All types and breeds of parrots with photographs and names

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05/15/2019 Parrots are among the most ancient representatives of the fauna. The appearance of these birds has not changed from their appearance on the planet to the present day. United into one order, parrots have many differences from most birds. Parrots of all varieties are characterized by such characteristics as attractive appearance, beautiful plumage and color, sociability and learning ability, liveliness of character and unpretentiousness in care and maintenance. Thanks to these and other characteristics, parrots quickly gained popularity as pets. What kind of parrots there are and what features different types of these birds have will be discussed in this article.

Luxurious barraband parrot

It is also called barrabantine by another name. He lives in the eucalyptus forests of South-Eastern Australia. The body reaches 40 centimeters in length. The color of the main plumage is bright green, the throat and forehead are yellow.

In Europe and America it is often found at home. Speech abilities are below average. With proper organization of classes, he can learn to pronounce a few words, copy the sounds of other birds and domestic animals, and simple melodies.

Philippine cockatoo

Representative of the cockatoo species. Lives in the Philippine Islands. Prefers to live in the hollows of tall trees. Has a white color. The body length reaches 32 centimeters, and the weight reaches 300 grams. Has a high life expectancy - up to 50 years. Despite this, it is not of particular interest to most amateurs, since it is incapable of learning to talk.

Collared Parrot

One of the representatives of Barraband parrots. Lives in Australia. Height reaches 37-38 centimeters. Just like the rest of the squad, it is painted green. He loves to fly. Therefore, when kept at home, it requires equipment and a fairly spacious place to keep it, which not every amateur can afford.

Under natural conditions, these birds eat on the ground. When kept in captivity, they do this on the floor of a cage or enclosure. They first scatter food from the feeder, and over a fairly large distance. This means that bedding must be provided on the hard floor, and the area must be cleaned frequently.

Small parrot-vase

Under natural conditions, these birds live on the islands of the Indian Ocean - Madagascar and the Seychelles archipelago. Their height reaches 36 centimeters and their weight is 315 grams. They have a characteristic black-brown color. During the day they break up into racks of 10-15 individuals, and towards night they gather in large groups of up to 200 individuals. Despite the fact that in the wild they are very cautious and do not let people get close, at home they make contact quite easily and are amenable to training. But to achieve results, you need to work with them constantly.

Methods for determining the species

It is easy to recognize a parrot by the characteristic structure of its beak and the arrangement of its toes. To determine its species, you also need to pay attention to a number of other parameters:

  • body size;
  • mass of the individual;
  • colors;
  • beak shape;
  • tail structure;
  • a striking feature, such as a tuft on the head, or a striking detail in color;
  • for a wild bird - the territory and habitat where it was seen.

Based on the totality of all the characteristics, you can independently and quite accurately determine the type of parrot.

Scientists also use special DNA tests that allow them to correlate the most similar varieties and combine them into groups.

TOP 29 breeds of parrots

Congo parakeet

These African parrots are found in the western and central parts of the continent. Their physical characteristics are as follows:

  • Body length up to 29 centimeters.
  • The main color is green.

They are divided into three types - large, small and black-winged.

Can be successfully kept in captivity. They copy the sounds of other birds and animals and musical melodies well. The ability to reproduce the human voice is usually poorly developed. But some birds, after persistent and regular training, had a vocabulary comparable to gray parrots. This is especially true for individuals born in captivity.

Woodpecker parrots

The smallest representatives of the family. They live in the tropical forests of the island of New Guinea. Their size does not exceed 10 centimeters in length. They can be distinguished from other small birds by their strongly curved beak.

It is very difficult to keep them in captivity, since they:

  • They love to fly and cannot stand being in a cage for long periods of time.
  • They need special food, the basis of which should not be grain mixtures, but fruits and berries.


Parrots are very popular among amateurs due to their unpretentiousness and ability to learn speech. In natural conditions they live in Australia. Their main color is dark gray. The cheeks, forehead and crest are yellow. It is the crest with its long feathers that distinguishes the beauty of the cockatiel among other parrots. Their weight reaches 100 grams and their length is 33 centimeters.

Cockatiels are characterized by mutations. Therefore, many birds have a color different from the main one. Pearl cockatiels look especially attractive.


Pearl, otherwise pearl cockatiels are characterized by an attractive pattern on the wings and back. It is formed due to light spots. It is these spots of different sizes that form a bizarre composition, so beloved by many connoisseurs of parrots.


During the mating season, the bird leaves the flock and begins to look for a mate. A partner is found for life. They can only change him after his death. To breed offspring, they look for a suitable hollow, hollowed out by other birds. The beak of the toucans themselves is not adapted to such an action. If the hollow already has an owner, the bird with a large beak will drive him away without a twinge of conscience.

The female of this bird lays up to 4 eggs at a time. The male can also hatch the offspring. Chicks hatch 14 days after laying.

The kids are absolutely helpless. Both parents take turns feeding them. If there is enough food, the plumage and growth of the young proceed faster. The chicks live with their parents for 3-4 months. When young toucans fly from the nest, they still remain under the care of their parents for up to a year, until they begin to look for a mate.

Green-cheeked red-tailed parrot

Under natural conditions, these birds live in Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. Their colors consist of dark gray-green tones. Height reaches about 25 cm, and weight up to 70 grams. Quite often found among home breeders. This is due to their playful and gentle nature, as well as quite good intellectual abilities. They can learn to pronounce some words.

Arantiga Yendaya

Michael Spencer

This colorful and bright bird nests mainly in Brazil. It feeds on seeds and tree fruits. Arantiga Yendaya is also a frequent visitor to the corn fields.

Parrots live, except for the mating season, in small flocks, choosing the tallest trees, where they make their nests.



Perhaps the most common feathered pet among home lovers. Its popularity is due to objective reasons:

  • Unpretentiousness in content. Even a child can handle the care.
  • Good abilities. A budgie can learn up to 150 words.
  • Pleasant character.
  • Relatively cheap, especially in comparison with exotic birds.

The average height is 17-20 centimeters, body weight 40-45 grams. The main color is grass green. Life expectancy at home on average reaches 10-15 years.


According to many, these are not only the largest (up to 95 centimeters in height) but also the most beautiful parrots in the world. They live in South America. Their colors are stunningly bright and consist of red, yellow, green and blue tones. At home, they are very rare, because:

  • They are very expensive.
  • They require spacious cages and enclosures.
  • They have a complex character.

Yellow-cheeked rosella

Author: © Luke Durkin / flickr

The smallest bird of the genus Rosella has settled in the southern part of Australia and the islands closest to the continent.

The birds have bright red, green and black colors. There are bright yellow spots on the cheeks, which gave the small parrot its name.

Swarms of yellow-cheeked rosellas are a real disaster for local farmers. But, despite the harm caused by beautiful birds, people do not persecute them.


Kalita or monk parrot

The bird got its name due to the similarity of its color to the cassock of Capuchin monks. Its plumage is green, and its breast has a special, pale greenish-gray color, with green stripes crossing it. It lives in the countries of South America - Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia. Its weight reaches 100 grams, and its height is 30 cm.

Kalitas are very active, sociable and inquisitive. They get along well with people when kept at home. They learn to speak relatively well. Their vocabulary reaches 100-200 words. But these parrots scream very often and loudly, which can cause serious inconvenience.

True parrots (tribe)

This tribe of birds is very numerous. It has more than 70 genera. Its representatives live in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. The most famous tribes among bird lovers include:

  • Red-winged parrots. They include two species - Timor redwings and common redwings. Body length reaches 33 centimeters. They got their name due to the red color of the front part of the wings. Popular with collectors.
  • Royal. They include three species - amboinsky, yellow-shouldered and king parrots themselves. The back and wings of these birds are green, and the breast is red. Due to their beauty, they can often be found in poultry houses. They are relatively easy to learn, but rarely master human speech.
  • Luxurious. Also included are three species, of which the most popular among home breeders is the luxurious mountain parrot. Its color scheme is characterized by an overwhelming predominance of bright yellow shades. Birds grow up to 40 centimeters. They can often be found in captivity. They tolerate low temperatures well, so in regions where there are no severe frosts, it is preferable to keep them in outdoor enclosures. Birds scream often and loudly, which sometimes causes inconvenience.


An unusual and rare parrot from New Zealand, the kakapo species, has a head structure that resembles an owl, hence its second name - owl. This is a very interesting, even unique species of parrot: it does not fly due to weak wings, it is nocturnal, females are half the size of males. The kakapo's voice resembles both the croak of an owl and the grunting of a pig.

The inability to fly does not mean that this parrot cannot climb trees: its heavy beak and dexterous wide paws with claws help it get food and escape from predators. They descend from a tree in a jump, balancing with the help of their wings. To minimize threats, the kakapo stays in its burrow during the day and goes out at night to search for food. In the dark, he is well oriented by smell; vision is not so important to him.

The color of the feathers was created by nature for better camouflage: dark green with brown and black specks.

Now this species is disappearing, kakapo parrots are under protection, so zoos cannot boast of the presence of a rare individual. The living conditions in the apartment are completely unsuitable for such an exotic bird. Birds do not reproduce in captivity, so the chicks are bred on farms, raised and released on the islands. Scientists are trying to increase the population without allowing the species to go extinct.

Ruffled parrot

It is one of the most popular parrot species among home breeders due to its beautiful appearance and ability to reproduce human speech. In natural conditions, it lives in the countries of Africa and South Asia. Often lives near people. The main color of the coloring is green. Adult birds are up to 42 centimeters tall and their weight reaches 140 grams.

Circus and toucans

The extraordinary abilities of a parrot with a large bright beak allow it to perform in the circus as an artist. A bird can make interesting sounds, repeat simple phrases, and imitate the voices of other animals. Also in the circus arena, toucans can count objects and draw a picture.

Adults and children love performances with the small nosed bird, and its colorful plumage delights the public. This view is simply interesting to watch from the outside. It will be a decoration for any home and a good friend for its owner, which is why the bird is popular with poultry breeders.

Jumping parrots

A genus, numerous representatives of which live in Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands. There are 10 types. Its representatives are otherwise called kakariki. Their main color is green. They prefer to settle in the lower tier of the forest and look for food on the ground. They are frequent inhabitants of apartment cages and enclosures. They sing very well and are well tamed, but teaching them to pronounce simple words can only be done with great difficulty.

Noble green-red parrot

In the wild it is found in northern Australia, the Moluccas and Solomon Islands, and New Guinea. A very beautiful bird. Characterized by a sharp difference in the color scheme of males and females. Boys' main color is green, while girls' main color is cherry-red. Due to their aesthetic appearance, they are popular among lovers of feathered pets. They have a calm, even phlegmatic character. In captivity, life expectancy can reach 40-50 years. They are relatively well tamed, but extremely rarely master the ability to pronounce words.

Ribbon parrot

Representatives of this species are otherwise called tiger parrots. They live in New Guinea and Indonesia. This species has 4 subspecies. The maximum body length of these birds varies from 12 to 23 centimeters, and weight from 90 to 150 grams. Their main color is green, with characteristic black stripes on the back. Thanks to them, they were nicknamed tiger.

These birds are rarely found in apartment conditions. The reason for this is objective - the average life expectancy in captivity is no more than 3 months. They cannot reproduce in a cage or enclosure. Scientists have not yet been able to determine the cause of these phenomena.


These birds of African-Madagascar origin live in pairs and never move beyond earshot of their mate. It is highly not recommended to have one lovebird. Even if you give him maximum attention, he will still be sad and will not live long.

Many people believe that lovebirds are medium-sized parrots, but it is still more correct to classify them as small varieties. In size they reach 17 cm.

One of the differences between these birds and other species of parrots is that they have a short tail. Therefore, their size is determined by the length of the body. Another characteristic feature of birds of this species is their long beak, extended towards the bottom.

The physique of lovebirds is harmonious, and the plumage has bright contrasting colors. Parrots are colorful and elegant - nature has generously rewarded them with attractiveness. Different combinations of colors in their colors are possible. Most often in their plumage there are various shades of the following colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • black;
  • white;
  • grey.

However, the “riot of colors” extends not only to the plumage. Lovebirds with lilac, green or red beaks are often found.

These cute couples are considered one of the most arrogant and impudent parrots. They rarely get along with other pets. These birds are different:

  • glibness;
  • loudness;
  • curiosity;
  • agility.

Talkativeness is not typical for lovebirds. Vocabulary – 10–15 words.

fan parrot

Its natural habitat is the northern part of Latin America. The bird's height reaches 35 centimeters. The plumage is green. The breast is dark red, with pale blue splashes. Well suited for home maintenance thanks to:

  • Calm character.
  • Attachment to people and the possibility of quick taming.
  • High life expectancy in captivity, which reaches up to 40 years.

Reproduction in captivity

Toucans reproduce well outside their natural habitat. By the age of three they begin to form pairs. In order for the bird to start laying eggs, nests made of hay are made in the enclosure higher on the branches or a hollow is made in a felled tree trunk. Birds lay eggs once a year. The eggs are incubated by the female and male in turn. After 2 weeks, chicks will appear in the nest.


The habitat of numerous representatives of this genus is Australia and the islands of Oceania. There are 7 types. Of these, collectors liked the colorful lorikeets the most. They are characterized by bright, multi-colored colors. This is due to the fact that parrots feed on the nectar of flowers and with such colors it is easier for them to camouflage themselves from enemies.

At home, the piercing, creaky cries of these parrots sometimes cause inconvenience. There is only one way out of the situation - to teach your pet to speak as soon as possible. A lorikeet can remember up to 70 words.

They love to fly. They feel bad in cramped conditions. Therefore, the cage must be spacious. But the best solution would be to equip an enclosure.


Capable, handsome Lories have, they can repeat up to 70 words themselves, up to 35 cm. A small red beak, there are 62 species.

On average, Loris live up to 20 years.

They are found in Australia, the Philippines, and the forests of Indonesia.

They gained the reputation of “screamers and slobs.” They throw food around and shout in a shrill, squeaky voice.

Droppings and food debris around the cage will have to be removed every day.

Unusually varied bright colors, but demanding temperatures of +20o C.

But Lories are peaceful, love children, will never harm them, and do not bite.


This genus includes 22 species of birds living in Latin America. All of them are relatively small in size - 25-35 centimeters in length. They have a very beautiful color. But the main reason for the popularity of arating among poultry keepers is not in it, but in the character of these birds.

They are very sociable and friendly. They willingly come into contact with all members of the owner’s family. Often people choose their favorite and become very attached to it.

They reproduce musical melodies well. They remember words quite poorly. Their vocabulary includes no more than 20 words.

The highlight of these birds is that they can learn to dance. They do this so touchingly that they cause friendly laughter from the whole family and its guests.


Kea mountain parrots live in New Zealand. These are the only members of the family capable of reproducing and living at an altitude of 1500 meters or more. In wild conditions they often strive to live near people, whom they are often not at all afraid of. They are extremely inquisitive. In captivity, they are very well tamed and quickly get used to humans.

How many species of parrots are there in the world? More than 300. The article reflects information about only some of them. When choosing a feathered pet, you should study in more detail information about its biological species and recommendations for keeping it at home. If the lover follows the rules, the pet will turn into a devoted friend and will decorate the house for a long time.


All typesTypes of parrots for home keeping


Perhaps the most intelligent parrot, easy to train and capable of learning several hundred words. The Gray's modest gray coloring is more than compensated by his phenomenal talent for onomatopoeia. The ash plumage of the body is diluted with a red or brown tail, a whitish mask on the head, and a black and very impressive beak.

Jaco is a long-liver; there are cases when the bird’s age was 50 years. On average, a tame parrot of this species lives 35–40 years; in nature, this period is much shorter due to many dangers. If you intend to get yourself such a pet, get ready for the difficulties of keeping a large bird. Not only is the cost of Grays in poultry markets and nurseries simply off the charts, but home improvement and high-quality feed will not be cheap.

For a smart bird, a person must become a friend; now not a single activity can be done without the participation of a bird. Maintaining your Gray's positive mood will be successful if you provide him with new toys, teach him tricks, and offer him various tasks. A parrot, left to its own devices, will begin to damage and destroy furniture and scatter garbage. A bored bird from idleness will begin to pluck itself, which will lead to serious illness.

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