TOP 30 smallest dog breeds with names and photos

  • Facts about dogs



Currently, small dogs are very popular. They have a number of advantages compared to large dogs: they are less hassle, they do not take up much space and live quite comfortably in a small apartment, they are convenient and compact for travel, they do not have a pronounced odor, and even despite their small size, they They may well come to the defense of their owner.

Below, you can check out the top 15 most popular small dog breeds .


Chihuahuas are also called pocket dogs for 2 reasons: firstly, they are the smallest of all dog breeds , and secondly, they love to be carried in the arms.

There are breeds with both long and short hair. There are different colors: black, red, white, chocolate, merle, brindle, etc.

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The Chihuahua's height is 15-23 cm, weight from 0.5 to 3 kg.

The Chihuahua breed is active, playful, has pronounced guard traits, and feels quite confident next to an adult shepherd dog. She becomes very attached to her owner and remains devoted to him, does not tolerate long separation and loneliness. Chihuahuas are characterized by touchiness and jealousy.

It is not difficult to care for this breed; they are very simple in maintenance.

The lifespan of this breed is 11-14 years.

The smallest dog in the world

The Chihuahua is deservedly recognized as the smallest among other dog breeds.

Dogs of this particular breed have been included in the Guinness Book of Records several times. In 2022, Millie holds the title of the smallest dog in the world. Its weight is only 400 grams and its height is 9.65 cm. As a comparison, ordinary Chihuahuas weigh on average several kilograms.

Russian toy terrier

The breed of decorative dogs is popular due to its cute face and miniature dimensions. The terrier's weight ranges from 1.4-3 kg, height - 20-28 cm.

There are smooth-haired and long-haired breeds.

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The toy terrier is an excellent companion and watchdog, although it does not have aggression, but at the slightest rustle, it will demonstrate its loud bark, which is not so easy to calm down. He is also playful and restless, great for trips out of town and any activity in general. He has a good memory, he is intelligent and cunning, he notices the weaknesses of the owner.

Its lifespan is on average 10-12 years.

Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian is a real plush toy, fluffy and with a cute face. He is very active, playful, attentive and easy to train. He loves walks in the fresh air. He is also a loyal friend and companion who loves his owner.

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To keep his fur always beautiful, careful and regular care is necessary. The Spitz also requires active rest and long walks.

In terms of strength of character, the Spitz is in no way inferior to large dogs. He is characterized by guard qualities and a loud bark.

As for the dimensions, the weight of the Spitz ranges from 1.8 -3.2 kg, height - 18-22 cm. Life expectancy is 12-16 years.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier gets along well with people and is a good companion. He is loyal, playful and brave. It is easy to train, but difficulties may arise due to its restlessness.

He is picky about food and has contraindications for many foods.

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He is very playful, and during a walk, the Yorkie can bully other animals, despite his modest size. The Yorkie's height is 15-23 cm, weight - 2-3.2 kg. One of the advantages of the Yorkie is its versatility; it feels great both in a 1-room apartment and in a large house.

Great attention needs to be paid to caring for your Yorkie. Long-haired dogs need to be bathed every week, and short-haired dogs need to be bathed once every 2-3 weeks. Yorkies do not shed, but require daily brushing. Afraid of cold and dampness, because... he has no undercoat, as a result of which he quickly becomes hypothermic.

Pros and cons of small dogs

  • decorative and beautiful;
  • small size, no need to spend a lot of time on care;
  • most of them are active and kind;
  • most do not require large maintenance costs;
  • no need to walk often and for a long time;
  • unlike large dogs, they cannot cause significant damage;
  • damage to others.
  • Due to hyperactivity, small dogs often like to create chaos in the house;
  • many breeds are difficult to train;
  • some can be mischievous.


The Papillon or “butterfly dog” is a type of continental toy spaniel. This is a companion dog, very friendly, cheerful and active. The Papillon is distinguished by its energy and speed. At the same time, he can calmly sit in his arms if necessary, this is a very intelligent dog. The Papillon is also very touchy.

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The disadvantages of the Papillon include shedding and special coat care. You need to bathe him once every 2 weeks, and you also need to regularly brush and moisturize the coat to avoid it drying out and forming tangles.

The breed has different colors: tricolor, white and sable, white and black, lemon, white and red, etc. Papillon weight is 1.5-5 kg, height is 20-28 cm. Life expectancy is 15-17 years.

A dog of this breed must have at least 2 puppies.


The breed originated in the early 17th century in Germany and was intended for catching rodents in barns, stables and kitchens. Affenpinschers got their name because of their interesting appearance and resemblance to a monkey .

They are inquisitive, love to travel, are constantly trying to climb and climb somewhere, and lack a sense of fear , which is why they often get into trouble. To teach your pet commands you will have to be patient, as he is constantly distracted . Affenpinschers weigh 4-6 kg, their height is 25-30 cm. They have a hard, thick coat that requires regular grooming to avoid the formation of tangles.

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a natural companion. These are sophisticated, very delicate and clean dogs. This breed is also sensitive and sentimental, and the Chin can become depressed if neglected. Showing love to members of its family, the chin needs reciprocity, and does not tolerate indifference and rudeness. Japanese Chins like to keep their owners in sight at all times.

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This breed is calmer and more reserved compared to other decorative dogs. Chins are active and playful in moderation and require minimal physical activity.

The Japanese Chin has a silky long coat. Varieties of colors: spotted, white and black and sometimes white and brown. Their weight is 2-5 kg, height - 20-27 cm.

In general, these are cheerful creatures, intelligent, understanding and delicate, they get along well with other pets.

Miniature Poodle

The breed was bred in the 1840s in Switzerland and, according to the breeder, is “perfection itself ,” and the standard was approved in 1880. The dwarf poodle is a copy of the standard one , maintaining all proportions, they weigh 3-5 kg, and are up to 35 cm high at the withers. The toy poodle is smart, loves to learn and can become a real circus performer , entertaining family members with funny tricks. He is active, kind and cheerful, devoted to his owner, but without intrusiveness. Loves to bark loudly and spend time with children.

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese or Maltese has a high degree of intelligence and excellent memory, is very intelligent and intuitive, as if “catching thoughts.” At the genetic level, the Maltese has love and devotion to the owner, adapting to his type of temperament and character.

Maltese are sociable and loving dogs, they are very gentle with children.

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You need to be careful with Maltese, they are very fragile.

One of the most common diseases is connective tissue dysplasia.

They do not need colossal physical activity, but leisurely walks in the air will not hurt them.

The dimensions of the Maltese are as follows: weight is 3-4 kg, height for a male is 21-25 cm, for a female - 20-23 cm. Life expectancy is on average 12-14 years.


The breed was formed in the 17th century in Cuba. It spread in Europe in the middle of the 20th century, and received worldwide recognition in 1996. The second name is Havanese Bichon or lapdog. Havanese are strong, short dogs with a height of 23–27 cm and a weight of up to 4 kg.

The two-layer soft coat consists of a moderate undercoat and straight or slightly wavy topcoat up to 18 cm long. At dog shows, dogs are shown in their natural state, not cut. Colors – solid white or with cream spots, black, tobacco, fawn. Open, sociable Havaneses love comfort and long “get-togethers” next to their owner or in their arms.


Pekingese are proud, moderately capricious and intellectually developed breeds. They are jealous and do not like to share their owner with anyone; they become very attached to him. But in general, this is a sociable dog that gets along well with all family members.

Pekingese weight is 4.5-5.5 kg, height is 18-23 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

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Excellent for indoor living, this is not a breed that needs long walks and physical activity. Pekingese can run and frolic, but only according to their mood.

Pekingese snores loudly and sneezes frequently, all due to brachycephaly (short muzzle)

The Pekingese's coat requires special care; it needs to be brushed and brushed more often to avoid tangles and to keep it overall looking beautiful.

Genetic diseases characteristic of this breed: cataracts, ectropion, respiratory disease, problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system, and heart failure.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a very cute breed, with long beautiful hair, and it does not shed.

This is a companion and anti-stress dog. Gets along well with any animals and is very affectionate towards the owner. Can be fun and playful if the owner wants, but is generally a calm dog.

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Shih Tzus are very easy to diaper train, which is convenient for owners who don't have time for frequent walks.

Shih Tzu weight according to the standard is 4-8.3 kg, height up to 27 cm. Colors are completely different, Shih Tzu come in almost all colors, and spotted (golden, white and red), black, black and tan, with masks, and with white faces, i.e. for every taste.

Genetically, this breed has no predisposition to diseases, but there are weak points: ears, eyes.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Longhaired dachshund

The breed was bred in Germany for corralling and searching for burrowing animals. Dachshunds easily penetrated even narrow gaps due to their low stature, elongated body, and short legs. The long-haired species was the result of crossing a smooth-haired dachshund with a spaniel.

The height at the withers depends on the subspecies:

  • standard long-haired dachshund 21 – 27 cm;
  • dwarf 16 – 21 cm;
  • rabbit 10 – 15 cm.

Rabbit long-haired dachshund of marble color.
Straight, shiny hair lies close to the body, lengthens on the neck, chest, lower body, hangs like a flag on the tail. Large hanging ears are covered with long hair and framed by fringe.

The colors are often monochromatic: red-brown, fawn, red, black. Less common are marbled and brindle. According to the observations of breeders, long-haired dachshunds behave softer and more delicate than other subspecies.

Bichon Frize (French lap dog)

A charming, obedient, sociable and very cheerful Bichon Frize breed. It looks like a dandelion (if you care for the coat properly).

The dimensions of the Bichon Frize are as follows: weight on average 5.5-6 kg, height according to the standard up to 30 cm.

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The great advantage of this breed is its unobtrusiveness, i.e. if the owner does not have time to play with him, the bichon will not pester him, he does not need excessive attention.

Bichons are fearless towards both people and large dog breeds. They are trusting and loving, and will approach anyone with a good attitude. They love to go for walks and are ready literally 24 hours a day. If you are outside the city, you will practically not be able to drive it into the house. Clothes for walking are an optional attribute for a Bichon, even in cold weather. In addition, clothes are harmful to the wool. The coat requires special care: washing with shampoo and conditioner, drying with a powerful hairdryer and combing, but again, this is if you want your dog to be literally admired as if it were a white fluffy dandelion. It is necessary to wash and cut it once every 2 months, just bathe it once every 10 days.

Diseases that a French lap dog may have: luxation of the kneecap, cataracts, dysplasia.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This is an exquisite breed with beautiful long hair. The most common cavalier colors are: tricolor, ruby, black and tan, and Blenheim. Weight on average 6-8 kg, height 25-27 kg. Life expectancy is 9-14 years.

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel tricolor Tochter von Dominic vom-Residenz-Garten Deckrüde

The King Charles Spaniel breed is playful, playful, friendly, and gets along well with other pets. He has excellent intelligence and understands when it’s time to stop frolicking. Also, the gentleman perfectly senses the emotional state of his teacher and follows his instructions.

Cavaliers are unpretentious in their maintenance and can live both in a small apartment and in a large country house.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed needs daily exercise.

This breed has a predisposition to a number of diseases: heart disease, endocarditis, allergies, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the paraanal glands.

Small dogs by type

Smart little ones: Goldust Yorkie, Miniature Schnauzer, Petit Brabançon;

Smooth-haired: Chihuahua, French bulldog;

Service: Miniature Schnauzer;

The most expensive: Coton de Tulear, Italian lapdog, Japanese dwarf spitz, Jack Russell terrier, Toy poodle;

Hunting: Blue Gascony Basset, Schipperke, Scotch Terrier, Skye Terrier;

For the apartment: Russian Toy Terrier, Prague Rat, Belgian Griffon, Chinese Crested, Japanese Chin, Australian Terrier;

The most beautiful: Italian Greyhound, King Charles Spaniel, Russian Salon Dog;

Fighting little ones: Miniature Bull Terrier, French Bulldog;

Fluffy: American Eskimo Dog, Small Spitz;

Kind: Lancashire Heeler, Lhasa Apso;

The most popular: Pug, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese, Dachshund, French Bulldog;

The most evil: Manchester Terrier;

The calmest: Shih Tzu, Pug, King Charles Spaniel;

The healthiest: Valentinian Rater, Brazilian Terrier, Tibetan Spaniel;

The rarest are Alopekis, African Hairless Dog, Norwegian Lundehund, Westphalian Terrier;

The cheapest: Rabbit Dachshund, Little Lion Dog, Smooth Fox Terrier, Miniature Pinscher;

For children: Shih Tzu, Sealyham Terrier, Norfolk Terrier;

Petit Brabançon

Griffon of Belgian origin. This breed is also called Petit Brabançon, Brabant Griffon and Smooth Griffon. Brabant Griffons are relatively small in size compared to other decorative breeds. Their weight is from 4 to 6 kg, height is 18-20 cm.

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The Brabançon is a companion dog, very affectionate and friendly. She is characterized by courage, self-confidence, liveliness and the need for communication. This breed is active and loves to play and requires daily walks. Brabançons are sensitive, feel the mood of their owner and experience emotions with him, repeat all his actions.

No special care is required for their coat, as they have short, slightly spiky fur. You only need to brush it once a week.

Their great advantage is that they do not have genetic diseases, and they practically do not suffer from colds.

The lifespan of a Brabançon is from 8 to 14 years.

Chinese Crested

There are two varieties: naked and downy. In this article we will talk about the hairless Chinese Crested.

They come in completely different colors. The dimensions of the crested one are as follows: weight from 2.3 to 5.5 kg, height in the range of 23-33 cm.

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These are very comfortable dogs to live in; they adapt well to their owners. They will play with him if necessary, and when the owner goes to sleep, they will calm down. Hairless, crested, unobtrusive breed.

He loves children very much and is easy to teach and train.

The crested cat needs to be bathed once a week. The use of scrubs and masks is encouraged. It is also necessary to epilate it and use sunscreen in the sun.

The breed has an allergic reaction to the sun. There is also irritation from hair removal and clothing.

For clothing, to avoid irritation, it is recommended to use silk seamless overalls. In general, this breed is cold-resistant.

The Chinese Crested cat practically does not get sick; the only hereditary disease that occurs is eye disease.

Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Acquisition methods

When choosing a pet, it is better to seek help from experienced breeders or breeding nurseries. You will have to pay more for a puppy with a pedigree, but in return the buyer will receive a purebred, properly raised animal with a stable psyche and genetically healthy parents.

You can protect yourself from scammers by visiting the chosen nursery and making sure the quality of the conditions for keeping the animals. You definitely need to look at the parents, check their documents and the litter. A responsible breeder will not refuse a request to walk with the parents of the puppies and the buyer on the street. This way you can be sure of the stability of the nervous system and the education of producers. Cowardice and aggression are heritable traits.


One of the most popular dog breeds.

The weight of a pug is on average 6-8 kg, height 28-32 cm.

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Pugs are loyal and affectionate. They love their owner immensely and become very attached to family members. Often follows the owner everywhere in the apartment. They are also very friendly and ready to greet guests playfully. They get along well with other animals and love children.

Pugs are quite amenable to training, despite the fact that they are not very active. They do not need long walks.

The breed also exhibits a high degree of intelligence and good protective qualities. It is well suited for beginners, because... its maintenance is minimal.

Prone to overeating and obesity, so they require a strictly balanced diet

Pugs are prone to certain genetic diseases and allergies. Their life expectancy is 13-14 years.

What you can't forget

Behavior problems are more common in toy dog ​​breeds than in large dog breeds. On the one hand, this is due to the stereotypes of owners who consider small animals to be safe and neglect their upbringing, training and socialization.

Another reason is the psychological characteristics of small pets who feel uncomfortable in the world of big people, transport, and urban architecture. Being in a state of constant stress, the dog finds a way out in cowardly aggression, directing it against owners or passers-by on the street. You can avoid such problems if you train the animal, actively walk it on the street, accustoming it to the noise of the big city.

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