How and why are puppies branded: dog branding, what does a dog brand mean?

What is a dog brand? This is the application of a pigmented composition (mascara) to the skin of a purebred individual in order to identify it and confirm ownership. Since the late nineties, breeders and clubs have been required to brand their pets. An inscription is made in the groin or ear area of ​​purebred dogs, and the code data is entered into a special database. To identify an animal, it is enough to check the dog's brand.

Should a purebred puppy have a brand?

  • Should a purebred puppy have a brand? It is customary to brand puppies from purebred producers, i.e. give them a tattoo of 3 letters and numbers - this is the requirement for all club owners registered in the RKF. All large cynological communities have their own branding base, but a single one does not yet exist in Russia.
  • Sometimes owners of dogs (not taken from a club or kennel) brand their puppies at their discretion. Most often - a telephone number to call if you suddenly find a lost animal. Of course, this cannot be called full-fledged branding, but it is quite possible to identify the animal this way.

Why do they put brands on puppies and dogs?

  • Puppies are branded so that they can be identified before breeding and compared with the data indicated in the pedigree.

Dog identification

  • Sometimes life situations arise when without a brand it would be quite difficult to recognize a dog. For example, using the brand code, you can easily find a specific puppy among its brothers and sisters. This is a huge plus for the buyer who has chosen this particular puppy and has already paid money for it.
  • A purebred dog may accidentally get lost or be stolen - and then evidence that it belongs to you will immediately become visible.

If it happens that the dog gets lost, then in your advertisements asking for its return you should not indicate its personal code, but only inform that it is available. This will help you find out whether your pet ended up in the hands of the finder, and whether the person is trying to fraudulently lure money out of you by knowing the stamp code.

  • However, a brand is not a panacea , and you shouldn’t delude yourself too much about the fact that a dog will be found based on it. Dog handlers are a different matter, but ordinary people are unlikely to see it at all. In addition, over the years it can become barely noticeable.
  • And if the owner is preparing his dog to participate in exhibitions , then the mark needs to be clear and clearly visible.

Popular questions

Our dog has no documents, she is a mixed breed. Can we brand it in case of loss or is this impossible?

If your dog does not have documents, it does not matter whether it is a mixed breed or a purebred, then it does not have a brand number. The only option that can be used in this case is a stamp in the form of the owner’s phone number

We bought a puppy from a kennel with a brand, but with age the brand stretched and became unreadable. Is it possible to somehow update the brand?

Yes, if you have documents for the dog, the brand can be renewed

What determines the quality and durability of a brand?

It depends on the experience of the specialist who brands the puppy and on how high-quality equipment and paint he uses when working. Therefore, if you want a beautiful and durable brand, it is better not to save money and not look for a “cheaper” type of master (a novice master will most likely be cheaper), but to give preference to a person who has been branding puppies for many years and has positive reviews from previous clients .

We found a dog with some letters and numbers in its ear - what does this mean?

This is a stigma. The first part of the brand, the letters (usually there are 3 of them) - indicate the club/kennel in which the dog was born, and the numbers are the sequential number. For example, the number 129 in the brand will indicate that this is the 129th puppy born and registered in this club.

Neighbors found a dog with the OKBS brand + numbers, which club/kennel may this brand belong to and how to find the dog’s owner?

According to the database, this mark belongs to the Moscow Kennel Club “BIS”. You need to contact the club’s dog handlers, explain the situation and give the full number of the brand, so that they can use the club’s database to check which puppy was assigned such a brand, and if the breed/sex/color you named matches those listed in the database, find the owner’s contacts.

Is a brand given to a puppy at a young age different from a brand given to an adult dog?

Yes, they will be different. The mark placed on a small puppy (especially if it is a large breed puppy) may change with age. The puppy grows, the skin stretches, the mark will also “grow” along with the puppy and become a little paler. A brand made on an adult dog for the purpose of deception, for example, will remain as bright and clear as if it was done just yesterday.

How to check a puppy for the RKF mark?

The metric, pedigree and all other documents of a particular individual include the number code of the mark, which helps to quickly identify it.

  • If doubts arise about the purebred of the dog being purchased and the authenticity of the pedigree provided, then they can be dispelled with the help of the same mark.
  • It can also be used to identify the dog's owner if the animal gets lost.
  • And if your four-legged friend is microchipped, then finding him will not be difficult. The chip data is located in a single RKF database , so its location can be determined almost instantly - of course, if you have access to it.

You can check it in the database

  • Using the number (it must be identical on the animal’s skin and in its measurements), you can detect a substitution when buying a puppy.
  • And yet, without a puppy’s brand, it would be very difficult for breeders to carry out breeding selection without making mistakes when reproducing the offspring of elite dog breeds.
  • When purchasing a puppy, a bilateral purchase and sale agreement must be drawn up, where the alphanumeric code of its brand will be entered. And if your pet will participate in exhibitions in the future, then all documentation for it will be carefully checked to prevent substitution.

What is it for:

Purpose of branding. The brand makes it possible to identify the dog at exhibitions and, in case of its loss, can help in the search. Insurance companies also require a clear stamp or microchip. The RKF and similar organizations maintain a database. By contacting there, you can find out the kennel to which the series belongs and, using the stud books, restore the number and identify the dog. Using a tattoo, you can completely identify the dog, for example, to identify false pedigrees. The brand is a guarantee to the buyer who has chosen a branded puppy from the litter and left an advance payment to the breeder that in a couple of weeks the puppy will not be intentionally or by mistake replaced with its littermate. In addition, according to the rules of the Russian Canine Federation, the export version of the pedigree, which is necessary for selling puppies abroad and traveling with the dog to exhibitions in other countries, is issued only for branded dogs. The brand is a guarantee of the purebred puppy. In case of loss of documents for a dog, dog handlers will be able to identify it and issue documents again. Many owners stock up on special dog collars engraved with the owner's name and phone number. However, these collars can be lost or removed. The only way to identify a lost or stolen dog is to stamp it.

How are puppies branded?

  • Before branding, the specialist removes the animal’s fur in the required place (ear or groin) - then the quality of the tattoo will be much higher. After disinfecting this area, a stamp cliche - a gel pen is used for this. And only then, according to this template, a brand is applied to the puppies, which is not subject to washing off.
  • To do this, use special tools - a pen marker or a glue gun.

Dog branding machine

  • In a pen-type kleimator, although it is externally similar to a fountain pen or a modern pencil, in which the rod extends, there is a significant difference - a needle.
  • The tattoo ink is held in a container inside the tool and when the needle moves, it is released into the tip of the needle. For tattooing dogs, use only black tattoo ink. With one piercing of the skin with a pen-claymator, 1 tattoo point is created.
  • in the design of clamping pliers . This is a kind of stamp on which the required alphanumeric combination is selected. The symbol on the stamp is studded with needles that pierce the skin of the animal - most often the ear. Then a special tattoo paste is rubbed into these pinpoint wounds. And then it will take a few days for it to dry and crumble, leaving only the pierced points.

How are puppies branded?

  • The puppy is usually branded either by specialized specialists or veterinarians. This operation is trusted to be carried out by experienced people who do not necessarily have special education.
  • A specialist who is already well-trained can conduct a branding session quickly, practically painlessly and safely. In general, such an operation should be the prerogative of a veterinarian, but at the same time he should also be a stigmatizer.
  • Since such veterinary clinics are rare, canine organizations often employ people trained in this craft, and not necessarily veterinarians.
  • If there is a need to update a brand that is difficult to see on an animal’s body or to give the dog a tattoo (for example, the owner’s telephone number), then for this you can find out at the club or kennel who you can contact for qualified help. There are also private branding machines, information about which is abundant on dog lovers’ forums.


After receiving the number from the RCH, the puppy needs to be prepared for tattooing. You can apply the ID at home if you have sufficient skills, or you can contact a specialist.

First of all, the area around the future tattoo is cleaned, excess hair is shaved off, and the area is disinfected. The procedure itself takes no more than fifteen minutes. Some methods can reduce branding time to four to five minutes.

For puppies, such a procedure is almost painless, but this does not mean that they will not try to dodge and escape. The pet's paws and body should be firmly fixed to provide the specialist with free access to the working area.

At what age is it best to carry out branding?

You can get a tattoo on an animal at any age. And yet puppies are branded at the age of a month and a half. The most common age is forty-fifth day after birth. It is worth noting that a puppy is much more tolerant of branding than an adult dog.

Read What is puppy activation and why is it needed?

Where is the mark placed?

Dogs are most often branded on the ear. They are also placed either in the groin area, on the inner thigh or on the stomach.

What is a puppy's metric and brand?

  • The person who affixed the mark confirms the procedure he carried out, i.e. he must sign on a special card, which is called “general litter” . Next, the breeder and inspector sign a document confirming the examination of the puppy litter. This happens if absolutely every puppy is branded with its own number and coding. They are included in puppy registration and other breeding documents.

A metric is issued

  • This data is needed so that you can always find out where the dog comes from and who is its legal owner (if the breeder retains documents confirming the act of purchasing the animal). In addition, nickname, date of birth, coat color, etc. - all this can be easily found out using metric information.
  • The brand of a puppy is like a human passport. It includes letter and number individual sets. The area where the tattoo will be applied is first cleaned to protect the animal from infection. And after that, in fact, they begin to apply the mark.
  • By registering with the RKF, all kennel clubs and kennels receive their own letter sets in order to brand litters with this code. A code of three or four letters is assigned to the four-legged babies one by one. It is these letters that are like a “business card”, by which you can always find out where the pet was taken from.
  • Also, dogs have a numerical code in their brand, which breeders choose independently. It can also be supplemented with letters; it is permissible to use a fractional line.
  • After applying such a unique tattoo, the dog’s “personality” can always be established.

What documents do I need to provide?

To register a pedigree for a dog in Russia, as already mentioned, you should first get a puppy card.
The information model contains all the features of a particular specimen and even its shortcomings, which affect the breeding value of the dog. As a rule, the document must indicate the breed and name, gender and date of birth, as well as color and brand number. The available information about the animal’s parents, as well as the full name, passport details and contact information of the owner are immediately entered there. This document is further recognized as valid and used for exchange only if there is a seal and signature of the organization that issued it.

Part of the primary metrics is sent for storage to the Russian Canine Federation, and the other remains with the owner

It is important to preserve it even after receiving the pedigree, since if the main document is lost, in most cases, restoration is possible only if this certificate is available. Although sometimes, when contacting the club, employees issue a second birth certificate, based on the brand applied to the dog’s ear or belly. The puppy metric ends when the puppy is one year and 3 months old.

The puppy metric ends when the puppy is one year and 3 months old.

Some owners are concerned about whether it will be possible to draw up a pedigree if the primary document is missing. In this case, you will only receive a registration or zero paper. Although it confirms the breed of the puppy, it does not give him the opportunity to take part in international exhibitions and be used for mating. A zero pedigree is issued only if the commission confirms that the dog meets the breed standards.

Registered pedigree is done at the club. A prerequisite is a preliminary examination of the dog by three experts certified in this breed. In addition to this information, you will need two photographs - profile and full-face, again signed by the expert. If available, it is worth adding the original of the unconfirmed pedigree

When filling out the metric to obtain a pedigree, it is important to adhere to a simple rule - do everything carefully and correctly, otherwise the organization may refuse to issue this paper

When writing information on all lines, it is important to use block letters written as legibly as possible. If specialists misread some symbol and, accordingly, issue an incorrectly completed pedigree, everything will have to be redone. In the “Owner” line, write the first and last name, and in the “Address” line – the currently valid registration indicated in the passport

We must not forget about the index - its absence may serve as a refusal to accept documents

In the line “Owner” the first and last name are written, and in the line “Address” – the currently valid registration indicated in the passport. We must not forget about the index - its absence may serve as a refusal to accept documents.

Puppy metrics are changed in the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia or in the RKF. Documents issued by other organizations are not considered valid. Pedigrees issued by the RKF are considered more prestigious. They allow you to take part in competitions and exhibitions not only in Russia, but also abroad.

SCOR papers provide the opportunity to act only within the framework of club activities. If the owner of a puppy has completed the paperwork in the Union and then decides to receive confirmation from the RKF, he will have to undergo testing with his pet at three exhibitions and receive assessments from three experts.

To exchange a certificate for a pedigree, today it is not necessary to go to Moscow, since nurseries and city clubs are engaged in mediation. To obtain the document, you must go to the administration of the kennel where the puppy was purchased or to the official city kennel club. Having found out about the possibility of registering a pedigree, you need to pay the receipts and draw up a puppy card. The birth certificate is exchanged for an adult “passport”, which can be picked up in about three months.

Is it necessary to treat a puppy's brand?

  • Puppies will not need any special procedures for processing the brand in the future; a specialist will take care of safety measures. He will remove the hair where it should be and apply an antiseptic solution to his skin.
  • And if he uses a spray containing novocaine, then your puppy will not experience the slightest pain and will immediately return to his normal life. The only requirement for the owners is that this place cannot be wetted with water for 7 days after branding .

You can bathe the puppy only a week after branding.

What to do if the owners are found, but they don’t want the dog

Unfortunately, this often happens: the old owners are found, but they don’t want to return the dog. Then the person who found the dog should find out all the necessary information: the dog’s age, preferred diet, and also be sure to ask for a veterinary passport with vaccinations and the dog’s documents (puppy card or pedigree). If the would-be owners confirm their refusal in writing, that will be ideal. After this, you can look for the dog a new home where he will be loved.

Is it possible to fake a brand for a puppy?

  • Some swindlers, in pursuit of profit, are ready to go to great lengths, including forging the brand of puppies.

It should be remembered that the stigma of a one and a half month old puppy and an adult will vary greatly. As the animal grows older, the tattoo becomes blurred, and over the years it can be almost completely erased. If it was forged on a dog that is old enough, the brand will retain a bright and clear appearance - pay special attention to this when purchasing an animal.

  • A tattoo can tell more about a dog's age than anything else. The older she is, the paler her color becomes.
  • All clubs and nurseries have stud books or created digital databases where you can find its owner using the dog’s alphanumeric code. And ask him if this is really the same dog that belonged to him and whether it is worth making a dubious purchase.

How much does a puppy brand cost?

  • There is no clear estimate of the cost of dog branding work - it varies from 150 to 500 rubles. It should be taken into account that the cost of this procedure may vary slightly in different regions; the experience of a professional also has its price.
  • If a specialist, at your invitation, comes to your home to brand the puppy, then the price will be different - from 500 rubles. The further the place where the puppy is kept from the person (organization) providing such services, the higher the price for branding will be.

Are you just thinking about buying a puppy? Then we advise you to read the following articles to decide on the breed:

  • Cane Corso - what kind of breed, features
  • Dog breed Bichon Frize
  • Petit Brabançon dog breed
  • Pitbull is a killer fighting dog
  • Newfoundland - dog breed
  • Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world
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