Breed standard Welsh Corgi Pembroke FCI-Standard No.39 / 28.11.2003 / GB

History of the origin of the breed

The breed was artificially bred in Wales when the very first shepherd dogs appeared. Around the 10th century it became most widely accepted among pastoralists. As far as we know, the ancestors of this breed were the Swedish Vallhund or the Icelandic dog. Until now, no one knows for sure.

Interesting fact! If you believe the legend, then puppies of this breed were simply given to people by fairies so that they would later use them as sled dogs. This is evidenced by the mark on the dog's back left by the saddle.

According to many experts, this breed belongs to the family of small, compact shepherd dogs. In 1892, this breed was first presented publicly by organizing participation in an exhibition show. As a result, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi relatively quickly gained the trust of people in many countries, including Russia.

Learning ability

Welsh Corgis are proactive and very intelligent dogs. Initially, this is a service breed, so the ability to learn is inherent a priori. But due to excessive activity, a small puppy can become capricious, damage furniture, or break off the leash. To avoid this, training is needed under the supervision of a strong-willed owner.

Training with constant repetition of commands will seem boring to the dog, and this is not to his liking. But the motivation will be a treat and a kind word from the owner.

Every activity with your pet should be unusual and interesting in order to fully capture his attention. So you can play mini-football with your corgi, master frisbee and herding commands. Corgis love playing with the ball, chasing, and then cuddling.

The puppy picks up new commands on the fly, but provided that the commands are logical and he understands the result. For example, if a corgi sees that a certain action allows him to get a treat, then he will repeat it himself on the first or second try.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi: description

The breed is characterized as active and cheerful, with intellectual abilities, although it was bred as a dog to help shepherds. Despite this, it is widely used as a pet because it is easy to train and unpretentious in keeping. The height at the withers of an adult does not exceed 31 cm, with an average weight of 10 to 12 kilograms. Females are only one kilogram smaller than males.

Breed standards

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are small dogs, quite strong and robust. At the same time, they are attentive and active, meeting such breed standards. The dog's head has an external resemblance, both in shape and appearance, to the head of a fox, while its expression corresponds to a living and intelligent animal. At the level of the ears, the skull is relatively wide and flat, while the transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is clearly visible, at the end of which a barely noticeable sharpening can be noted. The nose is always black. The eyes are round, not large, brown in color, matching the base color. At the same time they are well placed. The ears, standing upright with rounded ends, are not large in size.

The neck is long and very proportional. The body is of medium length with arched ribs, while the lumbar region is of medium length. The back is strong and straight, and the chest is relatively wide and deep, descending between the forelimbs. The tail should be short and undocked, not curled over the back and in line with the body.

Interesting to know! Previously, tail docking was always carried out on dogs of this breed, but nowadays people are more inclined to natural beauty. In this regard, this procedure has been banned in some countries.

The forelimbs are straight and as short as possible. The shoulders should close tightly to the chest. The dog's skeleton is quite massive, and the hind limbs are flexible and muscular, with pronounced knee joints.

The paws are oval in shape, tightly closed and massive, the toes should be tightly knit and the pads thick and springy. The paws are armed with short claws. The animal's movement should be relaxed and free, with the front legs moving forward correctly.

The body is covered with straight and medium-length hair. The undercoat is thick and of high quality. The coat should not be too hard or too soft, without excessive waviness. Breed standards allow the coat color to be solid red, sable, fawn, black and tan. Some representatives of the breed have white markings on the chest, limbs and neck. The standards also allow for the presence of such markings both on the head and on the muzzle.


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a dog that is both strong and intelligent. In addition, she has a fairly balanced and friendly character. These animals never conflict with other pets, so they feel great around cats, rodents and other dog breeds. Dogs of this breed always feel like full members of the family, so they love to be regularly paid attention to.

Important point! As a joyful greeting, some Welsh Corgis make unique sounds called “cake songs.” This howl is characterized by having multiple melodic overtones.

This is a fairly playful breed of dog that requires long walks and active games. Kindness is one of the main virtues. These animals will always find a common language with friends, both among animals and among people of any age. The reaction to strangers is either neutral-restrained or active and friendly.


The average lifespan of a dog of this breed is no more than 15 years. If you adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, as well as proper care, Pembroke Welsh Corgis often live to be almost 20 years old.

Welsh Corgi. Dog Planet to the rescue

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