Black Shar Pei and its features, description of adult dogs and puppies, photos

The Shar Pei is tarry black in color, like an unsolved mystery in China. This breed has won the hearts of many, both in ancient times and now. Countless folds on the skin, an elegant, strict appearance, and a look that exudes age-old wisdom. Such an animal was considered a talisman and a symbol of longevity. It is not for nothing that he was given unusual titles: “happiness in a fold”, “a dog that licked the sky”, “a four-legged orchid”. Despite their mystery, Shar Peis are gentle and kind pets, distinguished by their vigilance and responsibility.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:Any conditions other than constantly being on the street
Purpose:Companion, home security
Color:Almost all types of solid colors except all white, with or without black mask
Wool length:From 0.8 cm to 2.6 cm
Adult dog size:Height from 44 to 52 cm, weight 20 – 25 kg
Average life expectancy:9 – 11 years
Walk:Mandatory, at least twice a day
Physical activity needs:Average need, from one and a half to two hours a day
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molosser, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs; Section 2: Molossians
Puppy price:From 10,000 rubles “sofa” puppies, up to 50,000 rubles show class

Price range

The price of a dog depends on its quality and ranges from 20 to 45 thousand rubles. For puppies, 3 groups are defined, such as:

Show class. Dogs with great potential, intended for exhibitions and breeding. They have an excellent pedigree and an ideal exterior. These are the most expensive dogs, regardless of whether it is a girl or a boy. Be prepared to shell out from 50,0000 to 65,000 rubles.

Breeding class. Dogs that have slightly lower potential, but with the same excellent pedigree. This class is more involved in breeding. Basically, these are females, the basis of the kennel with remarkable hereditary traits. Breed class puppies are cheaper than show puppies. At the same time, a male breed is cheaper than a female of this class. You will have to count on an amount of at least 25,000 - 35,000 rubles.

Pet class is a pet that will be your best friend, but not suitable for breeding. Accordingly, the price for them will be lower, from 12,000 rubles and above.

Pricing also depends on the region. Shar Pei colors vary in price accordingly. The rare “Isabella dilute” color, as well as “lilac”, are an order of magnitude higher.

History of the origin of the species

It is not known for certain where the history of the origin of the Shar Pei began . It has just been established that this is one of the oldest breeds. The first mentions of these dogs are found already in 206 BC. During archaeological excavations, figurines of dogs were found that were very similar to today's Shar Pei.

Representatives of the Shar Pei breed are among the top 5 most ancient dogs. The Shar Pei is believed to be a direct descendant of one of the 4 basic aboriginal breeds from which all current dogs descend.

The Chinese have a comic legend. They say that before, Shar Peis weighed about 80 kilograms. In the process of evolution, the dog became smaller, but the skin remained the same size, hence their folds.

According to one version, representatives of the breed descended from ancient smooth-haired Chow Chows, and it was from them that the Shar Pei acquired a blue tongue. The Chinese believe that the blue tongue, like an amulet, wards off evil spirits.

In the 60s, due to the policies of communist China, dogs were declared an unaffordable luxury that took away a piece of bread from the working people. Owners and breeders were taxed, and the number of breeding dogs began to decline rapidly.

By the late 60s, only a few individuals remained in Hong Kong. Then, one of the connoisseurs of the breed turned to the USA for help, and thus saved the Shar-Pei from extinction. The dogs were taken to the United States. In order to increase the number of livestock, Chow Chows were mixed with Shar Peis, thereby obtaining a modern type, heavier, with brushed hair.

In China, Shar-Peis are still lighter, with horse-hair. At the moment, the FCI is raising the question of dividing the breed into 2 types - American and Chinese.

The Shar Pei was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed in 1978 . But thanks to enthusiasts who worked to restore the breed, by 1983 it was reborn. Now their genes contain the blood of not only chow-chows, but also bullmastiffs, bulldogs, boxers and bull terriers.

The history of these dogs in Russia began in 1991 . The first breeding pair were imported but, unfortunately, these natives died. A repeat attempt was successful in 1993. It was possible to obtain offspring from the imported couple.


Only absolutely healthy dogs that meet the breed standard can participate in breeding.

For a female, the optimal age for mating is approximately 1.5 years; a male is ready for mating at 1.5-2 years.


Estrus indicates the beginning of puberty. At this time, eggs mature in the genitals and the dog is ready for fertilization and pregnancy. The first estrus occurs at approximately 6-10 months; its onset can be judged by the appearance of drops of blood at the tip of the loop.


A bitch should be bred no earlier than she is 1.5-2 years old, i.e. only in her 3rd heat. The optimal time for mating is the 11th, 13th or 15th day of estrus, when the discharge becomes light pink rather than bloody, and the loop becomes soft.

Before mating, it is necessary to carry out deworming, treatment for external parasites and, if necessary, vaccination.

Gestational age

During the first 2-3 weeks, there are no noticeable changes in the dog’s body; the fact that the mating was successful can only be judged by minor changes in behavior.

The pregnancy of a Shar Pei lasts 60-65 days; 3-6 puppies are most often born in a litter, but in some cases there can be 12.


Before giving birth, the dog refuses to eat, its body temperature drops to 36.5 °C, it behaves restlessly, trembles, breathes quickly, tries to hide, scratches the floor and bedding, trying to make a den for itself.

First, the dog’s water breaks, then pushing begins and the cervix dilates.

The puppy is born in the amniotic sac. If the bitch does not chew it, you need to tear the bag yourself in the area of ​​the baby’s head, and then clean his mouth of mucus with a napkin. Then you need to tie and cut the umbilical cord.

If the bitch gives birth for the first time, it is necessary for a veterinarian to be present at the birth.

Sterilization and castration

Sterilization and castration are recommended for individuals that are not intended to be used for breeding. These procedures are not contraindicated for dogs; on the contrary, animals who undergo them have better health and a longer life expectancy.

The operation can be performed after the dog is six months old. It is better to spay a bitch before her 1st or between 1st and 2nd heat. This is due to the fact that sterilization is a way to prevent mammary cancer, but later it is also not prohibited to spay and neuter dogs.

It may seem that caring for Shar-Peis is difficult, but this is not entirely true. You just need to find an approach to the dog, accustom it to all hygiene procedures and, most importantly, treat it with love and care. Then the Shar Pei will grow up to be a healthy, beautiful and devoted friend and protector.

Distinctive features

The main breed traits of the Shar Pei:

  • Height. The height at the withers for females is from 44 to 50 cm, for males from 46 to 52 cm.
  • General form. A compact dog with strong bones, moderate sanding, but clearly visible.
  • Head. Relative to the body, it is large, brick-shaped, flattened, with a well-filled cushion. bite , tongue and palate blue. The ears are small, triangular, the tips of the ears are slightly turned up (ideal standard). Small, deep-set eyes , brown in color, lighter ones are allowed in delta colors. The muzzle is wide, does not narrow toward the nose, and has fleshy chins that cover the lower jaw.
  • Neck. Moderately short, strong, strong with good dewlap
  • Frame. Square format. The back is straight, without arching, strong and wide. The loin is short and wide. The chest is deep and wide. The stomach is moderately tucked.
  • Limbs. Straight, squat, strong, parallel to each other. The shoulder is sloping, with well-defined muscles. Hock joints dropped.
  • Tail. Set high, short, thick at the base, tapering towards the end. It is twisted into a ring over the back.
  • Coat and color. Two types of coats: horse - coat length up to 1 cm; brush – the length of the coat is from 1 to 2.5 cm. There is no undercoat, the outer coat is hard. Almost all basic colors are acceptable, except solid white. All types of delta colors, except completely white.
  • Sexual dimorphism. Weakly expressed, but its presence is welcome.

Is a muzzle necessary?

To understand whether Shar Peis need a muzzle, you need to remember for what purposes this breed was originally used and for what purposes it is used now.

In ancient times, Shar Peis were a fighting breed of dog, but now they are excellent watchmen and security guards. That is, they may well show aggression if they feel threatened. For this reason, no matter how confident you are in your dog, it is by no means decorative, which means it will need a muzzle.

You can make a muzzle to order or buy a ready-made one in a special store.


To choose the right muzzle, you must know the length of the muzzle, skull and head circumference. Together with these indicators, you can choose a muzzle in consultation with the seller.

Also, do not choose an iron one - it can be traumatic for the animal itself and for humans. It is better to opt for leather.

You need to wear a muzzle in crowded places.

Photo of an adult dog

Photos of puppies

Features of character and behavior

Shar Peis are called philosopher dogs, this speaks volumes about their behavior. Calm, balanced, thinking, independent, independent and unobtrusive friends of a person. They do not like fuss, are not inclined to conservatism, are leisurely, even a little imposing - these are the real breed traits of the Molossian aborigines.

Many people believe that Shar Peis are stupid dogs due to their training habits. But the Chinese, who call them thinkers, say that the labyrinths of the mind appear on their foreheads.

Many are sure that the Shar Pei is a fighting breed; in Russia and Belarus it is included in the list of potentially dangerous dogs, but this is complete nonsense.

Due to the movable skin, they were actually tried to be used in battles in the 17th century, but this idea was soon abandoned due to the lack of aggression. Moreover, not a single canine organization in the world recognizes such a thing as a “fighting breed”.

The Shar Pei is an absolutely versatile dog. Previously, they were used for hunting, protecting houses and livestock. We fought against mongooses that attacked peasant birds. For a short time they were even used as shepherds. Today it is a companion dog. People who have encountered a Shar Pei at least once call them thinking or understanding companions.

Treats strangers arrogantly, with distrust, but without aggression . With a good level of socialization, he does not show aggression at all. But in the manifestation of his feelings he will be restrained, like a true eastern sage. If the dog is in complete social deprivation, or rarely leaves the territory of its territory, it may exhibit protective qualities.

They love their family members endlessly, although sometimes they can be stubborn. Children are treated tolerantly, especially female Shar Peis. The maternal instinct in female dogs is so developed that they can become excellent nannies for a child.

They may seem a little phlegmatic or even melancholic, do not fetch fetch, and are indifferent to toys after changing teeth. But during hunting or playing with their brothers, they turn into playful, perky puppies. It becomes unclear where these lazy people get so much energy.

There may be some difficulties in communicating with brothers.

Shar-Peis, especially during the growth period, have a rather loose structure of the nasopharynx; with rapid breathing, wheezing can be heard, which some dogs may perceive as a growl and respond with aggression.

In addition, Shar Pei has a rather specific smell that is not characteristic of domesticated dogs. Representatives of this breed are recommended to make friends who are the same age since childhood, then there will be no problems.


The Shar Pei has many advantages. A very smart, calm, balanced dog. A true Eastern philosopher, with all that implies. He doesn’t make unnecessary movements, doesn’t show aggression, knows how to restrain his emotions, and doesn’t impose his company. He even has some intelligence, aristocracy and neatness.

The French have a saying: “If you walk down the street with a Shar Pei, don’t be surprised if no one notices you.”

The main advantage of the Shar Pei is its appearance. A dog of extraordinary beauty, incredibly cute and unusual exterior. Literally translated, “Shar Pei” means a sand dog; when you pet them, you get the feeling that sand is rolling in your hands.


Not suitable for sports training, obeys commands lazily and reluctantly. Before carrying out an order, he must be given time to think. He has a stubborn temperament and an independent character. Speaking in “human” characteristics, he is touchy. Absolutely not suitable for any types of services (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.).


Dogs are vaccinated according to the standard schedule:

  • 8-9 weeks: complex vaccine against distemper, parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza;
  • after 2-3 weeks: vaccination with the same vaccine;
  • 6-7 months (after changing teeth): rabies vaccination;
  • 12 months: comprehensive vaccination.

In the future, Shar Peis are revaccinated every year.

After vaccination, dogs need especially careful care. They should not be taken outside, allowed contact with other animals, left in a draft, or exposed to stress.

For your information. The vaccination schedule can be changed by your veterinarian.

Care and maintenance

The Shar Pei is not fussy about keeping. Can be kept in a small apartment, with two walks a day. And in a private house, with the condition of living in a warm room.

Shar Peis do not have an undercoat, so prolonged exposure to the street leads to hypothermia - in the cold season, to overheating - in the heat.

There is an opinion that Shar Peis need special care because of their wrinkles. That the skin between the folds is rotting, has an unpleasant odor and needs to be wiped every day. It is a myth! This dog's wrinkles are a natural condition and do not require any special care.

The dog's eyes require careful attention. Small puppies have much more folds than adults. Sometimes wrinkles interfere with deep-set eyes; the upper eyelid can completely cover the eyeball. For this purpose, veterinary clinics have several special procedures that solve this problem once and for all. The owner will only have to regularly wipe the pet’s eyes with a sponge soaked in a special lotion.

Shar Pei ears, in the absence of any diseases, do not need deep cleaning. It is necessary to wipe only the upper part of the ear from dust. If there are signs of otitis, deep cleaning is also not performed. The suspension is instilled into the ear, without rubbing with cotton swabs or other equipment.

Nails should be trimmed as needed. This must be done carefully, without damaging the internal living tissue. A breeder, groomer, or veterinarian can show you how to do this correctly.

During the period of teeth change, the dog should have “chew” toys. They help loose baby teeth fall out and avoid crooked molars. You can use either special toys from a pet store or large beef bones. An uncut beef rib or large knuckle bones are ideal. In any case, the bone should be of such a size that the puppy cannot swallow it or choke on it.


Shar Pei breeders encourage feeding them with ready-made grain-free food. Premium, super premium or holistic food.

These are fully balanced diets for dogs, enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the healthy development of the dog.

It is quite difficult to independently create a truly correct diet for a Shar Pei, especially in the first year of life. This breed, despite its compact appearance, is a giant-growing dog and reaches the size of an adult by 6–7 months. During the period of active growth, the foundation for the pet’s health is laid. An incorrectly selected diet can lead to serious consequences with the bones or immune system. Therefore, you should not take risks; it is better to entrust food to professionals.

All food manufacturers indicate the amount of food consumed per day depending on the dog’s weight. Food for puppies and adults should be different; to select the correct diet, you must contact the breeder.

We recommend that you read a detailed article on the topic: “How and what to feed a dog: types and characteristics of nutrition.”


Until the beginning of the 21st century, Shar Peis were considered one of the sickest dogs. Gradually, thanks to conscientious breeders and nursery owners who do not allow sick animals into breeding, the breed has become much healthier.

The time of countless allergies, pathologies and curvatures of the limbs, constant otitis media and entropion of the eyelids has passed. Of course, all these diseases still occur in Shar-Peis, but much less frequently.

With the right approach to feeding and raising a puppy, many health problems can be avoided. To do this, you need to carefully listen to the recommendations of veterinarians and the breeder.


The vaccination schedule is the same for all breeds. At approximately 6 weeks , the entire litter is dewormed along with the mother. After two weeks, the breeder repeats the procedure for preventing helminths.

Only after this is the first vaccine against viral infections such as Carré's disease, enteritis and hepatitis given. Depending on the region, the veterinarian may recommend an additional vaccine against the virus that lives in a particular area. After about 4 weeks, the vaccine is duplicated to consolidate the effect.

By this time, you can already get vaccinated against rabies. The last injection is given at the age of 7 to 12 months with the same vaccine. Further, the drugs are injected once a year along with anti-rabies serum.

Until the puppies have received their second vaccination, quarantine must be observed.

Communication with other dogs is prohibited, with the exception of the mother and littermates. Taking the puppy outside is also prohibited.

If your pet feels unwell on the day of helminth prevention or after vaccination, do not be alarmed - this is a natural reaction to the drug. Lethargy, drowsiness, one-time or two-time refusal to feed, and a slight increase in body temperature by 0.5 - 1 degree .

Allergic reactions are possible in theory, but in practice they are very rare.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


The most common diseases in Shar Pei:

  • Otitis;
  • Allergy;
  • Entropy;
  • Amyloidosis
  • Entropy;
  • Entropion;
  • Atopy;
  • Enteritis;
  • Intertrigo;
  • Seborrhea;

This is not a complete list of diseases that Shar Pei can suffer from. The main problem areas are the eyes, ears, and skin . But, as mentioned above, diseases are becoming less common, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders.

Breeders recommend that upon reaching 4 years of age, they undergo an examination every year at a veterinary clinic, take a urine test and a biochemical blood test. In order to identify possible diseases in the primary stages and get rid of them as quickly as possible.


Shar Peis do not require special walking conditions. Despite the lack of undercoat, there is no need to dress them in winter; they can easily tolerate a couple of hours in the cold.

A walk of 40 to 60 minutes twice a day is enough for them Shar Peis are not very active dogs; a short, leisurely walk is enough for them.

Puppies up to one and a half years old need a little more time to splash out their energy. After that one hour is enough.


Careful grooming is not required . Due to the lack of undercoat and short guard hair. In spring and autumn, during the molting period, it is necessary to free the dog from dead hairs with a furminator a couple of times a week. The rest of the time, no more than once a month.

There is no need to wash your Shar Pei at all in winter, so as not to wash away the natural fatty film on the skin, which prevents the dog from freezing. In spring and autumn, after walks, you can rinse your stomach and paws from dirt. Fully washing more than once a month is not recommended.

The right diet

Representatives of the breed can be given ready-made food (dry granules and canned food) of premium and superpremium classes or holistic level with a fat concentration of up to 12%, protein - up to 23%.

Such products contain a maximum of natural ingredients and a minimum of harmful additives. It simplifies the maintenance of a Shar Pei, since the owner does not have to spend time preparing food at home.

An alternative option is to eat natural products. About 50% of the diet should come from meat products. 1-2 times a week they are replaced with sea fish.

Important. Some Shar Peis do not digest beef well. Instead, it is better to give turkey, rabbit or lamb meat.

About 25% of the diet consists of rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridges, 20% - vegetables and fresh herbs. It is useful to give Shar Peis:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • broccoli;
  • stewed white cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • lettuce leaves.

Vegetables and herbs are added to porridge or given to the dog separately in the form of salads, seasoned with vegetable oil.

The remainder of the Shar Pei's diet (about 5%) is taken up by low-fat fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. A chicken or quail egg is mixed into food a couple of times a week.

Shar Peis are prone to food allergies, so new foods are introduced with caution. The following breeds are contraindicated:

  • food from the master's table;
  • fatty, salty, hot, spicy and smoked foods;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • tubular bones;
  • freshwater fish;
  • bakery products;
  • candies and sweets.

For your information. If you decide to feed your dog natural food, you need to choose vitamin and mineral complexes for it.


Mating is allowed for males aged 18 months and older. Bitches are at 4 sexual estrus, but not earlier than they are one and a half years old. The dog must have time to fully develop to avoid problems with the bones.

Sick individuals or those with disqualifying exterior defects are strictly not allowed for breeding.

A male dog can inseminate at least every month. Bitches are prohibited from being bred more than once a year; this will lead to exhaustion of the body and a high probability of giving birth to sick offspring.

Estrus occurs on average, as in all breeds, on the 10th – 14th day of estrus. Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, these data may vary from -2 to +4 days .

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

When is weaning from the mother?

At the age of 3 weeks, puppies already have quite sharp teeth and claws, with which they can scratch and bite the bitch while eating, so it becomes difficult for her to feed them and she increasingly leaves the babies.

Puppies should not be specially separated from their mother - she not only feeds them, but also raises them and passes on antibodies that help strengthen the babies’ immune system and help them fight diseases.

However, by 2 months of age, the mother's connection with the puppies should be minimal, they should be able to eat and play independently, otherwise they will be unprepared for life and moving to a new home.

Key points in training

Aboriginal breeds, which include the Shar Pei, are considered one of the most difficult to train. It is not recommended for beginners in dog breeding to engage in training on their own. It is necessary to contact professional dog handlers and animal psychologists who work on the basis of conflict-free training. Or raise a pet under the strict guidance of a breeder.

This breed needs to be able to be interested in activities, then you can get a well-bred dog.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Dry food

Economy grade foods such as Pedigree, Chappi, Darling, ARO should be avoided. Only high-quality products are suitable for feeding Shar Peis.

The following brands of food are popular among breeders: Go Natural Grain Free Endurance, Happy Dog Supreme Junior, Orijen, Canidae, Nutra Gold, Pro Plan, Hills, Royal Canin Medium Junior, Eukanuba puppy, Almo Nature Small Puppy, Summit Holistic Original Puppy.

How to choose a puppy

The main criterion in choosing a puppy, not only a Shar Pei, but any other breed, is health. It is necessary to remember that sick parents will not give healthy offspring. It is important to pay attention to the health status of the future pet’s parents and littermates. There should be no “sores” on the skin, discharge from the eyes, ears, or nose. Puppies should be moderately well-fed, strong, playful, and inquisitive.

You cannot buy a puppy of “elite blood” at the poultry market . You need to choose only reputable breeders or large nurseries.

At the time of sale, the puppy must have a puppy card or pedigree and a veterinary passport indicating all manipulations carried out with the puppy.

You should buy a dog only after passing the first stage of socialization - no earlier than 2 months of age.

Shar Pei is a dog for calm, balanced, strong-willed people. You cannot treat the Molosser as a toy, otherwise it will show the true character of the native. Shar Pei demands respect for himself, and the relationship is equal, only then will he respond in kind.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Shar Pei diseases

The characteristics of the Shar Pei are very positive. Despite this, it is worth taking care of your pet’s health and conducting a systematic examination by a veterinarian.

The most common diseases of these dogs are skin and allergic diseases:

  • Atopy;
  • Demodectic mange;
  • Seborrhea primary;
  • Intertrigo (occurs when folds rub together);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Eye diseases (entropion)
  • Urinary tract and kidney problems;
  • The respiratory system is vulnerable, etc.

Do not neglect systematic visits to the veterinarian. Timely diagnosis will help to detect the problem in time and begin treatment.

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