How much does an Alabai weigh - an adult dog and a puppy up to a year old?

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai or Turkmen Wolfhounds have recently become very popular pets. Some people buy purebred puppies solely for protection purposes, while most owners keep massive dogs for their stature, phlegmatic character, devotion to humans and an unusually tenacious mind. When raising a well-fed puppy, the natural question becomes: to what age does a large pet grow, is there a pattern between the height and weight of the animal depending on age, how much does an alabai weigh?

What weight should an adult Alabai have depending on gender?

The dog's health and activity depend on proper nutrition.
To make sure that the dog is growing normally, it is important to know how much an adult Alabai weighs.
According to the breed standard, the minimum weight for females is 40 kg, and for males - 50. The maximum weight is not limited by the rules: it can reach 65 kg for females and 80 for males. It is important to ensure that heavy dogs are not obese. Most Alabais - winners of sports competitions - weigh up to 60 kg. Larger dogs often become clumsy and less maneuverable. If the dog begins to gain weight, it is necessary to reconsider its diet and gradually increase physical activity. Additional Information! Due to the fact that the export of purebred Alabais from Turkmenistan is currently prohibited, most animals from Russian breeders are mestizos. Therefore, the weight of a dog may depend on which breeds were present in the genetics of a particular individual.

Issues of education and training

Alabai is a serious dog, before raising him, decide who will take responsibility, the dog should have only one owner, who will be responsible for raising him. Usually they obey only one of the family - for them this is the most important and main person, their master.

Education and training also begin in puppyhood, and commands are learned progressively. First, learn simple commands: “sit”, “near”, “to me”, “lie down”, “no”.

The time to study gradually increases and the complexity increases. In adolescence, from 8 to 11 months, it may show lack of restraint and stubbornness. This is fine. The owner needs to show patience and restraint, do not shout or use physical force.

  • As encouragement, use goodies in the form of: cheese, food, white chicken meat (cooked).

The best option would be to undergo training with a specialist, where not only the dog, but also the person will be able to understand everything necessary for better contact with the pet. You can go to a sinologist from 3 to 4 months, and then continue on your own.

  • It is not recommended to purchase this breed for people without experience in raising large dogs. But on the other hand, if you really want to, you can try, but it’s better to start training right away with a dog handler.

At home, also be persistent, do not allow chewing on hands or playing with feet, exchange for a toy, focus attention on the objects, not the person. You should not allow jumping or encourage violent expressions of emotions.

Dimensions (height at withers, etc.)

Depending on the gender of the Alabai, the size and height at the withers of the animal will differ. An adult male Central Asian Shepherd on average reaches a height at the withers of 78-85 cm, some individuals can grow up to 98 cm and higher. Girls usually grow 5 cm shorter than their brothers from the same litter. Dogs that are too tall or very heavy can have not only conformation abnormalities, but also serious health problems.

Although the difference in height between girls and boys is only 5 cm, visually it is very noticeable. “Ladies” are still smaller

Additional Information! The second name of the breed - Central Asian Shepherd - appeared in Russia only in 1938, and in the “historical homeland” these amazing dogs are still called Alabai or wolfhounds.

Health of the Central Asian Shepherd

This breed is prone to a number of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin lesions;
  • cryptorchidism, infertility, albinism, fusion of the eyelids, diabetes mellitus (all of them are hereditary);
  • parvovirus.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog does not require much attention in terms of hygienic care and maintenance. But due to their stubborn and independent nature, even simple grooming activities can become a problem.

From any point of view, this breed is intended only for experienced dog owners who lead an active lifestyle and know how to handle a proud and intelligent animal.

Exterior breed standards

The official standards for Central Asian Shepherd Dogs according to FCI No. 335 are as follows:

  • Large square head, proportional to the body, without folds at the top and with a smooth transition from the neck to the shoulders.
  • Short, blunt, rectangular muzzle.
  • Large black nose. In fawn-colored Central Asian Shepherds, light colored lobes are acceptable.
  • Wide massive jaws with pigmented lips.
  • Massive muscular cylindrical neck.
  • Large dewlap to protect the neck from bites or injuries.
  • Wide and powerful chest.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel to each other and set wide apart.
  • The body is slightly elongated with a wide back, deep chest, slightly tucked belly and short loin. The withers of males stand out more than those of females.
  • The tail is widened at the base, sickle-shaped or with a slightly curled tip.
  • The coat color can be different: white, fawn, red, brindle, gray or black, both solid color and spots are acceptable. Blue or brown colors are considered disqualifying.

The ears and tail of the Alabai can be docked in countries where this procedure is legal.


Representatives of the Alabaevs grow into large animals of impressive size. They have a heavy and powerful skeleton, a large head of almost rectangular shape. The paws are powerful, straight, strong with good muscles.

  • The coat is thick with a pronounced thick undercoat. The eyes are not large, oval, widely set, the gaze is direct and confident.
  • The massiveness and great weight of the dog gives the appearance of obesity and slowness, along with a clear feeling of his strength. In reality, it is a powerful but agile dog with a fairly dangerous bite force and other physical characteristics.
  • Weight of an adult dog: - from 70 to 85 kg. Height for an adult Alabai dog at the withers: from 65 to 75 cm, girls are less bulky, but also large from 60 to 75 cm.
  • There are several varieties based on color: black, red, fawn, gray, brindle representatives.

Asian Shepherd puppies, at a young age, are funny - despite their large size, they look funny, look like well-fed bears, black, red and gray and white babies look especially impressive.

During this period, special attention is paid to the baby’s nutrition and education. At 2-3 months, the child leaves for a new home from the breeder, where all the fun begins.

A small puppy creates the impression of a large and impressive animal, even at a very young age.

Like all Central Asians, kids also have distinctive external characteristics:

  • The ears are located at the same level as the eyes;
  • Strong neck;
  • Wide head;
  • The transition from the bones of the forehead to the muzzle is clearly pronounced;
  • Large nose;
  • Paws are oval and large;
  • The croup is wide, the stomach sags a little after feeding;
  • Puppies have dark and round eyes, set wide apart;
  • The wool is hard and slightly rough to the touch.

Puppy weight and sizes by month from 1 to 12 months

To know how harmoniously and correctly the Alabai puppy is growing and developing, it is necessary to periodically weigh the baby and measure his height, checking the table of normal indicators.

  • A newborn Central Asian Shepherd puppy weighs from 350 to 550 g. If the baby is born smaller, it is recognized as not meeting the breed standard. A newborn girl will be slightly lighter than a boy.
  • How quickly Alabai will grow depends on the quantity and quality of mother's milk. The height and weight of a one-month-old puppy reach 25-30 cm and 3-5 kg, respectively. At this age, babies’ bodies are already beginning to lengthen, but their legs still remain short.
  • At the age of one and a half to two months, the puppy quickly gains weight: active formation of the skeleton and strengthening of bones occurs. By this age, the dog weighs about 10 kg and grows to a height at the withers of 30-35 cm.
  • With proper balanced nutrition and good care, an alabai grows rapidly at 3 months: its musculoskeletal system continues to develop. The average weight of a puppy reaches 20 kg, and its height is 45 cm.
  • By 4 months, a Central Asian Shepherd puppy begins to resemble an adult dog: the formation of the skeletal system is completed and the body of a teenager lengthens. At this age, the pet weighs 25-30 kg and has a height at the withers of 50-55 cm.
  • By the age of 5 months, the rate of physical development of the alabai decreases; on average, it grows to 58 cm and weighs about 37 kg.
  • A six-month-old Central Asian Shepherd already resembles an adult dog in everything; the dog can weigh 50 kg with a height at the withers of 80 cm.

From 9 months to a year, muscle mass is formed, and the puppy reaches the weight of an adult Alabai: an average of 70 kg and a height of 80 cm.

It is important to consider that the height and weight of puppies by month are averaged. The speed of a dog's development depends on nutrition, maintenance and genetics.

Sufficient physical activity is the key to the correct and harmonious development of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Note! Alabai puppies grow differently, and it happens that some baby, lagging behind its brothers in size, sharply stretches out and gains mass by adolescence, becoming the largest in the litter.

A little history

It is difficult to say how the Asian Shepherd was bred - legends and tales have been preserved, but there is very little reliable information about this breed. It is known that dogs with a similar appearance - powerful with a thick mane - were used for dog fighting in the arenas of ancient Roman circuses.

In addition, such dogs served in the army - Alexander the Great himself kept them as part of the army and highly valued them for their courage and power. On the other hand, in the mountains of Tibet, descendants of black wolves, which were distinguished by a large head and a shortened muzzle, have been known since ancient times. There is reason to believe that the Asian Shepherd comes from them. Comparing photos of the Asian Shepherd and images that have come down to us from ancient times, we can say that these dogs have retained their original strength and beauty.

You can also recall the legend that says that in the mountains of Turkmenistan lived an evil and treacherous mythical creature - Syrtlon, who was at enmity with people and plotted various intrigues for them. When Syrtlon’s blood boiled with passion, he mated with shepherds’ dogs - they say that this is how the first Central Asian Shepherd puppy appeared.

There are many supporters of the theory that the Central Asian Shepherd can consider Mongolian dogs, which were used to breed this breed in Turkmenistan, as its ancestors. In any case, the Asian can also be called the Turkmen wolfhound, this name is in use, which means the theory about Mongolian roots is quite reliable.

The Central Asian Shepherd can consider Mongolian dogs as its ancestors

How to measure height correctly

It is important to monitor the dog’s parameters in order to know how correctly the Alabai is developing; the height of both a puppy and an adult dog is measured at the withers. To accurately determine the height of an animal, you need:

  • Place the dog on a flat and hard surface.
  • If the puppy does not yet know the “Stay” command, you should interest him with a toy or “yummy” so that the animal does not move during the measurement (it is best to carry out the procedure with an assistant familiar to the dog, who will distract the baby).
  • Measure the height of the animal from the highest point of the withers to the floor using a long ruler or measuring tape (in the latter case, it is important to ensure that the tape falls exactly perpendicular to the floor surface).

To make the measurement procedure faster and easier, you should teach your baby to correctly perform the “Stand” command.
Additional information! The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the most ancient dog breeds, which appeared more than three thousand years ago and has survived to this day in its original form.

How old do they grow?

The Central Asian Shepherd develops most quickly in the first six months of life, after which the rate of growth and weight gain decreases. A one-year-old dog already has the dimensions of an adult animal, and can grow another maximum of 1-2 cm. At the same time, up to three years of age, Alabais continue to gain muscle mass and “grow” in width. Girls' growth stops or slows down sharply after the first heat (at the age of 9-10 months).

Alabai Bulldozer is the largest representative of the breed in the world

Additional Information! The world's largest Alabai, nicknamed Bulldozer, lives in Russia, in the Stavropol Territory.

The dog got his name from his habit of shoveling snow while walking. The weight of the animal is 130 kg, and its height (standing on its hind legs) is 2 meters. Despite its impressive size, the Bulldozer has a very calm and balanced character.

What does the correct development of alabai depend on?

The size of the alabai in childhood and adolescence is influenced by various factors, the main ones being:

  • Proper nutrition. The harmonious development of a puppy depends on what he ate, starting from birth. To provide your baby with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, it is best to feed him special balanced and high-quality food. If the owners prepare food for the animal themselves, then it should be taken into account that two-thirds of the Alabai’s diet should consist of lean meat.
  • Genetics. The rate of weight gain and growth of a puppy and the size of an adult animal largely depend on the weight and height of its parents and more distant ancestors.
  • Good health. Infectious and other diseases, as well as their consequences, can lead to a slowdown in the development of the animal.
  • Sufficient physical activity. Puppies that lead a sedentary lifestyle begin to gain excess weight early, while their muscular and skeletal systems develop poorly; as a result, the dog can grow up narrow-bodied.
  • Good content. For the full development of the alabai, it needs to be provided with proper care and suitable living conditions.

Note! Early mating can lead to slower development of the skeletal and muscular systems in both males and females.

Hygienic care for Alabai

Caring for a Central Asian Shepherd is not a labor-intensive process. If you vaccinate your dog in a timely manner, and also periodically examine its eyes and ears, it will not cause any special problems.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is coat care.


Central Asian Shepherds rarely need to be washed. Frequent water procedures destroy the protective layer of the skin, which can lead to skin diseases.

It is enough to wash Alabaev living in an apartment once a month, on the street - twice a year during molting. The optimal water temperature is 37–39 ºС above zero.

In winter, it is useful to wipe Central Asian Shepherds with snow. In summer they are allowed to climb into bodies of water. However, upon returning home, it is better to shower your pet. River flora can provoke skin irritations, which often leads to wet eczema.

Important! When bathing, do not use shampoos intended for humans.


Twice a year, during molting, special care will be required. The dog is combed with a stiff brush twice a week to get rid of dead hair, and then combed again with a regular comb to tidy up the remaining fur.

The rest of the time, the dog is scratched as needed.

Eye care

The eyes of the Central Asian Shepherd are washed as dirt accumulates. For these purposes, strong tea leaves or chamomile infusion and a simple cotton pad are suitable.

If the eyes are red or there is pus coming out of them, you should take your pet to the vet.

Dental care

It is recommended to brush your Central Asian Shepherd's teeth a couple of times a month. For this purpose, special dog pastes and brushes are used. It is better to get used to this type of care right from puppyhood.

Important! This breed has a powerful jaw apparatus, so the pet is given raw vegetables and special bones from bovine veins to train its teeth.

Ear care

The ears are examined daily. This is especially true during the period of tick activation. Clean the ears as needed. Cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide are suitable for care.

Nail care

It is necessary to trim the nails of a Central Asian Shepherd when it does not grind them down on its own. As a rule, this is typical for dogs in apartments who are not walked much.

You can tell that the nails are too long simply by the characteristic “clack” sound when the dog walks around the house. For cutting, purchase a special nail clipper for large breed dogs.

How to help your puppy gain weight

For an Alabai dog, weight and height can fluctuate within 10% of normal. If there is severe underweight and especially when the dog looks emaciated, it is important to take immediate action:

  • visit a veterinarian to rule out the possibility of infection with worms or a more serious illness;
  • feed your pet more nutritious ready-made formulas or increase the caloric value of the food that the owners prepare for it;
  • add (in moderation) physical activity to gain muscle mass.

Important! A growing puppy should not be overloaded with force, put on a harness with weights, or give nutritional supplements for muscle growth - this can seriously harm the baby’s health.

If a young alabai is kept in a booth, its size must be sufficient for the growing animal to stretch to its full height

In order to raise a large, beautiful and healthy dog ​​that will delight its owners for many years, it is important from the very beginning to provide the puppy with the right conditions of keeping and feeding, and sufficient physical activity. Only in this case a good result will not keep you waiting.

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