15 Healthiest Dog Breeds That Will Save You from Constant Trips to the Vet

When choosing a dog for themselves, people most often think about the breed, size and external characteristics of the dog.
Very rarely does anyone think about the problems that can be encountered when keeping a dog. The main thing here is the health of your future pet. After all, if a dog gets sick often, the owner will constantly worry about it, take it to the veterinarian, and spend a lot of money on treatment. It’s easier to choose a dog with excellent health from the very beginning. We will try to figure this out in this article and find out which is the healthiest dog breed.


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Inexperienced owners may have difficulty caring for furry dogs.

Problems: During walks in the summer, Spitz dogs collect dirt and dust on their fur. They shed constantly, but you can't cut them - this can cause your Spitz to go bald. The list of diseases that this breed suffers from includes hypoglycemia, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, stomach ulcers).

What to do? Buy a duster for walking. In winter it will not be needed - thanks to its thick coat, the Spitz can do without additional clothing. But in the summer, the dog will have to be “packed” in protective overalls. Constantly brush. Another expense item is shampoos and special cosmetics for wool. You shouldn’t spoil your small dog with homemade food - you need to build a diet and feed only food intended for dogs.

Australian Cattle Dog

Representatives of this breed are energetic, cheerful and active – and remain so until old age. In the hands of an attentive and caring owner, they will live on average 12-13, or even more years. Despite their good health, Australian Cattle Dogs are also at risk of developing certain diseases in middle age, such as hip dysplasia and retinal atrophy.

More about herding breeds

Continental Toy Spaniel

These small dogs live on average about 15 years. They are distinguished by mobility, playfulness and good health, despite which they have a risk of developing diseases such as dislocation of the knee joints (caused by poorly developed musculoskeletal system), ear inflammation and tartar.

More about the Continental Toy Spaniel

Shiba Inu

The homeland of these unusually smart and loyal dogs is Japan. Shiba Inus are courageous, energetic and resilient, and with proper care can live on average 12-16 years. Any owner of the breed should be aware of the possibility of developing eye diseases, allergies and hip dysplasia.

Read more about Shiba Inu

Tracheal collapse

When tracheal collapse occurs, the animal's airways are deformed. The most susceptible to this disease are Pekingese, Chihuahuas, miniature poodles, and Spitz dogs. The main cause of the disease is improper and unbalanced nutrition of domestic animals: owners overfeed their pets.

This leads to fat putting pressure on the trachea and bronchi, causing their deformation.


  • The occurrence of shortness of breath;
  • Attacks of coughing or wheezing;
  • Changes in the color of mucous membranes (they become blue);
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Apathy;
  • Loss of consciousness.

Treatment of tracheal collapse is carried out strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. It can be medicinal or, in more complex stages, surgical.

Large breeds

Most modern breeds suffer from genetic and acquired diseases. Fortunately, there are still dogs among them in good health.

Alaskan Malamute

Malamutes live ideally in private homes

A breed bred for transporting goods in conditions close to extreme. Of course, we are talking about working sled dogs; show animals and pets cannot withstand such a load.

In the old days, a team of Malamutes could cover 80 km in 10 hours. Today's dogs need physical activity, but not in such quantities. To satisfy this need, 10-15 km is quite suitable.

The Malamute is a stubborn animal and does not take well to training. Apartment keeping is not recommended; natives from Alaska thrive in enclosures. Due to their intelligence and independence, street (kennel) dogs, left unattended on the site, make digs and remember their names.

When choosing a puppy, you need to know exactly what your goal is - exhibitions or sledding. Working dogs, under moderate stress, live longer than show dogs. The average lifespan of a show dog is 11-13 years, and a working dog is 13-15 years.

Hungarian Vizsla

Hunting stance

A hunting dog, with all the ensuing consequences. Passive pastime and vizsla are diametrically opposed concepts. This dog does not sit idle, hunting is its passion. Deprived of it, the Vizsla begins to feel sad.

Another feature of the breed is the motivation of the owner. The dog loves its owner so much that it follows him around the house like a tail. If the owner is absent for a long time, the Vizsla becomes sad and may get sick.

If there is an opportunity to hunt, the pet will live a long, happy life: on average, 14-17 years.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

An excellent security guard for a private home!

A real giant among dogs, suitable exclusively for kennel keeping. The Caucasian Shepherd is a specific breed that requires experience in keeping large and unfriendly dogs. In relation to the owner, the Caucasian is constantly trying to demonstrate who is in charge in the house.

Representatives of the breed have exceptional protective qualities. These are working dogs; in some regions they are used to serve in law enforcement agencies. Average life expectancy is 12 years.


Crazy dogs...

The breed is a walking “drive”, Malinois is very loved by IGP athletes. Dogs are smart, easy to train and are not suitable for phlegmatic people. A pet deprived of active physical and mental work will begin to lose energy on its owner. The average life expectancy of "raspberries" is 13 years.

Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdog

Serious, persistent and self-confident pets. Maremmas need constant monitoring, clear consistency in training and good walking. The attitude towards strangers is sharply negative. Maintenance in an apartment, given these characteristics, is extremely difficult. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Central asian shepherd dog

Terrible and powerful alabai

A guard breed that constantly checks the owner's weak points. Alabais are stubborn and need to be trained from an early age. Dogs seem phlegmatic, but this is a deceptive impression. Modern representatives of the breed live 11-13 years.


They are brave and well-built medium-sized dogs. Schnauzers can live 12-15 years or more, provided proper care and suitable living conditions. Breed-specific diseases include eye pathologies and, again, hip dysplasia.

More about the Giant Schnauzer

English Springer Spaniel

Affectionate and active, these dogs cannot stand loneliness and often have a hard time being separated from their owner. According to statistics, an English Springer Spaniel can live from 10 to 15 years. The most common diseases characteristic of this breed are joint dysplasia, problems with the central nervous system, as well as eye and ear diseases.


Hypoglycemia is a condition in an animal’s body when sugar levels reach a critical minimum. The disease is common among small dogs because pets have a low body weight and a fast metabolism. Therefore, any changes in diet and lack of even a small amount of glucose can lead to hypoglycemia.

This disease manifests itself unexpectedly and rapidly:

  1. The animal refuses to eat;
  2. An apathetic state and chills occur; the pet hides in dark places;
  3. In mild forms, the dog walks, staggering and stumbling; in severe forms, convulsions begin.

If you do not take your pet to the clinic in time, a coma develops, and then death occurs. When hypoglycemia occurs, every minute is important for the animal.

Medium breeds

Representatives of these breeds visit veterinarians when it is time for the next comprehensive vaccination.


There's more than enough enthusiasm!

Australian Shepherd "for any fight, except a hunger strike." This is a passionate, active, tireless dog - an ideal option for canine sports. Where Aussies are, it is always fun and noisy.

Calmness and breed are incompatible things, so the owner will have to say goodbye to a measured life. The owner is waiting for the discovery of new horizons in the company of a pet. Someone, but an Aussie will not allow a person to waste away on the couch.

With such activity, dogs do not even know how to visit veterinary offices due to illness. Thanks to this, Aussies live 12-15 years.

Border Collie

Excellent companion and shepherd

A hyperactive and very intelligent breed. Borderers have no equal in agility, canine freestyle and sheep herding competitions. These dogs cannot live without constant movement and the realization of their instincts. Locking a representative of the breed at home, walking it twice a day for half an hour, is slowly killing it.

Border is suitable for a person who is as active as a pet. Joint walks of 10 km a day, trips to the fields and training in herding, jogging are happiness for both. Also, border collies are excellent trainees; the only problem can be the presentation of the material. Dogs quickly get bored with monotony; the owner will have to master the tricks of “fun” training.

Representatives of the breed engaged in physical and intellectual labor have a good chance of living 15-17 years.


The “basek” smile is a separate topic

It is very painful to see a Basenji walking sedately on a “roulette” leash. And the owner, walking at a slow pace, is actively talking on the phone. A measured life is torture for an active, emotional dog. “Basi” is a tireless bundle of energy, ready to spend most of its life in forests and fields. These are excellent hunters; being off-leash in the city is fraught with consequences. The pet will begin to chase cats and dogs of small breeds.

Regular physical activity, ideally satisfying the hunting instinct, is the key to a long life for the little one. The average duration is 13 years.


Very graceful dogs

“Give me freedom or give me death,” this is how one can characterize a greyhound. The ideal life for a whippet is greyhound racing or coursing; restricting the ability to move leads to negative consequences.

Whippets are smart and willful dogs. For them, training is more of a nasty necessity than a job of pleasure. Obedience training can take a long time.

The breed needs to run short distances daily. When running, a whippet can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. These dogs are in good health and can live up to 14-16 years.

French bulldogs

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

These are hyperactive dogs that should not be raised in apartments with slippery laminate or porcelain tile floors.

Problems: “The French” are predisposed to osteochondrosis (discopathy). If you are limping, immediately go to the veterinarian. Dogs of this breed suffer from allergies to food - not only to homemade food, but sometimes to specialized food.

What to do? Establish a walking routine, gradually accustoming the dog to long outings. Take care of the flooring - lay carpets, for example. French bulldogs, like other breeds, need regular checkups and cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to prohibit all households and strangers from feeding the dog anything other than specially intended food. And the diet needs to be changed, otherwise the acne on the bulldog’s face will remain with the bulldog for life.

Which ones are in good health?

A healthy dog ​​is, first of all, a dog that is well looked after and cared for, fed with healthy food, and regularly taken for walks and to the veterinarian. But heredity is also important: there are breeds that, according to veterinarians, rarely get sick and do not have congenital pathologies.

Which dogs get sick the least?

Important: according to statistics, the best health will be in a breed from the primitive group - that is, those in the process of formation of which humans practically did not interfere.

When looking for a healthy pet, you should not chase beauty and a fantastic pedigree; it is better to prefer an active and happy life with your pet.

There is no specific classification of dog breeds with the best health. But, thanks to the observations of veterinarians, it is possible to identify breeds that have a longer life expectancy and are less likely to have health problems. Who is one of them?

Four-legged friend: 34 dog breeds for children


Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

Overall a strong and healthy breed, which, however, has its “weak areas”.

Problems: Fold poodles suffer from otitis media, due to improper feeding, tartar appears, and fangs may fall out. In addition, poodles may have entropion of the eyelids, double eyelashes, retinal atrophy, and cataracts. Dogs also suffer from cardiovascular diseases and sometimes diabetes.

What to do? Visit your veterinarian and dentist regularly for teeth cleanings. Do not feed sweets or sausage. Monitor the dog's behavior - if the poodle is often thirsty or staggers from weakness, this may be caused by diabetes. Severe stress or serious physical activity provokes heart problems.

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