How to name a ginger cat: names, nicknames for a ginger boy kitten

What will you learn from the article?
  1. What to name a ginger cat
  2. Names for ginger cats
  3. How to name a ginger kitten in an original way Foreign nicknames
  4. Popular heroes, animals, characters
  5. Original
  6. Cool, funny

“Sunny”, “Orange” - all this is about them, about ginger cats and cats. The undisputed leader and all-time favorite in the list of names for a ginger cat is the nickname Ryzhik. What else can you call a kitten of such a bright color? What name will help emphasize the individuality of his image? Our list of nicknames will answer these questions; read it carefully.

List of names:

  • for boy
  • for girl
  • cool and original

The importance of choosing a nickname

Cats are animals that can live on their own and are completely independent of humans. They will rarely show sympathy for him if they really don't need anything. Often these animals can despise humans. But no matter what the cat is, it is very important for him to have a good nickname. Some felinologists claim that the habits and character of the cat will depend on the nickname. He hears a certain set of sounds that shape his behavior and habits.

It is interesting that cats with nicknames consonant with human names (for example, Vaska) got along very closely with people. In difficult times of war, they helped their owners survive and even got food for them. According to some livestock breeders, it was the nickname that contributed to the development of such behavior in the animal. But nicknames with an abundance of hissing sounds for some reason contributed to the fact that the pets grew up shy.

The choice of a beautiful and suitable nickname for an animal depends only on the owner, the characteristics of the cat, and his habits. But do not forget that a cat is an independent creature and will not always want to respond to a particular name.

Nicknames with meaning

It’s interesting when a whole story is hidden behind the nickname of a red cat. Name baby Conor McGregor and he will grow up to be a real fighter

Here are several sonorous nicknames with meaning for red-haired boys:

  • Adagio – slow tempo;
  • Albini - doctor;
  • Arani – golden in Bosnian;
  • Bayard is a red-haired thief in French;
  • Vincent - the artist Van Gogh had red hair;
  • Voski – gold in Armenian;
  • Derry - red oak;
  • Zhiren is a Kazakh name for redheads;
  • Zangi – rust in Georgian;
  • Charlemagne - King of the Franks;
  • Keegan – Gaelic for “son of fire”;
  • Clancy - from English “red”;
  • Kokkin - red-haired in Greek;
  • Cook - brave traveler Jace Cook;
  • Loki is treacherous;
  • Nubit – gold in Ancient Egypt;
  • Opus – epic;
  • Oscar - award;
  • Pekoy – orange tea;
  • Rory is the Red King;
  • Rudy (Rudolph) – nice;
  • Rustin - rusty from Danish;
  • Sinbad is a brave sailor;
  • Titian is a thinker;
  • Flynn is a Celtic name, son of a redhead;
  • Furgus is an Irish name;
  • Cheyenne - red among the Indians;
  • Emass – gold in Indonesia;
  • Yarilo - sun;
  • Yakhont is a jewel.

The French name Pascal will suit the most beautiful ginger cat:

Tips for choosing a nickname

Choosing a suitable name for a cat is not enough. Everything must be done so that the kitten can master it. It is recommended to keep an eye on him. Perhaps solid or, conversely, playful nicknames will suit your pet.

Some felinologists advise giving a nickname that determines the breed, color or character. For example, it could be Lord, Player or Fluff. Then you should call the kitten with the chosen name. Sometimes he may respond the first time to the chosen name, but in other situations it will take time.

If a red pet is purchased from a nursery and has an impressive pedigree, then the breeders give it a name, but it is usually long. In this case, it is best to come up with some kind of diminutive option. This will make it easier for both the owner and the meowing saffron milk cap.

There are also scientific recommendations for choosing a name for a pet. They lie in the fact that feline representatives perceive sound in a special way. Cats have unique hearing and will listen for speech sounds. Zoologists do not recommend that a kitten's name include hissing sounds. They make him anxious and are likely to frighten him more than they attract him.

It was also noticed that furry pets distinguish vowel sounds very poorly, but whistle sounds well - “z”, “s”, “ts”. In addition, the sound “m” encourages the cat to communicate normally, and the sound “r” is associated with purring.

It is important that the name is short. This recommendation is explained by the fact that cats do not accept long nicknames. You should never call your pet gangster names or, even worse, obscene names. Even if someone finds this funny or very funny, it is worth thinking about those people who may come into the house and hear a nickname that is offensive to them. If desired, everyone can choose a suitable name for their four-legged family member.

Beautiful and popular names

Here is a list of nicknames for red-colored kittens that sound equally beautiful in English and Russian.

The playful saffron milk cap is called Amarillo - Amarillo, which in Spanish means Yolk, Yellow.

Take note of fashionable stylish nicknames in two languages:

  • Amber – Amber (Amber);
  • Apricot - Apricot (Apricot);
  • Auburn - Aubin (Golden);
  • Blaze - Blaze (Flame);
  • Brick - Brick (Brick);
  • Butterscotch - Bathescotch (Iris);
  • Charbon - Charbon (in French Coal);
  • Carrot Top – CarotTop (Red Man);
  • Cayenne – Cayenne (Pepper);
  • Cheetah - Chita (Cheetah);
  • Chestnut - Chesnut (Chestnut);
  • Citrus – Citrus (Citrus);
  • Clement – ​​Clement (Clementine);
  • Coral – Coral (Coral);
  • Curry - Curry;
  • Cutie - Cutie (Cute);
  • Ember – Ember (Ember);
  • Fire – Fire (Fire);
  • Fireball – Fireball (Fireball);
  • Firecracker - Firecracker (Fireworks);
  • Firefighter - Fireman (Firefighter);
  • Firefly - Firefly (Firefly);
  • Firefox – Firefox (Fire Fox);
  • Flame - Flame (Flame);
  • Fox - Fox (Fox);
  • Fuego – Fuego (Spanish for Fire);
  • Garnet - Garnit (Garnet);
  • Gold – Gold (Gold);
  • Goldfish – Goldfish (Golden Malek)
  • Honey - Honey (Honey);
  • Lycoris - Lycoris;
  • Mango - Mango;
  • Maple - Maple (Maple);
  • Marmite - Marmite (Sauce);
  • Monarch – Monek (Monarch);
  • Nemo - Nemo;
  • Orange – Orange (Orange);
  • Peach – Peach (Peach);
  • Phoenix - Phoenix;
  • Poppy – Poppy (Mac);
  • Pumpkin - Pumkin (Pumpkin);
  • Quartz – Quots (Quartz);
  • Red – Red (Red);
  • Red Raider - Red Ryder (Red Pirate);
  • Red Sox - Red Sox (Red Socks);
  • Rojo - Rojo (Red in Spanish);
  • Ruby - Ruby (Ruby);
  • Rusty - Grow (Rusty);
  • Saffron – Shaffron (Saffron);
  • Saffy – Saffy (Handsome);
  • Scarlet - Skeleton (Scarlet);
  • Scorch – Skoch (Burn);
  • Sherbet - Shebet (Sherbet);
  • Sunflower - Sunflower (Sunflower);
  • Sunny - Sleigh (Sunny);
  • Sunshine - Sunshine (Sunlight);
  • Tang – Tang (Freshness);
  • Tangerine - Tangerine (Mandarin);
  • Tango - Tango;
  • Tiger - Tiger (Tiger).

Yellowmouth's sleeping friend's name is Poussin (Chicken in French):

How to accustom a kitten to its name

The easiest way to accustom your pet to its nickname is by combining this process with feeding. This will help develop the necessary conditioned reflex against the background of food, that is, unconditional. Training food should be prepared ahead of time. When food is poured into the bowl, you need to call the kitten with the usual “ks-ks”, combining these sounds with the nickname. While the kitten is eating, you need to stroke it and repeat its name.

You can also accustom your kitten to its name with the help of its favorite treat. That is, every time the cat responds to the name, he will receive delicious food. The main thing is to choose a moment when the kitten really wants to eat some yummy food. Gradually, the kitten will get used to the fact that it has a name and will respond to it. You can carry the treat with you all the time and start training when the animal is in the appropriate mood.

You can also learn while playing games. While stroking the kitten and playing with it, it is worth repeating the name periodically. He will gradually get used to such games and will soon respond to his name. Red kittens learn differently. For some, a week is enough for this, while others will require much more training. Some kittens will even need several months for this.

An adult cat can also be taught a name. But this process will last a very long time, since the adult pet’s psyche is already formed. If he is self-sufficient, then it is best to quit this thankless task.

Features of choice in purebred animals

In the case of purebred cats, popular names are often dictated by the requirements of the pedigree, the national epithet in the name of the breed and its color. In some cases, names are transformed into two- and three-syllable constructions indicating famous ancestors from whom the family tree is traced. The most popular nicknames can be a simple diminutive version of any of the words of the construction, and it itself cannot be pronounced.

British gray cats, which have a slightly smiling face and large round eyes that create the impression of eternal surprise, are not very affectionate and do not like to be picked up. For such a cat, one begs for names: Lord, Balthazar, Gray, Prince, Sax, Rex, Gabriel, Sigrid, Laertes or Maximus, Patrick, Salazar, with the inevitable addition of First, Second, or Third, or even in Latin - Primus, Quintilian, Patrician. Oddly enough, sometimes owners have poor imagination and call the cat a Russian name like Dymok or Fluff, which is completely inappropriate to the character or characteristics of the breed. When choosing a name for a purebred cat, you should prefer a polysyllabic foreign one or at least a title - Marquis, Duke, Rex or Chevalier. The affectionate form will come in communication. The same rules apply to blue British cats.

Names for Scottish boys' cats are usually chosen whimsically, taking into account everything that comes to mind when mentioning their homeland of Scotland, combining several distinctive features. The following names are always relevant for a Scottish cat: Lion, Liam, Garfield, Arnie, Silver, Watson, Walker, Daniels, Whiskey, Rob, Holmes, Gray, Bernard, Logan and Paul. The Russian eponym must be added taking into account the English translation. If the cat, for example, is smart (Paul) or dexterous (Logan), it’s easy to add a word with a hint of love and irony - Velvet, Velvet, Veniamin (broom), Diamond or Chocolate. And the third component is a matter of love and affection - Lyubchik, Medok, Honey, Peach, Belyashik or Behemoth.

But there is no way to call a Siamese cat by a Russian name. These are aristocrats among cat aristocrats, often the smartest of purebred cats, the most independent and at the same time capable of strong attachment to their owner or mistress. They are usually given names that are not so much original as reflecting character and disposition or a mysterious and mysterious historical affiliation. They are characterized by the names Luxor, Esfahan, Siam, Lalaj, Simon, Pharaoh, Phuket, Marcus. Ernest Hemingway is credited with the quote, “A Siamese cat is the best thing that can happen to a person.” Therefore, the name Ernest for a Siamese boy will also be wonderful.

Funny nicknames for boy kittens

Some owners who love to joke call their pets Orange, Fedya, Fant, Rubik, Tolstyk, Kubik, Kvadratik, etc. But before choosing a “funny” name for a kitten, you should think about whether it should be called funny? After all, caring for a cat needs to be taken seriously. An animal is not a toy, and a name invented in a hurry may be unpleasant to the owners or their friends.

Nicknames for ginger cats

Any animal, be it a turtle, a budgerigar or a mustachioed purr, needs a name. It is like a sign of distinction that characterizes and preserves the energy of a being in space; it connects the past and the future in a single unique dance. Cats are probably offended if you don’t bother to name them, and happily respond to their native nickname. However, they don’t care whether the nickname is short or long, consisting of several words. Due to the nature of their hearing, they perceive only the first few letters of their name, and it is desirable that it contain sibilants - “s” or “sh”. But if the owner gives his four-legged friend a nickname without hissing words, he will still respond.

The long, intricate name written in the passport of a purebred cat has meaning only for the owner and for the cattery. However, giving a club animal a primitive nickname such as “Vaska” or “Tishka” would be unethical in relation to its pedigree. The same can be said about the human names that animals are given. At least, it’s strange to hear that the cat is called Evgeniy or Shurik. But some of them have long passed into the status of nicknames, like Kuzma, Leopold or Sema.

A kitten is given a name, like a newborn child, consciously, peering into its face and trying to understand in advance who will grow out of it - an eternal mischief-maker or a philosopher cat. It’s like in the good old film about Captain Vrungel: his yacht with the triumphant name “Victory” instantly turned into a miserable craft “Trouble”, which predetermined its further tragicomic fate.

List of cool nicknames for kittens

Funny and cool nicknames are certainly suitable for cheerful and mischievous animals. It should be remembered that some of them can bring a smile on the face of acquaintances and bewilderment on the face of strangers. We should not forget that children can play with kittens, and for them some nicknames will sound very unusual.

Among the cool nicknames for ginger kittens, you can choose the following:

  • Altai;
  • Babay;
  • Bagration;
  • Bamboo;
  • Loaf;
  • Kazbek;
  • Pamir;
  • Gangster;
  • Dor;
  • Dollar;
  • Soldier;
  • Gendarme;
  • Artist;
  • Disco;
  • Gigolo;
  • Hero;
  • Johan and Johanson;
  • Yodel;
  • Political instructor;
  • Chekist;
  • Terrorist;
  • Zimmerman;
  • Shket;
  • Zuckerberg;
  • Hemingway;
  • Hurricane;
  • Umka.

Some computer scientists may name their cat Glitch, Flash, User.

Funny Nicknames

Owners of ginger cats and female cats are not averse to having fun and giving their pet an extremely original name. This is very cute, although in this case the nickname does not always correspond to the red color.


  • Compote;
  • Bucks;
  • Key;
  • Biscuit;
  • Mango;
  • Raisin;
  • Vitamin;
  • Cake;
  • Caulk.


  • Melon;
  • Fanta;
  • Carrot;
  • Freckle;
  • Wafer;
  • Bun;
  • Sprat;
  • Sour cream;
  • Puddle.

Toffee is a very playful cat

Important! The bright red color is formed in animals due to the mutation gene “orang”. It is predominantly found in males. That is why there are much more ginger cats in nature than cats of the same color.

Fashionable nicknames from different languages

Nowadays it is fashionable to call your favorite pets with names borrowed from different languages. So, from the English language the following nicknames will become interesting:

  • Casper;
  • Charles and Charlie;
  • Jack;
  • Max, Maxim;
  • Oscar;
  • George;
  • Dexter;
  • Simon and Simon;
  • Roger;
  • Robert;
  • Jersey;
  • Michael.

It is original and interesting to name a kitten with some Italian name. This is a very beautiful and melodic language, so your pet will probably like this name: Alfonso, Giovanni, Celentano, Figaro, Betto, Mario, Giuseppe, Camillo, Benso, Fabbio.

For lovers of romantic names, some names from French are suitable: Xavier, Javerius, Rochelle, Kenzo, Benjamin, Richelieu, etc.

More strict nicknames are suitable for admirers of the Germanic style: Adolf, Dolph, Gunther, Karl, Schulz, Freud, Klaus, etc.

There are also Russian and pagan nicknames, but they are unlikely to suit red kittens: Vepr, Dar, Svetodar, Perun, etc. Nicknames such as Storm, Yukon, Yamal, characteristic of the inhabitants of the northern peoples, are also not suitable for golden-haired beauties.

Beautiful English nicknames

Naming your pet an English name or a word that means something in English is a good choice. Nicknames with an English tint add piquancy and grandeur. In combination with the noble appearance of the pet, such a nickname will be very harmonious.

Names for boys

  • Felix;
  • Archie;
  • Arnold;
  • Alvin;
  • Casper;
  • Jeremiah;
  • Jeff;
  • Kevin;
  • Martin;
  • Oscar;
  • Ralph;
  • Zag;
  • Thomas;
  • Tommy;
  • Leo;
  • Volume;
  • Lewis;
  • Bruce;
  • Patrick;
  • Marshal.

The owner of this beautiful cat named him Richard. This name means "mighty, brave, wise, leader." A wonderful peach-colored cat bears this name with dignity, demonstrating all these qualities. He has won the hearts of many Instagram users. His owner is happy to share everyday photos of her pet.

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Post from @_nataly_shilo_

Nicknames for girls

  • Agnes;
  • Bertha;
  • Clarissa;
  • Dorothy;
  • Esther;
  • Kitty;
  • Gladys;
  • Leona;
  • Cassia;
  • Gina;
  • Agatha;
  • Bella;
  • Christie;
  • Rebecca;
  • Una;
  • Wendy;
  • Naomi.

We recommend watching: 455+ German names for dogs and cats

Beatrice is very similar in color to caramel with vanilla

English nicknames can be chosen at the associative level. It doesn't have to be a name. When comparing your pet to the sun, fire or fruit, you can call it the corresponding word, only in English.

  • Orange (orange - orange, orange);
  • Sunny (sunny - sun);
  • Flame (flame - flame);
  • Spark (spark - spark);
  • Sunrise (sunrise - sunrise).

Foxel is similar to a fox not only in the color of its fur (“foxes” from English “fox”)

Nicknames with oriental flavor

Among owners of fluffy saffron milk caps, oriental nicknames are especially popular. If you like Japanese motifs, then red kittens are called Michio, Fudo, Katsu, Kin, Akiro, Saniro, Nibori, Yudai.

Among the inhabitants of our country there are very few who really know any of the eastern languages. Therefore, before calling your kitten this way, you need to find out in advance what this or that name means. Can be called:

  • Akhtar (star, comet);
  • Vafo (loyal friend);
  • Zafar (victory);
  • Jasur (brave);
  • Ermen (glutton);
  • Barcom (lightning);
  • Davlet (wealth);
  • Munkar (angel);
  • Osmon (in the East they call heaven).

Eastern nicknames are quite rare for our country. Before calling your pet this, you should think about how such a nickname will sound and how friends and acquaintances will treat it. Sometimes these games with nicknames can be the source of extremely unpleasant situations.

Names of famous cats

Let's borrow cool sonorous nicknames from movie and cartoon characters. There are many examples of how to name a boy with a red color and a playful character.

The shaggy saffron milk cap in a towel is called Syroezhkin:

Choose a cool name for your sunny friend from the list of popular characters:

  • Aslan (the lion from The Chronicles of Narnia);
  • Big G (the hero from the movie “That’s What I Am”);
  • Brian (the cat from "Top Cat");
  • Garfield (the famous ginger cat);
  • Hobbes (the redhead from the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes");
  • Goose (the cat from Captain Marvel);
  • Junior (from Problem Child);
  • Uncle Fyodor (from Prostokvashino);
  • Carlson (hero from a children's fairy tale);
  • Crookshanks (Hermione Granger's cat);
  • Little Fox Ludwig (“Red, Honest, in Love”);
  • The Lorax (from the cartoon "The Lorax");
  • Marlin (Father Nemo from the cartoon "Finding Nemo");
  • Oliver (the hero from the movie "Oliver and Company");
  • Orion (the cat from Men in Black);
  • Raja (Jasmine the tiger from Aladdin);
  • Simba (the hero from the fairy tale “The Lion King”);
  • Tintin (from The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn);
  • Thomas O'Malley (from The Aristocrats);
  • Shere Khan (the tiger from The Jungle Book).

The nimble foundling was named Wally-E in honor of the restless Robot from the famous cartoon.

Nicknames according to breed

Solid nicknames are suitable for the British - Gray, Brutus, Bruno, Admiral, Arnold, Jack or Joe, Emperor, Caesar, Chris, Kelvin, Kevin, Claude, Prince, Peter, Rambo, Sultan, Stephen, Sergeant, Titan, Tom, Pound, Tuff , Harley, Charlie.

Scottish saffron milk caps are called Bantik, Eyes, Alf, Grisha, Josh, Zhora, Zhuchok, Zakhar, Raisin, Marquis, Nolik, Nikitich, Kuzmich.

For Persian cats, nicknames are chosen more impressively. Felinologists recommend naming the cat Athos, Alf, Axel, Ashot, Basikos, Boniface, Justin, Leva, Oleshka, Masya, Obormot, Obzhorkin, Pavlusha or Petrusha, Parfenty, Khariton, Toptygin, Tyson, Eskimo. The main thing is not to choose a nickname that would be associated with something glamorous and miniature.

For sphinxes, Ago, Cupid, Arak, Ed, Zheka, Icarus, Duke, Dit, Gral, Luke, Joy, Leid, Magnet are suitable.

List of names

Names for ginger cats:

  • Altynai;
  • Amigo;
  • Azarchik;
  • Agnis;
  • Barsik;
  • Banana;
  • Barbossa;
  • Brigantine;
  • Bandit;
  • Whiskey;
  • Vinnie;
  • Hector;
  • Generalissimo;
  • Herald;
  • Geshka;
  • Grillage;
  • Golden;
  • Jory;
  • Dorado;
  • Diaz;
  • Elizarus;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Zhorzhik;
  • Jean Jacques;
  • Zeus;
  • Zart;
  • Zaur;
  • Egan;
  • Ildarchik;
  • Irius;
  • Kotofeich;
  • Cayenne;
  • Copper;
  • Kadir;
  • Christian;
  • Cake;
  • Lucky;
  • Lurie;
  • Ray;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mars (after the red planet);
  • Marrakesh;
  • Honey cake;
  • Muffin;
  • Mocha;
  • Nafanya;
  • Nusku;
  • Orange;
  • Dandelion;
  • Olsen;
  • Pampurik;
  • Flame;
  • Pepper;
  • Proxy;
  • Red;
  • Roy;
  • Ruth;
  • Rajah;
  • Romeo;
  • Roxy;
  • Seraphim;
  • Samuel;
  • Syoma;
  • Sebastian;
  • Tamarind;
  • Tabasco;
  • Tod;
  • Tiger;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Utan;
  • Fred;
  • Flynn;
  • Flambeau;
  • Hunter;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Citrus;
  • Chile;
  • Chipster;
  • Shimon;
  • Saffron;
  • Aidan;
  • Amber;
  • Julius;
  • Yusup;
  • Amber;
  • I grew up;
  • Yamal.

Names for cats

Nicknames for red-haired girls that sound original and are perfect for fluffy sunny pets:

  • Alice;
  • Aurora;
  • Ainur;
  • Orange;
  • Aine;
  • Burgundy;
  • Bali;
  • Bead;
  • Vanilla;
  • Freckle;
  • Vesta;
  • Mitten;
  • Gel;
  • Hexa;
  • Gloria;
  • Juice;
  • Gina;
  • Dina;
  • Eve;
  • Giselle;
  • Jeanette;
  • Josephine;
  • Zolotko;
  • Zarya;
  • Zlata;
  • Zira;
  • Toffee;
  • Indie;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Kelma;
  • Claire;
  • Kitsune;
  • Caulk;
  • Candy;
  • Lumina;
  • Lapulya;
  • Fox;
  • Laura;
  • Carrot;
  • Maniola;
  • Milena;
  • Mandy;
  • Narine;
  • Nancy;
  • Nyusha;
  • Orelia;
  • Oldie;
  • Paprika;
  • Papaya;
  • Parris;
  • Pitti;
  • Rufina;
  • Radisson;
  • Romana;
  • Rufina;
  • Simone;
  • Cecil;
  • Siren;
  • Solana;
  • Sima;
  • Surine;
  • Tigger;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Tami;
  • Tracy;
  • Tikki;
  • Uska;
  • Fiona;
  • Philomina;
  • Flaty;
  • Fly;
  • Fluorine;
  • Holly;
  • Chimera;
  • Tsilya;
  • Alice;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Andy;
  • Juliana;
  • Eugene;
  • Utah;
  • Ioannina;
  • Yara;
  • Yasina;
  • Jadwiga.

Nicknames for kittens of small breeds

The situation is more complicated with miniature breeds. They are highly valued and require to be called as such. These fiery pets can be called Lion, Peach, Tiger Cub, Mango, Ogonyok, Ryzhik, Rudik, Pancake, Kefir, Peach. It is important that they do not choose a “respectable” nickname, as it will sound awkward. Small kittens require a lighter and softer nickname.

Since children love kittens of small breeds, you can invite them to name their little pet in their own way. Children can easily choose a nickname for him, and they will do it without any outside help. Everything will look simple and natural.

Inspiration from nature

You can come up with absolutely any nickname for your cat. The main thing is that it suits him and is easy to pronounce. The idea for a cat name can come out of nowhere. So you looked at the rising sun, and the name Sunrise immediately appeared in your head. Nature itself can suggest names for your pets.

  • Grain of sand;
  • Sand;
  • Rowan;
  • Vanilla;
  • Sunset;
  • Autumn;
  • Sheet;
  • Straw;
  • Wheat;
  • Chestnut;
  • Desert;
  • Linden.

This cat was named Anemone in honor of the flower of the same name with red petals.

Bad advice or what not to call cats

There are several unusual tips that may change the lives of household members with the appearance of a charming red lump in the house:

  1. To “please” your grandmother, name the cat in her honor “Old Woman Shapoklyak” or Izergil, perhaps after this grandma will stop visiting too often.
  2. Have you given a kitten to a child? Name your pet after your daughter and you won’t have to call each one separately for dinner. Both will come running when called.
  3. And in general, name all your pets the same. This will make the feeding task easier. Everyone will arrive at the same time.
  4. Love your neighbor and her name very much, name the cat that. When you let him out into the street, call loudly and invitingly: Where are you, my sunshine, Mashenka, Nyurochka, etc.? The neighbor, of course, will “appreciate” the efforts.
  5. Call the ginger cat Panther and ask him to look for her. Friends will be very surprised when they find a red and not a black miracle.
  6. Come up with a long, meaningless name that is difficult to pronounce. Try to learn it yourself and start a tongue-tied lesson with children and the older generation. Convince your household that this nickname is ideal for inclusion in documents.
  7. Name your purebred cat Maruska and be sure to send her to a prestigious competition or exhibition. The original Russian name will definitely bring good luck, and the beauty will reach the finals.

But seriously, name the cat so that everyone in the household likes the nickname. Then the animal will be happy.

How can you give a kitten or cat a British girl a beautiful name?

A human name of British origin will suit a British breed cat. Such a name will reflect the noble origin of your cat: kind on the inside and majestically warlike on the outside.

What can you name a British kitten or cat?

  • Basti, Betty, Becky, Blacky, Brandy
  • Darlie, Daisy, Gemma, Diva, Dottie, Jess
  • Jade, Jasmine, Ivvy, Kaira, Kimmy, Corrie
  • Candy, Kimmy, Cloody, Laura, Libby, Lizzie
  • Luna, Mini, Molly, Maddie, Midi, Mia
  • Mandy, Miranda, Paris, Patty, Piggy
  • Pipa, Pixie, Rozzie, Roxy, Soda, Stella
  • Cybill, Smokey, Tabby, Tara, Tasha, Tiffany
  • Tina, Fiji, Flori, Flossie, Frutti
  • Phoebe, Chloe, Holly, Cherry, Chelsea
  • Sheila, Sheila, Chanel, Shanti
  • Abby, Ella, Emmy, Yasmina

British shorthair kitten

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