Drontal plus for dogs: instructions for use, release form, how to give, analogues

"Drontal" for dogs is a popular remedy against helminths. There are 2 versions of the medicine on sale: a suspension is intended for puppies; tablets with a pronounced meat taste are suitable for adult dogs. Aromatic additives make the pills attractive to animals, do not cause excessive salivation and allow the active components to be absorbed in full. We will tell you how to use this drug in our article.

"Drontal" for dogs: instructions for use

The main advantage of Drontal is its comprehensive action and wide coverage. The medicine works effectively, destroying all types of round and tapeworms, their eggs and larvae. The drug is indicated for severe infestation; it is also used for prevention.

The mild effect of Drontal allows it to be used as a prophylactic agent

When taken every 3-4 months, it protects against re-infection without causing a negative reaction in the body. The medicine can be given to the animal throughout its life.

Scope of application of Drontal

"Drontal" is used to treat the main ailments caused by parasites:

  • toxocariasis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • taeniasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • uncinarium;
  • dipylidia;
  • mesocestoidosis;
  • hookworm;
  • diphyllobothriasis;
  • Giardiasis.

The release of all versions of Drontal is controlled by (Germany). The first to be marketed were round, creamy white, uncoated tablets. They had a weak taste and aroma of meat, and were packaged in plastic blisters sealed with foil. At the veterinary pharmacy, pills can be purchased individually, based on the dog’s weight. Each tablet contains:

  • 15 mg praziquantel;
  • 14.9 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 75 mg febantel.

The dosage of Drontal directly depends on the size of the pet

Additional components include corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon, dyes and flavorings. The dosage of Drontal is calculated depending on the weight of the animal: a miniature dog weighing up to 3 kg is given 1 tablet, a large dog weighing 16-18 kg will need the entire standard of 6 tablets.

The effect of Drontal on the body

The principle of action of the medicine is based on the correct selection of active ingredients that enhance each other’s effects and destroy all types of helminths. After administration, the active substances are quickly absorbed by the intestines and then enter the bloodstream.

"Drontal" is quickly eliminated from the dog's body, leaving no residual substances

The product reaches its maximum concentration 5 hours after administration. Residues of the drug are eliminated naturally, with urine and feces, without accumulating in the body. Thanks to the successful combination of active ingredients, Drontal is non-toxic, does not affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and is not addictive.

Reaction of parasites to Drontal components

Praziquantel effectively kills cestodes at all stages of development. It penetrates the shell of parasites, preventing the normal absorption of glucose, disrupting metabolic processes and affecting nerve endings. Larvae and adult helminths experience paralysis and soon die.

"Drontal" cleanses the body not only of parasites, but also of traces of their vital activity

Pyrantel embonate has a detrimental effect on nematodes. It increases the permeability of helminth cells, causing their rapid death. The component accelerates the removal of residual active substances from the body naturally. At the same time, the decay products of helminths and traces of their vital activity are removed, a gentle cleansing of the dog’s body and detoxification occurs.

Drontal components effectively prevent the proliferation of worms

Febantel works similarly to praziquantel, maximizing its effects. This component is softer and safer; it quickly kills cestode larvae and young parasites, preventing their reproduction.

Release form

The drug is in the middle price category, the cost depends on the packaging and form of the medication. At the pharmacy, pills are sold individually, but the suspension will have to be purchased as a whole bottle in its original packaging.

  • tablets “Drontal” and “Drontal Plus” (for dogs weighing up to 10 kg) – 350-400 rubles per pack of 2 pieces;
  • Drontal Plus tablets for large dogs - from 500 to 700 rubles per pack of 2 pieces;
  • suspension (50 ml bottle) – from 700 to 1000 rubles.

“Drontal” and “Drontal Plus” differ in the amount of active ingredients and are intended for different weight categories of dogs

The drug can be used for 5 years from the release date indicated on the package. After the expiration date, it is disposed of in the usual way, along with waste. It is better to store the tablets in a cool, dark place; the suspension in the opened bottle is placed in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

About the manufacturer

Drontal is produced by the German concern Bayer. This is an international company engaged in the development and production of medicines for animals and humans. The Animal Health division is responsible for the veterinary industry, with branches in 100 countries. Medicines to combat parasites, as well as products for pets from Bayer, undergo all the necessary clinical studies, chemical formulas and methods of application are constantly being modernized.

When is Drontal needed?

Dogs that are constantly outdoors need protection from parasites that live in the soil, sand, and plants. You can also become infected after eating low-quality food, especially meat, offal, and river fish.

Untreated parasites slowly but surely destroy a dog’s body.

Cestodes, nematodes and lamblia entering the body weaken the animal, reduce the body's resistance, and provoke digestive disorders. The dog loses weight, the quality of the coat deteriorates, bald spots and itchy swelling appear.


"Drontal" is recommended for planned and urgent deworming and prevention of infection with round and tape parasites. For preventive purposes, tablets are given quarterly. Mandatory deworming is carried out before vaccinations and mating. The drug is not addictive and can be used throughout the pet’s life. The product is low toxic and does not accumulate in the body.

Bloating in dogs may indicate an advanced stage of infection

Indications for taking the drug will be particles of worms or live parasites in feces and vomit, a swollen belly of the pet, increased appetite without weight gain, and exhaustion. All these symptoms may indicate a severe helminthic infestation.

Important! If your pet's condition does not improve after the recommended dose of the drug, you should contact your veterinarian.


Despite its effectiveness and fairly mild effect, the drug has contraindications. It is not recommended for use:

  • very small puppies (up to two weeks of age);
  • pregnant bitches;
  • animals weighing less than 2 kg;
  • weakened dogs;
  • pets recovering from surgery.

If the dog is already in poor health and there are contraindications, the use of Drontal should be agreed with a veterinarian

Chronically ill dogs with problems with the liver, kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract should visit a veterinarian before deworming. The doctor will recommend the right drug and monitor the pet’s reaction. All drugs from the Drontal line cannot be combined with drugs containing piperazine.

Side effects

It is not recommended to exceed the dose indicated on the package. In some cases, side symptoms are observed in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, refusal to eat, cramps, redness or rash on the skin, itching. An allergic reaction to some components of the drug is possible.

“Activated carbon” will help cleanse the dog’s body and alleviate side effects

A minor negative reaction goes away without additional treatment after 1-2 days. If the symptoms do not disappear, the dog is given soft, harmless absorbents: Enterosgel and Activated Carbon. More details about the effect of “Activated Carbon” on the dog’s body can be found on our portal.

Video - Review of Drontal tablets from the manufacturer


The product is intended both for the treatment of a pet infected with helminths and for preventive purposes. The medication is used for diseases such as:

  • toxocariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • dipylidiasis;
  • taeniasis;
  • alveococcosis.

The instructions also prescribe the drug for dogs suffering from mesocestoidosis and uncinariasis. It is used for hookworm, trichuriasis and taeniasis. The medicine is intended for pets with giardiasis.

Instructions for use

Tablets are given quarterly throughout the pet's life. If the dog rarely leaves the apartment (which is important for small breeds), you can give the medicine less often - up to 3 times a year.

Adding to food

The easiest way to feed your dog a tablet is to mix it into his food. The food should not be too hot; it is preferable to add the pill to thick porridge or mix it with dry food granules. It is necessary to strictly control the process, making sure that the dog eats the offered tablet.

Adding a tablet to food will allow the animal to still take the medicine, even if it does not want to do so.

Forced admission

Another option is to forcefully give your pet the pill by placing it on the back of the tongue and then closing its mouth. The dog's head is raised and they wait for the pet to take a sip. Usually animals tolerate the procedure calmly and do not try to spit out the tablet.

When trying to put a pill under a dog's tongue, be prepared to encounter a protest reaction.

Vomiting or coughing is very rare. If the animal leaves the tablet in a bowl, it can be crushed and mixed with finely chopped meat or commercially canned food. The pill can be made into a suspension by mixing with a small amount of warm, but not hot, water. This option is ideal for small dogs and puppies. Read on for more detailed instructions on the art of gently coercing your pet to take medication.

How to give a dog a pill?

Hand feeding

Some dogs happily eat the tablet from their hand, attracted by its meaty smell and taste. It is important to ensure that your pet does not chew the pill or spit out parts of it. The dose is calculated precisely; a reduced amount of active substances will not have the desired effect.

Owners of the most flexible dogs will be able to feed their pets by hand

Frequency of use of Drontal

The tablet should be given once, preferably during the morning feeding or immediately after it. Special preparatory procedures in the form of cleansing enemas or fasting are not required. No dietary restrictions are needed; after taking the medicine, the dog can lead a normal life. In case of severe infestation, re-treatment is possible after 2 weeks. After this, you can return to the standard schedule, deworming once every 3 months. For giardiasis, it is recommended to give pills for 3 days in a row, monitoring the animal’s condition.

It is better to avoid food experiments while taking Drontal.

Important! During treatment, you should avoid foods that can cause stomach upset. The best option is a balanced diet based on animal protein and a small amount of cereals. An alternative is a ready-made industrial diet made from dry granules, recommended for a specific breed. It is better not to include new products on the menu.

"Drontal Plus"

One of the popular varieties of the drug is Drontal Plus. These are large yellowish-gray tablets that look like a bone. The taste is meaty, pronounced. The medicine is mixed into food or fed by hand as a treat. There are 2 versions available - for regular and extra large dogs, the latter is marked with the letters XL. The drug is considered an improved version of the regular Drontal and differs in the dosage of active substances.

"Drontal Plus"


Standard Drontal Plus contains an increased number of active components. Each tablet includes:

  • 50 mg praziquantel;
  • 144 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 150 mg febantel.

The product is packaged in plastic blisters and sealed with aluminum foil. Each package contains 6 pills, one tablet is designed for 10 kg of weight. The standards are packed in cardboard boxes with instructions.


Large, friable tablets have marks for easy division. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. Puppies from 6 months and small breed dogs need from 0.25 to 1 tablet. Animals weighing from 10 to 20 kg are given 2 pills, large dogs weighing from 40 to 50 kg are given 5. For particularly large dogs, it is better to offer a special product marked XL.

Drontal Plus tablets

"Drontal Plus" for large dogs

For representatives of large and especially large breeds (from 35 kg), special tablets with an increased proportion of active substances are produced. The grayish-yellow, oval-shaped pills are scored in the center for more precise dosing. They are packaged in plastic blisters of 2 pieces and placed in cardboard boxes with a detailed description and instructions for use.

Each tablet contains:

  • 175 mg praziquantel;
  • 504 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 525 mg febantel.

Features of use

Each tablet is designed for 35 kg of weight. If the animal weighs from 10 to 18 kg, you can use half a pill. Representatives of especially large breeds weighing up to 50 kg need 1.5 tablets, those weighing from 50 to 75 kg are fed 2 tablets at once.

Thanks to its pleasant taste, the dog positively perceives Drontal Plus.

It is convenient to give the drug in the morning, during the first feeding. The tablet can be mixed with food or wrapped in a piece of cheese. The medicine has a pleasant meaty taste, dogs mistake it for a regular treat. In case of severe infestation, the procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

"Drontal Plus" for giardiasis

When treating giardiasis, the regimen is changed. The drug is given for 3 days in the morning, at the end of the cycle it is recommended to do tests to make sure there are no parasites. When deworming, it is necessary to sanitize the dog’s sleeping place, its bowls and toys. This will prevent re-infection. If several dogs live in the house, the animals are treated simultaneously.

Despite its mild effect, Drontal should not be used during pregnancy.

The product has a standard list of contraindications for Drontal. It should not be given to newborn puppies, malnourished dogs or pregnant bitches. During lactation, medication is allowed.

What is the price

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

When purchasing Drontal for dogs, please note that the price depends on the form of release and the content of active ingredients:

  • suspension 50 ml – 800-1100 rubles;
  • tablets for 10 kg 2 pcs. – 450-450 rub.;
  • tablets for 35 kg 2 pcs. – 650-800 rub.

You can purchase the medicine at your nearest veterinary pharmacy or online.

Suspension for puppies

Puppies and small toy dogs often react negatively to deworming. Many types of active substances are contraindicated for them, others can provoke negative effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, loss of appetite.

The effects of tablets are not designed for the puppy’s fragile body

In addition, it can be difficult to give the tablet to a puppy even in crushed form. There is a high risk that an inexperienced dog will simply spit out the particles. An alternative solution is the Drontal Junior suspension.

Instructions for use

A suspension is ground solid particles in a liquid. It is packaged in 50 ml soft plastic bottles, packed in cardboard boxes and supplied with instructions. Before use, shake the contents vigorously so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. The dosage is calculated individually using the measuring syringe included in the kit.

The main difference between the Drontal suspension and tablets is the absence of praziquantel in the composition. The remaining active substances are contained in a reduced volume. 14.4 mg of pyrantel embonate and 15 mg of febantel are dissolved in 1 ml of medicinal syrup.

Suspension "Drontal Junior"

The medicine acts more gently than classic tablets; it is quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls without irritating them. The drug has a pale pink color and a pleasant sweetish taste. After administration, the residues are eliminated naturally without affecting the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

A suspension that is perfect for puppies up to six months old will be of little use to them as they grow up.

The suspension protects the animal’s body well from nematodes, their eggs and larvae. The optimal time for use is from 2 weeks to six months. Older puppies need comprehensive protection against other types of parasites, so the drug will have to be changed. You should not give the suspension to adult dogs; it will not have the desired effect. If your dog reacts negatively to praziquantel, you can choose a drug with another active substance of a similar effect.

Features of taking the suspension

The suspension must be used exactly according to the scheme - 1 ml per 1 kg of puppy weight. There is no need to prepare the body; it is better to give the drug in the morning, before the first feeding or together with it. Before use, shake the bottle well, then take the required dose with a syringe, checking the measuring scale. The liquid is added to the food and mixed.

When using a syringe, be careful - it is very easy to injure a puppy's mouth.

If the puppy does not eat his portion, you can inject the suspension directly into the mouth by inserting the tip of the syringe into the side of the mouth, between the chewing teeth. Next, the puppy’s head is raised and held until the dog swallows.

By the way! After the suspension is drunk, it is a good idea to reward the puppy with a piece of cheese or other treat.

It is enough for a puppy to drink the suspension once a month to be protected from parasites

The first time the medicine is given to two-week-old puppies. For prevention, the baby is given a suspension once a month, during which time the growing organism will be reliably protected from nematodes. Against this background, the puppy receives vaccinations required by age. After six months, the dog is switched to other drugs (for example, Drontal or Drontal Plus), giving them every 3 months.

Side effects

If you use Drontal Plus strictly according to the instructions, there are no side effects. Only allergic reactions are possible with hypersensitivity to the components of the anthelmintic.

This drug is contraindicated in female dogs during pregnancy, specifically the first two thirds.

The product must be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight, storage temperature ranges from – 8 to + 20 ° C. Do not store with feed and food products.

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Analogues of the drug

On sale you can find products with a similar effect, containing the same or similar active ingredients.

Table. Analogues of "Drontal"

NameRelease formDetailsPrice


Meat flavored tabletsThere are 2 options available: for small dogs (puppies) and large breeds. Contains praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole, binders and flavoring agents 30 rubles per tablet


Pills; suspension; paste A drug for treatment and prevention, it destroys the main types of cestodes and nematodes. Contains fenbendazole and pyrantel pamoate 100 rubles per pack of 6 tablets


Sugar cubesNon-toxic drug for the prevention and treatment of nematodes and cestodes. Contains niclosamide and oxybendazole. Not recommended for puppies under 8 weeks of age 270 rubles for a blister with 2 cubes


Odorless and tasteless film-coated tabletsThe praziquantel-based drug is suitable not only for dogs, but also for people. Effective against tapeworms and their larvae, it is better to use after appropriate tests that accurately identify the parasites. Pills cannot be crushed or cut 450 rubles for a pack of 6 tablets


Oval light yellow tablets with a pleasant meaty tasteContains milbemycin oxime, praziquantel. Destroys all major types of worms at different stages of development, not recommended for puppies under two weeks of age and pregnant bitches. In some cases, side effects are observed: nausea and stool upset 230 rubles per pack of 2 tablets


Yellowish-gray round tablets with a liver aroma and tasteComplex drug against all types of tape and round helminths. Contains praziquantel, pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole 80 rubles per tablet, 800 for a pack of 10 pieces

"Dehinel Plus"

Round tablets without coatingContains praziquantel, pyrantel embonate, febantel in an optimal dosage for large dogs. The drug destroys cestodes, nematodes, and lamblia. Low toxicity, rarely causes side effects From 190 rubles per tablet


Tablets and gel in a syringeThe drug is based on praquantel and fenbendazole. The gel is suitable for puppies from three weeks of age. Tablets are offered in 2 versions - for small and large dogs From 62 rubles per tablet, 330 for a syringe with gel


Drontal for dogs is one of the best anthelmintics. It is relatively inexpensive, has a gentle effect and gets rid of most types of worms.

I prescribe it often. But buy the medicine only in veterinary clinics: even in large specialized stores you can come across counterfeits. The seller is not a doctor, and will not be able to distinguish the original drug from the fake one.

If you haven’t found the medicine or you don’t like it, you can replace it with Dirofen, Cestal or Dehinel. I like Kanikvantel better: it has a slightly different composition, but it also acts more gently.

If you are looking for cheap anthelmintic tablets with a similar effect, pay attention to Kaniverm. This is a Czech medicine. However, it is not supplied to all cities, and few veterinary clinics and pet stores purchase it.

Drontal is also suitable for puppies. But if you want a gentler remedy for a “child”, buy Procox or Prazicide.

Read more: Dog breeds for apartments

Reviews for the drug

Dog owners speak positively about all the drugs in the Drontal line. Both the suspension and tablets with a classic or enhanced formula have fans. Some breeders warn that medications containing pyrantel embonate are not suitable for pets with digestive problems. These medications can cause diarrhea and dehydration. However, with the correct dosage, such effects occur infrequently.

The susceptibility of puppies to Drontal increases if their mother used the drug

There is an opinion that puppies of bitches who have undergone deworming with Drontal tolerate the suspension of this brand well. If young dogs don't have a negative reaction, they probably won't have one in the future. If your pet suffers from severe allergies, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. The same applies to dogs suffering from any chronic diseases or who have recently suffered an injury.


It is forbidden to give the drug to a dog if it is underweight. Usually the medication is not prescribed to an animal whose weight is less than 2 kg. The product is also contraindicated in pregnant females. It is strictly forbidden to give medication during the first half of the female’s pregnancy.

Drontal is contraindicated for dogs during their rehabilitation after surgery. It is also not recommended to give the drug to weakened animals. The medicine should not be prescribed to dogs during the course of various infections of a viral or bacterial nature.

The drug should not be taken by newborn puppies less than 2 weeks old. It is necessary to coordinate the use of medication with a veterinarian if your pet has chronic pathologies of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

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