How to prepare a toy terrier for breeding? Features of pregnancy and birth in a dog

Mating of Toy Terriers is an important, exciting process for the animal and the owner, who must carefully fulfill the responsibilities:

1. Find a partner;

2. Monitor the condition of the bitch during estrus to calculate the days of ovulation;

3. Provide the necessary assistance to pets during mating;

4. Repeat mating after 2 days to consolidate the positive result.

Sooner or later, most toy terrier owners begin to wonder about the breeding of their pet. The course of pregnancy, the health of the puppies and the mother directly depend on how correctly the mating took place; it is important to carefully prepare for the process and study the existing nuances.

At what age can Toy Terriers be bred?

Beginner dog breeders and owners of toy terriers are often interested in when they can breed pets. Puberty in bitches occurs with the first heat at about one year of age. However, during this period the body is not completely ready for fertilization - the muscles are not fully developed, and psychologically, a one-year-old dog remains a puppy, so it is better for the owners of toy terriers to postpone mating, otherwise this threatens to slow down the development of the pet.

The appropriate period for mating in male toy terriers is considered to be over 1.5 years of age, in females – after 2 years. Attention should be paid to the individual characteristics of the dog’s physiology - it is better to breed a female dog no earlier than her third heat.

Choosing a partner

Once you have determined that your dog is ready for mating, you need to find her a worthy partner. The task is simplified if you are a member of the St. Bernard breeders club in your city or region. Livestock specialists will help you find a partner closest to you. If you don’t have club privileges, you can do the selection yourself. Information about “those who want to meet” can be found in newspapers or on free classifieds websites. The services of partners are not free, and start from 3,000 rubles; the cost of honorary St. Bernard bitches and males for mating can exceed 10,000 rubles.

Finding a partner for breeding Toy Terriers

Choosing a male for mating is a very important undertaking; mating allows you to acquire puppies and significantly improve the gene pool of the breed. If a bitch has gene pool deficiencies, a good registered cable can significantly compensate for them, or completely eliminate them. It is important to make sure that the dog has a breeding assessment from the Russian Canine Federation, otherwise the puppies may not receive documents.

It is important that the male matches the size of the bitch - not be larger than her. If the cable exceeds its size, this is fraught with problems during pregnancy and childbirth; you can find out everything about the birth of a toy terrier by reading our other article.

On what day of estrus are toy terriers mated?

In the matter of breeding toy terriers, mating on which day of estrus should be carried out is one of the most important nuances that requires careful study. If the male is always ready for mating, then the mating of the female should take into account the processes of estrus.

Estrus occurs with a frequency of once every six months, lasting on average 20-22 days, depending on the physiological characteristics of the animal. Estrus is divided into several stages:

  1. Proestrus takes the first 9 days. At the first stage, the dog has significant bleeding, which attracts males. However, the bitch does not allow them, because the dog is not ready for fertilization - her eggs are just maturing;
  2. Estrus takes 10-16 days of estrus. The eggs are completely ready for fertilization, the discharge becomes significantly smaller, and the color changes to light yellowish. At this stage, the bitch calmly allows the males to cover her - she bends over, moving her tail to the side. It is important to know which terrier is mated on what day of estrus is carried out - it is better not to choose the first day of the stage, but to wait a couple of days, this will significantly increase the chance of a positive mating outcome. For maximum effectiveness, mating can be repeated after 2 days;
  3. Metaestrus - 17-20 days of estrus. The probability of the bitch becoming fertilized at this stage is low - the estrus process is nearing completion, the bitch stops allowing male dogs.

Estrus is manifested not only by discharge from the loop, but also by swelling, softening of the genitals, and a change in the pet’s behavior - the bitch begins to behave more actively, more freely, and due to a hormonal surge, she becomes less obedient.

It is worth remembering that every dog ​​is individual. In some toy terriers, discharge may be practically absent, the loop may not soften, so owners need to keep a diary of the estrus, where they should record the physiological changes in the bitch and changes in behavior. The records will help you accurately determine the optimal day for a Toy Terrier bitch to breed. A diary should always be kept during estrus, regardless of whether mating will take place.


It is worth remembering that not every owner strives to spread this breed; he can keep a dog as a decorative component of life. At the same time, do not receive a litter of puppies or possible complications during childbirth.

For this purpose, the owners sterilize the breed. The following will describe the pros and cons of this:


  • character becomes more obedient, aggressiveness decreases;
  • life expectancy increases by 2 years on average;
  • the risk of developing hormonal diseases is reduced;
  • the smell and marks disappear in the apartment;
  • absence of a litter of puppies and peace of mind when walking.


  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • risks of complications from sterilization surgery.

It is noticeable that there are more pros than cons, but it is worth considering whether sterilization is necessary, so as not to regret the operation later.

Organizational procedures

When owning a purebred dog, highly rated by experts, the owner must be extremely careful, carefully and thoughtfully choose a partner for mating. The planned puppies will be valuable, healthy and with a good genetic basis if both toy parents have the appropriate qualities.

Don’t skip the literature, especially when you’re trying to organize the mating of Toy Terrier dogs for the first time. Read about the genetics, anatomy, psychology and psychosomatics of dogs. You also need to have information for the future: for that terrier, pregnancy and childbirth are the next significant step after mating.

It may be useful to consult with the dog breeder from whom you bought your pet. However, any competent and knowledgeable dog owner will do.

It is advisable to support the decision to breed a mini-sized toy terrier and breed puppies by selecting an experienced veterinarian. He will diagnose a pregnant dog in the future.

How should the first mating be done?

Age of dogs

Toys can occur at 1.5 – 2.5 years of age. For doggies, the “first time” is stressful. Therefore, the owner must organize an extremely calm, comfortable and proper environment. The urban keeping of the animal creates some obstacles to this, and the natural conditions for mating of toys are limited. In order to avoid unexpected problems, instructors, dog breeders or a veterinarian are invited to the process.

Pet's appearance

Perhaps the usual dog costumes, collars, and dog accessories are out of place for such a meeting of animals. Moreover, such things can scare off the toy partner.

Place of mating

If this is the first time a Toy is being bred, let this place be familiar to him. This way your pet will have less worries. It is noted that mating is carried out in the zone of the male, not the female.

Room furnishings

The “dog date” room should not have any objects that are attractive to the animal: rugs, floor lamps, dishes, and other decorative items. The absence of smells and sounds is also recommended.

How to find out the optimal time for mating toys?

A sign for mating is the female terrier's estrus, which is, in fact, a dog's period. This period occurs no more than 2 times a year with a six-month interval.

Estrus in a toy terrier leads to intraphysiological changes in the animal’s body: enlargement of the female toy’s genitals, increased urination and bleeding.

Behavioral changes in female toys often occur, when sudden, causeless mood swings are obvious. There is both absolute apathy and excessive, uncharacteristic excitement for females. During such periods, females sometimes behave completely inappropriately, trying, for example, to mount another animal.

Dog estrus takes, on average, 21 days, having several stages:

from days 1 to 9 – the stage of proestrus, when the first discharge is detected, which causes the males to show interest. However, the little dog does not yet allow “suitors” within himself. At the same time, she herself shows a strange interest in other toy girls.

From 10 to 16 days - the estrus stage, when the blood color of the discharge changes to a transparent, mucous consistency. During this period, females are ready for attention and do not resist males, allowing mounting. The estrus stage is optimal for Toy mating.

From days 17 to 20, the metaestrus stage occurs. The female loses her “former passion” and avoids males. The chances of fertilization decrease sharply.

Many toy terrier owners are thinking about getting offspring. When deciding to breed your favorite pet, you need to take into account its anatomical features. Due to their miniature size, not all toy terriers are able to give birth to offspring.

We will tell you further how pregnancy progresses in a healthy dog ​​and what you need to know so that toy terrier puppies are born healthy.

Popular types of mestizos

Dog trainers cross breed dogs of the same size, but there are exceptions. Sometimes interesting results are obtained. A dachshund is often chosen as one of the parents. This breed is the choice if you need to add stamina and good health to your puppies’ genetics.

Dachshund and Toy Terrier (Doxy Terrier)

Mixed labrador and shepherd dog, mongrel, husky and other breeds

A cross between a dachshund and a toy terrier is the result of a combination of two popular breeds in the world. Dachshund rabbits are used for mating; they are more suitable in size for miniature toys.

The mestizo inherited short legs and a long body from a dachshund, and from that terrier a playful and intelligent disposition. The dog is very attached to his owner and spends a lot of time on people’s sofas and laps. Due to his timid nature, he does not get along well with children. The height of an adult at the withers is up to 30 cm, weight is up to 5 kg.

Dachshund and Jack Russell (Jackwinnie)

The dog measures up to 30 cm, weighs 7-12 kg, and has hunting inclinations. She is attached to her owner and cannot spend a long time alone. The Jack Russell and Dachshund mix has a playful, good-natured disposition and gets along well with other pets in the house. The animal requires frequent and long walks and easily learns commands and tricks.

Important! Disadvantages include a predisposition to joint dysplasia and increased shedding.

Jack Russell Terrier mix

Papillon mix (papshund)

These are funny dogs with a long body, short legs and long hair. Papshund have an excellent sense of smell and a pronounced distrust of strangers; they are ready to rush to the aid of their owner at any moment. The coat requires careful care.

Dachshund and spaniel (docker)

According to the description of the exterior, the mestizo is similar to a dachshund, the color of the wavy coat is black with red tan, brown, caramel, spotted. The dog's body is stocky, elongated, and its legs are shorter than those of a spaniel. The size of individuals is 25-35 cm at the withers, weight reaches 18 kg.

Connecting with a poodle

Dwarf poodles are used for crossbreeding; from them the mestizo took an inquisitive mind and intelligence. The dog is very vocal and loves to greet its owner with a loud bark. The cross with a dachshund created a short-legged beast with a long, graceful body and soft, curly fur.

Important! A hybrid may inherit a tendency to certain diseases from its parents.

Teaming up with a pit bull

The dog received a combination of a strong build, a massive pit bull head and short legs on the elongated body of a dachshund. Despite the mixture of two complex characters of these breeds, the dog turned out to be harmless and gets along well with people and other animals.

Connection of dachshund and pitbull

Dachshund and Rottweiler (Dutchweller)

A stocky, long dog with a large head and Rottweiler coloring. The result of crossing breeds may seem ridiculous, but it has its fans. The blood of the Rottweiler made the mestizo an excellent guard, and the dachshund inherited good health. The size of the individual is up to 35 cm, weight is up to 20 kg.

Important! If raised incorrectly, the dog is prone to aggression.

Dachshund and Chinese Crested (Crestoxy)

Crossbreeds are not common due to hereditary diseases that can be passed from parents to offspring. From time to time, individuals are born with malocclusion. There are rarely hairless puppies in litters. The size of the dog corresponds to a dachshund, the head is shortened. The pet is strongly attached to humans and requires a lot of attention.

Dachshund and Spitz (Dameranian)

Crossbreeding between a Dachshund and a Pomeranian is not uncommon. The result of this work is a miniature fluffy dog ​​with an elongated body. The mixture with the Spitz resulted in the creation of a playful, cheerful dog, attached to humans. The dimensions of the pet are small - up to 20 cm in height, weight up to 6 kg.

Mixing with Spaniel

The crossbreed is endowed with a sociable, curious temperament and is suitable for active people. From the spaniel, the dog inherited a predisposition to eye diseases. The name mestizo received from the first and last letters in the name of the dachshund and spaniel breeds - docker.

A cross between a short-legged breed and a spaniel

Papillon mix

Dog handlers managed to cross a Dachshund and a Papillon, and the result was a dog with a funny appearance. Individuals have ragged, elongated hair and a long body, powerful paws, slightly longer than those of a dachshund. The head is shortened, like that of a pinscher. The pet needs constant attention from the owner and is distrustful of strangers and other dogs.

Dachshund and Yorkshire Terrier (Dorkie)

The Yorkie-Dachshund mix has a cheerful disposition and love for children. A miniature Yorkshire terrier and a rabbit dachshund were used in the selection. The long, short-legged dog acquired stubbornness and jealousy from the dachshund; the Yorkie mix shows up in its wavy, grayish coat. The height of the animal is 20-30 cm, weight up to 8 kg.

Dachshund and Shih Tzu (Shweenie)

Shwini are very attached to their owner and do not allow themselves to be offended. The dog grows up to 25 cm at the withers, weighing up to 8 kg. The Shih Tzu gave the hybrid long hair and an affectionate character, while the Dachshund gave the offspring an elongated body and stubbornness.

Dachshund and pitbull/amstaff (pitwee)

The mestizo inherits a long, stocky body from the dachshund, and a large head from the staff. You should work on training the dog, as the fighting genes of the parents can be passed on to the puppies. The pet will reach up to 35 cm in height.

Mixed Amstaff and Dachshund (Pitwi)

Important! It is dangerous to have dachshund and pit bull mixes in families with small children.

Fusion with Chihuahua

The Dachshund-Chihuahua mix features large, straight, bat-like ears and a long, petite body. To create a cross between a Chihuahua and a dachshund, a rabbit variety of a short-legged dog was used. As a result, a hybrid was bred with a fearful, owner-oriented character.

Pekingese mix

The result of the crossing resembles a dachshund with short floppy ears and a flattened body, up to 25 cm tall, weighing up to 6 kg, and may have ragged hair. The Pekingese mixed breed is more suitable for older people, as it does not really like active walks, is difficult to train and becomes attached to one person.

Dachshund and French Bulldog (French Dachshund)

Dogs of unusual appearance, up to 35 cm in size, weighing 8 – 13 kg. The bulldog gave his offspring a brindle color, a short muzzle with erect round ears. The dachshund is characterized by an elongated body and legs, slightly longer than those of all dachshund varieties.

Dachshund and Labrador (Dachsador)

Metis took more traits in character and appearance from the Labrador. Externally, the dog resembles a representative of this breed with short powerful legs. The dog loves to walk on a leash, listens well and is non-aggressive. The height of the dachsador is up to 35 cm, weight is 10 – 18 kg.

Hybrid of Dachshund and Labrador

Dachshund and corgi (dorgi)

The Dorgi was the first deliberate experiment in crossing the Dachshund with other breeds. The size of an adult dog reaches 30 cm at the withers, weight – up to 12 kg. The curious nature of the corgi will not allow the owner to relax; the dog needs to be walked for a long time. The admixture of dachshund genes added stubbornness to the character of the beast. Externally, the animal resembles a compact, smooth-haired dog with rounded, erect ears. The color of the individuals is predominantly red with a white spot on the chest.

Attention! Puppies that come from a long dog cross may have back problems.

Dachshund and Shar Pei (Sharny)

A dog with a difficult character, up to 45 cm in height, weighing 20-25 kg. Sharni looks harmless. A folded dog with short legs can be aggressive towards others. The pet needs to be taught discipline and socialized from the first months of life.

Dachshund and pug (dawg)

The Daug reaches a size of 25-28 cm at the withers, weighs 10 kg, and is suitable for a family with small children and allergy sufferers. At a young age, the mestizo loves to play, but with age he becomes lazy. The mixture of pug and dachshund will not leave anyone indifferent, this is a plush folded dog with short legs. The head is round, with straight drooping ears and inquisitive eyes.

Dachshund and beagle (doxley)

Doxley dimensions are 25-35 cm at the withers, weight up to 13 kg. The character of mestizos is friendly, sociable, and at a young age quite stubborn. The dog inherited hunting instincts from his parents. The dog's appearance is more reminiscent of a beagle, only with shortened legs.

Dachshund and Husky (Dachsky)

The Dachsky has a friendly character and is easy to train. Like all mixed-breed dachshunds, it has a squat build, the husky gave the puppies increased fluffiness and a zonal coat color. The height of an adult is 35-55 cm, weight is 15-18 kg.

Metis loves to dig holes, run away, and adores children. Dachskis began to be called so by merging the first and last syllables taken from the names of the parents of the hybrid.

You should know! It is not recommended to mix Dachshund with aggressive dog breeds.

With a shepherd

The mixture took short and powerful legs from the dachshund, the shepherd has a large and elongated body, a large head with large erect ears. The dimensions of individuals reach 35 cm in height, weight reaches 17 kg. The color is zoned, black with red tan.

Mestizos turn out to be smart, train well, willingly become watchmen, and are friendly with children. Thanks to its compact size, it is convenient to keep the animal in an apartment.

Mix of a long small dog and a shepherd

Dachshund and Jagdterrier

German Jagdterriers are not specifically bred to dachshunds; the cross is usually obtained from random matings. The litter produces dogs with the head of a yagda, powerful, slightly shortened legs and a long, stocky body of a dachshund. Both breeds have a pronounced hunting instinct and anger, and the offspring are the same.

Dachshund and mongrel

A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel occurs after an uncontrolled mating of a purebred individual with a stray dog. Options for puppies may be different, it all depends on what the second parent looked like. The character and health of such offspring also cannot be predicted. Like all dogs, mixed mongrels need to be trained from childhood.

Dachshund and Doberman

Crossing a Doberman with a short German dog is not so easy, the point is the difference in the size of the dogs. If this is successful, the result is an individual with a muscular long body on short legs and a large head with small floppy ears. Color black with red tan marks. The animal can adopt the stubborn disposition of the Doberman, which, combined with the anger of the dachshund, will create problems for the owner. The dog's height is 35-45 cm, weight is 20-28 cm.

The result of crossing a Dachshund and a Doberman

Important! You should not let your dog out during estrus to walk on its own, as this will bring unwanted offspring.

When does the first heat occur and how long does it last?

Dogs mature with the onset of their first heat. Estrus usually lasts for 21 days. In the first week, bleeding appears, which disappears in the second week. It is during this period that the most favorable conditions for mating develop. In the third week, the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases.

The Toy Terrier's body prepares for its first heat at about eight months. This is an individual process; estrus may occur a little earlier than this age or much later. If estrus has not started before one year, you should consult a veterinarian, this may be a symptom of hormonal imbalance.

The first heat is usually the hardest. The first heat can be bloodless; it can be determined by the pet’s behavior, change in color of the nipples and swelling of the loop.

Caring for a dog during the postpartum period

It is important to ensure that the number of placenta is equal to the number of terriers born. If there are fewer of them, this indicates that one or more remain inside the uterus. In this case, call the veterinarian for cleaning.

In this case, call the veterinarian for cleaning.

While the birth is taking place, the dog should not be fed, as this may cause vomiting. The process sometimes drags on for up to 2 days, and the Yorkie’s body is severely depleted. As soon as the last puppy is born and the terrier has licked it, offer water with added glucose.

Give warm milk about an hour after birth. The terrier cannot be fed for 7 hours after birth, only water and milk.

You need to place a tray next to the new mother, into which she will go when needed. If your Yorkie is used to using the toilet outside, you need to carry it out in your arms. After giving birth, the terrier is weakened, do not walk with it for a long time, bring the dog home as soon as it has stopped doing its business in the bushes.

Basic care during the postpartum period:

  1. Every day you need to change the diaper on the dog's bedding, and wipe the oilcloth underneath with a damp cloth.
  2. Do not give the terrier meat for a week; you can compensate for the proteins with fish, cottage cheese, fermented milk products and eggs.
  3. If dark-colored discharge appears, you need to call a veterinarian; this may indicate the presence of an afterbirth or an unborn dead puppy in the uterus.
  4. Within 2 weeks after birth, you need to measure your Yorkie's rectal temperature 2-3 times a day; an increase indicates complications.
  5. They go for short walks with the terrier and do not allow them to become hypothermic. If it's cold outside, it's better to let your Yorkie go to the toilet in the litter box at home. A month after giving birth, the terrier is returned to his previously accustomed walking schedule. From this time on, you can feed the dog its usual food (the one it had before birth).

Knitting features

Toy terriers can be bred when the animal reaches the age of 1.5 years. The first mating is always stressful, so the owner must organize the mating correctly. When preparing for mating of Toy Terriers, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Appearance of dogs. There is no need to decorate your toy terrier with accessories, this will only scare away your partner.
  • Place of mating. It is better if this process takes place in the conditions familiar to the pet.
  • Situation. The room should be free of distractions: foreign odors, sounds and objects that could interfere with the process.
  • Animal behavior. You must not interfere with the introduction of dogs. You need to allow as much time for mating as the pets need.

Toy terriers selected for mating must match each other in size. If the owner does not have experience in breeding toy terriers, you can seek help from a professional club.

Advantages and disadvantages of hybrids

Such hybrids, like any other animal, have inherent strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of mixed-breed dachshunds include the following qualities:

  • as a rule, most of the crossed hunting dogs have stable immunity to various diseases;
  • The life expectancy of mestizos in most cases will be higher than that of purebred individuals, this is due to genetic characteristics;
  • lactating bitches have a high level of milk production, so they will be able to feed more puppies;
  • dogs do not stand out for their high cost, therefore they are available to most breeders.

Among the disadvantages of hunting dachshund hybrids, the following should be noted.

  • In every case of crossing animals of two breeds, there is a risk of obtaining a completely unpredictable result. This applies not only to the exterior of the dog, even if it is small in size, but also to its behavioral qualities. Thus, an outwardly attractive dachshund can acquire a very aggressive disposition, especially when using an ordinary mongrel as a second animal.
  • There is also always a high probability that a mestizo will inherit from his even purebred parents not only the positive characteristics of the breed, but also the negative ones.

The course of pregnancy in a healthy dog

Pregnancy in small breed dogs is a difficult period in the life of both the pet and its owner. Childbirth in a toy terrier often occurs with complications, so the owner must monitor the health of the animal throughout the entire pregnancy.

The first three weeks of pregnancy can be recognized by the following signs:

  • change in the pet’s behavior: the dog has become lethargic or aggressive, began to sleep longer;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • darkening of the nipples and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increase in abdominal volume.

What to do if there is no heat?

The frequency of estrus may be disrupted not only by increasing frequency, but also by its absence at the expected time. The reasons may be:

  • borderline age: too young (up to 6 months), old (more than 7 years);
  • recent stressful situation;
  • being in a state of nervous shock;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • obesity;
  • strong physical activity;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • undergone surgery.

As a rule, all such conditions are under the supervision of a doctor, the animal takes medications and the owner is warned about the possible absence of estrus. If this comes as a surprise, you should contact the clinic, as the cause may be serious illnesses:

  • hypothyroidism is a hereditary disease in many breeds. The disease is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. The cause of cycle disruption can be any pathology of the thyroid gland. If adjustments or treatment are not started, the dog may become infertile;
  • Ovarian hypoplasia is incomplete sexual development of an animal. Causes of the disease: hereditary or acquired. Hereditary developmental pathologies cannot be corrected, but acquired ones can be corrected - changes in estrogen levels;
  • avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins and microelements is the reason for cycle disruption. In this state, nature does not allow the dog to become pregnant or bear puppies;
  • tumors. Any neoplasm of the ovaries will affect the regularity of the cycle. This does not depend on the benignity or malignancy of the tumor. Any neoplasm grows, drawing blood flow onto itself - the intensity of the ovaries decreases;
  • severe vaginitis. Swelling of the external genitalia is very noticeable even outside the cycle, and pus is found in the urine.

This is not the entire list of diseases that can disrupt the regularity of a dog’s cycle. If the cause is not known for certain, it is necessary to undergo the necessary examinations, take tests and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

How to give birth?

To ensure a comfortable birth for a toy terrier, the owner needs to take care of all the nuances in advance. It is better to prepare the place in advance and let the dog get used to it. You also need to prepare in advance:

  • sterile towel;
  • threads (if you need to tie the umbilical cord);
  • scissors;
  • iodine;
  • oilcloth;
  • warm water.

A home birth can be uneventful, but it is best to keep your veterinarian's number handy. The behavior of the dog indicates an imminent birth:

  • she becomes restless;
  • refuses food;
  • doesn't find a place for himself.
  1. Puppies are born one after another in 20-60 minutes.
  2. After the puppies are born, it is necessary to remove mucus from the nose and mouth.
  3. Then the puppies are placed on the mother's nipple, and they begin to suck on their own.

Typically, birth in toy terriers takes from three hours to a day.

Toy Terriers usually give birth to 2-3 puppies. They are born blind and deaf. They begin to see and hear by the twentieth day. Newborn puppies weigh from 70 to 120 grams.

How long do pregnant Spitz walk?

In the first twenty days, it is almost impossible to understand that a Spitz is pregnant. After this period, the bitch may develop toxicosis, which lasts for about 10 days. Five weeks after mating, external signs begin to appear - the tummy grows, the nipples acquire a more saturated color. At the eighth week of pregnancy, the future offspring will be noticeably moving in the stomach.

About a week before giving birth, the pet’s character may change – she becomes more nervous, her mood changes constantly, and there are sharp temperature rises. The dog is looking for a suitable place, preparing it for future births.

How long a Spitz's pregnancy lasts is of interest to many owners. The animal carries the fetus for approximately 63 days.

In most cases, childbirth occurs without problems

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