasu (calm);
  • Yuki (snow);
  • Miku (future);
  • Kiku (chrysanthemum);
  • Kyoko (capital, power);
  • Akane (red);
  • Azumi (comfort, safety);

  • Yuri (lily);
  • Akuma (demon);
  • Amy (desire for love);
  • Yoko (ocean);
  • Arisu (translation of the name Alice);
  • Katsumi (victory);
  • Masako (elegance);
  • Haruki (tree).

Another unusual option is to translate any Russian name into Japanese. It will be guessable by ear, but will sound in an oriental manner. Thus, Murka will become Muruka, Vaska will become Bazooka, Barsik will become Barusik. After playing with the translator, you can come up with a rather beautiful and harmonious version.

By hobbies

People often name their pets after their hobbies or professions. It turns out quite funny:

  • doctors - Test tube, Ampoule, Aorta;
  • programmers – Pixie (pixel), Flash drive, Mouse, Card;
  • astrologers and astronomers - Orbit, Venus, Cassiopeia, Marcy;
  • fishermen - Sprat, Ruff, Pike.

Everyone will be able to find an unusual name associated with their profession, although not everyone will want to have reminders of work next to them, even during a pleasant vacation with their pet.

Funny and funny

The issue of choosing a name can be approached with humor. Then communication with your pet will become more fun, and every mention of it will bring a smile to your face. You can name a girl with the following names:

  • Washer;
  • Sprat;
  • Mop;
  • Afig-she-knows;
  • Little thing;
  • Sausage;
  • Mouse;
  • Fly;
  • Accident;
  • Shoe;
  • Heel;
  • Shawarma;
  • Mole;
  • Hunting (can be started together with sister Rybalka).

In addition, cat names formed in the Old Church Slavonic manner have recently become popular online:

  • Gladislava;
  • Gadislav;
  • Mouse Fight;
  • I'll be sharp;
  • Leghook;
  • Shilopopa;
  • Vsezassava;
  • Meat lover;
  • Gladen;
  • Ekoterina;
  • Kuselis.

Such names sound funny, but not everyone likes them: it is better to discuss the choice with all family members.

Celebrity pet names

Anyone who wants to get closer to the “stars” along with their pets can look for ideas for cat names from celebrities:

  • Coffee (Anfisa Chekhova's dog);
  • Strudel and Spinoza (a pair of dogs by Ksenia Borodina);
  • Chiquita (Madonna's cat, translated as "little");
  • Tinkerbell (Paris Hilton's cat, translated as ding-ding and can be shortened to Tinky);
  • Sinatra (Snoop Dogg's cat);
  • Salt, Pepper (John Lennon's cats);

  • Delilah (Freddie Mercury's cat);
  • Herring (Roma Beast's cat);
  • Pear (Vladimir Mashkov’s dog);
  • Alice, Elvis (John Lennon's cats);
  • Mississippi (Missy, Joseph Brodsky's cat);
  • Marusya (cat of the singer Nyusha).

In honor of the heroes of literary works and films

Book and film lovers can be inspired by their favorite films and TV series:

  • Katniss (The Hunger Games);
  • Harley (HarleyQuinn);
  • Villanelle (Killing Eve);
  • Winter (American Horror Story, Season 7);
  • Fiona (Shameless);
  • Samantha (She);
  • Darlene (Mr. Robot);
  • Mikasa (Attack on Titan).

And also books:

  • Liesel (Book Thief);
  • Gerda (Snow Queen);
  • Daenerys, Cersei, Arya (A Song of Ice and Fire);
  • Irene (Sherlock Holmes);
  • Mina (Dracula);
  • Beverly (It);
  • Penelope (Myths of Ancient Greece).

In honor of famous people

Despite the fact that some people do not advise calling animals by human names, owners often name their animals after celebrities:

  • Emma Watson);
  • Paris (Hilton);
  • Taissa (Farmiga - can also be used as a nickname);
  • Jennifer, Jenny (Lopez);
  • Monica Bellucci);
  • Natalie Portman);
  • Emma Roberts);
  • Katy Perry);
  • Megan Fox);
  • Lily Collins);
  • Emilia (Clark).

Nicknames from films about magic

Many people, both adults and children, love to watch fantasy and magical films. It seems like a great reason to name a cat after your favorite hero.

Magical girls:

  • Hermione;
  • Myrtle;
  • Idris;
  • Cute;
  • Aurora;
  • Kara;
  • Renesmee;
  • River;
  • Teyla;
  • Ginny;
  • Danaid;
  • Ziza;
  • Gabriel;
  • Bark;
  • Willow;
  • Elora;
  • Katniss;
  • Donna;
  • Trinity;
  • Bastinda;
  • Gomara;
  • Felicity;
  • Ramina;
  • Glinda;
  • Lilu;
  • Catriona;
  • Fleur.

Fantasy girls:

  • Faramir;
  • Ben;
  • Anakin;
  • Hagrid;
  • Dart;
  • Bastian;
  • Legolas;
  • Spike;
  • Falkor;
  • Gandalf;
  • Jareth;
  • Hobbit;
  • Ronan;
  • Harry;
  • Morpheus;
  • Avatar;
  • Snape;
  • Basilisk;
  • Dobby;
  • Caspian;
  • Goodwin;
  • Dumbledore;
  • Ron;
  • Malfoy;
  • Sauron;
  • Bilbo;
  • Zach.

Brave Dobby.
And one interesting cat is gaining more and more popularity online. No, his nickname is almost ordinary except for one thing, but his appearance is quite mystical and even slightly threatening. The pet's name is Wilfred Warrior, and his owner Jenna started an Instagram page where she posts photos of the funny and at the same time slightly scary furry.

View this post on Instagram
Posted by Wilfred Warrior (@wilfredwarrior)

"Black" in languages ​​of the world

If you need unusual and rare nicknames for black cats, look at these spellings of the word “black”:

  • Swart is Afrikaans.
  • Dudu is Yoruba.
  • Madow - in Somali.
  • Baki is Hausa.
  • Vakuda - na cheva.
  • Hitam - in Indonesian.
  • Mainty - in Malagasy.
  • Pango is Maori.
  • Itom - in Cebuano.
  • Itim - in Filipino.
  • Ireng is in Javanese.
  • Nwa is Haitian Creole.
  • Nigrum - in Latin.
  • Nigra - in Esperanto.
  • Black - in English.
  • Balza - in Basque.
  • Chorny - in Belarusian.
  • Du - in Welsh.
  • Fekete - in Hungarian.
  • Zwart - in Dutch.
  • Variety - in Danish.
  • Svart - in Icelandic.
  • Nero - in Italian.
  • Melons - in Latvian.
  • Judas - in Lithuanian.
  • Crna - in Macedonian.
  • Schwarz - in German.
  • Tsarni - in Polish.
  • Preto - in Portuguese.
  • Sirna - in Slovak.
  • Crna - in Slovenian.
  • Musta - in Finnish.
  • Noir - in French.
  • Mast - in Estonian.
  • Kara - in Azerbaijani.
  • Den - in Vietnamese.
  • Khar - in Mongolian.
  • Sieh - in Tajik.
  • Siyah - in Turkish.
  • Kora - in Uzbek.
  • Dub is Hmong.

Boys and Girls Name Chart

What to name a black kitten? To summarize, we suggest choosing a suitable nickname for a boy or girl from a generalized list of beautiful, mystical and “cool” names:

For boyFor girl
Armstrong Black Demon Kieran Colton Corby Kuroneko Mist Maurice Morpheus Knight Negro Nero Nocturne Raven Sunder Swart Ember Hei Mao Tsrn Chenere Cheren Schwaz AshBagheera Snow White Brunella Grimalkin Kara Corby Leila Lilith Melanie Melania Maurice Musta Naomi Knight Negra Nera Notte Night Ombra Soot Cinderella Furia Chenere Ebony

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Mystical cat names inspired by myths

From ancient Greece to Norse legends, these mythological names are as mystical as their origins. Your cat is sure to impress with the name of an ancient god, goddess or hero.

  1. Osiris
  2. Pandora
  3. jellyfish
  4. Calliope
  5. Juno
  6. Prospero
  7. Calisto
  8. Morgan Le Fay
  9. Odysseus
  10. Icaro
  11. Diana
  12. Camilla
  13. Diana
  14. Hermia
  15. Daphne
  16. Adonis
  17. Midas
  18. Ajax
  19. Hermes
  20. Morpheus
  21. Zeus
  22. Mountain
  23. water
  24. Arthur
  25. Hades
  26. Anubis
  27. Raiden
  28. Hercules
  29. Apollo
  30. Cupid
  31. Thor
  32. Aquiles
  33. Loki
  34. Knicks
  35. atlas
  36. One
  37. Merlin
  38. Atena
  39. Freya
  40. ambrosia
  41. Isis
  42. Electra
  43. Hera
  44. Sinbad
  45. Nala
  46. Artemis
  47. oracle
  48. Persephone
  49. Calypso
  50. Afrodite

Beautiful names for a black cat

A fluffy little ball will not always be so small and cute, it will grow into a respectable cat, so maybe choose a beautiful, sonorous name?

We offer you several more options in alphabetical order:

  • A: Alphonse, Ice, Alen, Archibald (Archie), Asher, Alex, Avalon, Almaz, Apollo, Ares, Altai.
  • B: Boys, Brian, Bert, Brennan, Bali, Bastion, Benefit, Bosphorus, Bucks, Broadway, Bond, Basket.
  • In: Vester, Vincent, Babylon, Varyag, Watson, Veles, Vesuvius, Valley, Vulcan, Winston.
  • G: Hamlet, Gale, Hector, Gray, Gucci, Guy.
  • D: Jimmy, Derek, Davis, Giles, David, Danko, Dallas, Joker, Justin, Denver, Dorian.
  • F: Joseph, Gerard, Julian, Joshua, Pearl.
  • Z: Zidane, Zeus.
  • I: Irl, Emerald, Indigo, X, Iris, Irwin.
  • K: Craig, Kenny, Kevin, Cortez, Colt, Karat, Cosmo, Clyde.
  • L: Lorenzo, Leo, Lucky, Loki, Lexus, Lyon, Ledger, Lucas, Lotus, Lionel, Lancelot.
  • M: Mars, Mocha, Milan, Miles, Mojito, Marcel, Metis, Martin, Mozart, Morgan.
  • N: Nikki, Northis, Nord, Knight, Naples, Newton, Nautilus, Nelson.
  • A: Oscar, Orson, Oliver, Onyx, Oscar, Olaf, Olympus.
  • P: Perseus, Pascal, Poseidon, Beijing.
  • R: Rex, Raven, Richie, Raphael, Romeo, Rondo, Rocky, Ryan, Riley, Rubin, Ringo, Rasmus.
  • With: Scotty, Sky, Simon, Stiff, Simon, Sami, Skif, Saturn, Santim, Sydney.
  • T: Teddy, Texas, Toby, Tamerlan, Topaz, Terry, Teffi, Tyler, Tabias.
  • W: William, Winton, Willis, Wally, Walt.
  • F: Felix, Phoenix, Fox, Faust, Forex, Frank, Fast and Furious, Floyd.
  • X: Harley, Happy, House, Hacker, Hops, Holmes, Hennessey, Charon, Hardy.
  • C: Cerberus, Caesar, Celsius.
  • C: Charo, Charlie, Chicago, Chase, Chelsea.
  • Sh: Sherry, Sherkhan, Sheldy, Shelton, Saffron, Shorokh.
  • E: Ebony, Eric, Alvin, Andy, Everest, Andrew, Edward.
  • Yu: Julian, Utah, Yukos, Unit, Jupiter.
  • Me: Yakut, Hawk, Yarik, Yaris, Yakhont.

If you like several nicknames and cannot decide, give the kitten the opportunity to take part in the choice: call him with different names - he will ignore some, and quickly respond to others; focus your attention on them. Be careful when choosing a name for a kitten, let it be simple and easy to remember, because you will have to pronounce it many times a day.

It will be a pity if you decide to change your cat’s name - animals quickly get used to it, and there is a chance that your pet will stop responding to any names at all.


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