Features of keeping the Imperial Shih Tzu breed

A little about the history of the breed

The Shih Tzu dog breed has an interesting history, which is still completely unknown. Scientists and historians have put forward a hypothesis that the Shih Tzu breed originates in Tibet. Manuscripts and engravings from the 15th and 16th centuries depict small dogs that look very similar to her. A wonderful legend told by Buddhists says that Buddha was accompanied on all his travels by a small creature - a dog, which, in case of danger, turned into a lion and protected the traveler.

Buddhists believed that that dog was of the Shih Tzu breed, for this reason it was given all kinds of honors. There is also another unconfirmed hypothesis about the European origin of this breed, which states that it came to Tibet from Byzantium. Modern breeders testify that it appeared as a result of crossing other breeds, for example, the Pekingese with the Tibetan Mountain Dog. It is difficult to judge how reliable this statement is, especially if you take into account that the DNA of this animal differs quite a bit from the DNA of a wild wolf. This means that there was no trace of any selection.

The most reliable facts about the existence of the Shih Tzu breed appeared in the mid-17th century. It was during that period that the Tibetan Dalai Lama gave the Chinese emperor several dogs of this breed. The Chinese ruler loved them so much that they began to be considered a symbol of power. They were given great honors; each dog had its own servants. Exporting this animal outside of China was strictly punishable.

In the first half of the 20th century, these small creatures appeared in Europe. There are several opinions on how exactly they got there. Some say that the Shih Tzu dog was given as a gift to the Norwegian ambassador, while others claim that this breed was simply brought by ship to the UK in order to make money.

Care and health

The Shih Tzu dog breed has simply gorgeous long hair that requires proper care. You will have to comb it every day to prevent tangles from forming. Thanks to this procedure, the luxurious coat will look well-groomed and healthy. Gentle combing should begin from the hind legs.

The wool can be treated briefly with a conditioner or solution if tangles or tangles are detected. After this, the hairs are taken apart and combed in the desired direction. To prevent pain for the dog, the strands should be held at the base with tufts of fingers. They comb the fur with a massage brush, and then go through it with a wide-toothed comb.

It is necessary to bathe the Shih Tzu breed using shampoo that is designed to care for long hair. After washing, it is treated with conditioner and rinsed. This will prevent static electricity from accumulating in the wool and the wool will be less tangled.

At a younger age, puppies are bathed three times a week, and adults - twice a month. If a dog often takes part in exhibitions, then water procedures are carried out more often.

To make caring for a pet easier, some owners prefer to cut their dog's hair short. They usually visit the hair salon twice a month. Frequent grooming keeps the dog's coat smooth and neat.

In the parietal region of the head, Shih Tzu dogs have the longest strands. To prevent the Mini Shih Tzu's fur from obscuring his view, the dog is often tied with ponytails, hairpins or bows. You should not tighten the strands tightly, this will cause discomfort to the animal, and it will be incessantly angry. Before the feeding process, the strands can be pinned and pulled up.

Attention should be paid to the dog's ear openings and eyes. The structure of the ears and eye sockets of the Shih Tzu breed is such that inflammatory processes can often occur. To prevent diseases, you need to conduct regular examinations and promptly clean your eyes and ears.

Puppies of this breed have a characteristic jaw structure, which causes the dog to bite when consuming food. For this reason, the dentition is poorly cleaned naturally. To prevent your dog from having dental problems, he will have to promptly clean his teeth from food debris.

Check the condition of the claws from time to time and trim them as necessary. On the paws between the toes, the overgrown hair is cut off, since when running or jumping they can get tangled and injured. It is advisable to carry the dog in your arms along the staircase, as it will be difficult for it to cover such a distance.

The Shih Tzu dog breed is an indoor animal, so they do not tolerate cold or extremely hot weather conditions. The dog's sleeping area must be arranged in a place where there are no drafts or overheating coming from the heating device. You can install it near the master's bed.

Description of the Shih Tzu breed

The Shih Tzu is one of the most elegant and harmoniously built breeds. Whoever saw her will never forget what the “little lion” looks like. The dog is often compared to a chrysanthemum, because the hair on the dog’s face is directed in different directions. Gracefulness in movements indicates aristocratic origin.

Breed standards:

  1. It is small in size, height – 20-25 cm, weight of an adult dog is about 4-8 kilograms. Cables are larger than branches.
  2. It has good physical parameters: strong bones, well-developed body muscles.
  3. Limbs are short and strong.
  4. The head is large, rounded, proportional to the body. The muzzle is short, about 2.5 cm, square, wide, overgrown with hair (has a beard and mustache).
  5. The eyes have a kind expression, set wide, dark and rounded, but not bulging.
  6. The ears are large, drooping, and abundantly covered with hair.
  7. The Shih Tzu has the longest fur relative to its body. The coat is silky, more like hair. On the head it is so long that it falls over the eyes.
  8. tail is set high, covered with hair, curled towards the back.


Breed standards suggest different colors of Shih Tzu. There are those that are more common, there are rare colors, and there are also single specimens. One of the common colors is “golden-white” or “gold and white.” The dog's nose, with this coat color, should be black.

Recently, breeders have received many new shades:

  • creamy liver;
  • hepatic;
  • liver orange;
  • dark chocolate;
  • red-white-liver;
  • liver-apricot;
  • chocolate;
  • liver gold;
  • white-liver;
  • brindle;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • white.

The rare color is silver, this is a lightened version of sable. The nose, with this coat color, should be light or gray, but black is not considered a defect.

It is quite difficult to breed the brindle color. But the real rarity is the chrysanthemum dog with blue fur. White color is also not common; as a rule, it has an admixture of cream. Exquisitely black - isolated cases.

Description and breed standard

Small Shih Tzu dogs are distinguished by their luxurious coat, perky disposition, intelligent eyes, independence and cheerfulness. For many centuries they were given the most poetic nicknames. The pet could be called “Princess”, “Chrysanthemum”, “Little Lion”.

The miniature size of the animal allows it to be kept even in the smallest apartment. A mini Shih Tzu at one and a half years old can weigh up to 4.5 kg. At the same time, pets should not show signs of thinness.

Princess Shih Tzu.

Representatives of the Shih Tzu breed according to the FCI belong to group 9 (“Toy and companion dogs”), section 5 (“Tibetan breeds”) and must meet the following parameters.

Weight4.5 – 8 kg (weight at 15 months – up to 7.5 kg is preferable)
Height at withers23 – 27 cm
Body typeelongated, the height at the withers is less than the length of the back from the withers to the base of the tail. The neck is of medium length with an expressive arch. The withers are moderately pronounced, the back is straight (not sagging), the chest is proportionally wide, falling slightly below the elbows.
Headvoluminous, quite large, but not too heavy. In males and females, the size and roughness of head carriage differ; when comparing two dogs of different sexes, this feature should be taken into account. The forehead line is not too wide, with smooth, rounded edges. The cheekbones and chewing muscles are developed, but should not stand out in the silhouette of the muzzle (the muscles are flat). The front part is rectangular, without folds.
Limbsstrong, moderately wide, round in cross-section. The shoulders are inclined towards the body, the forearms and pasterns are as vertical as possible. Hind legs with balanced angulations, thighs well rounded and muscular. The hands are well selected, abundantly covered, the fingers are compressed, the pads are convex and strong, the claws are arched.
Tailnatural length, carried over the back. Due to the set and abundant hair, the tip of the tail is in line with the crown, which gives the dog a more balanced appearance.
Earslarge, set below the top of the head, but above the eyes, decorated with abundant and long hair. The outdated standard allowed low set ears (at the level of the corners of the eyes).
Noseproportional in size and with wide nostrils (narrowed nostrils are a disadvantage). The bridge of the nose is free from folds, and the dog's breathing is deep and even even in a stressful situation. Brown or brown-spotted dogs have a dark brown (liver) nose. In gray and blue dogs, the nose may be deep gray, although such pigmentation is not encouraged. For other colors, only a black nose is acceptable. Pink spots or clearly lightened pigmentation are a fault.
Eyesexpressive round shape, not convex. The color of the irises is dark brown, although light pigmentation is acceptable in brown, gray and blue dogs. The eyelids are tight-fitting, colored to match the nose.
Teethsmall, tightly and evenly placed. The bite is straight or moderately overshot.

The eyes are round, not protruding.

Description of character

The funny appearance of a Shih Tzu cut like a puppy or the luxurious image of a show dog with long, magnificent hair does not leave people around indifferent, but appearance is not the main advantage of these dogs. During the puppyhood period, Shih Tzus love pranks and funny, noisy games, but already at six to eight months, childish spontaneity disappears from the character of these dogs and they become much calmer.

Adult dogs of this breed are quite silent, reserved and well-trained in communicating with household members. This is an ideal companion for older people, as they are not annoying and do not have the habit of getting underfoot. They are equally happy to play with children, but you should not leave them with babies who have barely learned to walk. Shih Tzus tend to view young children as their equals, engaging in wild play.

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Dogs of this breed can get along with other pets even in the smallest area. Cats, parrots or guinea pigs will not suffer from communication with an adult; dogs of any breed will be true friends for them. On the street, representatives of this breed are not cocky with other dogs, but they also do not give in when attacked by someone else’s dog.

Contrary to the popular belief about the Shih Tzu as an exclusively domestic dog that cannot be trained, many representatives of this breed are not only excellent at learning various commands, but are also able to participate in agility competitions. Shih Tzus have high intelligence, they can remember the names of objects, bring slippers and a leash. Close interaction with the owner helps them better understand human speech.

Shih Tzu and little baby

An amazing property of this breed is that its representatives show more interest in people than in their relatives, so these dogs can become children's best friends. There is one "but". Young children should not be allowed to play with their Shih Tzu unsupervised. After all, they consider small dogs just a toy and can accidentally injure them during play. The dog, for its part, can also become angry if it is treated carelessly and harshly. For older children, the Shih Tzu will become a reliable friend and partner in fun games.

Shih Tzus are an excellent choice for families with children.

Pros and cons of the breed

The pros and cons of the Shih Tzu dog are obvious. Among the advantages are high intelligence, as well as learning ability and undemandingness in special physical activity. This dog is very clean, so you won’t have any problems keeping it in an apartment. The pet's character is flexible and good-natured. These dogs do not grow very actively, so you can buy clothes for him or sew them by hand (you will use them for quite a long time).

As for the shortcomings of the breed, these include the dog’s inability to protect home and family. You will also spend a lot of effort monitoring the health of your four-legged friend. We should not forget that loneliness is a real tragedy for such mini-dogs, unlike other decorative breeds. Otherwise, there are no shortcomings: such a pet, when it grows up, will only decorate your life.


Standard Shih Tzus live 14–16 years. Mini-individuals live shorter lives and there are a number of reasons for this. The breed in its standard build is prone to a number of serious ailments:

  • Dislocation of the eyeball.
  • Cataract and glaucoma.
  • Distichiasis is abnormal growth of eyelashes.
  • Ulcerations of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Entropion is the turn of the century.
  • Tracheal collapse.
  • Dermatitis of various etiologies.
  • Wet eczema.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Pinched spinal nerves followed by paralysis.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system – urolithiasis, chronic renal failure, cystitis.
  • Heart failure – defects, cardiomyopathy.
  • Blockage and inflammation of the anal glands.
  • Anal gland adenoma.

Shih Tzu Health

With good care and proper feeding, there should be no health problems for your pet. This breed can be considered a long-liver, since healthy dogs can live up to 18 years at home.

The most common diseases of the breed include:

  • obesity is a consequence of overfeeding and low mobility of the pet;
  • respiratory diseases, during which the animal snores;
  • periodontitis – pathology can occur if the dog’s teeth are not brushed;
  • Otitis media is a disease caused by poor ventilation of the ears.

Features of care

Almost all Shih Tzu care involves brushing the coat and bathing the dog. You need to comb your pet as often as necessary to prevent tangles from forming. From about 10-12 months of age, dogs begin to shed. During this time, brushing should be done more frequently. Molting lasts approximately three weeks.

The breed needs to be washed every three to four weeks and as needed. Under no circumstances should you bathe a pet with matted fur. They definitely need to be combed. To do this, use a hair brush with flexible bristles. Where the brush does not pass, the tangled wool is sorted out by hand. Particular attention should be paid to the area around the ears and neck, as well as the inside of the paws. This is where tangles form most often. You need to comb your bangs and mustache every day.

To prevent fur from getting into your pet's eyes, you can make a topknot out of the bangs by tying them with an elastic band. To make your Shih Tzu easier to care for, you can cut his hair short, which will make your pet very funny. However, a haircut can only be applied if the dog will not participate in exhibitions. You need to care for your trimmed dog in the same way as any other short-haired dog.

From puppyhood, Shih Tzus need to have their nails trimmed and their ears and eyes cleaned regularly. Since the breed's eyes often suffer from long hair, they need to be examined daily. If your dog's eye has a white spot on the pupil, is cloudy, inflamed, or partially closed, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Shih Tzus are often plagued by external parasites, which include fleas and ticks. It is difficult to find them in long and thick fur, but they cause trouble for the pet. One insect can cause a dog to itch so much that it combs out a large amount of hair.

Parasites should be removed, and the dog and house should be treated with not very strong insecticides. A pet that is sedentary and rarely walks may suffer from obesity, so it is recommended not to overfeed it and play active games with it. In addition, the breed often suffers from periodontitis and otitis media. Therefore, your dog needs to have his teeth and ears cleaned regularly. If an animal snores, then most likely it has a problem with the respiratory tract. In this case, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Color and coat

The structure of the coat is dense, thick and even. Light waviness is acceptable. Curly hair is not allowed. The body is covered with long hair. The length of the coat should not hinder the dog’s movements or distort its silhouette. On the muzzle, the hair forms a beard, mustache and falls over the eyes. It should not interfere with the dog’s vision, so the fur is tied with a bow or an elastic band in the tail. The ears are also covered with long hair. On the bridge of the nose it grows to the sides and upwards, creating the effect of a chrysanthemum flower.

All colors are accepted by the standard. The most common are:

  • gold and white;
  • gold with black mask;
  • red and white;
  • black and white;
  • white and gold;
  • red with black mask;
  • white;
  • blue and tan;
  • liver white;
  • chocolate;
  • black.

White and gold color of Shih Tzu.

In spotted individuals, it is desirable to have a white spot on the face (called the “Buddha mark”) and on the tip of the tail. The pigmentation of the fur on the front part is as uniform and consistent as possible, regardless of the pattern.

Ideal diet

Any dog, even one of such small stature and weight, is a carnivorous creature. Therefore, the basis of his diet should be meat, but it must be supplemented with fiber, cereals, vitamins and minerals.

If your dog eats natural products, then he must be given:

  1. Meat – lean, scalded or lightly fried. For a puppy, the daily requirement is calculated based on the norm: 50 grams of meat per 1 kg of puppy weight. Adult dogs are given 200-250 grams per day. By-products are very useful for this mini dog, but offer them to your pet only well-cooked. It is prohibited to give bones to this breed.
  2. Dairy products – it’s good to add cottage cheese to your diet as a source of calcium. Milk can give an adult dog an upset stomach, but fermented milk products are ideal for the diet.
  3. Eggs are very useful during the period of weight gain; they are well absorbed only when boiled, but when raw they are practically useless.
  4. Cereals – raw Hercules, soaked, for example, in kefir or broth, is suitable for the diet. It is good to cook porridge from rice or millet. Give buckwheat with caution, as it can cause allergies.
  5. Vegetables – suitable in raw, grated form, as an excellent vitamin supplement.
  6. Fruits, dried fruits and cheese are the best treats when training and raising a puppy.

If you don’t want to cook for your dog yourself, then you can go the simpler route and feed it special dry food. This food already includes all the useful additives, and the portion can be calculated based on the recommendations on the package regarding the dog’s weight. The product, developed specifically for this mini dog breed, includes components that make the animal's coat shiny, thick and neat in appearance.

Training and education

The Shih Tzu training course does not include training in any “dog profession”, so it is feasible even for a novice dog breeder. The dog’s quick wit and intelligence allows him to quickly master a minimum of commands, especially if the training is conducted in a playful way, reinforced with rewards and does not get boring.

Each course should take a little time so as not to tire the animal. It is impossible to treat such a baby cruelly, and she will not tolerate rudeness or dictate. You should not try to “break” the lion cub’s character. The dog will interact with full dedication if you find a common language with him, treat him with respect, love and patiently achieve the goal.

It is necessary to train a puppy from an early age. The course should include: training in the skills of managing natural needs in a strictly defined place, accustoming oneself to behavior in an apartment or house, mastering prohibitive commands that will protect the baby from the dangers of injury.

In addition, the Shih Tzu has an unpleasant feature - the desire to eat feces. Inhibitory commands will teach you to curb the habit. Mastering standard commands, as a rule, begins at 1 year of age. After 12 months, you can teach the dog some tricks. This will give her the opportunity to maintain good physical shape and develop intellectual abilities.

How to choose the right puppy?

Before you get such a dog, think about why you need it. As a devoted “couch” companion? For breeding or for participation in exhibitions? Naturally, in each of these cases you should choose a dog of a certain class. Don’t forget to prepare the house for the arrival of a pet - a sleeping place, a bowl, a tray. Purchase all necessary care supplies in advance.

The minimum age of a puppy that can be transported to a new home is 45 days. You should choose your pet very, very carefully. It is clear that buying “from hand” is not an option, because you need to evaluate not only the appearance of the animal, but also the conditions in which it lived. You definitely need to look at the parents “live” - so, if the mother is well-groomed, with healthy hair, then it is obvious that the puppy developed well in the womb, and therefore received the necessary nutrients during lactation.

When choosing, be sure to clarify a few points with the breeder:

  • how often and what exactly puppies eat;
  • whether they were vaccinated;
  • Can babies eat on their own?

Be sure to buy only an active puppy with healthy hair, easy to interact with and non-aggressive - in no case should you be guided by a feeling of pity when choosing, as well as overestimate your abilities as a trainer. Lethargic and dirty puppies are not a good choice.

It is also not worth purchasing animals with a pronounced belly - such a defect indicates that the dog is infected with helminths or that its nutrition was of poor quality from the very beginning - in the future you are unlikely to get a healthy and well-groomed animal from such a specimen, even if you put in your best effort. It is preferable to purchase a small dog, a puppy, who from the very beginning of his life will interact with your family. If you want to buy an adult dog, then get ready for a “transition” period - you will have to make efforts to ensure that the pet trusts and accepts you.

How much does a Shihtzu puppy cost?

The selling price largely depends on the costs of the breeder and can vary from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles. Puppies from parents who are winners of international exhibitions will, of course, be more expensive than offspring from sires without titles. But we must understand that a high price is not always an indicator of quality. When visiting a Shitzu nursery, pay attention to the conditions in which the puppies are kept and their cleanliness. The breeder’s reverent attitude towards the kids is very important, as well as their further accompaniment and assistance to future owners in raising them.

Price of puppies

The Shih Tzu is a fairly popular breed in our country, so there are no difficulties in purchasing a puppy either in Ukraine or in Russia. But the popularity and large number of nurseries did not affect the price of puppies. In Ukraine it ranges from 3,500 to 20,000 UAH. In Russia, the cost of a dog from a kennel varies from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the rarity of the color and purpose.

Price examples

The most expensive dogs are found in nurseries, where they are bought by professionals who know their stuff.

In online stores and pet stores, dogs are priced at an average price and are intended for ordinary buyers. Purchased as a gift or for entertainment. Exchanges and returns are not possible.

The Internet has a filter by city, which makes it easier to find a suitable dog. There are very cheap options. It is not uncommon for a Shih Tzu to cost a couple of thousand rubles (1000-5000 rubles). In rare cases, the price reaches 40-50 thousand rubles . On average, the cost varies from 10-20 thousand rubles .

The cheapest dogs will be found on the market, in which case you have no guarantees. Most likely you will not receive documents for the dog. The dog can be sick and dangerous.

In nurseries prices range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles . The price includes documents, vaccinations, etc. etc.

Owner reviews


Our Martin came to us at the age of almost 4 months, he adopted it spontaneously, the previous dog was big, he died for a year, he survived for a year, then he adopted Shit Tsu, he is very cheerful, active, and pretty, I have been cutting my hair lately myself, since it is expensive, but I have another problem, this is the toilet, he is now 1 year and 4 years old and started walking him from the age of 7 months he wore a diaper at home with varying degrees of success and still makes puddles in the apartment when walking 3 times a day and for the most part too, but the worst thing is that he pees on the bed, now our beds are covered with film, but this does not stop him from continuing to do this. I don’t know how to cope with this and I was busy and bought all kinds of sprinklers for a day or two and again it’s all over again, well, what should I do? I’m in despair, some kind of defective or something, and we love him and caress him and play, and there are such troubles, but I took him on emotions because his name is like the previous favorite and my birthday is so sad... Now ask me, I won’t recommend this breed.


Our Justin unconditionally obeys only me. For him, his husband is a good friend with whom he can comfortably lie on the couch. As soon as he picks up the leash while walking, Justin will magically have bananas appear in his ears, despite the fact that I am walking next to him. This impudent person simply demonstratively stops hearing any commands. When I need to leave, he lies down by the door, feigning hopeless melancholy, and no amount of persuasion and commands from my husband will make him budge.

Contrary to popular belief that Shih Tzus do not shed, I have to disappoint everyone who is planning to get this dog: they also shed! Our Justin, if he is not brushed daily, is capable of cleaning all the furniture and floors. Only a slicker can save you.

If a Shih Tzu participates in exhibitions, caring for a long coat is quite troublesome. You need to buy a lot of all kinds of dog cosmetics for grooming, tie a ponytail on your head - a topknot, curl curlers. We don't go to exhibitions, so we keep Justin's hair short. Sometimes in extreme heat we may shave our heads. But the hair on the face still gets dirty when eating. Therefore, after each feeding we wash our handsome little one.

Shih Tzu ears are something... When our dog was still a puppy, we forgot that we needed to pluck the hair out of them, and gave the poor thing otitis media. His ears turned red inside, and he constantly shook his head. Now we are carefully monitoring the condition of our ears so that this does not happen again.


My children gave me my dog ​​Lyalya for my birthday. A very calm and affectionate girl. I can no longer imagine how I lived without her. There is only one habit I can’t wean her from: sleeping on my bed. She knows that she can’t go there, but she waits for me to fall asleep at night and will definitely lie down next to me. It gets crowded, and sometimes I wake up. But this is not such a drawback that cannot be accepted.

I brush my pet every day. Two or three times a year we go to the groomer and get a haircut. When walking in wet weather, we wear overalls so that the wool doesn’t get so dirty. Of course, when she sheds, you need to brush longer and preferably more often. I bathe her every two weeks and there is no smell.


This is truly a true friend for our entire family. When we decided to get a Shih Tzu, I was very worried whether we could handle it. We've never had a dog before, plus a small child. It turned out that all my fears were in vain. Bonya is tactful and understanding, she doesn’t bark in vain, and she behaves very carefully with the child. Constantly stays next to him. It feels like I now have two children. Because you have to take care of her no less than you have to take care of your son.

In general, I cut Bonya's hair. In my opinion, she feels quite comfortable with this. And there is no dog smell from the Shih Tzu, even if they get wet in the rain. I have been convinced of this more than once.

You have to take very careful care of your eyes. This is a feature of the breed. Our friend's dog, also a Shih Tzu, has eyes that fall out when he is very frightened. Bonnie has never had anything like this. I don't know what I would do in this case. But we take care of the eyes: we wash them, clean the corners, and trim around them.


My wife has long dreamed of having a small dog. But we didn’t dare because she is allergic. And suddenly we read that Shih Tzu fur does not cause allergies. After much doubt, we finally decided, and I gave her Maksik and now I don’t regret it one bit. He greets me very happily in the evening from work, as if we haven’t seen each other for a year. But allergies don't really show up. Max has been living with us for a year and a half.

Our robber loves to play pranks and frolic. Here he and his son are partners. Otherwise, he is a very devoted dog to the whole family. Even if he seems to be fast asleep, as soon as the owner takes a couple of steps around the room, he immediately jumps up and runs after him. Knows basic commands and obeys them obediently. We are involved in education from a very early age.

I would like to warn everyone who has decided to get a Shih Tzu: combing, cutting, and knitting ponytails will take a lot of time. But for those who love their dog, it will be a pleasure. How nice it is to then walk around the city with a well-groomed pet that everyone pays attention to!


Our 13-year-old daughter always dreamed of a dog. But a pet needs to be walked and looked after, so we couldn’t afford to have a pet. One day, a friend advised me to buy a lap dog of the Shih Tzu breed, which could stay at home all day and at the same time be very smart and calm. We barely bought a puppy of this breed in our small town. And in fact it turned out that he is very unpretentious. I got used to my place and toilet very quickly.

The pet is active, but at the same time does not require constant walks, it has good health and non-allergenic coat. That is, our daughter practically does not let the dog out of her hands, but she does not have any allergic reactions, although our child is allergic. The only disadvantage of the breed is the special care for the coat, which needs to be carefully combed constantly.


For my birthday, my friends gave me a cute Shih Tzu dog. She turned out to be cheerful, kind and very affectionate. The big plus was that the breeder had already toilet trained the dog, and all I had to do was buy diapers. Thanks to his lively and cheerful character, all my relatives love the pet. He willingly plays tag with the kids, or throws a ball. But you must take your dog outside only on a leash or in a harness. She is so loving that she can easily go off with a stranger. If you have a small apartment, don’t hesitate to choose a Shih Tzu pet.


Nature and features of the content

Caring for small dogs seems to be hassle-free. The Shih Tzu is a special breed and requires an appropriate approach. Grooming includes:

  • Comb daily with a natural comb.
  • Daily brushing during shedding.
  • Regular grooming.
  • To make grooming easier, it is recommended to carry out a hygienic haircut.
  • Bathing is usually combined with a haircut, that is, done 3-4 times a year.

In order to take care of health and maintain cleanliness, the Shih Tzu must be dressed and shod. The pet will need:

  • Winter overalls and shoes for walking in snowy weather - clothes will protect from cold and tangles, shoes from pain and burns.
  • Raincoat is waterproof clothing for walking in high humidity or during rain.
  • Demi-season suit - for walks in autumn and spring.
  • Anther for summer walks - will protect the fur from pollution, and the skin (partially) from parasites.

Important! The Shih Tzu needs high-quality flea, tick and worm prevention. Since mini-individuals weigh less than 4.5 kg, be very careful with the dosage of medications.

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