The secret of the sex of the Djungarian hamster: who is in front of you?

The Djungarian hamster, nicknamed “Djungarian” for short, is quite unpretentious in everyday life, cute and funny . In addition, this hairy-footed hamster is scrupulously clean, not particularly picky in terms of feeding, and also does not bother with a repulsive odor.

Domesticated dwarfs differ from their free-ranging counterparts, as well as neighboring species (Campbell and Syrian) by their characteristic coloration. All Djungarian hamsters have a dark stripe along their spine, wider than that of Campbell's.

This dwarf rodent, growing up to 10 cm and weighing 35–65 g, has an extremely short tail, which is practically hidden from prying eyes when the animal sits down. Wool covers not only the dzhungarik's body, but also its feet. The dominant color of the fur is often diluted with noticeable white patches. Acceptable colors of the Djungarian hamster:

  • standard – brownish-gray with a white belly;
  • pearls – matte white with gray streaks;
  • sapphire – bluish-gray with a white belly;
  • tangerine - reddish-cream.

Important ! The average dzhungarik lives in captivity for about 2–3 years, but with good care and good health it can live up to 4 years.

The Djungarian hamster will brighten up the leisure time of both adults and growing family members. Even preschoolers can take care of rodents: for this reason, jungarians are often purchased to please the child. This dwarf hamster can be fully recommended to those who have never kept animals before.

The importance of gender determination

For breeders who are engaged in breeding hamsters, when buying a hamster, it is especially important to know its gender, because the success of the animal business depends on it. For example, they may sell you a hamster that is not the gender you want. It will be unpleasant and you will have to buy the animal again.

And if you are buying a hamster just as a pet, it will be a shame if they sell you the wrong one. You may have already come up with a nickname for him, and then you’ll have to come up with it again.

Simple wire cutters

The most primitive device is very similar to ordinary scissors. Only one of its cutting surfaces is equipped with a small notch with a sharp edge. Using such a device is easy, provided you have some skill and experience. For young dogs, nail trimming is always stressful. They do not want to sit quietly, they strive to tear the paw out of the owner’s hands and in every possible way complicate the process. So will not recommend such a gadget to novice dog breeders. The risk of causing serious physical injury to your pet is too great. Well, for experienced owners who have used similar tools more than once, nothing better can be desired. Cheap and very effective.

Cost – 35 – 72 rubles.

More advanced versions of hand cutters offer expanded functionality.

Although their main part, in the old fashioned way, is based on two cutting surfaces. Service additions imply only human convenience. Models with rounded ends, a container for cut claws and lighting have proven themselves very well. The fact is that some dogs have the habit of looking for clipped ends on the floor and eating them. Sharp, bent cuttings can damage the stomach wall and cause bleeding. A small “waste collection” effectively solves this problem.

Price – 636 rub.

Another gadget from the line of simple nippers has comfortable ergonomic handles that allow you to securely hold the tool while trimming nails.

This is important when the animal gets nervous and breaks out.

We pay attention to one more detail - the expansion spring. It fixes the cutting surfaces in the open state, which makes the operation somewhat easier.

Otherwise, the functions of the device duplicate all the features of its predecessors. To properly shorten claws, you must have the skill and achieve unquestioning obedience from your dog or cat.

Cost – 229.93 rubles.

At what age is gender determined?

Many people wonder at what age can the sex of a hamster be determined? After all, if you breed hamsters, you need to know what gender of hamster you are selling. This is where a problem arises, because at a young age it is not recommended to touch dzhungarikas - this is dangerous for their health.

If you have newborn hamsters, you will have to wait a month, then it will be clear who you have: a male or a female. By the age of four weeks, you can safely determine the age of the dzhungarika.

Brief characteristics of dzhungariks

Not always sellers in a pet store and even breeders (especially those without experience in breeding animals) are trained to recognize male and female individuals . It happens that the seller of hamsters deliberately misleads in order to sell “stale” or substandard live goods. In both cases, you will need basic knowledge of the location and structure of hamster reproductive organs.

First. Perhaps you have set a specific goal - to buy only a boy or a girl. Here, a person who intends to acquire a male Djungarian falls into a special risk zone. To an amateur in matters of sexual dimorphism, you can sell a female, and the fact that you have been fooled will become clear after two to three weeks, when the “boy” gives birth to numerous offspring. And then, instead of one pet, you will be forced to care for 5-6 dwarf hamsters: feed them, clean up after them and sort the growing babies into different cages.

Second. The ability to navigate the anatomical nuances of dwarf hamsters will help those who decide to start a modest business - breeding dwarf hamsters. If you ignorantly buy a pair of same-sex rodents, they will not only not produce offspring, but will simply mutilate each other.

Important ! Djungarian hamsters are highly territorial animals that do not tolerate any competitors near them. This rule applies to all same-sex individuals who have reached reproductive age: this is why young Djungarians from the same litter must be seated on time.

Third. If you do not have entrepreneurial acumen, and you have only one hamster and plays the role of your spiritual friend, in this case, awareness of its gender will be needed to choose a nickname. Of course, you can choose a name from the “unisex” category (Valya, Zhenya or Shura), but aren’t you interested in who will live next to you for several years?

How to properly restrain an animal for inspection

To find out the gender of your hamster you need to look at its genitals. But how can you do this if he is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, and how can you look carefully so as not to injure your pet?

IMPORTANT: Hamsters have very small, thin and fragile bones, so carelessness during examination can even lead to the death of the animal. You should also not turn the hamster over on its back or hold it by the scruff of the neck.

The procedure for inspecting the dzhungarik:

  1. Carefully place the hamster in your palm so that the hind legs hang freely from your hand; if necessary, hold the hamster from below.
  2. You will have a view of the external genitalia of the animal and you can easily examine them and determine the sex of the hamster.
  3. If your pet is nervous or struggling, ask someone to take a photo of the hamster in its original position. Then you can easily examine the genitals and find out the gender of the pet.

There are several methods for determining sex

Tama the Cat: Train Station Master

This happened in the early 2000s, when the unprofitable Kishi station in the Japanese city of Kinokawa was almost closed due to unprofitability. Residents, of course, protested, but it is unlikely that their efforts would ultimately be crowned with success. The situation was saved by a local cat named Tama, who loved to bask in the sun near the train station. The station manager noticed how enthusiastically passengers reacted to this couch potato and gave him the official position of caretaker. The cat was given a uniform cap, a badge and a monthly salary in the form of free food.

The duties of the newly minted minister included advertising functions. He greeted passengers, allowed himself to be petted, and was always somewhere on the platform. It must be said that this policy very quickly led to commercial success. Tourists began to come to Kishi station just to look at the railway cat and take pictures with him. From that moment on, there was no further talk about closing the station.

But the unusual cat's career did not end there. In 2008, Tama became a supervisor and was charged with monitoring the performance of professional duties by staff. That same year, the cat was knighted. Another year later, according to the project of the famous designer Eiji Mituku, the railway included in the schedule a train dedicated to the legendary animal. The carriages were painted with views of Tama, the locomotive was decorated with his muzzle, and meowing signaled the opening (closing) of the doors. But this did not become the crown of the cat’s career.

A year later, Tamu was appointed third party of the railway company, entrusted with the post of executive director. By his old age, it was already difficult for him to work every day, and the management allowed the elderly cat to come to work 3 days a week.

Tama died at the ripe old age of 14. But even after this, the career did not end. Posthumously, the cat was elevated to the rank of Eternal Station Master, thus perpetuating his memory. After all, over the years of work, this four-legged employee has brought considerable income to his company. The tourist flow through the station increased to 300 thousand people annually, and the financial indicator amounted to more than 1.1 billion Japanese yen.

The company's management did not want to accept the loss of such a profitable and already promoted advertising brand. Tama was replaced by Nitama (the second Tama). True, later with the third cat there was an overlay. He was found at Okayama Station and offered a position in Kishi. But the owner did not agree to the move. Next came Yontama (the fourth Tama), who had already had to undergo a special training course before taking her place on the platform of the railway station.

And the flow of tourists wanting to take a photo with the legendary heirs of the first Tama still does not dry out.

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How to distinguish a boy from a girl hamster

However, the question arises: is it really possible to distinguish a male from a female only by the genitals? You can determine the sex of an animal not only by its genitals, but also by several other distinctive features. For example, in appearance and behavior. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

By appearance

Male dzhungarikas are much smaller in size than females. However, males have longer and thicker fur than females. If this is not enough for you to determine the sex, you can look at the shape of the shoulder blades, but you need to do this very carefully - as mentioned above, hamsters are very fragile and it is easy to cause irreparable harm to them. Males have a less rounded scapula than females.

By behavior

It is not so easy to determine the sex of a hamster by behavior, because it is similar in females and males, but there are still slight differences.

  • Females are considered cleaner: their home looks neater, and they also carefully monitor the cleanliness of their fur. Females are somewhat aggressive and less tame. Considered more energetic.
  • Males are not so clean; they do not carefully monitor the condition of their fur. However, males are more affectionate and easier to tame and do not bite like females. They lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In newborn hamsters

It is almost impossible to determine the sex of a newborn hamster at home - the genitals of small dwarf hamsters are poorly defined. Therefore, it is advised to seek help from a specialist at a pet store. But you should check whether the consultant or seller has a veterinary education, because an inexperienced seller will not be able to determine the sex of a newborn hamster and may simply deceive you.

The easiest way to determine the sex of dzhungarikas is by external signs

Brief characteristics of dzhungariks

The Djungarian hamster, nicknamed “Djungarian” for short, is quite unpretentious in everyday life, cute and funny . In addition, this hairy-footed hamster is scrupulously clean, not particularly picky in terms of feeding, and also does not bother with a repulsive odor.

Domesticated dwarfs differ from their free-ranging counterparts, as well as neighboring species (Campbell and Syrian) by their characteristic coloration. All Djungarian hamsters have a dark stripe along their spine, wider than that of Campbell's.

This dwarf rodent, growing up to 10 cm and weighing 35–65 g, has an extremely short tail, which is practically hidden from prying eyes when the animal sits down. Wool covers not only the dzhungarik's body, but also its feet. The dominant color of the fur is often diluted with noticeable white patches. Acceptable colors of the Djungarian hamster:

  • standard – brownish-gray with a white belly;
  • pearls – matte white with gray streaks;
  • sapphire – bluish-gray with a white belly;
  • tangerine - reddish-cream.

Important ! The average dzhungarik lives in captivity for about 2–3 years, but with good care and good health it can live up to 4 years.

The Djungarian hamster will brighten up the leisure time of both adults and growing family members. Even preschoolers can take care of rodents: for this reason, jungarians are often purchased to please the child. This dwarf hamster can be fully recommended to those who have never kept animals before.

How to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster by its genitals

The easiest way to find out whether you have a female or a male Djungarian hamster is to look at the external genitalia. Still, there are significant differences in their structure between females and males.

How to identify a female hamster

Despite the small size of the hamster, you can confidently identify the female.

  1. Look at the distance between the vagina and anus. It should be minimal or it will simply be absent. The vagina is practically adjacent to the anus, but is separated by a zone where there is absolutely no hair.
  2. If you could not find the urogenital opening, this is a female Djungarian hamster
  3. Also another sign is the absence of a navel (yellowish bulge on the abdomen) - this is a specific feature of female dzhungarikas
  4. You can see the presence of nipples, there will be four of them and they are located symmetrically on both sides of the female’s abdomen

This is interesting! Some hamster owners suggest looking at the pet from above on its back. Specialist breeders claim that females have a more rounded back edge. In males it is slightly pointed.

How to identify a male hamster

The presence of clearly visible testes is the main sign that this is a male Djungarian hamster.

  1. At the age of three to four weeks, males develop pronounced almond-shaped tubercles in the groin area. Over time, the testes increase in size and identifying the male becomes much easier.
  2. If the testes are not yet visible, you can feel them in the groin area.
  3. If suddenly you do not find the testes (this happens if the testicles do not descend and remain in the abdominal cavity), you can take a ruler to be completely sure and measure the distance between the anus and the urethra. For an adult hamster, the distance will be approximately a centimeter to one and a half centimeters, for a growing hamster - less than half a centimeter. But there will be a distance, unlike the female, who has practically no distance between her anus and vagina. Also in males this area is covered with small hair.
  4. Males have significant hair. Their belly is covered with thick, long hair; in females it is short and sparse on the belly. And not only the belly of males is covered with thick fur, they are covered with thick fur over the entire surface of the body.

Attention! You need to feel the testes with extreme caution, otherwise you may damage the testicles that have not yet fully formed.

Secondary signs for recognition

A distinctive feature of males is the presence of a special gland on the belly, which secretes an odorous secretion; males use it to mark their territory. This gland is located where the navel should be, looks like a small yellow tubercle, and is devoid of hair.

Females are slightly larger in size than males.

Females are more aggressive and can bite you, unlike males, who have no problem going into their owner’s arms and love affection.
Did you find it easy to determine the gender of your hamster?


There are several methods to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster

The sex of a hamster can be determined when the animal reaches three to four weeks of age. If the hamster is already an adult, there should be no problems with sex determination. But if puberty has not yet occurred, it is worth trying the following methods.

First you need to secure the hamster. two ways to do this .

  • We need the hamster to spread its hind legs and let us see its genitals. To do this, with clean hands, carefully grab it by the scruff of the neck and lift it, the hamster will stretch out, and it will be easier to establish its sex.
  • The second method is much preferable because it causes less anxiety and discomfort to the animal. So, you can place the hamster on your palm with its belly up and hold it with your thumb. Under no circumstances should you squeeze the body of your cute rodent too tightly; you need to handle it very carefully, identifying the animal’s sexual characteristics with your free hand. Stroke the hamster's belly a little to calm it down, caress it, because with caress you can achieve much more from an animal. And the pet will know that you can be trusted and you will not harm him.

You can read how the ampularia snail lives at home, care and maintenance, nutrition.

From here you will learn how to establish contact with a pet hamster and tame it.

Recommendations for bathing a hamster and the features of keeping your pet clean are described here.

Soft bag

Fabric carriers have been around for a long time, but their modern development has primarily affected the increase in the number of all kinds of windows, mesh and other little things. The cat will no longer sit in a dark bag, not much different from an ordinary travel bag. It is difficult to organize a comfortable long trip in such a device. But for short distances the convenience is quite adequate.

The advantage of a soft cage is its lightness, compactness, and the ability to securely attach it to a car seat or, for example, to the handle of a suitcase.

Negatives: Not hygienic for long trips and difficult to clean quickly (although they can withstand washing in a regular washing machine).

Cost – 1,360 – 1,489 rubles.

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