When does a cat start begging for the first time, how many days does it last and how often does it happen?

When a cat begins to ask for a cat, the owner who has encountered this for the first time is very worried. After all, during sexual heat, the pet screams wildly and behaves inappropriately. Not every person is able to remain calm; many are looking for any ways to calm it down. Folk remedies, sedative pills and even hormonal drugs are used.

Let's find out which methods of suppressing the symptoms of estrus are safe for cats and why you should decide to sterilize.

Alternative ways to resolve the heat issue

Modern pharmacology can offer pet owners to discourage their animals from any desire to flirt with the opposite sex, preserving their reproductive function. In this case, it is proposed to use two types of drops:

  • Sedatives (in addition to ready-made pharmacy options, you can use folk methods in the form of chamomile or thyme decoctions);
  • Hormonal (they will calm a walking animal by adjusting the animal’s hormonal levels).

If the animal is not valuable as a breeder, it is better not to torture it and castrate the cat. Unlike people, animals do not grieve over the loss of the opportunity to bear offspring, so the pet will not receive any mental trauma, but only peace for itself and its owners.

Cute kittens evoke affection among their owners. You want to admire them; it’s nice to play with the fluffy balls. However, babies grow quickly and become adults. The most striking stage in kittens growing up is puberty. Their behavior changes dramatically under the influence of sex hormones.

At what age do cats start walking? How can you tell if a female is in heat? How many days does a cat ask for a cat? How to calm your pet and reduce the duration of estrus? At what months can cats give birth?

Recommendations for owners when the cat is walking

The owners' actions during estrus should be aimed at ensuring the cat's comfort and maintaining her health.

Mating with a male

This event is the most beneficial for the cat. However, it should be remembered that earlier fertilization can result in complications and deterioration in health. It is recommended to breed a pet no earlier than a year.

Taking hormonal drugs

If the owner does not plan to breed a cat with a male, hormonal medications prescribed by a veterinarian can be used. Such remedies help regulate sexual desire for six months, weaken it, and avoid unwanted pregnancy in cats.

It should be remembered that the use of potent drugs is only possible for healthy pets, as side effects are possible. Hormonal medications also significantly increase cats' appetite.


This method involves removing the ovaries and uterus and has an irreversible effect. Older and unhealthy cats should not be spayed. A sterilized pet is no longer able to become pregnant, but some cats continue to walk after the procedure. This may be due to the fact that the operation was performed on a grown cat during estrus. To avoid such complications, it is recommended to sterilize your pet before puberty.

The period of estrus is a natural process indicating that a cat has reached puberty. As soon as the pet begins to walk, it is important to monitor it and in case of any deviations (long and frequent estrus, their absence for a long time) immediately contact a veterinarian.

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People often get cats, but not everyone can imagine what problems they will have to face. And teaching them to go to the litter box is not the most important task for the owner. Even a cat at a very young age can cause a lot of problems when she begins puberty.

At what age do cats start walking? Every owner should know the answer to this question. And you must be prepared for this period in order to know how to proceed. After all, the task of every owner is to make the life of their pet happy and comfortable. He must do everything to ensure that the pet grows up healthy.

When does he start walking for the first time?

A cat begins to ask for a cat when its body is fully formed and its hormonal levels have normalized. It is impossible to say exactly at what point the female will complete puberty. The process is individual and depends on external and internal factors. In most cases, the first heat begins at the age of 6-8 months. In some breeds, a period of 1 year is normal. You need to know about such features in advance, since in other cases such a delay is a pathology and requires examination by a specialist and examination.

Factors influencing the onset of estrus:

  • he is hormonal;
  • nutrition;
  • Lifestyle;
  • the presence of a cat nearby;
  • breed;
  • coat color;
  • season;
  • conditions of detention;
  • general health.

Sometimes the first estrus passes without any noticeable manifestations, so the owner simply does not notice it. In this case, they talk about erased estrus, which is typical for weakened, sick, hormonally disturbed animals. And also with a sedentary lifestyle and low temperament.

To speed up the process, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Add a cat. From the smell of a male, sex hormones begin to be rapidly produced in the female’s body, and estrus occurs.
  • Place another cat who is in estrus. Very often, animals that are in the same room leak at the same time. Again, the pheromones that float in the air are to blame, forcing the body to work in the right direction.
  • Strengthen the body with vitamins and homeopathic remedies. The drugs are sold in veterinary pharmacies; the course is started after consultation with a specialist.

If owners are interested in getting healthy offspring, it is recommended to observe how estrus occurs, how long it lasts, and how the cat behaves. In the future, these observations will be useful for effective mating.

Manifestations of physical maturity

Once they reach puberty, cats begin to behave much more aggressively than male cats. This is expressed in loud screams at night, damage to furniture and wallpaper, and marks throughout the habitat of an animal that has reached a dangerous age. During the period of estrus, the urine of an animal acquires a very pungent and unpleasant odor, it is almost impossible to get rid of it - these are very clear signs of the cat’s puberty. In addition, the beast constantly updates its marks.

The behavior of an animal depends quite strongly on the presence of competitors near it. The more aggressors around, the more nervous the cat began to behave. He hisses and grumbles threateningly, his games resemble hunting.

A loud voice is one way to show rivals who is boss in the house, especially if two animals are in a one-on-one duel.

It should be noted that in addition to being a threat to competitors, cat cries may not be a very good sign. This behavior may be a consequence of the formation of kidney stones in the pet, and not because it has reached a certain age. The sharp edges painfully wound the animal from the inside, causing it to literally scream in pain. That is why any pet’s complaints should be treated carefully and not confuse estrus with a serious problem.

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First walk in winter

So, when should you start walking with your newborn in winter and how to dress him for a walk? If your baby was born in such a cold time, then you should not go outside for at least ten days from the moment he was born. And the day of the first walk will entirely depend on the weather. If the temperature outside is not lower than 10 degrees below zero, you can take the baby out for 10-15 minutes. In this case, you can not even use the stroller, but walk with the baby in your arms or in a special sling.

It should be noted that the time when to start walking with a newborn is set by his parents, and this largely depends on weather conditions, the condition of the baby and the busyness of the mother. Sometimes you can get by leaving the baby on the balcony or closed terrace, because if the frost drops to -10 degrees or even lower, or during heavy snow or rain, it is better to postpone the walk and limit yourself to thoroughly ventilating the room where the baby is. The time spent outside should be increased gradually, bringing the daily amount of time spent in the fresh air to 1-1.5 hours twice a day.

How many times does heat occur?

The duration of the sexual cycle is individual for each animal, so it is impossible to say unambiguously and definitely how many times a year a cat will not be itself. The frequency of estrus is influenced by many factors: physiological characteristics; genetic predispositions, inheritance; breed characteristics; length of daylight hours; feeding frequency, diet composition; conditions of detention. Animals sharing a territory with a male will walk more often and for longer periods than females living alone.

On average, estrus occurs two to four times a year. If an animal does not have this phase of the sexual cycle for more than six months, and there is also bloody discharge from the vagina, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

What determines the maturation of an animal?

It is worth noting that it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a cat begins to walk at 8 months, since, like in humans, in cats this process occurs with individual characteristics, in which age is not the main indicator. It’s easier to focus on some general rules:

  • The age of maturation depends on the breed, some of them cause earlier or later onset of sexual heat;
  • This factor is also influenced by the structure of the skeleton; more fragile and graceful animals are earlier ready for reproduction;
  • The time of birth also influences puberty; a cat reaches sexual maturity from a winter or spring litter as early as the next season, while later-born animals may take a little longer to mature;
  • Cats kept in the most comfortable conditions are ready to give birth to offspring much earlier;
  • An animal that finds itself in an environment consisting mainly of adult animals will itself mature faster;
  • In many animals, the early search for satisfaction of their needs is explained by a common genetic predisposition.

In any case, when the age gets closer to a year, any animal will already begin to show signs indicating the onset of childbearing age.

How long does sexual heat last and how often does it happen?

The cat's characteristic behavior lasts up to 10 days. The period when a cat is in sexual heat and allows a cat to approach her is called estrus. At this time, the ovarian follicles produce the maximum amount of estrogens and sex hormones.

In the very first days of estrus (1-4 days), the cat demonstrates sexual arousal, but does not allow mating. This time is called proestrus, “forerunner”.

If sexual intercourse does not occur during estrus, then ovulation does not occur. In this case, sexual heat returns every 10-14 days. The period between estrus is called interestrus, this is a time of rest for the uterus and ovaries. In some cats, the concentration of estrogen in the blood does not decrease, and the animal walks constantly. Prolonged heat is a sign of follicular ovarian cysts, which must be removed surgically.

Complete rest of the ovaries, which means the absence of the reproductive instinct, is called anestrus, the absence of estrus. In stray cats, this period occurs in late autumn or winter due to short daylight hours and the action of the hormone melatonin. Anestrus does not occur in domestic cats due to constant light and nutritious food.

Stages of estrus in cats

There are 4 stages of estrus in cats, each of which is characterized by specific behavior. It should be remembered that it is advisable to match a cat with a male at the second stage, that is, 5-7 days from the start of estrus.

  1. Proestrus. The initial stage, characterized by restless behavior of the animal (it begins to rub against furniture, bend its front paws). Duration is up to 3 days.
  2. Estrus. Actually the estrus itself, which can last up to 10 days. During this period, all signs of estrus appear, sexual hunting occurs and the search for a male for fertilization occurs.
  3. Interestrus. At this stage, there is a decrease in sexual activity, especially if mating has occurred. The cat has a neutral attitude towards cats, perhaps even with aggression. In some cases, a false pregnancy may occur due to the physiological characteristics of the female.
  4. Anestrus. The final stage, when the instincts fade and the cat returns to its previous life.

One of the main questions that arises for cat owners is how long do they walk? There is no clear answer to this question, since many factors influence the duration of estrus.

The duration of the period depends on:

  • Age;
  • Time spent without a cat;
  • Living conditions;
  • Environment, weather, time of year;
  • Nutritional features;
  • The physical condition of the cat;
  • The nature of the pet's body.

In pets, estrus most often lasts from 5 to 10 days. The first estrus may be short-lived. With age, the duration increases, as the pet’s hormonal background forms and changes. In different breeds, a duration of up to 20 days can be observed.

Estrus requires constant monitoring by the breeder. You need to know how long your pet normally goes into heat.

If deviations occur and the heat lasts too long, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst or tumor. A visit to the veterinarian is required to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

The length of the period during which cats ask for a cat differs from individual to individual. On average, estrus lasts 7-10 days.

The period of sexual hunting can be divided into several stages. Each of them has certain characteristics:

  1. Proestrus. The cat begins to ask for a cat, but at the same time she is not yet ready for effective mating. Her estrogen levels increase. Sexual heat begins - the external genitalia increase slightly in size, and transparent discharge appears from the vulva. Behavior changes - the cat rubs against objects for a long time, requires more attention and affection. Appetite decreases. The duration of proestrus is 2-3 days.
  2. Estrus. The cat is already ready for mating. If she has a date with a cat during this period, she is more likely to get pregnant. The pet feels increasing excitement, this is eloquently evidenced by her behavior - loud inviting cries, adoption of a characteristic pose for mating. The duration of estrus is 3-4 days, in some individuals it lasts longer.
  3. Metestrus. The level of estrogen in the cat’s body decreases, and along with it, interest in representatives of the opposite sex disappears. Some females even feel irritated at the sight of a male. The cat no longer asks the cat, does not allow him to approach, drives him away with hiss.
  4. Anestrus. At this stage, the hormonal levels stabilize and the cat calms down.

The frequency of the onset of estrus differs between domestic and wild animals. This process is influenced by the length of daylight hours, quality of nutrition, breed and other factors.

On average, cats ask for a male cat every 3-4 weeks, provided that mating has not occurred.

Symptoms of estrus

It's impossible not to notice when a cat asks for a date with a cat. Signs by which you can determine that your pet has gone on a spree:

  1. The cat screams and meows protractedly at the top of her voice. Some owners get scared - they think she is sick. In fact, this is a natural process. The female attracts potential suitors with a loud cry.
  2. When a cat asks for a cat, she leaves marks in the house. It is unknown whether she does this on purpose or not. The fact is that during the hunting period a special mucous secretion is released from the vulva. In nature, its smell attracts cats.
  3. The cat becomes very affectionate, gentle, constantly rubs against the owner’s legs and purrs. In rare cases, the pet behaves in the opposite way - it becomes irritable and aggressive.
  4. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  5. When a cat asks for a cat, she takes a characteristic pose - arching her back and raising her butt. The tail is moved to the side. In this way, the female shows the male that she is ready for mating.
  6. It is easy to understand that a cat wants a cat by its loss of appetite. The pet rarely approaches the food bowl and eats little. Some individuals generally lose interest in food, they even refuse their favorite treat.

You should not worry about the cat’s well-being during this period - when the heat ends, everything will return to normal. The behavior will become habitual, an appetite will appear, and the pet will stop behaving inappropriately.

What to do if your pet goes on a spree?

Firstly, be mentally prepared for the need to feed kittens on your own. Practice, unfortunately, proves that such cats almost always lose milk. This is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. The released compounds block the synthesis of prolactin, that is, the hormone responsible for milk production. Accordingly, the kittens are left without their natural food.

Let us immediately warn you that you should never use cow or goat milk to feed babies, since their characteristics are very different from cat milk and often cause severe digestive disorders. And for small kittens the latter are deadly.

Secondly, under no circumstances use hormonal medications to stop estrus. The body of an animal that has gone into heat immediately after birth is already experiencing powerful overloads. There is no need to aggravate the matter with an influx of “third-party” hormones of synthetic origin. In such cases, the matter may end in oncology.

Consult your veterinarian and choose more gentle sedative drugs on a natural basis. They will allow you and your cat to safely survive the hunting period.

Behavior of a cat during estrus

You can determine the period of puberty in a pet by its behavior. The following changes will indicate that the cat has gone on a spree:

  • habitual behavior changes sharply, she may become overly loving or, conversely, show atypical aggression;
  • during estrus, she exhibits a natural sexual attraction, she urgently needs a cat, so she can meow loudly under the door for days, expressing a request to be let out into the street to find a groom for mating;
  • due to physiological changes in the body, frequent urination is observed;
  • during the period of estrus, discharge occurs from the animal’s genitals, so the cat quite often licks its intimate area;
  • during the period of estrus, appetite decreases, the cat may completely refuse to eat;
  • some representatives of the feline family, on the contrary, absorb food in large quantities, showing an insatiable appetite;
  • the pet begins to actively mark the territory, which is very unpleasant for the owner;
  • You can understand the onset of estrus by characteristic changes in gait: you can see the bend of the body on the front legs and the elevation of the back with the tail raised high;
  • During estrus, the genitals of cats swell slightly, but it is not always possible to independently determine these changes; only an experienced veterinarian will be able to make the correct conclusion.

If, upon reaching this age, the pet has not undergone the natural process of puberty, there may be serious deviations in her female sphere. In such cases, the pet must be shown to a competent veterinarian.

The first time estrus does not last long, which is due to the animal’s incompletely formed hormonal background. Each time, the duration of the cycle will increase until the changes occurring in the body stabilize.

If a cat is in heat for a long period, adequate measures must be taken. Such a sign may indicate a pathology often associated with diseases of the female genital organs. In case of any deviations, the animal must be shown to a specialist. To determine existing disorders, tests and ultrasound examinations are performed in a veterinary clinic.

Regardless of the duration of estrus in cats, pregnancy can only occur at a certain phase. There are four stages of the cycle:

  1. “Proestrus” is the most restless period of estrus. The cat's behavior changes dramatically, it becomes capricious and disobedient, often meows and tries to find a way out. At this time, she is actually ready for sexual intercourse, but does not yet allow the gentleman to approach her. Sexual intercourse does not occur at this stage.
  2. Estrus is the ideal period for mating. The cat is fully prepared for sexual intercourse and has every chance of fertilization. The duration of estrus is not defined in strict parameters. In terms of time, this stage can last from several days to 2-3 weeks.
  3. “Metestrus” is a time period lasting from two to 10 days. The cat can already do without the cat, the sexual instinct subsides, the animal becomes calmer and undemanding. If sexual intercourse occurs during estrus, the likelihood of fertilization is high. If the owner has taken all measures to exclude the possibility of mating with the cat, literally in a few days the stages of sexual desire will begin again, starting with proestrus.
  4. The final period of estrus is “anestrus”. The hormonal levels stabilize, the cat returns to its normal life, until the next cycle.

To prevent the cat from going on a spree without permission and bringing mixed offspring, find a suitable candidate for mating in advance. There are special groups and forums for pet lovers on the Internet, where owners of purebred cats communicate and offer elite cats for mating.

If the cat has gone on a spree and is expecting offspring, provide her with comfort and proper nutrition so that future kittens are born healthy and beautiful.

What is estrus?

The word "estrus" is the scientific name for estrus. During estrus, psychophysiological changes occur in the body. Follicles mature in the animal’s ovaries, ovulation occurs, and conception becomes possible. During estrus, your pet's behavior changes noticeably.

The following signs indicate that a cat is walking:

  1. The pet becomes overly affectionate, or, conversely, shows inexplicable aggression.
  2. Meows loudly and invitingly. During estrus, a cat can call for a male for days. Read the article “Why does a cat constantly meow and yell throughout the day?”
  3. Frequent urination due to physiological changes in the body.
  4. The presence of clear discharge on the genitals. Therefore, your pet will lick itself more often.
  5. There is also a decrease in appetite. For some, interest in food may disappear altogether. This condition can occur in the first few days of estrus. Although some people may experience worsening appetite throughout the entire estrus phase.
  6. The genitals may be slightly swollen. But often only an experienced veterinarian can recognize this.
  7. Changes in gait. The cat bends its front legs halfway, raises the back of its body, lifts its tail or moves it to the side.
  8. The cat may begin to mark its territory.

These signs can be observed alternately or in combination.

Why does a neutered cat ask for a cat?

Some owners are faced with an unpleasant surprise - a neutered cat continues to call the cat and mark the territory, what is the reason?

To save yourself from problems with marks and your pet from stress, you need to castrate him before entering the active phase of sexual estrus. The optimal age for castration varies from 7 to 9 months.

Note! The larger the cat, the sooner he will be neutered. Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future.

Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases where neutered cats did not mark territory, but imitated this process

Castration before the cat begins to mark gives a greater chance of eliminating problems in the future. Urine marking is instinctive, but quickly becomes a habit. There are cases when castrated cats did not mark their territory, but imitated this process.

After castration, it takes from 3 to 12 months to balance the hormonal levels. The sooner a cat is neutered, the sooner its hormonal levels will become “even.” Depending on heredity, after the initial balancing of hormonal levels, the cat will experience:

  • Equal levels of estrogen and testosterone.
  • Predominance of testosterone.
  • Predominance of estrogen.

If a cat has a predominance of testosterone, he continues to behave in a very masculine manner: fight, mark, call the cat, etc. If estrogen outweighs, the cat becomes more affectionate, playful and flexible.

Normally, 6–12 months after castration, hormone levels will become equal, which will be expressed by the following signs:

  • The urine will lose its bright odor.
  • The cat will stop marking its territory with urine and feces.
  • The cat will more fiercely control and protect the territory from strangers.
  • For other cats, your pet will become uninteresting as a sexual object - there will be no fights with males, no screams to attract cats, etc.
  • The pet will become more playful, since energy is not spent searching for a sexual partner.
  • A cat can gain weight if its diet is not balanced.

Are there cats that do not mark even if they are not neutered? Oddly enough, yes. Some breeds of cats that have been professionally bred for decades inherit a special gene that deprives the male of the desire to mark territory with urine.

It is important to understand that genetic inheritance in this case is passed on from father to son. However, even if your cat’s father and grandfather did not mark the territory, this does not give you (as a potential kitten owner) any guarantees

The cat is walking: what to do if you do not want to sterilize your pet. Which means should I choose?

Many nursery owners, breeders and cat owners trust the drug “Gestrenol” to solve the problem of regulating sexual heat. They choose this particular product due to the following advantages of the drug:

Especially for cats. The choice of means for regulating sexual heat in each animal should be approached individually. "Gestrenol" is designed specifically for cats, which ensures its high efficiency and safety of use.

Comfortable. The drug "Gestrenol" is available in the form of drops - this is the most convenient form for use in cats. "Gestrenol" contains catnip, which has an additional phytohormonal effect and also attracts cats with its smell and taste. This makes it easier to use the drug.

High quality guarantee. The bottle of Gestrenol drops is packaged in a special blister, which provides reliable protection of the contents from environmental influences. In addition, blister packaging is a guarantee of purchasing the original drug.

How to understand that a cat has started walking

Outdoor cats may come into heat in the spring and fall. But domestic cats are not tied to the seasons. Since the animals are provided with warmth and food, they are ready to breed in any season. On average, a cat's heat lasts 7-10 days. If she does not become pregnant, then a new estrus occurs within 2-3 weeks.

If a cat is walking, it will keep its owners awake all night with its screams.

The behavior of a pet during this period is very characteristic; it cannot be confused with anything. But if your cat is living with you for the first time, here are the distinctive signs of behavior during estrus:

  • the cat meows loudly;
  • she assumes a mating position. In this position, she bends her front legs and moves her tail to the side;
  • goes to the toilet past the tray;
  • becomes very affectionate, constantly rubbing against her legs.

During heat, even the most timid and domestic cat tends to jump outside the apartment, as her instincts call her there. During this period, you need to monitor her very carefully.

How many days does a cat walk and why the pet’s sexual heat is a headache for the owner

Estrus in cats kept in different conditions can last for different times, on average it lasts 5-7 days. If pregnancy does not occur, the next heat comes in two weeks. These periods are individual, so you can only find out how long your cat’s estrus will last by carefully observing your pet.

During a cat's heat, owners, as a rule, face serious discomfort: calling calls day and night, odorous marks in the most inappropriate places in the apartment, constant attempts by the pet to jump out the door, aggressive behavior or, on the contrary, lethargy of the animal.

This is exactly how a cat that has gone on a spree behaves. You will not confuse these signs of estrus with anything. This behavior is impossible to tolerate, it is annoying, does not allow you to rest peacefully and forces cat owners to look for a reliable way to cope with the restless behavior of their pet when the cat is walking. We'll talk about how to calm the animal further.

Preparing for mating

An experienced cat owner is looking for a mate through an organization of felinologists. If the bride is purebred, the lady’s owner should check the groom’s package of documents: titles, judge’s scores, medical reports on the absence of infections and genetic pathologies. The bride must have permission to breed and have a vaccination record (at least a month before the date of the meeting with the groom). If you vaccinate the pussy immediately before fertilization, this can lead to the birth of sick offspring. Preventative treatment against worms should be carried out and the tips of the claws should be trimmed to avoid injury. Bathing procedures should not be carried out.

When the cat begins to walk, use the drug "Gestrenol" correctly

An important role in the effective solution of all problems associated with sexual heat in cats with the help of the drug "Gestrenol" is played by its correct use.

It is contraindicated to use the drug when the cat is walking for the first time. The reason for this is that during the first heat it is difficult to determine when the cat went on a spree. In subsequent heats, Gestrenol is used according to the following scheme:

Interruption of heatUp to 5 kg4 drops3-5 daysAt the first sign of estrus
6-10 kg5-8 drops
Delay estrus, maintain calming effectRegardless of the animal's body weight4 drops1 time per weekDuring the period of sexual rest between estrus
Regardless of the animal's body weightRegardless of the animal's body weight8 dropsTwice with an interval of 24 hoursNo later than 24 hours after accidental mating

2-3 months after discontinuation of the drug, the reproductive function of the body was completely restored.

The mating process and possible problems

In order to correctly cross animals of this breed, you need to know how the mating process is carried out. When meeting, the cat is placed close to the cat - approximately at a distance of 1 m. Periodically, he makes attempts to get closer. However, he receives a growl and hiss in response. At the same time, the male pretends that he is not interested in the guest.

The cat, in turn, begins to meow invitingly and also rolls on the floor. But if the cat tries to get closer, the female shows aggression. This continues several times until the cat stops hissing. Then the male, approaching the female, grabs her by the withers with his teeth and climbs on top. If the cat agrees, it raises its butt and moves its tail to the side. If the guest changes her mind, she lowers her tail.

Sexual intercourse in cats lasts about 5–10 seconds and ends with ejaculation. At the same time, the cat may squeal. The male jumps away from her and begins to lick her. The female falls on her back and rolls around.

Mating occurs until one animal gets tired of this action. This usually happens within 2–3 days. Sometimes, in order for a cat to become pregnant, mating is carried out several times.

During mating, the following problems may arise:

  • the guest simply does not let the cat near. Additional stroking of the abdomen, back and areas near the external genitalia can help. Rarely, a probe is inserted into the vagina;
  • the cat shows no interest in the guest. In this case, another partner is selected;
  • throwing a cat on its side during mating. The solution to the problem is to hold the animal during mating;
  • prolonged cat aggression. In this case, the female needs to be given more time to get to know her partner.

Mating cats

It is important to know how to properly match a cat with a cat so that the whole process is successful. First you need to find a partner. It is advisable to do this in advance, and it is better to introduce the animals in advance. You can find a suitable cat in a cat club, by visiting an exhibition or by advertising in a newspaper or on the Internet. To prevent mating from causing harm, it should be carried out after reaching a certain age, and both animals should be checked for the presence of fungal, viral, infectious and other diseases. Also, before mating - 2 weeks - experts advise deworming.

Before introducing a cat to a cat for the first time, it is recommended to trim its claws. This is necessary so that she does not cause injury during the mating process. You should not bathe the animal before mating. Because this can wash away the natural scent of the bride, which is so attractive to the cat. It is better to pair your pet with a male on the 3-5th day of estrus.

It is advisable to carry out the mating on the cat’s territory, because if the environment is unfamiliar to her, the pet may become frightened and behave aggressively.

It happens that a cat does not allow the male to approach her. And this is not surprising, because these creatures are very capricious and capricious. If the situation or the male is not to your liking, problems with mating are guaranteed. There are also individuals that never allow males to approach them. Most likely the reason for this behavior lies in an incorrectly formed sexual instinct. But this may also be due to problems with the uterus or ovaries. If your pet likes the cat, it is better not to change it. After all, representatives of the cat family are monogamous. It is recommended that a cat give birth no more than 3 times every 2 years.

Many expert felinologists, if the cat does not let the cat near during mating, advise:

  • Pour the mint solution into a bowl. Or scatter mint herb around the room.
  • If mating is planned on the cat's territory, leave the cat in a carrier or cage for a couple of days. This is necessary for the pet to get used to the cat and begin to communicate with him. In this case, it is advisable to sometimes take the groom out of the room.
  • Aggressive cats should look for cats with similar personalities.
  • Give your cat a drug that induces ovulation.


To get rid of your pet’s meticulous screams forever, it is recommended to carry out a sterilization procedure. This method is suitable only for those who do not want to breed cats.

Veterinarians now recommend neutering rather than a simple tubal ligation. This is an abdominal operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is done under general anesthesia.

The appropriate age for surgery is when cats start begging for the first time. That is, approximately 6-7 months. It is advisable to have the operation done before the first heat.

Pros and cons of castration:

The lifespan of a cat increases by 1.5-2 yearsSince the operation is performed under general anesthesia, there is a possibility of complications.
The cat does not yell, behaves calmly, does not cause inconvenience to the owner
There is no need to look for partners for mating and think about where to put the kittens
The pet's risk of developing mammary gland cancer, ovarian and uterine pathologies is reduced

The case for castration also holds true for males. In addition to the fact that cats start screaming when they ask for a cat, they leave marks in the apartment with a pungent musky odor. Rather than endure this, it is better to have surgery and forget about sleepless nights. Today this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

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Interrupting estrus with hormonal drugs

Estrus can be prevented or interrupted with the help of hormonal medications. However, they should not be used often, as this will lead to health problems.

List of drugs to suppress sexual arousal in cats:

  • Sex Barrier;
  • EX-5;
  • EX-5T;
  • Four with a tail.

Hormonal drugs are designed to reduce the level of estrogen, which will reduce the manifestations of sexual desire. Essentially, taking such medications moves the animal from proestrus to anestrus.

Pros of taking hormonal drugs:

  • the cat does not ask the cat, its behavior does not cause inconvenience to the owner;
  • it is possible to skip 1-2 matings if the animal is used for breeding, but mating is not possible at the moment.

There are just as many disadvantages to taking hormonal medications. This needs to be understood when deciding whether to give them to your pet:

  • such medications cannot be used frequently and for a long time;
  • taking them disrupts hormonal levels, and this can lead to serious illnesses - the development of pathologies in the uterus and oncology.

Problems do not appear immediately after taking hormonal drugs. Most often they occur at the age of 3-4 years. If a cat develops endometritis or other diseases of the reproductive system, it will have to resort to castration.


You can understand that a cat is asking for a cat by the following signs:

  • the pet begins to pay more attention to men, caressing them;
  • she is unusually affectionate, rubs against objects nearby, and actively exposes her tummy;
  • her genitals swell;
  • some females may show unusual aggression;
  • the cat carefully licks its genitals;
  • the pet has a loss of appetite, it is worth noting that this sign should be taken into account only in combination with others, since refusal to eat is a symptom of the animal’s illness;
  • the cat makes loud and unpleasant noises;
  • she begins to mark her territory;
  • she has frequent urination, the animal often walks past the tray;
  • she often takes a specific position: the pet raises the back of its body and moves its tail to the side, thereby demonstrating its readiness to mate.

The duration of the first celebration is a very important indicator. On average it reaches 10 days. In the period from February to April, the peak of the animal’s sexual activity is reached, and in the period from October to November, its decline is observed.

When does a cat want a cat for the first time?

In pets, puberty usually occurs between 6 and 10 months. Upon completion, the cat goes into heat for the first time. The animal demonstrates its readiness to mate in various pronounced ways:

  • loud, inviting meow - the cat communicates its attempts to attract a potential partner by screaming and howling (how many days a cat screams when asking for a cat for the first time will depend on its individual characteristics);
  • marks left on the floor of the apartment with a smell attractive to the cat (zoologists disagree about the secretions: some believe that the animal leaves them involuntarily, others deliberately so that the partner will find it along the “trail”);
  • towards the owner, the cat usually begins to behave extremely affectionately - purrs and rubs against his legs, but sometimes, on the contrary, aggressively - hisses and attacks on the sly;
  • Wanting to mate, the cat rolls on the floor and during periods of increased desire takes a special position: bends forward, lifts the back of the body, while pointing its tail to the side.

In addition, during this difficult period for her, the pet becomes indifferent to food - she eats rarely and little by little, or stops eating altogether. Also, observant owners may notice her frequent visits to the litter tray.

The process of communicating with a cat

If the date took place on the second or third day of a Bengal, Scottish, or British cat’s heat, the acquaintance will be fruitful. Usually at this time the cat seeks contact and releases a scent that attracts the groom. The stress factor when moving can play a negative role and slow down the dating process. The cat's owner should stimulate the process by stroking the cat. If you run your hand along the pussy's back, the animal will relax, and then the reproductive instinct will do its job.

If the bride shows character: hisses and does not make contact, you should leave the animals alone for a short time so that the couple gets used to each other, and the cat gets comfortable in an unusual place. It happens that a cat doesn’t want a guest: it won’t work to excite him or force him to make love, it’s worth introducing him to another partner.

Settling the cat

Experienced breeders control all stages of the female’s fertilization process. The ritual of interaction in a couple is such that the British man holds the cat by the scruff of the neck during intercourse (rutting in cats). A young cat may grab the partner's fur above or below the optimal position. The partner may also lean to the side and avoid proper mounting. The cat owner must monitor signs of deviations and help the animal choose the right position. In this case, you need to maintain silence so as not to disturb the intimate atmosphere and not alienate the partners from each other.

How does a cat behave after mating? If the mating was productive, the female will fall to the side, purr and spin on her back. Before returning the cat to the owner, the cat's owner must make sure that at least three boardings have been carried out in accordance with all the rules.

Pain syndrome. Why do cats scream during sex with a cat? The cat's penis entering the partner's vagina causes pain because it is covered with many hard teeth with points. Such sensations are inextricably linked with ovulation, and therefore are an indispensable condition for a fruitful union.

Duration of mating

How long do British cats have intercourse, how many days do they copulate? Direct contact, the act of a male and a female, takes a matter of minutes. It takes five to ten seconds for a cat to ejaculate. During the day, the couple makes several such contacts, mating at intervals of 15-20 minutes.

The optimal duration of communication between a parent couple (how long to knit, bring together) is two or three days. A long period of intercourse can lead to the birth of kittens, the time of conception of which varies greatly, so that part of the litter will be born prematurely. A short period of communication will upset the female, who will continue to call for the male, even after being fertilized.

Mating problems

  • The difference is in the size of the partners. If the bride is larger than the groom, then the cat will not be able to hold her friend by the withers and at the same time get his penis into the vagina. The owner can hold the partner, provided that the kitty is sufficiently phlegmatic.
  • If the cat has not sufficiently mastered the function of grabbing a friend (poorly untied), the owner can help with choosing the right direction;
  • When the pussy falls to the side, the owner of the groom will have to immobilize and support the lady in an upright position;
  • In the case where the bride categorically does not accept the gentleman (does not let him in), the owners will have to look for a new partner. If there is an urgent need to breed a particular pair, you should leave the animals together for a certain period of time or invite a veterinarian for a medical solution to the problem.
  • The stressful state of the partner can lead to the stopping of the symptoms of sexual heat (does not want a cat). To correct the situation, you need to give the animals time to get used to each other.

How to determine whether mating was successful

It is impossible to assess the success of the event immediately after mating. A week after intercourse, the pet will show the following signs:

  • Feels sleepy;
  • Aggression towards cats;
  • Preference for liquid foods.

After three weeks after mating, the fertilized female's nipples will swell and turn pink and her belly will begin to grow.

Reasons for unsuccessful mating:

  • sexual failure of the male;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stressful state;
  • viral infection;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mineral deficiency;
  • error when choosing the time for mating.

Cat behavior after mating

Already at 6-9 months, some pets begin to ask for a cat, because at this age most cats begin puberty and their first heat. The cat begins to constantly scream, show excessive affection towards the male owner, refuses to eat, rolls on the floor and behaves differently than usual. But you should still wait until the first mating. A good age for the first mating is 1.5-2 years. It is at this age that the animal becomes physically formed and ready to bear offspring.

If a cat hisses at a cat during mating, it is important to understand the reasons for this behavior. This is usually how females behave during their first mating.

The animal needs to be calmed and placed towards the gentleman. This is the responsibility of the cat owner. Otherwise, the planned result may not occur. After successful mating with a cat, the cat becomes pregnant. During pregnancy, the estrus ends, the animal no longer asks for a cat and behaves as usual as before the estrus. During this period, it is important for the owner to monitor the condition of the pet in order to recognize signs of pregnancy in time. When the 2nd week passes after mating, the animal can be taken to the veterinary clinic for an ultrasound and make sure that conception has occurred.

Why does the cat keep asking for the cat?

Until the pet’s hormonal levels calm down, for another couple of days she can behave as if mating never happened. Some owners note that their cat continues to ask for a male after mating. However, such behavior is not considered a deviation. The fact is that for several days after conception, hormones in the blood continue to be at a high level. The animal’s body has not yet understood what happened, so the hunt is still ongoing. The cat still eats poorly, screams, crawls on the floor. But within 3-4 days, signs of sexual activity fade away.

If an ultrasound has confirmed that the cat is pregnant, under no circumstances should she be allowed to go on a spree again, otherwise 2 batches of fetuses will develop in the uterus, differing in age. The consequences of this situation could be:

  • Timely births occur for the first batch, while underdeveloped fetuses die.
  • First, the animal gives birth to the first litter, and after some time the second.

If the male does not like the bride, then he may show aggression towards her. If a cat screams after mating, limps and refuses to sit on its butt, the owner needs to examine it for injuries and bites. Gentlemen, especially inexperienced ones, in a passionate outburst can accidentally injure the bride. If a cat hisses at a cat during mating, avoids her and does not let her near him, perhaps he did not like the female. Then you shouldn’t force animals to mate; it’s better to have a cat with a more experienced and flexible partner in a month.

Behavior problems

When cats ask for a date with a cat, household members have a hard time. The constant screaming makes it impossible to sleep at night. Some people can’t stand it and lock their pets in one of the rooms. Others wet the animal’s fur with water in the evenings. This allows you to gain an hour of silence while the cat licks its fur coat. But as soon as she dries up, she starts asking for the cat again. This behavior is exhausting and forces you to try different ways.

Is it possible to calm a cat at home?

Simply petting and calming a cat that asks for a cat is unlikely to work. You will have to be patient and wait until the heat ends.

Numerous “folk” tips on how to calm a pet usually turn out to be ineffective:

  1. Pet your pet more often. Showing attention will only increase arousal.
  2. Give sedatives. They will not help because the animal is not stressed. They are driven by the instinct of reproduction. Such medications only slightly dull the desire to mate.
  3. Feed the cat with products containing pheromones like Feliway. During sexual hunting they are completely useless. Such drugs help to quickly adapt to a new place and to endure the trip more calmly, but they do not pacify natural instincts.

Calming medications for cats

Sometimes veterinarians recommend taking sedatives. Such medications help to dull arousal a little, but their main purpose is to achieve mental lability, eliminate aggression and anxiety.

List of drugs and method of use:

  1. Cat Baiyun. A medicine based on herbs with a sedative effect - valerian roots, oregano, sweet clover, mint, motherwort, hop cones and others. As soon as the cat begins to ask for a cat, she is given 2 ml of medicine three times a day for 5-7 days.
  2. Fitex drops. A sedative with herbal components – valerian, motherwort, hop extract. The medicine normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, muffles the feeling of fear and aggression. If a cat wants a cat, or vice versa, then the pet is given 3-5 drops of the product in the morning, lunch and evening for several days.
  3. Drops for cats Stop stress. The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. The medicine contains aminophenylbutyric acid and extracts of valerian, catnip, hops and motherwort. This remedy helps reduce agitation and correct the animal's behavior in stressful situations. Directions for use: 1 drop per 1 kg of weight twice a day.

Sedatives should not be given to a cat for a long time. They are allowed to be used for no more than 10 days. And you should not expect that these medications will completely eliminate sexual arousal. They can only slightly smooth out the symptoms of estrus.

Artificial ovulation

Sometimes the safest and most effective way to calm a cat so that she does not ask for a cat is to artificially induce ovulation. This method is suitable if the pet cannot be given for mating right now for some reason. For example, if she is in her first heat or a worthy candidate for mating has not yet been found.

In some cases, veterinarians show owners how to simulate sexual intercourse at home, which will cause ovulation. To do this, you will need a small phallic-shaped object about 4-5 mm thick and 1.5-2 cm long. A cotton swab wrapped in a fingertip or something similar will do. The cat is held by the withers. When she is in the mating position, the object is gently inserted into her vagina.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure 3-4 times within 12 hours. After this, the pet should ovulate, which will provoke a false pregnancy.

The heat will stop, the cat will calm down, stop asking for the cat and will prepare for the appearance of kittens. Some females begin to arrange a place for birth. During a false pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, so milk may be released from the mammary glands.

Attention! The artificial ovulation technique cannot be used every time the cat asks for a cat. This can cause inflammation in the uterus.

What not to do

Some actions of owners can harm the cat. For example, you cannot lock an animal in a cellar or bathroom. Being alone will have a negative impact on your mental health.

It is also undesirable to let your cat outside unattended, because it could get hit by a car, contract a virus, or become a victim of aggressive dogs. In addition, uncontrolled walking during estrus can lead to mating with an outdoor cat.

You should not punish her, yell at her, or hit her. This will not help solve the problem, because the animal is at the mercy of instincts. The pet will still continue to scream and roll on the floor.

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