Vendeen Basset Griffon dog. Description, features, character, care and price of the breed

This little dog looks like a sweet charmer. The Vendée Basset Griffon is a favorite dog of the whole family, especially children. The animal is docile, follows commands, and serves its owner. He is a loyal, reliable friend. But we must not forget about his hunting instincts. If you skillfully combine the characteristics of the breed, the dog will serve its owner for many years.

Description and features

A well-trained and well-groomed Vendeen Basset Griffon is dog , active, funny, always ready to play with its owner and stand up for him in time. Initially, this is a hunting breed, and therefore its representatives have well-developed relevant skills.

They clearly follow the trail, and moving in the chosen direction, without hesitation they climb into the water after their prey, climb into deep earthen holes, without fear of wind, rain, snow and the scorching sun. These are medium-sized dogs, with a narrow head and a cute elongated muzzle, on which a black nose stands out, pronounced brow ridges and under them lively, large, round dark brown eyes, sometimes with a special amber tint.

The appearance is complemented by hanging, long, spade-shaped ears, which in a calm state fall with their tips below the line of the mouth. The weight of Vendeans is no more than 20 kg, but not less than 12 kg. The back of representatives of this breed is straight and strong; muscular legs; the tail is thick at the base, it can hang freely or bend slightly towards the end, where there is a significant narrowing.

The coat of such dogs is not particularly soft and shiny, not curly or shaggy, but at the same time it is thick and looks neat when combed. The color of representatives of this breed is mostly three-colored, sometimes two-colored. The predominant shade is white, which is often complemented by greyish-black and tan areas.

However, there is generally significant diversity in the colors of the Vendeans. There are black dogs, marked with white spots or with brown and red tan. In some specimens, white-gray, sand and fawn tones predominate in color.

Features of caring for Vendeans

When caring for a dog, you need to pay a lot of attention to the coarse coat. The fact is that when shedding, it does not fall out, remaining on the animal - if it is not combed out, it will cause itching to the dog, and then fall into tangles. The dog should be brushed daily using a large-toothed comb (when shedding, use a slicker brush). The griffon should be washed when it gets dirty. Be sure to use balms that make the coat more manageable when combed. You should clean your eyes and ears at least once a week. Nails grow at an average rate; monthly trimming is sufficient.

All Vendean Griffons are allowed to be kept in insulated booths on a long leash or in spacious enclosures

The food should be tailored to the high activity of the dogs. The diet should contain a lot of carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber. Be sure to make sure your dog always has access to clean water (these dogs drink a lot). When using ready-made food, you need to choose products for medium-sized breeds with increased activity (for example, Royal Canin Sporting Life Trail, Hill's Science Plan Performance, Purina Dog Chow Active, Babin Tonivet Sport are suitable for Vendeans).


There are two main varieties of this dog breed. For a long time it was believed that their representatives should differ only in size. But this approach soon revealed significant shortcomings. It turned out that dogs that were heavy and disproportionately built had to be recognized as purebreds.

Fawn Vendeen Basset Griffon

Therefore, they revised their views and established their own standards for each type of dog and clearly defined the qualities necessary for a high assessment of purebredness. Let's look at them.

  • Large Vendean Basset Griffon . The height of representatives of this variety at the withers is on average 42 cm for males, fluctuations of about plus or minus 2 cm are allowed. Females are approximately a centimeter lower. The muzzle and back of the head of such dogs are visually clearly separated from each other, while the back of the head is well defined. These four-legged creatures are distinguished by a wide back; the chest line in the front part descends low, reaching in height the point of the elbow bends of the forelimbs; their forearms are powerful, their hips are round; The legs seem short in comparison with the size of the body.
  • Small Vendean Basset Griffon . Males of this variety, in comparison with the previously described ones, are lower at the withers by an average of 2 cm, females are even smaller. The head of such Vendeans is rounder; the muzzle is narrower; the back is more graceful; the chest line runs above the point of the elbows, and the legs look a little longer.

Strictly speaking, there are two more varieties of Vendeen griffons. The Great Vendean Griffon is much larger than all its counterparts described above, because cables classified as this type can easily reach a height of 68 cm, although they can also be smaller.

Their muzzles, according to the standards, correspond in length to the size of the back of the head; the area between the oval ears, which hang below the mouth line, should be flat; their chest is wide, dropped low; the back is graceful; muscular legs; hips are not rounded; elbows fit tightly to the body.

Briquette Griffon is smaller than the previous variety, but larger than the first two. In addition, representatives of this type have the shortest muzzle, which is one and a half times less in length than the back of the head. These dogs are also distinguished by thin, narrow, low-set ears; not wide but deep chest; developed croup; small legs with powerful, dense paws.

How to choose a puppy

The choice of a puppy must be made consciously, paying attention to many facts.
When buying a new pet, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • documents - the seller must provide a pedigree and a passport, which will indicate the parents, information about the nursery, and vaccinations performed;
  • behavior - the future hunter must be active, strive to catch a toy, catch up with his brothers, calmer individuals are suitable for the role of a companion;
  • appearance - a healthy baby has bright and shiny fur, shiny eyes, a soft belly, no bloating, no diarrhea and no traces of feces under the tail.

Kids should be interested in any external stimuli, be willing to make contact, and imitate a hunting stance. They should not have problems with appetite.

Important! Dog handlers advise purchasing young animals older than 1.5-2 months. It is better to stop at 3-4 months, when the baby receives the first vaccinations and treatment against parasites.

History of the breed

The Vendean breed received its first documented birth in 1898, when its standards were recorded in writing. But even before this moment, the Vendean griffons had their own backstory. And it began about five centuries ago in one of the western French regions called Vendee, which is why the breed received the name Vendee.

Its ancestors were born as a result of an accidental crossing of Weimaraners - German hunting dogs, greffirs, fearless red Breton griffons, as well as their Bresch relatives. Puppies born from such ancestors inherited excellent hunting qualities, as a result of which they attracted the attention of interested parties.

Further, the blood of such dogs was improved by the Gallic hounds and some other wonderful breeds, as a result of which their descendants significantly improved their performance, and above all, agility and speed. At the beginning of the last century, the Frenchman Paul Desami organized the first dog breeding club for breeding Vendéan griffons.

Further, such dogs spread throughout the world, receiving official recognition in the 50s. Soon the Vendeen Basset Griffon breed was registered internationally. In September 1999, the characteristics of the classification of its varieties were precisely established. And at the beginning of the 21st century, such dogs were accepted by famous American and British clubs.


The Vendeans are hounds, and natural born hounds at that. They succeeded not only in speed and speed of running, but also in endurance, because they are able to pursue prey for many hours during a hunt, moving both in a group and individually. However, such dogs are not at all distinguished by a ferocious disposition, but are famous for their curiosity, intelligence, cheerfulness and affectionate attitude towards people.

If these dogs are well trained by their owners, they become ideal pets. But in the absence of sufficient education, many shortcomings can appear. And the most important of them is extreme and unbridled activity.

Their natural hunting qualities are capable of demonstrating their negative sides if, mistaking some object for their prey, they rush after it without permission, or worse, attack it. And the desire to protect their patrons can cause unreasonable aggression towards strangers.

Another disadvantage of dogs is often their proud, independent disposition, which manifests itself in the desire to dominate their owners. Feeling their weakness, such dogs show disobedience, wanting to insist on their own. They are seeking the right to decide for themselves what and how to do.

Stubborn people allow themselves to chew on valuable objects in the room, sleep where they want, and eat what they want. Therefore, they should be taught discipline and obedience from puppyhood. In the photo, the Vendean Basset Griffon looks very cute. It should be remembered that it depends only on the owner whether he will be well brought up.

What kind of people is the Vendeen Griffon suitable for?

Looking at the trained Vendean Griffons, it seems that these are ideal dogs - obedient, kind, funny, always ready to play. But few people realize that behind all this there is a long educational work. The Vendeans have a very developed hunting instinct - sensing the smell of prey, they can quickly rush into the distance or attack someone they consider to be prey. The protective instinct makes them be wary and protect their owners from anything that poses a danger (in their dog’s opinion). Animals are also naturally prone to dominance and are happy to take leading positions in the family, deciding where to sleep and what to chew. To prevent such outrages from happening, Vendeans must be trained from puppyhood. Educational work will teach the dog commands and show him who is in charge.

If you do not have time for daily training, then it is better to choose a more docile breed. Vendean Griffons should not be owned by those who do not have time for long walks. Dogs are nimble and need to spend at least 3 hours a day outdoors. Each walk should be accompanied not only by the repetition of different commands, but also by playing with a frisbee or ball, searching for previously hidden objects (the game “take the trail”), and overcoming an obstacle course.

A well-trained Vendean will easily get along with children and other pets. The only thing is that you should not have a dog with birds or rodents - the hunting dog will perceive them as prey.

This dog requires a lot of exercise and a lot of space to move freely.


The excessive activity of such dogs requires constant replenishment of energy, which is achieved through proper nutrition. The owner can feed the dog traditional, personally prepared food or dry mixtures and canned food. Both are acceptable if the diet includes all the elements necessary for the pet’s life.

The most important thing is proteins, the source of which is, as a rule, high-quality meat. It can be boiled, however, it is preferable raw, because during heat treatment it loses valuable vitamins.

The healthiest and most convenient for digestion is beef, and most of all such parts as the heart, liver, and brains. It is recommended to feed raw beef bones with leftover meat and cartilage, but not chicken bones.

Vendean Basset Griffon Small

The fish should first be boiled and thoroughly cleaned of bones, and then offered to your pet. It is better to give boiled eggs, so this product is easier to digest. Dairy products are also important; porridge, but not semolina; boiled or pureed fresh vegetables; rye bread soaked in meat broth.

Reproduction and lifespan

The Vendée Basset Griffon also provides its owners with a different kind of concern. Many owners want to get purebred puppies from their pet. To do this, you need to choose a suitable partner. It is best to contact your kennel club for advice on this issue.

There, qualified specialists will be able to explain the rules by which breeding of purebred dogs is carried out in accordance with international standards. They will also help you check all the necessary documents from the prospective partner and draw up an agreement, which is usually concluded between dog owners.

It is better to purchase purebred puppies through nurseries that specialize in breeding dogs of this breed. These exist also in Russia, in particular in Moscow and Chelyabinsk.

Basset Griffon Vendeen puppies

In Europe, Czech nurseries are very famous among foreign ones. It should be warned that the life expectancy of such dogs is not the highest. Usually Vendeans please their owners for no more than 14 years.

Training and socialization

Vendean Griffons are quite trainable, but can become a little stubborn during the training process. These pets have a very developed hunting instinct, so at the beginning of training the animal should be protected from strong stimuli (birds, cats, etc.).

With your dog you need to learn the basic commands from the basic course: come to me, stand, sit, lie down, no, next to me. The pet must perform them even in the presence of strong distractions.

Important! You should not let a dog off a leash if it cannot approach its owner on command, as there is a high risk of losing the animal.

Care and maintenance

Such pets are of average size for dogs, and therefore can be kept both in city apartments and in country houses. They are quite unpretentious, and therefore do not require any special care. But first of all, they need regular long walks, during which the dogs can run without a leash, that is, they can fully realize their life’s ardor and inexhaustible energy.

Also, in addition to high-quality nutrition, Vendeans should be brushed regularly (ideally, this should be done daily) and bathed at least once a month. You need to start teaching the simplest commands from the very first days. Usually smart puppies of this breed learn to learn new things and follow orders from their owners without much effort. But classes must be held daily. And caregivers should be patient with their pets. Here you can’t be nervous, shout, much less hit the dog.

Interesting facts about the Vendean Basset Griffon

In the list of information about the breed, experts include:

  • ability to develop high speed - short legs do not interfere with pursuit of prey;
  • the ability to work in a pack - when hunting, they do not interfere with each other and persistently drive the target;
  • problems with lack of attention - if you don’t work with the dog, he will quickly find something to do: chew furniture, scatter clothes and things, hunt a hamster or guinea pig.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics. Sofa dogs are suitable for homebodies, and the basset griffon is for active people who are ready to spend several hours every day on walks combined with active games.


How much a puppy of this breed will cost the intended owner depends on the quality of its purebred. The most expensive dogs are show class dogs. From birth they are intended for breeding and improving the breed, participating in exhibitions to receive prizes and titles.

These puppies almost perfectly meet all the required standards. And their ancestors for several generations were recognized as purebred, as indicated in the pedigree. In these cases, the price of a Vendeen Basset Griffon can reach up to 100 thousand rubles and rise significantly higher.

Basset Griffon Vendeen large

Puppies with a slight discrepancy with the necessary characteristics, for example, with some arching of the back, which should, as already indicated, be straight; due to overly thick bangs, curly hair or inappropriate ear size, they lose a lot in price and cost buyers about 35 thousand rubles. But if there are serious discrepancies with the standards, then the dogs can cost even less – about 10 thousand rubles.

Coat and color

It is necessary to focus your attention on the coat of the Vendeen Basset Griffon, since this is a characteristic feature of the breed. The coat is hard, reminiscent to the touch of horsehair, and it is like that even on the head. The thick undercoat allows the animal to feel quite comfortable even in damp and cold climates.

The dog has long whiskers and eyebrows that point forward, but they should not cover the eyes. The standard allows for many colors - spotted (various colors), fawn (reddish and paler), tan and others. In all of them, white should be the dominant color. Only solid white and black coat colors are prohibited.

Interesting Facts

  • Aristocrats in medieval France spent a lot of time hunting, which was considered the most important entertainment for the nobility of those times. That is why, to pursue game, they so needed a medium-sized, but hardy, fast and agile dog, which the Vendean griffons became. Such hunting dogs could pursue large game, such as deer, and also easily keep up with small game, such as hares.
  • Now it is difficult to accurately determine all the breeds that participated in the formation of the fleet-footed Vendeans, but it is assumed that one of their ancestors were the now extinct Roman dogs.
  • Now the demand for dogs for hunting is sharply declining. But any Vendean, whose kind heart is always open to people, is capable of becoming an ideal companion for an active person, as well as becoming the favorite of some large family. After all, children can walk for a long time and play with such pets, which will certainly be useful for both.
  • These dogs are said to be especially fond of chasing cyclists. This is where the hunting passion and skills of the hounds come into play.
  • The Vendeans suffer greatly from lack of attention. Therefore, owners should not leave them alone in the apartment for a long time. Out of a sense of protest, they are capable of doing a lot of things, for example, making a terrible mess, chewing and tearing the owner’s clothes and furniture.
  • The health of these dogs is usually good. They rarely get sick, but due to their enormous activity they often receive bruises and wounds, dislocated limbs and even fractures. In general, the short legs of Vendeen griffons are not at all an obstacle to their fast running.

Health of Vendean Griffons

The life expectancy of Vendeans is 12–14 years. But in order for the dog to live as long as possible, it is important to monitor its health. The most common diseases among representatives of this breed:

  • ear infections, otitis media (occurs when the dog’s ears are not properly cared for);
  • hypothyroidism (underfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • dermatitis (occurs due to improper care of the dog’s skin and coat);
  • epilepsy (may be a consequence of injuries that these dogs often receive during active games);
  • persistent pupillary membrane (congenital anomaly of the iris).

Due to its activity during games, the dog can receive wounds, bruises, dislocations, and fractures. It is important to monitor how the animal behaves. If it suddenly becomes passive, whines, or limps, then you should immediately show it to the veterinarian. It is recommended to carry out preventive examinations with a doctor at least once every six months - this will allow you to promptly identify pathologies in the first stages and immediately eliminate them, without waiting for complications.

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