Biewer York - description and characteristics of the breed, health, care, nurseries

The Biewer Terrier is a dog breed that cannot boast of a centuries-old history. However, the popularity of this rare decorative breed is constantly growing, thanks to its spectacular exterior, unique coat color, and undeniable character advantages. Biewer terrier is the official name, but these cute companion dogs are better known by the names: Biewer York, Biewer a la Pom Pont, black and white York, tricolor terrier, Biewer Yorkshire terrier.

Elegant dogs have many advantages: they hardly shed, are suitable for allergy sufferers, and can do without daily walking. Of course, like any other breed, they have disadvantages and features of maintenance and care, which it is advisable to get acquainted with before you adopt a puppy. All information about the breed's characteristics, the nuances of its content, the intricacies of diet planning, training and care are collected in our material.

History of the origin of the Biewer Terrier breed (Biewer Yorkie)

The arrival of the first black, white and gold puppy in a litter of champion Yorkshire terriers in 1984 came as a surprise to the Biewer couple. Breeders Gertrud and Werner Biever have been professionally breeding this breed in Germany for two decades.

This female puppy, who later received the nickname “Snowflake” due to the presence of white spots, surprised the breeders with a color unusual for the breed. The couple became interested in the nature of this phenomenon, became interested and began working on developing a new breed of dog.

Breeders focused their main efforts on fixing beautiful unusual colors in the genotype. It is believed that this color appeared due to an accidental recessive gene in this breeding line. In the course of many years of breeding work, the Beavers fixed this gene, and it became dominant.

In 1988, a family of breeders officially presented the first pets with an unusual color in the exterior ring at an exhibition in Wiesbaden (Germany). Then these decorative dogs were called black and white Yorkies. Subsequently, the breed was named in honor of its creators - Biewer Terrier a la Pum Pon.

Since 2003, the USA has become interested in tri-colored Yorkies, and active work has begun on breeding dogs with an unusual color. American breeders thoroughly studied the experience of the Biewer couple, and also awarded Gertrude the title of honorary member of the Biewer Terrier Club in the USA (BTCA).

Important: The International Kennel Club of the new breed was formed in Germany in 2004, and the Biewer York breed standard was formed by 2007.

Size and weight

The Biewer Yorkie dog breed is small in size with a harmonious build. The pet's height is within 26-27 centimeters at the withers, and the animal's weight is 2-3.5 kilograms. The World Organization of Cynologists classifies the breed as the smallest decorative dog, which has a coat of fur and a proud posture.

The Animal has a developed chest, a muscular croup and a strong body. The paws are strong and even. The head is small in size with developed jaws. The eyes are round and dark. The tail is down.

Despite the fact that for several years breeders have been working on developing a new breed, Biewers remain representatives of terriers and have inherited some qualities of their relatives, including excellent hunting qualities.

Description of the Biewer York dog breed

Incredibly beautiful elegant dogs with long silky fur - this is what they say about the Biewer York breed. The absolutely straight coat falls like a luxurious mantle; the overall picture is complemented by a high-set ponytail, which is considered the hallmark of the breed. Well-groomed dogs have a fluffy tail that looks like the train of some royal person.

The original color, unlike the coloring of Yorkshire terriers, and the silk coat, falling along the body, as if divided by a middle part, clearly indicate that the dog belongs to this rare species. It is difficult, almost impossible, to confuse Bievers with classic Yorkies!

Biewer Terrier and Yorkie - similarities and differences

It is difficult to confuse, but still these dog breeds are related, so they have common features in appearance and character. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What do these two breeds have in common:

  1. These two breeds do not shed.
  2. Both types of hair have hypoallergenic properties.
  3. The coat of both breeds is long, smooth and silky.
  4. Both breeds are attached to their families.
  5. They get along well with pets.

What is the difference between a Biewer Terrier and a Yorkie?

  1. Biewer Terriers come in three colors – black, white and gold. The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard does not allow white color.
  2. Beavers have better health.
  3. Yorkies are smaller. Beavers are more powerful.
  4. It is believed that tri-colored terriers have a more stable psyche and are less fearful.
  5. Dirt practically does not stick to the fur of Bievers.

Important: do not forget that these are two different breeds, and not branches of one.

Related article:

Yorkshire Terrier - breed characteristics, care, education and maintenance. You may be interested in reading a separate article about the Yorkshire Terrier, its maintenance, training, and reviews.

How to educate?

To live comfortably with a pet, you need to constantly train it. The dog quickly understands the purpose of the tray and diaper, and recognizes the most common commands: “ugh”, “sit”, “come”. If the dog correctly fulfills the request, he should be encouraged - treated, praised, stroked.

A young pet experiences a constant feeling of hunger. By nature, the Yorkie is a hunter, therefore, sniffing the smell of food in the kitchen, his appetite awakens. It is advisable to immediately teach your pet not to accept food from strangers. This will save you from possible kidnapping of the dog from its owner or poisoning.

What standards recognized the young breed?

Since 1989, Germany has had a standard for describing toy terriers with unusual colors. Under the name "Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pont" they are registered in the German Dog Fanciers Club (Allgemeiner Club der Hundefreunde Deutschland).

The official standard of the Biewer Terrier breed was published by the Russian Canine Federation in the publication “Vestnik RKF” in April 2009. According to this standard, the breed was included in Group IX “Companions and decorative dogs”. From this moment on, owners of dogs of this breed were allowed to attend Russian exhibitions of the CAC rank.

The new edition of the breed standard was adopted by the commission of the Russian Canine Federation in 2022. It takes into account data from the current version of the American Kennel Club standard. In America, the breed has been included in the Mixed Group of Dogs (Miscellaneous) since 07/03/2019.

Important : puppies born in Russia are registered in the RKF or in the IBC - International Biewer Club.

According to the RKF breed standard:

  • Body type. The body is almost square, but the length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • Rib cage. Wide. Ribs – rounded, moderately convex.
  • Back. With a strong, well-developed lumbar region.
  • Limbs. Direct. Front - with elbows pressed tightly to the body. The hindquarters are muscular, with straight hocks.
  • Paws. Round shape. The fingers are arched and have fur. Black and flesh-colored pads are allowed. The claws can be black or white.
  • Gait. Confident with smooth and linear movements. The tail is raised during movement. The limbs (front and rear) do not extend beyond the same plane during movement of the animal.
  • Neck. Dry, with tight-fitting elastic skin. Length – average.
  • Head. Slightly rounded.
  • Muzzle. The ratio of the length of the muzzle to the length of the head is 1/3.
  • Nose. With a pure black lobe.
  • Bite. Straight or scissor-shaped is allowed. The teeth are straight and do not have an alveolar slope.
  • Ears. Triangular shape. Small size. They are standing. Located closer to the back of the head, the distance between the ears is small.
  • Eyes. Almond or round shape is allowed. Size – medium. The look is lively, meaningful, expressive. Eyelids are black. Color – dark.
  • Tail. In the shape of a sickle. Set high. When moving, carried gracefully above the topline. Abundantly covered with flowing hair.
  • Coat. This breed of Yorkie (Biewer) has a long, flowing coat with a soft texture reminiscent of silk. There is no undercoat. The hair is straight, long, reaching the ground. It is allowed to collect the hair on the head in a single ponytail.
  • Color. The color must contain three colors. The breed standard allows several color combinations: black (blue), red-red (golden) and white. The limbs should be white from the paws to the elbows and knee joints. The belly, chest, tip of the tail are white.
  • Height at the withers. Ranges from 17.78 to 27.94 cm.
  • Weight. Allowed from 1.81 to 3.63 kg.
  • How long do they live? Biewer Yorkies are long-lived. The average life expectancy is from 12 to 16 years.

Important: according to the modern breed standard, colored spots on the body should not predominate.


The purpose of the Biewer York Terrier is to be a companion dog, to amuse or comfort its owner. But they also have excellent guard qualities.

You shouldn't be surprised. Common people often understand a guard dog as a formidable, huge dog that will bite off a stranger’s hand and shoulder. But the goal of the territory defender is to warn the owner about strangers and possible danger. And Biewer-Yorkshire terriers cope with this with a bang. On the contrary, they need to be weaned from excessive barking.

In addition, Biewer Yorkies are fearless. And in case of danger they protect the owner. They won’t cause much damage to their ill-wishers, but they will attract the attention of everyone in the area with their loud barking and will painfully nip at the leg with their sharp teeth.

Varieties not recognized by the standard

These varieties of Yorkie Biewer colors are not currently recognized by any international standard. But they exist in nature and perhaps someday will become officially recognized. Dogs with such an unusual exterior are very beautiful, they are happy to be kept as pets.


This is the name given to terriers whose genotype exhibits the “chocolate gene.” The first chocolate-golden-white puppies appeared in Germany in one of the litters of purebred Biewers in 2004. The main difference between Biro dogs is the beautiful proportional combination of these three colors. There is no black color in the biro color.

Golddust York

Another unrecognized handsome guy from this family. The romantic translation of this name is gold dust. This species has two colors: snow-white and gold. In our country, such dogs are very rare; they are more likely to be found in Europe. In addition to the exclusive color, this type of Yorkie Biewer is distinguished by its larger size; the weight of such dogs can reach 5 kilograms.

Important: unscrupulous breeders may offer pure black Biewer Yorkies at an inflated price. Be careful when choosing puppies. Black puppies are only suitable for the role of pets; you cannot make a show career with them.

Biro York

Golddust York


  • Companion dog . First of all, the dog was bred to be man's faithful friend. She is loyal and well-mannered. And most importantly, it is unpretentious in living conditions and in food.
  • Show dog. This breed can often be seen at competitions and exhibitions.
  • Decorative dog. Recently, this breed has become a kind of “fashion accessory” - it has become prestigious to take it to various social events .

Character of Biewer York - description of the breed

Biewers are ideal companion dogs. They are ready to be close to family members around the clock and take part in all family matters with pleasure. Dogs quickly become attached to all members of the household and are happy to receive love and give it in return. The breed is incredibly loyal. The dogs get bored without their person, look forward to their owner’s return from work, and are joyfully greeted at the doorstep.

Cheerful, affectionate and very inquisitive animals that look like a beautiful fluffy toy are excellent antidepressants. It's impossible to get bored with them. Three-colored dogs have a stable psyche. One of the positive traits that these animals have is balance. However, do not forget that these are still terriers, so they may have bouts of stubbornness and outbursts of temperament.

From terriers, these animals inherited the brave heart of a lion and fearlessness. They don't know that they look like plush toys, so they boldly rush to protect their family members, protecting them from strangers who seem suspicious to them. But at the same time, dogs are not aggressive. Aggression is a disqualifying fault for this breed.

What character traits make beavers family favorites:

  1. Devotion.
  2. Positive attitude.
  3. Lovingness.
  4. Cheerful temperament.
  5. Curiosity.
  6. Activity.
  7. Loyal attitude towards children and other pets.
  8. High level of intelligence.

Important: do not leave your pets alone for a long time; they need constant attention and communication. Longing for people makes them nervous and moody.


The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier gets along well with cats and can make friends with them. True, with the wrong acquaintance, relationships are built on the hunter-prey principle.

But with birds and rodents the situation is different. Since the Biewer's ancestor, the Yorkie, was bred to hunt rats, a hamster or mouse can fall into the teeth of a furry predator.

These dogs are patient and gentle with children. They do not tolerate rudeness, but react to childish pranks without aggression. If the baby bothers them, they will whine, bark a couple of times or go to another room.

Dogs are not left alone with preschoolers. The little ones do not yet understand how to handle animals and can injure a delicate pet.

It is important to introduce your Biewer Yorkie to other dogs – large and small. This will prevent aggression towards its own species.

Features of keeping the Biewer York breed

A small decorative dog is not suitable for outdoor living. This is a pet. Maintaining the apartment will not require much effort from the owners. These animals don’t need a lot of space. They can be taught to use a tray and a diaper - this will become a lifesaver for busy owners. Biewers do not shed, so there will be no problems with cleaning. Not a dog, but a real gift.

However, it is worth remembering that all terriers are incredibly active, they need a lot of daily exercise, and long walks are an essential part of these dogs' daily routine. If the beaver does not get rid of the accumulated energy outside the home walls, then it can redirect it to destructive activities in the apartment. Insufficient walking can result in chewed things.


Beavers ripen quickly. The first heat in Yorkies occurs at 9-12 months. However, females and males are bred no earlier than the third heat.

Pregnancy in Yorkies and Biewers usually lasts 60 days. But sometimes birth occurs on the 58th or 72nd day.

It is advisable for a veterinarian to be present at the birth. Especially the first ones. Sometimes you have to do a caesarean section.

Rules for caring for a Biewer Yorkie

Long silky hair, beautifully falling like a flowing mantle, is not only the main decoration of a pet, but also the main element for care. Without regular brushing, the coat may become matted. To prevent tangles from appearing, dogs need to be combed daily. First, with a sparse comb made of natural materials, then with a massage brush.

For hair care you will need:

  1. Massage brush with natural bristles or metal teeth with antistatic coating.
  2. Fine-tooth comb.
  3. Colt cutter.
  4. Comb with rotating teeth.
  5. Elastic band for bangs.

The wool of beavers practically does not get dirty, it has dirt-repellent properties. But, if the dog does get dirty, you can bathe him using shampoo and conditioner for dogs. After bathing, the coat should be thoroughly dried and then combed. Puppies are taught to bathe and brush themselves from an early age (2-3 months).

If the owners do not dream of the laurels of champions, or do not plan to seriously engage in a show career with their dog, they can cut their pets short. The fur between the toes and on the tips of the ears is regularly trimmed for hygienic purposes. Claws are shortened as they grow at home or in a salon.

Checking the condition of your teeth and ears should become a good habit. The teeth are examined and regularly cleaned with a special toothbrush and products from pet stores. To clean teeth from plaque and tartar, bones are used. The best ones are those sold in specialized pet supply stores.

The auricle is carefully cleaned of accumulated wax and other contaminants to prevent the development of ear infections of a bacteriological or parasitic nature. You should not use cotton swabs for cleansing - this is dangerous, you can accidentally injure the animal's eardrum. It is better to do this with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiling water or ear lotion.

Clean the eyes from dirt with a damp cotton pad or swab. To moisturize, use warm boiled water, a special veterinary eye lotion, and a warm decoction of chamomile. It is unacceptable to use for this: alcohol solutions, antiseptics, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine.


The Biewer Yorkie is walked on a leash that is attached to a harness or collar, and this is the most important rule. If you let your dog go free, keep an eye on him at all times!

Due to its curiosity, the animal can easily run away and get lost. This is why many breeders do not advise releasing him in public places with a lot of people.

You need to keep an eye on your dog while walking; a leash is required in crowded places.

The rest of the rules for walking are universal: the best option: three times a day, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

In addition, you can take your dog with you to any event or travel; it quickly gets used to being carried and loves to sit in your arms.


The successful breed gene pool gave these pets fairly good health, greater resistance to joint dislocations and improved bone structure.

However, some pathologies can also be diagnosed in Biewer York dogs.

Genetic pathologies:

  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • primary lens luxation;
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease;
  • extrahepatic portocaval (portosystemic) shunts.

Other diseases to which the breed is prone:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • gum disease;
  • tartar;
  • limb fractures.

Important: most hereditary pathologies are detected in puppies at an early age, so before purchasing a dog, ask the breeders for the results of genetic tests.

Choosing a puppy

If you decide to buy a Biewer Yorkie puppy, the first question you need to answer is whether you want a boy or a girl.

If you want a female, then you should keep in mind that they are very expensive, since the Biewer is just starting to conquer Russia.

According to the breed standard, the Biewer Yorkie's head should be tri-colored, so no matter what you are told, it is desirable to have a lot of white hair on the face, this color will eventually become "tabby" with black, and red hair can completely disappear from the face.

It is important to know that there should be no red hairs or spots on the pet’s body, and the legs and chest should be completely white.

Many breeders prefer the stronger and therefore rougher type of the breed. Some people, on the contrary, like the three-color repetition of the graceful Yorkshire terrier. Before you buy a puppy, ask the breeder what type your dog is.

Puppies must be thoroughly examined. They should have cool, moist noses, clean eyes and ears (the eyes may sometimes become watery, this may be due to age or due to irritation from hair or excitement, but it is important that there is no purulent grayish discharge), clean skin without rashes and redness. The teeth are incisors 6 above and 6 below; in males the testicles should be well palpated. The back should be wide and level, you can ask the breeder to place the puppy in a standing position. It would be a good idea to look at both parents to get an idea of ​​what the dog will look like.

Puppies must be clean and well-groomed, with vaccinations; the breeder must provide you with all the necessary documents and tell you in detail how to raise a puppy.

Training a Biewer Terrier dog

The breed is not a service breed, so all training comes down to learning simple basic commands, as well as teaching good manners and obedience. Dogs have a well-developed intellect; they quickly understand what their owner and trainer want from them.

The only thing that can slow down the process of education and training is natural stubbornness, which is characteristic of all terriers. Persistence, endurance and patience are the qualities that will help cope with the willfulness of the trainee.


In Russia there are problems with buying a Biewer Yorkie. The breed is considered quite rare. This means that nurseries are not available in many Russian cities. Of course, in the capitals - geographical and Northern - you can meet official breeders. As for other cities, you need to look for information via the Internet.

Before purchasing, you should thoroughly study the appearance and character of these dogs. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the pedigree of the selected candidate. Ideally, if there is an opportunity to communicate with the puppy’s parents.

This way you can form an idea about the future descendant - his morals and appearance. A mandatory requirement is that the dog must be playful and active. Some imbalance is also allowed. However, there can be no aggression.

The best age to purchase is 3.5-4 months. By this time, all the necessary vaccinations have been given, the animal has been weaned from its mother’s milk and switched to food - either dry or natural. But it’s better not to take adults. They become very attached to their owner and may not accept a new owner.

The price of a Biewer York depends on its class and varies from several thousand to several tens of thousands. The average cost is about 40 thousand rubles. At bird markets you can buy an animal for 15 thousand, and from official breeders you will have to pay at least 60 thousand rubles for a dog.

What to feed

Representatives of this breed, like Yorkshire terriers, have a sensitive digestive system. Not every food is suitable for them. The owner must decide on the type of food (natural or industrial food) even before taking the puppy into the house. It is best to make this choice based on the recommendations of your veterinarian. An incorrectly selected diet can cause many diseases: allergies, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal disorders.

Industrial feed

For small toy dogs, you should select a high-quality commercial food designed specifically for such pets. Food must satisfy the high energy needs of active pets, be balanced and complete, and be well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract of animals.

The best brands of food for the Biewer Terrier breed:

  1. Eukanuba Breed Specific (Yorkshire Terrier);
  2. Grandorf;
  3. Advance (Yorkshire Terrier);
  4. Brit Care (Yorkshire Terrier);
  5. Royal Canin (Yorkshire Terrier).

Important: the transition to a new brand of food is carried out gradually. An incorrectly selected composition can cause allergic reactions and gastrointestinal diseases.

Natural nutrition

The diet for dogs on a natural diet is compiled taking into account their age, weight and physiological condition. The menu is based on lean meats, lean sea fish (fillets), raw tripe, and boiled offal.

In addition, the diet should contain:

  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • quail egg;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.


Special attention, of course, should be paid to the preparation of a balanced diet and the correct feeding pattern.

This is all the more important because one of the most dangerous diseases - acute pancreatitis - develops in dogs precisely because of improper food intake and the resulting excess weight.

You should not use only store-bought food . It is better to combine it with homemade one, and the best option is to refuse it altogether.

Beavers can cook porridge with the addition of meat (buckwheat or rice), give fish a couple of times a week, a boiled egg (only fresh, puppies one sixth), liver.

Dogs do not refuse fresh vegetables or fruits, but only chopped ones or from your hands as a treat. Sometimes pets are pampered with a fresh beef bone that has leftover meat on it.

The food is always warm and exclusively freshly prepared! Make sure there is always water. From 6 months, babies are transferred to three meals a day, from 9 months to two meals a day.

Sweets, bread products, smoked meats and small bones are completely excluded from the dog's diet.

Important! From childhood, teach your puppy not to pick up anything on the street. Such food can be harmful and even fatal for your pet!

Photos of colors


Biewers undergo the same vaccinations as any dog, according to a calendar compiled by a veterinarian.

The first two (main and revaccination) are up to 3 months, and many breeders recommend adopting a pet after he has received them and has passed the necessary quarantine.

The next one is at 10 months. Give an anthelmintic a week before it, and after you do it, refrain from walking for a couple of weeks. Contact with other dogs is also undesirable.

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