What Welsh Corgi puppies look like: developmental features of pets and how to care for them

The Welsh Corgi is a good-natured, sociable small dog.

The Welsh Corgi's muzzle is similar to a fox, height at the withers is 25 - 30 cm, weight is 10-15 kg.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The second name for the Welsh Corgi is a short-legged shepherd dog, a strong, compact and quite strong dog - a boundless optimist and a wonderful companion.

What do newborn puppies look like in the photo and when do they open their eyes?

Newborn Welsh Corgi puppies are almost completely helpless; the only thing they can do is crawl in a circle and suck.

Babies are born blind, deaf, and dependent on an external source of heat.

Among other things, newborns are not able to defecate on their own; their mother helps them by licking their belly. Puppies' eyes open 10-15 days after birth.

Breed cost

The price of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi depends on certain characteristics of the dog and ranges from $500 to $1000.

The main advantage of the Pembroke is their friendly attitude towards others. They are kind to the owner and his family members. Welsh Corgis are cheerful and funny friends who do not get bored themselves and will not let the people around them get bored.

Types of Welsh Corgi puppies

Welsh Corgi puppies, like adult dogs, are divided into 2 groups within the breed: Pembroke and Cardigan.

The latter are slightly larger in size and calmer, they are often less sociable than the Pembroke.

Another distinctive feature is the shape of the ears and tail. Cardigans have more rounded ears than Pembrokes, and their tail is longer and more fox-like.

As for Pombrokes, they are more active, cheerful, sociable and slightly smaller in size..

Nicknames for Corgi

Girls of this beautiful breed are often called Alice, Teya, Tarra, Ellie, Molly, Grace, Jessie, Margosha, Sandy. Boys are often given courageous and noble names: Sean, Bastin, Arthur, Otis, King.

If you are tormented by the torment of choice, do not try to come up with a nickname for your little newcomer in advance. Most likely, the decision will come naturally as soon as you meet your new four-legged friend.


How does it develop day by day in the first month?

1-5The baby is completely helpless; during this period he does not know how to empty himself and needs additional heating, and also cannot hear or see.
6-8The puppy experiences intense weight gain and the first reflexes begin to appear.
8-9By this time, the weight of the newborn doubles.
10-15The baby's eyes begin to open. In this case, the pupils react to light, but at the same time the puppy is still poorly oriented, since the retina of the eye is still in the process of development.
16-18By this age, the Welsh Corgi puppy begins to activate its own thermoregulation. The baby gradually learns to cope without additional heating.
19-21The puppy reacts to the sound and gradually begins to hear.
22The first teeth erupt and the baby begins to try solid food.
23-24The puppy already knows how to bite and chew. At the same time, his sucking reflex gradually fades away. During this period, the baby Welsh Corgi actively explores the world.
25-30The baby begins a period of primary socialization, he already responds to a nickname, can leave the nest for a short time, actively moves and plays.

Origin story

Corgis are short dogs. Their body is quite long, and their ears are large. They were born 3,000 years ago. In 1107, weavers from Flemish brought them to England and to this day this breed is one of the most beloved in Great Britain.

Corgis are loved and appreciated for their good character and loyalty. From the 12th century to this day, they have worked as shepherds, and once even specialized in driving geese.

Experts divide Welsh Corgis into two types: Cardigan and Pembroke. Both breeds were crossed in the 19th century. The first puppies of these breeds appeared in farmer families in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire.

The English Corgi Club was founded in 1925. The most famous Welsh Corgis live in the family of Queen Elizabeth II. No photo of the crowned lady is complete without these furry companions.

How does it develop from 1 to 12 months?

Development of the Welsh Corgi from 1 to 12 months:

Age (months)DescriptionSize(cm)Weight
1The newborn period, in the first two weeks the puppy is absolutely helpless, blind and deaf. Starting from the third week, the baby’s eyes open, and a little later he begins to hear. By the end of the first month, the puppy switches to solid food and is actively interested in its surroundings. 8-12 (newborn). 14-16 cm (by the end of the first month) 300-600 g (newborn weight). 1.1-1.8 kg (puppy weight by the end of the first month).
2The puppy's first baby teeth appear, he plays with toys, and is actively learning communication skills.16-202.1-2.9 kg
3The baby Welsh Corgi goes through a period of socialization and continues to grow. The puppy continues to study the laws of the pack, dominant and weaker individuals begin to clearly appear. 20-222.8-4.1 kg
4By this age, the baby’s teeth change and their own immune system begins to form.22-244.1-5.4 kg
5 — 6The puppy enters adolescence, restructuring occurs in his body, and hormonal levels change. It is during this period that teenage dogs begin their first sexual games. The dog's behavior during this period may change not for the better. 20-285.6-8.5 kg
7-9During this age period, Welsh Corgi bitches begin their first heats, they are active, excitable and already quite capable of fertilization. Males enter this stage a little later. 28-307.2-8.5kg
10 -12Completion of puberty. By this age, the dog has already reached puberty. Growth stops, the animal begins to gain strength. 28-309-15 kg

What should care be like?

To keep your pet healthy and live a long and happy life, follow these rules::

  1. Choose the right diet for your pet and feed it in accordance with age and weight standards. As for food, it must be of high quality, balanced and suitable for the Welsh Corgi breed.
  2. Take your baby for walks regularly, because Welsh Corgis need physical exercise. This is necessary for the proper development of joints and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  3. Inspect and clean your pet's eyes daily.
  4. The dog's nails need to be trimmed approximately once every 2-3 weeks.
  5. Bathe your dog at least once every 2-3 months. When bathing, use only social shampoos and conditioners designed for dogs.
  6. Be sure to give your pet vitamins and nutritional supplements containing beneficial substances.
  7. Give your dog anthelmintic medications once every 3 months.
  8. Once a week, the pet’s teeth are brushed with a special brush and toothpaste intended for dogs.
  9. Accustom your dog to a leash and collar from an early age, this will avoid many problems in the future.
  10. Try to find a good veterinarian.
  11. Take your dog to the veterinarian at least once a year.
  12. Give your pet a hygienic haircut once every six months.

Favorites of the English Queen

The expressive appearance, sharp mind and some completely childish charm of these four-legged dogs is also supported by the fact that Welsh Corgis are the favorite breed of Queen Elizabeth II of England and are officially recognized as court dogs. In addition to the royal person herself, other members of the royal family also held them.

Dogs of this breed accompanied Elizabeth throughout her life, starting from childhood. One day, little Lilibet saw charming puppies in the house of her parents’ friends, who seemed to smile at everyone around her, and literally fell in love with them. The princess's father and mother could not resist their daughter's persistent requests, and in 1933 little Elizabeth got her first Pembroke named Dookie, who was adopted from Thelma Gray's nursery. A few years later, the family got a corgi, which they named Jane. Unfortunately, she tragically died under the wheels of a car in 1944.

When the future queen turned 18, her parents decided that she was old enough to have her own pet, and gave the girl a puppy of the same breed. Susan (the name given to the dog) lived a long life by dog ​​standards and died at the age of 15. Her Highness loved her dog so much that she almost never parted with it and even took it with her on her honeymoon. Elizabeth II was passionate about breeding the breed, and Susan became the ancestor of an entire dynasty of court dogs.

It is interesting that the queen was personally involved in breeding work, was familiar with all English breeders and always herself selected the “chosen ones” for her favorites.

Since Elizabeth's accession to the throne in 1952, more than three dozen corgis have lived at Buckingham Palace, not counting five spaniels and four dorgis, a breed bred by the queen herself and derived from a cross between a corgi and a dachshund owned by her sister Margaret.

By 2007, there were five corgis left in the palace, two of which even took part in the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in the British capital. In 2015, the Queen decided to no longer breed the breed because she did not want to leave her favorites alone when she herself was destined to go to another world. The last of the court dogs, named Willow, died in the spring of 2022, and Elizabeth II was very upset about his passing. She always tried to care for her pets herself and see them off on their last journey.

All the royal family's dogs found their final resting place in a special cemetery at Sandringham Palace in Norfolk.

This is such an amazing story of true love and devotion, nearly a century long! In 2022, the famous animation studio even made a cartoon about the favorites of Elizabeth II, “The Royal Corgi.”

wikipedia.org / UK Home Office / CC BY 2.0

What to feed for the first 3 months?

A Welsh Corgi puppy can be fed both natural food and kibble. The main condition is not to mix them.

Products that must be included in the diet:

  • Lean meat.
  • Good quality porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice).
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Offal.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Vegetables (fresh or boiled).

You can give cheese or dog biscuits as a treat..

What should you take care of before purchasing a puppy?

To make it comfortable for a new family member to live in your home, take care in advance to create conditions for his maintenance. You need to visit a pet store and buy essentials:

  • a safe, spacious and comfortable place to relax;
  • toys on which you can sharpen your changing teeth;
  • accessories for combing, washing, trimming nails;
  • soft collar or harness, leash;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • medicines for first aid.

Before you bring your baby into the house, make sure he is safe. Cover outlets and put cords away where your pet can reach. Small dogs are very curious and inquisitive, so their safety needs to be given special attention.

How to feed correctly and how often?

Proper nutrition means not only the quality of food, but also the regularity of feeding and the volume of portions.

Feeding frequency:

  • A 2-month-old puppy should be fed 6 times a day in divided portions.
  • At 3-5 months, the baby needs 5 meals a day.
  • At 6 months of age, the dog can be switched to 3 meals a day.
  • At 10 months of age, the puppy can eat 2 times a day.

70% of a Welsh Corgi's diet should consist of foods containing protein.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast - cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.
  • Lunch - buckwheat porridge with boiled lung.
  • Dinner – a piece of fish.


  • Breakfast - kefir or cottage cheese.
  • Lunch – rice porridge with boiled turkey.
  • Dinner - boiled beef with cabbage.


  • Breakfast – low-fat broth.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge with liver.
  • Dinner – oatmeal with fish.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Lunch – low-fat broth with a piece of meat.
  • Dinner – rice porridge with liver.


  • Breakfast - low-fat chicken broth.
  • Lunch - buckwheat with boiled heart.
  • Dinner – kefir or cottage cheese.


  • Breakfast – low-fat boiled fish.
  • Lunch – buckwheat porridge and a piece of chicken.
  • Dinner – oatmeal with stewed cabbage.


  • Breakfast - yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir.
  • Lunch – rice porridge with heart.
  • Dinner – stewed beets with fish.

From an early age, accustom your pet to a limited amount of food, give exactly as much as necessary.

Animal nutrition

When it comes to food, your pet is absolutely unpretentious. Even a crust of bread will delight the dog. However, in order for the Corgi to feel good and have enough physical strength, the owner should take care of the correct diet. Like the terrier, an animal of this breed can eat dry food or natural products. If you choose the second option, be sure to ensure that the menu includes:

  • boiled meat, chicken, veal, turkey are suitable;
  • any cereals, except pearl barley;
  • sea ​​fish, which should be added to porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • boiled offal;
  • vegetables and fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits.

Vaccination schedule. Which ones are needed?

The first vaccinations for Welsh Corgi puppies can be given no earlier than 8-10 weeks of age.

Vaccination schedule:

  1. At 8-10 weeks, a comprehensive vaccination against leptospirosis, paragippus, distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, adenovirus infection, and rabies is given.
  2. At 12-15 weeks, revaccination against the same ailments is given.
  3. At the age of 6-7 months, the procedure is repeated.
  4. At 12 months of age they do the same.
  5. Every year the dog is vaccinated against diseases such as distemper, rabies, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirus infection. In this case, it is very advisable to use a vaccine from the same manufacturer.

How to train correctly and what should training be like?

Usually training begins with setting the correct intonation. A commanding and playful tone is the best option for a Welsh Corgi. After all, the puppy perceives training as a game.

The first stage is to accustom the baby to his nickname . Then you can start learning the command - “come to me”. To do this, say the nickname loudly and then the command. If your pet understands what is required of him, give him a treat.

The next command is “place”, pronounced in a stern voice and repeated as many times as necessary.

Another important command, “fu,” is given whenever the dog takes prohibited actions. After the command “fu” the treat is not given.


After the puppy has learned the basic commands, you can move on to active training.

The “fetch” command is perfectly accepted by the puppy and he carries it out with pleasure. It is usually practiced on the playground.

Whenever your dog has followed a command correctly, give it a treat. This way you can reinforce the skill.


The description of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is based on its very friendly and playful character. These sweet pets are very active and friendly, and get along easily with all family members. They love playing with children and do not quarrel with other pets.

In addition, dogs are distinguished by their curiosity and good memory. This circumstance helps them quickly remember the owner’s commands.


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Another interesting character trait of true Welsh Corgis is that they can be very cunning. Breeders of the breed do not recommend pampering them too much, otherwise the cunning ones may begin to abuse it and wait for rewards in the form of treats. Dogs do not know how to handle tasty treats, and this often leads to excess weight gain.

It is interesting that Pembrokes treat strangers neutrally or with slight interest, but they boldly rush to protect their owner at the slightest threat.

Another funny feature of the breed is that dogs can make a variety of sounds that depend on their mood. Along with barking and whining, dogs sometimes grunt, grumble, quietly howl and even squeal.

How to distinguish a boy from a girl?

To determine the sex of a newborn Welsh Corgi puppy, simply examine it.

In a male dog, just below the navel, you will find a characteristic protrusion, which is covered with a tuft of hair; this is the genital organ hidden in the folds of the skin.

Males also have another tuft of hair between their hind legs; later the testicles will appear here.

In newborn girls, you will not find the characteristic protrusion and tuft of hair. Instead, she will have a tiny lump near her anus (under her tail) called a loop (genital slit).

How to choose?

To avoid making a mistake when choosing a puppy, follow these rules::

  • Buy puppies only from reputable nurseries or from reliable and trusted breeders.
  • Pay attention to the conditions in which the parents of your future puppy live, since the conditions are the key to the health of the pet.
  • Be sure to ask the breeder to show documents of the parents of the puppy you want to buy. Diplomas from exhibitions provide an almost 100% guarantee that your pet will have excellent appearance, good character and good health.
  • Observe the baby's mother. Pay attention to her appearance, condition and behavior, because the dog takes 80% of its characteristics from its mother.
  • Take a close look at the puppy itself. He should be active, cheerful and inquisitive, but at the same time not intrusive. It is also worth paying attention to the state of his health. Moderate fatness, good appetite, absence of discharge from the nose and eyes, a firm gait - these are signs of a healthy pet.
  • The puppy must have documents: a puppy card and a veterinary passport. The card must indicate the organization that owns the nursery, its details and name.
  • A Corgi puppy doesn't come cheap. A low price may indicate that he either has a breeding marriage or is sick with some kind of disease.

Important Tips

A few important recommendations:

  • The owner must understand that the dog eats food when it is hungry. If a pet runs happily, jumps, plays, but refuses to eat, you cannot force him to eat or persuade him, beg him, punish him for poor appetite;
  • Train your dog to eat a portion of food quickly. A healthy animal eats food in five minutes. It is impossible for a pet to choose, chew for a long time or leave food and finish eating after half an hour;
  • The owner must develop strong eating behavior in the dog. After putting the food in the bowl, offer it to your pet. If he sniffs and leaves, remove the cup. When the dog returns, he will realize that there is no food - he will remain hungry. Next time you experience the same behavior, repeat the steps. Sooner or later the dog will learn to eat the portion quickly;
  • A puppy at 2-4 months should look well-fed - not thin or fat. After four months, the corgi will lose excess weight and begin to acquire the forms corresponding to an adult. Next, the dog should be in a dry condition. Excess weight is inappropriate here. This is important for the proper formation of the ligamentous, muscular and bone apparatus;

Proper, balanced nutrition is the key to the health of your four-legged friend!

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