Why does blood appear in a cat's urine and how to treat it
Victoria Rashidovna Khazimulina veterinarian Petstory If a cat pees with blood, then it stands like
Description of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier - care and maintenance of the pet
Shoulders The shoulders of these dogs are slanted. Yorkshire Terriers have round, strong paws with
Toilet seat for cats: how to use the training system, can you make the seat yourself?
When is it easier to train a cat to use the toilet? It is easier to teach a cat to go to the toilet as an adult
Puppy feeding plan
How and what to feed a puppy from one month to a year
Today I want to tell you about how to properly feed a puppy. After all, your furry
A spayed dog is in heat
Does sterilized dogs go into heat: the possibility of estrus and its symptoms
Inexperienced dog breeders often ask the same question: “does a sterilized dog go into heat?
Domestication of the Haysek chicken breed by Russian poultry farmers to obtain a large number of eggs
The Haysek breed was obtained by Dutch breeders. To obtain crosses they used White Leghorns, Rhode Island,
Biewer Yorkshire Terrier. Description and breed standard, differences from York
The undying popularity of Yorkshire terriers and the desire of breeders and breeders to obtain other breeds of dogs with
How to organize the mating of a Scottish Fold cat
For the sake of healthy Scottish Fold offspring, pet owners should take care that the breeding of Scottish cats is done correctly.
The cat licks his lips
Malt paste for cats: characteristics, benefits and harms, household essentials
Cats are one of the cleanest animals. They spend a significant portion of their time on
The most popular nicknames for Shiba Inu: what name to come up with for a boy and a girl + what not to call a dog
When choosing a name for their pet, owners often find it difficult to choose a suitable nickname. Especially
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