Aggressive dog breeds. Description, names and photos of the most aggressive dogs

Have you ever thought about what are the most dangerous dog breeds in the world ? After all, on the streets every day we see a variety of domestic and stray dogs, whose intentions are impossible to predict. It would be unfair to blame dogs of individual breeds for potential threat or aggression towards humans. But it just so happens that some of man's four-legged friends have great potential to cause serious harm to life or health. The Big Rating magazine brings to your attention the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds in the TOP 10 rating.

American Staffordshire Terrier

According to most dog experts, this is the most aggressive breed . Its second name is amstaff. In appearance, the dog is strong, muscular and very strong. This is true. Few can compare with her in terms of endurance and power. Weight – 25-32 kg. Height – 46-51 cm. A representative of the breed was bred in America. It was there that his “career” as a fighter began.

Amstaff was exploited in battles, trained to fight other dogs. Individuals who openly express anger towards anyone other than the owner were considered high-breed. He was also trained to ride bulls. Because of this past, today the American Staffordshire Terrier is officially banned in some developed countries of the world.

The modern representative of the breed is kinder and more loyal to animals than his fighting ancestor. However, in inexperienced hands it can become a real weapon. There have been many recorded cases of amstaff attacks on people and animals, and in different situations.

With proper upbringing, he will grow up to be a caring friend, companion and obedient pet. The American Staffordshire Terrier is an excellent family dog ​​with strong watchdog potential. While guarding the owner, he will not be afraid of anything, even hot weapons.

Hungarian Kuvasz

This beautiful and amazing breed was developed in Hungary, and was originally intended to guard livestock.

Dog handlers note that it is precisely because of its wayward nature that the dog is not very popular among dog breeders, and is mainly used for official purposes. To prevent the Kuvasz from showing natural aggression, it must be purposefully trained and, most importantly, socialized before the age of 3.

Despite their aggressiveness and fearlessness, Hungarian dogs are very loyal to their owner.

American Pit Bull Terrier

It is believed that "Pit" and "Amstaff" are the most aggressive dog breeds . However, the owners of the former emphasize that there are no more affectionate and kinder pets. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a very strong and temperamental dog. It grows from 55-60 cm in height, gaining a mass of about 30 kg.

This is one of the best athletes among domestic dogs. It is distinguished by enormous physical strength, agility and endurance. The aggressive nature of the pit bull is the result of its long fighting history. The dog was bred for fighting and killing. Animal fighting was popular in the 20th century in the United States. Medium-sized and large-sized dogs were taken into the arena and pitted against each other.

This animal always had a strong grip with its teeth, so it regularly defeated its opponent. Often for the second the fight ended in death. Once “Pete” smelled blood, it was impossible to stop him. Of course, such a past could not but influence the formation of the appropriate character in the beast. However, today it is used for completely different purposes.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a gentle and kind pet, which, however, should be raised according to the rules. Firstly, you cannot pamper him, and secondly, you should regularly demonstrate your superiority to him. If such a dog learns to respect the owner, he will definitely not grow up to be a bully or a bully; on the contrary, he will faithfully serve him for the rest of his life.


Pit bull / Photo:
Pit bull is a fighting breed. She was brought to the USA specifically for contractions. The result was dogs with muscular builds, massive chests and necks, and strong legs and jaws. Such an animal, even with a height of half a meter, poses a danger to others.

But the dog does not attack if it is raised and socialized in a timely manner. It is vitally necessary to demonstrate that the owner is the unconditional master, otherwise the pit bull at a certain point in its development will try to take the position of the leader itself, showing aggression and disobedience.


One of the most popular guard dogs in the world. As you know, Dobermans are extremely intolerant of strangers, especially those who try to enter the territory they protect. It grows up to 67-73 cm, gaining weight up to 43-45 kg. He has a fit and slender physique.

This aggressive dog breed is shown in the photo as interested and alert. This appearance is completely justified by her character traits. The dog is very observant, intelligent, alert and prone to dominance. It really needs early consistent training.

The dog's shortcomings include vindictiveness, touchiness, pathological attachment to the owner, and excessive observation. You need to teach him to respond adequately to strangers whom you plan to let into your home. He should not rush at them in an effort to protect you from potential harm. He knows no fear.

The Doberman's tendency towards aggression is easily suppressed by a kind attitude. The dog must be explained that it is safe. Then she will become calmer and more balanced. Such pets make good nannies for children.

Bull Terrier

The so-called dog with a rat face. Its main visual feature is its huge elongated head. In terms of volume, it is wide, like his entire body. The Bull Terrier has a fighting past. Several centuries ago in England it was pitted against other dogs and rodents. The cone-shaped muzzle allowed such an animal to climb into the rodent's burrow and grab it.

Its weight is in the range of 26-29 kg. Some individuals grow taller than others and weigh 2-3 kg more. A very muscular dog. Incredibly strong, therefore considered an excellent bodyguard. He often shows intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Needs early training.

Owners of bull terriers dote on them. They are called the kindest pets in the world. Indeed, a representative of this breed is capable of tenderness and care. He loves his owner, openly expressing affection to him.

Many bulldog lovers do not believe in their aggressiveness, because they only show aggression and anger towards ill-wishers and strangers


One of the best service breeds. A good bodyguard and security guard. Weight – 40-63 kg, height at the withers – 60-71 cm. According to the law on dogs of aggressive breeds, walking a Rottweiler and other dogs from this segment is allowed only on a leash. There must be a muzzle on the animal's mouth. This will reduce the risk of him attacking anyone.

This dog does not possess natural innate malice. But, she clearly has a desire to dominate and rule. If there are other pets in the house, then the Rottweiler will definitely become their leader and leader. He has a very strong character and spirit. The representative of the breed is a real fighter. He can attack both an armed intruder and a small child if they try to cross the area he is guarding.

Watchdog service is what Rottweilers are bred for. They are ideal four-legged guards, vigilant, fearless and very strong. Capable of affection and tolerance. They need a morally stable teacher who will be respected. Without training in tolerance, one may grow up mentally unstable.

Which dogs are recognized as the most dangerous to humans?

The animals listed below are not suitable for families with children, busy people and novice dog owners. To keep them comfortable, they need a large home, and to suppress aggression and dominance, they need regular exercise and timely socialization.

In addition to the breeds discussed in the article, the list approved by the Prime Minister also includes the mestizos obtained from them. Despite the official assurance, the document contains many errors and shortcomings, which will be discussed further.


Akbash is a shepherd dog from Turkey, bred by crossing greyhounds and mastiffs. It gained popularity in the 70s, when their active export to the USA began. Despite this, the breed never achieved international recognition.

Akbash is included in the list of the most aggressive dogs due to its enormous strength, developed instincts and hostility towards predators. His skills are used to guard livestock, so the dog is attentive not only to wild animals, but also to strangers. He makes most of the decisions on his own, without waiting for orders from the owner.

When raising an Akbash, it is important not to forget that he was bred to work. Without the implementation of innate skills, the behavior of this four-legged dog becomes destructive. Keeping someone on a chain or in a cramped apartment leads to a similar outcome. To develop a healthy psyche, the Akbash needs regular physical activity and long walks.

Grooming for the snow-white coat is minimal. It does not have an unpleasant dog smell, so to maintain a neat appearance it is enough to wash it only when it gets dirty and comb it once a week.

American Bandog

This quadruped was mistakenly listed twice: as an American bandog and as a bandog. He was bred by crossing a pit bull, a Stafford and a Mastino Neapolitan. The dog never received official recognition.

Bandogs are independent and without a firm hand they quickly become the leaders of the pack. They are restrained in their feelings, so you shouldn’t count on emotionality and affection. Focusing on leadership qualities, bandogs choose only one owner. They treat all other family members condescendingly and even a little dismissively.

Relationships with other animals depend on the time of acquaintance. If a bandog knows them from early childhood, then with a high probability he will condescend to friendship. But children's pranks are unacceptable to him. Loyalty from a four-legged animal can only be earned by mature children who know the boundaries of what is permitted.

The short coat of the American Bandog does not require regular brushing. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth, which will collect all the fallen hairs well. Due to their scanty undercoat, bandogs do not tolerate cold well - they are kept in an insulated enclosure or taken indoors during the winter.

American Bulldog (ambul)

This dog appeared twice on the original list: as an American Bulldog and as a Bulldog. As a result, they left the second option, which is incorrect.

When breeding ambulae, the emphasis was on courage and strength. They were used in fights with bulls and other four-legged animals. Due to the high pain threshold, many tournament participants died right in the ring.

A sharp decline in the popularity of ambulets occurred at the beginning of the 19th century. Due to the ban on the bloody sport, these four-legged animals began to be crossed with pugs, trying to reduce their size and calm their hot-tempered nature. Some of these dogs came to America, where colonists began to use them to protect their homes from Indians.

The appearance of modern ambulets is regulated by 2 standards. According to the first of them, they look like squat Old English bulldogs, and according to the second, they look like pit bulls.

Ambuli do not tolerate competition and do not get along well in the same territory with other animals. They are distrustful of strangers, so it is very important to stop any unfounded attempts to attack. Despite the potential danger, a well-mannered ambul is a friendly and loving pet, infinitely devoted to its family.

Ambuli shed a lot. During the molting period, they need to be combed out with a special massage brush.

Brazilian Bulldog (Bulldog Campeiro)

Another representative bred from the Old English Bulldog. In the 16th-17th centuries it was used to pacify livestock and protect the carts of nomadic traders.


Brazilian Bulldogs have a strong character and strong leadership qualities. It is recommended to train them under the guidance of a professional dog handler. If a bulldog recognizes its owner as a leader, then he will try with all his might to serve him.

Properly raised campiros are calm and peaceful. It’s difficult to piss them off even for a small child. These pets are extremely loyal to children. The only problem is the large dimensions. A dog that gets too playful can easily injure a baby by leaning on him with all its weight.

Short hair does not require complex care, so it is recommended to direct all attention to nutrition. Campeiro tend to be overweight. Maintaining daily caloric intake and exercise helps keep their weight within normal limits.

Bully Kutta (Pakistani Mastiff)

The homeland of bulli kutta is the territory of India and Pakistan. During its creation, local aboriginal dogs and imported mastiffs and bulldogs were involved. The strength and power of these animals was used to protect homes and hunt large game (bears, buffalos, lions), as well as in dog fights.

When raising a Bully Kutta, fear and doubt should not be shown. In this case, the dog will never recognize the owner as a leader, which will further complicate training. In the hands of an experienced dog breeder, the Pakistani Mastiff grows up to be an endlessly devoted and faithful pet. It is recommended to direct his working skills to protecting the territory.

Lost hairs should be removed with a damp towel once a week. Swimming is only possible if the area is very dirty.

You need to walk your Pakistani Mastiff several times a day for 2-3 hours. Walks should be active and varied to release pent-up energy.

Alapaha Bulldog (Otto)

The Alapaha Bulldog received its second name from its ancestor, a dog named Otto. When creating this breed, they used not ambulans, but purebred English bulldogs.


Thanks to his developed protective qualities, Otto is wary of strangers. He demonstrates his positive character traits only with his family. The dog is indifferent to other animals. Conflict is possible only when boundaries are violated or there is an attempt on the bull’s personal belongings.

Otto's uncontrollable behavior is a consequence of illiterate training. The dog often imagines himself as the leader, so the owner must regularly defend his authority and remind him of the rules of behavior.

Recommendations for the care and maintenance of Otto are identical to all of his relatives. Due to a poorly developed sense of satiety, these animals are always hungry, so without strict control over their diet, they get fat very quickly.

Gul dong

The mistake did not escape the Pakistani gul dong. He was listed as a ghoul dog.


Due to the geographical and political isolation of this dog's homeland, data on it is very scarce.

When creating the Gul Dong, Pakistani breeders used 2 breeds: the Bully Kutta and the Gul Terrier. As a result, the dog inherited the best from both relatives: size, power, agility and swiftness.

Despite the international ban on dog fighting, illegal championships are still held in Pakistan. It is in them that the qualities of gul dongs are used. They are also used as guards and for hunting large game.

Due to their developed territorial instinct, these four-legged animals are dangerous to anyone they do not know. Distrust of strangers is weakened with the help of socialization, but in the event of an attack on entrusted property or beloved owners, anyone can suffer.

To release energy, this animal is recommended to do joint sports: running and cycling. During the walk, the dog should be slightly behind the owner. Otherwise, he may feel superior.

Particular attention should be paid to the teeth of the gul dong. They are prone to caries, so it is very important not to forget about cleaning them.

American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull)

The list included not the pit bull itself, but the pit bull mastiff, a mixed breed obtained by crossing with a bullmastiff. Formally, this breed does not exist, but there is a lot of data about the danger of the pit bull itself.

Breeding the American Pit Bull Terrier is prohibited in most EU countries. According to statistics for 1982-2015, in the United States and Canada alone, 3,397 cases of attack were recorded, 295 of which were fatal for the victims.

The phenomenal endurance, power and keen sense of smell of pit bulls are used by the police. After completing a training course, these four-legged animals become excellent bloodhounds.

When raising a pit bull, it is very important not to go too far. He needs a firm hand, but excessive cruelty in working with such a pet is unacceptable. Any violence increases natural aggressiveness, so discipline should be instilled through sports.

Breeders of modern pit bull terriers very carefully select partners for mating. Unbalanced individuals with unstable psyches are rejected from breeding and must be euthanized.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Caucasian Wolfhound)

The introduction of these four-legged creatures was also not without mistakes. In the approved list, the Caucasian Shepherd turned into a North Caucasian dog.

The founders of this breed were the Tibetan Great Danes, and their homeland was southwest Asia. Powerful and shaggy wolfhounds are focused on protecting property and people. They do not succumb to provocations in the form of treats and intimidation, so you can sleep peacefully with such a bodyguard.

Shepherd dogs reduce their seriousness and attentiveness when around their family. They are infinitely loyal to their owners and get along well with decorative quadrupeds, in whom they do not see worthy rivals.

The thick fur of wolfhounds protects the body from sunlight and cold. For this reason, animals can be kept in a regular enclosure. The use of a chain is also acceptable, but it is very important to avoid complete isolation. To develop a healthy psyche, a dog must communicate with other people and animals.

The soft hairs of shepherd dogs quickly become tangled and collect moisture. To maintain a neat appearance, the coat needs to be combed and trimmed regularly.


The last representative of the most evil dog breeds is the wolf dog. This hybrid of a wolf and a German shepherd was bred at the Perm Military Institute. At the beginning of the 21st century, wolfhounds were used for border service, but ultimately their active breeding was prohibited.

In the wild, such hybridization is rare. Born individuals take on wolf strength, flair and endurance, but are not afraid of people. This is precisely their danger.

To suppress aggression, scientists from Perm have reduced the content of wolf blood in hybrids to 10-20%. This range was recognized as the safest for humans and optimal in terms of maintaining working qualities.

Breeding hybrids is prohibited in most countries due to the mental instability of most individuals. About half of the puppies in the litter cannot be trained and have congenital anomalies of physical development. Due to the many shortcomings of these animals, it is not recommended for ordinary dog ​​owners who dream of an exotic pet.

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Black Russian Terrier

A very large dog, growing up to 68-72 cm in height. Blood descendant of the Rottweiler. From his closest ancestor he inherited excellent security qualities: observation, vigilance, courage. The dog is famous for its uncompromising attitude and lack of tolerance towards anyone.

He treats strangers extremely negatively. It is difficult and long to learn tolerance. Gets along well with members of his pack. Needs affectionate treatment, is vulnerable, cannot stand loneliness. For several centuries, such a dog watched prisoners walking around the camp grounds. If one of them tried to escape, the Russian terrier

Even a short contact between a Black Russian Terrier and a stranger can result in injury to the other person. Almost all aggressive dogs , including the one in question, are capable of killing a person. In inexperienced hands they become a formidable weapon. Therefore, only competent dog breeders should own them.

Brazilian Fila

One of the largest and strongest dogs in the world. Was bred in Brazil to search for fugitive criminals. Weighs about 55 kg, height at the withers is up to 62 cm. An impeccable sense of smell, good observation and endurance helped her easily find the trace of the fugitive and neutralize him. She barked loudly to inform the police about her discovery.

It is considered one of the most dangerous dogs in the world, but at the same time, it is an affectionate and devoted friend. In Brazil you can often hear: “Loyal as a fila.” This is what the natives say about people who are distinguished by their devotion.

Indeed, a representative of this breed can become an excellent pet, but only if he is trained to react adequately to strangers from childhood. In the absence of early education, it can become difficult to manage.

Fila can be aggressive towards humans

Anatolian karabash

Breed for protection

A breed with Molosser blood flowing through it. The Anatolian Karabash is considered the pride of Turkey; in its homeland, a representative of this breed is extremely difficult to buy. Turkish breeders will not sell a puppy to just anyone, and the babies are quite expensive.

Karabash is also called the Anatolian Shepherd. The dogs got their name in honor of the Anatolian plateau, where they were bred. Fifteen to twenty years ago, the name “Anatolian Karabakh” was found in books on dog breeding, but now it is not used.

Large and vicious dogs are completely unsuitable for apartment living. In their homeland, Karabashi guard the owner's herds and houses, and the breed was bred for this purpose. The ideal option for a pet’s life would be a large house with a plot and an insulated enclosure.

The size of such a pet is impressive: males can reach 90 cm at the withers and 70 kg in weight. Bitches are somewhat smaller, not as massive, but more cunning and aggressive than males.

There is information that the Anatolian Karabash gets along well with people, and for children it can become a real nanny. This is complete nonsense, dogs are patient with children, but they were bred for a completely different purpose. And if the child gets too naughty, the kangal is able to put him in his place.

The Anatolian Shepherd is capable of putting not only an annoying child in its place, but also an adult, strong man. Moreover, the dog will do this quietly and quickly; karabashi are good because they are rather silent animals. If your pet barks, it means it's worth it.

Although the Karabash is considered one of the most vicious breeds, the animal will not show aggression towards people for no reason. The problem, as in the case of the Armenian Gumpr, is that these dogs are too independent and capable of making independent decisions. If the Anatolian Shepherd decides that someone is a danger to the owner and his property, he attacks instantly. And being a breed bred to protect the home and herd, the Karabash can be suspicious of any stranger.


The famous cross between a dog and a wolf. A very beautiful and brave dog that quickly becomes attached to its owner. The Wolfdog is the famous ancestor of the German Shepherd. This is an absolutely fearless creature, ready to fight back anyone it sees as a threat.

By nature, the representative of the breed is endowed with excellent protective potential. He has a well-developed sense of territoriality, as well as such qualities as endurance and observation. He treats the vast majority of strangers with suspicion and wariness, and outright hates some.

It is difficult to make contact with service dog breeds, as he sees them as competitors. From the dog, this dog inherited endurance, a good-natured attitude towards its owners and the ability to adapt, from the wolf - intolerance, predatory instinct and thirst for blood.


The Iranian Mastiff is distinguished by its indomitable anger

No, we are not talking about Simba’s mother from the cartoon “The Lion King”. Sarabi is a dog that is especially popular in northern Iran. The second name of this giant is the Iranian mastiff.

The exact origin of the animal is unknown due to its lack of distribution outside Iran. At least the breed is not registered with the FCI and other cynological associations. Most likely, Sarabis are primitive dogs that were not touched by the hand of breeders.

Representatives of the breed are very large. Height at the withers can reach 1 meter, and weight – 90 kg. The larger the Iranian mastiff, the higher it is valued in its homeland. Representatives of the breed differ not only in size, but also in their formidable character. Sarabis are difficult to train and are very stubborn and ferocious. Iranian mastiffs are ideal as guards living on the territory of a private house.

Sarabis do not get along well with children; the dogs are serious and require respectful treatment of their person. A person who decides to meet a representative of the breed will not be lucky. At best, he will get off with severe bites, and at worst, he will end up in a cemetery.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

A brave and large dog intended for livestock breeding and guard duty. He is distinguished by his distrust of strangers, fearlessness and courage. Alabai is a very responsible dog-cattle breeder. Can fight back any predator that encroaches on sheep. People call him a “wolfhound”.

Weighs up to 50 kg, grows up to 68-70 cm in height. Very muscular, has a strong skeleton. The grip with the mouth is tenacious and strong. It is considered one of the most resilient dogs. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a very developed territorial sense. This is precisely what her aggressive nature is connected with. She always strives to protect her home and household members.

Peace and safety of the family are the most important things for such a pet. He will stop at nothing to save the people he loves. He will not allow anyone into his territory without the owner’s approval. Such a dog can cause serious physical harm to a person. Therefore, dog handlers advise starting one only if you have the appropriate experience.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

These furry big guys, originally from the Caucasus, are suspicious and distrustful of any strangers. It is extremely difficult for a stranger to make contact with them. These dogs are strong and very beautiful. I adore my owners and are ready to protect them at any cost.

The Caucasian Shepherd is distinguished by its desire to dominate. He wants to be a leader in the family, so he often refuses to obey. Wayward and spoiled. However, it perfectly performs security tasks. In any situation, she remains vigilant and ready to take risks. Always full of energy.

It grows up to 75 cm in height and weighs about 65 kg. It has developed muscles and strong bones. An intruder has no chance to enter the house, which is guarded by a Caucasian Shepherd dog. She could pose a serious danger to him.

Such a dog, just like the Alabai, is called a wolfhound. Previously, she tended farm herds and protected them from wolf attacks. Now he lives side by side with a person, that is, he performs sociable functions.

The breed was bred to protect pastures from wolves and robbers, so it can easily repel any ill-wisher


It may be hard to believe right away, but this cute-looking dog is among the most evil and ferocious dogs in the world! The basic purpose of the dachshund has always been to hunt burrowing animals. The compact physique allowed the animal to get into even a narrow gorge to find a rabbit, otter or mouse there.

Why did we include the dachshund in this list? It's simple. A representative of this breed hates strangers. Yes, it is not capable of causing significant harm to a person, like, for example, the Fila Brasileiro, but it hurts to bite and pat – yes.

The owners of such a pet will confirm that he has a complex character. He is subject to sudden changes in mood, and if he is upset about something, he can snap back. Such a dog weighs no more than 3.5 kg and grows to 30-35 cm in height. Some dachshunds can become angry, even attacking their own owner.

Jack Russell Terrier

Another aggressive representative of hunting dogs. The birds and small forest animals that he is intended to catch are well aware of his natural malice. When a dog finds prey, it does not attack it immediately, but waits for the best moment to grab it with its teeth and begin to torment it.

Almost all representatives of the terrier group cannot withstand rough treatment. They go berserk when someone suppresses their will or tries to harm them. No, it cannot be said that the Jack Russell Terrier has an unstable psyche.

With good upbringing, he grows up to be quite adequate and balanced. But, it is difficult to forgive insults and can bite if he is excited about something. Particularly intolerant of noisy strangers. He frankly doesn't like guests.

Tosa Inu (Japanese Mastiff)

A very strong fighting breed originally from Japan. It has excellent fighting abilities, which is why it has been exploited by dog ​​fighting organizers for many centuries. Temperamental and hardy, strong and energetic, the Tosa Inu is an ideal home bodyguard. A large, well-fed male dog can weigh up to 90 kg!

Height at the withers is 53-59 cm. Despite the developed sense of territoriality and hatred of strangers, a representative of this breed is quite adequate and calm. He easily makes contact with a person he trusts.

He has enormous physical strength and a whole set of virtues: fearlessness, courage, determination and patience. Able to make decisions independently, adequately assessing the situation. In extreme conditions, he is ready to protect his owner at any cost.

Cane Corso

One of the oldest and strongest dog breeds. In Ancient Rome, it was used as a fighter to bait people and animals in the arena. Before the fight, the animal might not be fed for several days. Thanks to this, it became more evil. Such an animal weighs from 45 to 50 kg, grows from 62 to 67 cm. It is very massive and hardy. It has impressive dimensions and can be intimidating even with its appearance.

Perfect for security and companionship. However, due to the intense anger that Cane Corsos sometimes feel towards strangers, they should be trained from an early age. These are very intelligent creatures who often make decisions on their own. Ready to take risks. They will be afraid of danger. Tend to dominate.

Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular and beloved domestic dog breeds. These beautiful pets were bred specifically for hunting small and feathered game. Cocker spaniels are very smart dogs, they learn easily and remember the terrain.

Unfortunately, some animals still have the mental disorder “attack of rage.” A Cocker Spaniel can suddenly attack even its own owner.

American Bandog

An ancient and strong breed. Like the Cane Corso, it was intended for fighting in the arena with gladiators. Such dogs were deliberately set on people so that they would become angry and bloodthirsty. They understood that they could only survive at the cost of victory. Therefore, they tried to kill as many people as possible. Unfortunately, such a past has left its cruel imprint on the character of modern representatives of the breed.

Yes, they are very different from their bloodthirsty and fighting ancestors, but they have inherited anger and intolerance from them. However, the American Bandog treats its owner kindly, even with love. Such a dog weighs from 48 to 60 kg. Its height is from 50 to 55 cm. It has a powerful body, long limbs and a huge muzzle with tenacious teeth.

Chow chow

Country of Origin: China

Height: 45-55 cm

Weight: 20-35 kg

Chow-chows look like fluffy “teddy bears”, they are cute and cute. But their character is quite complex and full of nuances. By nature, Chow Chows are melancholic and behave measuredly and aloofly. Dogs of this breed recognize exclusively family members and do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. When a stranger tries to pet a funny dog ​​with a blue tongue that he likes, anger and aggression can replace the external serenity of the animal. Chow-chows are also ferocious in the role of protector of the owner. They often show hostility towards smaller animals. In rare cases, chow chows have been observed attacking owners, due to lack of regular exercise or out of boredom caused by lack of daily physical activity. Chow chows are also contraindicated for families with small children, as they do not tolerate children's pranks well and sometimes react very aggressively.

Dogo Argentino

Very similar to the American Staffordshire Terrier, both in appearance and character. Weighs about 30-35 kg, grows up to 40-45 cm in height. Initially, the Dogo Argentino was bred to hunt large animals, puma, bear, wild boar, but then began to be used as an arena fighter.

This is a very strong dog that can defeat almost anyone in a fight. Characterized by aggression directed at strangers. Banned in almost all European countries, including England.

In some countries it is illegal to own aggressive Dogo Argentinos.


A large dog native to Africa. A very serious breed that requires early proper socialization. The Boerboel grows up to 70 cm in height and weighs 60-65 kg. Such a dog has good security inclinations. She is cautious but decisive, calm but impetuous.

He is very aggressive towards suspicious strangers and does not dare to let any of them into his territory. But, in the presence of the owner, who must control the situation, he will probably retreat. The purpose of the ancient Boerboels was to bait medium-sized and large animals. Today, these dogs are bodyguards and companions.

Where does the dog's aggression and anger come from?

Despite the fact that any dog ​​is an angry predator, aggression is not inherent in it without an objective reason. Early socialization and proper upbringing prevent the occurrence of aggressiveness in an adult animal. There are a number of reasons that explain the occurrence of such a reaction later.

Pain. When an animal is in pain, aggression occurs even when touched. The protective instinct kicks in. Find out the cause of the pain. Don't delay visiting your veterinarian if necessary. Cope with pain - eliminate aggression.

Fear. This is where the defense mechanism comes into play. Fear will be indicated by body position: tension, flattened ears, tucked tail, wide open eyes. What to do? Don't make your fear worse. Under no circumstances should you punish your friend, but try to calm him down. Your fearlessness and calmness will be transferred to the dog a priori. The problem of fear begins to be addressed at an early age. Keep your puppy away from things that might frighten him. The baby should always feel your support.

Remedy. This reason is triggered when protecting offspring. To make the mother dog feel calm, give her a secluded corner and do not touch the puppies unnecessarily. Don't let others do this either (especially!). Reward for good behavior. Here it is important not to encourage aggression in any way, but you should not punish the dog either. Help her calm down if circumstances require it.

Psychological trauma. Cruelty to animals can seriously damage the psyche, leading to pathological aggression. Even a raised hand can provoke inappropriate, angry behavior. In this case, you need to pull yourself together and show great patience. Full recovery will take a long time. Psychological injuries can be treated with good attitude, attention and care. Classes with a dog handler and sedatives will help.

Hormones. Inappropriate behavior of a male in the presence of a female in heat. Sexual aggression is a moment that is difficult to correct. Some dogs become uncontrollable. Walking on a leash is mandatory. In difficult cases, dog owners resort to castration or hormonal medications.

Leadership is key. There should be a clear hierarchical ladder in the family, where the dog is assigned the lowest rung. Let it rise a little higher, problems cannot be avoided. Start your education from the “young claws”. Strictly monitor every action of your pet. Timely socialization and good education will pacify even a stern, angry dog.

Some tips:

  • never change the rules, give the dog learned commands unchanged;
  • monitor their precise execution the first time;
  • if aggression arises, give the command “lie down” or “sit”, forcing him to obey unquestioningly;
  • try to involve all family members in training;
  • Monitor your dog's behavior during feeding;
  • on walks, teach them to walk alongside you without pulling on the leash;
  • exclude permissiveness at home - begging for pieces, taking from the table, lying where it is not supposed to;
  • Hitting a dog is unacceptable, it will only increase aggressiveness.

Dogo Canario

A hardy and impressive dog with a memorable appearance. Has outstanding security potential. It is considered one of the best dogs for protecting homes, territories and people. He is very attached to members of the household, not just one owner.

Fearlessly and bravely protects them. He does not like strangers and treats them with undisguised distrust. Previously, the Dogo Canario was used to protect livestock from wolves. Such a dog weighs from 60 to 65 kg and grows up to 58 cm in height.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has compiled a list of potentially dangerous dogs that cannot be walked without a leash and muzzle. This list includes the following breeds: Alapaha Bulldog, Gul Dong, Bully Kutta.

German boxer

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 53-63 cm

Weight: 25-30 kg

The German Boxer is a strong, stocky dog ​​with a powerful, square head and a massive, strong jaw. Boxers are often used to guard livestock and property, and also as a guide for the blind. The dogs have an intimidating and aggressive appearance, although Boxers are energetic and playful in nature, they have a balanced temperament, good training abilities and excellent relationships with children. Boxers are smart, loyal and absolutely harmless to the owner, but extremely suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Although breeders managed to remove the initial aggression from German boxers, this did not rid the dog of the habit of chasing smaller animals and showing hostility towards strangers.

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