Dog English Cocker Spaniel - reviews about the breed

Breed characteristics

Short description
Origin:Great Britain
Conditions of detention:In an apartment, private house
Purpose:Companion dog, herding dog, rescue dog, nurse dog
Color:Various, popular among breeders Blenheim (distinct chestnut spots on a white background), also available in gold, black, white colors
Wool length:Medium and long (limbs, groin, bottom of the last)
Adult dog size:Height of females 38–39.5 cm, males 39–40.5 cm, weight of females 12-14 kg, weight of males 13-15 kg
Average life expectancy:13-16 years old
Walk:2-4 times a day
Physical activity needs:Average physical activity needs (walking 1 to 1.5 hours per day)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 8: Retrievers, Paniels, Water Dogs; Section 2: spaniels, with performance tests
Puppy price:6,000–20,000 rubles

Raising and training dogs

The English Cocker is a smart dog, and thanks to this intelligence it is easy to train. Usually, until the age of three months, it is not recommended to apply too harsh measures to the dog, otherwise its psyche will suffer. During this period, the dog should not listen to too many different commands.

Then more active activities begin. At first, dogs are taught only simple commands that they remember quickly. Be sure to let them get used to the fact that the head of the house is the owner. When weakened, the dog quickly becomes stubborn and strives to dominate. On the contrary, rudeness and aggression traumatize the animal. A reasonable combination of rigor and praise, encouragement for correctly performed exercises, is enough.

It is better to socialize the dog from an early stage, then it will not attack cats, other pets, or people. It is worth training a cocker to hunt game from the age of 7-8 months. The easiest way is to contact a dog handler, after which the dog will easily pick up the trail, look for the bird, and flush it out correctly.

Physical activity for dogs

Puppies and adult animals need to be allowed to run, play, and frolic regularly - they are unable to simply sit at home. If you rarely walk your dog, it will become sick and suffer from obesity. The ideal option is to walk up to 2-3 hours a day.

The activity of the English Spaniel gives him the opportunity to participate in various types of dog sports - agility, frisbee, flyball. Athletes can jog with their pet. In summer, the dog should be allowed to swim in ponds; the cocker is an excellent swimmer. Hunting will also be a good way to exercise. It is only important to control the dog’s movements: it can get carried away and confuse serious actions with play. But after proper training, an English spaniel will quickly find game, track it and scare it at its owner, which will greatly simplify hunting.

History of the origin of the species

The origins of the English Cocker Spaniel date back to the Bronze Age. The ancestors are considered to be ancient hunting dogs called “ashy”. Historians and archaeologists have found the remains of dogs in the ash. Ancient people presented them as sacrifices to the gods.

Ash or ash dogs had all the qualities of a hunter; they had developed body muscles and long limbs.

Centuries-old attempts to consolidate the hunting skills characteristic of one species led to the appearance of spaniels. One version connects the name of the breed with Spain. It is believed that the ancestors of modern spaniels were Spanish hunting dogs.

The British have a separate version of the origin of the breed. The word "spaniel" is equated to the English word "span spaniel" , meaning "one who can jump high" . Dogs on the hunt suddenly jump out of the thick grass, catching their prey by surprise.

The word "cocker" is the name of the woodcock bird. English cocker spaniels were bred to hunt birds, including woodcock, which is native to the British Isles.

The popularity of breeding hunting breeds among dog breeders arose in the 19th century. Official recognition and registration by English dog handlers occurred in 1893. The breed was recognized by the world community of dog breeders 9 years later, in 1902. But only in 1974 an international standard was approved and the breed was recognized by the Federation of Cynologists.

Russian dog breeders became interested in the British in the 70s of the last century. Dogs were imported from European countries. Dogs have become regular participants at Russian exhibitions since the 80s.


American Cocker Spaniels are a breed that requires a lot of attention to hygiene and, accordingly, expenses. You will need to take your dog to the grooming salon at least twice a month.

If you don’t want to spend money, then learn to care for your pet yourself. To begin with, you should buy slicker brushes, combs and other wool tools. Since you need to comb your cocker every day, carefully going through the areas where tangles accumulate.

  • It is also worth washing the “American” more often than other dogs, namely at least once every two weeks, since the hair of this breed is very long and is designed to collect dust and dirt. For washing, it is better to choose a special shampoo and conditioner.
  • Ears also require special care. You should tie them with a rubber band every time your dog eats to prevent the ears from falling into the bowl. And also clean the earwax from the ears as often as possible, because dirt accumulates very actively in the ears of cockers.
  • There is less care for the eyes, but if your pet's eyelid is slightly raised and does not completely close the eye, it is better to periodically drip special drops. This will prevent eye infections from occurring.

Distinctive features

The main parameters characterizing the English Cocker Spaniel:

  • The head is regular in shape, with a clear outline.
  • The ears are drop-shaped, long, thin, located in line with the eyes.
  • The eyes are large, round, and dark shades of brown. Light eye color (light brown) is allowed in dogs with chocolate-colored fur.
  • The nose is black with large nostrils (for a good hunter's instincts).
  • The bite is scissor-shaped, the incisors develop strictly vertically.
  • The back is physically well developed.
  • The forelimbs are straight and small in size.
  • The hind limbs differ significantly from the front limbs in their developed muscular system. Large hips, designed for fast running, characterize the dog's purpose as a hunter.
  • Tail with thick hair. In an excited and joyful state, the height of the tail does not reach the height of the back.
  • The coat is of medium abundance, without curls. Long hair is present on the legs and along the perimeter of the lower body.

Possible colors according to standard

Pros and cons of the breed

Any breed has its positive and negative sides, the same applies to spaniels.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traitsNegative qualities
Small sizesGluttony
ActivityImproper socialization leads to aggressive behavior and cowardice
EnduranceHaving ear problems
Good travel toleranceThe appearance of mental problems when being alone for a long time
Ease of training

Beagle dog breed with photos and descriptions

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

The English Cocker Spaniel is a cheerful, playful, good-natured dog. They adapt well to a large family and get along well with single people. However, only one person will be considered the real master and obey unquestioningly. The nature of a getter, strong muscles, and a strong sense of smell of a dog of this breed will also appeal to lovers of hunting and an active lifestyle.


The advantages of the English Cocker Spaniel are:

  1. Beauty . The stately and impressive Briton will not go unnoticed while walking around the park.
  2. Intelligence – the dog understands human language well, which makes it easy to train.
  3. Developed intelligence and hunting disposition allows the spaniel to independently make important decisions in the shortest possible time.
  4. Friendly attitude towards children . Active games in the fresh air attract the dog; the spaniel will happily chase and frolic with the children. Parental vigilance still does not hurt, especially if the child is under 7 years old.


The disadvantages include negative points:

  1. Pets are strongly attached to their owner , sometimes allowing them to show feelings of ownership and jealousy.
  2. Stubbornness is a characteristic trait of the breed. A calm explanation of the rules and training from an early age will help the owner raise an obedient pet.
  3. Some individuals are prone to long barking. Observation and consultation with a veterinarian will help the breeder rule out mental abnormalities.


Cockers, like true trackers and hunters, love to find and eat any food. Often, a curious spaniel will climb into the trash can and feast on the leftovers from dinner. These four-legged gluttons are unlikely to refuse an extra portion of food, since they do not know when to stop. Therefore, it is important to find out in advance what and how to feed your English Cocker Spaniel so that the pet remains active, cheerful and does not become obese.

First you need to decide what type of food to choose. Traditionally, dog breeders accustom their pets to either “drying” or “natural”. Mixing species is not recommended. Dry food must be of the highest quality and include, in addition to balanced proteins, fats, carbohydrates, all the necessary vitamins and elements. “Drying” is convenient on the road and hiking. This is an excellent option if you plan to raise a traveling pet. The owner selects natural food on his own.

Healthy and proper feeding of a dog includes five aspects that must be observed by a loving owner.

  1. Mobility. A pet that expends a large amount of energy per day, for example during agility training, needs high-calorie food. Your four-legged friend must follow a diet and eat in moderation so as not to gain excess weight.
  2. Age. Each age has its own needs. Puppies are fed only natural food in small portions about five times a day. Food should be rich in proteins. From the age of six months, you can gradually introduce “drying”. From one year on, meals are reduced to twice a day. Many dog ​​experts advise feeding an adult spaniel once a day. For adults, carbohydrates are important. Older dogs get by with a minimum amount of calories, because... do not lead an active lifestyle.
  3. Mode. It is important to teach your dog to eat at the same time every day. This will relieve stomach problems and teach you discipline.
  4. Allergies. All decorative dogs are susceptible to food allergies. Therefore, when introducing a new product into the diet, testing in small portions is necessary.
  5. Menu. The dog's diet should be varied. Despite predation, the pet needs vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and grains.

The plaintive and sad eyes of a cocker are a cunning trick to get an irregular tidbit. Do not give in to provocations and teach your dog to follow a strict diet on a schedule.

Care and maintenance

Due to its small size, the English Cocker Spaniel is a suitable option for city dwellers. Life in a metropolis, in high-rise buildings, does not bother the dog at all. Hunting habits manifest themselves during walks; the pet can hide in tall grass, quickly run through puddles and get dirty.

Care includes procedures:

  • Daily paw hygiene .
  • The ears require special attention . Periodically removing ear discharge with a swab will save the owner from unnecessary hassle.
  • The eyes are wiped with special drops or fresh tea leaves.
  • To clean teeth, use toothpaste and a dog brush.

An additional nuance: due to their length, the ears of an English Cocker Spaniel end up in a bowl of food, and the hair on the ears will get dirty. Breeders are recommended to purchase a special deep narrow bowl or tie up the pet’s ears during meals. If the dog is adapted to dry food, the problem is eliminated.


The English Cocker Spaniel is famous for its increased appetite . Indiscriminate eating and the ability to beg for a piece, thanks to a child's naive look, often leads to obesity in the pet.

  • The puppy's initial diet consists of dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir). It is further expanded by introducing meat in the form of minced meat and vegetables. After a positive decision from the veterinarian at 6 months of age, a transfer to dry or natural food is allowed.
  • If the owner chooses natural nutrition, it is necessary to create a menu that includes a balanced portion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The frequency of feeding an adult cocker does not differ from the standards and is 2 times a day.

It is prohibited to feed the pupil sweets, pickled, salty, and spicy foods.

  • Meat products are supplied only after heat treatment . Several times a week, meat is replaced with offal (heart, lungs).
  • Milk protein is used in the form of fermented products to improve intestinal motility.
  • The vegetable component is varied; cockers love carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cucumber. Heat treatment is not necessary; just wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut into pieces. For better absorption, add sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Vitamin therapy is carried out in consultation with a veterinarian.

The dog is active, the drinking regime is constantly maintained.


The breed is positioned as strong and in good health. They adapt well to harsh weather conditions. On average, dogs live about 15 years. Proper nutrition, frequent walks, vaccinations are the key to the health and longevity of a cocker.


Dogs are vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. It is important to vaccinate your puppy against dangerous diseases during the first year of life.

At 2 months they are vaccinated against:

  • Parovirus enteritis;
  • Chumki;
  • Leptospirosis.

At 3 months they are vaccinated against rabies. All vaccinations given by a specialist are indicated in the pet’s veterinary passport.

Before the procedure, the breeder is recommended to:

  • Deworm the puppy;
  • Get examined by a veterinarian;
  • Find out from a specialist about the possible consequences;
  • Agree on the brand of vaccine.

After the procedure it is prohibited:

  • Walk (2 weeks);
  • Contact with other dogs;
  • Bathe;
  • Change your diet;
  • Raise your voice at the dog, criticize.


Despite the genetically inherent good health, acquired diseases, as well as those transmitted by inheritance, cannot be excluded.

Specific diseases of the English Cocker Spaniel:

  1. Mental disorders (aggression, panic, hysteria).
  2. Skin dysfunction. The breed is characterized by a disease - asthenia. It is characterized by a violation of the strength and elasticity of the skin, as a result of which wound surfaces appear on which fungal diseases begin to develop. Treatment of the disease is long-term, using antimycotic drugs.
  3. Dysfunction of the visual organs (cataracts, glaucoma, entropion).
  4. Weak joints . If hip dysplasia is not detected in time, it leads to complete immobilization.
  5. Diseases of ENT organs . Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear that leads to deafness.
  6. Food intolerance – allergy.


What dog doesn't love walks? And even more so if it is a pet with hunting habits. Walks in the park and countryside attract the dog. Having played and aimed at imaginary prey (a bird), it can run far away, forgetting about everything in the world. Feelings of service and devotion still take over, and the cocker runs back to his owner.

The duration of walks is at least 1.5 hours, in bad weather the duration is reduced to 20 - 30 minutes.


The English Cocker Spaniel's coat requires constant care. the owner needs to carry out hairdressing procedures for combing . As a result of combing out dead hair, your pet's coat will be well-groomed and shiny. Brushing your dog is a great pleasure.

  • Bath procedures should be carried out as needed. Frequent contact with water and shampoos leads to loss of shine and dandruff. Dry skin and peeling cause discomfort, and your pet will begin to get nervous.
  • Particular attention is paid to grooming a purebred dog . Breeders trust grooming specialists to transform their appearance. An experienced hairdresser will carry out a haircut, maintaining the natural breed style that characterizes the English Cocker Spaniel. The owner’s task is to teach the puppy to withstand the procedure, which lasts 2–3 hours. The frequency of complex grooming is once a quarter.

Dog English Cocker Spaniel - reviews about the breed

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03/26/2021 at 23:03


I read about cockers and am surprised at how many negative reviews there are. I have a 3.5 year old English Cocker girl. I adopted her at 1.5 months. I raised him like a child - training, walks, food. I paid a lot of attention to her, but the return was beyond my expectations. Smart, friendly, easy to train. brings slippers, towels, distinguishes different names of toys, understands everything at a glance. Loves to pose for photos. The doctor is very patient. In general, no hysterics ever. Sometimes it can kill dry bread or an old bone on the street, although mostly it carries out the FU command. She loves to play with children and loves everyone. In the car and public transport he behaves very dignified. You just need to get used to order. Protects things - bags on the beach, jackets on the sports ground. She never barks or howls at home if she is left alone. Until a year ago, she chewed on shoes, but now, apart from wool, there is no mess in the apartment from it. In general, it’s like this: don’t chase cockers if you are not ready to deal with the dog. This is the child in the house. Moreover, this is a hunting breed, walks to the sea, trips to nature are mandatory! If you don’t want to go for a walk or pay attention to your dog, get some fish. But, if you need an active, intelligent, loving friend, you can’t find a better cocker. And, by the way, the parents in our yard ask me to go out with the dog so that the children can play with it. So this particular breed is a friend for children after 5 years.

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I had an English cocker dog. A wonderful girl. I understood everything from a word and a glance. She lived with us for 9 years. It was only due to my stupidity that they lost her. I bought a Biovax flea and tick collar. The dog was severely poisoned and developed toxic hepatitis. It was not possible to save. Yes they are very playful. We need to walk a lot. And the disadvantage is that ears need to be washed after eating. She is not fussy about food. She ate everything from meat to tangerines (which she adored very much). She also loved going to the bathhouse, especially sitting in the steam room. Recently we adopted a dog of this breed again. For me, cocker is my love forever. Although I like other breeds too.


The English Cocker is an energy generator, endless energy! It requires a lot of time, love and attention. Grooming, cutting and combing. Training for dogs prone to aggression is mandatory. She is very affectionate and sweet to those she really loves. But the dog gets stuck periodically. Very beautiful, and despite her shortcomings, very beloved.


Smart, active, energetic dog. Cunning. These dogs belong to the category of good psychologists. She will read everything in your eyes. And if, while punishing a dog, only the slightest smile appears on your lips or your stern look disappears, consider that at that moment you have lost:) There is a lot of joy and positivity in her.


Aggressive. I have talked with breeders more than once, and they tell me that aggressiveness in a cocker is like a defect. Perhaps the wrong, aggressive dogs were allowed into the breeding. But in any case, the cocker has it! In the house she will not let anyone near her who came to you for the first time. She will growl, bark, clatter her teeth in front of your fingers and frighten you in every possible way. Especially young children. In this breed, everything is divided into two clans - their own and others. A dog is not loyal to any one owner. She will sell everything for a piece of meat or a slice of sausage:) To keep a cocker in the house, you need a lot of patience and a very strong character. Even at the moment when your dog tries to scare you with his wild eyes and wild growl, you must remain your ground! It is necessary!


I also do not recommend this breed. Not only that, the eternally stupid expression on his “face” also stinks forever. Plus, on top of that, it eats crap, any kind of crap!!!! Our cat is shocked by it. The dog is always hungry, eats more than a big dog (we have another one, a big dog). I took the child to a home, so to speak, closer to myself, but now I have to put up with his character. One thing saves him, he can’t climb to the second floor, we’re taking a break from him there!!!! It would be better if they took a yard worker from the street who are truly loyal and smart. I give a huge minus to the American -


I adopted the puppy when she was 2 months old. A very playful, gentle and intelligent dog. This year marks three years. I agree that she doesn’t like children, gets covered in all sorts of nasty things, and grooming is annoying. As for anger and biting... I would say that she’s just talkative... she even follows commands while grumbling) she’s trained to use the toilet in the house, she goes to one place, but until she was a year old she had punctures, but only about peeing... I love this stinky one! Yes, I agree, he doesn’t single out one owner, he really loves the whole family to be together... and if someone is minding their own business, they won’t rest until they bring them to the rest. I would note that this breed respects other people's things... it doesn't chew or spoil anything.

Anastasia Wolf

I can’t speak badly about the breed of dog that I have. I will name just a few disadvantages: prone to being overweight, not always obedient, stubborn, impatient, not a guard, will leave the owner for cookies, problems with the ears, some individuals are prone to aggression. pros

companionable, easy to groom, eternally positive, long-lived, active and cheerful, loves children. Honestly, if I had known about this before, I would never have started it. But my spaniel has been living next to me for almost 3 years. Of course, I can’t give her away somewhere or sell her because she’s a family member. She is very active and can walk outside all day. For this reason, it is necessary to get out into nature with your dog.



Smart, good for family, balanced character


Gluttonous and prone to obesity, grooming

Once upon a time we kept a whole kennel of English cocker spaniels. We worked professionally with this breed. I can say, as a person who lived side by side with cockers for 15 years, that this is a very smart dog with a balanced character. The spaniel is ideal for a family, especially with children - so good-natured and conflict-free.

But when there are several of them in the nursery, this is where the battle for the owner’s attention begins and conflicts flare up.

The dog of this breed is beautiful, with an expressive, intelligent muzzle. But long hair must also be properly cared for so that it does not become tangled! But I’ll tell you from experience - neither a cone bowl nor tying up the ears can help - the ears “rinse” in the bowl all the time.

And they are “eternally hungry” beggars who extort scraps from the master’s table. Don't give in, otherwise your dog will become much fatter - he grows fat easily.


After the death of our pet, we decided to get an English cocker. After reading enthusiastic and fluffy reviews, we started looking for a puppy. As a result, out of arrogance, they committed a great stupidity, taking an eight-month-old puppy from fourth hand. From the first minutes in the house, he showed all his “charm” of a cocker character. And every day everything only got worse. At home, in our presence, he behaved even more or less well. But as soon as we walked out the door, the systematic destruction of the apartment began. We hid everything he might show “interest” in, except his toys. We sealed the cabinets with tape. As a result, out of revenge, every time we arrived, he piled up a pile and left a puddle (this was after a walk, by the way). He reacted to all attempts to comb and wash by attempting to bite. I had to wear a muzzle. It was possible to stroke only with his full favor. It was generally a shame to go out into the street. Incessant hysterical barking at everything that moves and does not move. He attacked children, adults, and did not find a common language with dogs at all. Now imagine an eight-month-old puppy in a grinder and a muzzle (it would be nice to have an aspen stake, a silver bullet and holy water in the kit, because it’s like there were demons in the dog). During his stay with us, he mastered as many as two commands (with great difficulty)! Result: in the first days we condemned people who refused it. After a week we understood and sympathized, after a month we felt sorry for ourselves.


Beautiful, active, brave dog


Requires very tough upbringing. If you give a little slack, it will sit on your neck. Grooming (although compared to the character of a cocker, this is just fun)


I had 2 English cockers at different times. Active, kind, they know how to pity anyone with their gaze. We grew up with children, coming to me only for food, and in all activities and games only with them. They were ready to lick strangers and children to death. But like all breeds, they have their own care needs. For example, after the fur, brush regularly so that tangles do not form, wash the tips of the ears, which they use to get into food and sweep the roads on the street. Regularly trim the hair between the toes and pads on the paws, because after walking you wash your paws, but the long hair does not dry out and begins to rot, and diaper rash can form under it and on the skin. Also, keep an eye on your ears, clean them constantly, and specially for tick prevention. drops drip. Through long ears, all sorts of blood-sucking creatures can easily penetrate into the ears. But I generally clip mine in the spring for the summer, and it’s easy and easier for the dog to wash and dry. And by winter they grew again. Keep an eye on the dog on the street, and walk further away from the garbage dumps; the dog is a hunting dog and will not smell of your shampoos; it will definitely find some kind of rotten meat and roll around in it; the more often you wash it, the more often it will give you a fragrant surprise.


My spaniel is 1 year 5 months old. And I’m just happy that I have this dog! There are times when he plays pranks and pisses me off, but in my heart I always love him. And how beautiful they are... I have never seen a more beautiful dog than this one.


intelligence, devotion, beauty, grace.


I think it's excessive activity and long hair.


I don't recommend a spaniel. Especially with children. In my childhood we had an adequate Russian spaniel, but my dad raised him quite harshly. My sister had English cockers. One was particularly evil, biting her owners as well. The other is simply harmful in character. They have a lot of hair, they need to be scratched every day, but many dogs don’t like it, they need to be trained from puppyhood. Both dogs had mammary tumors (malignant). Those gluttons also get fat quickly.


I now have two English dogs. I bought my first one in the 90s, when the breed was very popular. This is my first dog, I have no experience. In general, he also gnawed at everyone’s house if something didn’t go his way. This is a defect of the breed, but unfortunately it occurs very often. But despite this, after his death, they still bought a puppy of the same breed. And the second one was already picked up from the street, apparently he was also thrown out because of its character. The dog is very smart, loyal, but wayward. In general, weigh your options, because there is also a material side - regular haircuts, about once every 3 months (1500-2000 rubles), cockers often have problems with their ears. But despite everything, I adore these eared beauties!!!!!!!!!!



kind, friend for children, friendly, companion, beautiful, loving, excellent companion! , handsome, beauty, loves children, very smart, devotion, devoted, wonderful friend and best comrade, smart, clean


loves to eat and is a beggar, but this can be forgiven, problems with the ears, prone to obesity, careful grooming, stubborn, but this is even more touching)

The story will be about my favorite creature. My faithful friend. About my dog! His name is Louis. And our love story began a long time ago.

I always dreamed of a spaniel and let’s face it, I didn’t care what kind of spaniel it would be. And one fine day, my dream came true! I bought a puppy because I wasn’t working then and it took me a long time to collect the money to buy it, depriving myself of school snacks during the big break! Unfortunately, for this reason my puppy was not purchased from the breeders. Although, then I didn’t care.

But the story is different... Louis was 2 years old at the time. He and I went to visit our grandmother in the village. River...air...sun...July! Beauty... But for me it almost turned out to be the last summer... I swam in the river and... I felt that I was starting to drown... I couldn’t do anything, my leg cramped... I screamed and I heard Louis barking... Perhaps this would be the last thing I I heard. Then I heard the voice of my older sister...

This story ended well, thanks to my Luis. To my beautiful spaniel. Thank you that there are creatures like our dogs in the world! Who love us despite our shortcomings, who love us for who we are! Isn’t this a reason to give them love in return!



kind, friendly, loves children, loyal, wonderful friend and best comrade


active, but that’s a plus), picky eater

I have personal experience with this breed! A cheerful and very active breed! They love to go for walks a lot and are very playful! Affectionate, kind, love children! They are also very devoted to their owner; if they part with him for a while, they become very sad and bored! If you want to buy yourself a dog of this breed, keep in mind that you need to walk and play with them a lot! Perfect for those who live in the house!



beautiful and friendly when young


warts, tendency to allergies

My parents have an English Cocker Spaniel, he is now old.

It is difficult to say whether a dog of this breed is good or bad. I personally only like German Shepherds, Huskies and Fox Terriers.

This one was very spoiled from childhood, he was begged to eat a piece of diet turkey, the freshest meat - he willingly ate only bagels and candy. On the street everyone felt sorry for him, stroked him and kissed him, I think because this breed always has an unhappy expression on its face, and everyone feels sorry for them and tries to console them.

In his youth, his fur was smooth, shiny and silky, but now it comes out in clumps, and he itches all the time and catches something on himself, although there are no fleas.

A very unpleasant feature of this breed is warts. In his youth, one was removed; it was on his lip; now they have begun to appear all over his body, but surgery with anesthesia is contraindicated at that age.

Very cunning and has his own mind. I remember how once they invited me to swim in the lake - at first I stuck my head in the water, I didn’t like it, and he pretended that he didn’t hear, as if he was distracted and rushed after a butterfly. Despite the fact that this breed is intended for duck hunting, if I’m not mistaken.

He doesn’t protect his owners from strangers, he “loves” all people equally, he wags his tail at everyone, although no: he can bark angrily at some for no reason.

General impression:

capricious, cunning dog, although peaceful


I got the spaniel when I was seven months old. I don't know how to tolerate him anymore. He is stubborn, disobedient, if he doesn’t like something, he runs to bite. Apparently the previous owner did not raise the dog at all


Yesterday we put our dog Steshka, an English cocker, to sleep. Piroplasmosis. Stage 3 chronic renal failure. I couldn't cope. The breed is wonderful, kind, smart dogs. Very sociable. For lonely people - a godsend. Our Styosha didn’t spoil a single thing, so these are more likely the characteristics of each specific dog, and not the breed. No downsides. The only thing is that long ears require additional care, otherwise they will smell. Wonderful dog. But this breed has a peculiarity, a vulnerable spot - the kidneys. Do not accustom your dog to only meat and protein foods. Chronic renal failure is common. She ruined us. Get spaniels - they will be companions for life.


My cocker is already 8 years old. A dog lives in an apartment. As for care, the pet is not particularly demanding, but most of the time has to be spent on its fur. I bathe my dog ​​3 times a month. Previously, the hair shed a lot, but the veterinarian advised the use of special products, after which the problem disappeared.


My friend has had an English cocker for 11 years. In fairness, I want to note that not only does he not have aggression towards strangers. On the contrary, he greets everyone and licks them from head to toe. I just adore him. He is so positive - jumping and jumping, always such a bundle of energy and love, despite his advanced age. Apart from him, they have 2 more cats, a parrot and a guinea pig. So, he is everyone’s nanny for them! They had an English cocker before, only a girl. And they don’t even think about another dog, in the sense of another breed!

Marisha is the best




Aggression towards children, unaffectionate

We had a boy of this breed.


- very active, he needs to walk for a long time so that he can run out and at the same time walk us. Unpretentious when it comes to food.


- dislikes children, twice bit the youngest hand when trying to pet him. I wrote at home until I was almost a year old. I tried to caress him, hug him - complete rejection of affection. Everything is individual, but our boy with a black mouth took my sympathy for this breed.

General impression:

wayward, does not like children



Kind, playful, not picky about food.


She gets sick often and needs to constantly look after her coat. Puppies up to a year old can crap in the house.

Half a year ago we bought a spaniel girl at the age of 4 months. She settled down well in our family with a one-year-old child and a Persian cat. The dog is simply adorable, but don’t forget that the English Cocker Spaniel is a hunting breed. They constantly need to run, walk outside and not just on a leash, but in a spacious area, in the forest, in the field. Her husband takes her fishing with him, and we often take her to her mother’s private house. If you don’t give her the opportunity to walk, and keep her only in the apartment, the spaniel will be sad and feel uncomfortable. She also has enough worries at home. The dog cannot be left alone in the apartment for a couple of hours, it whines and howls, and turns the apartment upside down. I've been left a couple of times - it's terrible! . Now you have to take it with you everywhere, and sometimes it’s not very convenient. Spaniels don’t know how to ask to go to the toilet until they’re a year old; if you manage to take them out for a walk, that’s good, but if not, they’ll do it right in the house. After a walk, you need to check the paws and ears so that the burrs are not stuck, otherwise it may fester. After a walk in the forest, check that you haven't picked up a tick. And the English Cocker Spaniel is a sickly breed; this is not the first time we have been treated for a cold or some other illness. Although we look after the dog very well.



friendly, affectionate, loyal, active, sporty, loved


fur mats, eats a lot.

Good day!

From a very early age I had a wonderful friend whom I loved madly, my spaniel came to me as a very small puppy, when I was only 5 years old, and until his old age (20 years old) we were inseparable! My friend's name is Milan!

This breed was bred artificially; when breeding this breed, scientists wanted to get an ideal hunting dog.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog, athletic, because its energy does not allow the dog to sit still calmly. To be honest, we were a big coward, we didn’t get out of the car the entire hunt, and in winter we had to turn on the heater even in the car, because the dog categorically refused to go outside in the cold!

The dog is very independent and friendly! The English Cocker Spaniel is well built, long curly ears, large head, large eyes, quite active dogs, with highly developed muscles. The height of this breed is up to 40 cm, weight up to 20 kg. The coat is medium length, curly, soft, silky! You constantly have to scratch with a special brush to prevent pellets from forming.

The paws are webbed, which allows the dog to swim perfectly! perfectly developed sense of smell and hearing! My favorite pastime is running outside, swimming in the pond, and in winter, lying in the snowdrifts!

The dog is absolutely omnivorous, never had a headache - what to feed him! I ate everything - from porridge to regular soup! I loved gnawing on bones! (Tubular poultry bones should not be given).

When a baby appeared in our family, the dog was already 15-16 years old, the dog turned out to be an excellent protector and teacher, when the child learned to walk, Milan provided him with great help, providing all of himself as an irreplaceable support!

This breed is very sensitive to a person’s mood, and it is also very trusting, which can often turn against it.

The best breed of dog for a home with a small child! The dog will not only become an excellent and loyal friend, but also a true protector of your family!

I recommend!

General impression:

The kindest and most faithful friends!


  1. Before mating, the breeder and the pet are required to visit a veterinarian and get tested for signs of genetic abnormalities. Before dating, you need to analyze the tests and pedigree of your partner.
  2. If the dog has a solid color , mating is carried out with a partner of a solid color, and vice versa, a color color with a partner of a similar color.
  3. The English Cocker Spaniel reaches sexual maturity at the age of 1.5 years . The optimal period for mating is 2 or 3 heats. Suitable days for conception are 8, 10 days.
  4. First, the partners are introduced. The mating process is controlled by the owners. During the merger, the bitch is held by the head and belly so that she does not escape. The duration of the merger is 7–10 minutes. For accurate fertilization, the meeting is repeated a week later (on the 15th–17th day of estrus) .
  5. After 2 months of pregnancy, offspring appear . The number of puppies in one litter is small, approximately 4–5 puppies .

Walks and games

If the owners liked the cocker spaniel, caring for it should definitely include walks. Such a dog needs to go outside not only for toilet chores - the pet needs physical activity. It is best to walk on training grounds where the dog can run without a leash. You need to walk your dog twice a day, for each walk for at least half an hour, but preferably an hour. If your pet doesn't run around enough during a walk, it will show its activity at home.

Ready for a walk

Key points in training

When training an English Cocker Spaniel, any use of violence is excluded. Only clear instructions from the owner about what the dog is doing wrong. It is allowed to spray water and throw an object towards the cocker.

  • The breed is distinguished by its excellent memory. The owner will not need to repeat commands multiple times. It is not permissible to ignore commands during training.
  • The English Cocker Spaniel loves to eat, so training with encouragement (a piece of cheese, a carrot) is considered acceptable.
  • The owner determines the rules of behavior for the pet in the home. Habits need to be developed from a young age. The dog is smart, remembers well, habits will form quickly.

Training is divided into stages:

  1. The educational part is carried out at 3 months of age. Experienced dog breeders conduct training on their own; beginners can turn to instructors. Education is carried out in the apartment and on the street.
  2. It is recommended to start obedience training for the owner at 6 months.
  3. The general training course begins at 8 months. At this point, you need to determine what skills to develop. If the pet is a future hunter, use special training and methods for speed, endurance, and focus on prey.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

How to prepare to buy a puppy

Caring for a spaniel puppy is a troublesome task. This breed is active from birth. To prevent the new family member from causing trouble, you need to organize his own corner for him. It is better to place the dog bed in a warm, dry and clean corner, so that the puppy can see as much of the apartment as possible (observation of the kitchen is especially valuable), but not get underfoot. A small puppy needs a change of diapers.

Cocker spaniel dog

What else you need to think about in advance:

  • remove from the puppy’s access area all objects that could injure him or damage them. It must be removed to a height of 80cm;
  • space – pets love to run, they need a lot of space;
  • bowls, leash, collar, toys, grooming tools;
  • supply of disposable diapers. The puppy will not immediately learn to do his business outside.

As soon as possible after purchasing a puppy, you should take it to the veterinarian and get vaccinated.

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