In international breed standards, there is no division of Yorkshire Terrier dogs according to their sizes: standard, mini and micro. But at the layman’s level, terriers are divided into three sizes, each of which has its own distinctive features and specific characteristics. If you are thinking about getting this breed, you will be interested to know the difference between a Mini Yorkie and a Standard Yorkie.
In our material, we will look at the main similarities and differences between these subspecies, talk about the features of keeping mini-sized pets, and learn how to distinguish standard dogs of this breed from their reduced-sized relatives. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of a Yorkshire Terrier pet.
Micro York
Accepted Standards
Before moving on to the characteristics of the various subspecies, it is necessary to identify the main standards inherent in ordinary Yorkshire terriers
- on the body the coat is shiny, has a dark silver or silver-gray tint and a silky structure, not very fluffy, of medium length. On the head, the coat has a rich golden-red color, which becomes more intense on the sides of the head and at the base of the muzzle, and on the chest and paws the coat color is lighter;
- The ears are neat, small and erect. Dogs with floppy ears are considered a defect;
- the paws are heavily covered with hair, and in the area of the ears there is a shorter layer that has a rich red-brown tint;
- in the area of the tail, the hair grows abundantly, has a slightly blue color, but a darker color than on the rest of the body - this is especially true for the area at the very tip of the tail;
Yorkies are distinguished by a strong musculoskeletal system, which simplifies the maintenance of the animal - you do not need to closely monitor it. At the same time, this breed does not have specific diseases, which is also considered a positive feature - the owners of the animal will not often encounter treatment.
Dog character
Deviations from the standard are common. If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions with your pets, then small flaws in the color should not worry you.
Spitz mix
One of the most common mixes of Yorkshire terriers are those obtained as a result of mating with Spitz dogs.
Both of these breeds are indoor decorative and have a lot of positive qualities, among which they especially highlight:
- friendliness;
- intelligence and intelligence;
- devotion;
- cheerful disposition;
- ability to learn;
- lack of aggression;
- the ability to capture the owner’s emotions, empathy.
In addition, both Yorkies and Spitz dogs are famous for their beautiful exterior.
Puppies born from such a union take the best qualities from their parents - they inherit the most attractive features of appearance and health. The risk of developing genetic diseases in such dogs is minimal, and experienced breeders claim that mixed breeds have better health and a high survival rate.
As adults, Yorkie and Spitz mixes are small and, less often, medium in size. This is the only thing you can count on in advance, because... the rest of the appearance is impossible to predict - the length, structure, color of the coat can be anything, each puppy has a unique set of characteristics.
The future character of the puppy also cannot be predicted, however, all the shortcomings that may appear in the dog as it grows and develops can be easily corrected during the training process.
Who to choose when buying: a boy or a girl
Before choosing the gender of your pet, it is important to decide on the purpose of purchasing the dog. Who exactly do they want in the house - a brave companion or a plush affectionate toy?
Initial tips
If you want to choose a less troublesome pet, then the gender of the dog does not play a special role. It is much more important how the dog is raised. Both girls and boys can be troublesome.
Important! The character of a Yorkie is formed in childhood and partly depends on upbringing and daily routine.
Pros of a bitch
The character of a Yorkie girl is more passive and docile. They are loving and open. Compared to other breeds, Yorkshire bitches are very clean when in heat.
Cons of a bitch
If a Yorkie girl was not adopted for the purpose of breeding and producing offspring, periodic estrus can cause inconvenience for the owners.
Pros of a male dog
Males are more cheerful and curious. They are active and love to play and run. Boys easily learn to go to the toilet in a diaper and do not mark the territory of their home on the walls.
Cons of a male dog
Males have more pronounced character and hunting instincts. On the street or in the house, boys can show aggression towards strangers and even bite.
Nickname options
After purchasing a puppy, you will have to worry not only about organizing its place, but also choose a suitable nickname in advance. The easiest way is to choose a name for a boy, but with a nickname for a girl things are much more complicated. Since you can think about dog names for a long time, you should follow the main principles by which they are given to mini terriers. Since the homeland of dogs of this breed is England, it is customary for girls to be given names such as Jessie, Bertha, Vicky, Vesta, Yukki, Baby, Danielle. For girls with a serious character, such spectacular bright names as:
- Kristen;
- Audi;
- Cherry;
- Chanel;
- Guerlain.
If you wish, you can give the dog a funny nickname, but you should not overdo it with a sense of humor. Names such as Lyalka, Klyaksa, Duska and Lelka are suitable for a playful and friendly girl. It is not recommended to name Mini Yorkies with names intended for large dogs. For example, the nicknames Ulla, Laima and Linda are more consistent with large German shepherds and are in no way suitable for a tiny Yorkie.
For more information about the Yorkshire Terrier breed, see the following video.
Mini Yorkies live from 12 to 16 years. Some individuals have a life expectancy of 7 to 9 years, as they are not in such good health as large dogs. Miniature Yorkies have fairly fragile bones that can break even when jumping off the couch. Often, owners of dwarf dogs go to clinics with dislocations in their pets.
Yorkies live up to 16 years
In order for a pet to live a long time and not get sick, the owner must regularly take it for vaccinations. The Yorkshire Terrier must be vaccinated against the following diseases:
- hepatitis, enteritis;
- plague;
- rabies.
For your information! Dogs can be carriers of dangerous infections. Vaccinations will help protect not only the puppy, but also its owners from such a terrible disease as rabies.
After buying a mini puppy, you need to constantly look at your step, otherwise there is a risk of not noticing the pet and simply crushing it.
Yorkshire Terrier Standard according to RKF
The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard is a list of external and behavioral criteria of a purebred pet that distinguishes it from representatives of other breeds.
What is the Yorkshire Terrier standard?
The Yorkshire Terrier standard includes the structure of the skeleton and muscles, the proportions of the head and body, the structural and color characteristics of the coat, the pigmentation of mucous surfaces, and temperament.
The characteristics of the breed were approved by the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) in November 2011. The Yorkie is a long-haired terrier with straight hair.
According to the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), Yorkies are included in:
- group 3 – “Terriers”;
- section 4 – “Toy Terriers”;
- category by purpose – “Companion Dogs”.
General form
Despite its miniature size, the Yorkshire Terrier is quite strong and wiry by standard.
The scruff and croup should run in one line, creating a square build. The length, measured from the shoulder girdle to the base of the tail, should not exceed the height of the forelimbs. A show Yorkshire Terrier should have such a structure; a description of the breed is given in detail below.
Small, with a pronounced angle between the bridge of the nose and the forehead. The skull is flattened, without protrusions.
Muzzle and jaw
The muzzle is slightly elongated. The nose is small and black.
Scissor bite. The maxillary canines cover the lower ones. The mandibular incisors fit tightly behind the upper ones. This results in a strong seal.
Medium size, round. The eyeballs are not protruding. The surface is shiny, the iris is dark brown. The eyelids are edged in black. A curious, understanding look.
Not long, slightly curved, with developed muscles. The nape is pronounced.
The physique is harmonious. The muscles are developed, but without massiveness. The back is short, forming an even horizontal line. The figure is dignified, fit, graceful.
Strong, slender, evenly set. Protrusion of the elbow joints of the forelimbs is unacceptable. The hind limbs, when viewed from the side, are slightly curved, the knee and hock joints form a right angle. The paws are neat and rounded. The claws are black, slightly curved.
The main features of the breed are the structure of the coat and color. The hairs are thin, delicate, have a silky shine, and form curls similar to human ones. Waviness and curliness are unacceptable.
In untrimmed individuals, the parting runs straight along the spinal column from the crown of the skull to the tip of the tail. The strands fall to the floor.
The litter is born black and brown. When the cubs grow to 5-6 months of age, the blackness along the spine and sides of the body turns into a graphite color, and the brown tone on the face, chest, and limbs turns into golden beige.
Sometimes a genetic reversion occurs. The coat retains its puppy coloring: the top is rich black, the bottom is reddish-red. This type of terrier is called the red-legged.
Characteristics of Yorkies
The description of the breed is determined by the International Canine Federation. According to standards, the body weight of a Yorkshire Terrier should not be more than 3.1 kg. The minimum weight and size of a dog are not regulated. Yorkie's height doesn't matter either.
Useful article: Rules for feeding Yorkies at home
The remaining characteristics of the Yorkshire Terrier are presented in the table:
Part of the body | Description |
Head | Skull small, flat |
Muzzle | Small, short |
Eyes | Dark, non-convex |
Jaws | Even bite, the upper incisors sit tightly in front of the lower teeth |
Ears | Wide apart, triangular |
Undercoat | Absent |
Limbs | Straight, densely covered with hair |
Frame | Compact, short back |
Tail | To be docked to the middle |
Good to know: 3 ways to fit the ears of a Yorkshire Terrier
Character and appearance of the terrier
Dwarf representatives of the breed have a cheerful character. As puppies mature, they become balanced. Mini Yorkies do not have a hunting instinct. They get along well with children and pets.
Note! The difference between the Mini Yorkie and the classic representative of the breed is visible in character. Minis have a calmer disposition and are easier to toilet train.
Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features
Professional breeders of the breed distinguish three types of Yorkshire terriers:
- standard. The weight of an adult varies from 2 kg to 3 kg;
- mini. An adult dog weighs no more than 2 kg, most often 1.5 kg;
- micro. It is distinguished by its small size. An adult Yorkie weighs less than a cat, only 1.5 kg, some individuals grow to a maximum of 850 g.
Mini Yorkies have short muzzles. A miniature dog's nose is usually turned up. Breeders call this type of appearance baby face.
Appearance of the dog
Differences from regular Yorkies
The main difference between the mini and the breed standard is weight. The weight of an adult standard terrier can reach 3 kg. A miniature representative of the breed will not grow more than 1.3 kg.
Standard-sized Yorkies have a highly developed hunting instinct. Females give birth to offspring without complications during childbirth. Mini-Yorks have a difficult pregnancy period; some individuals are not even able to bear cubs.
For your information! Childbirth often ends with a caesarean section, after which the dog takes a long time to recover.
Yorkshire Terrier: care, maintenance, nutrition
Proper coat care is the key to a healthy dog. Yorkshire Terriers are unique due to their coat, which resembles human hair. This breed does not have an undercoat, so dogs can freeze in the cold season. You need to buy warm clothes for your baby; they can be found in specialized stores for dogs. You need to be prepared that keeping a pet costs a decent amount.
Clothing options
The dog needs to be bathed regularly, preferably once every week or two. After bathing the terrier, wrap it in a towel and dry it with a hairdryer. During walks, wool quickly gets dirty and loses its shine.
For your information! It is important to choose the right shampoo. Yorkies have sensitive skin and are often prone to allergies. There are special lines of shampoos for long-haired dogs. You can also buy a special spray that makes it easier to comb your pet.
To maintain a shiny, tangle-free coat, your Mini Yorkie must be brushed regularly. It is better to carry out this procedure once every two days. Once every two to three months, your pet should be given vitamins; they have a beneficial effect on the health and condition of the dog’s coat. You should first consult a veterinarian, he will select the appropriate drug.
An animal on the street can pick up ticks and other parasites, so the owner needs to treat the fur with special products against these pests once a month. Veterinarians do not recommend giving mini-Yorks modern tablets that protect against parasites. It is better to use drops that are applied to the animal’s withers and spine so that the product does not get into its mouth. The instructions detail how many drops you need to apply depending on the weight of your miniature Yorkie.
Origin of the breed
There are many legends about the origin of Yorkshire terriers. They allegedly caught rats in weaving factories, went underground with miners, and when it occurred to someone to wash and comb a working dog, Yorkies entered the salons of the nobility. Each version is nothing more than a beautiful story, each has the right to exist.
There is no reliable information about the ancestors of the breed, and there will never be any more due to the lack of any records. Moreover, the supposed ancestors of Yorkies have become extinct by our time - Paisley Terriers, Clydesdales. Skye terriers exist, but are extremely few in number.
Am I the Pied Piper? Are you sure you didn't mix anything up?
Modern Yorkshire Terriers were developed in Great Britain in the late 19th century. The breed received its name in 1886; previously, Yorkies were called “terrier from Scotland” or “dwarf long-haired terrier.” Most of the dogs that won at the exhibitions of that time came from the county of Yorkshire, which is why the breed was given this name. The first standard was adopted in 1898.
Beware, scammers
Some breeders may offer to purchase a so-called micro Yorkshire terrier. But micro dogs are a breeding match. Such animals weigh less than a kilogram, have a round head that is huge for their height and overly bulging eyes.
Micro Yorkshire Terriers suffer from dwarfism and often suffer from nervous system disorders. This is not the entire list of diseases that these super tiny creatures can suffer from.
Due to poor health, Micro Yorkshire Terriers live very short lives. Even if you try to extend their life, it will take a lot of time, effort and money.
Any owner should be on guard not to run into such unscrupulous breeders and their low-quality offers.
Which dogs do you prefer and why? Leave your comments, your opinion is very important to us.
What is the difference between a mini Yorkie and a standard Yorkie - similarities and differences
The main characteristic by which a Mini Yorkie can be distinguished from a standard one is the weight of the dog. We already said above that dogs weigh 1.6-2.2 kg. are considered “mini”, and “standards” start from 2.5 to 3.2 kg. But this is not the only distinguishing feature.
These two breed varieties can also be easily recognized by the structure of the skull and the shape of the animal’s muzzle. In individuals classified as the “standard” type, the muzzle has a classic shape; it cannot be called either shortened or elongated. In “mini” dogs, the muzzle resembles a doll’s or child’s face; it is shortened with a perky upturned nose.
Similarities between standard and mini Yorkies
If you do not take into account the difference in weight and size, as well as some differences in the shape of the skull and muzzle, then we can say that the Mini Yorkie is a smaller copy of the “standard”. They have similar exterior characteristics, the same character
These are friendly and sociable pets. In terms of health, small Yorkies also do not differ from standard dogs.
What is the difference between a mini Yorkie and a standard Yorkie?
Differences between Mini York and Standard
A conversation about the differences between standard and mini-Yorks must begin with dimensions: weight, height, body length. But this is not the only distinctive characteristic by which one can accurately determine whether a dog belongs to a particular species.
York "mini" and "standard" - the difference
- Mini Yorkies are called "baby faces". These dogs have a short muzzle and a funny upturned nose. The skull is different from that of standard sized animals. Because of this structure of the skull and the exterior of the dog’s muzzle, they look very cute. Dogs with a “tail” and a bow tied on their heads are especially adorable.
- Due to the special structure of the muzzle (short size), the eyes of mini-dogs look bulging. This is dangerous for the health of pets. The eyes of such pets may be more likely to be injured. A narrowed tear duct is a common cause of chronic conjunctivitis.
- The expression in the eyes of miniature dogs can be empty or stupid. The eyes of large terriers look lively and more emotional.
- Smaller skulls in mini pets cause breathing problems. Dogs snore during sleep and often make grunting sounds during walks and during active games, like other dogs of brachycephalic breeds.
- Baby-faces have smaller teeth, while standard ones have larger teeth. Earlier change of teeth is another distinctive feature of miniature dogs. Baby dogs have their teeth brushed every day, and their diet must contain mineral supplements with a high calcium content.
- Only standard Yorkies are allowed for exhibitions; baby-face dogs are adopted only as family pets and companions.
- Miniature bitches cannot carry offspring well and give birth to puppies on their own; they require obstetric care (caesarean section).
- Baby-face dogs are more timid than their standard counterparts. They require competent early socialization.
- Mini pets are suitable for going out and can be taken with you in a handbag.
- Small dogs are more susceptible to injury; they should not be allowed to jump from elevated surfaces: sofas, chairs, stairs.
- “Standards” are better adapted for life in families with preschool children. Having miniature pets in such families inevitably exposes the health of the dogs to the risk of accidental injury while playing with small family members.
- Standard terriers have a stronger hunter instinct. They are more passionate and self-confident. Such pets boldly bark at larger dogs, without fear of possible consequences.
- The lifespan of small Yorkies is 9 years; standard dogs can live up to 14-20 years.
Standard York
How to identify a baby-face pet
If you want to adopt a charming pet, a baby-face puppy, you need to be able to identify this sign.
In order not to make a mistake and choose a mini-York, you need to:
- Measure the distance from the tip of the dog's nose to the base of its muzzle. This will be the first dimension;
- then measure the length from the occipital protuberance to the tip of the nose. This will be the second dimension;
- after that, divide the first dimension by the second.
If these calculations result in a ratio of one to three, then this puppy is considered a baby face puppy.
Interesting Facts
- The Mini Yorkie girl is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in history. Silvia weighs only 113 grams with a height of 6.35 cm at the withers.
- From these dogs a new breed emerged - the Yorkshire Terrier Biewer. It differs from the standard Yorkie in its white wavy strands.
- Mini Terrier is the first dog to become a doctor. During World War II, Smokey the dog helped in hospitals and entertained soldiers.
- All individuals of the breed have a feature - reverse sneezing. The process sounds like lung spasms, but in reality this is how doggies clear their noses of dust, pollen, and debris.
- Yorkie puppies sleep most of the day (90%).
History of the breed
The first Yorkies appeared in the 17th century in England and since then the popularity of the breed has not decreased. They were originally working dogs: catching rats, detecting gas leaks and helping people.
Important! Over time, Yorkshire terriers found their way into the royal family and the breed began to be considered a status breed.
At the end of the 19th century, crossbreeding experiments began, and as a result, they managed to develop a dwarf version of the breed. Today the following standards have been established for dogs:
- micro up to 1.5 kg;
- mini up to 2 kg.
They also began to introduce standards for different subtypes. This is exactly how the baby face was identified - the “puppy” face. Not all breeders recognize this type, so not every kennel will have such puppies. The new type was created by accident. When the puppies were born, they did not look like typical representatives. Suddenly, the new species began to be in demand, so some breeders deliberately fixed it.
Features of standard Yorkshire terriers
Standard-sized Yorkshire Terriers are an ideal option for those owners who dream of showing their dogs at various exhibitions. Standard Yorkies are highly trainable and can even learn some circus tricks. Their thick, long hair allows them to create a variety of haircuts and “hairstyles.” Standard Yorkies get along well with children of any age and can even act as nannies. They are not as fragile as mini Yorkies, so they can jump from the sofa to the floor and back without any problems, which allows them to be more mobile and playful. With a standard Yorkie you can easily travel almost any distance.
Which Yorkie should you choose?
You should decide which type of Yorkie to choose based on the conditions that you can provide to the dog, as well as the expectations that you have for it. If you have small children in your home or plan to breed dogs, then you are better off purchasing a standard Yorkie. But remember that with age, a dog may gain a little weight, and, for example, older people, it will be difficult to carry it in their arms for a long time. Therefore, if you dream of a cute little dog who will accompany you everywhere, and to whom you are ready to give all your love and care, then you can opt for a Mini Yorkie. By the way, Beaver York is an excellent option.
Proper feeding
In order for a mini-pet to live long and please its owners, it is necessary to provide it with the right diet. There are two options:
- Feed your Yorkie natural food that you prepare yourself. In this case, you need to be prepared to cook porridge, meat and regularly give vitamins;
- feed the animal with prepared food. It is better to choose premium products. Some Yorkies have sensitive digestion. In this case, only special food is suitable, which can be purchased after consulting with a veterinarian.
There are two feeding options
Important! Mini Yorkshire Terriers are often allergic. It is necessary to find out what product this reaction occurs to and completely eliminate it from the animal’s diet.
Many dog breeders feed their Mini Yorkies natural food because the dog refused to eat all the ready-made food offered. You cannot give your pet food from your own table, even if his gaze looks pityingly at the owner and at his plate. The terrier must have its own menu. A miniature dog can:
- chicken, turkey meat (if there is no allergy to this product);
- porridge with water (buckwheat, oatmeal);
- vegetables (zucchini, cucumber, carrots, pumpkin, bell pepper). Food should be given in small portions. Cabbage is prohibited, it provokes bloating;
- fruits. Yorkies love apples, pears, and bananas. It is important not to overfeed your pet;
- cottage cheese.
Many owners, after purchasing a puppy, wonder how much food their dog needs. Breeders recommend feeding puppies four times a day in small portions and as the terrier matures, switching to three meals a day. Some give adult dogs food twice a day.
Note! The portion should be calculated based on the weight of the pet; for each kilogram you can give 1 tbsp. spoon. For those who feed their mini-dog with ready-made dog food, tables with feeding recommendations are printed on the packaging.
After eating, the bowl with leftover food should be removed. Your Yorkie should always have a bowl of fresh water within his reach.
Overview of all breeds of the terrier group
There are many breeds of dogs called terriers. They are divided according to external characteristics. According to the classification, there is a large, medium and small group.
Bull Terrier or Great Dane Terrier
Which terriers are the largest?
- Airedale Terrier - grows from 56 to 61 cm, with a weight of 18 to 29 kg. An energetic dog with an independent character, capable of making decisions on his own. Has an unkind attitude towards other animals and may become offended.
- The Black Russian Terrier is a large dog from Russia, originally intended as a guard dog, but can be used as a companion. Stalin's dog looks large, grows from 68 to 76 cm, with a body weight of 36-65 kg. Treats all family members well and can be stubborn. Good nature is combined with a desire to protect the owner and his children.
Important! A large terrier may need additional coat care and regular trimming. He cannot stand violence, tries to lead in the family, and does not like the second role. Red Airedale Terrier
The following dog breeds are included in the medium-sized terriers:
- The Bedlington Terrier is distinguished by its endurance, and has a bad attitude towards possible competitors for the owner’s love (other pets and children). Affectionate dogs behave warily around strangers. Purebred dogs weigh from 8 to 10 kg, height - from 37 to 44 cm.
- The Brazilian Terrier is an active pet that needs training and frequent walking. Loyal only to the owner, friendly. His love for barking for no reason makes him an inconvenient resident in apartment buildings.
- The Welsh Terrier is a type of terrier dog designed for hunting badgers, foxes and rodents. The stubborn and wayward character is compensated by energy and lack of aggression towards people.
- The Irish Terrier is a versatile type, used as a companion, hunter or working dog. A lively mind, energy and endurance are combined with good nature and devotion. Despite its affectionate nature, the dog is capable of giving a worthy rebuff. Average height is from 46 to 48 cm, body weight is from 11.5 to 12 kg.
- Kerry Blue Terrier - bred to hunt small birds and guard herds. Today it is used as a companion, pet and exhibitor. The dog is attached to its owner, but is hostile towards its relatives. Her playful and caring nature helps her interact with children. It grows from 44 to 48 cm and requires regular trimming.
- The Lakeland Terrier is known for its narrow body, which helps it penetrate burrows. He has a difficult temperament and requires early socialization. Suitable for active people. Average height is from 34.5 to 37 cm.
- The German Terrier or Jagdterrier is a hunting breed, reserved and rarely showing its feelings. Brave and fearless dogs can suffer while hunting large animals. Height does not exceed 30-40 cm.
- The Fox Terrier is smooth-haired and wire-haired - both representatives differ only in the characteristics of the coat, otherwise the standard is identical. They grow up to 34-40 cm and are known for their friendliness and sociability. Children are allowed everything and love energetic games. Proud and proud dogs have high speed and originally took part in fox hunting. Can be used as companions or decorative dogs.
Important! Medium-sized dogs get along well both in an ordinary apartment and in a private house. Gray Kerry Blue Terrier
Little ones
Small types of terriers are characterized by intelligence, playfulness, sociability and good learning ability. Most dogs are used as a companion, and their funny appearance can lift the mood and add optimism to their owner.
The list of small terrier varieties includes:
- Australian Terrier - does not exceed 25 cm, has a solid build. He has an attentive, serious and courageous disposition. Playfulness and balance help to get along well with younger family members. Easy to train, loyal to the owner.
- Jack Russell Terrier is divided into three subspecies due to its coat: long, short or hard. The dog combines assertiveness and energy, it takes part in the pursuit of game, and can be used for burrow hunting. Despite his goodwill and cheerful disposition, he calmly guards the house and surrounding area.
- Scottish Terrier - average height does not exceed 25 cm, the dog was bred in England. He is characterized by a serious attitude towards his duties and a calm disposition. Dogs are devoted to family, but do not treat strangers well.
Important! Regardless of where they live, in urban or rural areas, pets require full training. Brown shorthaired toy terrier
History of the origin of the species
Yorkshire terriers appeared not so long ago, in the 18th and 19th centuries. There is no clear answer to the question of who developed the breed and why. There are several hypotheses. According to one of them, the first ancestors of modern Yorkies were bred by mine workers in West Riding so that the dogs could catch rats and find accumulations of gases. Since these terriers were miniature, they were easily carried in a jacket and work clothes to circumvent the ban on the presence of various animals in the mines.
Active urbanization and industrialization contributed to the appearance of such dogs in the city. All farm small pets were called “Scottish terriers”; a little later, active selection and division of breeds began. So the ancestors of York can be considered:
- Clydaysdale Terriers;
- Paisley Terriers;
- Cairo Terriers;
- Skye Terriers.
Of all the breeds, only one became officially registered - the Skye Terrier, while the rest remained only the unofficial progenitors of the Yorkshire Terrier.
Experts believe that the Maltese dog was involved in the selection process, thanks to which modern Yorkies have soft, silky wool.
The “father” of the breed is a pet named Hudersfield Ben, born in 1865 in the house of the landowner Estwood. The dog's appearance and character made it famous far beyond the city limits. And after 2 years it was bought by Mrs. Foster for a huge sum. Ben became the star of many exhibitions and show programs, leaving offspring that can even now be traced in the stud books of famous nurseries. In total, Hudersfield has 74 awards, although in appearance he did not look like modern Yorkies and weighed almost 7 kilograms.
Dogs were recognized in 1886, and in 1898 the first breed club was organized. The breed came to the USA earlier and received recognition from the American Kennel Club in 1874.
Interest in Yorkshire terriers grew after World War II, when the exploits of one of the representatives of the breed, the dog Smokey, became known. She went through the war with her owner: she flew with him on a combat plane, jumped with a parachute and saved his life twice. According to archives, this dog participated in 12 operations, for which it was awarded stars for service. After the war, Smokey became famous in the media. Now there are about 6 monuments erected in her honor.
Now Yorkies, according to statistics for 2011, occupy 2nd place in popularity among all breeds. Labrador retrievers remain in first place.
What to feed
Representatives of this breed, like Yorkshire terriers, have a sensitive digestive system. Not every food is suitable for them. The owner must decide on the type of food (natural or industrial food) even before taking the puppy into the house. It is best to make this choice based on the recommendations of your veterinarian. An incorrectly selected diet can cause many diseases: allergies, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal disorders.
Industrial feed
For small toy dogs, you should select a high-quality commercial food designed specifically for such pets. Food must satisfy the high energy needs of active pets, be balanced and complete, and be well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of animals.
The best brands of food for the Biewer Terrier breed:
- Eukanuba Breed Specific (Yorkshire Terrier);
- Grandorf;
- Advance (Yorkshire Terrier);
- Brit Care (Yorkshire Terrier);
- Royal Canin (Yorkshire Terrier).
Natural nutrition
The diet for dogs on a natural diet is compiled taking into account their age, weight and physiological condition. The menu is based on lean meats, lean sea fish (fillets), raw tripe, and boiled offal.
In addition, the diet should contain:
- vegetables;
- dairy products;
- quail egg;
- greenery;
- vegetable oil;
- Brewer's yeast;
- vitamin and mineral complexes.
Main types and types
Different types of Yorkies have their own characteristics. Some people like short-haired, smooth-haired or wire-haired Yorkshire terriers of large or small sizes. There are 14 varieties of this breed. Below we discuss what types of Yorkies there are.
The difference between Mini Yorkies and the breed standard
First of all, Mini Yorkies differ in their miniature size from the breed standard. Their weight varies between 1.5-2 kg. The little Yorkie is considered a fragile, calm, affectionate and flexible pet. The variety also refers to clean dogs that do not shed seasonally and do not require much attention from the owner.
For your information! The small size allows the pet to attend various events and parties with its owner. Because of this, Mini Yorkies are called pocket dogs.
Representatives of Mini Yorkshire Terriers have defects such as an open fontanel and malocclusion. Females cannot bear and give birth to healthy puppies due to critical mass. A small pet should not be left alone unattended on a bed or sofa. If he falls, he risks injury.
It is not recommended to have a Mini Yorkie for families with children. When playing with an animal, a child can seriously harm it. Larger Yorkie varieties are suitable for children.
Super mini
This is another variety of pocket Yorkie. The weight of a super mini terrier reaches 1-1.5 kg. The height does not exceed 20 cm. Outwardly, they are almost no different from other representatives of the breed. Peculiarities:
- medium-sized muzzle;
- short elastic body;
- wide apart ears.
The average lifespan of a Micro Yorkie is 5-9 years. This is much less than large Yorkies. They live 12-16 years.
Note! Some babies suffer due to an unstable psyche. They are not suitable for reproduction. They should not be left in a draft, alone or with children.
They should not be left in a draft, alone or with children.
Baby face Yorkshire Terrier
This dog has the cutest appearance. The muzzle resembles a child's face. Distinctive features of the baby face York:
- shortened, slightly upturned muzzle;
- low-set triangular ears;
- rounded large head;
- large, protruding and widely spaced round eyes.
Such a pet suffers from early tooth loss. The dog is susceptible to conjunctivitis. Large eyes and narrowed tear ducts are to blame for this. Due to the bulge, the eyes are susceptible to injury and clogging with dust. The animal snores during sleep and makes strange sounds when running, but this does not threaten its life and well-being.
Important! Baby face can have a standard or small size, like representatives of mini or super-mini Yorkshire terriers
Russian salon
This is a Yorkie with long hair, which is distinguished by its larger size, wheaten or cognac color. His fur is much rougher to the touch than the others. It will have to be constantly combed using special products. There may be black and white spots on the paws, tail, and ears. The thick coat has an undercoat. Other features:
- weight 1.8-3.5 kg;
- height at withers 18-28 cm;
- well developed chest;
- pronounced withers.
Important! The second name of the variety is mermaid. She combines the exterior of a Yorkshire terrier, a Pekingese and a red longhaired toy terrier. Russian salon after haircut
Russian salon after haircut
Biro-Yorks and Shoko-Yorks
Unlike the others, the Biro-York completely lacks dark hair. It has a tri-color color consisting of chocolate, white and golden shades. Features of the species:
- weight 3.1 kg;
- height 22 cm;
- high-set tail;
- small head with short muzzle;
- compact body.
The Choco Yorkie is a rare breed. This shorthaired Yorkie is completely chocolate colored. The color is evenly distributed throughout the body. It can be milk chocolate or rich dark chocolate. The animal is also distinguished by its medium-sized muzzle, hazel eyes, straight, long body, soft structure and long tail.
Biewer York: description of the breed
The Biewer York is another non-standard variety. The Biewer's head color combines gold, white and black. The body of the animal is painted black and white. Other distinctive features:
- height 22 cm;
- weight 2-3.5 kg;
- flattened muzzle of medium length;
- movable neck;
- flat small head.
Note! This dog is not characterized by aggressiveness. This big Yorkie loves care, attention, and is easy to train.
Distinctive features
These decorative dogs are memorable primarily due to their long coat, which can grow below the tips of the paws, forming a parting from nose to tail . There are mini-Yorks and standard ones based on size. The main criterion is weight; mini pets do not exceed 2 kg, while standard pets can reach 3.2 kg.
The ancestors of this breed were much larger and could gain up to 10 kilograms, this was reflected in modern representatives. Some of them are indeed significantly larger than their counterparts, which is considered a disqualifying defect.
The new standard has been in effect since 2004. It allows tail docking and describes its correctness. Also, according to it, all dogs that do not meet external characteristics are not allowed for further breeding.
- The head is small, the skull is flat. Stop is expressed. The lengths of the head and muzzle are proportional.
- The muzzle is short, straight, rounded towards the nose. Scissor bite, full set of teeth. The incisors are vertical, there is no gap between the fangs. The lips are small, not jagged, well pigmented black.
- The nose is small. Color – only black.
- The eyes are medium in size, set at stop level, round in shape. Not too convex. Color – dark brown.
- The ears are small, set high, but not wide. They stand upright and are covered with thick, straight hair.
- The body is strong, although compact. Straight back, oval ribs. The neck is long. The croup is straight. The withers are well defined. The chest is narrow, of medium depth.
- The tail may be docked or undocked. Cropped to the middle, the hair should remain long. Planted on the spin line, when active it rises higher.
- The limbs are straight with pronounced knee and hock joints. The paws are rounded with strong black claws.
- The coat is long, straight, not wavy. Silky, shiny and smooth, not fluffy or harsh.
- The color is steel or black from withers to tail. On the chest and paws honey silver or warm brown. The muzzle and head are either honey brown or silver brown.
At the moment, only color, coat structure and size are strictly assessed at exhibitions. All deviations from anatomical norms can be “unnoticed” if they do not harm the dog’s health.
There is a type of baby (baby face). It is not included in the standard, but is popular among breeders. Characterized by large eyes and a short muzzle, which gives the pet a cute look.