A cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie: mixed breeds of a lapdog, Pekingese, toy terrier

English and American Spaniels

It is from these two main breeds that wonderful mestizos originate.
According to rumors, the Phoenicians were the first to bring spaniels to Europe, and the animals themselves received their name from the word “spani,” which translates as “rabbit.” These dogs really resemble a rabbit with their floppy ears. Only in England was the breed officially recognized, calling it “Cocker Spaniel”. Subsequently, more and more new varieties of breeds appeared, including the popular American spaniel. The original breed has changed both in appearance and in the way it is cared for.

The boy spaniel is a short dog, reaching 40 cm at the withers. Girls are even shorter - they do not exceed 38 cm. They do not differ much in weight - about 14 kg for both males and females. The color does not vary much: there are red, brown and black, as well as a mixture of these three colors.

The Cocker Spaniel breed is a very healthy breed and such a muscular build requires excellent nutrition and long walks. At the very beginning of breeding, the dogs were intended as an aid during the hunt to help the horsemen collect shot game from the ground. Therefore, already at the genetic level, these are strong, energetic and hardy dogs. Their skills in grasping game are determined by the structure of their massive jaw.

The hunter's features are visible in everything: strong bones, all the lines are sharp and angular, as if outlined. The eyes are oval in shape, with pigmented eyelids. The neck is always straight, the posture is clear. And of course, the famous hanging ears, narrow at the base, widening towards the bottom, rounded.

The United States gave the breed a national flavor as soon as spaniels arrived in the “Land of the Free.” The American Spaniel mix has long hair, which at exhibition events they especially like to comb as much as possible, the eyes are no longer oval, but round, and the muzzle is short.

Pekingese mix

Akita Inu
This dog stands out among other Japanese Spitz dogs by its large stature. Their height at the withers is 58-70 cm, weight 35-50 kg. The dog is densely built, of good proportions.
English Bulldog
This is a real gentleman. This is the dog of living rooms, sofas, cars and comfort.
American Bulldog
The modern American Bulldog is a powerful, athletic dog that exudes confidence and strength.
American Cocker Spaniel
Due to its abundant silky coat, small stature and good-natured character, it is more popular as a decorative dog and is almost never used as a hunter.
American Staffordshire Terrier
He should be well built, muscular, but agile and elegant. This is a massive dog, not tall on its legs.
English Cocker Spaniel
A small long-eared miracle that combines the qualities of a passionate hunter, a devoted companion and a magnificent show dog.
English Setter
Setters are created by crossing a water spaniel, a Spanish pointer and a springer spaniel.
Artesian-Normandy Basset
is a strong, courageous dog, has great endurance, is active and independent. She is able to make her way through the densest thickets. One of the rare hounds that uses only her lower sense.
Dogo Argentino
The most elegant representative of the mastiff group. He forever fascinates with his power and grace, high intelligence and amazing intuition, unique charisma
The Afghan Hound
is characterized by excitement, readiness for battle, quick reaction and quick charge, high speed and persistence, toughness, viciousness and agility in racing.
The origin of this dog breed is closely connected with the history of the Ainu, a people who settled on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) about 3000 years ago.
English Pointer
This dog breed has two worlds: hunting and home. At work, the English Pointer is incredibly active, agile, energetic and hardworking.
Originating from the Congo, the Basenji is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is a stocky, short-legged dog breed from the hound family. These are dogs that follow the scent and have an excellent sense of smell. The name Basset comes from the French word "bas" meaning "low" or "dwarf".
Bedlington Terrier
Hardy, fast and light, energetic and courageous, the Bedlington Terrier has an independent character.
Bernese Mountain Dogs
have a friendly nature that allows them to adapt to almost any environment.
Beagles are one of the smallest breeds of hound dogs. Strong, muscular, no less than 33 cm and no more than 40 cm in height.
These typical short-haired hounds are cheese and massive. Males reach 67 cm, females - 60 cm at the withers with an average weight of 40 to 38 kg.
The Bobtail is a large, strong, compactly built, muscular dog. The head, body, legs and especially the thighs are covered with thick, abundant, rather coarse, shaggy hair with a good undercoat.
The Greater Swiss Shepherd
The Greater Swiss Shepherd is the largest breed of the four Swiss Cattle Dogs, weighing up to 59 kg. The coat is tight-fitting and reliably protects the dog from wind and rain.
Dogue de Bordeaux
The Dogue de Bordeaux in the company of its owners is not just a domestic dog, it is in all respects a member of the family.
Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier is an active, very intelligent, smooth-haired dog with a short head, compact format, short tail, and well balanced.
Head raised proudly, noble posture, smooth and harmonious movements, a very special gait, soft, like a panther...
Bull Terriers
Despite their reputation as aggressive dogs bred specifically for dog fighting, the dogs are gentle and kind towards people.
Weimar Pointer
A graceful, beautiful, swift dog with smooth, easy and coordinated movements.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Very cheerful, optimistic dogs, completely devoted to their family.
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Hardy and strong with a harmonious, compact build. The head is slightly domed, with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
Welsh Terrier
A full-fledged working dog, an excellent companion and hunter, has a developed sense of self-esteem, is very intelligent, and easy to train.
West Highland White Terrier
Self-confident and adaptable to any living conditions, this energetic and sociable terrier has become everyone's favorite.
A breed of hunting hounds. Bred in Russia in the 18th century to hunt wolves, foxes and hare. This is one of the oldest breeds of Russian hunting dogs.
Aristocrat, created for high speeds, is flexible, good-natured with children and adults - rarely snaps, and loyal.
The stately and graceful Dalmatian is a truly unique breed both in beauty and character.
The Doberman
is a physically well-developed, strong and elegant dog with a deep chest and a harmonious and compact build.
West Siberian Laika
Breed of hunting dogs. Developed in Russia in the 19th century by crossing closely related Khanty and Mansi dogs for hunting large game, as well as bear, deer and wolves.
Irish Wolfhound
This dog, despite its large size and impressive appearance, has a friendly and peaceful disposition. She is very smart and infinitely devoted to her owner.
Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is taller than other setters. His head is narrow, with a smoother transition from the forehead to the muzzle
Irish Terrier
A strong, fast dog with great endurance and a strong character. She is independent and, if necessary, does not miss the opportunity to clarify relationships with other dogs.
Yorkshire Terrier
The weight of a Yorkshire Terrier should not exceed 3 kg. The head is flattened, with a short muzzle and a black nose. The hair on the head is long and bright golden in color.
Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs
Given the general proportionality of build, preference is given to larger dogs with massive bones, the desired height for males is not lower than 70 cm.
The expression of the muzzle is one of the most important criteria in determining the value of a dog, achieved by the correct ratio and combination of the proportions of the skull and muzzle, size, shape, color and placement of the eyes
The Maltese
is covered with silky, fine, long, straight hair that falls on both sides of the body, forming a parting along the entire top line from the head to the base of the tail.
Mastino Napoletano
The dog is very calm, balanced and obedient, but if necessary, shows courage and readiness to fight any opponent.
Miniature Pinscher
An ideal dog for a city dweller who dreams of a cheerful companion. Height of females and males is 25-30 cm, weight 4-6 kg.
This is a completely living toy, created for the joy of people, a charming dog. A smile settles in the house next to a pug - the best cure for adversity.
German Boxer
Boxer is a dog of medium height, square format. Height at the withers for males is 57-64 cm, for females - 53-59. The weight of males is approximately 30 kg, and that of females - 25.
Great Dane
The Great Dane is a very large dog that combines nobility and courage, strength and elegance. The minimum height at the withers for males is 76 cm, for females - 72 cm.
Pekingese dog (Pekingese)
Pekingese dogs have a peaceful and friendly character, are lenient towards people, and behave very bravely with other dogs.
A characteristic feature of the poodle is its coat, which practically does not shed. It should be brushed regularly and trimmed every two months.
The appearance of the modern Rottweiler indicates its strength, agility and endurance. This is a fairly tall dog, very strong, without the slightest hint of dampness
Russian hound
The dog is very tall, up to 16 inches. The head between the ears is wide, and the muzzle is long, somewhat hook-nosed, rather thick, but dry, without ruff; the eyes are small, yellow, and protruding.
Saint Bernard
is a reliable watchman, a devoted and faithful friend, a good-natured giant with a bright appearance, a dog that cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow has the distinctive features of the Spitz-like northern dogs - small erect ears, a tail carried over the back and thick fur.
Dogs of this breed are well built. The format is almost square. Height at the withers is 29-35.5 cm. The body is very compact, with a well-developed chest.
Japanese Chin
A small, compact, light, elegant and graceful dog. The lightness and grace of this dog is determined by the gentle-dry type of constitution and fine bones.


Is it worth buying

If a Yorkie mix dog does not belong to the designer group, you can purchase it for a very low fee. Most breeders consider such dogs, even if they are born from purebred parents of different breeds, to be ordinary mongrels. However, mestizos are often very nice. Moreover, it is in this way - by crossing dogs of different varieties - that new interesting breeds are ultimately obtained.

Of course, for those people who want to have a four-legged friend, but do not have enough money to buy a dog with a pedigree, it is worth purchasing an inexpensive crossbreed. It is often impossible to predict what the appearance of a mixed-breed Yorkie puppy will be like from a representative of another breed. But even the ugliest dogs in most cases become real family favorites for many years.

The only thing is that sometimes mestizos can adopt not the best qualities from their parents, but the worst. In this case, the dog may grow up unhealthy. This, as already mentioned, often happens with crosses of Yorkies and Pekingese.

Yorkie character

Both parents have different morals and behavioral characteristics:

  • Terrier – characterized by a strong-willed character, stubbornness and determination;
  • Spitz - gentleness, good nature.

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others

The difference in temperament is reflected in a negative direction: there is a possibility of getting a baby with an aggressive and nervous disposition.

Important! The behavior of an adult dog is corrected by education and training. Fixing the problem will take a lot of time and effort.

Yorkie and Spitz hybrid

Husky and Spitz mix: features

Spitz dogs are loved for their character, charm and beauty. Such a dog becomes the decoration of the exhibition. The husky breed is no less famous. These sled dogs have faithfully served humans for many years and have saved people many times.

But few people know that there are animals that combine the best qualities of both breeds - Pomsky (this name arose thanks to its parents - Husky and Pomeranian).

This puppy received thick dark hair, short stature and erect ears. Another feature of the dogs is their blue eyes, which they borrowed from the ancestors of the Husky breed.

The breed has a friendly character. This dog is not a timid one: the glorious past of its parents shows. She is smart and independent, but at the same time she loves her owners and is attached to them.

So far, Pomskies have not been officially recognized, so there are no clear descriptions or requirements for them.

Owner reviews

People who have a pomchi at home as a pet note its balanced, flexible character, with an increased sense of self-esteem. The hybrid has powerful intelligence and curiosity. Pomchi is full of contrasts, he is playful and energetic, like a Pomeranian, but at the same time reasonable and capable of insisting on his own, like a sneeze.

According to reviews, some individuals express their emotions violently and loudly, like their Spitz ancestors, but for the most part, Pomchis are not idle talkers. Despite its touching appearance, the dog needs training, since its disposition is by no means sugar.

The iron will and stubbornness of a pomchi can easily dominate a person with a soft character, as breeders and owners of this breed say about mestizos. And then you will receive a royal person at home, whom you will faithfully serve, fulfilling the slightest whim of the little despot.

However, this can be quite funny, because the function of a decorative dog is to evoke positive emotions and fulfill a person’s needs in caring for someone.

The owners note in their reviews that the pet is non-confrontational and gets along well with other animals in the house. It has excellent contact with children, provided that it is small and, as a result, traumatic if handled carelessly.

Otherwise, the dog will try to avoid contact with children or begin to defend itself. Adults should remember this, as well as the fact that a dog is not a toy, but a living being.

It is worth noting that all reviews about Pomcha are extremely positive. There are no negative reviews.

Varieties of Pugs

As a rule, pugs have a light shade of fur and a black muzzle. These are the representatives of the breed that we most often meet on the street. It's rare, but you can still find black pugs. They are rare and therefore more expensive.

The recognized colors of the breed are:

  • beige (the most common, the coat is a warm beige shade with a slightly darker spine line, the muzzle and nose are completely black);
  • silver (very light coat with a silvery cold tint);
  • apricot (a warm yellowish shade with a transition to bright orange, often also called peach);
  • black (anthracite shade is very rare, but such dogs are considered the elite of the breed and are in demand at exhibitions).

Other possible shades are considered non-standard. Such representatives of the breed cannot participate in exhibition activities and produce officially registered offspring.

What kind of people is this or that breed suitable for?

They may differ in character, identical to people. If the owner is energetic and leads an active lifestyle, then Toy will suit him. For those who like regularity, sneezing is typical. If you have children who are ready to walk the kids for a long time and play with them, an Englishman will do.

This breed loves to run, jump and be outdoors. It is not recommended for those who have children of kindergarten age. They see the animal as a toy.

For a Chihuahua, being active can be a burden. Toys have fragile bones. Active play with young children often leads to injury.

Separate attention should be paid to the comparability of breeds. If there are others, you need to take into account the nature of both

Toys get along well with Yorkies or Pinschers. They have similar, active characters.

For a sneeze, the best friends can be: Shih Tzus or Papillons. Both will calmly coexist with large, purebred dogs. Thus, Toy Terriers are dogs that have a longer muzzle, a docked tail and erect ears. They are more mobile and aggressive. Susceptible to injury. They have thin, fragile bones.

A fringe of hair emerges from behind the ears. Long-haired dogs have uneven hair. Most of the body is practically hairless. No undercoat. The color is monochromatic. There are only red and fawn colors, in various shades.

Chihuahuas have a more measured character. Small length and smaller paws than the English ones. The pedigree breed has a slightly flattened muzzle. Ears droop. The fur is evenly distributed. The color is different.

Various shades and color schemes are combined. For both it is necessary to create special living conditions. The house must be on the floor. They are afraid of heights and can get injured when jumping. The choice is yours!

Dachshund mix

Puppies of these breeds grow up to be quite unpredictable. You can never guess which parent they will be like. Most often they inherit short legs from the dachshund, and the color is standard black and tan, although there may be exceptions.

Such dogs are always short-haired. The position of the ears also cannot be guessed, but only in rare cases do they stand up, like in toy terriers. Basically they are in a hanging position, which indicates the predominance of dachshund genes. The body of the mestizo may be slightly elongated, but not critical. Often this feature does not manifest itself at all.

Their character and temperament are also quite individual. The main stream of such dogs is much more balanced and calmer than the toy terrier. From dachshunds, puppies take on excessive activity, as well as some hunting instincts.

IMPORTANT! These dogs need to be supervised when walking, and puppies that are not yet fully accustomed to being near you should not be let off the leash. Otherwise, you risk losing your pet, because at any moment he can completely unpredictably take off and chase a car or a cat.. Height is about 30-35 cm, depending on whose genes are dominant

This also applies to weight, but, in general, it rarely exceeds 6 kg

The height is about 30-35 cm, depending on whose genes are dominant. This also applies to weight, but, in general, it rarely exceeds 6 kg.

How to distinguish Spitz dogs from other breeds and mixed breeds

Sometimes, Spitz dogs can be easily confused with mixed breeds and representatives of other breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to buy an animal from a trusted place, where you can be sure that the puppy has been well fed and is healthy. In addition, Spitz dogs can be distinguished by external characteristics .

First of all, it's wool. Spitz have a double warm coat: one part is long straight hair, the second is a delicate soft undercoat consisting of short hairs. The coat should be combed regularly and washed when dirty.

Spitz dogs have neat ears that are set wide apart. The tail is above their back and curls into a ring. Growth varies depending on age and variety.

When buying a Spitz, you need to inquire about the availability of documents about the origin of the offspring . If the pedigree is zero, the dog may not be purebred. But this will not prevent the animal from being a faithful friend, and not all owners take animals to exhibitions.

Choosing a dog is not only pleasure, but also responsibility. First you need to weigh the pros and cons, because the animal requires a lot of attention. But this care will more than pay off with the love and devotion of the pet.

Features of maintenance and care

The Yorkie mix does not come in large sizes and feels comfortable in small city apartments. To prevent the dog from feeling loneliness, the bed should be within walking distance of the owner. Dogs are not kept in the yard - they require communication, and they are not adapted to living in unfavorable conditions.

Dogs do not need long walks; they can be taught to visit the cat litter box from early childhood. If desired, walking takes place for half an hour, twice a day. The dog is led on a leash so that it does not get lost or fall under the wheels of a car.

A combination of characteristics of the coat can cause problems with its care. The coat grows quickly, young animals need to be combed daily. To prevent tangles, brushes with a massage effect are used.

The condition of the hair depends on:

  • from air humidity;
  • diet - if there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, it will become faded, sparse, like in old photographs;
  • influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! Dogs have their ears and teeth cleaned and their eyes wiped regularly. You can wash your dog no more than once a month

Description of the pomchi

Chihuahuas are crossed with Pomeranians. Hence the name of this cross, based on the first syllables of the breed name - Pomchi.


The Pomchi is the only mix that has been considered an independent breed since 1998. This dog is an indoor dog and is a companion by nature. The breed has good health and is also people-oriented.

Externally, the dog resembles a long-haired Chihuahua with a neater face. The head is the same rounded as that of the Mexican ancestor, the ears are the same, but more rounded, like those of a Spitz. The tail is curled.

There is an opinion that the Pomchi's blood contains an admixture of Lapland Spitz and Pug.

How to choose a Pomchi puppy

First of all, you should pay attention to the dog’s parents; they must be healthy and active; excessive aggression is not acceptable.

When examining the puppy, pay attention to its behavior. The puppy should not be lethargic or too cowardly. Healthy pups show interest in humans and the world around them from the first weeks.

The price per puppy may vary. It is possible to purchase a pomchi for 5-7 thousand rubles. And representatives of the show class breed can cost 70-80 thousand.

What to feed your Shih Tzu

Question “ what to feed a Shih Tzu

“is extremely important, because the well-being and appearance of the Shih Tzu depend on proper nutrition.

Before you bring your Shih Tzu puppy home, consider what you will feed him. At first, you need to adhere to the regimen established by the breeder. All changes are introduced gradually.

To determine the amount of food for your Shih Tzu, watch how your puppy eats. If there is food left in the bowl 15 minutes after feeding, it is unnecessary. If the puppy licks the bowl and does not leave, you are being greedy. Over time, you will decide on your portion size. As a rule, for an adult dog it is 5% of the weight, and for a puppy – 10%. The tummy after eating should not be sunken, but it should not swell like a ball either.

How many times a day should you feed your Shih Tzu?

The frequency of feeding your Shih Tzu depends on the age of the dog.

Shih Tzu ageNumber of Shih Tzu feedings per day
Up to 2 months6
2 – 3 months5
4 – 5 months4
6 – 11 months3
Over 12 months2
Over 8 years old3 – 4

What to feed your Shih Tzu: dry food or natural food?

You can feed your Shih Tzu natural foods or dry food.

Natural food for Shih Tzu

includes the following products:

  • cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir (if your pet reacts normally to them),
  • porridge (rolled oats, buckwheat, rice - at least 25% of the daily diet),
  • lightly cooked lean meat (beef, chicken or rabbit - up to 250 grams per day),
  • chopped vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, beets, carrots) with vegetable oil or fish oil,
  • boiled sea fish (instead of meat - no more than 2-3 times a week),
  • boiled eggs (up to 2 pieces per week).

You can give your Shih Tzu by-products (chicken or beef) a couple of times a week.

An adult dog can be pampered with berries or dried fruits.

It is necessary to add vitamin and mineral supplements to your Shih Tzu's diet, but consult your veterinarian before choosing them.

Dry food for Shih Tzu

must contain vitamins A and E, Omega acids. Choose premium or super premium food, taking into account the dog’s age, fatness and activity level.

Whatever you feed your Shih Tzu, clean, fresh water should be available at all times.

After 7–8 years, the dog is switched to a diet with a reduced fat content.

Prohibited foods for dogs: hot or cold food, sweets, salty, fatty, spicy, smoked foods, river fish, bones, pasta, legumes, potatoes, white bread, sausages and sausages, as well as any spoiled or low-quality products.

In the photo: Shih Tzu. Photo: wikipet

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:City apartment or house
Purpose:Decorative, companion
Color:Duplicate all husky colors
Wool length:Up to 10 cm
Adult dog size:Height from 25 cm to 40 cm; weight from 5 to 12kg
Average life expectancy:13 – 14 years old
Walk:At least 2 times a day
Physical activity needs:Average needs, active walks required 1 – 2 hours per day
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:The breed is not recognized by the FCI
Puppy price:Reaches up to 300 thousand rubles

Options for purebred Chihuahua crosses

Mixing Chihuahuas with other breeds leads to interesting results.

Despite their shortcomings, mestizos can take on the best traits of their parents.

The most popular partners for mating with a Chihuahua are:

  • Spitz;
  • Yorkies;
  • Pekingese;
  • toy terriers.

Mixed breed with Spitz

The result of such a union was called pomchi.

The miniature dog has:

  • rounded ears;
  • wedge-shaped head with an elongated but not pointed muzzle;
  • large, but not bulging eyes with irises of dark shades;
  • muscular and compact body, not exceeding 20 cm in length and weighing no more than 4 kg;
  • a small tail curled into a ball;
  • 2 coat options: short, without undercoat, and long, with thick undercoat.

Mixed Chihuahua and Spitz
Among the characteristic features of the Pomcha are:

  1. Devotion. Loyalty is kept only to one owner. The animal experiences cooler feelings towards the rest.
  2. Playfulness. The pet will gladly support any activity. In games, the dog prefers to interact only with a person (preferably an adult). The pet will not get along with other pets, and small children can injure her.
  3. Distrust of strangers. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to irritate the dog. Wait for her to take the initiative.
  4. Mind. The Pomchi is easy to train and has excellent obedience.
  5. Loud voice. The loud barking came from the Pomeranian. This unpleasant feature can be easily corrected with training.
  6. Militant disposition. Do not let your pet off the leash while walking. The little animal will definitely get into a fight.

Yorkie mix

Breeders call these puppies Chorkies, noting that most of them were taken from Yorkies.

The resulting crossbreeds have:

  • small and slightly raised head;
  • small body weighing 2-4kg;
  • long and straight coat with golden or black colors.

Some puppies bred between Chihuahuas and Yorkies are born hairless.

A small amount of hair is observed only on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog does not like children's pranks and can stand up for itself, so a child who is playing may get hurt.

Mixed Chihuahua and Yorkie

Chorks are different:

Affection. The pet is sensitive to the owner's attention, so it cannot stand loneliness and can be jealous. Try to take your dog with you to avoid mental disorders. Cocky behavior. The small animal does not conduct a comparative analysis with its opponents, so it provokes a larger opponent without fear

IMPORTANT! The pet is not willing to be trained, so it will not be possible to wean it from its addiction. Try to minimize the risks and do not let him off the leash.

With Pekingese

Unlike Chorks, these representatives, called Pekachi, carry characteristic features from both parents:

  • miniature dimensions, rounded head and large wide ears, inherited from the Chihuahua;
  • thick undercoat and dense guard hairs inherited from the Pekingese.

Mixed Pekingese and Chihuahua

The character of a pekachi is made up of training and care shown by the owner:

  • if neglected, dogs grow aggressive and loud, bully other animals and annoy neighbors with their loud barking;
  • with the right approach, the pet shows friendliness and affection, responds to commands and does not look for problems for itself and its owner.

With that terrier

Toy terrier mixed breeds are born fit and have thin legs.

The color and length of their coat depends on the parents. The coat can be either long or short, and among the colors black and tan are more common.

Like the other crossbred options discussed above, these puppies are:

  • not suitable for children;
  • afraid of loneliness;
  • jealous.

A dog can show cowardice and aggressiveness, as well as courage and good nature.

This is determined by upbringing and environment, so it is impossible to predict them in advance.

Mixed chihuahua and toy terrier

Dachshund and Pekingese mix | DecorDog

Designer breed - this is what breeders in the world of modern dog breeding call their pets from unplanned random matings, as they say, “due to oversight.” A representative of the designer dog is, in particular, a mixture of Pekingese and Dachshund. Jokingly or seriously called peki by the owners.

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to buy a Dachshund or a Pekingese, or you decide to become the owner of a Dachshund and Pekingese crossbreed, you must first understand the characteristics of each breed.


  • Dachshund: a working dog for hunting in holes and on the ground. The breed originates from the Middle Ages.
  • Pekingese: indoor decorative dog. The breed has existed for more than two thousand years since the times of Ancient China, known as the imperial companion dog.


  • Dachshund: a compact, short-legged dog with a long body, an even head carriage and an attentive, concentrated expression in the eyes. Has a muscular body, very mobile. Subspecies vary in size and coat quality.
  • Pekingese: a small compact dog with great dignity. A chic fur coat, a magnificent mane and round, shiny, bulging eyes are combined with a straight, regal head posture. The breed has no official subspecies.


  • Dachshund: chest circumference 30-35 cm, weight no more than 10 kg.
  • Pekingese: size at the withers is 15-25 cm. Weight for males is from 3.2 kg to 5.5 kg, for females 3.6-5.4 kg. Males have a denser build and look more massive. The coat with a strongly pronounced mane is much richer than that of females. Bitches are smaller, the fur is not so thick.


  • Dachshund: Long head, tapering towards the nose, but not pointed.
  • Pekingese: the head is massive, slightly larger in comparison with the body. The muzzle is snub-nosed, short and wide, resembling a monkey.


  • Dachshund: flexible ears, moderately long and set high.
  • Pekingese: small hanging ears located quite high. Long hair gives the appearance of “tassels”.


  • Dachshund: Medium sized, oval shaped eyes. The look is concentrated, wary.
  • Pekingese: eyes are very large, round, convex, expressive.


  • Dachshund: The smooth-haired dachshund has a short, shiny coat with an undercoat. The wire-haired dachshund has a wire-like guard hair. The Longhaired Dachshund has a long, glossy coat that lies close to the body.
  • Pekingese: The undercoat is very dense and soft. The coat is long, lush, incredibly beautiful, but quite tough. In females it looks like a collar on the neck and withers, in males it looks like a lion’s mane. The fur on the croup and tail is very voluminous, so it appears that the back of the dog is higher than the head. The fan-shaped hair on the tail is the pride of the breed.


  • Dachshund: Solid color is mostly red or fawn. There is a two-tone color of black or brown with yellowish tan marks. Marble color is the rarest and most prized - gray or beige spots or stripes on a dark background.
  • Pekingese: Breed standards allow for any colors and different shades. Only liver color is considered defective. The white spot on the forehead, the so-called “Buddha finger,” is a special advantage of the Pekingese.


  • Dachshund: moves elastically, energetically. Pushes off the ground with strong hind legs.
  • Pekingese: moves freely, slowly, waddles.


  • Dachshund: The most energetic of all breeds. Long active walks are required. Loyal to the owner. Smart, well trained. He has a naturally friendly and balanced character. A persistent hunting dog with a well-developed sense of smell.
  • Pekingese: phlegmatic, leisurely, “sofa-like.” Does not require long walks. Walks slowly next to the owner. Self-centered, capricious. Smart, but stubborn. Training will require patience from the owner.


  • Dachshund: In general, the breed is in good health. They are prone to diseases of the back and spine (displaced intervertebral disc), like all breeds with a long loin and short legs.
  • Pekingese: characterized by diseases of the eyes, heart and spine. There are problems with the respiratory system.

Having comprehensive information about the original breeds, you can understand what a cross between a Dachshund and a Pekingese is. These are very different breeds, especially in temperament. The dachshund is a working hunting dog, the most active of all breeds. The Pekingese is an indoor decorative dog that can bask on the sofa for a long time. The appearance of individuals is also very different from each other.

It's hard to imagine that these animals are mixtures of a dachshund and a Pekingese - they don't look alike.

What can happen as a result of mating a Pekingese and a dachshund? Most likely, a small, mongrel dog, more like a dachshund, but fluffy. If pedigree, participation in exhibitions and breeding are not important to the owner of a mestizo, then it does not matter at all whether it is a crossbreed or a purebred animal, the main thing is a good, loyal friend.

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Mini Yorkie

The main feature of mini Yorkies is their miniature size. They weigh about 2 kg.

This causes some difficulties in keeping and caring for such pets:

  • they must be constantly monitored and should not be left on beds, sofas and other surfaces elevated above the floor - the dog may fall and damage the bones;
  • You should not get a Mini Yorkie if there is a child at home, as children often do not calculate their strength when playing with a pet and can damage the musculoskeletal system;
  • There are some difficulties in breeding the breed, so if you are not a professional, then you should not do it.

Important! If you decide to purchase a mini Yorkie, then buy a puppy only from trusted pets. Some dog breeders, in order to breed this subspecies, feed the puppies poorly or do not properly monitor their health. Interestingly, these are not the smallest representatives of the breed! There are also so-called “micro-Yorks” or “super-mini”, which weigh about one and a half kilograms or even less

Interestingly, these are not the smallest representatives of the breed! There are also so-called “micro-Yorks” or “super-mini”, which weigh about one and a half kilograms or even less.

Such small dogs have health problems, most often with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, they live shorter than standard Yorkies.

Baby - face Yorkshire terrier

The peculiarity of this subspecies is that the muzzle does not meet the standards of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.

Here's what it is:

  • the head is round in shape;
  • the muzzle is shorter than that of a traditional Yorkie;
  • ears are below forehead level;
  • the eyes are large, protruding, which makes the look seem surprised, a little like a doll’s eyes;
  • upturned nose.

Thanks to this, the muzzle looks very cute, hence the name: baby face, because the muzzle resembles the expression of a child, a doll. However, these features cause specific health problems, for example:

  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • frequent eye injuries (due to bulge);
  • teeth often fall out (so you have to carefully monitor them);
  • snoring and grunting (due to improper placement of the nasopharynx).

You can buy this cute pet only with unlimited attention and care.

Popular types of mestizos: general description and features

Designer dog breeding is very popular now. The Yorkshire Terrier did not escape this fate either. Most often, this cute baby is crossed with Spitz, Pekingese, Chihuahua, lapdog, and terrier.

Yorkie with Pekingese

The idea to cross a Yorkie with a Pekingese appeared as a result of a sharp drop in the price of Pekingese. And the number of Yorkies was quite small. To increase their number, Yorkie males began to be bred with Pekingese females. The newborn Yorkie mix, growing up, again crossed with the Pekingese. This was profitable, since a Yorkshire terrier mix was cheaper than a Yorkie, but more expensive than a Pekingese.

Thanks to common character traits, the result was companions with a sense of self-esteem, proud and striving for self-affirmation. They are cocky and fearless, difficult to train, but very sweet.

They do not like to be alone, are very jealous, and do not tolerate their own kind. Their disadvantage is loud barking and picky eating. From Yorkies, the crossbreeds adopted suspicion and aggression towards strangers, and a desire for adventure.

The result of crossing a Yorkie with a Pekingese

Maltese mix

A cross between a lapdog and a Yorkie is called a Morkie or Yorkie. From the Yorkies they adopted a long, silky coat of the same color and structure. The characteristic features of Yorkies are their affection, devotion, and friendliness. Their disadvantage can be early loss of teeth, careful care of them from childhood, and constant visits to the dentist.

Mixed dog and yorkie

Mixed Spitz and Yorkie

Mating of Spitz and Yorkie is the most common, among them there is a high degree of survivability. Spitz breeds are better suited for crossing with Yorkies than other breeds.

This crossbreeding produces beautiful puppies with good health. The genetic pathology of their parents is not passed on to them; all the best qualities of the producers are passed on to them. It is very difficult to predict what character a Spitz-York mix will inherit.

There have been cases where a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie has been nervous and aggressive. But all this can be corrected with proper education and training. Basically, these are smart, friendly, loyal dogs with a cheerful, playful character and good learning ability.

Attention! The problem is their long coat, which requires regular brushing, removal of tangles and split ends.

The appearance of the dog largely depends on the genetic characteristics of the breeding dogs. A newborn mestizo puppy may display not only the traits of its parents, but also their distant ancestors. It is very difficult to predict in advance the growth of a miniature hybrid puppy into an adult. An adult mestizo can be small in size, or can grow quite large.

Yorkshire Spitz

Chihuahua mix (Chorki)

In Yorkie-Chihuahua crosses, babies with golden or black coat color usually predominate, but it is not possible to predict this. There are other colors with fawn or red fur, as well as with white spots on a black background. This mainly depends on the genes of the Chihuahua.

The coat of Chorks is usually long and straight, but there are also individuals with short hair. By nature, Chorkis are very stubborn, they are very difficult to train, and do not like to be left alone for a long time. Their lifespan is 15 years.

Two golden and black chorka brothers

With that terrier

The advantage of crossing a Yorkie with a Toy Terrier is their small stature. A Yorkie-Terrier cross may also be called a Torque. It is possible that she will turn out to be very cute, but also far from beautiful. Their character is dominated by activity and independence.

The Yorkie and Toy Terrier mixes did not inherit the thin bone of the Toy Terrier's crooked paws and the long hair of the Yorkie. Therefore, they are suitable for people who do not have the time or desire to bother with their pet’s long coat.

Mixed Yorkie and Toy Terrier Additional information. Crossbreeds are prohibited from taking part in exhibitions; they are not recognized by the dog handlers association. They are not given a pedigree, there are no uniform standards.

No one can guarantee that they will raise a mestizo puppy whose qualities will be predominant in the born offspring, and it is not a fact that they will be the best. Do not forget, no matter how charming a cross-breed puppy is, it will not fit any known breed standard, nor will it fit the description of its parents. Mestizos are not allowed for breeding. This is a dog for the soul, for a pleasant time in its company.

Spitz-Yorkie mix

The mix of Spitz and Yorkshire Terrier became interesting. Representatives of both breeds are distinguished by their affectionate lively character, good nature and devotion. The mestizo also possesses all these qualities.

However, the process of breeding a cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie should be given special attention. To avoid deviations in the appearance and health of the puppy, you need to choose purebred parents .

Outwardly, such a mestizo is a beautiful animal with soft long hair, which, with good care, can change color from golden to black. It is difficult to predict the size of a dog in advance: there are both large individuals and miniature ones. There have been situations when a puppy was twice the size of its parents.

Despite its miniature appearance and decorative appearance, this dog is a fearless defender . Even a formidable opponent, who is several times larger, will not frighten her: the enemy will be greeted by an angry bark and a threatening grin .

To develop the best qualities in a dog, it must be raised and trained from an early age .

Important! Sometimes mixed-breed puppies can show aggression, which is the result of crossing breeds. With skillful training, it can be smoothed out quite quickly, because both Yorkies and Spitz dogs are smart and amenable to training.

Pekingese varieties

Among these dogs, due attention should be paid to dwarf or, as they are also called, sleeve (pocket), mini Pekingese. This is not a separate type of offspring, but a variety of it

Although they say that these dogs are more intelligent and playful than their “relatives”. By the way, it is possible to determine what exactly a dwarf Pekingese is only when it reaches eight months.

In general, you don’t need to hope that with the purchase of this miniature dog you will acquire the same puppies. This opinion is erroneous - small Pekingese can come from a larger dog, which, as a rule, happens. You can often hear about the Royal Pekingese.

Dog breeders know well that there is no such breed. This is a kind of advertising trick of the unscrupulous - they invite the buyer. In fact, they are trying to foist a marriage. “Royal” is the name given to the common Pekingese, which deserves attention.

Description of the breed

A cross between a Chihuahua and an orange is a decorative breed of dog. Their purpose is to be companions for humans. Pomchi has earned the love of people not only for his compact size, although it is thanks to this that the pet can be kept in small city apartments.

In addition to size, the hybrid is characterized by:

  • devotion and affection to the owner;
  • love and respect for people;
  • these dogs are real guards and protectors;
  • pretty appearance;
  • Quite strong immunity.


This is the name given to Yorkie and Chihuahua mixes. As purebred dogs, these dogs are not recognized by any association in the world. However, in their circles these animals are still called designer animals. Outwardly, these mestizos are almost identically similar to both parents. From Chihuahuas they adopted erect ears, expressive eyes and round heads. Moreover, their coat has the same structure as that of Yorkies. They adopted the features and sizes from this breed. The weight of such dogs directly depends on the size of the parents and can range from 1.5-4 kg.

Most devils are red or fawn in color. There are also mixed breeds with black and tan coats and white spots. In any case, most pet lovers agree that the exterior of these mestizos is usually very pleasant.

Judging by the reviews of their owners, these dogs have a rather serious character. Cherki are very active and playful. But, carried away by entertainment, they can, unfortunately, even bite the owner. In any case, the Cherki do not allow children to squeeze themselves.

In a family, these Yorkie mixes choose one owner and remain faithful to him for the rest of their lives. In most cases, they only tolerate the other residents of the apartment. The owners almost always become jealous of other pets. Therefore, it is undesirable to get, for example, a cat or even a hamster at the same time as such a dog.

Both parent breeds of the Cherk differ, as is known, primarily in courage. Therefore, such mestizos are often compared in character even to little devils. A small devil on a walk can freely and completely without fear rush even at a very large dog. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to let such a mestizo off a leash on the street.

Features of character and behavior

Since the Pomsky is just being formed, it is very difficult to say what character traits such a mestizo has. The genetics of mixed breeds are sometimes completely unpredictable. In one litter there may be one puppy copying the behavior of a husky, another will completely correspond to the behavior of a Spitz, and a third may have traits of both breeds.

In most cases, the behavior of an adult dog depends 100% on upbringing. Even the most notorious stubborn dog, with proper training, will become an obedient and flexible dog.

In general, Pomskies are sweet and friendly dogs, love children, and are not aggressive towards other animals. Thanks to their light bones, mestizos are very active throughout their lives - they are ready to run and play until old age. Owners need to be careful; when playing too much, a Pomsky may run after a cat or bird on the street.

In addition to being highly active, the genes of the Siberian Husky make Pomskys real little stubborn dogs. They need to be raised from childhood, gently but confidently, to achieve 100% obedience, otherwise there may be behavioral problems in adulthood. Also, without a splash of physical and mental activity, behavioral difficulties often arise - excessive barking, running away, chewing.

Pomskies are suitable for people with an active lifestyle and a strong spirit . They love long walks in the park and are happy to run after the ball, but are not always willing to give it up. It’s easy to stay at home alone, but only if the owner has had a good walk with the dog first.


The main advantages of the Pomsky are:

  • Beauty.
  • Good health.
  • Small sizes.
  • Endurance.
  • Good nature and cheerful disposition.
  • Loyalty and love for the owner.

A separate point to note is that Pomskies can become excellent athletes in agility or flyball.


Any medal has 2 sides, the main disadvantages of mestizos:

  1. Stubbornness.
  2. Tendency to escape.
  3. High price.
  4. Hyperactivity.
  5. Excessive barking.

A separate point is that there is too much variation in appearance options, and a complete lack of ability to predict the appearance of the litter.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big advantage is considered to be resistance to high moisture and temperature fluctuations. The bushes can develop stably and not get sick even under the scorching sun, unless, of course, the gardener forgets to provide the tomatoes with good watering. This is a productive variety that will allow you to harvest 8-10 kilograms of tomatoes per square meter.

Tomatoes have exhibition and negative characteristics. One of them is poor shelf life. The maximum you can count on is storage for a week. But in general, it is advisable to consume vegetables as soon as they have been harvested.

You don't have to eat tomatoes fresh. Once processed, they can be enjoyed as pastes, juices or thick purees. Many farmers in their reviews emphasize the ability of the fruits of the Vystavochny variety to be an excellent material for homemade adjika. Canning tomatoes is not practiced, as the fruits are large.

Chihuahua mix

The popularity of Yorkshire terriers and Chihuahuas led to the emergence of mixed breeds of these dogs - the so-called Chorkies.

The weight of a Chorkie depends on the weight of its parents and averages 1.5-4 kg. They have a compact, well-built body, a small head and erect ears.

Read about what a Yorkie's weight can be and what it depends on here.

Most often, the wool of mestizos is golden or black, however, this is impossible to determine in advance. There are also individuals with red, fawn or black fur with white spots. Despite the genetic stability in the color of Yorkies, Chihuahua genes are usually responsible for the color of the Chorkie's coat.

The length of the coat of puppies resulting from crossing a long-haired Yorkie and a short-haired Chihuahua is also not predictable, but most often mixed breeds have long and straight hair.

These are smart but stubborn dogs that are practically impossible to train. They are fearless, get along well with children and pets and are very attached to their owner; they cannot stand loneliness.

Yorkies passed on a predisposition to hypoglycemia and joint diseases.

Chorks live no more than 15 years.

Mixed Spitz and Chihuahua

In 1998, the Pomchi was first registered in America - a cross between a Spitz and the Chihuahua dog, beloved by many women. The hybrid of a baby Chuni and a cheerful fluffy Spitz received the following features :

  • Tremendous devotion. As a rule, it applies to only one family member. The Pomchi is extremely distrustful of strangers, so it will be a good watchman. The mestizo does not like to play with children too much.
  • Touchiness and vulnerability.
  • Height can be inherited from both Chihuahuas and Spitz. On average, it ranges from 15 to 23 cm, and weighs from 2 to 4 kilograms. The dog has a dense, muscular body, short legs and an elongated muzzle.

The fur is double, so it looks like a fluffy Chihuahua . The dog also got dental problems from him, which the owners need to take care of.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Do not try to choose a puppy of a rare color or extremely small. The best choice would be a healthy, medium-sized baby.

It is better to buy a puppy from a trusted nursery, whose owner monitors its reputation. Study several nurseries, talk to breeders, look at the breeding fund.

You should not buy a puppy without documents, flattered by the low price. The documents must be RKF or, in extreme cases, SKOR. If you are offered to pay extra for a pedigree, then it is guaranteed to be fake! A purebred puppy automatically receives a puppy card, which is exchanged for a pedigree within six months. The cost of such a dog does not change regardless of whether you draw up documents for it or not.

You should not pick up a puppy before two, or better yet, three months, especially without documents. Due to the popularity of the breed, unscrupulous breeders can pass off any mestizos and mongrels as Chihuahuas. Be sure to weigh your puppy: a three-month-old kitten weighs about half its future adult weight.

The Chihuahua puppies themselves should be vigorous, cheerful and moderately well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes and ears. The choice of gender is yours, but girls are more cunning and pretentious, and boys are more cocky.

Popular nicknames for girls and boys

Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. Do you believe it? Then choose your nickname very, very carefully!

Male Chihuahuas are often called:

  • names of heroes of Greek mythology: Ares, Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, etc.;
  • classic American names: Richie, Simon, Lennard, Hank, Harold, Mickey;
  • sometimes the choice falls on royal names: Louis, Bonaparte, Louis, Caesar;
  • by character trait: Shustrik, Zubastic, Helper, Funtik, Killer, etc.

Sometimes they choose really funny names! But this is not for everybody.

They strive to come up with gentle and very beautiful nicknames for Chihuahua girls. For example, their names are:

  • in tune with flowers: Rose (or Rosie), Daisy (chamomile), Flora, Lily, Iris (Iris), Jasmine;
  • foreign names, often French: Nicole, Natalie, Amelie, Jacqueline, Chantal;
  • affectionate names of treats: Bun, Bun, Cherry, Toffee, Jelly (jelly);
  • The names of movie heroines are in demand: Leia, Sarah, Ariel, Mulan, Elsa, Cinderella, etc.

Often you have to start from the nickname that the puppies were given upon registration. Then you can make an anagram from an existing name or shorten it.

How much does a Chihuahua cost?

Outbred puppies without documents cost 5-15 thousand, but it’s good if it grows into a dog at least phenotypically similar to a Chihuahua.

A good pet and breeding class with RKF documents costs 15-25 thousand rubles. The price of a mini and show class Chihuahua is higher, from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. The most fashionable and therefore expensive are supermini dogs weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg, fitting in the palm of your hand. Their price can reach 100 thousand or more. Unfortunately, such dogs cannot boast of health and longevity, and “pocket” bitches should absolutely not be bred, so such dogs are more of an expensive and fashionable accessory.

Health and susceptibility to disease

Pomchi inherited good health and longevity from her relatives. The average life expectancy of the breed is 15 years.

Almost all puppies are born healthy, but you should pay attention to the health of the parents, because this is the main factor in the possible occurrence of diseases in the dog.

As with other toy and designer breeds, Pomchis should be examined regularly by a veterinarian to remove tartar. This way you will be sure that your teeth will not fall out at a young age.

The direct ancestor of the breed is the Chihuahua - a breed prone to react sharply to changes in weather, and this fate did not escape its fate. You need to be prepared for the fact that with a sharp change in temperature, your pet may refuse to eat or sleep a lot.

You should be careful about your dog's diet, as Pomchis have inherited a tendency to food allergies. Read about how to properly care for your dog and what to feed it in a special section.

It is important to remember that representatives of miniature breeds suffer from the risk of diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian will help avoid these problems.

Don't forget about the size of the dog. The Pomchi is a miniature breed, so it is quite easy for your beloved pet to get injured. Particular attention should be paid to communication between children and dogs in order to exclude cases where a child may accidentally cause moral or physical harm to the dog.

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