Dog with a rat face - name and description of the breed

History of the breed

The founder of the rat-faced fighting dog was a native of England, James Hinks. The first Bull and Terriers were not particularly attractive. They had a small body on barrel-shaped legs, a short massive head with a blunt muzzle.

As a result of crossing white English terriers with bulldogs and Dalmatians, a new breed appeared in the 50s of the 19th century, a dog with narrow eyes, a long muzzle, and similar in appearance to a pig. She became known as a bull terrier.

A new breed of dog with an elongated muzzle and a shark-like bite was not much reminiscent of bulldogs, the shape of the head changed, and the drooping lips disappeared. The dog with a large, hooked nose became more energetic, while remaining muscular, brave and with good intelligence.

James Hinks achieved his goal; the dog with an elongated muzzle and a crooked pig nose turned out to be graceful, pure white in color.
For reference! The first white bull terrier appeared at a dog show in 1862, and was warmly received by the public.
Thanks to him, the first English bull terrier club was registered in 1887. With the advent of the 20th century, dogs of other colors began to appear. This happened when existing white dogs were crossed with Staffordshire Terriers.

James Hinks with his pet

Body type

When examining a dog with a pig's muzzle, what immediately catches your eye is that it has a powerful and muscular body and a rounded chest.

The limbs are muscular and strong. With a massive body, the pit bull pig is very agile and agile. The peculiarity is that the dog has strong jumping ability. The fighting pet constantly runs around due to the large amount of energy.

Bull Terrier Body Type

Description of the breed

Pit bulls with a sharp muzzle are small, but very strong, muscular, fighting dogs. They have an unusual appearance, their muzzle resembles a dog with the face of a rat. And although the breed standard does not provide for restrictions on weight and height, it is believed that bull terriers should reach 45 centimeters in height and weigh 30 kilograms.

The body of a purebred dog is distinguished by strict proportions; it is stocky, dense, and harmoniously developed. The dog should not have a lean or heavy build.

Note! The force with which the dog clenches its jaws is equal to 25 atmospheres; it is impossible to open them with your hands. You can unclench it with a stick or by holding an ammonia solution to the dog’s nose.

Menacing dog with a humped muzzle

English bulldog

It is distinguished by short legs that support a muscular body. The powerful head looks very large and massive. The wide, flattened muzzle has many folds. The strong lower jaw is equipped with teeth capable of biting the enemy. The nose is deep-set and usually black.

The fleshy lips hang down heavily, covering the lower jaw. The wide-set dark eyes are deep-set. The dog is decorated with small ears, slightly set back.

This breed comes in a variety of colors. However, representatives with beautiful white fur are often found.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bull terriers have long gone from being formidable killers to being companion dogs. The disadvantage of this breed is its excessive stubbornness and desire for leadership. Therefore, not every owner can cope with her upbringing and training.

Only a tough and patient person can deal with this problem. Without proper training, a pupil can become an uncontrollable dog with a lot of problems for others. This is especially true for pets.

In the Bull Terrier, aggression towards animals is inherent at the genetic level. And without proper socialization, a dog can pose a threat to cats and dogs of any breed. In addition, the dog is very jealous of his owner, not wanting to share him with anyone.

Despite these shortcomings, Bull Terriers make excellent companions. Their speed of reaction, physical strength and low pain threshold make them excellent guards. Their devotion knows no bounds.

In addition, you don’t need to have any specific skills in caring for dogs. It is enough to wash and comb them from time to time, get vaccinations and preventive veterinary examinations on time.

Attention! Many people look at such a dog with a rat's face with wariness. For many years, people have been cultivating the idea of ​​their uncontrollable aggression.

Healthy Dog Games


A small dog in a thick white fur coat. The main advantage of the breed is its coat. At the withers, the height can reach 25-28 cm. The not elongated muzzle, with large round eyes, a small head, often attracts attention.

The lapdog is distinguished by voluminous breasts and a slightly tucked belly. The height of the inconspicuous withers is equal to the depth of the chest. This long-haired breed has hairs growing almost everywhere. The only exception is the muzzle. Here the wool is much shorter.

The standard fluffy coat is pure white. Sometimes there is wool with an ivory color.

Breed standard

Bull Terriers are self-confident and flexible, their step is light and free, their physique is strong and muscular. Bitches are somewhat more refined than males. The breed standard provides for the following characteristics:

  • the head is oval, shaped like an egg, low-set, with a rounded skull and a flat muzzle without changes;
  • scissor-shaped jaws with a straight bite, which occurs in sharks, with strong white teeth;
  • nose with a large black nose, inclined downward;
  • the eyes are small, triangular in shape, oblique, dark brown or black in color;
  • ears are small in size, located closer to the back of the head, close to each other, standing vertically;
  • the neck is elongated with good muscles, without folds in the skin;
  • body with a well-developed, muscular, strong, straight back, compact size;
  • the chest is round, wide, the ribs are elastic, rounded;
  • limbs are straight, standing parallel to each other;
  • medium-sized tail, thickened at the base, narrowed towards the tip;
  • the coat fits tightly to the body, the hair is short and hard, and in winter a sparse undercoat appears;
  • color from pure white to colored, red, black, brindle, red, tricolor.

In multi-colored dogs, white should not predominate over the rest.

Three friends of different colors

Disqualifying faults

Individuals with blue eyes, born deaf, with overshot or undershot jaws, with nose pigmentation of any color other than black are subject to a ban on participation in the competition and disqualification.

The standard defects include dogs with a convex back, underdeveloped muscles, pronounced cheekbones, and both testicles not descending into the scrotum.

American Eskimo Spitz

There are several known dog sizes:

  • that;
  • miniature;
  • standard.

The strong animal has a slightly elongated body and a wide back. Its muzzle resembles a fox. The small, proportional head is decorated with erect ears and black eyes. The Spitz's nose protrudes slightly forward. The lobe must be black.

Beautiful, fluffy, absolutely white fur is considered the calling card of a dog. The Eskimo Spitz requires constant care, as the coat often gets dirty and stops shining. The dog sheds twice during the year. Breeders do not recommend bathing your Spitz often. The natural fat is washed off and the dog’s skin begins to dry out.


A dog with a rat's face seems evil only at first glance. In fact, in relation to people, he is the kindest, sociable, devoted, reliable friend, without any hint of aggression. Aggression can be developed in any dog ​​through intentional or poor training.

Bull Terriers are endowed with a sharp mind and high intelligence, with a sound assessment of the situation, with the makings of a wise and fair leader. They are balanced and thinking animals, cheerful, restless, ready to play from morning to evening. Treating their owner with respect and devotion, they demand the same attitude towards themselves.

Good soul dog

Representatives of this breed should not be owned by people who are rarely at home. Bull Terriers need communication, they do not like loneliness. You should not buy a dog as a guard, but they make an excellent nanny for children.

Important! It is worth making sure that a pet that is playing too much does not accidentally harm the baby.

Mountain herding dogs

A group of dogs bred to work alongside humans and protect livestock and property; as a rule, animals cannot be classified as gladiators and fighters. However, due to their enormous size and functions as protectors from predatory animals, dogs are called dangerous.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabaya is an aboriginal breed that has not been improved by selective breeding . Belongs to the Molosser group, but is functionally a mountain shepherd breed. It has long been used for driving livestock. Although there is information that in ancient times she participated in gladiatorial fights.

This is a massive dog that resembles a bear. A characteristic feature is soft wool of medium length. They can be any color except liver, chocolate and blue. According to the standard, height should not be less than 65 cm.

It is difficult to raise and raise a breed; many experienced dog breeders cannot cope with this. The fact is that animals are among those that mature late. Complete development occurs in the 3rd-4th year of life . Although in general pets are friendly and easy-going, they do not like strangers.


Gamprovs are called Armenian wolfhounds. Large size animals: 67-77 cm . The first name translates as “strong” or “powerful”. The breed is indigenous and has not changed its appearance and character since its taming.

The dog is considered multifunctional. It serves both for the protection of livestock, and for the hard work of a draft dog, and for hunting. Often performs the tasks of a shepherd, nanny for children, and property guard. Outwardly intimidating, but only because of its size.

Gampr's character is flexible and soft. The animal cannot be called the most obedient. Like Alabai, the Wolfhound takes a long time to develop, and therefore requires special training and proper upbringing.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A large ancient breed originally from the Caucasus. Widely used to protect private and government facilities throughout Russia. The dogs are large, strong and resilient. There are three types of shepherd dogs:

  1. Long-haired (characterized by long feathering on the neck, tail and paws);
  2. Short-haired;
  3. Intermediate (guard hair is long, but there is no decorative hair).

Despite the differences in appearance, all animals are balanced, discreet, with a strong protective instinct. They are devoted to their family and owners, and cope well with the tasks of a guard. They require a lot of free space and quality training.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Education and training

Bull Terriers, having high intelligence and a desire for leadership, can be difficult to train. This is not a dog for novice dog owners. He needs a strong-willed owner, strict but fair.

The breed requires early socialization and competent training. The pet and its owner must complement each other, then the dog will turn out to be a devoted and reliable friend. An improperly trained dog can manifest its ancient instincts and cause great distress. From a good-natured dog, she can turn into a terrible killer.

Ready for training


A powerful and muscular dog requires a lot of energy. Therefore, due attention should be paid to creating a daily diet. Recommendations for nutrition are as follows:

  • Dry food with a balanced composition is best suited. They contain the proper amount of carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins.
  • A strange superstition concerns that a dog should be fed exclusively meat. Experts recommend including 20% ​​cereals and 20% vegetables in your diet.
  • Most often, beef and chicken are chosen as the main food. In some cases, it is possible to add sea fish fillets. You can add cottage cheese and sour cream.

The puppy is given his own daily diet. In most cases, it is represented by special food that is rich in useful microelements.

Maintenance and care, hygiene

Bull Terriers are not fussy to care for. They molt twice a year. At this time, they are often combed out with a brush or a mitten specially designed for this. Wash pets with animal shampoos as they become dirty, and wipe off dust every day with a damp cloth or sponge moistened with water.

The claws usually wear down on their own during walks. If this does not happen, they are trimmed as they grow. Soured eyes are washed with weak tea or chamomile decoction, and dirt is removed from the ears with a sponge dipped in warm water.

Dogo Argentino

The breed has an athletic build and highly developed muscles. The dog is distinguished by a powerful jaw and a strong massive head. Sometimes there may be a black spot on the face. The height of a male dog reaches 60–68 cm. The size of a female dog is somewhat smaller – 60–65 cm. A giant dog weighs 40–45 kg.

The breed is distinguished by its short, snow-white coat. The dog does not require additional care. The coat is brushed several times during the week. The snow-white coat rarely gets dirty, so bathing is carried out several times during the month.

Features of feeding and diet

It is better to feed bull terriers natural products. Their diet should include raw varieties of lean meat every day, twice a week boiled sea fish without bones, porridge boiled with whole grains, vegetables, fermented milk products, a boiled or raw chicken egg once a week, and vitamin supplements.

In addition, the dog should always have access to clean drinking water, which is changed to fresh water every day.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you feed your dog food from the table.

When choosing industrial feed, be sure to give preference to super premium or holistic brands.


A huge dog with a calm disposition. Americans trust her to guard their ranches. High withers and elastic skin on the neck allow the dog to engage in battle with any predator. Akbash is distinguished by a shaggy tail and sometimes a fluffy mane. The long body and beautiful slender paws give the dog a beautiful appearance.

The purebred Akbash is distinguished by its white coat, which retains its purity for a long time. The short coat does not require frequent brushing. Once every seven days is enough. You need to bathe your dog when it is very dirty.

Health and illness

Strange-looking dogs with a pig's face in puppyhood have good health and good stamina. But they are also susceptible to inflammation of the eyes and ears. If they eat the wrong diet, they quickly gain weight and become obese.

They are also susceptible to aortic stenosis, epileptic seizures, joint dysplasia, allergic reactions, and dermatological skin rashes. To maintain their health, timely vaccinations, scheduled visits to veterinarians, as well as active walks and games in the fresh air are necessary.

Additional Information . The Bull Terrier breed does not often have problems with ear infections. But hearing problems regularly arise. Animals with white coat color are especially susceptible to this. Among them there are many puppies born deaf.

White doesn't mean deaf

Bichon Frize

These miniature dogs usually weigh 3-6 kg. At the withers they reach 20-30 cm. The round head, resembling a voluminous ball, is supported by a strong, flexible neck, widening towards the shoulders. Oval eyes have a black rim with dense eyelids.

The dog is distinguished by a strong physique, a wide croup, and has a slight convexity. The withers are almost invisible. The breed is distinguished by a strongly developed chest, with a tucked belly.

The Bichon Frize has only one color – solid white. Sometimes puppies are born with beige spots. As they grow older they disappear. Dogs with fur of a different shade cannot take part in exhibitions; no one is engaged in special breeding of them.

How to choose a puppy

It's no secret that a purebred bull terrier puppy should be purchased only from trusted breeders or kennels specializing in fighting dogs.

Before choosing a puppy, you need to decide on its gender. Bitches and males are each individual in their own way. If there are more than seven puppies in a litter, they may not have enough mother's milk.

Puppies can be taken from their mother at the age of one and a half months. By this time they should be vaccinated according to age. Puppies should be cheerful, with clean, shiny fur and no signs of skin rashes. The mucous membranes have a pink color, the tail is without creases.

The legs should be the same length, standing parallel to each other. There should be no discharge from the eyes and ears, the ears should be clean, the eyes should be clear, the nose should be shiny and wet.

Note! The appearance of baby bull terriers is very comical, reminiscent of a newborn piglet.

Newborn babies

How much does a bull terrier cost?

Puppies of this breed are very cute. If you have decided to get one, then you need to contact a good nursery. It is not recommended to purchase through an ad or on the market. Improper breeding causes the development of various genetic diseases.

The baby can be picked up at the age of two and a half months. At this age, all necessary vaccinations are given. At the time of choosing a puppy, the condition of the teeth is checked; there should be six of them on the bottom and top.

Your hearing status must be checked. This is due to the fact that bull terriers are often born deaf. To check, just clap your hands, to which the baby must respond. It is advisable to pay attention to the parents or familiarize yourself with the pedigree. This information is provided by all good nurseries.

Bull Terrier puppy

The price of a puppy depends on a variety of factors. Title and pedigree drive up the value. Therefore, the cost of a bull terrier can vary from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles. If we consider a puppy without a pedigree, then the price drops from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. Many people associate the name of the breed with fighting matches, but this is not entirely true. Most puppies become just loyal friends.

Interesting Facts

The breed at one time became so popular that teachers and students of the British Oxford University, one of the oldest in the world, considered it an honor to have a white bull terrier.

Of course, all dogs, even of the same breed, are different. But when purchasing a bull terrier, do not forget that this pet needs the firm hand of a self-confident person. A teenager can't handle it. This is a serious dog that requires a lot of time and effort to train, and not just a pet that you can just play with.

Volpino Italiano

Italian miniature dog, 25 - 30 cm tall, weighing 3-5 kg. It has a short, slightly pointed muzzle, an oval skull with a domed forehead. The tightly fitting lips are decorated with a black border. Wide-set eyes, dark in color, resemble round beads. The ears are in the form of a small triangle, located next to each other.

The dog has several types of color:

  • ginger;
  • white;
  • pale yellow;
  • black and tan.

White volpino is considered elite. Black color is very rare.

Gampr (Armenian Wolfhound)

This breed is quite large and looks powerful, its height is about 64-68 centimeters, but there are specimens that are about 90 centimeters. The dog's weight varies between 49-64 kilograms, a significant part of it falls on the wool. The muscles are well developed, the body is quite massive, the chest is wide. The ears hang down, the eyes are dark, there are sloping brow ridges, making the look look friendly. The color of this breed varies, most often it is sandy, but the muzzle is always black or gray. The coat is long, the tail does not lie on the back even in a state of excitement.

Gampr is a kind and caring dog, she does not like fuss and clearly follows commands. She usually shows a reverent attitude towards children and remains neutral towards other animals. The dog behaves calmly during training and appreciates encouragement.

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Nobility and courage are about them.

  • Height: 33-40 cm for a male; 28-35 for a female
  • Weight: 8-10 kg.
  • Lifespan: 13-15 years.
  • Color: black, dark brown or grey-tan.
  • Coat: medium length, thick. Densely laid over thick undercoat.

Did you know? In 1995, a “dog” record for the length of the swim was set. Labradors Gypsy and Kai, accompanied by their owner, swam 15.2 km (it took 6 hours).

They are easy to train and train, which should be done regularly. Long walks with elements of play (bring a stick or ball) are required, without which the dog will become lethargic or show destructive tendencies.

This terrier will get bored in an apartment, so it is better to keep it while living in your own home. By the way, children will not be the best companions for them (although dogs accept them as “their own”, rushing to help if necessary).

Favorite location is a field where you can chase trophies without restraint, which often ends in a direct fight (brave “yagdas” are not afraid to attack).

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