When can you bathe a puppy: features of care for different breeds

The answer to the question of how to bathe a Labrador depends on the conditions in which the dog is kept. For example, if an animal constantly lives in an enclosure, it may never be washed with shampoo at all. It is enough to water with a hose in hot weather. But living in an apartment requires careful care. It is necessary to bathe your Labrador and carefully comb its coat.

Like every breed, Labradors have pros and cons when kept in an apartment . One of the dog’s habits is to bathe with delight in every puddle.

Photo. The grooming salon has created conditions for grooming the dog.

When can you bathe a puppy for the first time?

Sometimes breeders sell puppies from the age of 1.5 months. It is at this time that babies receive the first vaccination in their lives. But more often than not, breeders sell purebred puppies to pet lovers from the age of 3 months. It is at this time that new owners usually bathe the acquired dog.

Some pet lovers are interested in whether it is possible to bathe a puppy once a month. Most veterinarians do not advise doing this. The same breeders usually do not bathe their puppies before selling them at all. Most often, the dog takes a real bath for the first time in the owner’s house. The fact is that until the age of three months, babies’ immunity is not yet very well developed. Consequently, when bathing a very small dog can simply catch a cold.

It is also not recommended to bathe older puppies too often. The fact is that until the age of about 6 months, dogs’ fur still has virtually no guard hair. However, it is much less common than in adult dogs. The danger of private bathing for small puppies lies in the fact that the protective fatty film on their skin is still thin and is easily washed off.

Education and training

The Labrador puppy is charming and spontaneous; caring for him should begin from the first day.

Toilet training

Jack Russell Terrier: care and maintenance at home

Before the first vaccination, the baby should not be taken outside, and in general it is advisable to limit contact with other animals, even domestic ones. Therefore, it is better for the owner to buy a special diaper for puppies of medium and large breeds and accustom the puppy to it. Possible options:

  • trace where exactly the baby prefers to make a puddle and lay a diaper there;
  • observe the puppy, as soon as he takes a characteristic pose, quickly put him on the diaper.

Note! You cannot hit the puppy or shout at it, but you should praise and pet it for its success.

Outdoor toilet

Labradors are so smart that they very quickly understand what their owner wants from them. How to get used to walking:

  1. Choose a collar that is comfortable for the animal, put it on first at home and for a short time, then increase the duration. Such training can be carried out before vaccination to avoid wasting time.
  2. Always go out at the same hour during the first walk to morally support the puppy, because the street is now a stressful factor for him.
  3. Wait until the baby goes to the toilet and praise him for his success.
  4. Give the opportunity to frolic.

Accustoming to cleanliness

This is not an easy task, since representatives of the breed are fully formed by the age of 3, before which they can play around and behave unpredictably. It is important to sternly scold your Labrador for breaking house rules, and not laugh at his antics. The baby should be raised from the first days of life in an apartment or house.

Touching and cute Labrador puppies can captivate even the hardest heart

Accustoming to home environment

Moving to a new home for a Labrador puppy is extremely stressful. It is important to support him and pay special attention. You should not leave your baby alone, especially at night, you should talk to him, stroke him, and try to distract him. Many Labradors try to hide in a corner, and after a while they begin to examine the apartment. At this stage, you should not disturb them; the sooner they explore the place, the more calm they will feel.

Note! Dog handlers recommend getting a dog while on vacation. So the adaptation period will pass under the control of the owner.

Advice from veterinarians

So, we found out when you can bathe a puppy for the first time. Usually this procedure is performed no earlier than 3 months. But what to do if a very small puppy gets very dirty? In this case, experienced veterinarians and breeders advise simply wiping the pet’s fur with a damp cloth or a special mitten.

The smell of urine emanating from them often causes trouble for owners of puppies. Small dogs' legs are still short. And having made a puddle on the floor, puppies usually also dip their butts into it, and often walk over it with their paws.

In this case, it is also not necessary to bathe the puppy. You just need to put the dog in a basin with a small amount of water, wash it and rinse its paws. Experienced breeders recommend wiping the area where the puddle was with vinegar. The smell of this substance lasts for a long time. And the puppy will not leave any more puddles in this place.

Breeders also do not recommend bathing a newly purchased 3-month-old dog right away. A change of environment causes quite a lot of stress in puppies. And bathing at this moment can aggravate the problem. A puppy brought home must first be allowed to get used to its new home.

Master's Code

A loyal friend, companion, assistant - that's all he is, a Labrador; caring for and keeping a representative of the breed at home can seem quite complicated. This is an active dog that needs to run around and splash out its energy. In addition, due to its considerable size, it consumes quite a lot of feed.

Labrador is an excellent companion and faithful friend for many years

For your information! Those owners who decide to stick to natural food will have to cook especially for the dog, and in large portions.

Before you make the final decision to become a Labrador Retriever owner, you should familiarize yourself with the following owner code:

  • There are no bad dogs. There are unscrupulous and irresponsible owners;
  • The standard life expectancy of dogs is 12-18 years. All this time he will need to be taken care of, walked every day, regardless of the weather and health;
  • an animal is not a toy that you can get rid of after deciding that you are tired of it. This is a living creature with its own character and habits;
  • it's important to be consistent. The cute antics of a puppy who loves to affectionately bite his owner’s legs will no longer be so touching as he grows up. Therefore, from early childhood, all prohibitions are practiced clearly. If you can’t, then you can’t forever;
  • training and training should be carried out according to the principle from simple to complex. A “carrot and stick” policy without physical violence and aggression is the choice of a responsible owner. “Whip” in this case is a stern tone, a demonstration of displeasure;
  • The dog's nutrition is the responsibility of the owner. A dog is not a pig, waste from the human table is not suitable. They either prepare it separately or buy ready-made industrial feed;
  • The veterinarian is a specialist whom you will have to get to know. Preventive examinations should become a good habit. It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it.

These are the main points that a Labrador owner should consider.

The Labrador will become a true friend to its owner, but needs proper training

Fleas on foundlings

Sometimes people take home very young puppies thrown out onto the street. Such dogs can, of course, be infested with fleas. The answer to the question of when you can bathe a puppy for the first time is, as we found out, at the age of 3 months. If a very small foundling is infected with fleas, it is therefore not worth washing it with antiparasitic shampoos.

In this case, you must first remove all debris from the puppy’s fur and wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth. Next, you should wait until the dog’s fur dries and use flea spray or drops, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To remove parasites, of course, in this case you need a product designed specifically for small puppies.

Choice of color

There are 3 main shades of coat for this breed:

  • Black Labradors tend to have bright, shiny coats. Black Labradors look beautiful in photos and are great for showing. A striking example of this is the dog V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation;

  • Chocolate Labradors, as you can see in the photo, are distinguished by their soft color and peculiar plushness. The shade of brown can be any shade, but show dogs are characterized by a rich color. Chocolate Labradors are more likely than other dogs of this breed to have blue eyes;
  • Golden Labradors are called so because of the sheen of their coat, but in reality they are more white or fawn. This color is the most common, so you can buy a golden dog cheaper than others.

The choice of color does not in any way affect the mental qualities of the dog and its upbringing.

It doesn’t matter what kind of Labrador you buy: brown, fawn or black - the dog’s friendliness and behavior directly depend on your attitude and approach to training. Remember that a dog is essentially a reflection of its owner.

Frequency of procedures

When you can bathe a puppy for the first time is therefore clear. But how often should this procedure be performed in the future? Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. The frequency of water procedures for a puppy depends on many factors.

If a dog, for example, was purchased to guard a private home and is kept outside in a kennel, then, of course, you may never have to bathe it at all. If the dog was bought to live in an apartment, he will most likely have to take water treatments quite often.

The frequency of bathing a puppy depends primarily on how quickly its fur becomes dirty. In autumn and spring, in damp weather, you will most likely have to wash your dog more often. In summer and winter, dogs' fur becomes dirty more slowly. Accordingly, the animal will have to take water treatments less often.

Usually, owners of puppies when keeping them in an apartment bathe them once every 1-1.5 months. In any case, it is not recommended to wash your pet too often before 6 months.

Outdoor content

Labradors are a domestic breed, and it is highly undesirable for them to constantly live outside.

This especially applies to puppies, who are sociable and affectionate creatures. Labradors living in a private home are the luckiest of all, because they are provided not only with cozy housing, but also with an excellent playground. As in the apartment, an enclosure for the dog is being built in the yard, in which the place of the bed should be taken by a full-fledged kennel on an elevated island. A Labrador's kennel must be large and strong so that the dog can fit in it completely and comfortably. Standard kennel sizes for this breed are 110 cm in length, 90 cm in width and 80 cm in height.

In addition to the booth, there should be a feeding area with bowls filled with fresh water and food, a canopy that creates shade, and toys. When letting the puppy out of the enclosure, make sure that he does not come across trash in the yard or food waste. In addition, Labradors are capable of digging, so the fence and walls of the enclosure must be strong.

Related article: Pros and cons of keeping a Labrador in an apartment

General rules

The answer to the question of how often you can bathe a puppy, therefore, depends on the degree of cleanliness of the latter, the time of year, etc. But of course, owners of such pets should know not only about when to introduce them to bathroom and how often to wash it in the future. The dog owner also needs to have an idea of ​​how to properly bathe puppies.

Experienced breeders recommend washing such pets after evening walks. When performing this procedure, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. All your household chores should be put aside for a while. Leaving a small puppy in the bathroom alone is not a good idea.
  2. A rubber mat should be placed on the bottom of the bathtub. Otherwise, your pet's paws will slip.

About half an hour before bathing, the puppy must be fed. The dog should not experience any anxiety while taking water procedures.

Most puppies, unlike kittens, love to wash themselves. But very small dogs, not yet accustomed to bathing, may experience a little stress in the bathroom. If the puppy is afraid, the owner should try to calm him down. While bathing your pet, you need to stroke it and speak to it in a calm, encouraging tone. Of course, the owner of a small puppy should not make any sudden movements when bathing. Also, don't turn on the bathroom taps too much. The noise of the water jet can frighten your pet.

The puppies begin to be washed with shampoo from the back. Then they move onto their sides and then onto their paws. The head and tail are washed last. To prevent water from getting into your pet's ears, you can insert special plugs into them, which can be purchased at a pet store.

Water for bathing puppies should be used exclusively warm - approximately 38 ° C. After taking water treatments, your pet should be wrapped in a thick terry towel, blotted and then kept wrapped for 20 minutes. Babies with long, beautiful hair are sometimes also blow-dried after a bath.

What is better – natural or dry food?

The puppy needs to be fed the food he is accustomed to from the breeder. Gradually add new foods and adapt the animal to a food system that is convenient for you.

A sudden switch to another food can cause food refusal.

At three months it is recommended to adhere to a balanced natural diet, and to resort to dry food only in rare cases when it is not possible to prepare nutritious food.

If you decide to completely switch your pet to dry food, then natural products must be excluded.

Specially formulated premium dry food contains all the necessary nutrients for the proper development of the puppy, and the presence of secondary food will upset the balance of nutrients.

This can cause liver and kidney diseases . Occasionally treat your puppy with fresh fruits and vegetables as treats.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

I recommend creating an individual balanced diet for your puppy from natural products. In the first half of the day, give milk and vegetable mixtures, and in the second - meat and canned food. Consider your pet's activity and food preferences. There is no need to force your dog to eat something it doesn't like.

At what age can you bathe a Labrador puppy and how to do it correctly

This breed is very popular in Russia today. Labradors were bred as hunting dogs. Often they had to bring the prey to the owner, including by swimming. These dogs have a strong immune system and rarely get colds. Therefore, a three-month-old puppy of this breed can be washed completely without fear.

Some experienced breeders, when answering the question of how old Labrador puppies can be bathed, even give an age of 2 months. The breed is really strong and accustomed to water. So even a small Labrador will most likely not catch a cold after a bath.

These puppies are absolutely not afraid of water. So the owners will most likely not have any problems with bathing them. Experienced pet lovers recommend giving your Labrador puppy complete freedom of action in the bath. Such a dog will definitely want to frolic in the water and the owner should allow him to do so.

Labradors are usually washed without using shampoo. The coat of such dogs is very thin and can begin to break when chemicals are used. Breeders recommend using shampoo when bathing Labradors no more than 3 times a year and only if the dog is very dirty.

Nail care

Now that we've figured out how to wash a Labrador, we should figure out how to care for a Labrador puppy's nails. Nail trimming is done if necessary once every 4–8 weeks using a nail clipper. Press on the dog's paw pads to make the nails appear. Carefully, without touching the skin, trim the nails 3-4 mm above the burgundy part. This procedure is quite difficult to do with your own hands, but regular walks with your dog on concrete surfaces or sandstone will completely relieve you of the need to trim their nails.

Similar article: Description and features of keeping a Labrador Retriever

German Shepherd

Such dogs are most often used, of course, as guard dogs in the courtyards of country houses. However, in most cases, German Shepherd puppies are never bathed. But if such a dog is kept in an apartment, he will, of course, have to be washed from time to time.

At what age can you bathe a German Shepherd puppy? For the first time, such dogs, like representatives of most other breeds, are usually washed no earlier than 3 months. In the future, you should try to bathe such a baby as rarely as possible, and even more so with the use of shampoos. The protective fatty film on the coat of shepherds and on their skin is very thin. With frequent bathing, it will wash off and the puppy will begin to develop dandruff. The dog's fur will become brittle and will no longer perform its functions well.

German Shepherds are usually bathed no more than three times a year. However, in winter this procedure is not performed. A German Shepherd puppy can catch a cold very easily.

Video “Care for a Labrador”

In this video you will learn how to properly care for your Labrador.

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How to wash a small poodle

This dog breed belongs to the hypoallergenic group. Poodles' coat practically does not shed and does not smell. However, in any case, it should be cared for with the utmost care. Up to six months, poodle puppies are usually bathed once every two months. An older dog is washed more often. Poodles older than six months are usually bathed once a month.

Many owners of such pets are also interested in whether it is possible to bathe puppies of this breed using shampoos. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to use such products to clean the fur of poodles. Such household chemicals do not cause any harm to the skin and fur of representatives of this breed, including small ones.

At what age can a poodle puppy be bathed? Of course, the answer to this question is also of interest to the owners of such decorative dogs. Poodles are washed for the first time at 2.5-3 months.

Before starting water procedures on such a pet, it is necessary to remove tangles, if any. Wash poodles with warm water, trying to wet the fur right down to the skin. In this case, shampoo is usually applied to the pet’s body at least 2 times. At the final stage, the pet's fur is lubricated with balm. Cleansers should be washed off the puppy as thoroughly as possible. Otherwise, the poodle's fur will quickly fall off in the future. After bathing, such dogs are usually dried with a hairdryer.

Dog character

In the third month, behavioral characteristics can be compared with those of teenagers. He considers his family to be his pack, studies the internal hierarchy and tries to determine his place.

The puppy becomes more independent and tries to show dominance . You may notice how he questions power and authority.

The puppy may chew on the stick and ignore commands, but his attention is focused on your reaction. Be steadfast, tolerant and gentle. Your actions must be consistent, and your commands must be reinforced.

If your puppy bites or growls while playing, stop the inappropriate behavior and ignore it for a few minutes..

Do not fight with the puppy under any circumstances. This will make it clear that the fight is good and fun. Your main task is to instill in the dog the concept of obedience.

If the puppy becomes overexcited and aggressive, stop interacting immediately..

Washing a Yorkshire Terrier

Such puppies should be bathed even more often than poodles. Regular Yorkies are washed twice a month. Exhibition animals are even bathed once a week. The water used to wash these small dogs is warm - about 38 °C. The coat of such puppies is washed with shampoo twice, after which conditioner is applied.

Blow-drying Yorkshire Terriers after a bath is not necessary. Usually, after bathing, such dogs are simply wrapped in a towel.

Owners of such pets, of course, will also be wondering when they can bathe a puppy for the first time. Yorkies, like other dogs, are also usually bathed for the first time at 3 months.

Vaccination schedule

Caring for a purchased or found puppy, of course, will involve more than just feeding and bathing. Your pet must have up-to-date vaccinations. For the first time, puppies of almost all breeds are vaccinated at 1.5-2 months. Children are vaccinated against distemper at this time.

In the future, the pet vaccination schedule will most likely look like this:

  • second vaccination - 2 weeks after the first (distemper);
  • third vaccination - at 6 months, after changing baby teeth (against rabies).

Subsequently, puppies are usually vaccinated once a year. At two months, dogs of predisposed breeds can be vaccinated not only against distemper, but also against diseases such as parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis. In all these cases, the procedure is repeated after two weeks.

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