A cross between a corgi and a husky - a cheerful, good-natured dog with an unusual appearance

Corgis and huskies are popular and sought-after dogs. But not everyone is familiar with the crossbreeds of these breeds. Mestizos are distinguished by their interesting appearance, easy-going disposition and special attitude towards their owner.
Like all hybrid individuals, a cross between a corgi and a husky has excellent health, but requires proper maintenance, proper feeding, education, and training.

What did the hybrid take from its parents?

It was no coincidence that breeders came up with the idea of ​​crossing corgis and huskies. This is an attempt to combine the positive characteristics of two popular breeds.

From Corgi

The hybrid got its body shape, short legs, head size, and short stature from a corgi. A parent from England passed on to his descendant a funny, slightly sly expression on his face. The qualities of the Corgi mini shepherd - obedience and good communication with the owner - are clearly expressed in the crossbreed.

From a husky

From his Siberian parent, the half-breed inherited triangular erect ears, eye shape, saber-shaped tail, and interesting head color. The horgi also received the structure and type of coat, strength, endurance, and the ability to perform monotonous actions from a noble husky.

general description

A cross between the Siberian Husky and the Welsh Corgi, the breed is one of the most beautiful dogs in the world. Another name for them is horgi. These dogs received from corgis:

  • small dimensions;
  • shape of the head and body;
  • short stature;
  • short legs;
  • sly expression of the muzzle.

And from the husky the mestizos inherited:

  • color;
  • ear shape;
  • tail shape (saber-shaped).

The animal's height is up to 0.4 m, and its weight is up to 18 kg.

The colors of these dogs are varied. Often there are combinations of white, gray, red and black shades.

An example of the color of a horgi cross
. Attention! Most often, wool is not found in a solid monochromatic color, but with various spots and inclusions, as well as a combination of 3 shades.
Breeds mixed between the Vershi Corgi and the Siberian Husky may also be called simply Husky Corgi.

Pet character

The Corgi Husky is a very brave, lively, friendly, playful and resilient dog.

Temperament – ​​sociable, reserved . These dogs explore the world around them with curiosity and interest and are always ready to communicate. They respond well to training.

They love active games, walks and travel. Possessing a gentle character, they rarely exhibit protective qualities.

Not aggressive towards people and other animals (Horgi males can be aggressive towards other males).

Behavior and intelligence

Horgi are cheerful and playful dogs
Corgi crossbreeds exhibit obedience and a companionate attitude towards their owners. And from the husky, the pets of this breed have adopted pronounced endurance and strength, and the ability to perform routine activities for a long period of time.

These animals are very active, sociable and hardy. Temperament – ​​restrained. They are inquisitive, smart and easy to train. They are interested in live communication, active games, walks and travel. Pets are not guards by nature.

Horghi dogs can get along well with other animals and people of any age.

Such pets easily adapt not only to a changing environment, but also to the mood of their owners. In addition, their distinctive feature is the absence of conflict and touchiness.

Note! Dogs do not like to bark loudly, but can only howl.

About pet health

Representatives of the Horgi breed have enviable health. With proper care, the average lifespan of such dogs is approximately 12-15 years.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for animals:

  • eyes;
  • skin;
  • spine;
  • wool

These dogs are especially susceptible to gaining extra pounds. However, they have increased immunity and reduced allergic reactions.

Vaccination against helminths is an essential element of caring for a horgi.

What it looks like in the photo

The height of the Welsh Corgi and Husky mix is ​​up to 40 cm, weight is 15-18 kg . The dog is of a moderately elongated format, the length of the body is 20-30% greater than the height at the withers.

A head with a narrow, long muzzle, erect pointed ears, a strong neck, a strong back, short legs are the distinctive features of the breed.

The topline is straight, sometimes rising to the base of the tail.

The stance of the forelimbs is straight, parallel, less often barrel-shaped . The coat is thick, of medium length, with a pronounced undercoat, with longer feathering on the hips and underside of the tail.

Corgi Huskies come in solid, bi- and tri-color colors. Often there are dogs with a dark body and light muzzle, paws, and belly.

Eye color - brown, from light to dark, possibly interspersed with blue in the iris, sometimes one or both eyes are blue.

Characteristic features of the breed

The main difference is the great resemblance to a wolf. The dogs have a strong, muscular body, strong long legs and dense thick hair. All these characteristics help them to withstand winter cold well and transport heavy sleds over long distances. Huskies can get by on small amounts of food if necessary. These animals can be small and medium in size, the body shape is taut, the muzzle is slightly shortened. The average height reaches 60 centimeters, weight – about 30 kilograms.

According to the breed standard, dogs should have a dark back, ears and top of the head. The belly, paws and muzzle are white, and there are also characteristic light spots - “spectacles” around the eyes. There are animals with pure white and reddish coat color, but this is rare, rather an exception.

The eyes have an almond-shaped, slightly slanted cut. Their color is most often blue, icy, and less often brown or yellowish. The peculiarity is heterogeneity. The ears are triangular, close set, and completely pubescent. The tail is large and fluffy like a fox's, slightly curved.

Dogs of this breed are very hardy, tireless and dynamic. They need constant movement and exercise. They love long walks, running and playing outdoors and thrive in cold climates. Huskies are friendly, welcoming, loyal and not at all aggressive. Get along well with other pets. Suitable for families with children. Thanks to their special cleanliness, they can live even with allergy sufferers.

Types of hybrids

From Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Representatives of this species have an elongated body, high-set, large ears and short legs. The coat is short, slightly harsh, depending on whose gene is stronger.

Color ranges from fawn to brown. Less common are individuals of brown or black-brown color.

Height – 22-30 cm, weight – 6-12 kg.

From Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The cross between the Dachshund and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi has gentle paws and an elongated body, a small head, a wide forehead, and high-set ears.

The coat is of medium length, sometimes there are small fringes, the structure of the coat is somewhat rough. Color ranges from chestnut to dark brown with white spots.

Height – from 18 to 30 cm, weight from 8 to 15 kg.

History of the origin of the breed

The very name of the Welsh Corgi breed reveals its place of origin – Wales.

There are two subspecies of the Welsh Corgi: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The first appeared in an isolated area of ​​Cardiganshire, Wales. One theory is that the Cardigans' ancestors were brought to the British Isles by the Celts at the end of the Bronze Age.

As for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, this breed is native to Pembrokeshire, Wales, and has its origins in the 13th century, presumably from dogs of Flemish origin. According to one version, King Henry of England had a hand in the appearance of corgis in the British Isles. In 1107, he invited Flemish weavers, who, in turn, brought with them small Spitz-like dogs.

photo: malteze.net

The first written mention of the corgi breed appeared in the code of laws of King Hywel the Good, who ruled Wales in the 10th century. One of the laws stated that for the murder of a corgi herding cattle, its owner could demand compensation from the culprit in the form of a whole ox.

The main function of Welsh Corgi dogs in those days was herding. This breed of dog was held in high esteem, as they could herd herds of sheep, herds of ponies, and even poultry (geese and ducks) without human intervention. Corgis also guarded farmland and the houses of their owners. Corgis could independently watch over the herd all day, protecting it from wolves and robbers. Therefore, it is understandable that the death of a shepherd dog was a tangible loss for the owner.

For their miniature size, corgis received the nickname “Welsh yard” - from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, their body length does not reach even a meter. Corgis were also called “nipper dogs” because of their specific manner of biting cattle grazing on the pasture on the hind legs. The short limbs of dogs make them more maneuverable and protect them from injury, blows from animal hooves and horns.

photo: simple-fauna.ru

There is also a version that the Corgi breed originated from the Schipperke, Samoyed, Keeshond and Norwegian Spitz. But the main ancestors, most likely, were the Icelandic dog and the West Goth Spitz (also known as the Swedish Vallhund). Today, both breeds are extremely rare.

photo: petstime.ru

There is also controversy about the origin of the very name of the breed “Corgi”. Some researchers are sure that it came from the Welsh “cor” (dwarf) and “ci” (dog). Others insist that the name is based on the words “cur” (to watch, guard) and “ci” (dog), so the name of the breed is translated as “guard dog”.

Despite all its merits, the Corgi breed was not widespread until 1892

Corgi dogs managed to attract attention after they took part in an exhibition show in 1892, where breed standards were determined and its best representatives were identified. After this, the popularity of the breed began to grow quite quickly in many countries of the world, including Russia.

So, in 1933, the Duke of York gave his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret a puppy each. It is known that corgis captivated the heart of little Elizabeth so much that even after becoming Queen Elizabeth II, she kept this particular breed of dog at court all her life.

Since the 20th century, corgis have confidently gained recognition among dog lovers around the world, and they were brought to Russia from Finland only in 1993. Until the end of the 90s, the Corgi breed attracted almost no interest among Russians, and only with the opening of the National Club did it find a response in the hearts of dog lovers. There is an opportunity to participate in major exhibitions and bring quality manufacturers to the country.

photo: nytimes.com

For those who believe in legends, there is another version of the origin of the Corgi breed. According to the beliefs of the Welsh, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs were given to people by fairies who were used to riding them. Allegedly, proof of this is a saddle-shaped spot on the back of the animals.

No less fabulous is the legend that one day peasant children found two puppies resembling fox cubs on the branches of a tree. They brought them home and learned from the adults that they were small dogs that were ridden by fairies.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities of horga:

  • Cleanliness.
  • Learning ability. Dogs have high intelligence and willingly make contact with their owner.
  • Not slobbery and practically odorless.
  • They can easily withstand frost thanks to their warm fur.
  • Excellent companions on active walks.
  • Compact size allows you to keep your dog in a small space.


  • Due to their active temperament, without long walks, they can become hooligans at home.
  • They shed profusely; during shedding they need to be combed to speed up the process of hair loss.
  • The long length of the dog can cause problems with the spine. It is necessary to limit jumping and prevent independent descent down stairs at a young age (up to a year).

Features of maintenance and care

  • Horgis should receive a nutritious diet, but these dogs should not be overfed; they are prone to obesity - owners must control the amount of food they eat. During periods of active growth, in old age, and during intense physical exertion, it is recommended to introduce vitamin and mineral complexes into the Horgi’s diet, aimed at supporting joints, the cardiovascular system, and strengthening the immune system.
  • You need to monitor the condition of your teeth. If plaque or tartar appears, the teeth should be cleaned; if this cannot be dealt with at home, you should contact a veterinary clinic.
  • It is recommended to deworm your dog once every 3-4 months. The drug is selected taking into account the dog’s weight.
  • Horgis must be vaccinated annually with a comprehensive vaccine against major infections and rabies. The vaccine is administered by a veterinarian at the clinic. Self-administration at home is also possible, provided the vaccine is stored in the refrigerator.
  • To maintain healthy skin and coat, it is recommended to brush your dog twice a week, and daily during shedding periods.
  • Trim nails twice a month. Overgrown claws prevent the dog from walking and can cause paw problems and arthritis.
  • Horgas are washed approximately once a month, using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Paws and belly are washed after walks in damp and dirty weather.

It is important to dry the dog completely.

  • Corgi-huskies are very active dogs and require long walks. To toilet train a puppy, you need to walk a lot and often, then the process goes quickly.
  • Dogs are highly intelligent and easy and fun to train. Dog training can begin with the arrival of a puppy in the house. First of all, they accustom the dog to a name, a place, and a toilet on the street. Basic commands, such as “sit”, “lie down”, “to me”, “near”, “place” - should be taught from 1.5-2 months.

Education and training

They enjoy long walks before training.

In terms of intelligence, animals are not inferior to the original data of purebred parents, so they are well trained.

You need to start small: training the puppy to use the toilet. In this case, you need to walk with him a lot and for a long time. Then you need to consistently accustom them to their name, place and toilet on the street.

At the age of 2 months, puppies can be taught basic commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Come”. Later you can combine them and train them for more complex tasks.

Note! If training begins at an early age, then there is a high chance of raising a pet with better qualities than its parents.

If there is a fear of failure during training, then the pet can be trained by a dog handler for an additional cost.

How to tell a purebred husky from a crossbreed?

In light of the active breeding of husky hybrids, it is extremely important for breeders when purchasing a puppy to have an understanding of how to distinguish a purebred dog from a mixed breed. Mixing of breeds can occur both in one generation and can be traced in several generations, since some matings are not at all planned by the owner

When buying a four-legged friend, you should pay attention to its cost. As a rule, mixed breeds will be much cheaper than purebred dogs

Sometimes such animals without a pedigree can simply be offered as a gift. Such situations will help a potential buyer understand the situation. Metis, in light of the inheritance of many traits from different parents, can be distinguished by a rather complex character. Therefore, the breeder is recommended to observe the puppy he likes, and also, if possible, get to know the animal’s parents.

However, only a genetic test can reliably determine that a pet is purebred; otherwise, the buyer can rely on the external characteristics of the animal, as well as the documentation provided by the nursery

The breeder should pay attention to the size of the animal, however, at an early age it will be quite difficult to determine whether the dog meets the standards. As a rule, a small puppy can grow into a big dog and vice versa

The main characteristics of the Husky breed are as follows.

  • Animals stand out among their relatives by their “voice.” So, it is typical for the breed not to bark, but to howl. Moreover, this applies to all emotions – both positive and negative.
  • Not all mestizos will have an innate love for children; huskies are excellent nannies, so they will try to accompany children everywhere, if there are any in the family.
  • Huskies are unlikely to be good guards; as for mixed breeds with outbred animals, they, as a rule, have this instinct more developed.
  • Purebred Siberian dogs do not have a specific odor. Because animals clean their fur on their own.
  • Since the breed is positioned as a sled dog, a feature of such dogs will be strong limbs. Mestizos may not have this exterior feature.
  • The main characteristic of the breed is eye color. Huskies are characterized by mirror-blue pupils.

To learn how to buy a husky so that in six months it does not turn into a mongrel, watch the video presented.

Feeding the dog

When feeding natural food, it is necessary to take into account all the horga's needs for nutrients and vitamins.

The volume of food is calculated based on the weight and desired condition of the dog..

The daily portion is calculated as follows: for puppies and juniors - 5-7% of weight, for adult dogs - 3-5%.

The diet includes:

  • Meat. Beef, chicken, turkey, lean pork. 60% of the daily value during the growth period, 30-40% for adult dogs.
  • Porridge. Rice, buckwheat.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Carrots, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, apples, pears.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements.

When feeding dry food, the owner must monitor the ingredients and quality of the food. Veterinarians recommend feeding dogs with at least premium food.

They contain enough nutrients, meat and offal, vitamins . Your dog should always have clean drinking water.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the pros and cons of the Welsh Corgi dog breed:

The Welsh Corgi breed seems to exist only to give animal lovers fits of joy. A small fluffy pet is a complete delight with short legs. But today the Corgi mestizo has become even more famous.

Such an unusual animal can melt the heart of even the most inveterate cynic. However, not all gene mixing options result in an outwardly ideal breed. There are dogs with which it is undesirable to cross corgis for aesthetic reasons.

The character and temperament of the mestizo

Corgi, crossed with a shepherd, is distinguished by balanced behavior and a high degree of activity.

  1. Communication and socialization skills are positive.
  2. Loyalty to the owner is absolute.
  3. The level of learning is high.
  4. Stubbornness is average, sometimes there is a desire to dominate.
  5. Conflict with family members is low.

The Corgi and German Shepherd mix gets along well with other animals. He is always ready to support joint games and never avoids society.

Today is the day for Gerber Shepsi

Today, the husky-shepherd mix is ​​being actively promoted as a new breed by unscrupulous breeders, who are commonly called “breeders” or “breeders.” The blue eyed puppies they offer may not even be Gerberian Shepskys!

Shepsky can only be called a cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky in the first generation - an F1 hybrid - 50% of the blood of a purebred Husky mother and 50% of the blood of a purebred German Shepherd father. And never vice versa!

Hybrids of the second, third and subsequent generations as Gerberian Shepski are not even considered.

Crosses obtained by crossing an East European Shepherd and a Husky are also not considered, although in appearance they are very reminiscent of a large Siberian Shepherd.

Who are mixed-breed dogs?

Mixed breeds are dogs that are the result of crossing two different breeds of animals. The name itself denotes a mixed breed. It is not possible to find out the pedigree of such pets and the identity of their genes.

Often the parents of mixed-breed puppies are representatives of certain breeds with a pure pedigree. They can be winners and champions of dog shows and shows. But mixed-species dogs are not even allowed at such events. However, hybrid puppies have their advantages:

  • They are relatively inexpensive, and some mixed-breed babies are simply given into good hands.
  • Mixed breed dogs get sick much less often. Genetic pathologies are transmitted to such animals in very rare cases.
  • Metis borrows only positive qualities from his mixed-breed ancestors and is considered their improved version. Maybe this is why mestizos are very common today and are sometimes valued more than their purebred parents.

Where to buy a puppy

The most popular designer breeds in the United States. It’s not difficult to find a Chowsky puppy or an adult mixed breed there. In Europe, the fashion for hybrid breeds has not gained such momentum, the demand is small and there are only a few breeders. More often these are people who run nurseries. According to the rules, only healthy pedigree dogs of two breeds can breed with each other. Finding a puppy outside of the US is very difficult. In addition, there are no clubs or registries where they could suggest the dates of planned matings.


The price of a Chow dog varies, it depends on the breed of the parents, the appearance of the puppy, geography and other factors. If it is a cute teddy bear with a beautiful color, they can ask for $500 or more. If the puppy does not have an attractive exterior or is born from dogs of dubious origin, the price will be low, up to $50

Advantages and disadvantages of dogs crossed with a dachshund

Mestizos have a number of advantages over the original breeds. Among them:

  1. High immunity, minimum hereditary diseases.
  2. The wool of hybrids does not cause allergies.
  3. Smoothing out negative character traits.
  4. Unusual look.
  5. Low price of puppies.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to predict a dog's temperament.
  2. The dog is not considered purebred.

Varieties of crossbreeds

Mixed corgis are usually good-natured and cheerful animals. They grow up to be ideal dogs, loyal friends, always protecting their owner and all household members. Innate intelligence and agreeableness are integral qualities of such pets. Loud barking is not a habit of hybrids.

Crossing Corgis with other dogs results in the Welsh being overlapping with either breed. Even if one of the parents is completely bald, the hybrid puppy will definitely show the traits of a funny, furry animal with smart eyes. And if the second parent belongs to a large breed of dog, then the result is a mini version of a large dog.

Today there are quite a lot of Corgi crosses with other dog breeds. Some turn out quite successful and look very nice.

Corgi and husky

Husky, crossed with the Corgi breed, is currently becoming increasingly popular among dog breeders. A mixed dog is called a Horgi. The coat color, ear shape and saber-shaped tail are inherited from the Siberian breed.

From an “English” parent – ​​short stature, short legs, body shape and head size. The peculiar sly expression of the muzzle immediately reveals the presence of “British” genes.

Horgs are friendly and obedient by nature. They show restraint towards strangers, but are not aggressive. These are very energetic, brave and hardy animals.

Corgi and dachshund

The Corgi-Dachshund mix first appeared in the British Queen's palace. It was Elizabeth II who crossed her favorite Pembroke with a dachshund and named the breed “Dorgi”.

This mixed breed is small in size, with an elongated body on short legs. The Dorgi is a smart, kind and brave pet by nature. But sometimes he can be cocky, so raising him can be difficult. The dog loves games, adventures and becomes an excellent companion and friend for the whole family.

German Pomeranian Shepherd

A cross between a dachshund and a corgi: description, care, feeding and raising a mestizo

A very cute mestizo - a cross between a German Shepherd and a Pomeranian Spitz. Since the hybrid is created through artificial crossing, it will be quite expensive. A dog’s weight can vary from 2 to 40 kg, depending on which parent’s genes are dominant. The lifespan of a German Pomeranian dog is 10-14 years.

This is a self-confident, independent animal, prone to dominance - therefore, both education and training are important to it. At the same time, they are very friendly dogs who love to communicate with children, cats, and strangers.

Photo of a German Pomeranian dog:

How did the Dorgi appear?

Cute small dogs are the fruit of love between animals of different breeds. They appeared by crossing a dachshund and a corgi. There are versions that Queen Elizabeth herself had a hand in this, since she is famous for her love of dogs. Her favorite breed is the corgi, which the whole world knows about. Dorgis are a designer breed, so not everyone has these dogs. The pets that lived with the queen were not sold, but only given as gifts. Experts believe that the crossing of breeds also occurred in order to improve the health of four-legged friends.

Now other people can have a mixture of amazing pets that are pleasing to the eye and soul. These wonderful animals little by little began to capture not only the hearts of their owners, but also the Internet space.

It is surprising that puppies from crossbreeding are often different. If you list Dorgi on Instagram, the search returns dogs that are completely different from each other. Do not forget that puppies are mestizos, so they take their appearance and character from both parents. But owners, crossing a dachshund and a corgi, will not be able to know in advance what miracle their pet will have. But most often dogs have an elongated body, short legs and drooping ears. It's hard not to agree that they are very funny.

Popular nicknames

Choosing a name for a dog is very important for its owner. Dogs are often given names from cartoons, films, TV series and books - Astra, Beethoven, White Fang, Bruiser, Droopy, Eddie, Goofy, Lucky, Hooch, HuckelbErry, Fan, Lampo, Lassie, Madison, Odie, Pankracy, Lightning, Pluto, Rex, Ren, Rin, Tin, Saba, Scooby Doo, Snoopy, Football, Bib, Toto, Tramp.

Chihuahuas are often given nicknames such as: Fafik, Bubble, Bambi, Amor, Bucks, Coco, Mick, Buba, Posy, Timon, Pimpek, Rocky Nurja, Mickey, Ada, Gloria, Linda, Silva, Elsa, Tina Posy.

For girl puppies, the following nicknames are taken: Punya, Bella, Belle, Blueberry, Snowflake, Luna, Selena, Pusya, Fiona, Star, Violuna, Nika, Fredzya, Juli, Tuptusia, Nana, Reika, Sweet, Junya, Amy, Mika, Bobusia , Lola, Kitka, Sue, Sarah.

For boy puppies - Rocky, Mel, Nor, Fresh, Megan, Jean, Kesha, Britt, Brut, Gab, Sab, Busya, Funia, Rusiy, Savaliy, Jess, Bert and others.

What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;

  • Corgi Dalmatian.
  • The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

    It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

    If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like. However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigree pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention.

A cross between representatives of large breeds (Labrador, Malamute, etc.) with a husky

The most popular half-breeds are hybrids of sled dogs and representatives of large species. Breeders actively breed the following animals:

Mixed labrador and husky

  • Descendant of a husky and a labrador. This species has its own name - labski. Outwardly, the dog looks more like a sled dog, but in character this Labrador hybrid is much more complex. A cross between a Husky and a Labrador is a leader; only an experienced dog handler can raise such a pet.
  • Hybrid with Malamute. The result of crossing these breeds was a species that is highly prized by racers. Dogs born from a Malamute mother and a Husky father are distinguished by their good-natured character and loyalty, they are hardy, have a strong body and nimble legs. Half-breed Malamutes are bred specifically for sport.

Golden Retriever and Husky mix

  • Hybrid of Husky and Golden Retriever. Mixed breeds of these breeds are tri-colored with blue eyes. They are characterized by playfulness, activity, interest in hunting, patience, and attentiveness.
  • Mixed sled dog with Doberman. This species is very rare. The Doberman mix breed is distinguished by its muscular physique, characteristic of this species. The color of a half-breed Doberman can be brown or silver. It is impossible to predict the nature of the offspring of a Doberman and a Siberian sled dog.

Husky and Rottweiler mix

  • Rottweiler. What happens when breeding a cattle dog and a sled dog? The offspring of the two species are fearless animals, but they do not know how to herd herds.
  • Mixed breed obtained from a boxer and a husky. According to the description, the Boxki is close to the first breed, and in character - to the second. Such a pet needs constant communication and attention from the owner.
  • Descendant of a husky and a Central Asian shepherd dog. It is large in size. Puppies take on only the color from their first parent; otherwise, the hybrids are more similar to the Alabai.
  • Caucasian Shepherd and Siberian sled dog. This crossing was done out of curiosity to find out which would be better: a mixture with an Alabai or a Caucasian. As a result, it turned out that both hybrids were completely unsuitable for serving humans.

Health and life expectancy of mestizo

The average lifespan of a Corgi-Shepherd mix is ​​12 to 15 years. In the final third of Corman Shepherd's life, his activity level decreases and he becomes a sedate older dog.

When young and with the correct maintenance (feeding) regime, these dogs do not have natural health problems. But older mestizos are prone to diseases that are inherent in the parent breeds:

  1. Allergies to certain types of foods and plant substances (possible from a young age).
  2. Tendency to obesity.
  3. Back problems.
  4. Decreased vision.
  5. Joint dysplasia.

An individual set of vitamins and microelements developed by a veterinarian for each individual animal helps reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases. You may have to change the diet of the mixed breed and use special balanced mixtures.

Here are 11 top facts about the Husky Corgi mix.

About the Corgi Husky Mix

The Husky Corgi Mix is ​​a wonderful loving, affectionate and playful breed that makes a great family pet for many.

As an active dog, you will certainly need the energy to keep up with this designer breed, and they will do well in a household where they can join in the fun and go on hikes or walks with you.

While the Siberian Husky and Welsh Corgi are considered part of the elite club of dog breeds by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Kennel Club does not consider the Horgi.

The Horghi as a breed was classified by the AKC in 1935 as a “ Cattle Dog ,” meaning this fur baby is recognized as an alert guardian, loyal and easily trained dog with a “great” bark.

In 1930, the AKC also classified Siberian Huskies as "working dogs." They described the breed as gentle, friendly, attentive, dignified and safe, making it an ideal family dog.

2. Size and weight of the Husky Corgi mix.

Those who prefer small to medium sized fur babies will be happy to purchase the Corgi Husky Mix. Like its Corgi parent, the Corgi is quite low to the ground due to its compact size.

The dog is 13 to 15 inches tall, making it stable and stable due to its short legs.

An adult Horgi typically weighs between 20 and 50 pounds, making it a good alternative for those who feel they can't handle the size of purebred Siberian Huskies.

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Mixing dog breeds can be very unpredictable, especially due to the resulting traits that puppies from crossbreeds may exhibit.

This refers to the coat color of puppies, with some being born with a mixture of the characteristics of their parent breeds and others looking for a parent breed.

READ: Top: 7 best dry food for small breed dogs for 2021 (+ bad for dogs)

Horgi puppies can be red, sable, tan or brown from their Corgi line, or grey, black or agouti from their Siberian Husky line.

Husky " mask " And also white markings, which are characteristic of both Siberian Huskies and Corgi parents.

3. personality

Horgs are known for their loyalty and beauty, just like their purebred parents. They have a gentle nature, apart from their unique, loyal and intelligent traits.

If you choose a horgi, it could be the perfect match for parents, parents and coats. Horgis are generally a family dog, very friendly and may not make a good guard dog as they are less dangerous to strangers.

4. Personality of the Husky Corgi mix.

Designer dogs also have unpredictable temperaments as they can have both traits of their parent breeds.

Friendly, but not too friendly. He also connects well with strangers due to his trust.

The Corgi is a social creature that loves people and children.

He gets along well with other animals and loves the attention of his pets.

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Settles with family. The Corgi and Husky mix is ​​a match made in heaven, making the Corgi the ideal family dog.

His sociability makes him a beast of burden. Corgis are especially suitable for young families if they are well trained.

Always on the lookout

He may not be entirely suitable as a guard dog, but the Corgi Husky mix is ​​alert enough to make him a good guard dog. With proper training, Corgis can be made to bark excessively.

The Corgi is loving and loyal and puts his owner before himself. He will do everything to please his beloved parents and entertain them.

The Corgi Husky Mix inherits the intelligent traits of its Welsh Corgi and Siberian Husky parents. He is easy to train because he picks things up quite easily.

6. Horgi can be an impatient beaver!

Always hungry for new adventures. The Corgi Husky MIx is a great companion to meet the emotional needs of all pet parents.

7. Husky mix with corgi grooming.

Corgi Husky puppies compete with their Corgi and Husky parents when it comes to shedding. Corgis need to be groomed thoroughly at least once or twice a day, especially during shedding season.

If you have a Corgi at home, vacuum more often than usual to combat shedding. You also need to clean it regularly, preferably daily. For those who suffer from asthma, horgi is not recommended.

You also need to bathe your corgi correctly. Standard maintenance involves using shampoo only when it's really dirty.

Nails should be trimmed regularly and properly, and ears and teeth should be brushed two to three times a week.

When giving your Corgi Husky a bath, you should use a good dog shampoo to maintain a shiny, soft, and healthy coat. Bathing a Horgi can be very difficult because its coat is water-resistant. Drying is also difficult if the wool is too wet.

8. Corgi Husky Mix Health Problems.

The Corgi Husky Mix can be born with or develop common medical conditions, just like any other dog born to parents with the same medical conditions.

Health problems exhibited by Hårga include skin, eye and back problems, as well as more serious conditions such as epilepsy, DM, PDA, von Willebrand disease, obesity and hip dysplasia.

Therefore, it is important to consult with dog breeders to find out whether the Horga's parents have been tested for these diseases. Otherwise, just hope this mixed breed doesn't have the same genetic ailments that its purebred parents are often prone to.

Pet owners should always pay attention to the Horgi's weight gain, as he gains weight easily. He should not gain much weight or obesity to avoid back problems.

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Vaccinate your Horgi to help him live a long, healthy life. Horgi puppies should be vaccinated between 8 and 10 weeks after birth. Re-vaccination should be done 12 months after the first vaccination.

A mixed breed puppy such as a Horgi is expected to live about as long as its Corgi and Husky parents, which is approximately 12 to 15 years.

9. Requirements for training a Husky-Corgi mix

Although Corgis and Huskies are genetically designed to lead very active lives in the form of hunting and pulling, they may not be genetically predisposed to very long walks and daily play.

These days, corgis and huskies lead more sedentary lifestyles, making them more prone to obesity. As a responsible pet parent, you should resist the temptation to pamper them with lots of treats.

Moderate activity throughout the day is enough to keep your Horgi healthy and happy. With little activity, such as fewer walks and less play time, your furry friend may become moody and misbehaved.

A leash break can also be helpful to give Horgies some time to run free and perhaps socialize with other dogs, or just play alone.

Behavioral Training – Some of the most common behavioral issues that pet owners need to address are barking, aggression, food guarding, howling, swallowing and chewing, and separation anxiety. Behavior training will be helpful in addressing these issues.

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Obedience Training – One of the most basic and important training for any dog ​​is obedience training. Training methods that can be used with a Corgi Husky mix include basic obedience commands: come, sit, stay, heel and down.

Home training gram. An effective way to train your Horgi puppy to run away from home is to keep him in the same room with you at all times so that you can keep an eye on him.

Crate Training – Don’t be fooled into thinking that crate training is cruel. Some veterinarians recommend using a crate for your Horgi while he is young. Make sure the crate is very comfortable and provides good ventilation and plenty of light to get your dog used to the crate.

Training your Horgi and teaching him to socialize at a young age is beneficial for both the dog and his owner. Educating patients will pay off as they will be more likely to exhibit their best behavior.

10. Husky Corgi Mix and Family

Is Horgis suitable for families? Horgis are very playful and friendly dogs that are ideal as family dogs. They are cute and sociable and kids will love playing with them. Their size also makes them ideal for fairly large homes.

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As a lightweight and flexible breed, the Corgi-Husky mix adapts to different living conditions as they are not easily influenced by certain weather conditions in order to survive.

Care must be taken when training a Corgi-Husky mix to ensure that it is less aggressive towards people. His playful, energetic and loving nature makes him a delightful playmate for children and adults.

11. Price list for a Corgi and Husky mix.

If you decide to get a Corgi Husky mix dog, you will have to spend between $300 and $800 to buy one. Depending on the quality the breeder places on purebred corgi and husky parents, you could also spend a little over $1,000.

You will also need to spend on maintenance for your Horgi, such as health checks, sterilization, and a microchip.

Other expenses to consider include a collar, crate and carrier, as well as dog food, treats and toys.


The Horghi dog breed is good with children and other animals, and with relatively easy training skills, these puppies are loyal to those who love them. Do you think a Husky Corgi Mix might be the dog for you?

Frequently asked questions about Corgis

What is the name of the Husky Corgi mix?


The Corgi Husky Mix, also known as the Siborgi or Horgi, is a very interesting cross between two venerable dogs.

Are Corgis aggressive?

Corgis are not naturally aggressive. However, under certain circumstances, they can exhibit a short temper and aggressive behavior. Of the Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi varieties, the Pembroke tends to be more susceptible to these outbreaks.

Are Corgis good off leash?

Corgis are extremely intelligent and cunning. On or off leash, Corgi training can be difficult due to their herding instincts - they are easily distracted by other people, dogs and animals due to their need for control.

Do Corgis love to cuddle?

Corgis love to cuddle. … In addition, Corgis are a known breed of affectionate and cuddly dogs. These are trusting and very affectionate dogs, always happy to please.

What to choose: male or female corgi?

Both sexes can be aggressive. This depends on the dog's training and socialization, as well as the Corgi's natural personality.

Males tend to be more pleasant and make better running dogs, while females are bossy and shy. It would seem that female corgis are aggressive.

How smart are corgis?

Corgis have a busy brain. Like most herding breeds, they are intelligent and easy to train. In fact, they are ranked as the 11th smartest breed in Stanley Coren's book, The Intelligence of Dogs. Corgis are known for agility, obedience, tracking, and of course, herding.

Are corgis known to be good family dogs?

Welsh Corgis are popular pets for good reason. They are ranked 24th on the American Kennel Club's list of 175 breeds.

Their compact size, friendly temperament and willingness to learn make them good family companions in an apartment or house.

Is Corgi suitable for children?

Yes, Corgis are good with children as long as they receive proper obedience and socialization training at a young age.

But because of their strong herding instincts, corgis can be very strong-willed and bite small children. However, they are not recommended for families with small children or young children.

How much does a Corgi Husky mix cost?

Corgi Husky mix price

A Corgi Husky puppy can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000, depending on the quality the breeder attributes to the breed's parents.

Does corgi mix well with potatoes?

Is Husky Corgi Mix suitable for cutlets?

Both have high instinct. While this may seem recommended for play, you can use this to develop yourself by allowing both of your pets to use their instincts to create a strong game. You can work together to stimulate the minds of others.

How many women do you have?

Usually there are 8 pieces in boxes, but their number may vary.

Both men and women have girls, but men lack maternal health. Because of this, men will have a little more difficulty finding toys.

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