Why you can't kiss cats - diseases that can be contracted

People use hugs and kisses as a way to show affection, and often we use these methods to show our cats that we love them. But do cats like to be kissed?

The first thing you should consider is whether you and your cat are healthy, since kissing can transmit diseases between you. If one of you is sick, then such close contact should definitely be avoided!

Another thing to make sure is that your cat is used to this level of contact with you. If you've never kissed them before, they might not like the sudden invasion of your personal space.

Is it possible to kiss a cat?

I'd say there's nothing wrong with showing your cat how much you love her by giving kitty a smack on the head.

However, keep in mind that there are still some risks, especially if you kiss your pet on the lips. This largely depends on the health status of your pets.

So let's see what can happen if you kiss a cat.

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Is it possible to kiss a dog?

Ringworm is one of the simplest diseases that can spread to a person from the “kiss” of a dog. If a dog has lichen bacteria and you kiss your pet, then direct infection is guaranteed. MRSA infection in humans affects the skin and can be caused by just one kiss from your pet.

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What are the risks of kissing a cat?

The good news is that cats and people are two different species. From a medical point of view, this means that you cannot contract diseases that are common in the cat family.

So you don't have to worry about cat flu or cat HIV.

However, some diseases cross the species barrier. We call them zoonotic diseases, and as such they can be potentially dangerous to you. For example:

  • Parasites such as toxoplasmosis, which is transmitted through feces.
  • Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection that is easily treatable but persistent.
  • Some common bacteria such as staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli.
  • Cat scratch fever is transmitted through scratches and bites.
  • Rabies is a deadly viral infection spread through saliva.

To be honest, it is doubtful that you will come into contact with anything from your cat if you practice good hygiene and have a strong immune system.

To minimize your chances of contracting the disease, you should remember to deworm your cat regularly and make sure she is up to date on her vaccinations.

Common diseases

Here are some of the most common diseases that can pass from cats to humans. Agree, this is a pretty good reason why you shouldn’t kiss cats.

  • Toxoplasmosis. This disease affects the liver, spleen, eyes, nervous system, heart and other organs. It is especially dangerous for girls “in an interesting position.” Toxoplasmosis can cause irreversible intrauterine damage to the fetus and affect its development.
  • "Scratchies." This disease is quite common, although it is not very common to talk about it. The scratched areas can become very inflamed. A rash may appear, an allergic reaction, intoxication, and inflammation of the lymph nodes may occur.
  • Worms. The disease is caused by parasites that live in the bodies of cats and humans. It's very easy to get infected. Don’t think that if your pet doesn’t go outside, then it’s “clean.” If a cat eats raw meat or fish, then it definitely has worms.
  • Rabies. A fairly well-known disease that can be fatal. It is transmitted by bites along with the saliva of a sick animal. Of course, domestic pussies rarely go wild, but it still happens.
  • Plague. This is a very dangerous disease. It is generally accepted that it is carried by rats, but cats can also be sources of infection. In humans, the plague causes severe fever, sepsis and attacks the lungs.
  • Felinosis. It manifests itself in humans in the form of a rash, pustular inflammation, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. It is transmitted mainly from cats through mucous membranes and saliva.
  • Lichen. A very unpleasant and common disease. Fungal infection causes hair loss, severe itching, sores and redness. It takes quite a long time to heal.

This is not a complete list of what your furry pet can “reward” you with.

Who should avoid cat kisses?

I have been scratched hundreds of times without any infections or complications. However, I have read stories of people who became very ill from a simple cat scratch.

This may seem like a step too far for some, but certain groups of people are at high risk when interacting with an animal. I'm talking about:

  • People with weak immune systems because they have difficulty fighting off infections
  • Very young children with undeveloped immune systems
  • Pregnant women due to the chances of contracting toxoplasmosis.

Do not misunderstand me. It's a great idea to raise children with pets because it strengthens their immune system. Researchers have also shown that the more often you expose your child to pets, the less likely it is that your child will develop allergies later in life.

However, very young children have weak immune systems that will not be able to fight off some of the bacteria that your cat may carry.

Beautiful gray cat on female hands on sofa

Toxoplasmosis is also not life-threatening for adults, but dangerous for the unborn child. This can lead to miscarriage or the birth of a baby with serious complications such as vision problems and developmental delays. So avoid cat litter as much as possible.

Prevention necessary for animals and their owners

In order to protect the animal and yourself, you need to follow simple prevention.

The animal's diet should exclude raw meat and raw river fish, as these products may contain parasite eggs. All your cat's food should be well-cooked, or an excellent alternative is cat food. Domestic cats should not be allowed outside unattended so that they are not tempted to rummage through city dumps and basements. You need to walk your cat on a harness and wash its paws after the walk. For worms, both owners and pets need to take medications at least once every three months. On average, the effect of the drug lasts three months. February, May, August and November are the most suitable months for carrying out preventive actions.

The animal must be protected from street hunting for mice and rats, as they are dangerous carriers of many viruses and diseases. Cats need to be trained, not allowed to sleep in the same bed with children, walk on the dining table or lie on it. It is better to avoid close contact with the cat; periodically check the animal for the presence of fungi, viruses, bacteria and parasites.

People with weakened immune systems, newborn children, and pregnant women should be careful when interacting with pets and keep a distance when in contact with them.

Pets undoubtedly require attention and affection, but it is not necessary to express your love for them through kisses. If a cat wants attention, she will show it from a distance; she can lie on her back and expose her belly for stroking. The cat shows its love for its owner with sounds; it begins to “purr” and close its eyes. And the best “kiss” for a cat at a distance is to look into her eyes with love and tenderness.

Should you kiss a cat on the lips?

I love my cat with all my heart, but I would never kiss her on the lips. I often kiss the top of her head and bump noses with her, but kissing her on the lips is too much for me.

It's not that I find it disgusting, but the germaphobe in me says it's unsanitary. I know that many cat owners will not agree with me, and I will not argue. But I want to mention something.

A cat's mouth is no cleaner than a human's. Cats are predators, and even when they live indoors full-time, they will catch various bugs and insects that crawl into your homes. So, a cat's mouth is full of bacteria that can harm you in the long run.

Not to mention the cat licks itself everywhere (you know what I mean) and a lot of parasites are spread through feces.

Oral health

“There is concern among dentists about the harm to the human oral cavity caused by cat 'kisses'. However, the likelihood of consequences remains unclear. What experts know for sure is that humans, cats and dogs have similar but different microbiomes, says Lenin Asturo Villamizar-Martinez, DVM, assistant professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of North Carolina College of Veterinary Medicine.

“Research shows that a similar type of bacteria is found in the mouths of cats, dogs and humans that can cause periodontal disease. However, this is not direct evidence that close contact leads to the transmission of these bacteria and, as a result, to the emergence of problems in humans, explains Dr. Vilamizar-Martinez. “Perhaps people have a defense system that allows them to avoid infection.”

At the beginning of 2015, a study was published in the scientific journal PlOS One, during which specialists sequenced the DNA of the oral microflora of four dogs and their owners (two people who did not have pets also participated in the experiment). As experts have found, it is highly likely that dog bacteria are not able to survive in the more acidic environment of the human mouth. It can be assumed that the situation is similar with cats, because... their pH level is the same as a dog's.

According to PlOS One experts, frequent brushing of teeth can get rid of most of the bacteria acquired by the owner from his pet, but some microbes will still remain in the interdental space. The question arises: is this small fraction capable of causing harm? Unfortunately, nothing is impossible.

Do cats understand that kissing is a sign of affection?

Cats show affection to their loved ones in a variety of ways. They rub against our legs, headbutt us, or playfully bite us while playing. Sometimes they even preen themselves by licking your hands or hair.

Grooming is a big sign of trust because cats only groom each other when they feel a deep connection. And kissing isn't that different from a cat licking another cat.

So, I would say that cats know that we are showing affection when we kiss them. However, they prefer to kiss us in the “cat way.”

A cat kiss is when your cat looks at you and blinks slowly. It's their equivalent of our "I love you" kisses. Blink slowly at your cat and she will understand that you care about her.

The bottom line is that kissing a cat won't make you sick unless you have a weakened immune system. So, as long as you and your cat are healthy, feel free to kiss and pet your cat as much as you want.

The reasons are mystical

It is believed that cats are guides to the other world. The Egyptians believed that the animal could ward off evil spirits, and they worshiped cats as a deity. In Europe, for a long time, cats were considered assistants to witches, so they were often burned at the stake along with their mistresses.

One of the reasons why you shouldn't kiss cats on the face is the danger of becoming its slave. It is believed that the owner who kissed the cat will serve her until death. He will fulfill all her whims and stop noticing other household members.

According to another belief, a person who kisses a cat gives her all his vitality. The more often kisses fall on the pussy, the weaker and more painful its owner becomes.

Another superstition is that cats allegedly lose their sense of smell when kissed. This is another argument why cats should not be kissed. In practice, this situation has never been confirmed by any veterinarian. Most often, the pussy loses its sense of smell due to a common runny nose (this also happens in cats). Another reason may be the age of the animal.


“Do you know what is the most wonderful thing about our animals? This is their ability to put up with our most strange and unacceptable behavior among their relatives. Animals watch their owners and gradually learn to understand their actions. For the sake of your own peace of mind and for the sake of showing affection to a person you trust.” (Wilma Tigelaar, veterinarian and animal psychologist)

We live in a stressful world, filled with daily bad news on TV, problems in the family and hassle at work, and the ill will of others. We are increasingly withdrawn into ourselves and are ready to fight back at any moment.

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