What does a black English cocker spaniel look like: photos of dogs, features of the breed, care rules and choosing a puppy

Spaniels are the name of a large group of breeds, which includes both hunting and decorative and dwarf dogs.

The black English Cocker Spaniel is a small, compact dog with a harmonious build and a good disposition.

This breed was bred in England for the purpose of hunting, after which it spread throughout the world and gained popularity among people of all ages and walks of life.

Now it is primarily a companion dog and a family pet.

History of appearance and photos of dogs

The common ancestor of spaniels is considered to be the famous dog named Obo, who lived in the 1870s and was famous as an excellent breeder.

It is thanks to him that modern cockers have such qualities as courage, endurance, activity, as well as outstanding hunting abilities.

For many decades, mainly black cockers were popular, but at the end of the 19th century, other colors (golden, red, brown, spotted) also began to spread.

At the time of the breed's origins (1880s), there were no official standards and therefore spaniels could exist in different sizes. Thus, both large and smaller individuals could be born in one litter.

It was only in 1893 that the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club with strict weight restrictions (no more than 11 kg). In 1901, dog breeders achieved the removal of restrictions, which led to an improvement in the quality of cockers.


During the same period, a standard was developed that remained until the 1980s. And in 1986, the English Cocker Spaniel breed officially received hunting status.

Origin story

The famous Caesar himself first brought dogs to England, and there everything went as usual - the inhabitants of the country made a great contribution to their development. These animals appeared a long time ago, and at first they helped hunt birds.

At first, there were only field and marsh dogs - they hunted both birds and helped catch game with nets. Then a universal representative appeared - long-haired , he, as you might guess, was distinguished by very long hair. This happened four centuries ago - can you imagine how deep the roots go?

Somewhat later they were divided into large ones - Fields and small ones - Cockers. The ancestor of all is considered to be the black male Obo, who lived in England at the end of the seventeenth century. American cockers descended from his son, Obo the Second. They came to Russia only in the twentieth century.

Marriage or breed?

Black color has always been considered the basic color among English Cocker Spaniels. Until the beginning of the 20th century, almost all representatives of the breed were black. Moreover, only this color was considered the only correct one for a long time.

Nowadays, black color fully complies with breed standards and is in no way a defect. The only exceptions are dogs that have a black and white color with a main black color and splashes of white.

Price of a dog

In Russia, buying a purebred puppy from good parents is not so difficult. This is usually done through the National Club. The main thing is to choose trusted breeders, about whom there are only positive reviews. When choosing a puppy, focus on its color, shiny coat, and healthy appearance. A healthy cub is cheerful and active, but may be suspicious of strangers. The price for a four-legged friend with a pedigree will start from twenty thousand rubles .

Character traits

The black cocker spaniel can be called the most sanguine among dogs. He is mobile, active and cheerful. In addition, such dogs are friendly, good-natured and curious. They can sniff a stone on the road and a new family member with equal interest, and both activities will give them equal pleasure.

Cockers get along well with all family members and pets. The exception is small poultry - chickens, ducklings, etc. It is better not to let the dog near such pets, as the hunting instinct may awaken.

The English Cocker Spaniel can be called an excellent guard - if a stranger approaches the house, the dog will notify the owner with a loud and ringing bark.

It is also worth saying that spaniels are very attached to their owner and are often too dependent on him, and if poorly trained they can be wayward and disobedient.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“From my own experience, I can say that black English cockers can be quite jealous, especially with small children. Often such dogs do not get along with children, but when children grow up, friendship comes as if by itself. But if grandchildren appear in the family, then the situation repeats itself again. At the same time, I don’t know of a single case of a cocker having conflicts with cats or other pets in the house.”

Intelligence and character of the English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel is a true hunting dog. Today it is a sporting breed, because endless energy constantly drives this dog in motion. She moves very energetically and quickly. Natural playfulness and cheerfulness make these dogs desirable pets for any family, including those with small children. You don't have to worry about your cocker spaniel biting your child. It should also be noted their remarkable sense of smell and vision, thanks to which these dogs make good hunters.

A cheerful and playful appearance best conveys the responsive and friendly nature of the English Cocker Spaniel. This breed feels great both in large families and with single people. In a family, a dog chooses one person as its owner and has a strong attachment to him. In relations with other family members, the dog will be a friend, but he has only one owner.

Despite the fact that today the English Cocker Spaniel dog is more of a pet, it still remains an excellent hunter. During a walk, the Cocker Spaniel shows his passion for any birds that come his way. The Cocker Spaniel is a very intelligent and easy to train dog. She has no equal in the game where you need to find or bring something. This is truly a master of field hunting.

If you have chosen a Cocker Spaniel as your future pet, keep in mind that this dog is sensitive. It will be necessary to refrain from displaying sharp negative emotions, since the dog is extremely susceptible to screaming and, of course, it is strictly forbidden to apply physical punishment to it. This breed should be treated with love and kindness. The main rule in training a pet is the absence of any violence in the process of communication and education. These dogs are very sensitive to a person's mood.

The Cocker Spaniel picks up commands on the fly, and you won't need monotonous, repeated repetitions. When raising a child, moderate patience and perseverance are required. This dog should not be allowed to ignore commands, because later it will be difficult to correct disobedience to commands. When raising children, it is worth using the “carrot” method, but not the “stick” method.

In this case, the carrot will be food motivation. Cocker spaniels love treats and will gladly comply with demands in order to receive a reward. In education, it is necessary to encourage, form habits during games, and also express dissatisfaction in civilized ways. This approach will turn the puppy into an obedient pet. When learning commands in the apartment, it is necessary to reinforce them outside.

It is not recommended to leave the dog alone for a long time; cocker spaniels do not tolerate loneliness. Otherwise, the pet’s character will deteriorate, it will run wild and become embittered. But the main thing is to love your dog, play with him and take care of him. Then you will have a happy and cheerful dog. The Cocker Spaniel is one of the smartest breeds, it understands everything and reciprocates everything.

Typically, Cocker Spaniel puppies are adopted at the age of 1.5 months. From this moment on, the baby should be taught the rules of behavior in the apartment. Bans need to be set. Of course, the Cocker Spaniel is a smart dog, but it will not learn rules and form habits without proper training.

Be sure to show the puppy his resting place, food and water bowls. The breed is very smart and quickly grasps what's what. Don't allow him to jump on the bed or play with slippers, as it will be difficult to get rid of such habits. Also, don’t forget to purchase toys and special bones. To prevent your household items from becoming toys, bones are also an excellent means for cleaning teeth.

In the first days of your English Cocker Spaniel puppy's arrival in your new home, do not leave him alone, otherwise the baby will suffer stress. When you pick up your baby, hold him with both hands, as he is very mobile and can simply slip out of your hands and fall. Puppies are curious and nimble, able to climb onto a sofa, chair, table. From there, brave men strive to jump, so be careful.

The English Cocker Spaniel is a special breed, what you put into them is what you get out. Love, care and attention will give you a devoted friend and protector. English cocker spaniels are affectionate, mischievous and funny dogs. The Cocker Spaniel is easy to train and enjoys learning as it is very energetic, active and inquisitive. At the age of 3 months, educational training can begin.

No amount of training can make a cocker spaniel purely a guard dog. This breed is characterized by sociability and friendliness. They can be friendly even with strangers. But despite such increased friendliness and desire to communicate, they still more often show distrust of strangers than vice versa.

The breed has one drawback - it is a little nervous and very impressionable. With rude treatment and strict training, the pet becomes a nervous and downtrodden creature. Socialization is also very important for a puppy, otherwise he will grow up timid and fearful. Socialization and communication will help raise a healthy and kind dog. English cocker spaniels are overly susceptible to emotions and, even with normal upbringing, are prone to involuntarily make a puddle of themselves from strong excitement.

Cocker spaniels are very active and need daily walks during which they can use up their restless energy. This breed of dog gets so carried away that while following the scent it can completely forget about everything. Keep this in mind and only let your dog off leash in safe areas.

Due to their sensitive nature and love of communication, they have a hard time experiencing loneliness and become depressed. If a dog is abandoned, it begins to behave inappropriately: barks, becomes aggressive and begins to spoil everything in the house. Of course, everything is different for each individual dog, because the deciding factor will be the temperament of your pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • Activity.
  • Good nature.
  • Lack of aggression.
  • Friendly attitude towards pets.
  • Cheerful disposition.
  • Good learning ability and high intelligence.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Spaniels are very active, so this breed is not suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Also, cockers are not suitable for too busy owners.
  • The breed requires careful care of its coat and ears.
  • Tendency to jealousy.
  • Excessive dependence on the owner.
  • Tendency to tantrums and barking for no reason.
  • Indiscriminate eating.
  • Tendency to overeat and gain excess weight.

Breed description: standard

Hanging ears are one of the characteristic features of the breed
. According to the accepted standard, a brown or black spaniel has the following appearance features:

  • head - round, dome-shaped;
  • teeth and jaw – scissor bite, teeth small and quite strong;
  • nose - the nasal lobe is quite large, painted black;
  • eyes are large and round in shape, colored brown and sometimes blue;
  • ears are quite long, hanging along the muzzle;
  • neck - long, with well-developed muscles;
  • the body is muscular, slightly elongated forward;
  • limbs are not very long, have strong bones and good muscles;
  • tail - set high, located slightly above the back;
  • coat and color - spaniels have a curly coat, often black-brown with red tan.

Additional Information! Representatives of this breed have disqualifying defects. These include unusual speckled coat color, harelip, and excess weight.

Life expectancy and diseases

The lifespan of English Cocker Spaniels is 12-15 years.

Main diseases:

  • Glaucoma.
  • Cataract.
  • Deafness.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Cherry eye syndrome.
  • Inversion and inversion of the eyelid.
  • Allergy.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Melanoma.
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Retinal degeneration.
  • Hip dysplasia.


With good care, cockers remain active and cheerful into old age.

Basic rules of care

The basic rules for caring for a black cocker include:

  • Grooming . This may include brushing and bathing. The spaniel's coat is long, silky, and often tangled, so the dog is brushed 4-3 times a week using various brushes and combs for dogs. As for bathing, this procedure is carried out at least once a month, the reason is the same. To do this, it is recommended to use a special shampoo for dogs with long hair.
  • A haircut. The cocker is trimmed once every 2 months, paying special attention to the paws and the space between the toes.
  • Caring for the spaniel's ears must be especially careful, since the dog has floppy ears covered with long hair. This structure contributes to the rapid contamination of the ears and the development of inflammatory diseases and infections. Therefore, the spaniel's ears are examined daily, and once a week they are cleaned with a cotton pad and an antiseptic solution.
  • The dog's nails are trimmed as they grow (once every 2-3 weeks), using a special nail clipper. Nails can also be trimmed at a grooming salon.
  • Eye care . The pet's eyes are examined daily for discharge and washed once a week with weak tea leaves or chamomile decoction.
  • Walks and exercise . The dog needs daily walks and exercise. You need to walk your dog at least 3 times a day, for 1.5 - 3 hours, to satisfy the need for activity.
  • Balanced diet . The dog can be fed both dry food and natural food. In the second case, the dog must be given vitamins and supplements with microelements.


Cocker spaniels do not tolerate loneliness well, so before getting such a dog, you should soberly assess your capabilities. Staying alone for a long time can lead to a dog's mental disorder.

Owner reviews

Many owners speak positively about their pets - they are cheerful, friendly and playful. Lonely owners complain that they cannot leave their pet alone for a long time - he is very sad and sad. There are many positive reviews from those who have children - animals become real friends of children and have fun playing with them. Some believe that it is better to keep animals outside the city so that you can walk with them for several hours in nature. But owners living in ordinary apartments are confident that their furry companions feel good in an urban environment.

To read: External characteristics of a husky: weight, height, dimensions

How to feed?

The English Cocker Spaniel can be fed both natural products and premium or super-premium dry food for long-haired breeds.

Also, the dog’s diet can be mixed.

When feeding natural food, your pet’s diet must include:

  • Raw meat.
  • Raw or stewed vegetables.
  • Eggs.
  • Sea fish of low-fat varieties.
  • Dairy products.
  • Clean water to which the dog must have constant access.

In addition, with a natural diet, the dog should receive supplements with vitamins and microelements.

An adult dog is fed 2 times a day, and the portion size should not exceed 5% of body weight.


Often cockers refuse to eat healthy food and pick up scraps on the street. Here you need to be firm and not follow your pet’s lead. Strictly wean your dog off “gathering” and continue to feed him healthy food.

Rare species of spaniel breed

In addition to the dogs listed above, it is important to mention 8 more. They are less common, but are also recognized by the FCI.


The largest representative from the UK. Its maximum weight and height reach 34 kg and 50 cm, respectively. Clumber is popular among members of the royal family.


Bred in the south of England in the county of the same name. Despite its origin, it is more popular in the USA. Phlegmatic and often used as a companion.

Welsh Springer.

Another dog from the UK. Externally it resembles an English springer. In 2000, the number of registered individuals was only 424.


Registered by the English Kennel Club as a vulnerable national breed. It has no undercoat and differs from its relatives in its darker color.

Dutch (kooikerhondje).

Originally used by Dutch hunters for goose hunting, it almost disappeared by the end of World War II. Notable for its long tail with luxurious feathering.

Irish merman.

The oldest representative of the aquatic group with the greatest height at the withers (51-59 cm), exceeding the Clumber. It has a thick and stocky build and a curly coat with a distinct purple tint.

American merman.

One of the symbols of the state of Wisconsin. Notable for its very dense coat, consisting of many curls. It was bred to hunt game birds. Not afraid of cold water and dampness.


Another dog from the decorative group. Not related to the European varieties, but strongly resembles the English Toy Spaniel.

Rare varieties are mainly represented in their homeland. These individuals are few in number and are not in demand abroad.

How to choose a puppy?

Before you make a choice, you need to decide on your goals. What is a dog for? Will it be a guard, a hunter, or just a friend?

You also need to evaluate your capabilities and conditions, namely:

  • How many people are in the family?
  • If there are small children.
  • How busy your schedule is and whether you have enough time for your pet.
  • Who will walk the dog and will there be enough money to maintain it?

If you have decided on the first part of the question, then you can proceed to the second - choosing a nursery.

A serious kennel always has a positive reputation among real dog breeders. You also need to understand that a “good” puppy will not be cheap. However, there are breeders who take advantage of customers' ignorance and sell puppies at more than their real value.

To prevent this from happening, carefully look at the conditions in the nursery, and also ask to see the babies’ parents and their documents.

Another sign of a good kennel is that the puppy has a veterinary passport, card and brand.

If everything is fine with this, then you can begin examining and selecting the baby.

There are several criteria here:

  • Physical and mental health.
  • Exterior.
  • Compliance with breed standards, including color.

To avoid making mistakes, be sure to familiarize yourself with the breed standards and criteria for choosing puppies before purchasing.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that some spaniels have a bullying character and are quite capable of starting a fight with their fellow tribesmen. Therefore, you should not let them off the leash in public places. At the same time, proper education and training will help reduce this problem to a minimum.

Training and education

A black cocker spaniel puppy should be trained from an early age. Small dogs absorb information much better and are therefore easier to train.

The training program must begin with the socialization of the dog. He needs to be introduced to other animals and people often. You need to go out with him for walks in public places more often.

Once he begins to socialize, you can start learning new commands. During the training process, you should not raise your voice; dogs don’t like it.

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