Similar breeds to Doberman: Dogs similar to Doberman, mixed breeds and varieties of Doberman.

Are Dobermans Good Family Dogs? The amazing truth - Doberman's planet
When I was looking for my first dog, I had just bought my first house and was about to marry my longtime girlfriend. I knew that little children and family wouldn't be too far in the future. A few years later, I have two small children, a wife, and a 90-pound Doberman Pinscher living together. Now that I've raised a family with a Doberman, there are definitely a few things you should know if you're considering one for your family.

Are Dobermans Good Family Dogs? Doberman Pinschers are highly intelligent, people-oriented dogs that are loyal, loving and protective. If you take care of early socialization and training, they can make excellent pets.

Although Dobermans generally make fantastic pets, there are certainly individual differences between individual Dobermans. Knowing how to find a Doberman puppy that will work well in your family is key. Additionally, early socialization with small children and other pets will ensure a very well rounded dog that can work well in your family.

Temperament Review

This is a general overview of the temperament and personality traits that are most common in Dobermans to help you decide how to fit into your family. You may love this breed, but don't be afraid to look for another breed if you don't think these traits will work well in your family.

Origin and history of the breed

The appearance of dwarf Dobermans dates back to the 15th century. At that time, they began to be bred in the county of Württemberg in the southwest of modern Germany. To form the breed, a smooth-haired pinscher, a dachshund and an Italian greyhound were used.

Appearance of a dwarf Doberman

For your information! Initially, Mini Doberman Miniature Pinschers were bred to work in the stables. Dogs of this breed caught rats and protected livestock from attacks by rodents, showing courage and skill.

A little later, representatives of this breed began to be used as accompanying carts. And in this case, mini-Dobermans showed only their best side. They ran alongside the horses and covered long distances just like them.

The improvement of the breed began at the end of the 19th century. The first standard was established in 1880 after securing the best properties. As a result of careful work, the dog became universal and inherited the color and physique of the Doberman.

Official recognition of the breed occurred in 1967. In Russia, mini-Doberman dogs became common after the war.

Note! In fact, there is no breed called mini or dwarf Doberman. In the standard, the dogs are listed as miniature pinscher.

Smooth-haired dachshund

If you like corgis, but your heart is set on a Doberman, you can compromise and get a black and tan dachshund. The head and body of a Doberman are on short legs.

However, we must keep in mind: the dachshund is a hunter, brave, cunning and evil. Of course, these dogs have long been kept as pets, but if the ancient hunting instinct awakens, it will become quite difficult to keep such a dog.

They do not respect those who are unable to hunt a fox or badger, so they can begin to treat their owner with arrogant condescension. A dachshund may well become a domestic despot; it is impossible to re-educate it. She was born to fight to the death.

Dachshunds come in several sizes: from very small rabbit or dwarf ones to standard, quite large ones. If you find a common language with a dachshund, you are unlikely to get another breed.

Size and appearance

Dwarf Spitz: what the mini breed looks like

Externally, the miniature pinscher is no different from the Doberman. The only difference is the sizes. The animals grow up to 30 cm in height. Their weight varies from 5 to 6 kg. The dogs are distinguished by their slender build and well-developed muscles. The limbs are tall with strong joints. The front lari are slightly shorter than the rear ones. The neck is thin and muscular with an aesthetic bend.

The wedge-shaped head is small and proportional to the body. The eyes are oval, widely set. The nose is black, in rare cases it can match the main color. The jaws are well developed, the lips are thin, and the bite is scissor-shaped.

Miniature Pinscher dog

For your information! The ears and tail are cropped, but recently many breeders prefer to abandon this procedure.

The coat is short and moderately hard, close to the body and shiny.

The standard provides two colors for representatives of this breed:

  • red. Coat color can range from light cream to deep brown;
  • black and tan. The fur is diluted with red markings. In this case, the spots should not merge with the main color and be clearly defined.

Note! A distinctive feature of mini Dobermans is their gait. Animals raise their paws proudly and high, showing their grace.

Inheritance of Doberman Pinscher Coat Colors

The inheritance of basic coat colors (that is, whether a Doberman will be black, red, blue or fawn) was described in 1865 using a simple genetic method by the monk Gregor Mendel. The results of his experiments on flowers were published in a little-known journal. It was only many years later that scientists and breeders, but not the public, realized that his methods were also applicable to animal breeding. This explains why, as early as 1963, there were publications claiming that the fawn and possibly blue color of Dobermans was the result of a genetic “weakening” caused by certain types of inbreeding. It was only before the adoption of a new breed standard in 1969 that most Doberman breeders recognized that color inheritance obeys simple Mendelian laws.

The principles on which color inheritance is based are:

1) each dog has at least two pairs of genes responsible for color;

2) each parent passes on half of the genetic material stored in this pair to the offspring;

3) there are dominant and recessive genes.

In other words, each parent carries its own pair of genes, which are responsible, for example, for color, and the set of genes that carry all the information about the body is called a genotype - the genetic characteristic of a dog. If one of a pair of genes suppresses the action of the other (that is, is dominant in relation to it), then it is its action, for example, color, that will appear in the offspring, while the second will remain hidden from view (suppressed, or recessive). The term "phenotype" refers to the revealed expression of the genotype. Simply put, the genotype is the traits hidden from view that can appear in the offspring, and the phenotype is the traits that appear externally.

Black color (B - black) is dominant in relation to red (b - brown).

The pairs of genes responsible for the manifestation of the trait and designated by letters consist of the father's gene and the mother's gene. A capital letter indicates a suppressor gene, that is, a dominant one, and a lowercase letter indicates a suppressed one, or recessive one. The diagram shows that the gene for black color is dominant in relation to red. Therefore, for a dog to have a red color, it must have the bb genotype, that is, it must be homozygous for a recessive trait, otherwise the gene will not be able to manifest itself. A genotype consisting of a pair of identical genes, that is, responsible for the manifestation of the same trait, for example BB or bb, is called homozygous, and a genotype consisting of different genes, for example BB, is called heterozygous.

Six possible crosses between these three genotypically different dogs. For this we need a combination square, or R.K. lattice. Penneta, which is a square, on one side of which all types of female gametes are written, and on the other - male ones. Inside the cells, all the resulting genotypes of zygotes (offspring) are recorded.

Do not forget that the examples given are based on the theory of relativity, and in life these relationships may turn out to be different if a number of additional factors are not taken into account.

The same scheme can be painted for blue and deer dogs, with the only difference that to the genotypes of black or red colors one should add an allelic pair of attenuating genes that is homozygous for a recessive trait, that is, dd (dilution). The weakening gene can be dominant - D, then it does not manifest itself, and recessive - d, but manifests itself in a homozygous state.

By painting the Punnett grid, you will receive identical splits by genotype and phenotype, and by considering all four colors, you will get nine genotypes and four phenotypes (described in the breed standard). Below the numbers is the color code of the American Doberman Pinscher Club for a given genotype (they published a table of colors containing this list, as well as the percentage of phenotypes obtained by studying 81 of their combinations that can be obtained in the club).

Considering that the zygote will receive only one of the genes of the allelic pair of each parent and the independent distribution of non-allelic genes, each puppy will receive only gene B or b, D or d.

Please note that the ratio of normal colors (black and red) to weakened ones is also 12:4 or 3:1, as is the ratio of black to red colors. In a similar way, you can create similar tables for your dogs

If you breed a blue dog to a red dog, you won't get purple puppies!

In a similar way, you can create similar tables for your dogs. If you breed a blue dog to a red dog, you won't get purple puppies!


The creation of mixed breeds did not bypass Dobermans. It is believed that mestizos, unlike purebred breeds, have better immunity to various diseases and are less susceptible to cold.

Rottweiler mix

A crossbreed between a Doberman and a Rottweiler has adopted the traits of both breeds in the same way; in general, these dogs are similar, especially as puppies. Well, having matured, he will turn into a surprisingly stately dog, with strong legs, stockier than a purebred representative of the breed. This mixed breed will have the classic color for both breeds - black with rusty tan.
And with his head he will look like a Rottweiler: the head is of medium size, with a well-defined occipital protuberance, the ears are set wide. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, ending in a wide lobe with widened round nostrils. The color of the ear lobes, lips and eye rims is black. The mestizo will take on the character of his parents and will be a brave dog.

Shepherd mix

A Doberman mixed breed with a Shepherd will make an excellent working breed. In appearance it will resemble a German Shepherd, black and red in color. The muzzle will be more pointed than that of a purebred Shepherd, but less than that of a Doberman. The dog's height will be higher than that of a shepherd, and its body will be slender. If you do not train a mixed breed, he will become an irritable and dangerous dog, which will lead to unexpected behavior of the dog in different situations.

Pitbull mix

By crossing a pit bull and a Doberman, we get an irreplaceable guard, but also quite aggressive. After all, the pit bull is famous for its “death grip”, and the Doberman is not inferior to it in attacking the enemy. This mixed breed has strong paws and body, the color will vary from black to light rust with white tan . The muzzle will be oblong.

Mongrel cross

A dog with good immunity, smart, fast, an excellent protector and a good friend - this is all a cross between a Doberman and a mongrel. The appearance loses its aristocratic appearance, and the difference from the above mestizos is that this breed will not be short-haired. The description of this mestizo is rather vague, since everything depends on the mongrel, its size, and appearance. But most often they produce tall dogs with a strong body.

Other famous hybrids

Science knows the crossbreeds of a Doberman and a black Great Dane - a tall black dog that does not differ in appearance from a Doberman, but its color does not have tan and its height is slightly taller than a purebred dog.
The muzzle is elongated, the lower jaw is strong. And there is even baby Django, who is currently 3 years old.

This is a cross between a Doberman, Labrador and Boxer.

He has a brown color with light tan and blue eyes, which the dog took from a Labrador, since Dobermans are characterized by black eyes.

He has a stocky body, not very tall, about the size of a Labrador, strong paws and a strong jaw.

Types of Dobermans

It is important to know that there are two types of Dobermans - American and European. But here the views of dog breeders differ, as some believe that the difference between American and European dogs is so great that it is necessary to divide them into two separate breeds.

American type

Dog breeders gave American Dobermans the nickname “Velcro”, which means “Velcro”. By temperament, these dogs are more affectionate and trusting than their counterparts of European origin. In general, the American representative is more sophisticated and elegant. However, they have less dark eyes and a smooth head line. But their neck is long with a subtle curve. Their bones are weaker than those of European types. The length of the body depends on the length of the lower back. But the color of American dogs is light, and they have wide light tan marks. American Dobermans are recognized as the most skillful and graceful.

European type

As for European Dobermans, there will be no significant differences. Regarding temperament, these dogs are more wary of people; of course, they trust their owners, but they show less affection than American dogs. The European species is larger, more muscular, with a deep chest.
They have a pronounced head line, dark eyes and a strong lower jaw. However, the length of the neck is inferior to the American ones (and more straight, without bending). Europeans have strong body bones, but the stomach is less tucked, their body is more compact and almost never long. Their color is rich black and dark brown and has bright rich rusty red tan marks. But, unfortunately, the overall picture is spoiled by the ban in many European countries on ear and tail docking. This ban affects the decline in interest in European Dobermans, in contrast to American ones.

Important! At the beginning of training, do not treat the puppy roughly and do not scold him, otherwise it will be difficult to re-educate him later, even if an experienced dog handler undertakes this.

What is the difference between mini Dobermans and Dobermans

Doberman Pinscher: description of the dog breed, what it looks like

Dobermans and miniature Dobermans are radically different from each other. Their similarity lies only in appearance. Otherwise, the Miniature Pinscher and Doberman are very different.

The small Doberman has a well-developed hunting instinct; they are often disobedient and aggressive. The difference lies in the scope of activity. Dobermans are designed for military service, and mini Dobermans are used as companions and helpers.

External similarities and differences between Doberman and Miniature Pinscher

Mixed Doberman and German Shepherd

Doberman Shepherd = Doberman Pinscher + German Shepherd. This is a strong, muscular dog with a powerful build. Metis are valued for their loyalty, which turns into touching love for the owner and his family. This rather large dog is the center of affection and kindness, but only with his loved ones. The Doberman Shepherd is an excellent watchman and protector who will take care of the safety of its owners day and night.

A mestizo can have either straight, large ears or slightly drooping, drooping ears. Its average weight is 40-50 kg. The life expectancy of a dog is 10-13 years.


The average lifespan of a Miniature Pinscher is 12-15 years. This breed of dog is not burdened with genetic diseases. The Miniature Pinscher usually visits the veterinarian during routine vaccinations. However, there may be eye problems such as glaucoma or cataracts. Miniature Pinschers also have a high tendency to gain weight.

However, it should be remembered that although the dog is cheerful and resilient, too cold temperatures are not conducive to his health. He has a very short coat, which reduces his resistance to winter cold. Therefore, during this period, he should not stay outside the home for a long time.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of miniature pinschers - small dogs with a badass character.

Interesting fact: the Miniature Pinscher is ready to make anyone laugh, and he can use tricks that he has never tried before.

Pet character

Miniature Dobermans are energetic and agile. Representatives of this breed have a very well developed intellect, so they are rightfully considered smart and intelligent animals that are easy to train.

Beethoven (dog): what breed, what is it called

At the same time, micro-Dobermans are distinguished by a rather stubborn, proud and capricious character. Dogs do not tolerate careless treatment, so it is recommended that only adult, responsible people should have them.

Important! If the owner constantly pampers his pet, he will get used to this attitude and become uncontrollable and spoiled.

Representatives of this small breed need an experienced breeder with a strong character. Only in this case will the pet grow up well-mannered. Mini pinschers need regular exercise.

The small Doberman is a breed with a very difficult temperament, so during the training process the owner needs to be extremely attentive and patient. In addition to their complex nature, dogs are distinguished by their curiosity and playfulness. They love children very much and never refuse to play outdoor games with them.

Animals of this breed must be socialized as early as possible. As practice shows, dogs that communicate with other relatives from a young age grow up with high intelligence, calm and balanced.

Note! Mini Dobermans are very domineering and self-confident animals by nature. If the dog's character is not suppressed, it will quickly sit on the neck.

Austrian Shorthaired Pinscher

Quite a rare breed, little known outside its homeland. The only subspecies of pinschers bred outside of Germany. The first representatives appeared in the second part of the 19th century. on Austrian farms and were used in a variety of ways: they hunted foxes, protected property and livestock from strangers, and fought rats.

In 1921, systematic selection of these unpretentious dogs began, and 7 years later they were recognized as an independent breed. Since 2000 they have been called the Austrian Pinscher. These are animals of a slightly elongated format, the height at the withers correlates with the length of the top line as 9:10. The height of males reaches 44-50 cm, females - 42-48 cm, body weight is not established by the standard, but is usually 16-19 kg.

Austrian Pinschers are distinguished head , while of their skull When viewed in profile, one can note pronounced zygomatic areas, stops and frontal sulcus. The ears of these pinschers are small, hanging on cartilage. body is wide, with a straight topline, short back and elongated croup.

The chest of pets is barrel-shaped, wide in girth, deep, the stomach is tucked only slightly. coat is short, very thick, with a dense undercoat, smooth, and forms small areas of feathering on the back of the thighs. Acceptable colors:

  • Reddish brown (gold tones);
  • Black with tan markings;
  • Yellowish brown;
  • Red-fawn.

All options may be accompanied by white spots.

These are dogs that are friendly towards family and loved ones, loyal to their owner and capable of learning. They treat strangers with vigilant caution and, if necessary, will come to the owner’s defense. Pinschers can be stubborn, self-willed, and love physical activity and active games. The cost of a puppy is 30,000-50,000 rubles.

How to choose a puppy?

Representatives of the Doberman breed are strong, dexterous, persistent, graceful and devoted dogs to their owners. The Doberman is a great small game hunter, guard and warrior. But for many, he is, above all, a loyal friend. Choosing a puppy requires a responsible approach.

First, you need to decide for what purpose the puppy is being purchased - participation in major exhibitions, for reliable protection, or simply as a faithful friend. The gender of the puppy is chosen at your discretion. If the future owner wants to see a gentle and attentive dog in his home, he should choose a female. If you dream of a tall, noble, stunning companion, you should choose a male. You need to ask the breeder about the habits and characteristics of the puppy

With this information you can tell how your future pet will grow. It is important to carefully consider the appearance of all Doberman puppies presented by the breeder. Dogs must have clean, well-groomed fur. There should be no light spots on the skin, light eyes, or twisted limbs

Examine your puppy for an umbilical hernia. A healthy puppy has clear eyes and shiny coat. He must have a good appetite, be active and joyful.

At the buyer's request, the breeder must also provide medical documentation of the future pet's parents

A good breeder pays great attention to the health and socialization of animals before they are given to new homes.


Miniature Pinschers are very funny dogs. They really love to play. He likes to be singled out and pampered. The Miniature Pinscher would be hard to call a calm dog. By nature he is very cheerful, lively and energetic. However, proper training of the Miniature Pinscher allows him to adapt to a more relaxed lifestyle. He is very smart, learns quickly and willingly if he is properly motivated. Its training requires some time and dedication on the part of the owner, mainly due to the rather strong, determined nature of the Miniature Pinscher.

He is also a very good hunter. It has a hunting instinct that allows it to hunt smaller animals such as mice or rats. Miniature Pinschers can also follow a scent when tracking down potential prey, so be careful when walking with them.

He is very reserved and distrustful with strangers. He reacts with loud barking to contact with strangers who feel insecure in his company, thereby trying to scare away a potential threat.

Training issues

In relation to the miniature pinscher, it is necessary to take a leading position from an early age. Otherwise, the dog will grow up completely uncontrollable. Experts recommend turning training into a game to achieve maximum results. In this case, the animal will happily follow all commands.

Important! Physical influence is strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to start raising and training as early as possible, since changing the character of an adult dog is very problematic.

Watch a video about the breed

Owning a Doberman is a serious step, which must be taken with a full understanding of the responsibility that rests with you for the life and health of the animal, responsibility for its wayward behavior, proper upbringing and training.

If you do everything correctly, approach all issues wisely, you will get a faithful and obedient friend who will live happily ever after in your family. In another case, you can get an aggressive animal, which can be dangerous both for the owner (whom it does not consider the owner) and for society.

Features of care

An apartment or private house is suitable for keeping dogs of this breed, but the animal can only be allowed outside for a walk. This is explained by the single-layer coat without undercoat, so the dog will freeze with the onset of cold weather.

Thanks to their miniature size, even the most modest apartment is suitable for their maintenance. Before purchasing a puppy, you need to create a relaxation area for your pet. It is needed not only for sleep and relaxation, but also as a personal space. You also need to purchase bowls for food and water, as well as a tray and litter in advance if you plan to train your dog to toilet at home.

It is imperative to secure the space and purchase special toys. Among other things, you need to buy a collar and harness, as well as clothes for walking in the cold season.

Doberman and mini Doberman with owner


This compact dog was known in Germany back in the 15th century; similar animals were depicted in paintings and described in literature. Initially bred to exterminate rats, later European aristocrats became interested in the dogs, and they began to act as companions . Affenpinschers were registered as a breed in 1896, and the standard was approved in 1913.

The name of the breed comes from the expression of the dogs’ faces, because “affen” translates as “monkey.” The dogs have a rounded head with large eyes of the same shape and a dark shade with a touching expression. It is covered with coarse hair that sticks out in all directions, and is characterized by bushy eyebrows, a beard, and sideburns, which give the dog a resemblance to the face of a monkey.

' ears are triangular, resembling the letter "V", hanging down close to the muzzle. The body of Affenpinschers is equal in length to the height at the withers, height is 25-30 cm , body weight is 4-6 kg . The topline is almost flat, the back, loin and croup are short. The chest reaches the elbows, slightly flattened on both sides.

The coat on the body is two-layered, fits tightly to the body, and is rigid. color can only be black. Affenpinschers are very passionate and energetic, they enjoy playing, running, and love to bark.

They are distinguished by fearlessness, self-confidence, vigilant observation of strangers, stubbornness and a jealous attitude towards anyone who distracts the owner from them.

They reinforce the touching expression of their faces with artistic behavior, entertaining family and friends with their tricks. The cost of a puppy ranges from 40,000 rubles. up to 85,000 rub.

Racial demands

The miniature pinscher feels great both in a small apartment in an apartment building and in a private house with a garden. However, it should be remembered that this dog is extremely energetic and needs to get the right dose of exercise.

Unfortunately, it is not suitable for homes with small children! Of course, because he can be possessive and dominant. Doesn't always accept all family members, hates strangers.

The Pinscher can fight for territory, so constant training is necessary. They are a "one owner dog" that he always listens to and is absolutely loyal to, but they are friendly to all family members. Miniature Pinschers are extremely perceptive. Despite their small size, they are brave dogs, which can get them into trouble, especially if they want to attack an opponent much larger than themselves.

Dog and man

Baby miniature is right for you if:

  • Do you like walking, cycling or rollerblading;
  • Your children are over five years old;
  • There are no loopholes in your private home through which a dog can escape;
  • You are active and full of energy.

is not suitable for you if:

  • You are a homebody;
  • You have very young children;
  • You have other pets.

Feeding the miniature

For representatives of this breed, proper nutrition plays a very important role. Owners may give preference to both specialized ready-made food and natural products.

Note! You can feed dogs dry food only if it belongs to the premium class.

Experts do not recommend combining food. It is necessary to clearly define and make a choice in favor of dry or natural food.

Puppies up to four months old need to be fed 6 times a day. After this, the number of servings must be gradually reduced so that by one year the dog switches to a two-time diet.

The menu must include the following products:

  • chicken or turkey meat;
  • pears, apples, bananas;
  • dried apricots;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • organ meats such as tongue, liver, lung and heart;
  • cottage cheese and low-fat kefir;
  • buckwheat and rice;
  • goat milk;
  • carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and cauliflower.

It is strictly forbidden to give dogs river fish, bones, white cabbage, sweets, baked goods, sausages, smoked meats, semolina, fatty meat, cow's milk and citrus fruits. In general, experts do not recommend feeding your pet from a human table.

Important! Your mini Doberman should always have fresh and clean water in his bowl.

Feeding miniature pinscher puppies

How to identify the Doberman breed?!

I bought a Doberman puppy at the market, he is already 4 months old, and I have doubts that this is not a Doberman. What signs can be used to determine that this is a purebred Doberman?!

Availability of a certificate, stamps on the puppy, the number of which corresponds to what is written in the certificate, purchase and sale agreement, purchase not on the market. and in a nursery or from a breeder (together with a person who understands Dobermans and is not interested in selling puppies) would reduce your chances of buying a NON-Doberman to almost 0. Is there documentary evidence of the breed? If not, then alas... PS We are talking about purebredness, we are not considering breed yet.)))

Is there a Doberman on the market?)))))))))) ) Well, well)))) Did they at least draw documents for the “Doberman”? That’s what you need to look at

By pedigree) And now there is no way out, love whoever is)

By pedigree. No pedigree means mongrel.

Pureblood for sale by breeder!! ! With a bunch of documents, pedigree, stamps there. There may also be chips. . On the market, even theoretically a purebred is impossible, at best - from a random mating of a Doberman)))

Here's a Doberman puppy.

The Dobermann is traditionally presented as black or brown and tan.

The first thing a potential owner should re-read is the breed standard in order to know what a Doberman looks like, what is included in the standard and what is excluded from it, and by what criteria a puppy is rejected. A very important question is the cost of the puppy. It is no secret that a conscientious breeder, before receiving a litter from his bitch, invests quite a lot of money in her: this is high-quality feeding during breeding, payment for the services of handlers, an exhibition career, trainers, payment for mating, increased feeding of the bitch during pregnancy and lactation , litter advertising, etc., etc. After the birth of the litter, it is payment for veterinarian services for docking of tails, good quality nutrition for puppies, which in the first months of life is of utmost importance for them and affects their further growth and development. We should not forget that while raising a litter, the breeder does not work anywhere, but only deals with puppies, and this is also a kind of work and is by no means easy, and each work must be paid. This list can be continued for a very long time, and when puppies are offered for sale at a price of 5,000-10,000 rubles, this is alarming. It is highly doubtful that the breeder, for altruistic reasons, will qualitatively fulfill all the rules and conditions when raising a dog for you. The thought involuntarily arises that these dogs either have something wrong with their documents, or there are some problems with the health of the dogs, or there was poor quality breeding. It is possible that there is a whole bunch of problems here. When buying such a dog, be prepared for the fact that you will become a regular visitor to a veterinary clinic, and this is quite expensive in our time, and, in addition, quite difficult morally, or a training instructor who will try to “correct” the psyche, which is genetically determined , unfortunately, it can’t be fixed. Therefore, before you buy such a dog, you need to think carefully about what is better and ultimately cheaper, to buy an expensive, but high-quality and healthy dog, or to take an inexpensive one and spend precious time and money throughout its life on visiting a veterinarian and treating the dog? The second category of puppies price from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. This category includes puppies from both champions and not so famous parents. Price varies depending on region. In this category you can select both pet puppies with a good psyche, as well as more promising puppies.


What diseases are they susceptible to?

The miniature pinscher is a dog similar to the Doberman pinscher not only in appearance, but also in terms of health. Representatives of this breed are described as having good immunity, but this does not mean that the animal does not need to be vaccinated against infectious diseases.

Among other things, dogs can be susceptible to the following ailments:

  • urolithiasis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • limb injuries;
  • diabetes mellitus

With timely detection and proper treatment, most diseases are stopped or completely cured. If dogs are provided with proper care and a balanced diet, then miniature pinschers live between 20 and 25 years.

Dogs with big ears

Today there are about four hundred dog breeds in the world. We can talk about each of them endlessly, each has its own characteristics. There are many breeds of dogs with small ears. They are lovely in their own way. But the peculiarity of those that will be discussed below is large ears, very different: long, hanging, erect.

There is a huge variety of dog breeds with large ears, to suit every most demanding taste. To understand which one will become your favorite, you need to have an idea of ​​how they differ from each other. Look at the photos of these dogs - how different they are, but how beautiful and charming they are!

Dog breeds with long ears

Eared dogs make a lasting impression. They are elegant and noble. But they require special attention and careful care - long ears are often susceptible to infectious diseases. Photos of dogs with long ears - a gallery of a real breed and harmony.

These are small but quite strong dogs. The Shih Tzu exhibits nobility and sophistication. It looks like a toy and delights especially children, to whom it responds completely in return. This is the favorite of the whole family, all the members of which, no matter how big it is, he loves equally tenderly and devotedly. Delicate and affectionate, he is a real talisman of the house, but does not tolerate loneliness at all.

Spain is considered the birthplace of spaniels (even the name of the breed indicates this - “Spanish”). This is a passionate hunter and an excellent swimmer. He is very playful, affectionate, loves children and is their most faithful companion in all their undertakings. The appearance of the modern English spaniel is the merit of the British. Dogs are divided into two categories based on weight: cocker and springer spaniels. The English Cocker Spaniel is the smallest but most adventurous bird hunter.

The owner of a bright appearance, an easy-going character and you


Small individuals are especially popular, as they are able to easily make their way through a herd and more quickly dodge the hooves of animals.

The Australian Kelpie breed was formed by crossing short-haired collies and the Aboriginal dog “dingo”. This breed was brought to Australia in the 50s of the 19th century. This breed is not widespread in Europe.

The world first saw the Australian Terrier in Sydney in 1899. This breed descended from English dogs such as the Cairn Terrier, Scotch Terrier, Irish Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier, which its Australian descendant is very similar to. This breed was bred to hunt rabbits and catch rats. The first breed standard was published in the same year as the foundation of the Austrian Terrier Club, namely in 1921. The Australian Kennel Club registered this breed in 1936.

The following breeds took part in the creation of the Australian Heeler: Dalmatian, Bull Terrier and Kelpie. The height of this breed is up to 52 cm at the crest with a weight of 16-20 kg.

The dog comes in two colors: blue or mottled blue. This breed is still used by Australian cattle breeders.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a mix of two famous terriers, namely the Yorkshire and the Austrian. Puppies of this breed have long, silky hair. The breed was registered in 1933. in USA.

Representatives of this breed are relatives of the average pinscher. Unfortunately their origin is unknown. She was used more for farm work rather than as a pet. Despite its “rural” past, the dog is very polite and intelligent, suitable for any training. Outside of Austria, the Shorthaired Pinscher is rare.

As for character, if a dog sees a person worthy of its trust, then it is condescending and kind towards him. The dog is extremely elegant


Disease susceptibility

A huge plus is the fact that this breed has virtually no hereditary diseases. However, they, of course, can acquire illnesses, like all living beings.

As mentioned earlier, miniature pinschers are prone to obesity, and gaining excess weight leads to cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

They may also be affected by diseases of the bones and joints (for example, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, shoulder dislocations), kidney problems (urolithiasis), eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, entropion - entropion).

Interesting Facts

The little Doberman has earned popularity thanks to his extraordinary abilities and appearance. Some fun facts:

  1. The animal has an unusual gait that resembles a trotter. Because of her, the small miniature pinscher received the name “poor man’s riding pony.”
  2. Representatives of the breed have very sensitive hearing, picking up the quietest sounds and allowing them to determine from a great distance that the owner is approaching the house.
  3. The Mini Doberman is often called the “king of small dogs” among dog breeders.
  4. Despite its resemblance to the Doberman Pinscher, the Little Pinscher is not a variety of the first breed. She was bred by a dog handler who was inspired by the miniature and agile dog. The name of the breeder F.L. Doberman gave rise to a similar name for the breed.

Price range

The price of mini Doberman puppies directly depends on numerous factors. On average, when buying an animal you will have to pay from 40 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.* You can find animals cheaper, but then they will no longer be able to take part in exhibitions. As a rule, such puppies are sold secondhand and are much cheaper.

Note! By purchasing a puppy outside of a kennel, no one can guarantee that the animal will be purebred.

Mini Doberman puppies for sale in kennel

Mixed Doberman and Old English Sheepdog

Dobski = Doberman Pinscher + Old English Sheepdog. Such a mixture of blood can be the most unexpected. To determine what a puppy will be like, you need to find all the characteristics of its ancestors. The baby can become any combination of these signs.

The average lifespan of a dobski is 10-12 years. The body weight of such mestizos is 30-40 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mini Doberman dogs are distinguished by their characteristics. Therefore, everyone, before purchasing a puppy of this breed, must study and analyze all the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of dogs called mini Dobermans include:

  • easily tolerated shedding, which also does not cause problems for the owner. During this period, it is enough to regularly wipe the coat with a damp cloth or a special brush;
  • ease of care. The owner does not need a lot of time or specific skills. It is enough to carry out standard procedures, which include trimming nails, cleaning ears and eyes;
  • excellent response and security qualities. Despite their miniature size, representatives of this breed are able to bravely defend their owner if he is in danger. These dogs greet every stranger with a ringing bark;
  • getting along with children. Dogs are good with older children. As for babies, the animal does not like to have its tail or fur pulled, so in such cases it may show dissatisfaction;
  • good learning ability. Dogs are highly trainable. They never refuse to spend time with their owner and are happy to follow commands;
  • getting along with other pets, especially those with whom they have lived since childhood;
  • suitable for living even in a small apartment;
  • very good health;
  • endurance;
  • absence of a specific dog smell;
  • devotion;
  • loyalty to his master.

Exhibition photo of a miniature pinscher

Despite the fact that Mini Doberman dogs have a huge number of advantages, they also have disadvantages. The main ones include:

  • hyperactivity;
  • loud and shrill barking;
  • wary attitude towards strangers;
  • the need for long and active walks;
  • cunning;
  • desire to manipulate household members.

The Dwarf Doberman is rightfully considered an ideal friend and companion. Such dogs are suitable for active people who are willing to devote a lot of time to their pet, walk with it and play. Also, such a dog will be a good option for families with children. Moreover, representatives of this breed do not require special and complex care. The only thing you need to watch is your diet.

Note! Mini Dobermans should not be left alone for long periods of time.

Having provided the pet with all the conditions, the result will be a well-mannered and loyal friend who, without hesitation, will stand up for the protection of his owner and family members.

Due to their compactness and ease of care, decorative Doberman Pinschers are very popular animals. With proper upbringing, they grow up to be excellent companions and full members of the family. At the same time, representatives of this breed are distinguished by high intelligence and courage. When choosing a pet, it is very important to first decide on the purpose of purchase and, depending on this, choose a place. If you need a puppy who will later pursue a show career, then you should buy it only from trusted nurseries. Otherwise, there is a possibility of buying a puppy that will not meet the standard.

*Prices are as of December 2022.

Comparison of dogs by qualities

Dog breeders often compare dogs of different breeds with each other. They give the following criteria: who is stronger and who is smarter. In general terms, the Doberman is undoubtedly both a strong and intelligent dog. But in order to give an objective assessment of this breed, it is necessary to compare it according to the above criteria.

Who is stronger

Comparison with the German Shepherd

Given the example of a Doberman and a German Shepherd, it is difficult to say which of them is stronger. After all, both breeds have a strong body, they serve for protection and are ready to fight to the last drop of blood. However, according to the criteria of dominance, defense of its territory, and aggressiveness, the German Shepherd is the leader, since the Doberman is less aggressive. However, if you take into account resourcefulness, sharp teeth and intelligence, in a fight, most likely, victory will be given to the second.

Comparison with pit bull

And when comparing a Doberman and a pit bull, it is quite predictable that the pit bull wins the fight. This dog is famous for its aggressiveness and death grip. Probably the decisive factor is that the pit bull is always ready to defend, and the Doberman is characterized by restraint, loyalty and friendliness towards dogs of other breeds.

Comparison with Stafford

Just like in the example with the pit bull, when comparing a Doberman and a Stafford, in most cases the victory will be given to the second. Because the Doberman is not a fighting dog! The appearance and weight of the dogs also play a role. The Stafford is large, stocky, with pronounced muscles, in contrast to the slender, elegant representative of the other breed. The only condition for a Doberman to win is the fact of training and its mass.

Comparison with a boxer

Boxers were developed in 1850 in Munich by crossing a mastiff with a bulldog. Mastiffs were then most often used for hunting bears, and bulldogs for fighting bulls. The Boxer is a very strong, dangerous and aggressive dog, so you can immediately say that it is stronger than the Doberman. Despite the fact that both dogs are hardy, the boxer is a real fighter. He tends to show his aggression towards dogs, unlike more friendly breeds.

Comparison with Great Dane

But in a fight between a Doberman and a Great Dane, it is difficult to say who is stronger. These breeds have a similar appearance and character. They have almost the same physical characteristics, so in this case, attention should be paid to the physical training of the dogs. Since in this case it occupies a key place in training.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the most important thing is training the dog. After all, if a pet trains as a puppy to defend and attack other dogs, it will be able to defeat an opponent whose size and weight exceed the size of a Doberman. That is, he has every chance of defeating even the most aggressive dog, whose nature has the function of attacking and attacking.

Who's smarter

And although in terms of physical characteristics the Doberman is inferior to fighting dogs, in terms of mental characteristics he is not going to give up his status as one of the smartest breeds .

Comparison with the Giant Schnauzer

When choosing who is smarter (Doberman or Giant Schnauzer), it is necessary to take into account the criteria of dog behavior. The first prevails in obedience, sociability and behavior in the family, while at the same time inferior in dominance, defense of its territory and concentration. In this case, it is necessary to take into account which factors are predominant.

Comparison with Labrador

It is worth noting here that both breeds are intelligent and charming. However, in terms of training, priority is given to the former, since he is more diligent and diligent than the Labrador.

Comparison with cocker

Comparing these dogs, it is difficult to say who is smarter, because the cocker is not a guard dog, so special attention is paid to the fact that this is one of the kindest dogs that can easily find a common language with people and other dog breeds. But regarding training, this process takes longer for them than training a Doberman. And in this case, training regarding the service use of dogs is taken into account - protection, attack and the opportunity to develop a sense of smell, the ability to follow the scent.

Comparison with the Doberman Pinscher

It is very difficult to come to a conclusion about who is smarter - a Doberman Pinscher or a Doberman Pinscher. After all, they are essentially the same breed, just in different sizes. Both breeds are prone to obedience, are often used for official purposes, and are easy to train.

Comparison with dachshund

And the last example would be: Doberman and Dachshund. Despite their height and rather unusual body shape, dachshunds are active, sociable, and sometimes more focused and aggressive than the former. And they are even used as guard dogs, and less often as bodyguards. But still, intelligence prevails among Dobermans, since the seriousness and responsibility of the dog will play a key role here.

Important ! Dogs of this breed are quite intelligent and quick-witted, but difficulties in training may arise due to their stubborn nature. Dog training must be done in the form of a game, rewarding pets for their efforts and success. You cannot use aggressive methods of education against them.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the conclusion that the Doberman is a fairly smart, strong and noble breed of dog. He attracts attention with his appearance and intelligence. A huge plus is that this dog is an excellent guard and bodyguard, because it is hardy and loyal, and will protect its owner to the last drop of blood .

She is not afraid of dogs of other breeds, but is smart enough to have less conflicts with them. But along with the pros, there are also cons. For example, this dog is not suitable for families who lead a sedentary lifestyle; they require a lot of attention, the opportunity to walk outside longer, and the owner’s desire to play with them . But be that as it may, the Doberman is the dog that is ready to bear the proud title of “man’s best friend”!

Miniature pinscher miniature pinscher character

The Miniature Pinscher is a lively, confident and brave dog. He is very loyal and can stand up for his owner without hesitation. However, he should not be the center of attention; the dog adapts perfectly to the daily rhythm of the household. But his rather loud bark can be a nuisance in the long run - especially for neighbors.

Don't underestimate the size of a dog. In cohabitation with other pets, he can become dominant. Most likely, this will not pose a danger to others, but it is quite troublesome - the Pinscher can be possessive and jealous of its owner.

Personality, upbringing and activity

The miniature pinscher is always in a good mood. In the morning he wakes up cheerful and is eager to play. He feels good with both an athlete and a homebody, with a single person or among a large family. The small size does not prevent the pinscher from acting as a guardian. He uses his whole heart, which is greatly appreciated by his fans.

Since the Miniature Pinscher is inquisitive, he pokes his curious nose everywhere so as not to accidentally miss important events. He enjoys living in harmony with children and other animals, especially when he gets used to them from an early age. Despite his small size, he cannot be considered a luxury dog ​​that will laze on a soft cushion. This is a strong and resilient dog with an abundance of energy.

However, you cannot indulge your pet in everything and allow him to do what he wants. It is necessary to teach him good manners early. Once the rules of conduct are established, they cannot be deviated from. He is a smart dog and can be trained without much effort.

I willingly adapt to the rhythm of everyday life. By the way, his friendly and cheerful personality will make him a great companion for people of all ages. Ready to walk with the owner or play with the ball. Let's not forget about these needs and don't underestimate them. But why? Because deprived of movement and contact with the environment, the pinscher will become nervous and fearful.

Description and characteristics

This breed is distinguished by an unusual gait: when running or walking, the dogs raise their front paws high up, which is why the gait is compared to the gait of a horse.

The dog is very energetic and active, and is easy to train. Large families keep her as a pet, but she is also suitable for older people. The main thing is not to spoil your little friend, as the animal quickly gets used to kindness and begins to take advantage of it. The result is an uncontrollable, capricious dog.

Similar article: Description of the breed and features of keeping a miniature pinscher

A mini Doberman will be a great friend for children, but will not allow itself to be offended. He will show aggression towards other dogs and will only be able to get along in character with an animal he has known since puppyhood.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

The first vaccination is carried out at 2 months. The manipulation is carried out by an experienced veterinarian who will monitor the body’s reaction to the administration of the drug. Information about vaccinations is included in the veterinary passport. When the teeth are replaced, the next vaccination is carried out. Before the procedure, 2-3 days, the animal is given an antihelmetic. All other vaccines are administered after the little Doberman turns one year old.

If all conditions of keeping and feeding are observed, pinschers are noted to be in good health. However, there are a number of problems that owners of a small dog may encounter:

  • high susceptibility to frostbite and overheating;
  • tendency to diabetes;
  • possible pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • development of cataracts and glaucoma;
  • presence of deafness and epilepsy;
  • likelihood of joint dislocation.
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