Pratel for cats: how to deal with parasites in your pet

Pratel is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic agent that is actively used to rid four-legged pets of worms. The main distinguishing feature of this anthelmintic is its excellent effectiveness. Since it can rid your pet of almost all existing types of parasites. In this article we will tell you in detail about contraindications to the use of the medicine, and also share methods of administration.

Features of application

Pratel can be given to mustaches in different ways; below we will talk in more detail about the most important ones.


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Place your pet on your lap, making sure that its head is higher than the level of its body.
  3. Squeeze one tablet from the blister, and then open the cat’s mouth and place it on the root of the tongue. If you did everything correctly, your pet’s swallowing reflex will work, and therefore he will swallow the medicine on his own.

Using a syringe

  1. Wear rubber medical gloves.
  2. Take 1 pill from the box, then crush it into powder.
  3. Remove the plunger from a 5 ml syringe and pour the powder inside.
  4. Plug the syringe nozzle and then pour 3-4 ml of warm milk into the cylinder.
  5. Carefully place the plunger back into the syringe and then shake until the particles are completely dissolved.
  6. Ask someone to hold your pet.
  7. Open your mouth, and then aiming at the sky, inject the medicine.

With food

  1. Remove the product from the box and then crush the pill thoroughly. The easiest way to do this is with the side of a knife or the base of a teaspoon.
  2. Pour the resulting powder into a bowl with a small amount of food. Canned cat food, pate or minced meat are excellent food choices.
  3. Mix the powder thoroughly with food and then give it to your pet. After this, do not forget to wash the bowl, as it is necessary to remove any remaining anthelmintic from the dish.

This is what nematodes look like

How to use Pratel correctly

Pratel's instructions do not require preliminary preparation of the cat in the form of taking laxatives or fasting, which is very convenient. Pratel is given once to each animal either with food or forcibly by placing the drug on the root of the pet’s tongue.

Dosing of Pratel in cats is very simple:

  • an adult cat that weighs from 2 to 5 kg is given half a tablet;
  • for a kitten - only one quarter.

The dosage remains unchanged for both treatment and prevention.

The fact is that the drug Pratel has been used in veterinary medicine for a long time, and it seems that the instructions for it have not been revised for a long time. The weight of modern large breed cats has already “stepped over” the 10 kg mark, therefore, to obtain the desired effect in them, you will have to use the dosages prescribed in the instructions for dogs:

  • for a cat weighing from 5 to 10 kg - 1 tablet;
  • for a cat weighing from 10 to 20 kg - 2 tablets.

According to the instructions, in order to rid your pet of worms, a single dose of Pratel is enough. To ensure further reliable protection against parasites, cats are given the drug every 3 months for the purpose of prevention. Pratel is also used 2–4 weeks before vaccination and mating.

My practice convincingly shows the inadequacy of a single dose of any anthelmintic in animals taken from the street. I confirm the reliability both by visual criteria - the continued presence of helminths in feces - and by the results of stool microscopy - by the presence of helminth eggs. Anthelmintic must be administered at least 3 times with an interval of 10–14 days, followed by laboratory monitoring. If there are other animals in the house, all of them are subject to prevention at the same time. Preventive use of anthelmintics for people who have a lot of contact with animals also makes sense.

No specific effects of Pratel have been established either at the beginning of its use or at the end of its use. If the next prophylactic dose has not been taken, according to the instructions for the medicine, the next prophylaxis should be carried out as soon as possible, without changing the dose.

Pratel for cats weighing more than 5 kg is given in the dosage prescribed for dogs of the same weight

Video: how to give a pill to a cat

Features of use in kittens and pregnant cats

During pregnancy in cats, the use of Pratel is allowed only during its last third. For lactating cats, the use of Pratel is permissible only as prescribed by a veterinarian and under his supervision no earlier than 2-3 weeks after lambing. Pratel should not be given to kittens under 6 weeks of age.

Effect on the body

The anthelmintic contains 2 important components, which, after absorption into the gastrointestinal tract, affect helminths in different ways:

  • Pyrantel has a detrimental effect on neural communication in parasites. And so they detach from the intestinal walls. They are subsequently killed by enzymes that are naturally produced in the intestines.
  • After being absorbed into the body by worms, praziquantel causes muscle paralysis. Then the parasites are evicted from their usual habitat, as they come out along with the pet’s feces.

List of drugs containing praziquantel

Indications and dosage of Pratel for cats

Particular side effects of Pratel for cats on the animal’s body are not detected either during the first use or when the drug is discontinued. It is recommended to give Pratel to animals from two months of age. Application can be organized before vaccination and mating of cats. The drug is successfully used both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent against:

  • Nematodes: toxascariasis, unicinariasis, hookworm;
  • Cestodoses: taeniasis, dipylidia, echinococosis, mesocestodiasis.

The dosage of Pratel for cats should be strictly observed.

Special instructions and precautions

The drug aimed at destroying helminths is contraindicated:

  • Kittens up to 1 month old.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  • If the mustache suffered infectious pathologies. It can still be used, but only after the approval of a qualified veterinarian.

If you strictly adhere to the manufacturer's dosage recommendations, there will be no negative consequences from use. Some cat owners note that allergies appear as a side effect.

When allergic reactions do not go away for more than 3-5 days, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Your veterinarian will prescribe antihistamines to help reduce the risk of complications.

Safety rules when using the medicine:

  1. Be sure to use rubber gloves; we do not recommend taking the drug with bare hands;
  2. do not eat while your furry is taking medication;
  3. After the procedure, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly.

Side effects and contraindications

Pratel is well tolerated by cats. Overdose is possible, but in extremely rare cases. If trouble does happen, the most that can happen is intestinal upset. Allergic reactions are also possible, but only in cats prone to them. All unpleasant symptoms go away on their own and do not require medical intervention.

Pratel is not used simultaneously with medications containing piperazine (it reduces the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs).

Cost and comparison with analogues

Pratel can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy, and you can also order home delivery via the Internet. A package of 10 tablets usually costs no more than 400 rubles. Depending on the region, the price may vary by 30-50 rubles, both up and down.

For your beloved pets

NameTypeManufacturerPackingActive ingredientsPrice


Russia6 pieces of 120 and 200 mg
Bottles of 6 and 7 ml

Syringes 6 and 7 ml



140 rub.
150 rub.

180 rub.

Russia2 pieces of 60 and 200 mg
Vials of 15 ml
145 rub.
210 rub.
Germany2 and 6 pieces 250 mg
each Vials 15 ml
Pirontel embonate
295 rub.
340 rub.
MilbemaxPillsFrance2 pieces 150 mg eachMilbemycin520 rub.

Table: analogues of veterinary drugs

NameRelease formActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsapproximate price
  • pills;
  • paste;
  • suspension.
  • febantel;
  • pyrantel pamoate;
  • Praziquantel
Nematode, cestode, and nematode-cestode infestations
  • infectious diseases;
  • conditions after surgery;
  • kittens up to 3 weeks;
  • renal and liver failure.
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite.
  • tablets - 130–150 rubles;
  • pasta - 170 rub.;
  • suspension - 200 rub.
  • pills;
  • sweet suspension.
  • pyrantel pamoate;
  • Praziquantel
Allergic reactions
  • suspension - 117 rubles;
  • tablets (6 pcs.) - 105 rub.

Photo gallery: drugs to replace Pratel

Dirofen paste is packaged in dispensing syringes of 5, 6, 7 and 10 ml. Dirofen suspension is packaged in plastic bottles of 5, 6, 7, 10, 15 or 30 ml.

Dirofen is an anthelmintic drug that is used for the prevention and treatment of helminthic infestations in cats. The pleasant sweetish taste of the Prazicide suspension allows you to give the cat medicine without any resistance on its part.

Prazicide tablets for cats are effective for combined helminthiases, as they can affect different classes of worms

Reviews from cat owners about the drug Pratel

Victoria: This anthelmintic drug was recommended to me by my friend, since she is a cat lover, and therefore uses it constantly. I first noticed parasites on my two-year-old cat Sonya. I was afraid to give her the whole tablet (as the manufacturer recommends), so I only gave her half. I know that praziquantel is toxic, so I didn’t risk the health of my pet. The medicine helped and now my cat feels good. A package of 10 tablets is inexpensive; I bought it at a local veterinary pharmacy for 390 rubles.

Elizaveta: All owners of four-legged pets should undergo a course of deworming approximately once every 3-4 months. Of course, I knew about this, but I rarely did it. As a result, my cat got worms somewhere. I had to seek help from a veterinary clinic; the doctor pointed out my carelessness. After this, he prescribed Pratel, as well as dietary nutrition, since my cat weighs 8 kg at 3.5 years old, and this is considered obese. Within a week, the pet began to run and lead an active lifestyle. And after a month and a half, he weighed less than 6 kilograms, and I think this is a very good result. The anthelmintic did not cause any adverse reactions, I recommend it, it does its job perfectly!

Oleg: I have been using this product for about 2 years. It’s the best thing for prevention, because the price doesn’t bite, and the drug works one hundred percent. My pets tolerate the effects of active ingredients normally. I usually make Pratel powder and then mix it with the pate. Seals eat it very quickly, and this way they don’t have to be tormented by shoving a bitter pill into their mouths.

Composition and release form

The drug contains two active components - pyrantel embonate and praziquantel, complementary to each other, and excipients: dietary fiber, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, milk sugar, sodium starch glycolate, sodium saccharin, corn starch.

The medicine is available in the form of round, yellowish tablets with beveled edges and cross-shaped notches for easy dosing.

Indications for use

Pratel tablets for animals are a complex remedy that is used to treat helminthic infestations in animals of different breeds and ages. It is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • toxocariasis;
  • uncinariasis;
  • toxascariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • taeniasis;
  • mesocestodiasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • Dipylidiasis.

What to replace: analogues

Dirofen can be a complete replacement for this drug.
If Pratel is not suitable for the purr, then the veterinarian will prescribe another pharmaceutical drug with a similar effect to combat worms. A popular analogue is Dirofen, available in the form of tablets, paste and suspension. Each dosage form has its own dosage and usage characteristics. Prazitsid suspension, intended for oral administration, can also replace Pratel. It has a variety of pharmacological effects, in particular, activity against worms and nematodes at all stages of their maturation. You can give an animal this or that medication only with the permission of a specialized doctor, strictly adhering to the dosages prescribed by him. The presented analogues also cannot be combined with anthelmintics containing piperazine.

Additional recommendations

The anthelmintic should be stored in its original package, away from food and cat food, and out of the reach of small children and animals. The medicine should not be exposed to sunlight or moisture; the optimal air temperature for storing Pratel is 0–25 °C. Shelf life: 36 months. It is strictly contraindicated to treat purring with expired pills; they are disposed of, and no special precautions are provided during the destruction of expired non-use medication.

Pratel for dogs: pharmacological effects

One tablet contains two active ingredients: praziquantel in an amount of 50 mg and pyrantel embonate in an amount of at least 144 mg. The main action is aimed at getting rid of cestodes and nematodes. The drug fights ringed and tapeworms, destroys both individuals capable of reproduction and the embryonic forms of the parasites.

The combination of components makes it possible to achieve a deterioration in energy metabolism in the organisms of worms, blocks their nervous system, and leads to inhibition of impulses. Such an effect prevents the worms from maintaining their own vital functions, as a result of which they die from weakening of the muscles or fall into paralysis.

Deworming tablets for dogs begin to act 2-4 hours after administration. The half-life is 12-24 hours. The duration of pharmacological activity of one dose does not exceed 24-48 hours, depending on the state of the digestive system, size and individual characteristics of the animals.

Description of deworming tablets

The composition of the combined broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug Pratel contains several basic elements, the principle of action of which is based on the ability of the substances to negatively affect the nervous system of parasites.

When it enters the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, the dosage form quickly disintegrates and the components penetrate the helminth’s body. They cause muscle excitation, after which spastic paralysis occurs, provoking cellular degeneration (formation of vacuoles in the cytoplasm).

The medication is prescribed to dogs for echinococcosis, hookworm disease, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, uncinariasis and ascariasis. Pratel destroys not only adult worms, but also their larvae. Low-hazard (class 4, according to GOST), produced in Slovenia.


“I read about Pratel on the Internet and was attracted by the price and reviews. I took the risk of giving it to my sphinxes and did not regret it. The kittens are healthy and have an excellent appetite. Since I have them at home, the risk of infection is not too great, so I give tablets for prevention 2 times a year, which is quite enough.” Natalya P.

“My cat started getting sick often. I was very surprised to learn that it was due to worms. I didn’t even suspect that they were literally sucking her out from the inside, I thought that since she didn’t go outside, she couldn’t get infected. The veterinarian prescribed Pratel and received treatment. There were no side effects, the kitty ate a crushed tablet with dry food and didn’t notice. Now she has recovered, gained weight, and plays with pleasure again. For a penny price - such a result, I’m very pleased.” Angelina V.

Personal safety measures when using the drug

When using the medicine for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to follow the established rules of personal safety. These include:

  1. Do not smoke, eat or drink while in contact with the tablets.
  2. Protect your hands with gloves if the cat owner has an individual intolerance to the components of Pratel.
  3. Immediately wash your eyes and skin if the tablet comes in contact with them.
  4. It is mandatory to consult a doctor if you accidentally swallow the medicine or if allergy symptoms appear. Bring the packaging or instructions with you.

Pratel packaging cannot be used for household purposes.

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