Carrots alone won't feed you. The largest rabbits in the world: photos and description

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The largest rabbit in the world grew up in England on the farm of Anetta Edwards; this pet was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There are very large rabbits in the world, which due to their size are considered giants. Their length exceeds the encyclopedic data, according to which the maximum height of rabbits is 50 cm. The largest of them are record-breaking rabbits, included in the Guinness Book of Records. The whole world knows them; a lot of information about them now appears in popular newspapers, magazines, on television and on the Internet.

The largest rabbit in the world grew up in England on the farm of Anetta Edwards

The largest rabbits included in the Guinness Book of Records

Rabbit Darius broke all records. Many farmers around the world are trying to raise giant rabbits, but Annette Edwards has done it best so far. She lives in England, in the city of Worcester. The woman bred a whole offspring of giants - Roberto, Amy and Alice. They reached a weight of more than 10 kg. But the next rabbit that the farmer raised received the title of “The Largest Rabbit in the World.”

The largest record-breaking rabbits are included in the Guinness Book of Records

His name is Darius. He broke all the records. The animal grew to 1.3 m in length and gained a weight of 22.2 kg. As the hostess said, this is a merit of increased mobility and good appetite. Darius eats a wide variety of foods and runs all day. During the day he eats 1 kg of apples, about 2 kg of carrots and 2 heads of cabbage. The huge rabbit is very sociable and attentive. His eyes light up when someone starts flirting with him.

But in all likelihood, Darius will not have long to hold the title of the largest rabbit in the world, because he has a son who is a serious competitor to his father. His name is Jeffy. The smallest rabbit is only one year old, but its body length has already reached 1.2 m. The breed of rabbits bred by the Englishwoman is called the Continental Giant.

Previously, this breed was bred for meat, but now as pets. In Darius's family, his mother, Alice, and grandmother, Amy, were distinguished by their large size. Darius and his owner Anetta were born on the same day - April 8, so they celebrate their name day together. Darius and Jeffy live in doghouses. To feed her pets, the owner spends about 7 thousand euros.

Ralph the rabbit, who lives in Great Britain, is recognized as one of the largest in the world. His owner's name is Paulina Grant. He is over 4 years old, but due to his weight category he is considered one of the fattest rabbits in the world. Ralph is a hereditary giant record holder. His parents, rabbit Amy and father Roberto, were among the record holders as the heaviest in the world. Before Darius, Ralph was the leader among the giants. Both pets are serious competitors for the title of world record holder. Ralph has an excellent appetite. His weekly food costs are £50. The expenses cannot be called small, but the Grant family loves their pet and provides him with everything he needs. The hostess said that guests very often come to them to look at Ralph and bring with them something tasty for the champion pet.

Russian ermine

One of the oldest breeds in Russia, it was bred to produce high quality skins. However, in addition to skins, tender rabbit meat was also valued in Rus'.

The animals have an amazing white color, only the ears, tip of the nose, paws and tail are black or dark brown. Because of the unique color, the breed was given such an original name.

Adults reach 4 kilograms, and the body length is 51 centimeters. They are unpretentious and easily adapt to any conditions and climate.



What are the largest rabbit breeds in the world?

The largest breeds of rabbits in the world are known:

  • Belgian giant;
  • gray giant;
  • chinchillas;
  • Angora rabbit.

The largest breed of rabbit in the world is the Belgian giant. Otherwise they are also called flander or risen. Their height ranges from 65 to 75 cm, ear length is up to 18 cm, and chest circumference is 37 cm. Weight ranges from 8 kg or more. They were also included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest rabbits. Their homeland is Belgium. This is a very old breed, known since the second half of the 16th century. They are easy to care for and very calm. They can be called pets with full responsibility. Children love to play with them. A female rabbit can give birth to up to 12 rabbits per lamb. The Belgian giant has a very beautiful skin. It can easily be confused with the skin of a cat, beaver or kangaroo.

In Soviet times, or more precisely in 1927, an attempt was made to breed the Belgian breed. But the harsh climate did not suit the animals, and it was decided to cross them with ordinary individuals. Based on the Flanders, a new breed was developed - the gray giant. The largest pets turned out to have good immunity and endurance, but their fur was in many ways inferior to that of the Belgian rabbit. Although they are called gray giants, among them there are rabbits and female rabbits with white and black fur.

In Soviet times, or more precisely in 1927, an attempt was made to breed the Belgian breed

Many people are probably familiar with chinchillas. They belong to the domestic breed. Their fur is white, with a blue tint, and is of very high quality. Because of their unpretentiousness, rabbit breeders love to breed them. Animals easily adapt to any conditions, do not require special care, gain weight well and are very fertile. Their meat contains many nutrients and is very tasty.

There is another breed of large rabbits called Angora. Looking at them, it’s difficult to immediately tell what kind of animal it is. Outwardly, they resemble a large fluffy ball. Their fur is highly prized and this breed of rabbit is bred for its wool.

Despite the huge number of breeds, not all species are suitable for breeding at home. Breeders are trying to increase the productivity of breeds, since animal meat is highly valued as a dietary product, and fur is an inexpensive product, in no way inferior to the wool of goats and sheep.


Gray giants are classified as high fertility breeds. Individuals who have reached sexual maturity are allowed to mate: in males it occurs at the age of 6–8 months, in females – at 5.5–6 months. Overweight rabbits are not used for mating, as they are less fertilized and are not able to produce healthy offspring.

Gray “giants” are quite prolific; in one litter they can produce up to 14 rabbits

For mating, the female rabbit and male rabbit are placed in a common cage, having previously freed it from unnecessary objects (feeders, drinking bowls). After mating, they are seated in separate rooms. After 3-4 hours, mating is repeated.

Pregnancy lasts 28-30 days. About a week before giving birth, the female begins to pluck her fur, arranging a nest for her future offspring. Four days before birth, the baby rabbits begin to move inside the mother's belly. Typically, the number of rabbits in one litter ranges from 8 to 14. Gray giant females are caring mothers with high milk production, which allows them to feed all the offspring.

In the following video you can observe the behavior of the rabbit and her cubs:

Gallery: the largest rabbit (25 photos)


Feeding giants does not cause farmers any serious trouble. The main thing is that the animals’ diet is varied and balanced. Rabbit breeders recommend giving their pets grass, hay, vegetables (root vegetables, cabbage), fruits, special feed with a high protein content, and tree branches (not stone fruits). The animals' diet also includes grains (oats, barley) and legumes, bran and cakes, mineral and vitamin supplements. It is strictly forbidden to feed rabbits wheat, low-quality feed, spoiled food - all this can lead to illness or even death of the animal.

The diet of rabbits should be varied, rich in proteins and vitamins.

Collecting grass for rabbits should be done with extreme caution, because some plants can be dangerous to the health of animals. It is necessary to avoid buttercups, henbane, lumbago, lily of the valley, colchicum, foxglove, etc.

It is better to feed your pets in small portions on a schedule - several times during the day. This will normalize the functioning of the digestive system and improve the quality of rabbit meat. Overeating, which can lead to obesity in animals, should not be allowed.

Insufficient feeding can lead to stunted growth and development of animals, however, overeating is also dangerous for them

Rabbits and hares

Many people ask the question, how is a hare different from a rabbit? And indeed, looking at these animals, you can see many similarities in external features. They both belong to the order Lagomorpha. They have the same tastes, i.e. They both eat the same foods. They escape from common enemies - predators. But at the sight of danger, the rabbits freeze in place, and the hares run away. Thanks to the structure of their hind legs, they can do this very well. But despite all the similar features, biologically these are completely different animals. When I tried to cross them, nothing came of it because of the different number of chromosomes.

Rabbits can be tamed and made pets, but hares cannot. Their breeding process is also different - rabbits breed all year round, but this does not apply to hares; they breed in a favorable period for this, from March to September.

And another important difference between a rabbit and a hare is caring for their young. The rabbit does not take her eyes off her babies and constantly looks after them, which cannot be said about the hare, who comes running to feed her babies once a day. But if you give a hare someone else’s baby, she will feed it, which cannot be said about a female rabbit.


This is the most famous rabbit, which has constantly been awarded new victories throughout its life. He announced himself in 2010, when his weight was more than 19 kg. He was raised by Anette Edwards. Anette has been breeding rabbits for several years and has always exhibited her pets in various competitions. Darius is a continental giant and today weighs 25 kg. This weight is comparable to a 6-year-old child. Today he has already given birth to more than one offspring, and with the passage of time it is already clear that his children do not lag behind their father and are growing rapidly. Just his father's son, the rabbit Jeff, who managed to grow 1 meter in one year.

Ralph managed to reach 21 kg in weight

Vienna blue

Handsome, with soft fur and a romantic name, it has long gained popularity among farmers around the world.

The animals grow up to 4–5 kilograms, but there are also record holders of the species, reaching 7 kilograms. Female rabbits are well fertile, and in one litter they bear from 8 to 9 rabbits.

Vienna blue skin is used in the production of clothing, because the wonderful fur is of high quality.



Starting in early spring, young dried greens are introduced into the animals’ diet. Leaves and stems of lilies of the valley, milkweed, and henbane are excluded from green fodder and harvested hay. In addition to hay, branches of birch, aspen, and coniferous trees are prepared for winter.

In winter, animals chew up all the food prepared in summer. It takes extra energy to stay warm. The owners feed their charges with crackers. Increase the amount of vegetable mash in the rabbits’ diet. The giants are fed in the afternoon. Their diet includes the usual components for rabbits:

  • dried grass in summer, hay, twig food in winter;
  • compound feed;
  • grain mixtures with the addition of legumes;
  • mineral ingredients;
  • mash (mixture of chopped vegetables).

The feeding rules are simple. You cannot use spoiled, low-quality, or stale products. In winter, make sure that the water and mash do not freeze. In summer, remove leftover food. Keep the water clean. The diet of giants differs little from the food that other breeds receive. The giants are given more food; the protein ingredients in their diet are increased, that is, they are given more legumes.

In general, rabbits are not picky and are content with rough food. Pregnant females receive additional rations. In summer they eat up to 700 g of grass and approximately 100 g of concentrated feed. In winter - 200 g of hay, 160 g of concentrated feed, 250 g of succulent feed (vegetables). Lactating rabbits eat one and a half times more. As the rabbits grow, the portion of females increases.

Do not overfeed the animal. The amount of food should be adequate to its size and condition. Excess food and an immobile life lead to obesity, which is associated with numerous pathologies.

When young animals are 3-4 months old, a decisive moment in their lives begins. Further maintenance becomes economically unprofitable. More feed is spent per 1 kg weight gain than at an early age. Therefore, 4-month-old rabbits, for the most part, are released for sale or slaughter.

Soviet chinchilla

This animal is rightfully included in the category of the largest rabbits - it has no differences from standard rabbits, except that the size is exactly doubled. These rabbits got their name from their characteristic shade. Rabbits are born weighing 75 grams, and already at two months they weigh just under 2 kg. Representatives of this breed are unpretentious in everyday life, are able to acclimatize to any weather conditions and reach very large sizes. It is very popular in Russia.


Animals with such an unusual name were first presented at an exhibition in England in 1897. The butterfly spots on the nose give rise to the breed's unique name.

The body is strong, slightly elongated, the weight of adult rabbits is 4–5 kilograms. With a medium size, it is a very nimble and agile animal.

In Russia, this species is easily adapted to the conditions of a changeable climate, and is kept in households and bred on farms mainly because of its excellent meat and skin.


White down

The breeding of this amazing breed of animals was carried out by breeders from many animal farms in the Soviet Union. In 1957, the White Powder was recognized as an independent breed.

Soviet breeders worked for a long time, crossing Angora rabbits with unpretentious domestic species. The result was excellent. The animals grow up to 4 kilograms, but they are raised mainly for down, shearing on average from 0.7 to 1 kilogram per year.

Large and beautiful rabbits easily acclimatize and, due to their endurance, adapt to any conditions.



At the beginning of the twentieth century, French breeders developed the amazing short-haired Rex breed. European rabbit breeders immediately appreciated the value of wool.

Adults grow up to 4.5 kilograms, and the body length is on average 54 centimeters. Baby rabbits are in no hurry to grow, but by 5 months they gain 3 kilos.

Due to the variety of colors, the skins can be used in their natural form, without artificial dyeing.


Belgian giant

This is not just one rabbit - it is a breed, and each of its carriers reaches a length of 1 meter. Animals of this species are very popular among breeders. And no wonder, the weight of the animal varies between six and eight kilograms, some eat up to 12 kg. Only the ears of this domestic animal reach 20 cm. This rabbit is deservedly included in the Guinness Book. It was recognized as the largest, thickest, heaviest and longest. These furry giants have long become accustomed to their life side by side with humans, however, for a normal existence, they need regular walks in the fresh air.


Don’t be surprised, among the hare family there is such an amazing name. The head with hanging ears resembles that of a lamb.

Rabbits not only have an original appearance, but are also famous for the wonderful qualities of their meat. Unpretentious in care and maintenance, they grow up to 6 kilograms.

Among their relatives they stand out for their very flexible and calm character. Experts say that the reason for this behavior is lop ears. According to the editors of TheBiggest, these are another of the most beautiful non-decorative breeds of rabbits.


Belgian giants or Flanders are considered one of the largest breeds of rabbits on the planet. These giants received their name four centuries ago, it was then that the first individual of this breed appeared in the provincial Belgian town of Flandres. These are one of the largest rabbits, they can reach one meter in length. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their prominent ears: wide and up to twenty centimeters in length. On average, the weight of such a rabbit varies from six to eight kilograms, but some individuals almost double this mark.

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