Dog Electronica: description of the Airedale terrier breed, nickname RESSI

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After the release of the film “The Adventures of Electronics” in 1979, there was not a boy or girl in the Soviet Union who did not dream of having a dog like Ressy as a pet. She embodied all the best qualities of a true true friend: intelligence, devotion and courage. Who played this role and what breed is this dog?

  • 2 Why the Airedale Terrier
  • 3 The artist who played the role of Ressi
  • 4 Interesting facts about the Airedale terrier breed

    4.1 Video: Airedale terrier dog breed

Real facts about the fantastic story of Electronics and his dogs

“There is no creature more loyal, affectionate, more cheerful than a dog.” So the guys sang in the old Soviet film “The Adventures of Electronics,” dedicating these words to the rarest electronic perfect representative of the canine.

The abbreviation of these words gave rise to the nickname RESSI. It is no coincidence that the role of such a dog was played by a representative of the Airedale Terriers, bred like most terriers in England.

Several main character traits that distinguish the Airedale Terrier from other breeds:

  • endurance;
  • mobility into old age;
  • excellent tolerance to prolonged stress, heat, cold;
  • excellent guard skills;
  • aptitude for leadership;
  • curiosity;
  • hunting skills;
  • stubbornness.

Airedale relationship with children

Dogs of this breed are very fond of outdoor games, which makes them active participants in children's entertainment. They will have no equal in joint family walks to the park or forest. A tireless investigative nature will give children the opportunity to develop next to the dog, learning and studying the world around them together.

The fur does not shed, so children who come into close contact with the dog will not have allergies or asthma attacks. They are loyal to their owners, but do not expect groveling from them. If necessary, he will easily come to the defense of the owner and younger family members thanks to his excellent service qualities.

His innate resilience allows him to endure the kids’ tricks. But you should not leave children alone with a dog, because due to its considerable size, it can accidentally cause damage to the baby.

Dogs of this breed love active games.

Dog school

What qualities should four-legged sappers have? Of course, a good sense of smell, but that’s not enough. The dog should not be aggressive towards strangers (remember, it is not a watchman, but a sapper) or afraid of them, since it will also have to work surrounded by a large number of people (for example, at an airport). She must be well trained, and also have a stable psyche and not react to various extraneous stimuli - from the smell of sausage to loud sounds.

The last criterion is especially important, because in a minefield, a dog that panics at the sound of gunshots and explosions is certain death for both the dog itself and its handler. All these qualities are tested during the “entrance exams” that puppies go through between the ages of 10 months and 1 year, and then develop during the training process. Recognized “sniffers” such as Labradors, retrievers and spaniels, as well as universal breeds such as German and Belgian shepherds, are best suited for mine detection service.

The training itself consists of a general training course (for dogs this is like a human high school) and specialized training (in this case it is the search for explosives). Training lasts from several months to a year, and, as a rule, the dog’s handler, the person who will work with it, is also taught.

“Many dogs do not react very well to a change in leader, whom they perceive as a leader,” explains Sergei Degtyarev, teacher of the training cycle for service dog breeding specialists at the MCC. “For six months we train a conscript soldier to become a counselor, for another six months he works full-time with the dog, and then he is demobilized. In this sense, contract workers are much more preferable.”

The incentive for training and the reward for good work can be a treat or a favorite toy. “For a person, searching for explosives is a serious, dangerous and responsible job,” says Alexey Obarchuk. “And for the dog it’s just an exciting game with the owner, for which there is a reward.” And until the “retirement age”, which occurs for dogs at eight years old, the game continues.

Dog name Electronics

Personally, I have watched this series fifty times in my life. And in childhood, as soon as he appeared on television screens, and in adolescence. And as an adult I saw it many times and every time with pleasure. But for some reason, not everyone remembers this favorite film. And this question is often asked: what was the name of the dog Electronica? So: The dog's name is Ressy. “The Rarest Electronic Perfect Dog And so on,” this is how Elektronik explained its name to Professor Gromov. And the breed of the dog is Airedale Terrier. If you remember, at first it was a beautiful, expensive (twenty rubles) toy in a children's store. The robot asked her as a gift for the work he did (he fixed many toys that didn't work). Subsequently, Elektronik revived the dog and made him his assistant. And Airedale Ressi helped out the electronic boy and Sergei Syroezhkin more than once. He pulled it out of the clutches of bandits with his teeth. And of course, since we’re talking about the dog from this series, let’s remember the song from the film “The Adventures of Electronics”.

"White Bim, Black Ear": setter Bim

The devoted dog of the writer Ivan Ivanovich, a Scottish setter of the wrong color, was actually named Styopka. And he was an English setter. The dog got used to the role so much that director Stanislav Rostotsky laughed: “Has he read the script?”

“We all knew him as Bima, and he was distracted by this name,” Anna Rybnikova, who played Lucy, shares with Antenna; her character and her grandmother adopted a dog. – I was 8 years old, and he was as tall as me on his hind legs. But I wasn’t afraid of him at all, since we had a spaniel at home. I remember how, before filming, they took Styopa to the make-up artist and specially inked his ear with carbon paper, since it was not dark enough. And when Bim had to scare the harmful neighbor (played by Valentina Vladimirova), he himself became more afraid. Valentina Kharlampievna held a treat in her hand to entice him. The dog came up, and she screamed so much that the poor fellow ran away. The first take became the last, and it was included in the film. Later I heard that Vladimirova bought a dog of the same breed and named it Bim.

Before filming, Stepa was taken to the make-up artist and his ear was specially inked with carbon paper.

The loving dog quickly found a language with the leading actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs: symptoms and treatment || The dog often licks under its tail

“Coming to the set, the first thing I did was go for a walk with the dog,” the actor recalled.

And when filming began, he searched all over the studio, they literally had to be separated for some time. Styopka didn’t know how to pretend, but, having really missed the actor for a couple of weeks, he played the required part in one take. After filming, the setter returned to his owner.

Everyone knows this

From the movie “The Adventures of Electronics” The name of the dog is Electronics Ressi

Words by Entin Yu. Music by Krylatov E.

If the light in the window fades, Cats scratch your soul, Who can help you, Who will drive the cats away.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

If someone decides to encroach on the owners, who will be able to stand next to them and bite the impudent one.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

He who understands any order without a word, who does not demand rewards, is happy to be around.

Everyone knows this, these are not words, There is no creature more devoted to a dog. There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

There is no creature more devoted than a dog, more affectionate than a dog, more cheerful than a dog.

By the way, after the series was published, puppies of this wonderful breed appeared in many Soviet families. I remember how terribly jealous my classmate Yulka was that she had an Airedale whose name was Jerry. The dog was adopted from a kennel and already knew all the commands. Nevertheless, this well-mannered dog was not averse to jumping in the huge spring puddles to the delight of all the children and to additional work for Yulka’s not very pleased father. I was also amazed that the airedale let me wipe my dirty paws every time before entering the apartment after a walk. What was the name of the dog from the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"? You can hear it for yourself, see for yourself if you don’t believe it, by watching this film on the Internet online. I also offer you a list of films with dogs by breed, our wonderful four-legged favorites. “Electronic dog’s name,” by the way, is never repeated in the song.

Club address: st. Dovatortsev 52V (intersection with Kosmonavtov Street). Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00, closed on Monday. Phones: 8 8

What is the success of tailed actors?

I think that scientists will be explaining for a long time why films where a dog appears in the frame enjoy truly phenomenal success among viewers. I myself can guess - because a dog is a symbol of devotion, wisdom, openness and perseverance, that is, those qualities that we also need.

Maybe this is why even “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” the most “horror” work of Arthur Conan Doyle (and in Soviet cinema, Igor Maslennikov) gives off something... soulful, warm and entertaining in those moments when a dog appears in the episode.

Members of the film crew of this wonderful film say the same thing. They claim that it would be difficult to find a more sensitive, more gallant creature than the black dog who played the “monster from the peat bogs.”

However, even in this case, according to Maslennikov, the dog in the frame was still a faithful friend, a reliable assistant and, to some extent, an ally of its owner.

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The breed of dog from the movie “Electronic”: who is Ressi

The children's film "The Adventures of Electronics" was released on Soviet screens in 1979. The story in 3 parts immediately fell in love with young viewers, and in the territory of the former Union, there was probably not a child who would not watch this film several times.

The sympathy of the children was won not only by the main characters Elektronik and Seryozha Syroezhkin, played by twin brothers Volodya and Yura Torsuev, but also by the dog Ressi (the Rare Electronic Perfect Dog) - a toy from the store that came to life. This brave and loyal dog was admired, and many children dreamed of having such a faithful friend. And also the question arose, what is the name of the dog breed from your favorite movie?

The dog Ressi from the famous film “The Adventures of Electronics” was played by an Airedale Terrier.

In the book by science fiction writer Evgeniy Veltistov “Electronic - the boy from the suitcase”, based on which the film’s script was written, a black terrier is mentioned, but the breed of dog from the film “Electronic” is called an Airedale terrier.

The role of Ressi was played by Airedale Chingiz, and he coped with the role brilliantly. But the tailed actor’s film career did not end there, and in 1980 he starred in another children’s film, known as “The Life and Adventures of Four Friends,” where he bore the nickname Bubrik.

Dogs of this breed often appear in various films and are also mentioned in literary works. Why are they so remarkable? Let's try to figure it out.


  • Description of the Airedale Terrier breed
  • Russian National Airedale Terrier Breed Club
  • Terrier-Union of Russia
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Bull Terrier (standard and miniature) • Staffordshire Bull Terrier • American Staffordshire Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier • English Toy Terrier (black and tan) • Yorkshire Terrier

>Dog from the movie Elektronik: breed, photo, price

History of the breed and brief characteristics of Airedale Terriers

Airedale Terriers are large dogs, reaching a height of 60 cm at the withers. They have developed muscles, strong jaws and strong limbs. The animal's skin is reliably protected by hard, curly hair, and the color on different parts of the body is different: the back is covered with black hairs, and the paws, muzzle and belly are light brown.

The homeland of this breed is England, where representatives of the variety were first talked about at the end of the 19th century. Yorkshire breeders obtained this population by crossing Red Terriers with Old English Black and Tan Terriers and Otterhounds.

The homeland of the Airedale Terrier dog breed is England.

The selection received official recognition in 1886, when it was registered with the National Dog Fanciers Club. These animals were used for hunting and were valued for their ability to fight and win against predatory animals. Erdel could independently track down the animal, deal with it and bring it to the owner. And during the First World War, dogs of this breed helped find the wounded, and were also used as “postmen”, carrying correspondence across the front line.

This versatility of the dog is due to the fact that it has developed intelligence, is able to learn quickly and easily remember commands. In some cases, an Airedale may ignore the owner’s demands, but not because he does not understand what was said, but solely out of harm. These animals are non-aggressive, but quite independent and can act contrary to orders if they do not consider it necessary to carry them out.


The head is well balanced, there is no visible difference between the length of the skull and the facial part. No wrinkles or folds. The skull is long and flat, with a slight narrowing between the eyes. The ears are set close apart. The transition from forehead to muzzle is weakly expressed. The neck is smooth, strong, of moderate length and thickness, gradually increasing towards the shoulders, without a dewlap.

The topline is short, strong and level, without sagging. The loin is muscular. The chest is deep to the elbows, but not wide. The ribs are quite convex. In short dogs with a good chest, the distance between the rib and thigh is small. If the dog is long in the loin, the weakness of the topline will be visible. The chest is deep (that is, close to shoulder level), but not wide. The ribs are quite convex.

The tail is set high, does not curl back, and is strong. Can be docked at will. The tip of the docked tail is approximately level with the skull.

The feet are small, round and compact, with good foot depth, and the toes are moderately arched.

The coat is hard, dense, thick and straight, covering the body and legs; the outer part is strong, dense and tough, the inner part is shorter and softer. Slightly wavy; curly and soft coat is highly undesirable. The body, tail and top of the neck are black or gray. All other parts are yellow-brown. The ears are often dark brown. A little white hair between the front legs is acceptable.

The height at the withers of males is approximately 58-61 cm, females - 56-59 cm.

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