Top 20 largest dogs in the world - large breeds

English Mastiff

This breed was created by crossing mastiffs and mastiffs. It takes first place in the list of the largest dog breeds thanks to two individuals from the UK and from the USA, who were named Aikame Zorbe and Hercules, respectively.

A representative from Great Britain entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 with the note “the largest dog in the world.” Zorbe weighed about 156 kg and had a height of about 94 cm, and a representative from the USA nicknamed Hercules weighed 123 kg and only in 2001 joined the list of record holders.

Around the 11th century, hunters often traded one mastiff for a whole pack of ordinary hunting dogs, which testified to the high hunting qualities of this dog.

In 1872, attempts began to restore this breed on the basis of the first formed club of Old English Mastiff lovers. All it took was nothing, and a year later the prototype of the modern mastiff, Taura, appeared.

It is believed that in our time this is one of the most impressive dog breeds, distinguished by its large size. The male weighs on average about 75 kilograms, and the female weighs a little less, about 70 kilograms.

Alaskan Malamute

A breed bred to transport heavy loads and as a sled dog, it is ideal for living in cold climates. “The Alaskan Malamute is resistant to cold, which is due to its origin (Alaska is its homeland). The breed is the oldest Arctic dog used to transport cargo in the Arctic, says Gina DiNardo, vice president of the American Kennel Club. “The Malamute’s thick, coarse coat allows them to retain heat.”

Saint Bernard

This breed ranks second in the list of largest dog breeds. This information was confirmed by a St. Bernard named Benedict, who was able to gain weight within 140 kilograms.

There are two versions of the appearance of this breed: one version says that St. Bernards have Tibetan ancestors, and the other that their direct relatives are Roman fighting mastiffs. This dog breed is distinguished not only by its large size, but also by its strength. In 1987, an 80-kilogram representative of this breed was able to drag a 3,000-kilogram weight over a distance of about 4 and a half meters.

This is an obedient, friendly and loyal animal to its owner. They understand where children are and where adults are and behave accordingly. This breed also has a negative side of character. Saint Bernards do not like dogs that are not large or too small. In addition, in extreme heat, these dogs experience severe drooling. Life expectancy is not long, only about 8 years.

10 Largest Dog Breeds


The first St. Bernard dogs appeared quite a long time ago. They came from Tibetan mastiffs, from whom they took only the best qualities. The first St. Bernards lived on the territory of the monastery of St. Bernard. They rescued travelers lost in the Alps and brought them to the temple. Thanks to these dogs, several hundred lives were saved.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, breeders began to improve the breed. It was decided to breed St. Bernards with thicker fur so that they could better withstand frost. These are the dogs that have survived to this day.

The Moscow Watchdog, unlike the St. Bernard and many other breeds, was created within the walls of a Soviet nursery after the end of the war. Representatives of the bred breeds were used to guard enterprises, as well as conduct rescue operations. The following breeds were used to breed the Moscow Watchdog:

  • piebald hounds;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
  • St. Bernards.

Additional Information! The Moscow watchdog standard was first published in 1958.

German dog

The list of the largest dog breeds rightfully includes breeds of domestic animals that are superior to St. Bernards and mastiffs in height, but not in weight. Therefore, the list includes Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds.

The Guinness Book of Records included a Great Dane from Arizona named Giant George, who weighed 111 kilograms and had a height at the withers of 110 centimeters. The dog died a month before his eighth birthday.

After George's death, the laurels of the largest Great Dane passed to Zeus, who lives in Michigan. This representative of the breed did not reach the weight of his predecessor, but exceeded in height by only one centimeter.

Zeus lived without any problems in the same square with a domestic cat. In case of long-distance travel, he had to hire a separate minibus. This record holder lived only 5 years and died in the fall of 2014.

Great Danes are calm and friendly. If a dog knocks someone down, this should not be regarded as an attack, but as a sign of sympathy. They simply cannot calculate their strength.

American Akita

The breed is very independent, obedient, sociable, but requires respect from all family members. She is a wonderful companion, hunter, guard and even a guide. Education requires special efforts on the part of the owner, since the Akita is stubborn. But if she recognizes a leader in her owner, then this is friendship for life. Treats strangers with caution and distrust. She is friendly towards children, but only if they treat her with respect.

Size Chart [American Akita]
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)38-434413-16

Puppies have a thick coat that does not require much care. Development is uneven. Small Akitas quickly gain weight, but the breed's disadvantages include weak joints and digestive problems. By 6 months they are actively gaining body weight, after which their body proportions change dramatically. Growth slows down, the skeleton develops, and the body expands noticeably. Full formation is completed by 3 years.

Irish Wolfhound

This breed descended from the Irish greyhounds and at one time almost disappeared. After the Irish Wolfhound Club was formed in 1885, this breed was literally resurrected. After 12 years, this breed was officially recognized and registered by the American Kennel Club.

These dogs are distinguished by unique behavior, which is defined as a sheep at home, and a lion on the hunt. Dogs, together with hunters, chased wolves and deer. The modern Irish Wolfhound is capable of becoming a real companion for the owner who practices morning or evening jogging in the fresh air.

These are strong, intelligent and fairly tall dogs, reaching a height of 70 to 80 centimeters, depending on gender. Irish Wolfhounds have a harmonious appearance and an easygoing disposition, which is what attracts dog breeders.

Whom to choose

Before you buy a pet, you need to decide what exactly it is for. A St. Bernard would be more suitable as a pet. To protect a private home, it is worth purchasing a Moscow watchdog. You also need to take into account that St. Bernards are easier to train. Therefore, they are better suited for beginners.

The Moscow Watchdog and the St. Bernard are dogs that look similar to each other. However, before you buy yourself one of these breeds, you need to understand in advance how they may differ, find out their pros and cons.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The descendants of this breed took part in battles in the arenas of Ancient Rome. These dogs are also known for being considered excellent watchdogs, which is why ordinary people kept them in their yards, although they did not practice breeding this breed.

It was not until 1949 that the Mastino Napoletano standard was established. Modern Neapolitan Mastiffs are distinguished by their impressive size, strong skeleton and strong muscles. Male individuals reach 75 cm at the withers, while weighing about 70 kilograms, males are somewhat smaller.

This breed has retained its skills and copes well with its duties in protecting territories. Dogs are quite sociable and loyal to their owner. Attachment sometimes leads to jealousy and further aggression. They do not get along with many pets, and it is not recommended to have such a breed if there are children under 12 years of age at home.


A large, strong breed, but at the same time balanced and calm. The dog loves active games and perfectly protects its family. With proper socialization, it gets along with other animals. But the owner must be confident, strong and patient. Because when trained, the breed is stubborn and independent. But if you find the right approach to her, you can raise an excellent companion.

Size Chart [Kuvasz]
Height at withersBody lengthWeight
Puppy (3 months)434012-16

By about 6 months, Kuvasz puppies have gained most of their body weight and have visually transformed into an adult dog, but this is only in appearance. In fact, the musculoskeletal system takes a lot of time to get stronger. But puppies should not be allowed to play for long periods of time, as this can weaken the ligaments and cause a high risk of injury.


This breed is also called the Asian, Turkmen Wolfhound, and also the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Many experts point to the fact that this is one of the most ancient breeds, while being practically undamaged by breeding work.

One of the most intelligent, wayward and independent representatives of the Alabai lives in the Stavropol region. The dog's name is bulldozer and he is already 12 years old, so he is on a well-deserved rest. His weight is about 130 kilograms, although he is on a diet. At one time he was considered the biggest dog in the CIS, as evidenced by various awards and titles.

This breed is always loyal to its owner, but is aggressive towards strangers. Therefore, until the last breath he protects everything that belongs to his owner, such as a house, relatives, children, etc.

Tibetan mastiff

The breed is distinguished by a relatively wide muzzle, straight back and fairly developed shoulders. It can have an impressive weight, almost 100 kg, or even more, with a height of up to 70 cm.

This breed of dog is distinguished not only by its serious size and weight, but also by its high cost. For a puppy of this breed in China you will have to pay about 1.5 million dollars.

They have some similarities in behavior with Great Danes, since they have a calm and reserved disposition, both in relation to humans and other animals.

In order for a person to be able to completely subjugate this dog, it is necessary to have skills and knowledge in the field of dog psychology.

Large breeds of dogs - photos and names

Although the Great Dane holds the record for height, there are other large dogs in the world that, on average, are not inferior to it in gigantism. Let's start with the largest ones and move on to the more common ones.

English Mastiff - a massive giant

Breeds of large dogs with photographs - English Mastiff (by Fotosuabe).

Of all the mastiffs, the English is the largest. A large, strong, proportionally built dog - this is a brief description of this breed. The standard sizes are as follows:

  • Height: males from 76 cm, females from 70 cm;
  • Weight: males from 68 to 113 kg, females from 54 to 82 kg.

Unfortunately, English mastiffs are also characterized by one of the shortest life expectancies - on average from 6 to 10 years. They rarely live to be 12-14 years old.

>> More details: description of the English Mastiff breed (+ more photos)

Irish Wolfhound is a large and tall breed

The largest dogs are the name of this breed: Irish Wolfhound.

Along with the Great Dane, it is considered the tallest of all breeds in the world. Despite the fact that Irish Wolfhounds are hunting dogs, they have a kind and calm character. Representatives of the breed are often described as “a lion when hunting, but a sheep at home.”

  • Height: males from 79 cm, females from 71 cm;
  • Weight: males from 54.5, females from 40.5 kg.

How tall these dogs are is clearly shown in the photo above, where a small breed pet stands next to an Irish Wolfhound.

Newfoundland is a large shaggy dog

Breeds of large black dogs - Newfoundland, photo by Alicja.

Named after the island, the Newfoundland was bred by fishermen to carry heavy loads. This large shaggy dog, thanks to the membranes between its toes, swims very well, which is why in Russia it is often called a diver.

  • Height: males about 71 cm, females about 66 cm;
  • Weight: males about 68, females about 54 kg.

Newfoundlands have almost no hunting instincts and no aggression towards people. Their typical color is black, although they also come in white-black, gray, and brown. The coat is long and quite shaggy, which makes the dog even larger in appearance.

>> More details: description of the Newfoundland breed (+ more photos)

The Scottish Deerhound is a great deer hunter.

Pictured is a Scottish Deerhound (by Adam Singer).

The breed is a greyhound and was bred to hunt deer. The Deerhound can catch up and kill a deer, that is, it is a very hardy and strong dog with lightning-fast reactions and good instincts.

  • Height: males from 76 cm, females from 71 cm;
  • Weight: males about 45.5 kg, females about 36.5 kg.

When getting a Deerhound as a pet, you need to understand that he will need long and active walks. Otherwise, these dogs, like most others, love their family and are very trusting even of strangers (which is why they are not very good guards).

Typical colors of the breed are grey, brown and sand, although many other variations are allowed. The coat is quite long, soft and even silky.

Saint Bernard - the breed from the film "Beethoven"

The largest dogs are the name of this breed: Saint Bernard.

Another very large dog is the St. Bernard. They come with short and long hair, live on average about 8 years, and are distinguished by obedience and devotion. The breed was once used to search for missing people in the mountains.

  • Height: males 70-90 cm, females 65-80 cm;
  • Weight: from 70 kg.

Despite their large size, St. Bernards are friendly even to small children and behave very carefully with them. But small breed dogs, as a rule, are not liked by giants.

>> More details: description of the St. Bernard breed (+ more photos)

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier, photo by Petful.

When remembering the breeds of large black dogs, one cannot forget about the Black Russian Terrier. This strong, hardy, unpretentious dog has established itself as one of the best among service breeds.

  • Height: males 72-76 cm, females 68-72 cm;
  • Weight: males 50-60 kg, females 45-50 kg.

The black terrier is very trainable; it passes any course without problems - general, protective-guard, sentry, etc. It must be remembered that this breed of dog requires an active lifestyle, so it is not suitable for avid homebodies.

>> More details: description of the Black Russian Terrier (+ more photos)


Large dogs with photos - the name of the breed is Leonberger (by Sclg).

Another large breed of dog is the Leonberger, named after the German city in which it was bred. Representatives of the breed are not only large in size, but also have a balanced temperament. They can become good guards, companions and just family pets.

  • Height: males 72-80 cm, females 65-75 cm;
  • Lifespan: on average at least 10 years.

Despite its size, the Leonberg can be taken almost anywhere without fear. These dogs are friendly to children and do not show aggression towards strangers. Typical colors for underhounds are yellow, sand, red, or a combination of all three.

Akita Inu is the most faithful friend

Breeds of large dogs - photo Akita Inu (by RonjaV).

Anyone who has watched the movie “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” is familiar with this Japanese breed of dog. It is based on real events, when in Japan an Akita Inu dog waited for his owner at the railway station every day. One day the owner died, but the dog came to the station for many years and waited for him.

  • Height: males about 67 cm, females about 61 cm;
  • Weight: on average from 40 to 50 kg;
  • Lifespan: 10-14 years;
  • Price of puppies: from 35 thousand rubles (in nurseries).

Akita is perfect for keeping both in a private house and in a city apartment. It is not fussy about its living conditions, does not require complex care, and is very attached to its owner. In general, such a dog can truly become the most faithful friend.

>> More details: description of the Akita Inu breed (+ more photos)

Tibetan mastiff

Photo of large breed dogs - Tibetan Mastiff (by Kenneth Cole Schneider).

Thanks to its thick coat, the Tibetan Mastiff not only tolerates severe frosts well, but also appears even larger than it is. Initially, these dogs were bred for protection, but today they are often used as ordinary pets.

  • Height: males about 66 cm, females about 61 cm;
  • Weight: on average from 60 to 80 kg;
  • Price of puppies: from 15 thousand rubles (in nurseries).

By nature, Tibetan mastiffs are quite reserved, calm and friendly. But in many ways, the pet’s behavior will depend on its upbringing; it needs to be dealt with from a young age. Otherwise, the dog may grow too independent and, as a result, will be poorly controlled.

>> More details: description of the Tibetan Mastiff breed (+ more photos)

Cane Corso

Very large dogs are the Cane Corso breed (photo by Elle Rowbottom).

Not so long ago, this breed was on the verge of extinction, but thanks to several enthusiasts it was saved. Cane Corsos are working dogs, focused on guarding and protection. Accordingly, they are very strong and smart.

  • Height: males 64-68 cm, females 60-64 cm;
  • Weight: males 45-50 kg, females 40-45 kg;
  • Price of puppies: 15-25 thousand rubles.

Representatives of the breed, despite their innate protective reflexes, are good at distinguishing between a real threat and a game, and therefore are suitable for keeping as a pet. Of course, such large dog breeds are not very suitable for an apartment, but they are more than suitable for a large private house.

Typical coat colors are black, slate gray, lead gray, dark red, brindle. The coat is short, very thick, the undercoat is weak. Despite their short hair, Cane Corsos look very massive.

  • Description of the Cane Corso breed (+ photos, videos);
  • Photos of Cane Corso puppies of different ages (1, 2, 3,.. 6 months).
  • Reviews from owners about the Cane Corso breed.

Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

Large dog - Alabai breed.

The correct name of the breed is Central Asian Shepherd, and Alabai is only one of its inherent colors. However, among the people the second name has taken root and very often you can hear its name.

  • Height: males from 70 cm, females from 65 cm;
  • Weight: males from 50 kg, females from 40 kg;
  • Price of puppies: from 5 thousand rubles.

Since ancient times and to this day, CAOs have been used by shepherds to guard livestock, and the breed, due to its good trainability, is suitable for guard duty.

>> More details: description of the Central Asian Shepherd breed (+ more photos)

Dogo Argentino is a large white dog breed

The large white dog is a Dogo Argentino breed.

Initially, the breed was used for hunting large animals. Its representatives are strong and resilient and can pursue the beast for a long time. Today, this breed is more often used as bodyguards and even show dogs.

  • Height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm;
  • Weight: males from 40-45 kg, females 40-43 kg;

Like many large, smooth-haired dog breeds, the Dogo Argentino does not require special care, but does require good training. These animals are easy to train, and, nevertheless, this breed, like the pit bull, is prohibited in many countries.

Scottish Deerhound

This breed is also called the Reindeer Hound. It is believed that the breed was born back in the 16th century, although it received official recognition only in 1892. The Scottish Deerhound is included in the list of the largest dog breeds due to its height, at least 72 centimeters and weight of about 46 kilograms.

This breed has a very even temperament and only gets angry or barks in extreme cases. It is believed that the breed is able to respond to the mood of its owner. These dogs adore babies and are always ready to take care of them. The breed is quite trusting, so it is not suitable for guarding various objects.

Wolfspitz (Keeshond)

The thick coat and fluffy undercoat allow this extremely affectionate dog to withstand extreme temperatures and harsh weather conditions; Other advantages of the breed include its unusual, attention-grabbing colors.

“The Keeshond has a very thick coat, which allowed it to stay warm while working as a guard dog on Dutch river boats,” says Dinaro. It is interesting that at one time the People's Party of the Netherlands made the Keeshond its symbol.

Wolfspitz are friendly, quick to learn and active animals. Despite their energy, they can behave calmly at home. These dogs need little exercise, but without it at all, Keeshonds will literally spin around like a top.


They got their name from the island of the same name. In Canada, this breed represents working dogs. In Russia this breed is called “divers”.

Currently, experts do not know the origin of Newfoundlands, which are distinguished by thick wool, black or brown. Although today everyone knows that this dog does not have hunting instincts. As a rule, they inspire confidence due to their impressive dimensions. The height of males reaches about 71 centimeters, with a weight of up to 68 kg, and females grow up to 66 centimeters.

Newfoundlands are distinguished by their quick wit and intelligence, because in particularly dangerous situations they are able to make error-free decisions.

Russian greyhound

The breed is characterized by its height of about 80 centimeters, restrained muscles, narrow body shape and grace. This dog is perfect for hunting because it has excellent eyesight, runs fast and has an excellent sense of smell.

The breed is also distinguished by its docile nature. This breed is simply adored by painters, poets and sculptors.


Siberian Husky

The dog is native to Northeast Asia and is another breed that has been used in sled dogs. “The huskies I worked with were very talkative,” says Cruz, a veterinarian who has experience working with Arctic dogs during greyhound racing. “They shed, but the extent depends on the environment and health conditions. They also need intense training to stay physically and mentally healthy.”

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