Dogs you don't need to walk - 8 breeds that are convenient for busy people

There are dogs that you shouldn't walk with. This does not mean that a pet of this breed will sit at home all the time, it’s just that you can’t walk with them every day. There are some peculiarities of keeping such breeds. Their main advantage is not that you don’t have to walk your dog for a long time, but that they are very friendly, smart and curious. Thanks to such character traits, even when going outside, they do not need a muzzle or a leash - the pet will always be close to the owner.

Dogs that can do without walking

To whom?

Any dog ​​is a responsibility, therefore, if you have no desire to take care of an animal, care for it and spend your time on it, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​purchasing one. But even if a person is ready to give the dog his love and attention, problems may arise with walks:

  • for busy people . Many people have such a work schedule that you can’t take your dog for a walk. But the desire for love does not go away, and after a tiring day at the office, you really need to be greeted by a pair of touching eyes!
  • for inactive ones . We are all different, for some it is not difficult to go for a run in the morning, but for others it is already an unbearable physical activity. If sports are not one of your interests, walking your dog may be too tiring;
  • for the elderly . Getting a dog for a pensioner is a great idea; with such a companion it will not be boring. Dogs lift your spirits and leave no time for sad thoughts. But running a race, for example, with a dachshund, will be difficult for an elderly person. But your health won’t allow you to go for a walk every day;
  • for a child . “I’ll go for walks myself” is the most common promise a parent hears from their child. But even if this promise is not forgotten in a week, it is difficult to let the child go for a walk with the animal, especially in the evening. In addition, illnesses, problems at school, the desire to hang out with friends will not go away - as a result, walking the dog may fall entirely on the parents;
  • for lazy owners .
    Yes, yes, this reason is also quite valid for getting a dog breed that does not need walking. Believe me, there are also homebodies among dogs who will gladly share a cozy sofa with you and will not find anything pleasant in a daily walk. For example, the Neapolitan Mastiff will happily snuggle up on the bed with you to watch a TV show (and drool all over it - a common problem with this breed), while French and English bulldogs also spend most of their lives snoring (which makes them prone to obesity).

By the way, some nursing homes hold meetings with volunteer dogs. Doctors note that motor activity improves in stroke patients

Japanese Chin

A lively, nimble and cheerful dog weighing 2–4 kg and lifespan up to 14 years.
Smart, loyal and affectionate with people they know, but in an unfamiliar place they can easily get confused and be very wary. Otherwise, Chins are very playful, get along well with other pets, are easy to train and can master complex commands, so even inexperienced owners can easily cope with caring for this breed.

Breeds you shouldn't walk with

If you don’t have time to walk your dog, or you prefer to stay at home, you need to choose an unpretentious breed. The ideal animal would be one that is peaceful, sociable, not prone to dominance and undemanding in care.

It is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a hunting breed - these dogs will require constant physical activity. Large breeds are also not suitable: without regular walks, they will quickly begin to get fat; and owning fighting dogs without regular walking is simply dangerous. Lack of physical activity can push them towards aggression.

It is best to opt for a small dog . These breeds do not have as much energy as larger individuals. You also need to pay attention to the dog’s learning ability: after all, you will have to teach him to relieve himself in a diaper or in a tray. And this difficult task will require patience from the owner and intelligence from the animal.

Smelly question: the most effective way to train a dog to go to the diaper and to the litter box


Officially considered the smallest dog breed in the world. Originally from Mexico. The animal is tiny: 1-3 kg in weight and up to 23 cm in height, so it can easily fit in a bag. Their coat requires minimal care. Chihuahuas are very loyal animals, they choose one owner and become tightly attached to him, and communication with several people is equivalent to stress for them. So it is better not to take them into a family with children .

It is not only possible, but also necessary not to walk with this breed: Chihuahuas are fragile, painful, they can die from the usual loud sound. So the street is full of dangers for them. However, they need minimal physical activity , otherwise they will have problems with excess weight.

Pomeranian Spitz

At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish a Spitz from a soft toy. This friendly little furball weighs about 3.5 kilos. Spitz are smart, friendly, and get along easily with both children and other pets. They are included in the list of the smartest dogs in the world . So, by training your Spitz from childhood, you will raise yourself an ideal companion.

The baby does not need frequent walks, and it is not difficult to teach him to use the litter box.

Rat (American Hairless) Terrier

Despite the unpleasant name, this dog can be an ideal companion: it is a very friendly breed that gets along well with people and other animals, even cats. Smooth-haired and almost non-shedding. Dogs of this breed are cheerful, intelligent, easily learn new things and are sensitive to the mood of the owner. They will notice if you are sad and will try their best to cheer you up.

The Rat Terrier is a small animal, weighing 12 kg and 30-35 cm tall. There is also a miniature variety of this breed, weighing about 5 kg. There is no need to take them for walks often: the dog will prefer to lie on your lap or in a chair. But rare walks with her beloved owner will be pleasant for her .


This is an unusual, recently bred breed - a mixture of a beagle and a pug. The dog is small (smaller than a pug), cheerful and affectionate. Gets along well with children and other animals. But at the same time, she has little energy, so long, regular walks will be tiring for her .

This adorable puggle belongs to famous pug lover Daria Dontsova

In addition, puggles inherited a short nasal cavity from pugs, so due to the great stress from walking, they have breathing problems. The dog does not require special care, but you need to be prepared for the fact that in the spring it will shed heavily.

Dog care without walking

Dogs that do not require walking need increased attention from the owner within the walls of the house, which consists not only of communication, but also care:

  • You need to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the toilet - change diapers, wash the tray.
  • Necessary grooming items include weekly bathing and brushing.
  • A separate place should be allocated for the pet, which should also be carefully monitored.
  • A balanced diet and additional vitamins are the key to animal health.
  • Since going outside with such dogs is limited, the room must be ventilated frequently.

Despite these features, caring for pets still does not seem as burdensome as standard walking. But each breed requires an individual approach in some issues of maintenance and nutrition.

Any purebred dog, whose genetics have historically included the need to be indoors or in the hands of the owner, does not require frequent walking outside. There is a list of such breeds, although some of them still need periodic walks in the fresh air. The least that can be done for these pets is to give a lot of attention and communication, and organize good care.

For the elderly

When choosing an animal for a pensioner, you need to be especially attentive to the character of one and the other: it is better that the temperaments coincide! Ideally, the dog will:

  • small in size, medium-sized breeds are safer for the elderly;
  • many older people do not tolerate illness and aging itself well, often withdraw into themselves and refuse to communicate, so it is very important that the pet is affectionate and playful and knows how to demonstrate its feelings ;
  • patient: just imagine an elderly man with a husky! We need a pet that won’t try to run away from its owner during walks and won’t gnaw through the door out of boredom;
  • not particularly demanding in maintenance: it did not require expensive feed and clothing, which cost a decent amount.
    Although each side has two medals: the need to dress your freezing pet can encourage your granny to knit and sew and thereby give her a new hobby!

    Often people in retirement suffer from boredom, but if they have a dog that needs to be brushed, it will give them something to do!

So, the following breeds are 100% suitable for elderly relatives and parents:

Japanese Chin

This is a dog of unusual appearance, looking like an exquisite toy. Beauty is successfully combined with a great sense of self-esteem, calmness and love for the owner. In China, these dogs were valued and depicted on the walls of temples. Translated from Chinese, “hin” means “treasure”.

Indeed, the Japanese Chin will delight its owner with calmness and love, and will be able to play if desired, but will not bother him. Perhaps the best for the elderly in an apartment, because this breed hardly barks. The only thing you definitely need is to comb your pet at least once a day: it has a bushy tail and mane.

Shih Tzu

Another cute tiny dog ​​that looks like a toy, and also comes from China. True, it was not awarded the name “treasure”: this breed is prone to stubbornness. If you don't train her from childhood, she will grow up capricious, aggressive and clearly show who is boss.

When properly trained, the Shih Tzu is a friendly, very sociable companion. She can sit on your lap all day long. So this is an ideal dog for retirees, but it’s better not to get one for a child.


Both French and English. Surprised? Despite their menacing appearance, solid body weight and common stereotypes, bulldogs are friendly, good-natured and... lazy.

Sometimes this goes to extremes: if you go for a long walk with a French bulldog, be prepared to have to carry your pet back in your arms. He will simply stand rooted to the spot and refuse to move on. The animal does not require special care; it has short fur, but wrinkles will need to be cleaned regularly .

Important : heat and heavy physical activity are very dangerous for bulldogs.

But it’s true, if you are getting a dog for your older relative, you should convey to him that you need to walk 2-3 times a week with a wet nose ! Moreover, this will be useful primarily for humans. The primary goal of a pet is to get a disabled person out of the house to get some fresh air and exercise their muscles.

By the way, older people usually love to share their experiences with their friends, and a new adorable dog will be a great reason to show off!

Shih Tzu

A trusting and mischievous breed of Chinese dogs, whose weight ranges from 4 to 8 kg and life expectancy is more than 15 years.
Your Shih Tzu will adore you to pieces, especially if you play with her, treat her with care, and give her enough attention. The dogs get along well with all family members and are suitable even for inexperienced owners. The Shih Tzu does not need much physical activity, is highly clean and can easily be litter trained.

Disposal of excrement

When walking a dog, the owner is required to collect feces in a bag. To do this, he should always have plastic bags and a scoop with him.

Photo: gavrilovdeniss/ Pinterest

Containers can only be thrown into special dog boxes. Excrement should not be in common containers or mixed with household and food waste.

From the author! Currently, this rule is difficult to implement due to the lack or small number of special containers. There are no fines for throwing bags into general trash cans.


The Maltese is known for its charm and is also one of the very first dogs. The breed was named after the city of Malta and was very popular among the Romans, Greeks, and especially among noble people. Pets were bred for companionship. The average weight of dogs is 3 kg.

Maltese dogs love to spend time with their owners. Their silky coat adds sophistication and splendor. But to maintain its appearance, it requires daily cleaning and periodic grooming.

Dog fighting

Organizers, as well as participants in dog fighting, bear criminal liability under Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Cruelty to animals”. The minimum penalty for the crime is a fine of 80 thousand rubles, the maximum is imprisonment for up to three years.

Since this act involves a public demonstration, the fine can be increased to 300 thousand rubles, and the term of imprisonment - up to five years.

Where to complain about violators

In case of neglect of a pet, as well as for non-compliance with the law on keeping dogs, victims can contact the local administration or the local police officer. The application can be submitted either individually or as a collective complaint. If the decision on the application does not satisfy the plaintiff, he has the right to file a claim or a new application to the prosecutor's office or court.

Only proper maintenance of a pet, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, will protect the animal from cruel treatment, and its owner from the imposition of civil, administrative or criminal liability.

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