How to deal with dog tangles: devices and life hacks

Mats are a problem that dog owners often encounter, especially those of medium- and short-haired breeds. Beginners, as well as experienced breeders, are interested in how to comb a dog’s mats, why they form and how can their occurrence be prevented?

Tangles give an unkempt appearance. How to comb a dog's mats?

Tangles (pellets) are usually called lumps consisting of worn-out wool that has become entangled with living hairs.

What are tangles and why do they appear?

This is the name given to matted hair on the body of animals - dogs, cats. Most often they occur in representatives of long-haired and semi-long-haired breeds. Traditional places for their location are the area behind the ears, on the neck, the upper part of the hind limbs, the tail, and the groin. Here the wool is very thin, which contributes to its matting.

It is widely believed that the only reason for the appearance of pellets on the fur is the owner’s insufficiently attentive attitude towards his pet. This is so because infrequent washing contributes to the thickening of the fatty layer on which dust and dirt settle.

Improper diet is one of the reasons for hair matting

But this is only one of the reasons. Stalling also occurs in the following cases:

  • sebaceous glands secrete a lot of fat;
  • the animal sheds intensively;
  • skin is excessively dry;
  • dehydration has occurred;
  • the wrong diet has been chosen;
  • the integrity of the cuticle is compromised, causing hairs to cling to one another;
  • the structure of the hair has changed;
  • There are parasites on the body.

The coat of dogs that wear clothes becomes matted. The most problematic areas in this case are the armpits and collar area. A fairly common reason is natural drying after swimming and ignoring the hair dryer. The dog rubs against all interior items, resulting in the formation of pellets.

Tangles appear especially often in the summer. The animal spends a lot of time in nature. Burdock and thorns, grass seeds get tangled in the fur and worsen its appearance. Sometimes this is caused by the behavior of the owner, who strokes and ruffles the pet’s fur at every opportunity.

The dog shakes itself off, then the coat dries naturally. Mats appear when you don't use a hairdryer


Mats appear for a variety of reasons, listed below:

Wet, washed fur clumps into clumps. The rolling process occurs because after washing the shaggy pet, no one thoroughly wiped it or dried it with a hairdryer. In addition to the appearance of mats, there is the problem of wool overheating, which can lead to an unpleasant odor throughout the room;

Soap mats are another common problem in dogs. This problem occurs due to the fault of the owners who, when bathing their pets, soap and rub the fur too hard. To avoid such troubles in the future, shampoo must be applied evenly and smoothly, gently rubbing it into the animal’s skin with your fingers, as if massaging. This way the fur does not get tangled;

When purchasing clothes for your dog, you may encounter a similar problem. This problem occurs in the place where the seams adjoin the animal’s skin. When purchasing clothes for your pet, make sure that the lining of the jacket is smooth;

Burdock and thorny bushes. On a walk, very often your pet climbs into bushes that are full of this vegetation, plus eats the ground. It is extremely difficult to combat such a scourge - when you pull out a burdock, it begins to crumble into factions, which only complicates the process. If it gets on the fur, it is better to pull the burdock out immediately, so as not to suffer later and not to cut off the damaged areas of the fur;

You should not comb your pet with a simple massage comb with fine teeth. Outwardly, the dog will look neat, but over time the undercoat rolls off like felt, which even professionals cannot remove. In this situation, only a haircut will save you;

Often, tangles appear due to the fault of overly loving owners. By stroking and ruffling your pet's skin, you can easily confuse the hair, which leads to the appearance of tangles; Some veterinarians associate the formation of mats with a pet’s illness - if, in addition to mats, dandruff appears on the fur and it has faded, you will have to seek help from specialists and treat the dog.

Now that we know the main reasons for the occurrence of mats, we will directly answer the question - how to comb out mats from a dog and what is required for this.

Danger of tangles

Mats are not only an external defect that shortens the length of the coat and makes it sloppy. This also worsens the animal’s well-being because:

  • tangled hair tightens the skin, causing pain when walking and other movements;
  • the skin under such nodes deteriorates, metabolic processes in tissues are disrupted, diseases develop - dermatitis, dandruff, ulcerations;
  • the epidermis is damaged due to the pet’s attempts to get rid of confusion on its own, which can lead to infection.

Tangled hair can cause dandruff

Therefore, the animal’s coat must be maintained in appropriate condition. For this purpose special tools are used.

Why is it needed?

This tool is used to remove tangles from a pet's coat. If possible, they try to untangle the hair, but if this is not possible, the device carefully removes a piece of matted hair. The work of a mat cutter is carried out when the owner cannot get rid of a hairball with a simple slicker brush. The tool is not used for combing.

Warning! You can’t pull out the mat! For a pet, this is acute pain and, as a result, a stressful situation!

Dog combs

Slickers, combs, brushes - all these products are produced to tidy up wool. But which one should you choose?

There are several selection rules:

  • Combs and brushes with long teeth are designed for long-haired breeds.
  • The sparser and shorter the hair, the thicker the comb.
  • A comb with fine teeth and a long narrow end is used for parting.
  • A brush made from natural and artificial bristles is suitable for almost all dogs.
  • Slicker brushes are necessary for medium- and long-haired breeds, and are also considered the most effective for combing out tangles.
  • Thick combs are intended for combing out fleas.

Attention! Any combs should have blunt teeth so as not to injure the skin.

There is a wide range of combs and brushes for dogs.

Check the safety of the accessory on yourself by running it over your skin. If this causes discomfort or the teeth catch, then you should look for a better model.

How to choose

The device is selected taking into account the breed, its size and coat structure. For example, long blades are most effective against large tangles and vice versa. For medium-length wool, it is recommended to select a horizontal webbing cutter; for working with paws, a small one.

How often do you need to care for your dog’s ears, and what lotions, drops and other products are used at home?

Colt cutter

Another assistant in care is a tangle cutter. Despite the name, it does not cut, but rather safely untangles felted wool.

They produce several types of tools:

  • Vertical - is a comb for combing, in which instead of the usual teeth there are sharpened blades. Their back side is rounded, sometimes they are hook-shaped.
  • Striping (horizontal) - resembles a powder brush.
  • Drop-shaped - the working part includes only one or several blades. This model is used to remove tangles in the ears, limbs, armpits and other similar areas.

Single Prong Tool

When purchasing, pay attention to the following details:

  • handle design - it should be comfortable to grip and work with, preferably coated with anti-slip materials (silicone, rubber);
  • the presence of a thumb rest - for a more comfortable hand position;
  • material from which the blades are made - preference is given to products made of high-quality steel;
  • Blade sharpness and shape - wavy edge increases efficiency.

Horizontal and vertical models

As with combs, the number of teeth matters. Thus, for lush and thick fur, you need a tool with 12 blades up to 10 cm long. A model with teeth 5–6 cm long, which is also convenient to use for cats, is considered universal.


There are many companies involved in the production of webbing cutters. One of the most popular is Trixie (Germany). It is distinguished not only by the increased cost of goods, but also by good quality. Trixie mainly produces side and vertical wedge cutters.

But most often, buyers come across care products from HelloPet (Taiwan). It has a wider range and is found in almost every major pet store.

Among Russian manufacturers, Ziver stands out, which produces products for haircuts and hygiene procedures for dogs and cats. It provides not only tangle cutters, but also other products - combs, scissors, slickers, special clippers for dogs, the same clippers for cats, etc.

The German brand Moser also specializes in the manufacture of grooming tools for pets. The company is distinguished by a fairly high price for its products, however, experienced animal groomers prefer Moser products.

This is not the entire list of companies that produce welt cutters. Below are a few more brands:

  • Artero;
  • Profur;
  • Zolux;
  • DogLemi.

Combing out mats

Fresh tangles are untangled by hand. Sometimes it is enough to ruffle them with your fingers, and then comb the pile from top to bottom, moving from the back to the stomach and limbs.

Attention! Combing heavily matted fur is carried out in several stages, since the animal experiences stress during the procedure. It’s a good idea to first calm the dog down and treat him to his favorite treat.

Special sprays will help you comb your fur.

Combing is carried out in this order:

  • The coat is treated with special sprays - for example, No Tangle Fresh and Clean, Four Paws Magic Coat Good By Tangles or others. They contain silicones and water, are odorless and dry quickly. Under their influence, the wool becomes smooth and elastic, which simplifies the task.

No Tangle Fresh and Clean Spray

  • Use a slicker to identify stray hair.
  • Having found a tangle, take it by its base closer to the skin (this will reduce the pet’s discomfort when combing).
  • Carefully unravel the knot with your fingers. Sudden movements cause pain.
  • You can rub a special powder or cornstarch into the tangled strand, which is included in many wool detangling products. Another option is to use coconut oil for the same purpose.
  • If the hairball is quite dense, they try to loosen it by piercing it with the teeth of a comb. But you should not try to comb the strand right away - at this stage it is useless.
  • They try to comb the mat with a flat comb, starting from the tip and gradually moving to the roots of the hair. Movements should be short.
  • If a regular comb does not help, they try to remove the tangles with tangle cutters.
  • At the end of the procedure, comb the fur along its entire length.

    How to hold the instrument correctly

Using a comb cutter is as easy as using a comb. To clear up confusion:

  • Place the tool with the blades facing down.
  • Introduce the working area into the problem area of ​​the wool, next to the roots, while holding the strand being treated at the base.
  • Carefully, trying not to injure the dog's skin, move the comb towards the ends of the pile. Movements should be progressive and smooth.
  • Comb the mat in several approaches.

Video - How to comb the fur of a Yorkshire Terrier

How to cut tangles

“Felt” tangles cannot be untangled. It is especially difficult to work in areas behind the ears, groin, and armpits. Then the matted fur is cut off. To do this, use sharp scissors.

Attention! After careless cutting of individual areas, bald spots may occur. To prevent this from happening, the incisions are made not parallel, but perpendicular to the surface of the skin.

At the last stage, the lumps are sorted out manually, freeing living hairs.

At the end of the procedure, the wool is combed along its entire length.

Sometimes the condition is so advanced that the only solution is a short haircut. In Winchester (UK), volunteers found dogs completely covered in mats, under which it was impossible to determine the breed. The fur was in such a state that it interfered with movement. They were taken into care by the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals. To cut the dogs' hair, they had to be injected with a sedative. After a hygienic haircut, it turned out that they were poodles.

Winchester poodles (before and after haircut)

Methods of disposal

What to do if your beloved pet’s fur still gets into clumps? You need to start with the simplest means. Before cutting off tangles, try detangling your hair. Specialized products that can be purchased at a pet store will be a good help in this. When choosing, pay attention to what breeds the product is intended for, as well as the brand of the manufacturer. Buy products from reputable manufacturers.

If the purchased product is used for the first time, be sure to make sure that the animal does not have an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to your stomach and see the reaction.

Here are some features of using specialized tools:

  • An anti-tangle spray works well for combing already tangled fur. The spray is based on a special oil that softens and moisturizes hair, making it easy to comb.
  • To bathe the animal, a special anti-matt shampoo is used. Some shampoos aggressively wash out the undercoat and are not suitable for all breeds. When choosing, be sure to check with the sellers whether the selected shampoo is suitable specifically for your pet.
  • After washing, use conditioner for long-haired dogs. It will make your hair softer and more manageable. After this, be sure to comb the animal with gentle movements. Use a specialized dog comb with teeth of sufficient length.

With timely and careful care, the fur of your four-legged friend will be beautiful and thick.

Unfortunately, the resulting tangles cannot always be removed by combing alone. In some severe cases, the fur becomes so tangled that the only way to solve the problem is to cut off the mats.

You can cut mats both in specialized grooming salons and at home using a mat cutter.

Tangle cutters are devices that allow you to cut off clumps of matted fur without causing pain or inconvenience to the animal. The choice of such funds is quite wide. There are vertical, horizontal and teardrop-shaped wedge cutters. Depending on the length and type of wool, a mat cutter with the required number and length of blades is selected. When choosing a model, you should adhere to the following rules.

  • Small tangles, especially in dangerous areas, are best cut with a drop-shaped tangle cutter. You need to act extremely carefully so as not to injure your pet.
  • For medium-haired breeds, horizontal models are optimal.
  • Vertical are designed for dogs with long hair and eliminating large hairballs.

Most importantly, carry out all procedures carefully and slowly so as not to cause pain to your pet. In the most severe cases, it is better to contact a professional groomer.

Prevention of tangles

The easiest way to avoid matting on your dog's body is to care for the coat as you would your own hair. You need to brush your pet daily, and representatives of long-haired breeds – several times a day.

Herbal supplements to promote hair growth

Among the main preventive measures is regular washing of your pet. After bathing, the animal's fur is dried with a hairdryer. For combing, choose the right combs and brushes. The pile is grabbed as close to the skin as possible, working through each strand and not missing any knots.

Another mandatory preventive measure is regular treatment against parasites. You should monitor the animal’s health, provide it with adequate nutrition and general care, and use special cosmetics for its fur.

Regular bathing of dogs is the main prevention of pellets

Process Features

Combing removes dead hairs, traces of insects, debris or street dirt from the dog's fur. The procedure is also important for health, as it massages the pet’s skin well, improving blood circulation and smoothing out subcutaneous fat.

You should also understand that a well-groomed dog practically does not shed hair and does not create difficulties when cleaning the home.

Special cosmetics

To ensure that your dog always looks smooth and well-groomed, pet cosmetics manufacturers have developed a line of anti-matt care products. The essence of the action is that they eliminate static electricity in the pile and make it slippery. Some manufacturers take into account not only the length, but also the color of the pet. For example, BioGroom and Beaphar have such products.

Special cosmetics should be used to care for the coat.

Table 1. Anti-tangling cosmetics.

NameActive components, additional actionVolume, mlApproximate cost, rub.
Conditioner-balm “Anti-coltun”, Le ArtisChitosan from crab shells, aloe vera extract. Moisturizes 150190
Spray conditioner, balm conditioner Energy of Nature, PchelodarMink oil, silk proteins. Suitable for dogs with sensitive skin and puppies, protects against sun damage 350418
Shampoo-conditioner ClinyArgan oil. Reduces shedding period, stimulates fur growth 300350
Care Bea Pro Vitamin Free Beaphar (spray shampoo)Almond oil, provitamin B5250/250479/479
Detangling shampoo Fitoelita, VedaYarrow infusion, pine paste, D-panthenol22094

Should you cut your dog's hair for the summer?

Some owners think that the easiest way to solve the problem of mats in the warm season is to cut the dog's hair. But this can be dangerous.

Wool protects against overheating in hot weather and helps to withstand adverse weather conditions. Dogs with short hair suffer from insect bites. They are susceptible to mechanical damage to the skin. Sometimes clipping causes a disorder called follicular arrest. Hair growth slows down greatly, but the original appearance is restored within many months. Scientists cannot yet explain why this happens.

Haircuts can be hazardous to health

But you can’t do without a haircut in such cases:

  • most of the pet’s body is covered with pellets;
  • felted wool hurts;
  • there is a suspicion of parasite infection;
  • Dermatological diseases have been identified - for example, eczema.

In order for a dog to have a beautiful coat and good health, it needs careful care. Preventive shearing does not solve the problem of tangles. Therefore, before taking a long-haired animal into your home, you should think: do you have the time, energy and patience to take care of a new family member?

Getting rid of crumpled hair

If for some reason it was not possible to keep track of the dog and tangles still formed on the fur, it is necessary to comb them out with the least harm to the animal. To the question - how to comb a dog's mats, there are several answers and tricks that will help a novice dog breeder cope with this trouble. Let's look at the most effective of them:

The soft fur around the ears and armpits, which constantly gets tangled, will be much easier to care for if you sprinkle it with zinc-based talcum powder immediately after brushing. Then, you need to take a dog mat cutter, cut off the matted hair and comb it thoroughly again;

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