Height and weight of Alabai: the size of an adult pet depending on gender and how a puppy develops up to a year

Alabais belong to large breeds of dogs, the weight of which must be carefully monitored, because the health of the pet and its life expectancy depend on it.

Indeed, for animals whose body weight exceeds 50 kg, it is very important to avoid overfeeding and obesity, which can lead to serious health problems, in particular to diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

This is why it is so important that an adult animal’s body weight matches its height.

Owners of Alabai puppies also need to constantly monitor the pet’s height and weight, but in order to know how correctly and harmoniously it is growing and developing.

What weight should an adult Alabai have depending on gender?

The minimum weight allowed for Alabais according to the standard is 50 kg for males and 40 kg for females.

The maximum weight is not specified by the standard: for a male it can reach 80 kg or even more, and for a female - 65 kg.

The weight of some representatives of this breed can significantly exceed that specified in the standard and amount to up to 100 kg.

By the way, the record holder among Alabais is a dog named Bulldozer . The owner gave his pet such an eloquent nickname when he saw him shoveling snow.

What is the purpose and character of alabai?

Nowadays, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are successfully used as irreplaceable assistants to shepherds, they perform vigilant service, guarding houses, but they can also simply be faithful companions.

The character of the Alabai has been developed over several millennia, and at the genetic level they have established an aggressive attitude towards other representatives of the dog tribe. Despite this trait, Alabai are quite peaceful with dogs that live nearby, in the same house with them. Although Alabai are considered excellent defenders, they will never attack a stranger. They can only scare away the “enemy” with an angry growl.

Central Asian Shepherds are not considered fighting dogs, but in Turkmenistan dog fights are held every year, where representatives of this breed must show their qualities - courage, bravery and the ability to stand up for themselves. Calm self-confidence and the absence of excessive aggression are the main character traits of this dog.

Alabais are very proud, so it takes a lot of effort for them to begin to respect their owner. Only when the dog feels that there is a true leader in front of him will he begin to obey him. That is why every Alabai owner is strongly recommended to take a special obedience course, during which the dog will begin to recognize the owner as a dominant creature.

Alabais are extremely wary of strangers, and they can easily attack a strange dog, so you must walk with them on a leash. They relate well to children, love to play with them and can become their faithful protectors on walks.

Dimensions (height at withers, etc.)

The minimum height at the withers for a male is 70 cm at the withers, and for females - 65 cm, but there are dogs whose sizes reach 80-90 cm.

The body length of representatives of this breed should be from 72-77 cm, depending on their height. At the same time, a slightly higher elongation index is considered acceptable in females than in males, whose body format is preferably closer to square.

The depth of the chest of Alabais is approximately ½ of their height at the withers, that is, from 32.5-35 cm.

According to the breed standard, moderately large growth is considered the most preferable, provided that the proportions and general harmony of the physique are observed.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


“The growth of the alabai must certainly be in strict accordance with its size. Indeed, for a large dog, whose height at the withers can reach up to 90 cm, excess weight is fraught with serious health problems. In this case, the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system are most often affected. Insufficient body weight can lead to the animal having reduced immunity and general vitality.”

Origin history and interesting facts

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai is a national treasure of Turkmenistan. This means that purebred puppies are strictly prohibited from being transported across state borders. Hence the logical conclusion: dogs sold in our country are nothing more than contraband. However, this does not stop the Alabai from being in demand and popular among avid dog breeders and owners of country houses in the post-Soviet space.

It is believed that the history of the Alabai breed completed its formation approximately four thousand years ago. Dogs moved from place to place along with nomadic tribes. Their function was to protect breeding property and livestock. The opponents were wild wolves, and therefore only the strongest representatives of the breed survived. Researchers' interest in Turkmen wolfhounds arose only at the end of the 18th century. Scientists have made several attempts to breed a more docile and obedient type of animal. But it was never possible to do this: all attempts were in vain.

By the way, thick skin and dense thick hair are features acquired through nomadic life. In the process of evolution, the dog’s body acquired vital characteristics: insects could not bite through its thick skin, and a warm fur coat prevented it from freezing in winter and dying from high temperatures in summer.

Tail docking, as well as ear docking, is not mandatory for Alabai. The breed standard allows for both options, so the “native” long tail and uncut ears are completely “legal” and are not evidence of impurity in the breed.

Video on the topic

TV story about the Central Asian Shepherd Dog - Alabai

7 interesting moments

The CAO dog (an abbreviation for “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”, often found in thematic literature) loves to run away from the yard. And reviews from owners confirm this fact. Alabais are looking for adventure, and therefore, if they want, they immediately make a tunnel - and go for a walk. However, sometimes their paws do not reach the tunnel: an agile dog only needs to jump over the fence to be free. The remaining seven interesting facts about Alabais will also help you get to know the representatives of the breed better.

Perfect pitch. It is believed that Turkmen wolfhounds have excellent hearing. Not even a mosquito will fly past them unnoticed. The ability to hear and recognize the slightest rustle is another genetic feature that was formed in the representatives of the breed due to centuries of nomadic life.

"Motley" color. “Ala” translated into Russian means “motley”, and “bai” means “rich”.

Late classification. Surprisingly, the “Central Asian Shepherd” breed was officially introduced into the classification only in 1993 of the last century. And the breed standard was agreed upon even later - in 2010.

"Ancient" age of the breed. Some researchers studying the origins of the Turkmen wolfhound are confident that the breed is at least 5,000 years old.

Mixing of blood. The Alabais that you can see today are the result of a natural cross between mastiffs and fluffy dogs that lived in nomadic tribes. According to the second version, Alabai descended from a mastiff and a Mongolian shepherd dog.

Recognition of leaders. In order for a dog to begin to respect its owner, the second one will have to try hard. Such dogs only recognize people with pronounced leadership qualities. If a dog breeder is not sure that he can dominate his pet, it is better for him not to mess with the Alabai.

"Plush" as a business card

When buying a Turkmen Wolfhound puppy, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of its coat. The wool should resemble high-quality plush

This is an important distinguishing feature of a purebred animal.

Puppy weight and sizes by month from 1 to 12 months (table)

Age of the Alabai puppyWeightHeight at withers
1 month3.5 - 5 kg25-30 cm
2 months9-10 kg35-40 cm
3 months15-20 kg40-45 cm
4 months25-30 kg50-55 cm
5 months35-37 kg55-58 cm
6-8 months35-50 kg60-65 cm
9-10 monthsup to 60-70 kgup to 75-80 cm
11-12 monthsup to 70-80 kgabout 80 cm

The table shows average data, while the height and weight of individual representatives of a given breed may be slightly greater or, conversely, less than the values ​​​​indicated here.


Within the Alabai breed, they are divided into so-called native species and hybrids. The former are the result of nomadic life. The second is the result of unsuccessful selection, which was carried out during the Soviet Union. There are four native species, and at least two type species. Each of them is described in more detail in the table below. The starting point is the smooth-haired Turkmen Alabai, which is considered the primary type of the breed.

Table - Aboriginal and type species of the Turkmen wolfhound

Coplon leopardAboriginal- Has a willful character; - practically impossible to train; - lives in Central Asia
Alabai— Considered an urban variation of the wolfhound; - has relatively small dimensions
Tibetan alabaiHybrid— Not a pedigree (a product of crossing with a Tibetan mastiff); - has a small population
Caucasian AlabaiIt is considered a species that arose by crossing the Turkmen wolfhound with the Caucasian shepherd dog

Another species not included in the table is the so-called Turkish alabai. It is relatively young and has recently started appearing on the market. The history of the appearance of the species still remains a mystery even to professionals. In addition, in Turkmenistan there is a species - the long-haired alabai. True, it is not officially recognized either. Therefore, Central Asian shepherd dogs with long hair in this country, according to documents, are mongrels.

In some sources, the terms “Caucasian Alabay” and “European Alabay” refer to individuals with cropped ears.

How to measure height correctly?

In order to measure the height of a puppy or adult Alabai with the smallest possible errors, you need to place the pet on a flat, hard surface, after which you need to attract its attention with a treat, toy or words, and thus make it stand still during the measurement.

At the same time, to facilitate this task, it would be advisable to use the help of assistants from among relatives who will distract the pet’s attention while measurements are being taken.

Next, take a centimeter and apply its edge with the smallest values ​​to the most prominent point on the animal’s withers. The lower edge of the measuring tape is lowered down perpendicular to the floor and a mark is made on it in the right place.


It is more convenient to measure a dog’s height not with a centimeter, but with the help of a special device, which is a ruler with divisions marked on it and a limiter in the form of a freely sliding bar along it.

In order to measure the growth of an Alabai using this device, the ruler is lowered with its lower edge to the floor, and the limiter is raised to the top point of the withers and fixed at the desired mark.

The length of the ruler from the floor to the stop is also the height at the withers.

Training issues

Many sources say that the character of Asian “bears” is not the most flexible, and that these giants are difficult to train. It must be admitted that raising an Alabai is not an easy task. So here are three main points you should remember.

  1. Puberty and “relapse”. Between the ages of eight months and one year, the puppy goes through adolescence. At this time he is especially disobedient and obstinate. The situation may recur between the ages of two and two and a half years, but don’t let this bother you. Disobedience and non-acceptance of the owner’s authority is a temporary phenomenon.
  2. A leader by nature. Alabai is a leader by nature, and he can only give up this place to someone whose leadership qualities will be brighter and more noticeable. Don’t be surprised, because these dogs have led herds and packs for many centuries. Don’t give up, but know: becoming a follower to someone who was the leader is extremely difficult.
  3. Food aggression. Especially typical for young representatives of the breed. For many dog ​​owners, the aggressive response that precedes feeding becomes the cornerstone. Only continuous systematic work can help in solving the problem, demonstrating to the pet the fact that it is you who provide the food, and not the refrigerator or plate.

Don’t expect the Alabai to actively carry out “circus” commands like “Fetch”. These giants are accustomed to living in energy saving mode, and therefore will not do anything just like that.

To what age do they grow?

The most intensive growth occurs in the first 6 months of Alabai’s life. After six months, the young dog grows a little more, but the rate of growth is already noticeably decreasing.

It is believed that most Alabais reach their maximum size before the age of 1 year, but if the dog subsequently grows further, it is only slightly, by 1-2 cm.

But at the same time, even before the age of three, the dog continues to grow in width and gain muscle.

Growth in females usually slows down or stops with the onset of the first heat, therefore, girls of this breed sometimes gain height only until 9-10 months.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Alabai dog breed:

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Its health and even life expectancy depend on how much an alabai weighs. Obesity is harmful to the functioning of the heart and other internal organs, and overweight individuals wear out their joints faster. And, on the contrary, excessive thinness may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract or metabolism. Therefore, in order to monitor your pet’s well-being, it is important to know what the normal weight of an Alabai should be.

What affects the development of a puppy?

There are many reasons that affect body size and weight in dogs.

Among them we can name such as:

  • Heredity . Due to the fact that Alabai of some lines gain growth faster than representatives of other lines, it happens that a puppy, having reached a certain age, suddenly stops growing. Also, whether a young Alabai will grow up to be large or not often depends on how tall the parents are.
  • Quality of cultivation . What the puppies eat at the breeder's house and in what conditions they are kept there will determine their height and weight at the time of sale. If the breeder monitors the cleanliness of the room where the babies are kept and their well-being, if he starts feeding them on time and correctly, small Alabai will grow quite large and well-fed by 1.5-2 months. If the puppies were not fed or were given unbalanced food, they may turn out to be significantly smaller and thinner than their peers.
  • Conditions of keeping and feeding . After the puppy gets to a new home, the owner must provide him with proper nutrition and good care. It should be taken into account that Alabai are large dogs and during growth they need a balanced diet rich in protein and minerals.
  • Past illnesses . A puppy who has had a serious infection may grow poorly and, as a result, never gain the minimum weight and size required by the standard.
  • Lack or lack of physical activity . If a growing Alabai puppy leads a sedentary lifestyle, he will not have the opportunity to develop harmoniously. With a high degree of probability, such a dog will quickly gain excess weight, in addition, he will not be able to develop powerful muscles, which is why he will look narrower than his peers who are provided with the necessary physical activity.

Alabais sometimes have deviations in development and correct physique, which is why the dog can grow too large or, conversely, not even reach the height at the withers recommended by the breed standard.

Central Asian Shepherd: characteristics of the breed

The character of the Alabai is confident, independent, balanced and proud. Animals are unusually strong, resilient and efficient. The main characteristics of the Alabai breed are courage and absolute fearlessness. Pets selflessly protect their owners from any enemy. But the SAO never attacks without a reason.

The character of the Alabai male and female is very different. “Boys” are slower and calmer, but they start fights more often. It is better not to keep several males in one territory, as conflicts for leadership are inevitable. “Girls” are more active and flexible. They need more attention from their owner.

An article about “What to name a Central Asian Shepherd Dog.”

The negative characteristics of the Alabai breed have taken root among the people. Fans consider dogs to be overly vicious and dangerous. However, CAOs show aggression only in the absence of education and proper socialization. Alabai is more wary than hostile towards strangers.

Important. It is better not for beginners to get an Alabai dog - only a person with a strong character can raise an adequate and manageable pet.

Attitude towards children

With proper upbringing, the Alabai dog treats children calmly if they do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted. To avoid problems, your child should be taught about dog body language and the rules of behavior with an animal.

It is best if the Asian Shepherd and the baby grow up together. Gradually they become fast friends. Good and early socialization guarantees adequate behavior of the pet.

An adult dog needs time to get used to a child. First, you should control the situation - observe the behavior of the animal. Typically, Central Asian Shepherds quickly understand what is required of them and try to keep their distance from the youngest member of the family.

Watchdog and security qualities

The SAO has a well-developed guard instinct. If the owner gets a representative of the Alabai breed to guard a private home, he must raise the dog strictly and train it accordingly. Innate abilities are not enough for a dog to become a reliable protector.

What to do if your weight is below normal

The standards given in the table are desirable, but not mandatory. If the pet's weight is no more than 10% less than them, then there is no need to worry about lack of body weight.

But if the deficiency is significant and the dog clearly looks skinny, then the pet should be shown to the veterinarian in order to rule out a possible serious illness due to which the dog does not gain the required weight.

In the event that an examination in the clinic does not reveal any abnormalities in the pet’s health, it will probably be necessary to change the conditions of its keeping or feeding, for example, increase the calorie content and nutritional value of home-cooked food, or transfer the dog to another ready-made food, with a higher content of protein and fat. .


For an underweight Alabai, physical activity can also be useful, but it is very important to remember that a growing puppy should not be overloaded and that he should move as much and at the pace he wishes.

It is not recommended to wear harnesses with weights on a young dog..

Perhaps the pet will pump up its muscles in this way, but in this case its physical development may turn out to be inharmonious, which is why the dog will ultimately look disproportionate.

Also, you should not give a growing Alabai food supplements that help increase muscle mass, as this may be unsafe for his health..

Types of Alabaev

Historically, Alabai are common among Central Asian peoples. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog in Asian countries is used in homes for protection and as a demonstration of prestige. Alabai is a dog that accompanies shepherds in pasture farming to protect them from predators and drive livestock.

Breeders distinguish four types of Central Asian Shepherd Dogs:

  • Tajik - heavier and longer-haired dogs;
  • Uzbek - a smaller species, with an elongated muzzle and an elongated body. The character of the Uzbek alabai (buribasar) is restrained and flexible;
  • Kazakh are large, unpretentious, strong animals. Friendly to adults and children;
  • Turkmen - cynologists recognize the Turkmen Alabay as the strongest and most resilient.

In Turkmenistan, sandwiched between mountains, sea and deserts, Alabais found themselves more isolated from dogs of other breeds, so they better preserved their original appearance. Turkmen Alabais are physically harmonious and consistent in their movements. Many cynological organizations in the CIS countries consider the Turkmen type of Alabai to be the defining standard for the breed.

What other types of Alabais are there?

  • Tibetan - a large, shaggy, harmoniously built dog;
  • Siberian - a mixture of a Siberian husky and a German shepherd, characterized by developed intelligence, obedience and sociability;
  • Alaskan (Malamute) - smart and friendly dogs, but are often stubborn;
  • Afghan Alabai is the oldest breed, prone to dominance.

There is a so-called bear-type alabai. This is what dogs are called because of their anatomical features. Bear-type Alabai are proportional large dogs, with long thick hair and a “collar” on the neck and chest. The dog's round head with a convex forehead slightly resembles a bear's muzzle.

Similar breeds

Let's compare the Alabai dog and similar breeds. Historical origin connects Alabais with fighting dogs. Dog handlers point to the relationship between the Alabai and the Tibetan mastiff, one of the oldest guard dogs. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is part of the Wolfhounds group. Wolfhounds are a conventional group of large breeds of dogs. Dogs of these breeds were historically bred to protect pastures (“from wolves”) or for hunting.

Wolfhounds include:

  • Alabai is known as the Central Asian wolfhound.
  • The Turkish Kangal is an ancient breed of dog, distinguished by endurance, courage and independence.
  • The Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound is a guard dog with good health.
  • Nagazi is one of the most ancient breeds in the world - the “Georgian wolfhound”.
  • Gurdbasar is an Azerbaijani wolfhound.
  • The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a herding and guard dog in the French mountains.
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
  • The Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest hunting dogs in the world.
  • The Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd is a guard herding dog from Italy.
  • Taigan is a Kyrgyz mountain dog.
  • Tazis are a hardy breed for hunting in desert conditions.
  • The Giant Schnauzer is a “giant” Bavarian schnauzer.
  • Russian greyhound.
  • The South Russian Shepherd is an ancient species, an ancient herding dog.
  • Gampr is an Armenian wolfhound.

Feeding dosages

How much does alabai eat? These data vary for different animals. But when feeding dry food, the portions will in any case be smaller than on natural food. Let's look at the daily diet of the Central Asian Shepherd using the Adult Large Breed food as an example.

As you can see, there are two daily values ​​- for dogs with high and low activity. The first group includes those who walk more than 1 hour a day, the second group includes everyone else.

According to the table, an active Alabai weighing 50 kg requires 600 grams of food per day, and a low-active one - only 390 g. With a weight of 70 kg, the norm will be 750 g and 510 g, respectively.

The daily amount of feed is usually divided into two equal portions. The first of them is given in the morning after a walk, the second in the evening. If the dog does not eat what is offered, the bowl is removed until the next scheduled meal. Drinking water, on the contrary, when feeding the Alabai with dry food, must be available at all times. It needs to be updated before each feeding, and preferably more often in hot weather.

Basic feeding rules

Experienced dog handlers claim that there is no general diet, proposing to take into account the calorie content, the composition, the vitamin complex, and even the character of the dog, coupled with the stress it faces.

At six months of age, the formation of muscle mass in a dog is in full swing; at this moment, it is especially important when preparing a diet to take into account the correct ratio of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. IMPORTANT!. IMPORTANT!


The required daily food intake of an adult dog: 3−5% of its weight, which is approximately 1 kg 200 g.

General requirements when creating a menu:

  • 1/3 part - raw meat (scalded, boiled); Once a week, instead of meat, you can give fish;
  • 1/3 part - porridge (millet, rice or buckwheat);
  • 1/3 part - vegetables and dairy products (if dairy products cause intestinal problems in your dog, you should avoid them and replace them with vegetables).

The period of maximum active growth of a shepherd dog lasts up to a year. At this point, the puppy must be fed intensively, taking into account the calcium and vitamin intake necessary for growth and development.

Natural food

When planning your dog’s diet, you should include the following foods in the menu:

  • meat and offal (necessarily liver);
  • milk ;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs (raw, boiled);
  • vegetables;
  • sea ​​fish (boiled);
  • cereal porridge;
  • greens, berries, fruits (in limited quantities).

Regardless of the type of food (dry or natural), the puppy should eat according to a certain pattern:

  • 1-2 months - a glass of food, divided into 6 doses.
  • 2-3 months - 1.5 glasses in 5 approaches.
  • 3-6 months - 1 liter in 4 approaches.
  • 6-12 months - 1.5 liters in 3 approaches.

At one year of age, the dog begins to eat according to an adult meal schedule - twice a day.

List of foods that are prohibited for a dog's diet:

  • meat with a high fat content (pork, lamb);
  • bones (chicken, fish, pork);
  • pasta;
  • potato dishes;
  • sausages;
  • any baked goods;
  • legumes;
  • smoked, fried or dried meat;
  • all types of flour food;
  • candies, chocolate;
  • mushrooms;
  • fish (raw, river);
  • pickled and canned vegetables;
  • all types of canned food;
  • semolina, millet and pearl barley;
  • citrus fruits;
  • raw milk;
  • spicy dishes containing spices.

Dry food

When choosing dry food for your pet, the owner of a shepherd dog needs to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • products must be branded, and not just released under license;
  • high-quality food will not have a bright, saturated color (red or green);
  • the composition should not contain soy and legumes (cereals are allowed);
  • Puppies and pregnant women should not be given pellets with a high fat content;
  • The amount of protein in the feed should be from 30 to 50%.

It would be optimal to buy food in sealed (factory) packaging.

When feeding your dog dry food, you should buy only premium and super premium brands. Economy class is not recommended for German Shepherds.

You also need to remember that food of the best quality and class can only be purchased in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies. They are made from excellent quality products.

Popular manufacturers of the highest class food for German Shepherd dogs:

  • Dukes Farm;
  • Bosch;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Arden Grange.

Daily intake when feeding a shepherd dog with dry food:

  • premium class - about 750 g,
  • super premium class - 600 g.

If necessary, you can soak the granules with water or kefir (if the dog is reluctant to eat dry food). The pet must also have round-the-clock access to drinking water.

TOP nicknames

How to name a Central Asian Shepherd “boy”? What about the “girl”? These questions appear every now and then on dog breeding forums. Oriental names are closer in spirit to Asians. In addition, their sound echoes the main traits of a dog’s character—confidence, fearlessness, and strength. In the table you will find the 20 most popular nicknames for females and males.

Table - Top 10 nicknames for Asians

Nicknames for bitchesNicknames for males
— Diamond; - Altai; - Baghdad; — Guy; — Guram; - Gift; - Jakarta; — Zhulan; — Zepher; — Indir - Aina; - Snowstorm; — Dora; — Zita; — Lana; — Sarah; — Thea; — Fana; - Eba; — Yuksa

If you still don’t know what to call a “girl” Central Asian Shepherd Dog, watch the animal. Perhaps his habits, habits or character traits will suggest the name of the pet.

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