Mixed Chihuahuas - a mixture of Chihuahuas with different breeds, what they look like, behavior and character traits

Incredible facts

Dogs are one of the most diverse animal species on the planet. Thousands of years of reproduction have yielded results. Today in the world there is a wide range of breeds of different colors, sizes and shapes.

But what happens when you take dogs

two different breeds and cross them in the hope that the new animal will take all the best from its parents? You get cute ones like in this collection.

An interesting question is which animal ends up stronger and more beautiful. Hybrids or purebreds? Pure breeds have a predictable set of characteristics, such as size, color and temperament. This will ensure that you know in advance what your puppy is like.

However, any purebred animals, including dogs, are more susceptible to genetic diseases. In this regard, hybrids certainly benefit because they have better health, but hybrids may develop behavioral problems. In addition, if you adopt a cross breed puppy, you will never know exactly how much he will weigh or how tall he will be.

Mixed dog: who is it?

Metis is a breed of dog, or rather, a special variety obtained by mixing the characteristics of two different breeds. There are two possible reasons for the appearance of these hybrids:

  • Accidental mating with a representative of a different breed.
  • Purposeful crossbreeding by breeders in an attempt to produce a new breed. Sometimes the experiments are successful, but often the result is an animal with poor health and obvious abnormalities.

The husky mix inherited striking blue eyes from the Siberian

Many mixed-breed puppies look very funny and cute.


Half-breeds are not picky eaters, but this does not mean that they can be fed with leftovers from their owners’ table - dogs do not tolerate spices, seasonings, spicy and fatty foods well. The pet's diet should be tailored to its age, size and physical activity.

In order for a puppy to grow quickly and develop correctly, its diet must contain proteins (30-40%), carbohydrates to ensure energy processes, vitamins and dietary fiber.

If a mestizo eats natural food, it is supplemented with special vitamin and mineral supplements. When feeding with ready-made food, there is no such need, but the dog should always have plenty of fresh, clean water.

Metis and mongrel: main differences

A mixed-breed dog is the result of crossing two purebred animals, both of its parents can be clearly named, for example, a zolaxa is a descendant of a dachshund and a golden retriever. While a mongrel is a dog whose both ancestors may be outbred or the result of complex crossing of a large number of breeds.

Shepherd mix: what cross-breed puppies look like

Interbreed outbreeding is the process of obtaining a new breed as a result of crossing. The resulting offspring clearly show signs of one of the parents or both. In this way, mestizos also differ from mongrels, whose distinctive features are wild color, strong build, protruding ears, and a tail curved in a ring.

Note! In the scientific literature on cynology, yard dogs are called accidental hybrids.

Similar breeds

In appearance, but not in size, a breed similar to the Doberman is the German Doberman. It is believed that it was from this breed that Mr. Dobermann took an example for developing a new breed. In appearance it is closer to the American one, but the coloring is close to the European one. The German relative is medium in size, ideal for apartment living. There is also an even smaller breed - the miniature pinscher, or mini Doberman. This breed is absolutely identical to its brothers, and the main difference is only the size.

Reference . This breed, as well as the German Doberman and Miniature Pinscher, are very intelligent and easy to train. They are hunting dogs; with proper training, they can easily pick up a person’s scent and therefore often serve in law enforcement agencies.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Hound dog: types of hunting breeds of different colors

Mixed dog breeds are sometimes so unusual that they become more popular than their titled purebred ancestors.

This dog is very similar to a shepherd, but the eyes give away the husky ancestor

Baby chow chow and husky - affectionate pet bear

The mestizo inherited many features of its appearance from the chow-chow: a fluffy fur coat and an incredible resemblance to a bear. From the husky he received amazing blue eyes, height and location of spots. This is a very kind animal, but needs serious training.

Golden retriever and dachshund

This is the owner of silk wool of the original color. From a dachshund he inherited short legs and an elongated body. Also called zolax.

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

At first glance, it seems that this is a miniature copy of a husky, black and white coloring and blue eyes complete the similarity. But the pet has an elongated body and short legs, like a corgi.

Chow Chow and Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu traits are dominant in this cross, but the curvaceous swing of the Chow Chow is also present.

German Chow Chow or Chow Dog

The charming red pet with a mask on its muzzle, characteristic of shepherd dogs, combines the best characteristics of both parents in its exterior.

Golden Husky

The descendants of Siberian Huskies and Golden Retrievers are called Rehaskies. They adopted their good-natured character, ability to obey, and soft, golden-colored fur from retrievers.

Note! This mestizo does not require long walks.

Golden Husky looks very beautiful

Golden fur and sky blue eyes will make this dog the most beautiful on the dog playground.

Bernese Mountain Dog and Labrador

A well-known mixed breed of this variety is the dog Ricci, who became famous as a guide dog.

Akita Inu and German

A charming pet with lush fur, whose character combines independence and wonderful hunting qualities.

German and Shar Pei

Crossbreeds of dogs of different breeds often differ in their original appearance. The German Shar-Pei has short hair and a crescent tail, more closely resembling a Shar-Pei than a Shepherd.

English bulldog and shar pei

This dog seems to have collected folds from both parents, which is why it looks touching.

American Cocker Spaniel and Shar Pei

A small pet with a characteristic color for spaniels with Shar-Pei folds.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Dalmatian

The appearance of this little dog resembles a classic Welshman; he inherited a unique spotted color from a Dalmatian.


This is a large mixed breed dog, the ancestor of three breeds: malamute, German shepherd and husky. In appearance it resembles a wolf.

The charming utonagan has every chance of becoming a separate breed


This is the result of crossing an Australian Cattle Dog with a Pomeranian. It has lush fur.

Labsky (labrador and husky)

This beautiful half-breed dog resembles a gray wolf, a predatory forest inhabitant. Peculiarities:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Needs a strict and experienced owner.
  • Long active walks are required.

Blue eyes.


This is a funny mixed-breed dog whose parents were a Shar Pei and a Basset Hound. From the latter he inherited long ears and a phlegmatic character.


A cute dog with a muzzle decorated with folds and round, erect ears is distinguished by good nature and devotion. This is a cross between a Pug and a French Bulldog.

Husky and pitbull

In appearance and “rat” muzzle it resembles a fighting ancestor, but the sky-colored eyes reveal the husky ancestor in the dog.

Corgi and Sheltie

An intelligent and quick-witted dog, Toby is a bright representative of this variety.

Pomsky baby

This breed variety has gained wide popularity due to its cuteness and good nature. Stunning appearance - a lush fur coat and piercing eyes - is the reason for the high cost of a mixed-breed dog.

Pomsky is a very popular mixed breed, puppies are so in demand that they are booked

Poodle and schnauzer

This mulatto dog is more reminiscent of a plush toy than a living dog.


This is a hybrid of two breeds - Labrador and Afghan. It is distinguished not only by its interesting appearance, but also by its excellent watchdog qualities.


This is the ancestor of two purebred parents - a husky and a German shepherd. She has excellent protective qualities, but has no sense of moderation and is very stubborn.

Note! The breed is strictly not recommended for beginners.


It is the result of a mixture of a pug and a small Chihuahua. Distinguished by its energy and miniature size

Other Chihuahua mixes

There are several more dogs descended from the baby chi:

  • With a continental spaniel: the result is a long-haired hybrid with elongated ears and sad eyes.
  • With a dachshund: the mixed breed has short legs and a long body.
  • With a beagle: a funny and dynamic baby with a tiny face.

Pug mixes

There are several such unique “mixtures”:

  • Miguel (second parent - beagle).
  • With Petit Brabançon.
  • Bullpug (with bulldog).

A cross between a pug and a beagle – pure charm

Alaskan Malamute and Husky

This is not only a beautiful animal with lush fur, but also a very hardy pet that is not afraid of any cold weather. He loves his owner very much and becomes his faithful friend.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

In order to trim the Pekingese yourself, choose the right time when the pet is calm. You should not frighten your dog with tools. It is advisable to stroke it so that the animal relaxes and accepts the procedure as caress.

When the shaggy prankster is in a playful, high spirits, it is better to postpone the haircut for a while so as not to injure the pet.

Preparing the site and tools

Choose a comfortable, well-lit, elevated place, such as a table. It is recommended to cover the surface with a mat - regular or rubber - so that the dog's paws do not slip. This will make both the animal and the hairdresser more comfortable.

All tools for cutting a Pekingese should be at hand:

  • animal clipper (silent, not very vibrating, high quality);
  • a set of scissors (large, small, curved, thinning);
  • several types of combs (soft brush, slicker brush, comb with sparse long teeth);
  • nail clipper for nail care.

After each use, instruments are thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected.

Grooming an animal at home includes the following steps, compliance with which will facilitate the grooming procedure and help achieve the desired result:

  1. Comb the animal and remove any matted fur.
  2. Bathe with shampoo, being careful not to get water into your eyes and ears.
  3. Wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer.
  4. Brush the fur with a soft brush and treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. It is recommended to trim your Pekingese using the area trimming method.

Haircut by region

Begin the procedure with the paws, cutting off the hair between the pads with curved scissors or a machine. Everything must be done slowly, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. Next, the claws are shortened with a special nail clipper.

The groin and tummy are shaved next, leaving at least 1.5 cm of hair. When starting on the body, start from the base of the tail and work against the fur along the back. Next they cut the sides. To do this, use a 22 mm nozzle.

The paws, neck, and chest are processed using curved scissors, removing all long hair sticking out to the sides. If the owner does not like the excessive fluffiness, it can be removed by thinning.

Fine hairs on the ears are removed. Interfering hairs on the head are lightly trimmed. A uniform smooth transition is made from head to neck.

The hair under the tail is cut off, leaving about 1 cm in length. The tail itself, at the owner’s request, can be left fluffy or shaved with the exception of the tassel at the end.

After cutting, it is advisable to rinse the Pekingese in the shower to remove the small hairs that have been clipped. You can wipe your pet with a soft towel soaked in herbal infusion. This will soothe the skin and have a bactericidal effect.

Washing and combing

The short-haired Pekingese also needs regular bathing and brushing. It is enough to wash the animal once a month, using a special shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel to absorb moisture from the fur.

Then be sure to dry it with warm air from a hairdryer, without bringing it too close, so as not to burn your pet. At the end of the procedure, you should comb the dog.

After spraying the fur with the product, they begin to comb the belly, back, sides, and paws. The tail is combed from base to tip.

Other hybrid varieties

Mixed labrador and shepherd dog, mongrel, husky and other breeds

There are several more mestizos, photographs of which convince of their uniqueness:

  • The descendant of a pit bull and a Labrador looks very interesting, but in the bad hands of a frivolous owner it can become uncontrollable.
  • Wier is a fairly rare dog - the result of crossing a German and a long-haired collie.
  • Yorkshire strudel - a descendant of the York terrier and poodle - is a very dynamic creature, ready to become a true friend to a resident of the Moscow region or any other.
  • Yorkie and Shih Tzu are an attractive, cute little one.
  • Bullmatian is the name of the ancestor of the Dalmatian and the bulldog, a formidable dog on the outside, but a very good-natured dog on the inside.
  • The Weimerman is a cross between a Doberman and a Weimaraner.
  • The muzzle and ears of a whippet, the physique of a pit bull, the paws of a boxer - this is a description of an amazing hybrid.
  • Bernudel. It can be obtained by mixing the breed characteristics of a poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • A snow-white giant with a brave heart - a cross between a Malamute and a Pyrenean mountain dog. It is not afraid of frost, although it does not have particularly lush fur.

A mixed breed of Yorkie and Shih Tzu will become a real favorite for the whole family.


Many mixed breeds are bred to be kept outside the home. This does not apply to decorative breeds. Hybridization with native breeds allows dogs to tolerate the climate of a given region well and quickly adapt to changing conditions.

If a mestizo is purchased to live in a city apartment, then he needs regular walks, outdoor games, and some physical activity. However, there are hybrids that are less demanding when it comes to walking. They go in the cat's litter box or on a sanitary diaper.

However, each dog needs its own sleeping area, food bowls and water bowls. Puppies need special toys for development and play.

Undeniable advantages

The main advantages of Matiz dogs (as mestizos are sometimes jokingly called) include their amazing appearance - no one else on the dog playground will definitely have such a pet. Often one animal combines the best qualities of both parents. Some representatives of mestizos have good health, immunity, and ease of care.

Note! The opposite situation also happens: some mestizos inherit genetic diseases from both parents and are very weak.

These are unusual dogs, with a bright appearance, a specific character, ready to become true friends for many years. Funny crossbred dogs are a great option for those who want to become the owner of an original pet.


The beautiful blue-eyed Husky is the most popular of this group. Siberian Husky sled dogs were bred in Siberia a thousand years ago. The Chukchi needed a fast and hardy animal to hunt deer. Huskies have a unique metabolism and can go without food for a long time. They are designed for physical work in harness. In the hands of a competent hunter, they show their hunting skills in pursuing a large animal.

The frantic demand for the “blue-eyed husky” led to her being repurposed as a resident of megacities and instilling in her the features of a city dweller. A true native husky is now a rarity.

Alaskan Malamute

The heavy draft Malamute is the oldest and largest representative of the draft breeds. The Eskimos developed it to transport the heaviest loads. Unlike the husky, the malamute is not a fast animal, but very strong and resilient. I'm not picky about food. Sometimes malamutes played the role of a “hot water bottle” and warmed the owner and his children in severe frosts.

Being direct descendants of the northern wolf, huskies and malamutes hardly bark; they grumble and prefer to howl. They still have the skills to excavate. In the natural environment they can feed themselves on their own, catching small rodents from under the thickness of snow and ice.

Huskies and Malamutes became central characters in films about sled dogs “Bolt”, “Snow Dogs”, “White Captivity”. In the center of New York there is a historical monument to the heroic husky (the central sled dog, named Bolto) who delivered vaccines, during a severe snowstorm, for children with diphtheria. This happened in 1925. Malamutes worked in the same harness with her.

The best kennels for husky and Alaskan malamute sled dogs belong to Russia and the USA. Today, these dogs are at the peak of popularity and an average purebred puppy can be bought in any city in Russia from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The price of an elite pet reaches 50 thousand rubles. It depends on the class, exterior and pedigree line.


The rarest breed, the existence of which few have heard of. Outwardly, she looks like a mongrel. In fact, the Chinook is very resilient; it can pull a sled no worse than any northern husky. In addition, he is an excellent guard and companion. Given the rarity of the breed, a Chinook puppy can cost up to $1,000. It is possible to find a nursery or breeders only in America.


This popular designer breed is a product of the Labrador Retriever and the Standard or Miniature Poodle. Breeders began crossing these dogs to combine the low-shedding coat of the Poodle with the playful, intelligent and friendly temperament of the Labrador. Because of this, Labradoodles make excellent guide dogs. And service dogs for people with allergies. Their attentive and gentle demeanor also makes them ideal for families.

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These fluffy puppies are a Husky and Pomeranian mix. And they often look like miniature huskies. As a rule, they inherit the distinctive characteristics of the Husky. But their fur can be any color that each breed exhibits - grey, black, red, cream and brown.

Pomskies are energetic, just like their Pomeranian and Husky ancestors. Which means they require plenty of exercise. They are smart and can even howl sometimes.

Samoyed husky

The Samoyed Laika is a polar bear cub. In the snow, during snowstorms and blizzards, the husky is practically invisible, only the black nose gives away its presence. It has a unique self-cleaning coat. It got its name thanks to the nomadic Samoyed tribes.

The Samoyed husky is strong and resilient. Unlike their relatives, huskies or malamutes perform the work of a deer herder, can guard a person’s home and hunt walruses and bears.

It can work both as an independent breed and in harness with other representatives of the group. The cost of an elite white Samoyed puppy in the best nurseries in the world reaches 100 thousand rubles. The average price category varies from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. You can buy a puppy in Russian nurseries.

The Samoyed husky starred in the Russian comedy film “Polar Voyage.” It is enough to look at what sled dogs look like in the photo to gain respect for their hard work in the name of man.

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