Instructions for use of the drug Profender for cats

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Instructions for use Dosage
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the drug
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Reviews about Profender for cats
  • Prices for Profender
  • So as not to wait for it to strike

    Your cat is a parasite

    Announce an urgent tender

    And take Profender.

    Profender is an anthelmintic for strong and resilient cats, that is, for those who cannot be held in their hands while taking medications orally. Profender anti-worm drops have been developed especially for such pets. Yes, yes, you heard right, drops.

    Profender for cats is a yellowish-brown solution for external use containing active substances such as emodepside and praziquantel. These substances are effective in the fight against round and tape helminths. Emodepside causes paralysis of the helminth with subsequent death, and praziquantel disrupts the neuromuscular innervation of the helminth.

    The drug, once on the skin of an animal, is well absorbed and is stored in the body for a long time in a therapeutic concentration. It is important to know that the maximum concentration of active substances is achieved in the blood serum only 2-4 days after application of the drug. And the medicine is excreted in the urine within 28-30 days.

    The drug Profender is available in different dosages, designed for different weights of pets (more on this below).

    Indications for use

    Profender is used for the treatment or prevention of helminths in cats from 2 months of age. The drug is effective against roundworms, tapeworms, and larvae of different stages of development. Its effect extends to sexually mature individuals incapable of reproduction. It is able to cleanse the pet’s body of migrating parasites that live in the gastrointestinal tract.

    The drug is allowed to be used on pregnant and lactating cats.

    The product removes such roundworms from the animal’s body as:

    • Toxacara cati.
    • Carnivorous roundworm (Toxascaris leonine).
    • Hookworm (Ancylostoma tubaeforme).

    Fights against hole worms of the following types:

    • Multilocular echinococcus (Echinococcus multilocularis).
    • Cucumber tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum).
    • Taenia taeniaeformis.

    If your pet regularly walks outside, or eats unprocessed (frozen, boiled) meat or fish, preventive deworming is carried out. The frequency of the procedure is once every 3 months.

    Release form

    The medicine is available in the form of drops in plastic pipettes. The date of manufacture is very conveniently indicated on each of them. It contains 2 main substances: praziquantel and emodepside, which paralyze parasites and destroy them.

    Photo profender for cats can be easily recognized in a pharmacy by the image of a cat on the box.

    Dosage and Method of Administration

    Profender is sold in pipettes with markings indicating the amount of active substance in milliliters and recommendations for the weight of the animal, for example, “For small cats up to 2.5 kg.”

    Veterinarians recommend adhering to the dosage indicated in the table:

    Pet weight, kgAmount of active substance, ml
    from 0.5 to 2.50,35
    from 2.5 to 50,7
    from 5 to 81,2
    Over 8Several pipettes*

    * The dose is calculated depending on the weight of the pet - 0.14 mg per kg of animal body weight.

    For example, to deworm a cat weighing 8.5 kg, you will need Profender in a dosage of 0.35 ml + 1.2 ml, for a cat weighing 11 kg - in a dosage of 1.2 ml + 0.7 ml.

    For treatment, Profender is used once. The drug is applied to the cat’s scruff, in a place inaccessible to licking, only on intact skin. For large animals, it is recommended to apply the product in several places.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Remove the pipette from the packaging.
    2. Remove the cap from it and pierce the protective membrane with it.
    3. Using your hands, spread the fur on the cat’s back between the shoulder blades and drop Profender.

    The pipette must be thrown into the trash; it must not be used for household purposes. Hands should be washed with soap after handling the cat.

    The drug will be absorbed over the next 2 hours.

    The cat should not be washed or stroked for the next 24 hours. We need to limit her access to small children.

    To prevent the transmission of parasites through breast milk from cats to kittens, it is recommended to treat the animal 7 days before the expected birth.

    To treat elurostrongylosis, the pet is treated twice with an interval of two weeks.

    How to treat kittens

    In the case of a kitten, the situation is a little more complicated. Treatment with a profender is allowed starting from 2 months, provided the animal weighs at least 0.5 kg.

    Tip: The kitten is weighed in the bag thanks to the canter. First, the weight of the bag is recorded. After this, the result is subtracted and we get the baby’s true weight. In the case of floor scales. Your furry friend can be placed in a cardboard box.

    pharmachologic effect

    The drug contains two active substances:

    • Emidepside is effective in the fight against roundworms. It causes paralysis and subsequent death of the parasite.
    • Praziquantel is aimed at destroying tapeworms that parasitize the animal's gastrointestinal tract. It destroys larvae at all stages of development, sexually mature individuals that are not yet capable of reproducing. The action of the compound leads to paralysis and death of the worm.

    Profender is quickly absorbed into the skin. It remains in the cat’s body in a therapeutic dose for some time. The maximum concentration of the drug in the animal’s blood is observed on the 4th day after treatment.

    Emidepside and praziquantel are eliminated from the body within a month. The first connection is with feces, the second with urine.

    In terms of the degree of toxic effect on the body, the product belongs to hazard class III - it does not cause harm to the health of the animal when used in recommended dosages.

    Reviews about Profender for cats

    Evgenia Vitalievna : “I literally brought my cat from the trash heap, he was so hungry that he ate the first deworming pill and didn’t notice. But after that this trick no longer worked and Profender became our salvation. A day after taking it, I realized from the appearance of my stool that the drug had worked—the parasites were gone. But if only you knew how bad the fur smells at the site of application - it’s clearly the smell of feces. I wiped my withers with a damp towel for a long time before the smell disappeared.”

    Marik : “We adopted the cat almost as an adult. His previous owners neither dewormed nor vaccinated him. In addition, he suffered from panleukopenia, so we immediately ruled out taking oral anthelmintics. They dropped it, and the cat managed to lick off some of the medicine - as a result, his lip became swollen, but it quickly went away. The effect was noticed every day - and the eyes stopped watering, the smell of excrement became better, and the fur also shone. Profender turned out to be a very right remedy for us!”

    Daria Belaya : “Few people pay attention to the fact that it contains lactic acid, so I didn’t pay attention and as a result, the drug caused diarrhea for us. The cat ran to the litter box for two days, there was no noticeable release of worms, so I can’t say anything about the effectiveness of Profender, but I advise everyone to read the ingredients carefully.”

    Side effects

    Profender is a safe drug, when used correctly, it does not cause adverse reactions. In rare cases (detected in less than 10 animals out of a sample of 10,000 individuals), allergic reactions occur - itching, rash. In extremely rare cases (less than one animal out of a sample of 10,000 individuals), increased salivation, tremors of the limbs, and vomiting are possible. Symptoms go away on their own and do not require contacting a veterinarian.

    If the drug gets on the mucous membranes, wash them with warm water and soap. This rule applies to the pet and its owner. If the drug has been swallowed by a person, you should consult a doctor.

    Special Recommendations

    And although the product is recognized as safe for cats - you can give Profender to a cat no matter how you feel - you must first consult with a veterinarian. This is especially important if the cat has serious health problems. But even if the animal feels well, it is important to follow the recommended recommendations as closely as possible.

    It is important to remember the following rules:

    • The cat should not be bathed for 1-3 days after using the drops.
    • During the first 24 hours after treatment, it is not recommended to pick up the cat or even just pet it.
    • It is necessary to completely exclude contact between the cat and children of all ages, since contact of the composition with the child’s skin can provoke an allergic reaction.


    Analogues of Profender with a similar composition (contain praziquantel):

    • Helminthal is effective against tapeworms, roundworms, and fleas. It is prohibited to use on animals under two months old, with a body weight less than 1 kg, pregnant or lactating cats. The dose of helminthal is calculated as 0.1 ml per kilogram of the pet’s weight. Available in volumes: 0.4 ml, 1 ml.
    • Bars Stop-On is effective against worms, ear scabies, and fleas. They are allowed to process animals older than 8 weeks. It is prohibited to handle pregnant or lactating cats. Available in volumes of 0.2 ml (kittens weighing up to 1 kg), 1 ml (pet weight up to 5 kg), 2 ml (pet weight over 5 kg).
    • IN-AP is used to combat roundworms, tapeworms, lice, and mites. It is prohibited to use the product on animals under two months of age, pregnant or lactating cats. The drug is produced in volumes of 0.5 ml, 1 ml. The first is designed for animals weighing more than 1 kg and up to 5 kg, the second - over 5 kg.

    Analogs of Profender with other active ingredients:

    • Advocate contains imidacloprid, moxidectin. The product is effective for deworming, removing fleas, ticks, and treating ear scabies. It is prohibited to use the drug if the pet is less than two months old or its body weight is less than 1 kg. Treatment of pregnant and lactating cats is possible with the approval of a veterinarian. The dosage is calculated as 0.1 ml per 1 kg of cat weight. Advocate is available in volumes of 0.4 ml (animals weighing up to 4 kg), 0.8 ml (cats weighing up to 8 kg).
    • Stronghold is suitable for removing helminths and ticks. The active substance is selamectin. The product is used to treat animals older than 6 weeks. It is approved for treatment and prevention of pregnant and lactating cats. The dosage is calculated according to the principle of 6 ml per 1 kg of pet’s body weight. Stronghold is produced in pipettes of different volumes with different color markings - 0.25 ml for cats weighing up to 2.5 kg, 0.75 ml for animals weighing up to 7.5 kg.
    • Inspector Total – contains fipronil, moxidentin, used for flea removal and deworming. Treatment of pets weighing less than 1 kg and pregnant lactating cats is prohibited. Available in dosages - 0.4 ml for animals weighing up to 4 kg, 0.8 kg for cats weighing up to 8 kg, 2.5 ml - weight from 10 kg.

    How does the drug work?

    Thanks to the many positive reviews about the profender for cats, you don’t have to worry about the results. Many people think, “How does the impact on worms occur through the withers of a cat? This requires entry into the intestines!”

    • In fact, due to its well-thought-out pharmacological effect, application to the animal's skin is sufficient. It's all about the active ingredients.
    • Emodepside and praziquantel easily penetrate the body due to external use and, accordingly, have a detrimental effect on flat and roundworms.
    • To achieve this, no additional damage or irritation of the intestinal walls occurs, which is very important in the process of treating complex diseases.


    The drug is transparent drops that are light brown or yellow in color. Available packaged in polypropylene pipettes of various capacities with caps. They are placed in two pieces in a blister, which is in turn packed in a box.

    Drops on the withers are intended for external use. Can be used to deworm cats of various ages and weights.

    For proper storage, the following conditions must be ensured:

    • dark and dry place;
    • positive temperature, but up to 30 °C;
    • inaccessible place for children;
    • Do not place near food.

    Profender for cats can be stored for up to 3 years from the date of issue.

    What to do in case of poisoning?

    In our previous articles we have already discussed the possible poisoning of cats with anthelminthic drugs. As a rule, modern pills have nothing to do with intoxication; most of the troubles occur:

    • due to the release of harmful substances during the decay of worms;
    • as a result of erroneous dosage when it is excessively high.

    If, after giving the deworming drug, the cat becomes lethargic, apathetic, or begins to vomit or have diarrhea, then it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian. It is usually possible to relieve intoxication only with the help of droppers.

    At home, you can try to do gastric and intestinal lavage. Proceed with caution due to possible intestinal volvulus or blockage of their lumen by helminths, after which they give any of the sorbents listed above.

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