Sinulox for cats (tablets, suspension): reviews, price, analysis of the composition and contraindications of the drug

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Effective antibiotic Sinulox for cats is a popular antimicrobial drug. The product is used for pets for bacterial infections, both against gram-positive and gram-negative strains. The medicine contains very active components that allow the body to cope with pathogenic microbes.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The mechanism of action of Sinulox is based on the properties of its active components.
The product contains two active ingredients: the main one is amoxicillin, and the additional one is clavulanic acid. The first blocks the activity of bacterial enzymes, which leads to the destruction of their cell membranes and the death of microbes. Some bacteria are capable of producing a substance that destroys the antibiotic even before it takes effect. To prevent this from happening, the manufacturer added clavulanic acid to Sinulox. It inhibits the activity of the enzyme, protecting amoxicillin from destruction and providing the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Treatment in solid form

Sinulox tablets for cats are fed to pets 2 times a day; their intake does not depend on food intake.
The drug in this form can be dispensed directly from the hand or forcibly applied to the root of the tongue. The tablet can be crushed to a powder and mixed with a small amount of the animal’s usual food, which will be consumed without leaving a trace. Otherwise, the expected therapeutic effect will not occur. Another tried and true method is to dilute the solid medication in a small amount of water, which is poured into the cat's mouth.

A single dosage of a penicillin antibiotic is 12.5 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. If we are talking about the treatment of severe conditions accompanied by complications and health risks, a single dose can be increased to 25 mg per 1 kg of weight. The duration of indicated therapy is on average 7–10 days. If there are intractable infectious lesions with a chronic course, the course can reach 2–3 weeks.

When is Sinulox prescribed?

Indications for the use of the antibiotic Sinulox may include the following disorders in cats caused by microorganisms:

  • purulent inflammatory processes on the skin (pyodermitis and others);
  • diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems (endometritis, cystitis);
  • pathologies of the mucous membranes and soft tissues of the oral cavity (for example, stomatitis);
  • infectious processes developing after injury, surgical procedures;
  • diseases of bacterial origin in newborn kittens;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, rhinitis and others).

Precautionary measures

Despite the safety and good tolerability of the antibacterial agent, when working with the drug, a person must observe a number of precautions:

Before using the medication and after, you must wash your hands thoroughly and work only with medical gloves. If the drug, especially in the form of an injection solution, comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth, they must be immediately rinsed with plenty of running water.

If a person has an individual intolerance to an antibiotic, it is important to avoid direct contact with it. If there is a high risk of an allergic reaction, you should only work with an antibacterial agent while wearing a medical mask.

If the first signs of an allergy occur, you should immediately seek medical help. During manipulations with the antibiotic, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink or eat anything.

It is important to dispose of used packaging correctly. They must be promptly thrown away with other household waste, without leaving them in the house for a long time.

The following signs indicate the development of allergies when handling antibiotics:

It is important to follow the dosage schedule carefully. Deviations from the regimen and dosage may reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug

The infiltrate appears slowly, reaching its greatest size several weeks after administration of the drug. It most often resolves on its own within 2 weeks to 1 month. But suppuration, which requires separate treatment, cannot be ruled out.

You can avoid complications if you do a little massage after the injections.

It is strictly forbidden to mix the injection solution with other drugs in the same syringe. If the medicine is used to treat infectious diseases in a pregnant cat, proper care must be provided for her and the animal’s diet must be adjusted.

How to use Synulox

The use of Synulox for the treatment of cat diseases must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions for use. When selecting a specific dose and form of the drug, the veterinarian takes into account not only the weight of the animal, but also assesses its condition, the likelihood of possible complications, the degree of development of the infectious process and other parameters, therefore spontaneous “treatment” based only on weight indicators can lead to deterioration of the cat's condition.

During treatment with tablets, as well as when giving injections, you should not skip the next dose (injection) of the drug. This can not only reduce the effort expended to zero, but also lead to bacteria becoming unresponsive to the antibiotic, weakening the animal’s body, and contributing to the worsening of inflammatory processes. If for some reason you manage to miss one dose of the medication, and there is still time to do so, then it should be done as quickly as possible. If the time has already come for administering the next dose of the drug, then it is administered without taking into account the omission, that is, the dosage does not need to be doubled.

Features of therapy

When treating a cat with this antibacterial drug, hygiene rules must be carefully observed. After administering the antibiotic, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

If you inject the product intramuscularly, especially over a long period of time, after the injection the animal’s withers should be lightly massaged to reduce pain and avoid the appearance of lumps on the skin. Please note: the suspension must be administered evenly and slowly. Moving too quickly can lead to bleeding and severe discomfort. If an animal does not tolerate injections well, it makes sense to use the services of a professional veterinarian who knows exactly how to give an injection as painlessly as possible and at the same time provide psychological comfort to the cat.

If you decide to do the injections yourself, try to talk to her in a calm and quiet voice during this procedure, which is traumatic for the cat, and do not make sudden movements. During the procedure, invite a second person who will gently but firmly hold the cat by the body and paws. The medicine should be injected along the entire length of the needle.

Instructions for use of tablets

Sinulox tablets

According to the instructions, the tablet form of Sinulox is given to cats twice a day, regardless of food. The tablet can be given simply by hand or pre-crushed and added to food during feeding. It is important to ensure that your pet eats the entire portion of food without leaving any leftovers, otherwise the effectiveness of treatment will be low. Another option for tablet therapy is to crush the tablets, mix them with water in a teaspoon, and then pour them into the cat’s mouth, holding the jaws so that the solution does not spill out.

A single dosage of Sinulox is 12.5 mg per 1 kg of cat weight. It is allowed to increase it to a maximum of 25 mg per 1 kg in case of a serious condition of the animal or a high risk of complications and other situations. The duration of therapy is usually 1 week. For infections that are difficult to treat or a chronic course of the disease, the duration of treatment can be increased to two or more weeks.

Sinulox in suspensions


1. General description 2. Composition and action 3. Purpose 4. Application features 5. Limitations and consequences 6. Analogues and prices 7. Reviews

Infectious diseases are no less dangerous for pets than for people. And even more dangerous, because without antibiotics, animals’ immunity cannot cope with attacks from pathogenic bacteria, which, when actively multiplying, can quickly cause intoxication of the body and death. Sinulox for cats is a life-saving remedy that has saved the lives of many animals.

Instructions for use of the suspension

The Sinulox suspension is used in injection form - injections are placed under the skin in the cat's withers or gluteal muscle. The application regimen is as follows: one injection per day for 3-5 days (in some particularly difficult cases, the veterinarian may prescribe longer treatment). After giving the injection, the injection site should be gently massaged.

A single dose of the drug must be pre-calculated. The medicine is taken based on the proportion of 8.75 mg per 1 kg of cat’s body weight. This corresponds to 1 ml of suspension per 20 kg of animal weight. Often owners are faced with the problem of collecting such an amount of the drug, for example, with a small body weight. Experts advise using an insulin syringe.

When injecting Synulox, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • the drug cannot be injected into a vein;
  • The suspension should be shaken before the injection;
  • you only need to draw the suspension with a completely dry needle and a dry syringe.


  • does not cause addiction;
  • applicable for a long time;
  • has good tissue distribution;
  • non-toxic
  • quickly affects the body.


  • allergic reactions are not excluded;
  • injections can cause swelling and tissue irritation;
  • the animal may lose appetite, become lethargic and sleepy;
  • interacts poorly with other antibiotics;
  • not recommended for pseudomonas disease;
  • not used during chemotherapy;
  • There may be soreness or swelling at the injection site.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug Sinulox has few contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug and allergies to antibiotics. It is also contraindicated to give Sinulox to cats if at this time they are being treated with bacteriostatic drugs, for example, chloramphenicol.

Side effects are also few in number, and they are observed in rare cases. If the dosage is not observed and in overly sensitive cats, the following reactions may occur:

  • skin rashes;
  • disorders of the digestive tract (diarrhea, difficulty defecating);
  • swelling of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • lacrimation.

If such symptoms are detected, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. Perhaps he will reduce the dosage of the drug or prescribe another remedy. In some cases, the symptoms go away on their own.

Pharmacological properties

Sinulox has a wide spectrum of bactericidal activity against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including strains producing b-lactamase: Actinobacillus ligneresi, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Moraxella spp., Haemophilus spp., Bacteroides, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Proteus spp., Klebsiella, Campilobacter spp., bronchiseptica , Bordetella, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Peptostreptococcus spp., Actinomyces bovis, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp., Corynebacterium spp., Staphylococcus spp., Pasteurella, Streptococcus spp. Resistance to b-lactam antibacterial drugs is due to the ability of microorganisms to produce b-lactamase, an enzyme that destroys the b-lactam ring of the antibiotic. Clavulanic acid, which is part of Sinulox as an active ingredient, inactivates b-lactamase and thereby restores and increases the sensitivity of the bacterium to the action of amoxicillin.

Advantages of the drug

The popularity of Synulox is based on its many benefits.

What does a Sinulox tablet look like?

  • High efficiency. The use of the drug is indicated even in the case of a chronic, advanced disease or its complicated form. At the same time, the pet’s condition noticeably changes for the better after just a few days from the start of treatment.
  • There are almost no contraindications for use. Sinulox can be given to newborn kittens and older animals, as well as weakened pets.
  • Well tolerated. Side effects may only occur occasionally.
  • Versatility. The antibiotic Sinulox has a pathogenic effect on a large number of strains of microorganisms (gram+ and gram-).
  • Does not have a pronounced detrimental effect on beneficial microflora. When used correctly, the drug kills only pathogenic microbes, preserving the animal’s immune system.
  • There is a choice: tablets or injections. Sometimes giving an injection to an animal is quite problematic, so you can use the tablet form.
  • Easy to use. To give an injection, you do not need to mix the ingredients; the suspension is completely ready for use.
  • Purchasing is hassle-free. The drug can be purchased at almost every veterinary pharmacy.

Popular opinion (Review)

“Our cat was a firstborn. The birth was difficult and she was operated on. Unfortunately, the babies could not be saved and the mother was in poor condition. The doctor prescribed us antibiotics. At home, having opened the package, I was surprised to find that Sinulox, prescribed by the doctor, is nothing more than amoxicillin. I just used the same medicine to treat my daughter for a purulent sore throat. At first it was difficult to feed the tablets to Matilda; after the operation she had no appetite at all. It’s not possible to go with her to the clinic for injections, but I can’t give it myself, I’m afraid. We forked out money for the pussy’s favorite delicacy - beef tongue, twisted it in a meat grinder and began pouring the crushed tablet into the minced meat. I was afraid that my pet would suffer from intestinal problems, but it passed, the medicine is really good. The doctor prescribed treatment for us for 5 days, but after an examination he extended it for another 5; our sufferer began to develop mastitis. By the end of the course, Matilda was already walking around the apartment with all her might, looked cheerful and stopped trying to lick the scar from the operation. The doctor assured that everything would be fine with the pussy, and even encouraged the appearance of new offspring in the future. Thank you to Sinulox for helping so effectively and to the doctor who accurately calculated the time of treatment.”

Natalya Rozanova, Bryansk.

How much does Synulox cost?

The price of the antibiotic Sinulox depends on the form and volume of the product. Thus, 50 mg tablets can be purchased at a cost of 180-200 rubles per pack (10 tablets). The suspension is more expensive - for 40 ml of medicine you need to pay about 1000 rubles, and for 100 ml - more than 2000 rubles. It is worth considering that the bottle can only be stored for one month after taking the suspension from it.

Judging by the reviews, Sinulox is an absolutely safe and very effective treatment for bacterial infections in cats. The main thing is not to give it to your pet without the supervision of a specialist.

Storage conditions

Tablets and suspension are stored at a positive temperature of no more than 25 ° C in a dry, dark place away from food and children. It is recommended to place bottles with the suspension on the refrigerator door.

Shelf life: 2 years from the date of issue. It is believed that after the expiration date indicated on the package, antibiotic tablets can be used if stored correctly. If you have expired medications, consult your doctor before use. It is strictly not recommended to use injection bottles with an expired expiration date.

Recommended analogues

A similar medication in action is Noroclav, which can be prescribed if it is necessary to replace Sinulox.
If it is impossible to use Synulox to treat a cat, the veterinarian selects equally effective drugs with a similar effect. The following analogues are often used to suppress pathogenic microflora in domestic animals:

  • "Noroklav";
  • "Amoxigard";
  • "Amoxiclav";
  • "Panklav";
  • "Flemoclav Solutab".
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