Varieties and mixed breeds of the Rottweiler. Comparison with other dog breeds based on qualities

Varieties such as the German and American Rottweiler are not the same dog, despite the same breed name. The thing is that each country tried to develop a Rottweiler breed with its own traditional characteristics. In addition to Germany and America, other countries have also worked on changes in the exterior and character of this dog. What happened in the end, read on.

Mini Rottweiler - defect or breed?

There are no official varieties of this breed. The only thing that left a small mark on the appearance and character of these dogs was their nationality. Thus, dogs living in Germany are recognized as exemplary classics. Rottweilers from America are slightly larger and meaner than their German counterparts. Immigrants from England are practically no different from dogs from Germany.

Important! A Rottweiler that does not reach the official “minimum” in height is either a mixed breed of the breed or its dwarfism is caused by a genetic failure.

Most often, dwarf Rottweilers and Rottweilers with any special appearance appear as a result of crossing with another breed. For example, from a union with a German shepherd, large puppies are born, which in adulthood become real big guys and strong men. They look like black and tan German Shepherds. Such pets need a strict owner. Without training and education, they can be dangerous to the people around him.

The Labrotweiler is considered a rare hybrid. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to obtain healthy and adequate offspring from these two breeds. But those puppies that do not have physical and psychological developmental pathologies look simply great. From their parents they adopt only the best traits of appearance and character.

Mini Rottweilers are most often born from sick parents or as a result of crossing a purebred male (female) with a mongrel. Basically, these mestizos are pugnacious and angry; it is difficult to train and raise them despite their well-developed intelligence.

Important! Mixed breeds, like dogs with genetic developmental pathologies, never take part in breed exhibitions.

Dogs with Rottweiler and Doberman blood flowing in their veins look interesting. In most cases, these are stately and beautiful dogs, distinguished by courage, endurance, and strength of character. Dogs born from the union of a Rottweiler and a Husky become good-natured and real pets. Outwardly they look very interesting and unusual.

If a mini Rottweiler is born from representatives of the same breed and the short stature is explained by a developmental defect, the dog should not be allowed for further breeding. Most often, dwarfs do not live to adulthood, having, in addition to their small stature, several serious health problems.

The Rottweiler is an intelligent, loyal, non-aggressive dog. She learns quickly, so she is used in the service of law enforcement agencies.

Breeders tried to get new animals by mating the Rottweiler with other dog breeds. This article will tell you in detail what types of mestizos exist and why they are unique.

The most striking examples

American look

American breeders used German representatives of the breed to breed their Rottweilers, but not of the highest quality. Therefore, breeding often involved animals that were rejected for some standard parameters and brought from Germany.

Basically, for breeding, American breeders selected Rottweilers that were taller than their German counterparts and had a more aggressive character. The breeders sought to obtain a guard dog with a frightening exterior.

According to American ideals, the Rottweiler should look impressive and menacing. And you should treat other people's animals and strangers with anger. A dog should always be ready to tear apart any creature that encroaches on the territory entrusted to it.

Due to American breeding methods, Rottweilers have developed hereditary health problems. For example, articular dysplasia. But even if the Rottweiler does not have such deviations, he still needs timely education, otherwise the animal’s aggression may get out of control.

It is extremely difficult for American Rottweiler dogs to get top marks at shows due to deviations from the FCI standard. Even though most Rottweilers are classified as members of the German variety of the breed.

But this does not prevent them from being popular both in the USA and in Europe. Although many experts and lovers of the true German breed consider this state of affairs to be a mockery of animals. In their opinion, American specimens contaminate the pedigree of purebred Rottweilers.

English view

The British, like the FCI, took the German parameters for Rottweiler dogs as a basis to draw up their standard. In principle, English Rottweilers are very similar to German representatives of the breed.

However, there is a difference in character. As is customary for true residents of England, English Rottweilers know how to control themselves in almost any situation. And only the owner’s order can move them from their place. But this example does not apply to emergency situations when urgent protection of the dog owner and his family is necessary.

Other varieties

In addition to the American, German and English breeding lines, there are other official and unofficial varieties of dogs of this breed. Almost every country where Rottweilers are in demand has approached their breeding in its own way.

Rottweilers of the Finnish breeding line have long muzzles and ears, a stocky build, and a lighter coat color. Some breed experts believe that Finns crossed Russian hounds with Rottweilers to improve their sense of smell. Hence the elongated proportions.

In Austria, purebred Rottweilers are used exclusively for military purposes. Dogs of this breed serve in the army, grow, develop and train mainly in the fresh air. Therefore, the goal of Austrian breeders is to breed a true service dog. Austrian Rottweilers have a working type of build. They are shorter in stature than classic German Rottweilers, are well developed physically and do not have excess subcutaneous fat.

Rottweilers have been living in Norway for a long time. The Norwegian Club of Rottweiler Fans was opened in 1933, but the first representative of the breed was officially registered earlier - in 1919.

When breeding Rottweilers, breeders encountered a problem such as osteochondrosis of the elbow joint in dogs. After all, Norwegian Rottweilers have a heavy build and longer limbs than is accepted by the FCI standard. Therefore, all dogs brought from Norway are checked for the presence of this disease.

The Italian specialized club for Rottweiler lovers, which opened in 1979, does not issue pedigrees for its dogs. And in the Italian breeding line there are no rules. Because of this, puppies are sometimes born with defects.

For example, many Italian representatives of the breed have disproportionately large heads, small muzzles, shortened bodies, and slightly curved front legs. It turns out to be a sort of mini Rottweiler.

Such dogs do not fit the generally accepted standard at all and are not considered purebred representatives of the breed. But many people prefer to buy just such dwarf dogs, often not realizing what responsibility they are taking on. But more on that later.

Deviations from standard norms can occur in any breeding line, regardless of country. Let's take a closer look.


There are no species or subspecies. However, the popularity and widespread distribution of the breed around the world have added local flavor to national standards. Here is a list of the main varieties:

  • German standard. This is a classic model Rottweiler.
  • English standard. Based on Germanic. It has a calm character and excellent protective qualities.
  • American standard. These are large dogs that are far from friendly in nature. Breeders were able to obtain the ideal animal for guard duty.

Further in the photo you can see representatives of this breed of dogs, including small Rottweilers.

Are ears cropped?

Rottweilers with cropped ears are a real rarity.

For this breed, such operations are almost never carried out. An exception may be ear lesions.

According to the standard, the ears of Rottweilers should be hanging and close to the muzzle.


Let's look at what kind of mixed breeds exist and see in the photo what a cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd looks like, a mixture with a Labrador and other dog breeds.

German Shepherd mix

Malchover is a cross between a German and a Rottweiler. A muscular, calm, loyal, intelligent and self-confident dog has become a good friend to man. The weight of a large dog is 50 kg. He inherited the color from the Rottweiler, and the muzzle and ears from the German.

Metis has the following advantages:

  • good intelligence;
  • excellent watchdog qualities;
  • easy to learn;
  • devotion;
  • Ability to remain calm in emergency situations.

With Labrador

The mixed breed is called a labra-rotweil. This complex canine artifact inherited good intelligence, conformation and temperament from its parents. Dogs are little known to people, because obtaining an ideal heir can be achieved after long and painstaking work.

With a pit bull

This mestizo was called a pit bull terrier. The dog is different:

  • increased endurance;
  • energy;
  • fearlessness.

The color can be anything from solid black to black with brindle markings. The coat is smooth, short and shiny. The chest is wide and massive. The legs are of medium length and muscular.

The mixed breed is slightly smaller in size than a purebred Rottweiler. The weight of an adult is 30-40 kg.

Staffordshire Terrier

This is a cross between a Stafford and a Rottweiler. The dog has the following features:

  • the dog is large in size and has well-developed muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calm character;
  • loves to communicate with the owner and other dogs.

There are aggressive individuals who inherited a malicious character from their parents, were raised that way, or were kept in harsh conditions. For training to be productive, the owner should be patient and remember consistency.

Mongrel mix

The mestizo “nobleman” is not distinguished by his impeccable character. Requires increased attention and love from the owner. The dog's owners claim that it is difficult to train, and its most important trait is arrogance.

The dog has good intelligence. He can easily open any door, understands people, and gets along with other pets. Despite their attractive appearance and pretty face, dogs of this breed do not participate in exhibitions.

Other famous hybrids

There are several other breeds obtained by crossing the Rottweiler and other dogs. Here are some unique unions:

  1. Doberman and Rottweiler. Metis took all the traits from both breeds. This is a stately dog ​​with a strong character, courage and endurance. Usually the color is black with red tan.
  2. Husky and Rottweiler. The dog has a friendly character and affability. He chooses one master from the whole family, and obeys only him. The large dog reaches a height of 60 cm. The color can be pure black, or mixed with the colors of the husky’s parent.
  3. Alabai and Rottweiler. Metis reacts aggressively to unfamiliar people. However, he will always protect and love his family. The dog is large and can weigh up to 100 kg.

Maintenance in an apartment, private house and on the street

The Rottweiler dog is quite large and will need a lot of space to live. It will be extremely difficult to keep such a breed in small apartments. The socialization and development of the dog in such conditions can be inhibited. The animal must have its own place to sleep, feed and toilet. It is better to choose a secluded place to relax. When living in an apartment, do not forget about fresh air; your pet needs to be walked daily to give it a burst of energy.

The ideal living option for this breed is a private home. In this case, you need to worry about a high and strong fence, as well as a tightly closing gate. The Rottweiler dog breed can mistake any passerby for a direct threat, and it can easily jump over a low fence and bite a person.

The Rottweiler dog breed cannot walk outside constantly. In this case, she must stay in the house to rest, or a booth or enclosure must be built for her.

Important! You should not keep your pet on a chain; its psyche may suffer from this.

Comparison with other dogs by qualities

German Shepherd

Shepherds and Rottweilers are loyal, strong, hardy creatures. They cope well with assigned tasks, protect and guard their territory. But the German is calmer and friendlier, which cannot be said about the Rottweiler.

Cane Corso

Here the Rottweiler serves as a guard, and the Cane Corso acts as a bodyguard. The second breed has its disadvantages: it sheds for a long time and secretes excessive saliva.

Both breeds have similar personalities. But the Cane Corso requires an active lifestyle, so it is important to provide him with regular exercise.


The differences lie in behavior and tendency to train:

  • The pit bull is a vigilant protector, guardian, and an excellent companion. He easily adapts to a new family and tries in every possible way to please his owner. Protects other pets. For example, a dog will distract a person while the cat steals treats from the table.
  • The Rottweiler demands to be treated as a full member of the family. However, he will only be affectionate with a kind and intelligent owner. This breed should not be underestimated. The Rottweiler can easily trick a person into not following any commands.


The Staffordshire Terrier has a softer and more flexible character, which cannot be noted in the Rottweiler. Both breeds are easy to train, get along well with people, are strong and resilient. They equally love to be lazy: they prefer to sleep or relax most of the time.

Ca de bou

The Spanish Mastiff differs from the Rottweiler in the following features:

  • Despite its formidable appearance, the dog is unusually sensitive and kind. Patient with children, cats and other dogs.
  • Calmly assesses the situation, reacts quickly in emergency situations, and thinks logically.
  • The dog is active and loves sports. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep him in his apartment. Otherwise, it will damage the furniture and equipment.


The Labrador is not considered a fighting breed.
He is very kind and affectionate. The dog can play the role of a hunter, athlete, guide and detective. The animal does not behave maliciously or aggressively. The soft grip of the jaws will not harm the opponent in any way. If you put a Rottweiler against a Labrador, the first one will be stronger. When choosing between a Labrador and a Rottweiler, it is important to evaluate the purpose of the purchase. If a person spends all his time at work, then it is better to choose the first breed. The Rottweiler will only obey a more attentive, strong and strict owner.

The Rottweiler is an intelligent and unpredictable dog. It is difficult to predict how a dog will grow up without special training. A person must not forget that timely and professional training will result in a kind, obedient, devoted ward.

About the Rottweiler breed

The Rottweiler is a breed that has a lot of rumors surrounding it. Some will say that these dogs are uncontrollable, but most owners say that Rottweilers become reliable friends and guards. The breed standard has changed several times over the past century alone; the requirements regarding pigmentation, movements, and eye color of dogs have been constantly clarified. The modern Rottweiler has a height at the withers of 60-66 centimeters; it belongs to the Molosser group. The character is friendly, obedient, efficient, but at the same time fearless. The dog has a medium-length skull, with a moderate convexity in the forehead area and a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The nose is straight, with a wide black lobe and large nostrils. The lips fit tightly, the gums are darkly pigmented. The jaws are strong, the bite is full-toothed. The Rottweiler's eyes are almond-shaped, medium-sized, with well-fitting eyelids, eye color is dark brown. The ears are hanging, triangular in shape, set high.

photo: Rottweiler standing

The dog's neck is muscular, powerful, of medium length, without dewlap or hanging folds of skin on the throat. The back is strong, the loin is short but powerful. The croup is wide, the chest is deep, the tail is docked short (up to 1-2 vertebrae), there are countries in which docking is prohibited, so the tail remains of natural length. The dog's limbs are straight, with well-fitting shoulders, powerful pasterns and rounded paws with black nails and hard pads. Rottweilers move at a trot, their back should remain almost motionless, and their movements should be strong and confident.

If the dog is alert, the skin on the forehead may form slight waves. The coat is straight, there is an undercoat and outer hair. The coat is coarse-textured, of medium length, with the coat slightly longer on the hind legs. The color should be black with red-brown markings on the face, cheeks, chest, limbs, at the base of the tail and under the eyes. Deviations from the standard are considered to be a violation of color, long legs of the dog, underdeveloped muscles or bones, and the presence in the appearance of pronounced features of a greyhound dog. A dog is disqualified if it has poorly developed sexual characteristics, cowardly or overly nervous behavior, odd eyes or yellow eyes, malocclusion, missing teeth, or too long and wavy hair.

photo: Rottweiler is a large breed of dog

Main color

The main color of the Rottweiler is black. Its name is tan.

Tan spots have clearly defined boundaries and are located in certain places:

  • On the head in the area of ​​the cheeks and eyebrows.
  • Under the larynx.
  • In the chest area.
  • On shoulders.
  • On the inner thighs.
  • In the anal area.
  • At the bottom of the paws.

Rottweiler character

Rottweilers are a very efficient and hardy breed; they are excellent defenders and guards, but they are, as a rule, loyal to only one owner. These dogs are very popular, they have a pronounced guard instinct, they are fearless and courageous, and sometimes these very qualities can be used for evil. It is not for nothing that during dog fights, many owners exhibited Rottweilers, knowing their temperament. The Rottweiler is not the best choice for beginners; you need to know that the leniency that is present when raising a small terrier is completely unacceptable when training such a large dog.

Rottweilers need to be socialized as early as possible, as untrained individuals can pose a threat. At 7-10 months, the dog’s character is formed, it is at this moment that the owner must direct the pet’s behavior in the right direction in order to avoid problems - eliminate excessive aggression towards other people’s dogs, teach them to treat all family members well. As for the attitude of Rottweilers, knowingly with good upbringing they will not harm children, but such a large dog is too strong to participate in children's games, so it is desirable that the children are already grown up, and the size of the living space allows the Rottweiler to lead an active lifestyle.


Why do Rottweilers have their tail docked? In earlier times, representatives of the breed performed a number of functions. This included not only guarding and shepherding skills. Unfortunately, these dogs did not escape the fate of the fighting.

And so that the dog was least vulnerable, its tail was docked. Now, according to many breeders and owners, this is completely unnecessary. The Rottweiler with a tail is supposedly more intelligent than its tailless counterpart. The idea that the presence of intelligence depends on the length of the tail seems strange.

Okay, we digress. Let's talk about the dog's character.

Do you have a Rottweiler puppy in your home? This is great, the breed is wonderful. If you raise a dog correctly, you will get a faithful friend. Have you ever owned large dogs and don’t know how to raise them? No problem, seek help from a professional dog handler.

In general, the Rottweiler is a dog that needs to be raised under competent supervision. Because it is impossible to make mistakes in its upbringing, due to the nature of the breed, then these mistakes are almost impossible to correct.

The main advantages of Rottweilers:

  1. Devotion to the owner.
  2. Affectionate attitude towards your own people.
  3. Well developed security qualities.
  4. Smartness.
  5. Curiosity.
  6. Physical endurance.
  7. Easy adaptability to different conditions.
  8. Courage.

Representatives of the breed are very smart. They quickly figure out how to act. And if the owner seems too soft to the dog, the pet will immediately sit on his neck.

Animals are wary of strangers. With proper training, these dogs are able to tolerate the presence of a stranger on their territory. If he does not show excessive activity, trying to make friends with the guard dog. If something happens, a representative of the breed is able to put a stranger in his place.

There is an opinion that a Rottweiler with a tail (as well as without a tail) is an excellent nanny. This is wrong. If a dog is patient with children, this does not mean that he is eager to be a nanny. You should not allow a child to bother your pet, much less treat it roughly.

From the history of the Rottweiler breed

The birthplace of modern Rottweilers (or as they are also called Rottweiler Metzgerhund) is Germany. It is believed that the ancestors of these dogs are ancient mastiffs, which were taken to hunt wild boars. Other scientists believe that Molossian Great Danes also played an important role in the formation of the breed.

Roman paintings and mosaics dating back to 180 AD showed images of dogs very similar to Rottweilers. It is likely that the ancestors of the Rottweiler came to Europe with the Roman legions. This breed is quite old: according to preliminary estimates, it is more than 2 thousand years old. Information about the ancestors of Rottweilers is inaccurate and contradictory; initially they were used to guard cattle; later, Rottweilers began to be used by livestock traders and butchers to protect property, for which this animal was given the nickname “butcher’s dog.” Many owners trusted their pets so much that before going to the tavern to celebrate a successful deal, they put a purse with gold coins around the dog’s neck - and not a single brave man dared to covet the tightly stuffed purse, knowing about the strength and fighting qualities of the animals.

photo: Rottweiler - a breed from Germany

The name of the breed was given in honor of the city in southern Germany - Rottweil, where livestock was often traded. Dogs harnessed to a cart could transport goods and guard them. The final formation of the breed occurred in the 19th-20th century, the standard was rewritten several times. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Rottweiler was unknown anywhere except Germany; in the 30s, dogs were brought to Great Britain, Austria, America, and Switzerland. The breed received official recognition in the USA in 1935, in the UK a year later, and now there are kennels for these dogs in many countries.

Interesting facts about Rottweilers:

  • The first club for fans of this breed was created in Germany in 1901;
  • During the First World War, when other countries did not even know about the existence of this breed, Rottweilers were already successfully serving in the German army;
  • Modern dog experts believe that the Rottweiler's ancestors included Bavarian herd dogs and Italian Molossians;
  • These dogs can be guard dogs, bodyguards, companions, serve in the police and army;
  • The lifespan of Rottweilers is 9-11 years.

How long does a Rottweiler live?

The lifespan of a Rottweiler directly depends on the living conditions. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by good health, but, like other animals, they are not immune to ailments:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • eye diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • kidney diseases.

To reduce the risk of developing diseases to a minimum, you should not skip annual preventive examinations with a doctor, scheduled vaccinations, you need to regularly carry out deworming and treatment against parasitic insects.

Surrounded by care and attention, Rottweilers at home live 10-12, sometimes up to 14 years.


The average lifespan of a Rottweiler ranges from 8 to 10 years. The breed sacrificed its “former longevity”, paying tribute to fashion and chaotic breeding. In addition to the loss of 3-5 years of life, the four-legged animals acquired another disadvantage - a number of breed ailments. By the way, many typical diseases make themselves felt in old age, and this is another reason for the reduction in the overall lifespan. The Rottweiler owner needs to become familiar with the symptoms, course scenarios and methods of treatment for the following diseases:

  • Joint dysplasia is a diagnosis that describes a condition in which the joints are modified. The reason is physical abrasion of the joint, and then bone tissue. Typically, such changes occur against the background of an age-related slowdown in metabolism, and they affect (primarily) the elbow and hip joints.
  • A sprain or rupture (gonarthrosis) of the knee (cruciate) ligaments is an injury that can haunt a dog throughout life, that is, it is repeated when a certain load is taken. As a preventative measure, ligaments are strengthened by training from puppyhood, and the load is strictly rationed.
  • Osteochondrosis is a complex concept indicating a disorder in the joint tissues. There can be many causes and forms of development; the disease can affect different joints.
  • Osteosarcoma is cancer of bone tissue.
  • Retinal dysplasia is a change in the structure of retinal cells due to metabolic disorders. Most often the disease manifests itself in old age.
  • Retinal atrophy is the degeneration of retinal cells due to disruption of their nutrition. The disease can develop at any age.
  • Cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye. Considered an age-related disease, it can be sluggish and acute, affecting one or both eyes.
  • Entropion of the eyelids (entropion ) is far from a cosmetic problem. Due to the incorrect position of the eyelid, the mucous membrane of the eye is constantly injured by the eyelashes, which leads to redness, pain and ultimately to retinal atrophy.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a hormonal disorder associated with the body's inability to utilize glucose. As in humans, the disease occurs when there is a lack of insulin.
  • Metabolic disorders - most often, a slowdown in metabolism, leading to problems with excess weight.

In addition to the above ailments, representatives of the breed experience neurological disorders that lead to atrophy of muscle sensitivity. With poor nutrition and in old age, problems with the genitourinary system often arise. Rottweilers are prone to overheating and sunstroke. Various skin diseases and benign neoplasms under the skin (bumps) are often encountered.

How to give a nickname to a Rottweiler?

When choosing a name for your Rottweiler, you should take into account the origin and personality of the dog. Agree, calling a 45-kilogram giant Buttercup or Fifa is at least ridiculous. Since the homeland of Rottweilers is Germany, it makes sense to pay attention to the German nicknames - Adele, Ada, Gretel, Edel, Frau for a girl, and Dustin, Lord, Ziggy, Oscar - for a boy. You can name a Rottweiler with a short but sonorous name, for example, for bitches the names Trudy, Desi, Darla, Astrid, Gabi, Gerta, Dora, Betty, Daphne, Lanie, Hera and others are suitable. For males: Flint, Caesar, Tank, Aldo, Blitz, Garrett, Roxy, Colin, Prince, Argos and others.

How to choose a puppy?

  • Males - from 61 to 68 cm.
  • Females - from 56 to 63 cm.

The average weight of a male is 50 kg, and that of a female is 42 kg.

If you have already decided to buy a Rottweiler, then it is best to purchase a puppy from a kennel, with documents about its origin.

This will guarantee that the baby is not a mixed breed and that he will have a typical exterior for the breed, unless, of course, we are talking about a dog with a non-standard color.

But even for such a puppy, the breeder must issue a certificate, however, it must contain a note about the breeding.

The baby himself should be quite active and moderately inquisitive. Both manifestations of aggression towards people and excessive affection are undesirable: such a puppy will never grow into a reliable guard.

A healthy and properly raised puppy does not have even the slightest signs of ill health, and he himself looks well-fed, but not overfed.

The size of a dog plays a big role when it comes to assessing how dangerous it can be. Of course, a small decorative dog can cause much less serious damage compared to a breed that weighs 40 kg. The Rottweiler belongs to the Molosser category, which includes large dogs with well-developed muscles.

When choosing a puppy, you need to consider the level of experience of the breeder. For example, if he is inexperienced, it is better to choose a female puppy, since, as practice shows, the character of Rottweiler females is softer than that of males. In addition, they can be taught the necessary commands faster. However, when choosing, it is worth considering the fact that females of this breed do not tolerate other females near them.

Males, on the other hand, have a more presentable appearance, but their mentor should be a man who is ready not only for an easy-going character, but also for the need to adjust behavior. You need to adopt a puppy no later than 2-3 months of age. At 2 months, puppies already have their first experience of socialization, until they show stubbornness and learn better. The age of the bitch who gave birth to a puppy should not be less than 2 years and more than 8 years.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the puppy’s activity level, its neatness and color. At the same time, you need to choose the baby whose tan marks are darker, because after the first molt, his fur coat may lighten. As practice shows, puppies with darker colors grow into more resilient and strong dogs.

When examining, you need to pay attention to the puppy’s belly to rule out the possibility of an umbilical hernia. All dewclaws of purebred puppies are docked. If a puppy is overly aggressive, this is a defect and you should not buy such a dog. When purchasing, you can test the puppy by ringing the bell or clapping your hands: a cowardly baby will run away, while a curious and confident one will become interested.

For example, this is a pedigree with several generations of ancestors, exhibition prospects, conformity to the exterior, and the presence of titles from the parents. The low price will be for dogs with defects, which they usually try to sell to inexperienced buyers. The cost of a good baby that can be used for breeding in a professional nursery will be about 30,000 rubles.

Deviations from the standard

Standard sizes

The FCI standard states that the height of male Rottweilers varies from 61 to 68 centimeters, and the height of females varies from 56 to 63 centimeters. According to these parameters, it is customary to distinguish dogs of this breed according to the following sizes:


  • small – 61-62 centimeters;
  • average – 63-64 centimeters;
  • large (optimal size) – 65-66 centimeters;
  • very large - 67-68 centimeters.


  • small – 56-57 centimeters;
  • average – 58-59 centimeters;
  • large (optimal size) – 60-61 centimeters;
  • very large - 62-63 centimeters.

Dogs that meet standard parameters have a good chance of receiving top marks at shows and giving birth to healthy puppies.

Reasons for deviations

Sometimes dogs are born whose sizes are much smaller than even the small standard ones. The small Rottweiler is not a breed variety, but a consequence of serious abnormalities. They appear due to mistakes in breeding purebred dogs, hereditary diseases or birth injuries. Sometimes these puppies are born because their mother did not eat well during pregnancy or while nursing.

There are cases when unscrupulous breeders, in order to make a profit, attract potential buyers with advertisements for the sale of supposedly mini representatives of the breed. They deliberately breed Rottweilers with much smaller sizes, without warning about the complications that the owner of such a dog may encounter.

Possible problems

When buying a mini Rottweiler, you will have to come to terms with many problems that such dogs are sure to bring. Dwarf animals usually do not live long. And not only because of genetic predisposition.

Such individuals have a weakened immune system, so they are susceptible to frequent diseases. Such dogs can even die from anesthesia, which may have to be used in the treatment of one of the diseases. Their bones are very fragile and often break. The owners will have to constantly look after their mini pet.

Owners of small dogs will have to come to terms with the fact that their pets will never participate in exhibitions or breeding. It is generally better to castrate or sterilize such animals. Especially bitches. Their body may not be able to withstand the load that pregnancy brings.

Small dogs usually have impaired functioning of the nervous system. You should not expect the usual calmness that standard dogs of this breed possess from mini Rottweilers. After all, dwarf dogs do not adapt well to the world around them and are subject to constant stress. Therefore, such children are often mentally disturbed and have an evil character.

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Rules for caring for a Rottweiler

Even though Rottweilers are a short-haired breed, their coat needs to be thoroughly brushed. It is advisable to do this daily during or after a walk using a special mitten. If you find scratches or wounds on your dog’s body, you must treat them with peroxide or iodine. There is no need to bathe Rottweilers often; after a walk, an animal living in an apartment just needs to wash and dry its paws. It is worth knowing that Rottweilers do not tolerate heat very well; if the house is hot, the dog will begin to shed.

Regularly trim your dog's nails and clean their ears with a special solution and a cotton swab. Particular attention should be paid to your pet’s teeth – yellow plaque often appears on them; this can be removed with tooth powder; also make sure that your Rottweiler’s diet includes solid food that he can use to remove plaque. The food should be plentiful and fresh, at first the diet is prepared by a specialist, so it is advisable to stick to it and give the dog mineral and vitamin supplements.

If the Rottweiler is kept in an enclosure, it is enough to simply take it out for a long walk once a day; dogs living in an apartment need significant physical activity. It is worth remembering that training should be done by a strong-willed and strong person; training begins when the puppy is several months old; hard and constant loads are given when the Rottweiler is 7-8 months old.

photo: Rottweiler is a dog that requires training!

Pros and cons of the breed

  • Loyal to its owner.
  • Very smart and quick-witted.
  • It is distinguished by great physical strength and endurance.
  • Representatives of this breed are among the best guard dogs in the world.
  • He does not require complex care.
  • This dog is suitable for both rural areas and the city.
  • If raised correctly, the Rottweiler can become a very good companion for children.
  • With timely socialization, it gets along peacefully with other animals.
  • Needs professional training.
  • The owner of such a dog can only be a physically strong person.
  • Rottweilers learn somewhat more slowly than most other dogs.
  • Not suitable for keeping in small apartments.
  • Due to rapid growth and weight gain, health problems may begin during puppyhood.

If raised incorrectly, the Rottweiler can take the place of the “leader of the pack” in the family, which is fraught with the most serious consequences.

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Short description

The Rottweiler is a short-haired dog of medium to large height that belongs to the Molosser group.

These are smart and quick-witted animals, distinguished by their powerful build and strong character..

Strong bones, well-developed muscles and proportional build make Rottweilers strong, hardy and at the same time agile.

Loyal to their owners and distrustful of strangers, these dogs are equally excellent both in guard service and as bodyguards.

At home, Rottweilers are calm and friendly towards their owner and his family members..

The Rottweiler is a breed that is strongly focused on its owner, whom he, as a rule, chooses for himself. The dog treats all other family members neutrally or patronizingly.

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