How does estrus occur in a toy terrier: when does it start, how many days does it last and how often does it happen + features of care

The Toy Terrier is a dog for those who value a petite build, compact size and lively character in their pet.

This is a truly harmonious and graceful animal, a wonderful companion and loyal friend for its owner.

The dog has large almond-shaped eyes, thin large ears of an unusual shape, and a proportional build.

This dog is very loyal to its owner, playful and friendly.

What is estrus?

Estrus is a special period in the life of a toy terrier bitch. In other words, this is a period of sexual hunting, characterized by a positive reaction to cable.


The female toy terrier comes into heat with the onset of puberty. Its first manifestations begin as early as 6-8 months (sometimes a little later). However, in order to produce healthy offspring, the bitch must reach not only sexual maturity, but also physical maturity.

The period of “critical days” in a toy terrier consists of 4 cycles:

  1. Proestrus (pre-estrus) occurs when the animal shows the first signs of sexual heat - swelling of the external genitalia, bloody discharge from the vulva (in a small amount), changes in behavior (playfulness, disobedience, aggression);
  2. Estrus (rut) is precisely the period when the pet is ready to mate. Estrus occurs 7-10 days after the first discharge appears. It is during this period that your girl agrees and even wants to mate. At this time, the bitch's loop swells even more, the dog raises its pelvis, moves its tail back and shows that it is ready for mating. Bloody discharge disappears by this time;
  3. Metaestrus . This time can be considered the period of the end of estrus. The bitch's loop decreases in size, her behavior becomes calmer, and the dog stops letting males in. During this period, the bitch releases the so-called pregnancy hormone (progesterone) and, regardless of the result of the mating, she may experience a false pregnancy. At this time, a non-pregnant female may show all the signs of pregnancy - swollen nipples, morning sickness, depression and irritability. The dog begins to actively build a nest, bring toys there and behave with them like puppies. In severe cases, milk may leak from the nipples. This condition requires contacting a veterinarian;
  4. Anaestrus (sexual rest) lasts 100-150 days and is characterized by a complete lack of interest in male dogs and the desire to mate.


These babies reach a size of only twenty to twenty-six centimeters.

They have high legs, thin bones, and their weight can range from one kilogram, three hundred grams to two kilograms, seven hundred grams.

Such animals live on average twelve to fifteen years. There are smooth-haired and long-haired terriers, the former resemble fawns, are very mobile and do not smell of anything, the short hair is shiny and fits tightly to the body. The latter are covered with wavy or straight five-centimeter fur, there is a fringe on the ears, and there are no visible claws on the paws behind the fur. Otherwise they are the same, and here are the main features they have:

  • angular muscles, implicit rounded knees,
  • long neck, wedge-shaped head, spherical skull, convex and wide forehead,
  • black or brown nose,
  • scissor bite,
  • the muzzle is a third of the length of the head, pointed,
  • large and high-set thin ears in the shape of a triangle,
  • the tail is usually docked from the second vertebra,
  • The eyes are dark and protruding.

The most common colors are chocolate, black and tan and red, with different tones. Less often - blue, isabella, lilac.

At what age does it start?

The first heat of a female toy terrier can begin at 6-8 months. In some individuals, at 9-10 months. Everything here is individual.

But this does not mean at all that as soon as the dog “flows”, it is necessary to breed. This is wrong. In order for everything to go well, the first mating is carried out no earlier than the third heat, that is, your dog must be at least 1.5-2 years old, otherwise it will undermine its health and shorten its life expectancy.

If you are the owner of a mini toy terrier and your pet weighs less than 2 kg, then the risk of complications during childbirth increases approximately 2 times!

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

In order for your pet to go through the period of estrus painlessly, follow a few simple rules:

  • change your usual walking route and try to avoid familiar places, as well as places where you can meet other dogs;
  • keep your toy terrier girl on a short leash and, if possible, walk her for a short time;
  • try to avoid the usual games and stroking, as during this period the dog is especially sensitive and this can irritate it.

Sometimes the dog can be aggressive and may bite.


If you do not plan to have puppies, and it is extremely undesirable for you to have your pet in heat, sterilization would be a logical solution. After this, the dog will not have menstruation, hormone surges and the desire to reproduce. During this operation, all internal genital organs, that is, the uterus and ovaries, are excised. Before doing this, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Thanks to this procedure, the risk of developing cancer can be significantly reduced. In addition, sterilized individuals live a couple of years longer. But they need to create a special diet or buy special food with the necessary vitamins and microelements and a low amount of salt. Care is no longer any different from usual.

Main features

Determining the beginning of your pet’s “critical days” will not be difficult.

Just pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • on the eve of estrus, the toy terrier usually begins to shed;
  • the pet begins to urinate more often than usual, and bloody discharge appears from the vulva;
  • the dog becomes disobedient, too active, sometimes aggressive. The thing is that her hormones are practically “boiling” and an irresistible sexual desire appears;
  • the bitch can be playful, cheeky, and due to her nature, sometimes behaves inappropriately (does not follow commands, runs away, etc.);
  • After about a week, the discharge from the loop changes color. They become pale yellow, sometimes straw-colored, and have the consistency of mucus.


These babies are very active, they are constantly on the move, playing, jumping. They have a strong hunting instinct; in nature, they can even bring you a mouse or chick as prey. They are hardy, agile, very loyal and sociable. They love children and are friendly to other pets. They handle travel well and love to go everywhere with their owner - many take them with them even to a store or cafe, because small dogs are compact and fit in a bag.

The character of the pets is generally good, they are obedient and well trained, smart and cunning. They become especially cunning with age. It is important to raise and train them properly because they are very temperamental.

To read: Recommendations for keeping a European forest cat at home

If your dog is older than two years old, it will be very difficult to retrain him, so it is better to start at an early age. It is important to pay attention to him, play with him, and not leave him alone for a long time, otherwise he will become angry and nervous. If you work a lot, get a second person of the opposite sex.

How is it going?

How long does a toy terrier's heat last? As a rule, the reproductive cycle in a dog is 21 days from the time the discharge from the genital opening appears.

A characteristic sign of the beginning of estrus is discharge, and a sign of its end is a complete loss of interest in male dogs.

First of all, the dog’s behavior changes ; from a friendly pet, it can turn into an aggressive “monster” towards everyone. At the same time, her interest in the opposite sex sharply increases, she intensively licks the noose and sheds. If you notice this behavior in your pet, you should know that estrus is just around the corner, or perhaps it has already begun.

In addition, you will immediately notice that there are male dogs hovering around your beauty, they usually growl and twitch with each other.

During “critical days,” the dog can aggressively perceive any grooming procedures and any touch. Don't punish her, because hormones are to blame.

During estrus, the dog's loop swells, discharge from the vulva appears, and urination becomes more frequent. In addition, the dog may rub its butt on the floor. However, there are also cases of bloodless estrus (the loop is swollen, but there is no discharge). If this happens, contact your veterinarian.


In order not to miss the onset of estrus in your dog, at the first signs you should carefully apply a cotton swab to the mucous loop and put on special underpants. There are also special tests for these purposes that can be purchased at a veterinary clinic.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Inexperienced owners before the initial mating are interested in the question of how long a pregnant toy terrier dog walks. Standard gestation takes 63 days.

The course of pregnancy in a healthy dog

Pregnancy in miniature dogs is a difficult period both for the animal itself and for its owner. The birth of a toy terrier often occurs with complications, so breeders have to monitor the health of the four-legged dog throughout the gestation period.

The initial 3 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a complete change in behavioral reactions: the animal becomes overly aggressive or lethargic, it needs more hours to sleep;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • the mammary glands begin to swell and the nipples begin to darken;
  • the belly is growing gradually.

After 30 days, puppies can be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall. The procedure is carried out with the utmost care, avoiding accidental injury to the babies. How many toy terriers bear puppies: on the 40th day, the number of fetuses is determined using ultrasound. Pregnancy of a toy terrier from mating by day ranges from 60 to 64 days.


How to deliver a baby

Giving birth to a toy terrier in the comfort of your own home requires preliminary preparation. The dog must get used to a certain place in advance so that it does not start looking for another one already in the process.

The list of necessary things for obstetrics is presented:

  • a sterile towel or diaper;
  • threads - for tying the umbilical cord;
  • scissors;
  • oilcloth;
  • warm water;
  • antiseptic.

How toy terriers give birth

In most cases, the process goes without complications, but it is better to keep the veterinarian’s number available step by step. The approach of childbirth can be understood by changes in the behavior of a pregnant toy terrier:

  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • refusal to eat;
  • searching for a comfortable position or place.

How many puppies are usually born to a toy terrier: from 2 to 3, in rare cases – 4-5 individuals. The babies come out alternately, every 20-50 minutes. After they appear, mucus is removed from the mouth and nose and applied to the mother's nipples. The general period of birth is from 3 to 24 hours.

In order not to wonder how long toy terriers stay pregnant and how to help them give birth, you need to get advice from a veterinarian or breeder in advance. Proper mating and monitoring of gestation will help you get several healthy and beautiful babies.

Features of caring for a dog in heat

Typically, a healthy toy terrier bitch does not require special care during this period, however, there are a few rules that should be followed.

Caring for a female toy terrier during her “critical days”:

  • To prevent the dog from dirtying the furniture, and also to avoid infection, wear special underpants on the dog. They can be purchased at pet stores. Such panties can be of different sizes and densities. If necessary, line them with a regular panty liner. The dog's panties are removed only during walks, so that he can go to the toilet. If your pet does “her business” in the tray, then you need to watch her more closely;
  • during a walk, do not let your girl off the leash under any circumstances, otherwise an unplanned mating cannot be avoided;
  • keep your pet on a short leash and do not allow male dogs to “jump” on her. Remember - once mating has begun, it will be impossible to separate the dogs;
  • during “critical days” it is possible and necessary to wash the dog, since its discharge has a strong and unpleasant odor;
  • wash the bitch with warm water 2 times a day (preferably after a walk), and use a soft gel for intimate hygiene. After washing, gently dry your dog with a soft towel or blow dry. Don't let your baby get cold;
  • Never allow your dog to swim in bodies of water. Since at this time she is especially vulnerable to genital tract infections;
  • spare your baby from participating in exhibitions during estrus, as this can provoke stress or infectious diseases in the animal;
  • Never allow your dog to sleep on a cold floor or in a draft.

When the toy terrier is ready for breeding.

You can understand that a dog is ready for mating by physiological signs. Indicators of approaching heat include frequent urination, disobedient, playful, or irritable behavior.

During the period of heat, it is better to walk the girl only with a leash - she can run away, + you will protect her from unwanted advances from male dogs. There may be enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of milk in small quantities.

An enlarged female genital organ (loop) is a sure sign that the dog may be pregnant. The loop becomes noticeable and swells. Don't miss the first spotting - you need to count 12-14 days from its onset so that the likelihood of fertilization during mating is maximum. The discharge is red only during estrus, then (during estrus) it loses color and becomes pink or completely colorless. If you cannot understand whether the dog has discharge or not, place paper on the loop - if there is discharge, it will remain on it. It is best to mate a female with a male five or six days after the start of estrus.

It’s easy to understand that the female is ready for mating - stroke the dog’s lower back. If she starts to bend, making it clear with all her appearance that she is ready for mating, call the male.

If you want to find out the most favorable day for mating, go to the veterinary clinic. There, a swab will be taken from the dog, which will determine the ideal day for mating.

Important: to bring puppies, the girl must be healthy and not have any physical abnormalities.

It is better not to mate if:

  • the dog has a cold/sick.
  • the dogs are not familiar at all (yes, you cannot mate animals by force).
  • ovulation has not yet occurred or has already passed

And of course, you need to refuse mating if the dog has problems with the reproductive organs.

Another important point when breeding a dog is the choice of a male. To preserve the purity of the breed, you need to choose the “ideal” groom - a dog with an excellent pedigree, beautiful exterior characteristics and good temperament.

It is clear that the male must be absolutely healthy, otherwise there will be no fertilization, or there will be bad consequences.

Why might it “not work”?

  • The male dog has a disease that does not manifest itself externally. In this case, you need to take a semen analysis and check the animal.
  • The male dog has suppressed sexual potency.
  • extreme heat “kills” sperm, so do not mate dogs in very hot weather.
  • If a male is mated, he may develop infertility.

Therefore, when mating, you need to pay attention not only to girls, but also to boys.

On what day should you knit?

About a week after the start of bleeding from the vulva, some changes occur in the dog.

Instead of bloody discharge, light yellow or straw-colored mucus flows from the vulva. It is during this period that the bitch actively provokes males to mate and takes a characteristic pose. She crouches slightly and moves her ponytail to the side. This behavior indicates that it is time to breed your pet.


Breeding toy terriers should be treated as a serious and responsible undertaking. If you are a new breeder, learn everything about this process down to the smallest detail so as not to jeopardize the health of your dog and future puppies.

Stages of the period

The first stage of estrus is called proestrus and lasts 8-10 days. This is the time of preparation for pregnancy: hormonal levels are rearranged, eggs mature, and the inner lining of the uterus becomes covered with a thick layer of mucus. The loop swells and scarlet discharge appears. The dog's behavior also changes. She becomes disobedient, aggressive, restless. During a walk, the bitch marks her territory, but does not yet allow male dogs to approach her.

The time of sexual estrus begins on days 9-11 after the appearance of the first symptoms. During ovulation or estrus, the female reproductive cell floats towards the uterus through the fallopian tube. The discharge becomes more intense, more pheromones are released into the urine, and the loop increases in size to its maximum. When in contact with male dogs, the bitch becomes in a characteristic position: the pelvis is raised, the tail is moved to the side.

The next cycle is called metestrus. During its course, the loop decreases to its normal size, the discharge stops, and the bitch stops marking the territory. Even without mating, the dog's body secretes hormones to preserve the fetus. Because of this, the nipples swell and appetite increases. A false pregnancy goes away on its own within 10-15 days. The pet again obeys the owner, follows commands, and is not distracted by male dogs.

Then the resting stage continues until the next heat. At this time, the bitch shows indifference or friendliness towards males. Her reproductive system is resting. The duration of this cycle is 5 months.

But after 10-12 ovulations, the dog experiences age-related changes, the duration of anestrus increases, and the chances of becoming pregnant decrease.

Every dog's body is different. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how long the cycle lasts, what intensity and shade of discharge is in each individual dog. However, owners need to monitor the pet’s condition and take it to the veterinarian if the following symptoms appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • complete refusal to eat;
  • strong thirst;
  • intense bleeding;
  • change in color of stool and urine.

Timely detection of pathologies of the reproductive organs will help the dog quickly recover, recover and subsequently produce healthy offspring.

Possible deviations

Some bitches, regardless of breed, have their own physiological characteristics, when it can be problematic to determine their readiness for mating. The discharge is not bright enough, sometimes there is a completely bloodless estrus, so it is simply impossible to notice it. Sometimes the loop practically does not increase in size and remains rigid throughout the entire period of estrus. Sometimes the bitch’s aggression towards the dog manifests itself even at the time when the dogs should be mated. On which day of estrus to make plans for a trip to a male dog, only knowledge of the individual characteristics of your dog will help you determine. Observations and records made during previous heats will be very useful here. They will help determine the optimal day for mating.

The first estrus usually begins between the ages of eight-nine and eleven-twelve months. Russian Toy Terrier females come into heat twice a year, with an average duration of twenty-one days. The interval between two heats, most often, does not exceed six months. In some cases, it can be reduced to five months or, conversely, increased to eight.

Directly during heat or a few days before it, the Russian Toy Terrier's behavior may change for the better or for the worse. The dog may become more lethargic and quiet, or, conversely, more active and mobile. In addition, the bitch can show causeless aggression. But it is also possible that the dog, on the contrary, will become more peaceful and calm than usual. Be that as it may, any behavioral changes that are not too pronounced are usually not a cause for concern.

During the first and second heats, the Toy Terrier's nipples may change color, become darker and become quite swollen. In addition, during this period they become much more sensitive to any external irritation, so be sure to take this into account when picking up your toy so as not to hurt him. As a rule, everything returns to normal after one and a half to two months.

In most cases, subsequent heats pass without such unpleasant symptoms.

In some Toys, heat can be almost bloodless. Don't worry - this is completely normal. But how, in this case, can you determine when the time has come for mating? Very simple:

  • firstly, by behavior, which, as we wrote above, can change significantly;
  • secondly, according to the condition of the dog’s nipples: if they change color, darken, or become more sensitive, it means that the heat has already begun or is about to begin.
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